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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

As Maria wonders the courtyard aimlessly, she begins to sense Art's power coming from the N building. She waits for a moment as it grows stronger, before making sure no-one is looking. Upon seeing that the coast is clear, she teleports away.
Re: School Courtyard

Grace slowly makes her way along the path through the courtyard and towards the girls dorms, her costume carefully folded and packed into her messenger bag. Evidently not in any hurry she floats around the path idly, trying to spot if any stars were already visible as she walks. As she walks she cups her hands as if shed caught a bug and has a look inside. Directing a small amount of mana into her palms she forces it out to create a tiny electrical light show hidden in her hands. The tiny arcs zip and crack across the skin of her palms, stinging like a series of rapid static shocks. This electrical effect was easy to create, but she couldn't control it any more than anyone else could. She'd always wondered what would happen if she poured all the energy she could in the same manner. Probably electrocute herself she thought. Maybe if she hugged someone at the same time she could take them with her? Still not much of a spell. Most mages called it a terminal miscast.

As she walked she thought she heard a faint bang and stopped for a moment. She looked to the N building and imagined up a scene of a pair of magic users doing battle. All that stuff wizards in games and films did. Throwing blasts at each other, some proper lighting, maybe a fireball. One throws up a shield to catch the blast. Followed right by a gigantic laser blasting out the window and grazing across the roof of G building.

Grace snapped out of it and continued walking. "Can't beat a good spark." She mutters to herself, "I'd be lucky to conjure even a dull ray of light..."
Re: School Courtyard

Stella punches one claw into the wall as hard as she could, trying to slow her decent the best she could as a few of her nails simply snapped off, allowing her enough time to barely dodge falling completely into the hole, and only her leg ending up partially in it, she could hear a few cracks in her body, signifying something had broken, but not enough to stop her. She slowly begins to drag herself away, "Get the hell away from me you freaks!"
Re: School Courtyard

Corax leaps through the hole after them, gliding down to land just in front of Stella.

"If you're going to keep eating people, I'm afraid that's not an option. Plus, you've made Art quite angry."

Meanwhile, Maria teleports down next to Art, and reaches down to help him to his feet.

"Come on, up and at 'em."
Re: School Courtyard

Art accepts Maria's help and takes her hand as he gets up, the Mythril lay shattered on the floor from the impact of his landing. The wound on his arm is bleeding quite heavily, though it didn't seem infected at the moment. Wincing Art turns back to Stella.

"You call us freaks?! Thats a fine one coming from a zombie. Looks like the rest of you didn't do as thorough a job at cleaning up the zombies as you thought you did." Art says to Corax as he hobbles over to Stella, his right hand bathed in fire. "This is the end for you, flesh-eater." Art says, a crazed look on his face, raising his hand.
Re: School Courtyard

Stella looks at the uninjured boy standing in front of her, then at the injured one approaching her, she could keep running, but she wasn't sure for how long. Still, she wasn't going to go down... not yet... she slowly pulls one foot back, then swings forward, hitting her shin against Art's jewels, "You can at least stop with the name calling!"
Re: School Courtyard

Now able to see her more clearly, Maria takes a look at Stella and notices her uniform.

"Hold on, Art. Look, she's... at least she WAS a student here. Didn't you say your parents could bring someone back to life? They might be able to help her."
Re: School Courtyard

Art doubles over in pain as Stella's foot connects, though he's able to push most of it back due to his current state. Another burst of light and the ground envelops Stella, only her upper torso and head are showing.

"Name calling? I'm merely stating the facts," Art says through gritted teeth. Art then glares at Maria for a moment before turning back to face Stella. "Is this true?" He asks her, though still angry, after hearing this piece of information he's willing to listen to her and decide on a course of action from that.
Re: School Courtyard

Stella lets out a cry as she suddenly fell into the ground, struggling a little as she looks up, "You're wrong, I AM a student here! I've been one for the last year or so... I... don't really remember... being killed during an invasion kinda has that effect on you..."
Re: School Courtyard

Bored by homework and deciding to wander a bit, Trixie comes to the edge of the courtyard. Seeing the commotion, she dives into the shadows and watches....
Re: School Courtyard

Art squints at Stella for a moment, dubious of her claim. Though, he thought, it would explain her clothing and most other zombies, at least from what he had been told, weren't sentient.

"I'll warn you now," Art says as he leans down and grabs Stella by the collar of her top, pulling her out of the loosened ground and lifting her up. "If you so much as harm another hair on any of the students here," His other hand raises up and a fireball appears. "I'll roast you faster than you'll realise whats happening. Do I make myself clear?" Art throws Stella backwards, not caring whether she falls down or continues to stand.
Re: School Courtyard

"Well, now that we've cleared that up, theres the damage to the N building to deal with."
Re: School Courtyard

Stella spits at Art as she stumbles a little, then turns around, covering her face with her arm and quickly starts to run back towards the dormitory, tripping a few times as her limbs stiffen up, but recovers eventually and continues on her way...
Re: School Courtyard

Art wipes the spit off him as he watches Stella run away, glaring at her as she fades into the night.

"Let Matt deal with that, it's not my problem. I have bigger issues to deal with." Art replies to Maria as he turns towards the N Building. "Right, looks like I need mothers assistance again. It's up to you two whether you want to stay or not." Art then makes his way back to the N Building all the while talking on the phone.
Re: School Courtyard

Anyone in the Courtyard would see a black object land near the N Building, and several figures leaving it. After some time they'd see several figures enter it and the object leaving the school grounds.
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson didn't bother to look about the area as he neared the tree he had saw before as he headed to class earlier in day. He sat with his back against the tree with him looking back to the dorm. He was a good twenty feet away from the dorm but only five or so from the path to the dorm. He relaxed as he started to tune the guitar he carried with him. It was fairly well of to began with at first but anyone who knew how to take care to use and play one knew how quickly they could get out of tune.

Once again happy with the guitar he strummed it trying to think what to play that he knew off hand. While Dragonforce songs wore great of testing a players abilities he felt more in the mode for some Iron Maiden. (Yes I'm a rock fan, if you couldn't tell :p )

He started with the slow but powerful solo opening to "The Evil that Men do" taking time to make sure he was playing on key. He slowly started to get into the song as it reached the start of the lyrics.

Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade~
Slept in the dust with his daughter, her eyes red with the slaughter of innocence~
But will pray for her~.
He sung seeming to once more lose himself in the music. His hand seeming to dance about the guitar's neck.
Re: School Courtyard

Trixie had been watching this entire time, eyes wide as she had watched the remainder of what had happened, still glued behind her wall...
Re: School Courtyard

Art walks into the courtyard, blood dripping from his clothes and body, and still looking very, very pissed. The smell would most likely be the first thing that would alert Trixie of another person entering the area, though Art wouldn't know she was there himself.

Art goes to turn towards the boys dorm's though as he does so he remembers he said he'd meet Trixie at around midnight. "Hrm...got a little time left.." Art mumbles to himself, whilst much of his anger has subsided he still appeared angry. "Guess there's not much else to do except wait for her." Art makes a beeline for the tree he normally sits under, and notices out of the corner of his eye another student nearby, strumming on a guitar though Art pays no attention to him, though undoubtedly the smell of blood is strong enough for Jackson to catch as well.
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson hands masterful danced up and down the guitar's strings as kept playing the song.

And some day I may return~.
Don't you cry for me.
Beyond is where I learn~.
He sung as the guitar went quiet for the end of the song. He relaxed letting his head fall back in to tree and took a deep breath.

His eyes shot open by a smell very potent.

Blood... Couldn't be.... this much and someone would be bleeding out.. He thought as he stood to look about. His back was to Art and he didn't think turn around as he looked for the source but Art would get a clear look at the thirty three "rules" on his back if his vision was good.
Re: School Courtyard

Noticing Art's dischevled appearence, she ran towards him shortly after he sat down. "Art! You ok?!?" she called out, probably hinting she allready knew something was up.