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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Alright then...we seem to be closer to the exit now, I think we might actually be able to make it out before the end of the day if we don't encounter anything." He says, finally figuring out which direction they should head.

"Hopefully we'll find some clothes for you though, can't exactly have you walking around like that."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Well yes, not being naked might be nice."

But with nothing to do about that at the moment, Sarah follows Al as he leads the way through the incomprehensible labyrinthine.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Al actually leads her well enough through the crazy place, surprised as hallway after hallway passes without incident. They appear at a hub room as Al looks around, deciding on a route and leading the way.

Sarah feels like she's been walking for hours, but luckily they haven't encountered anything or anyone yet, but she wasn't complaining.

Al eventually stops at an intersection, yawning.

He points down a hallway, which looks long and dark. "If you head down this hallway, you'll arrive at the exit."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Ah. You're not coming, then? Well, no matter."

Sarah hesitates only a moment before going off down the passage. Anything to get out of this hellhole before something else fucks her. Of course, then she'd be naked and cumstained in a strange city.

Or maybe she'd have finished the game. That was the quest, wasn't it? Escape? It could be that she wouldn't have to walk naked through the city, hoping nobody took advantage - or worse, decided that nobody would miss her if they took her as a slave. She'd have to risk it.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"I can't." Al says, turning around as Sarah starts to go. "I'm unable to leave this place. But you can, this place isn't a good place, not for someone like you."

His voice sounds sort of forlorn, the normally unreadable drunk caught somewhere between being glad that he had managed to escort Sarah to the exit, yet at the same time looking as though he was sad.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Well, thank you for your help. I'd never have found the way without you."

Sarah felt a little sorry for the man, but she reminded herself that he was an NPC. And with that, she set off down the corridor towards the exit.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Farewell, young one. Do your best not to end up here again." Al says, walking away, his footsteps getting quieter until they disappear entirely.

Looking back, Sarah can't see anything, the darkness of the labyrinth engulfing the area behind her as she moves down the hallway.

She's lucky, encountering nothing along the way. She reaches the exit, a larger door, slightly ajar, light filtering through it.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Young one... I feel like I'm missing a cultural reference here.

Sarah pushed open the door, and stepped through, not entirely sure what to expect.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah pushed through the door, the light blinding her a moment as her eyes adjust. Outside she sees what looks like some sort of small village, the entrance to the labyrinth behind her built into the side of some mountain. Looking down, she sees a path heading down to the village proper.

There's still a path heading up the side of hte mountain too, a few houses built up higher, in fact, she's looking down into a small valley, at the far end is a wall, a palisade in fact.

Sarah notices a women with her back to her, carrying a large basket of clothes, walking down the path away from her.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this... I guess the first point of order is to find some clothing. And look at that, how convenient.

Sarah considers her options. She could knock the woman over and steal clothing. She could steal it stealthily without being found out. Or she could just ask for some. The third was perhaps the least likely to work, but also the least likely to end with her arrested for theft. Public nudity, perhaps, but that wasn't her fault.

"Ah, excuse me. Miss?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The girl turns around, a friendly face "Yes?" She says. "Oh!"

The girl giggles a little as she walks over to Sarah. "My my, it looks like you need some clothes, please, take some. You must be very lucky, to have come out here." she says, as if she knows exactly what happened to Sarah.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah blushes when the girl looks at her, and laughs. She tries to look non-threatening, despite holding an axe. It isn't hard.

"Ah, thank you. I had a little help, but maybe not enough. What is this town?"

She hurriedly slips into the first things the girl offers her.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The girl gives her a simple set of undergarments and a plain, long dress, much like she's wearing. "Oh, this town is a refugee camp for those who escape the labyrinth...most of us have nowhere to go. Though, you were lucky to find this exit. There are other exits, but...they're not quite as good. This exit is actually the hardest to find...most of us who live here were helped by the guardian of the labyrinth."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Figuring that the town was as good a destination as any for the moment, Sarah started walking towards it, beside the girl.

"Not as good? How so? I'm Sarah, by the way."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Well, at some of the exits, there are slaver camps, they'll simply capture you and use you as a slave. Other exits may just...well, they'll throw you back in after using you...it is a nasty place, you're lucky you made it out...many do not."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Ah, I guess it is rather fortunate that I came out here, then. I don't think I like being a slave. What is the 'guardian'?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Ah...he is simply that, a guardian. He has been cursed to wander the labyrinth, guiding those who are lost inside to the outside, he knows the labyrinth well, it's tricks and traps. In fact, he himself guided me out, though I didn't trust the man at first, he seemed simply a drunk. But he managed to escort me here. There are many legends about him."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Oh. I wondered why he wouldn't come out. Now I feel even more sorry for him. How do people end up there in the first place?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Oh, you met the guardian? It is a shame, a sad tale, he has been walking the labyrinth for a thousand years. People usually end up inside for any reason, some deserve it, they are criminals of the worst sort, others are simply tossed in as an enemy wants to be rid of them, still more are captured and thrown in for the sick amusement of those inside."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Who cursed him, and why? He doesn't seem like a bad guy. Practically a saint, at least insofar as taking advantage of helpless young women."