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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

the fact that the creator responded positively (not just in Japanese but English as well, on top!) just elevated my respect for him to cloud nine. Any honest person wouldn't dare pirate this game now
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Well, while I'd like to believe people won't pirate the game, on a pragmatic note that's simply not gonna be the case. H-games (and indeed, pornography in general) have a high piracy rate, and I'd be seriously surprised if this game didn't turn up on Anime Sharing shortly after it's release (VPM is at least moderately high profile, and therefore they'll upload it - in this respect, my translation patch has not helped). That's just an unfortunate reality of the world we inhabit.

That being said, hopefully there can be some kind of "let's not pirate it here" agreement. I'm not 100% certain which forum Searothonc spotted my patch on (this one seems more likely, but it could be Hongfire), but working on the assumption that Searothonc, it'd be at least good manners to not pirate it here. (And that's not me just speaking as someone who is opposed to H-game piracy in general, but just me trying to help out Searothonc given the positive response I received)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Well, this is going to be one of the last games I buy (too many expenses.. :(), but I'm definitely supporting this guy. From the little we've played it's a step above almost all RPGmaker games I've seen, to the point I'd support his patreon for a long time... although his dev time appears to be on akibur & Kyrieru's level.

And Habisain, saw your page for the translation, looks good. Kudos :D
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Indeed as you've said, people pirating this game is inevitable. But given how impressive and promising this game looks, i'm quite sure the buyer count will be pretty high (1K+ at least) so I'm not worried about him not getting enough out of this.

Let us hope he gets a boost of motivation and releases it before August!
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Indeed as you've said, people pirating this game is inevitable. But given how impressive and promising this game looks, i'm quite sure the buyer count will be pretty high (1K+ at least) so I'm not worried about him not getting enough out of this.

That's exactly the kind of attitude that annoys me, personally. "Other people will buy this game, so it's OK that people - probably including me - pirate it" - It's just not how things work in real life. Supposing that Searothonc sells 1k copies. That makes $13000 net, or about $6500 after DLSite take their cut. Given that the development time for Searothonc appears to be more than 1 year (given current rate of progress, when the game was announced etc), that would give Searothonc $6500 from Game dev per year, minus the costs he's incurred (e.g. about $500 from CGs - based on the advertisement that Searothonc put up for them - around $300 taxes, probably other things as well).

So, simply put: suppose you wanted to make a living out of doing this kind of stuff. Could you live on under $6000 a year? Especially in Japan, a fairly expensive place to live? What level of sales do you need to make a living out of this? What gives anyone the right to decide that someone has enough money and steal their work? If that sounds harsh, unfortunately it's the kind of thing that anyone pirating a game is deciding, and for small devs, the realities of not getting paid are harsh.

And this is why we can't have nice things. Honestly, I've got more sympathy for people who pirate games because they have actual difficulties in making the purchase (due to not having a credit card or difficulties in making a purchase from DLSite - although I still think that those people should try harder...) than people who put forward a "dev gets enough money anyway".

Sorry if I'm ranting a little here, but any argument or statement that is even close to "piracy is acceptable because devs get enough money anyway" really irritates me, especially when people are talking about small indie devs - which, let's not forget, is the majority of content that's discussed on this forum.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, simply put: suppose you wanted to make a living out of doing this kind of stuff. Could you live on under $6000 a year? Especially in Japan, a fairly expensive place to live? What level of sales do you need to make a living out of this?
If you live in a apartment pretty much anywhere in a big city the rent is going to be around $6000 a year for a shoddy place. More if you want a nice or decent apartment.
So no you can't make a living out of selling games for $6000 a year.

But if its not your first job and you are only doing it on your spare time then $6000 a year is a pretty nice sum of money for most people. And it is a shame he can't make enough money on this game to make a living out of it because it is a quality game and if he did work full time maybe it would take less time to complete and the overall quality of the work would be MUCH better.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I do agree supporting an actually decent dev, especially small time ones, are important to them as well as if you want them to continue their work, but showering them with money doesn't always mean they'll do better or bother continuing. I mean, look at all the major game companies that turn out crap or drop something that could've been awesome. As well, not all devs do it for money, or should maybe switch careers if they can...

Sometimes a bit of pirating is good for that matter(spread the word), or in communities like this people will come together to make content/patches that'll draw in more people to support the dev. And regarding just not caring about their income, apathy does seems to be becoming the norm for quite a few people. They either don't want to do anything or just don't care, like with the whole voting issue.

But if its not your first job and you are only doing it on your spare time then $6000 a year is a pretty nice sum of money for most people. And it is a shame he can't make enough money on this game to make a living out of it because it is a quality game and if he did work full time maybe it would take less time to complete and the overall quality of the work would be MUCH better.

And Pimpim's got a point, this guy is probably just doing this in his spare time, perhaps for extra cash, experience, or hell, maybe just to get noticed by a circle or company. Besides, who said he lived IN the city? (unless he did in one of the non-game related tweets I don't/can't read) Living in the countryside or far suburbs would be cheaper and with all the same equipment really; might even have less distractions, more peace.

PS: not saying game devs get enough money, a good chunk of them are probably struggling to get by, Cheshirecat being a good example.
And sorry for any ambiguity/confusion, I think I changed my point a couple times.:eek:
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

If you live in a apartment pretty much anywhere in a big city the rent is going to be around $6000 a year for a shoddy place.

I envy wherever you live, because my rent is 4 times that, and I'm not exactly living in luxury. To point, my building has so much water damage that there is talk of it being condemned soon.

Sometimes a bit of pirating is good for that matter(spread the word), or in communities like this people will come together to make content/patches that'll draw in more people to support the dev.

All of this can still happen if people legitimately purchase the game. Pirating it offers no benefit whatsoever for the developer. Stop trying to rationalize it as positive.

If the open pirating of Japanese H games keeps going at its current pace, the developers will lose the motivation to make any attempt for legitimate sales in the West. The very few 'official' English translations we see will stop, and DLsite may become locked to foreigners, or all games will start having the DRM included.

Besides, who said he lived IN the city? (unless he did in one of the non-game related tweets I don't/can't read) Living in the countryside or far suburbs would be cheaper and with all the same equipment really; might even have less distractions, more peace.

The developer probably lives in Japan. Don't assume western standards for costs of living, as 'modern' life in Japan is expensive. Particularly, electronics are much, much more expensive in Japan than they are in the US for example. And anyone who is doing work like game development needs some decent equipment for that.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Well, not to contradict myself, but Byzantine2014 kinda has a point - or at least he does in the non Japanese H-game world. There was a study a few years back on music pirates, which showed that people who pirated music spent significantly more on music/music products.

However, I'm fairly certain that you couldn't apply the results of that study here, because of the massive difference in what the products are. The "music products" bit is telling, because it includes stuff like going to concerts or officially branded merchandise. And as I don't see VPM t-shirts ever being a thing, I don't think the analogy applies.

And to clarify my earlier points: my hypothesis was that if someone were trying to make a living doing H-game development, then the sales figure of 1000 means you cannot make a living (just did a quick search for rents in Tokyo, got a lower bound $700 a month - if that's about right, $6k a year certainly isn't enough). This presents a barrier to entry (due to relatively low returns for the skillset of game maker), and thus prevents people from making H-games.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

That's exactly the kind of attitude that annoys me, personally. "Other people will buy this game, so it's OK that people - probably including me - pirate it" - It's just not how things work in real life. Supposing that Searothonc sells 1k copies. That makes $13000 net, or about $6500 after DLSite take their cut. Given that the development time for Searothonc appears to be more than 1 year (given current rate of progress, when the game was announced etc), that would give Searothonc $6500 from Game dev per year, minus the costs he's incurred (e.g. about $500 from CGs - based on the advertisement that Searothonc put up for them - around $300 taxes, probably other things as well).

So, simply put: suppose you wanted to make a living out of doing this kind of stuff. Could you live on under $6000 a year? Especially in Japan, a fairly expensive place to live? What level of sales do you need to make a living out of this? What gives anyone the right to decide that someone has enough money and steal their work? If that sounds harsh, unfortunately it's the kind of thing that anyone pirating a game is deciding, and for small devs, the realities of not getting paid are harsh.

And this is why we can't have nice things. Honestly, I've got more sympathy for people who pirate games because they have actual difficulties in making the purchase (due to not having a credit card or difficulties in making a purchase from DLSite - although I still think that those people should try harder...) than people who put forward a "dev gets enough money anyway".

Sorry if I'm ranting a little here, but any argument or statement that is even close to "piracy is acceptable because devs get enough money anyway" really irritates me, especially when people are talking about small indie devs - which, let's not forget, is the majority of content that's discussed on this forum.

Indeed it is a very annoying attitude, and is absolutely wrong, but I was merely trying to be somewhat optimistic, hoping the best for the author. Of course the numbers you brought up prove that this is quite far from something you can make a living off... but piracy is extremely difficult to stop, so we can only hope that the success of this game will soften people and get them to pay for a quality product.
As for me, I won't be a bloody pirate this time, the demo was more than enough testing for me to know this deserves the money.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

That's exactly the kind of attitude that annoys me, personally. "Other people will buy this game, so it's OK that people - probably including me - pirate it" - It's just not how things work in real life. Supposing that Searothonc sells 1k copies. That makes $13000 net, or about $6500 after DLSite take their cut. Given that the development time for Searothonc appears to be more than 1 year (given current rate of progress, when the game was announced etc), that would give Searothonc $6500 from Game dev per year, minus the costs he's incurred (e.g. about $500 from CGs - based on the advertisement that Searothonc put up for them - around $300 taxes, probably other things as well).

So, simply put: suppose you wanted to make a living out of doing this kind of stuff. Could you live on under $6000 a year? Especially in Japan, a fairly expensive place to live? What level of sales do you need to make a living out of this? What gives anyone the right to decide that someone has enough money and steal their work? If that sounds harsh, unfortunately it's the kind of thing that anyone pirating a game is deciding, and for small devs, the realities of not getting paid are harsh.

And this is why we can't have nice things. Honestly, I've got more sympathy for people who pirate games because they have actual difficulties in making the purchase (due to not having a credit card or difficulties in making a purchase from DLSite - although I still think that those people should try harder...) than people who put forward a "dev gets enough money anyway".

Sorry if I'm ranting a little here, but any argument or statement that is even close to "piracy is acceptable because devs get enough money anyway" really irritates me, especially when people are talking about small indie devs - which, let's not forget, is the majority of content that's discussed on this forum.

Well, there's already 2.2k+ copies sold. My take on the whole piracy thing is a bit different from yours, primarily due to the fact that I used to think similarly to that, then got burned supporting dropped projects and trash too many times. Personally, I'm sick of gambling. I try out a wide variety of games, and support the ones that I feel deserve support. The alternative would be me only supporting large projects from developers I trust, so frankly the indie community benefits from my method. Does everyone do this? Hell no, there's a lot of leeches out there, but denying them access won't make them actually buy it. They'll just look for a different source, or a different game.

Do dev's get enough money? Depends on the game. For anything good, I'd say no, but for the majority of the stuff out there isn't good. If you're an indie developer and spend a year making a pile of cr... trash, you don't deserve much for it. For me, quality is what matters, plain and simple.

As for this game, I don't know the developer, and dl site has no preview art or anything. To me, that means he's trying to hide the fact that it's junk. Based on what I've read here, that may be misleading, but there's no way in hell I'd risk buying it without checking it out first. Been burned too many times.

As for me, I won't be a bloody pirate this time, the demo was more than enough testing for me to know this deserves the money.

Demo's often aren't an accurate reflection of the full game. Could be here, but plenty of games where they aren't.

Claiming this is good and everyone should support him is nice, but get off your high horses and consider the real world for a second. Yes there are plenty of people with no intention of buying, who use various excuses to justify themselves, but they're not going to buy it even if you say it's good and deny them a link. On the other hand, I'm not the only person who trys then buys for h-games, so you may want to consider if this will ultimately boost or hurt his sales more, especially given his dl site listing. Do whatever you believe is the correct choice, but consider my point.

Note: Do NOT pm me with a link, reading this stuff has soured me to the game, and I probably wouldn't support it out of spite (not particularly mature I know, but at least I'm being realistic about it). Maybe I'll give it a shot in 6 mo to a year if it doesn't get lost. Kinda of a pity, since the extracted artwork in the demo seems solid, if a bit repetitive (dl'd the demo while writing this to try to be a bit more objective, but honestly the community has turned me off this one).

EDIT: Due to flaming I've received from people who pretty clearly didn't actually read what I posted, I'll go back to lurking. PM'ing people links and occasionally posting isn't worth dealing with certain members of the community (referring mainly to pm's, not habisain).
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

^ that's basically a bit of the point of I was trying to make of piracy, except far more eloquent. Excepting the part about the game being crap, because it's great even with what's included now, I pretty much agree.

Habisain: Yeah, I'm not really knowledgeable about the h-game industry other than knowing it's a relatively small market, so I could be quite off piracy effects in this case. And I'm also not supporting piracy, or meant to... Or something:confused:

And really, who are we to tell others piracy is wrong; the majority of the world thinks us severe (Japanese-level) perverts or worse, and being on here is sort of being associated with pirating what with every non-loli thread having distributed game links. It's a choice, like many other crimes.

Anyway, let's get back on topic. If you want to have a discussion on piracy, make a thread for it.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Well, there's already 2.2k+ copies sold.

- snip

As for this game, I don't know the developer, and dl site has no preview art or anything. To me, that means he's trying to hide the fact that it's junk. Based on what I've read here, that may be misleading, but there's no way in hell I'd risk buying it without checking it out first. Been burned too many times.

Well, while I'll stop with the piracy discussion (although I disagree with pretty much everything that raska42 said, I'm not going to convince anyone with that attitude), just to correct a couple of relatively important factual points:

1) There are 2.2k people who have wishlisted the game (i.e. will be notified on release). No sales because the game isn't on sale yet. (Which is also the primary reason you won't find a link anywhere, piracy or no piracy.)
2) Dev isn't trying to hide anything - Demos never have preview pics.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

1) There are 2.2k people who have wishlisted the game (i.e. will be notified on release). No sales because the game isn't on sale yet.

My mistake, that wasn't something I was particularly focused on, just gave it a quick glance after reading the comments about hypothetical profit amounts.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I envy wherever you live, because my rent is 4 times that, and I'm not exactly living in luxury. To point, my building has so much water damage that there is talk of it being condemned soon.
Is this your room?


I don't live in the city but the yearly cost for a decent 2 room apartment (70 square meters) goes for around $6000 a year.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, to get back on topic, I pushed out a slightly revised translation patch at the weekend. This one fixes the issues with some items/armors/weapons descriptions overflowing. Note: I'm not sure if any of the items affected by this could be obtained in the demo without cheating, but whatever. There's also a handful of minor edits (mainly changing some clunky spellbook type phrases to a more consistent "Grimoire")

Anyhow, that's probably the final revision of the patch before VPM gets released. The other fix that's needed (a handful of missing character portraits) requires new features in RPGMaker Trans, and I'm not currently working on that. So enjoy, if that's your thing.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Is there any news about the game?
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Nothing that interesting on (other than an "I'm tired of looking at boobies" tweet). So Searothonc is still working on maps and the like, I guess.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

then translates the full game ?
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Er, what?

I can't translate something before it's released. Or rather, I can translate the demo-release, and that patch can then be applied to the full release to partially translate it. So no new news on the translation front.

If you meant "Do you intend to do a full translation?" then the answer is yes, but that'll take a while. Like if it were released now, then the earliest a full translation could realistically be completed by me would be January. If that.