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Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Small/Medium scale mecha for the win, depending on terrain. Big guys can guard the outside. Smaller ones can guard inside the buildings more effectively. ^_^ Roadstriker/Heavy Gear scale.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

I'm on the Mechwarrior scale preference. Although I know that power armor style mecha suits were used in that universe as well, they were more like a really powerful infantry as opposed to the titans of the battlefield that were the giant mechs.

Considering going aristocratic defender lady.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

I just wanna be Mega Man, cuz
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

I don't care the scale or style, I'm sure I'd rather find a powerful weapon setup, whether we're using standard assault rifles or Volcano cannons >_>
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

I will find a way to mount a volcano cannon to a personal armored unit.
It will be a weapon that I will only have to or be able to use once.

I think Keeper might find a place in the ranks.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

I could do anything- big or small, they all have a way to be useful. I may play a defender or invader- don't really know yet.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Currently writing the skills part of the game, if everything goes well, we should be able to start after Friday, when I have my final for my last uni course.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

So, with my last final over, I now have more time to write this. Sorry for the lack of updates or anything, was stressing over a course that would either determine whether I graduated or not.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Okay, the system is done, and ready for testing, I will be grabbing a few people (or volunteers, or unwilling victims) to do some stress testing as well as seeing whether or not I did something incredibly dumb with my system.

Sorry for the absence and the silence for awhile, I've been away for the last three weeks and just returned in time to graduate from university, and now, being a NEET, I will have more time to spend on you guys (yay!)

So... details will follow as soon as I finish bugging Nunu to make me a forum. Or something.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

I'll be making a character sheet as soon as I'm able to then, as I've been interested since you first decided to do this. Also welcome back Loli, and congrats on the graduation.
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Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Grats on graduation, and I'll volunteer. Mostly as I'm asking you to join my pathfinder game to be anyway.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

It's a trick, Loli. Join his pathfinder game and you'll have no time for this.

Also, interest shown, for joining.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Congrats on the grad!

Also general squeals of anticipation and such.
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Congrats on graduating from me as well.

If your making a giant robot fighting engine, you need to have two things. A way to handle targetting hit locations and sub-systems, and ways to push your warmachines past their limit. This allows for some badass desperation attacks and tactical options.

"Aim for his coolent buckles! He can't keep that plasma canon from melting without it!"
"I'm going to charge in, put the shooty gun to the torso plate and keep pressing the shoot button until either he falls down or my bot overheats. Any questions?"

Just curious if your system allows this.

Edit: I dream about this thread last night.
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Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

*Continues lurking this thread. Now with post.*
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Grats on your graduation Loli, and... Interest shown, if there's a subforum, I missed it. Only just found this thread!
Re: Sci Fi/Mecha Something

Well, I'm done the framework, just need to harass Nunu to make a subforum for me, and hammer out stats, then testplay ahoy.

Um. I'll probably grab at most... 8 players? If there's still that much interest.