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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The group heads out of the tavern, where Aramil stands waiting, with a large wolf at his side. Several bodies liter the area, having been apparently mauled by some kind of animals, probably a pack of wolves. He shrugs, and says; "I had to keep busy somehow, before I ended up going in through the window to rescue you, anyway."

With that, the group gets under way, trudging through down the road. The sky is gray all morning, and at around mid-day it starts raining, causing the road to get extremely muddy. The group travels on until nightfall, at which point Trex calls a stop and the group sets up camp, all of them soaking wet and very cold.

(I guess the encounter dice love you today.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella finds a place to sit and shivers, looking around curiously, "Remind me again... where we're going.. .and why?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Bolm is the first to respond to Carellas question, grunting out; "Stonebridge. Closest town to the bunch we're after. It'll only get colder from here." As he brings up a magical fire in a small pile of wood Aramil had gathered. It didn't give off any heat, but at least it lit the area around the camp.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

I'll be so happy once I figure out how those elementals can keep themselves floating at all times. Then I'll just be able to fly over all this mud. Granth mutters to himself before directing magic into four floating disks three feet in diameter. Positioning two upside down and three feet above the ground, he then sets the other two to be on the ground right side up, each one under one of the two higher disks. Using a prestidigitation spell to clean and dry himself and his gear, Granth places his gear in one of the ad hoc shelters and sits down in the other.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"You can say that again." Malacet says with a dry chuckle. She goes underneath a tree, where the roots make the ground a little less muddy, and pulls her blanket from her pack, draping it over herself as she creates another globe of darkness around herself, and changes into some warmer, and drier, clothes. When the globe disappears, she looks to have the same cloak on, but with more bulk underneath, and the blanket wrapped on top of that. She plants herself down against the tree in the driest spot she can find, and keeps herself warmer and busy by summoning one of her burning orbs, picking and playing with it with her gloved hands as it floats in front of her. "How long do those discs last?" She asks Granth idly.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

One hour too damn few. I haven't ever been able to hold the things for more than seven hours. I'll probably have to use a prestidigitation spell to clean and dry the land under me so that I don't get a wet wake up call in the early morning. Granth says, somewhat annoyed at the disks. He'd probably renew them before he went to sleep the rest of the way, but they were good for now.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi just sits with the others and takes a swig from his flask, he doesn't seem to bothered by the cold rain but he does shiver occasionally.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks over at the dwarf sitting in the rain, gets up, walks over and rummages through her bag.

Then she smiles and puts a bar of soap on top of the dwarf and returns to her position.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod wasn't really bothered by the rain, though he did find it difficult to work in it. Instead, he spent his time observing how well the scales that had appeared in patches on him stood up to the wetness as they continued walking. Thankfully for him, they also seemed to warm him up slightly. "To Stonebridge then. I'm glad we rested beforehand now. Would be a pain to get a good night's sleep in all this rain."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi flips out when the soap touches him, "Gah, ya crazy monk it be not time fer me bath yet."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella picks up the soap and attempts to clean the dwarf,

"Even... Lord Jubilex... would find you... disgusting and dirty...!"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The group sleeps fitfully from the cold and the rain, except for Granth, who sleeps fitfully because he's crammed onto a small floating disc. The night passes uneventfully, except for Carella sneaking over to Holi and dropping another bar of soap on him in the middle of the night. The rain lets off shortly before dawn, and the group rises to begin breaking camp. Granths discs last long enough for him to avoid falling into the small puddle the developed under him, as Aramil wakes the sorcerer a few minutes before his discs would expire.

(The samurai's still in his underwear...)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((*facepalm*, really? There was nothing else he had to wear? Oh, for the love of, give him something, jeebus...))

Malacet wakes and stretches, somewhat cold, but alright. "Meal, or should we leave right off?" She asks, not really hungry.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Poor guy, pneumonia is a bitch)

Holi wakes up, "Gah stupid soap, it's bad luck to go into battle clean. I'm ready to go."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"We eat while we walk then. Lets get moving." Trex says, and the group quickly packs up camp and starts slogging down the muddy road. They quickly realize that it would be much easier to walk in the forest on the side of the road, since the grass and shrubs keep it from being as muddy as the road, which is practically a swamp. The day slogs on uneventfully, and as dusk begins to fall the group catches sight of a fire further on down the road, and smoke rising over the trees.

"We're nearing Stonebridge. They must be celebrating some kind of festival, and have a bonfire built up in the town." Trex says.

(What am I supposed to give him?)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((Freaking set of Traveller's clothes or something, jeepers :p ))

"Possibly. I have a bad feeling though..." Malacet said slowly, picking her way along the ground...
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Oh, go ahead and spoil my fun. I was hoping the town was under attack and burning. That would mean I would get to zap more people. Although, I'll admit: a burned down tavern isn't fun to sleep in. Granth replies, although it's hard to tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

(Or you could give him a dress. A cross-dressing samurai would be rather funny.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella shrugs as she continues to plod on, looking around, "I thought... festivals... were louder..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trudging along, Holi says, "Festival or fight either way we're bound to have some fun."

(You could always say he's wearing my old armor, after it was cleaned up.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Worst case scenario... town's burning down and we get some more practice. Though a town burning after the rain we just had... doesn't seem right..."