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SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread


Siphon ended up separated from the majority of the others during a giant battle. He 'sacrificed' himself so others might have a chance to escape. How he survived is unknown, and he simply will not speak of it. He's likely to be with Sho (Copper and I spoke of this). It is likely (unless Copper decides to do something else), that the two of them are on their own, and will only become aware of other survivors later on as things progress.


Aya is likely to be with Ian, providing what help she can with her powers. Events of lat have made her less shy about using them if the need arises, and she seems to have learned how to use elements from around her to her advantage much better now. (Again, spoke with Copper on this.)
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

As Squid's busy this week with work I'll be posponing the start of this until he's finished as I still need to discuss some stuff with him. Though it will give me time to develop the story further, so that's always a plus.

Also does anyone hav any idea's for random enemies popping up? I was thinking about bringing in a kind of Zerg/Tyranid enemy though I don't know much about Zerg and I'm pretty sure Tyranid's would be pretty powerful even for this RP as cannon fodder. I could always alter how they work, but that seems like a cop out to me.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

You could ask me about the Zerg, I know a thing or two about them... Altough yeah, they and tyranids might be tough, especially in big numbers. If you're looking for something weaker, why not try something along the lines of zombies/infected/lesser mutants/imps/whatever? Some humanoids? Maybe plant-based enemies?
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Well I've got zombies, specifically for one character at the moment, Ogre's for another character though they won't be seen right away as well as pretty much everything you've mentioned. Though I hadn't thought of plant monsters, and after all the mutations and whatnot who's to say they wouldn't mutate into some kind of sentient life. Could do something similar to Little Shop of Horror's, or do a kind of plant-like Zerg/Tyranid. That way I could just come up with it all myself without having to worry about pre-existing rules and stuff. But for most part the minor enemies people will be running into at the start will consist of stuff like lesser demons, imps mutated beasts etc... There will however be some mid-level minor villains after a short while.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

This sounds like it's shaping up to be somethings awesome.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Custom enemies for specific characters? Interesting... Also, I just realized you don't have to search the ground and air for new ideas. Lots of them are hiding in the waters... Mermen, fish mutants conquering the land... Stuff like that.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Yeah well I was planning on giving each group their own mini 'big bad' to deal with before everyone joins up, and while talking to one person in particular (wont give the person away as it'll spoil stuff for the rest of you) I came up with a villain for their character. Haven't told that person anything except what the villain is capable of though.

Yeah that's a good point, I could have Nessie storming the land at some point too.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

If your thinking about clawed swamer style beasties like zerg and tyranid, theres not really any need to worry about specifics or whether they'd be too powerful. It should be fairly easy to describe an average clawed monster of your own design that fits the theme, or if using something like tyranid as a close base, but you think the "insert deadly ability here" part of them is too dangerous, simply remove it. Sorted.

Otherwise, does sound good. I'll get to finishing my character summaries when I get a chance. May or may not take a week.

(I went in for a 10 hour shift on the first day, and they told me there'd been a mistake, and that it was 12 hour shifts. So plans changed.)
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

I don't mind waiting, like I said it gives me time to work some stuff out and expand on what I already have.

And yeah, that's what I plan on doing with the swarm enemies though I'm going to give them elemental themes like with the plant ones I mentioned. But don't think that's the only types I'll be coming up with. Also once this all gets off the ground do people want to see an NPC/Enemy Bestiary thread once the RP has been going for a bit?
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

You could give some enemies the ability to shapeshift. PC's don't have to be the only ones doing it, right?
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Heyheyhey, stop reading my mind. Though at least you don't know who that one is for.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

No can do. It's too much fun. Now, let's see... What kinds of dirty secrets can I find here?
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

This is my mind, remember? All that will be waiting for you is pain and suffering. And probably a bit of revulsion.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

My mind ain't a nice place either. I daresay I can take your mind on.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Hell you can do anything you want with enemies. Bear in mind, certain things change (at least in theory) when one crosses dimensional barriers. For example, a person might be significantly stronger or faster in one dimension than they are here, while in others they may have the strength of a piece of paper.

You can always borrow from other things too. Like the Balaur for example, your typical one is a humanoid draconic being with strength beyond that of a normal person, but they're still somewhat easy to kill as long as your not stupid. There's always something somewhere you can borrow from to fit into plans.

On that note, am I to take it then the Isa rescue is now totally dead? Was kinda waiting on Grave to post since my char in game doesn't exactly know where he's going and Grave's does.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Well... Figured I might throw my hat into this too...

Pre-Apocolypse: Continuing further studies in Chemistry, Martial Arts...

Post-Apocolypse: Amnesiac after the initial attack he knows nothing past having a strange relationship with the periodic table... After finding a folded up study sheet in his pocket littered with notations to the point where it nearly couldn't be read anymore...

Changes: After Yoshio's second mind meltdown, the electrostatic weakness on his abilities was lifted... Allowing the usage of Living Biologic tissues to be altered... Although with his being Amnesiac, his grasp on such abilities is less than masterfull... Along with his lack of knowledge of the needed Elements

(Alteration of Bio Tissues could include: Poisoning, Halucinations, spontanious combustion, Facial reconstruction, Soft Tissue regeneration, Hard Tissue regeneration, Cardiac episodes...)
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Eh, guess I'll boot up Trix for this, as I kinda missed the rescue mission and so on.

Trixie avoided much of the original trouble, mainly as she's kept distant from her fellow students before the catyclysm, due to her dark little secret of not being totally human. The bioweapon-gone-humanish managed to keep that secret except for a few rare occurences until the school's destruction.

Trix found herself flung into a cave range of some kind after the apocalypse, and has spent most of her time trying to flee. Being alone, however, has allowed her to start to get used to her more beastial insticts and skills again, and her refinement of combat- as well as her speed while dashing- is almost nigh-invisible to the naked eyes. Additionally, since the catyclysim, she has discovered several portions of her body seem to be devolving slightly when n her beast form, making her look even more monsterous and frightening.

As for the subject of enemies, I guess it depends if you wanna stick to the treatening kinda swarmers (the Skags from Borderlands are popping into my head here), I guess a Nid/Zerg kinda creature would do well. After all, superpowars here are kinda a dime a dozen as it stands now.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Hell you can do anything you want with enemies. Bear in mind, certain things change (at least in theory) when one crosses dimensional barriers. For example, a person might be significantly stronger or faster in one dimension than they are here, while in others they may have the strength of a piece of paper.

True, and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing with Charles' right hand man after realising he'd be way too powerful even for this. Pretty easy to weaken him too as he's powered by something that's in his universe and the connection would be broken once brought to this one.

On that note, am I to take it then the Isa rescue is now totally dead? Was kinda waiting on Grave to post since my char in game doesn't exactly know where he's going and Grave's does.

No, it's not dead. I didn't realise we were waiting on Grave so I'll go nudge him about it.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

I figured that things like deciding when and where we arrive was for people in charge, so I didn't do anything. Though if you want me to post, I guess I'll do it.
Re: SBS: Post Apocalypse interest and character submission thread

Right, I'm a lazy bastard (as you all know) so I'll be borrowing idea's and concepts from other monsters and the like for some of the monster's in this. What I've been working on is the 'main' cannon fodder, which are the bug mutant monster things I was talking about earlier. I haven't come up with most of them yet, but I will be using or at least basing the cannon fodder flying critter on it.