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Sci-Fi Splinter RP rebirth interest check


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Right then, so as some may remember for a long time there was a Sci-Fi based RP going, and it essentially died out due to a number of reasons. I've been talking with some former members, and we're seriously thinking of actually trying one last time to have something nice and fun going. I've decided to post here for interest checks, with a link to the former run's character creation thread, primarily because it might otherwise go unnoticed. In short order I will be posting an update to the old run's thread to give a better idea as to what will have changed, though in terms of gameplay, not much has.

For a bit of backstory on the RP:

The Sci-Fi Splinter was originally a parallel universe that ran with the old SBS RP, which spanned across several different versions of this website. During that RP, the mix of Sci-Fi and 'Paranormal' became a bit much, and the Splinter RP was born to go down a slightly different path, that only players who wanted to experience it joined, thus removing the issue of players being caught along for the ride on something they either didn't want, or knew nothing about.

The Sci-Fi RP is basically just that, it's a smorgasboard of Sci-Fi based series wrapped into a singular RP. Virtually everything was on deck, with characters and ships coming directly from, or based off a number of Sci-Fi shows such as Star Trek, Stargate (the original founding show that started this), Star Wars, Halo, Mass Effect, Predator, Warhammer 40K and many others, far too many to list.

As far as limitations on the players or their ships go, for the most part it is free form. The only real limits would be that technology wise ships and weapons likely wouldn't be more advanced than those of the Alverans or the Ancients (the Stargate builders), and ships should be of a somewhat reasonable size (IE: no player based ships the size of mountains or moons).

Players can choose to have been a long standing member of the 'alliance', and if so I strongly recommend you check out some of the databases, and if you have any questions during the game if your character would know about something, PM me and ask.

Alternatively, they can be coming in as a new addition, which makes things even more fun. They might know a fair bit about what's gone on, or they might have been lucky enough to escape and miss the previous wars that have gone on, and be blissfully ignorant. If you decide to be brand new to it all, PM me after designing your character, and we'll work something out I promise. For more information, see the below link. I will be making a new post there with the new information, as well as to 'bump' the thread.

Link to former Character Creation Thread: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=20840

Also, a note. On the RP Section list, the RP will show as "Sci-Fi Multiverse."
Last edited:


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sci-Fi Splinter RP rebirth interest check

And as previously discussed, Siphon: Interest shown, and I'm going to be bringing in the revamped version of one of my old characters.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sci-Fi Splinter RP rebirth interest check

Awesome! Also, I just realized the RP shows as "Sci-Fi Multiverse" under the RP section, so folks might want to look for that. Editing first post to include that.


Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sci-Fi Splinter RP rebirth interest check

I might be persuaded to join in...


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sci-Fi Splinter RP rebirth interest check

Sho and Ian are back in, though I might spend a little time revamping powers for Sho. What, I'm not sure, but Ian'll be back in. Whether he picks up his unintended mantle of "Kirk of the Multiverse" again remains to be seen.


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sci-Fi Splinter RP rebirth interest check

hmm been far too long since I actually posted. mayhaps I might convince myself to dust of Zale and let her show her face again.