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Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Check for Alarm on Wristband, make sure its active to go at anytime.

Then slowly approach the black object, try talking and touch it. Be prepared to run away.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

[x] Genuflect
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

To: Little Morsel
From: An Old Friend
Subject: Why hello there....

So, you got brought into this mess too. I saw ya rolled by after that last test. You looked like crap, much more rougher then last time ya slithered into my den. I asked one of the scientists to write this up for me, because they apparently thought my size was a bit too much for one of those wrist thingys. He kinda seemed confused when I asked him to put my pet name for you up there, but I figured it'd click somehow.

I hope to see you over the course of today, little morsel.

Little Morsel? What the eff?

Sarah scratched her head. What sort of thing would call her that, not to mention know about her? Also... slithered? That's an odd choice of words.
O hai Sakura! Though I'll note that Sakura never actually called her "Little Morsel" during the previous CYOA.

I'd say keep our distance, no sudden moves. Settle down to one side of the door, so the light is still making us visible but we're not actually blocking it. Say hello, introduce ourselves, try and strike up a nice and basic conversation. Would've been nice if that idiot scientist had actually given us the name.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

O hai Sakura! Though I'll note that Sakura never actually called her "Little Morsel" during the previous CYOA.

Curses! I didn't think it was that obvious :< to be fair, I've partly had to improv some stuff from the past CYOAS, because it never finished and I don't wanna resurrect it just for the PoA test. As a result, I'm making the fairly accurate assumption that Sarah beat the cult, rescued (but didn't fully cure) ze mutants and etc etc etc.

Aaanyway, now I got time, I'll toss us a reply to keep us going. Slowly into the ominous darkness!


"Least they couda done was give me a flashlight... H-hello?" Sarah said quietly, slowly stepping into the room a little more, looking for her 'roommate' of the moment.

A subtle, loud growl came from somewhere in the darkness, causing Sarah to warily look around. "And who are you supposed to be? Another of those scientists?"

"Actually, no. Otherwise you wouldn't have watched me escorted earlier I'm sure," Sarah replied dryly, continuing to circle about.

A sudden warm breath came to her neck, and two sets of drastically sharp claws gripped her arms, holding them to her sides and electing a jump reaction in surprise. "And I'm supposed to know that this wasn't a trick? What do you take me for, a dumb beast?"

"No. Stop putting words in my mouth. Also it would be just peachy if you would unhand me, please."

There was a brief silence before she felt the claws slide from her arms, allowing Sarah to spin around only to be face-to-face with the creature- at least figuratively, considering it was hanging upside-down.

It was roughly human-sized, with smooth, black, glossy skin on most of it's form, punctuated with what seemed to be a external skeleton over most of it's form. Judging from the small yet promiment breasts it was female, and to Sarah's discomfort she noted it was naked. The face of the creature was relatively humanoid, with black, thick hair that seemed to gain a metal sheen, still glaring at her with the brilliantly bright emerald eyes she had seen before. The source of how she was hanging was revealed, after Sarah's eyes had adjusted, to be the fact that her hind claws and tail had sunk into the material of the roof, allowing her to hang there.

"Interesting way to greet a person," Sarah quipped.

The strange creature gave a snort. "When one has instincts stuffed into one's head, it's not the most easy of thing to break."

"...Oh. So... would it be too much of a bad idea to ask what exactly are you?"

The creature gave a sigh, suddenly dropping gracefully to the floor. Moving on all fours, she quietly moved to the corner of the room, where once again it was mostly hidden by shadow, but at least this time Sarah could keep track of her eyes. "I suppose not, though I don't got an answer for you that will satisfy your curiosity..."

Giving a shrug, Sarah shifted into a crouch, watching the strange she-monster. "Not even a name?"

A unamused snort came from the creature. "You've not even bought me dinner first."

"Sorry... just I'm as stuck as you are in this situation," Sarah noted, giving a vague gesture to the door. "Just well... I know what it's like to be different too. And trust me, keeping it hidden all the time doesn't do anyone any favors," she noted, thinking of her own misadventures of her past.

The emerald eyes studied her for a while, before yet another sigh left the blackened creature.

"As far as I know, I was just some lab rat for a experiment that went awry. Closest I remember to any form of name is Experiment Six. After a bit of an... accident, the facility I was in went under decommission, and now I'm in yet another facility. Joy."

Sarah nodded. "Well that sucks. Least right now it seems you're being treated well and-"

A short squeak came as suddenly she was bowled over, a short growl exiting Six as she suddenly pounced atop of Sarah. "Treated well?!? I was stuck in bondage for six weeks before they trusted me enough for an open cell! And even then, they leave me alone! Just boredom and tedium and festering in this padded room until I grow half crazy!!!"

"Q-quite..." Sarah managed to choke out, her unease over the shadowy beast showing a little as she tried to shift a bit.

There was several tense minutes before either of them dared to move too much, the only things happening is Six's heavy breathing as she continues to glare downward at her.

And then, all of a sudden, Six gave a loud yelp as she suddenly hopped from Sarah, twitching and shivering. "N-nono, not now, not now..."

Perplexed, Sarah rolled to her belly and then into a crouch, letting out a relaxed breath. "What's wrong? Are you ok? Can I get you any help?" she managed to ask, a look of concern on her face.

Six violently shook her head, limbs spread out as she quivered. "N-no... not that... y-you need to get out of here... b-before..."

"Before WHAT?" Sarah asked, only to suddenly yelp and jump back in shock and horror.

"M-my h-h-heAAAAGH!!!"

Six's splayed posture had left her hindquarters perfectly visible to Sarah, but the darkness had mostly hidden anything too odd and out of the ordinary. That suddenly changed, however, as Sarah watched Six's nethers suddenly drip and spew copious amounts of a brightly-glowing green fluid, splattering into a puddle and running down her thighs. With a loud yowl, Six arched her spined back, as suddenly something seemed to press out from her hips, dangling below her and drooling even more of the thick glowing fluid, the specimen's hips bucking a little as it changed.

There was a short, tense moment as Sarah scooted back from the growing puddle, watching Six carefully as the crossbreed collapsed after the appearance of the strange appendage, only for the emerald eyes to focus on her. A strange, husky sort of hiss came from Six, as she slowly managed to slide haphazardly to her claws and slowly advance on Sarah, twitching and mewling oddly.


Well, shit. I'm fascinated at this creature- seems she's gotten the same problems I've had, just on the magnification of 'holy shit this is ef'd up'- but it's clear that she's gone to some happy place and something has taken over her. So what do we do, should I stay or should I go now?!?

-Stat Block-
HP: 30/30 - FP: 25/25 - PP: 30/30
AGI: 5 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 5 - BRN: 5 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 4
Earned Exp: 24
Current Status: Blank
Sanity: -5 (Mentally Frail, +1d4 damage/pleasure from Brains sources)

Enhanced Mentality - Escape Artist - Tentacle Pleaser - Medic - Akimbo Assassin - Sarah's Powers

Inventory: Trenchcoat, Serum Case (3x NecroTech Revivification Syringes, 3 Adrenaline Shots), Portable Medical Kit (2 Quickheal Bandages, 4 Medkits, 4 Medic Gels, 4 Ambrosia, 4 Morphine Drafts)
Roleplay Items: Shoyru Plush, Gaming Console
Quest Items: SodLag Databank Reciever, NecroTech Binder, Small Item Satchel (Serum Case / 2 Quickheal Bandage / 1 Medkit / 1 Medic Gel / 1 Ambrosia / 1 Morphine Draft/ 2 Handguns (Empty/Empty))

- Weapons -
Handgun x2 (Empty) (Empty) - Piercing Damagetype - One-handed - 2d6 dmg - +1 Initiative
Uses 9mm Clips - Has special ability Precision Weapon and alt function Suppressor​
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Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Apply face to xenoboner.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

+1 for giving 6 a blowjob.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

What- I mean w-w-WHAT?!?

You want me to do WHAT?!?

I'm sorry, but this crazy alien creature just suddenly had her brain fry and suddenly grow a new appendage and dripping glowing fluid. I'm not staying around for this, and CERTAINLY not to figure out the use of that... thing!


"L-look, calm down. Maybe we can get someone to look over you... j-just stop looking at me like that please?" Sarah stammered, sliding back to her feet and slowly trying to back up from the addled specimen, who was still hobbling oddly towards her with her odd whines.

Before Six could get any closer, Sarah dashed towards the door and gave a hard pounding on it. "Dagnabbit someone open the fuzzing door already! I know you eggheads are watching!"


You are now temporarily in Six's head. For years- at least as far as you can remember- you have been stuck in one lab confine after another, with little company and even less dignity. Your body has been warped into some form of alien carapace, shattering much of your humanity with it, and now there's a gloriously alive, somewhat sympathetic person in your pod.

Unfortunately, much of that has become moot now that you've gone into heat. And now your goal is clear- apply xenoboner to human pootan.


Six growled deeply as Sarah ran for the door, though at the very least it seemed she was avoiding any form of radioed help. Still, the last fragments of her head knew she had to act fast- even if this was some twisted science project there was a good chance they'd try to stop her before she was satisfied due to how... rough she tended to get.

Six tensed up and prepared to pounce at her prey!


Random character switch go! I figured it'd be a change of pace to switch characters in some encounters, not to mention get a look at some mechanics from the other side.

In the case of Six, her character template (while the full stat bar will not be posted as she's not the main character) is that of the Matriach race, an advanced mutation that severely warps one's body to similarities with the Xenomorphs of a certain sci-fi franchise - though still statted as a beginner character, even with the differences a Higher Mutation race bring. Six's skills mechanically allow her to crawl on most surfaces and see great in the dark, already putting her at advantage in this situation. Other skills and a quick description will be in the spoiler on the bottom, of course.

Gittoff! *Scratches*


*Mutters about people interrupting needs and wants before glaring at Sarah pointedly*

Attack options:

A - Attempt a aggressive assault, trying to tire Sarah and make it easier for sexings later

B - Skip the foreplay and try to sexings now. You got needs after all!

C - Try and hold composure and let her escape. Maybe you'll be let out on good behavior if you're good? Not sure how well that'll work though...

-Six's Skills of Note-
Minor Regeneration - Six will regain 1d4 damage automatically should she not be at full health

Heat - This 'skill' is more of a flaw, as it means that randomly the character may enter a cycle of heat or rut, making them desire breeding almost animalisticly above all else. This status lasts until they succeed in a sexual encounter, and luckily it has a long cooldown period before the checks happen again.

-Six's Abilities of Note-
Breeding Frenzy - Hyperactive breeding is common in Six's blood, meaning that when she deals pleasure damage, she gains a Critical Dice to not only pleasure to her victims, but also herself. Unfortunately, this also has the downside of, once being active during an intercourse, she must continue in the sexitude until she's quite literally drained her Fatigue.​
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A - Hopefully this will tire Six out faster then Sarah.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

APPLY XENOBONER TO FACE. The goal here is a face fulla alien wing wong.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Curses! I didn't think it was that obvious :< to be fair, I've partly had to improv some stuff from the past CYOAS, because it never finished and I don't wanna resurrect it just for the PoA test. As a result, I'm making the fairly accurate assumption that Sarah beat the cult, rescued (but didn't fully cure) ze mutants and etc etc etc.
Eh, to be fair you only really got to introduce two characters in that, so it wasn't at all hard to guess.

I'm gonna vote A - specifically, take that beepy thing on Sarah's wrist away from her (and maybe hide it in the ceiling padding or somewhere else out of her reach, hopefully without damaging it), and then get between Sarah and the door. Then once she can't escape, TEH FOREPLAY - try and convince her into stripping etc.

Six probably has enough composure to avoid actively harming Sarah, especially if she's cooperative. On the other hand, I don't think she'd let her first bit of 'prey' in several weeks just get up and walk out.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)
