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Sandra (Kln)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Name: Sandra (pic)
Age 18
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Breasts: C
Cock: 8 inches
Trait: Daggers 0

Description: A 5ft 9 in tall dark skinned, brown-haired hermaphrodite. Her deep, red eyes calmly observe the world around her. Sandra has a tomboyish personallity, thinking herself more male than female. She's actually proud to have never lost her vaginal virginity, albeit this could change quickly, considering the EGG's limitless repertoire of creatures.

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 2
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y 5 (3 for pregnancy)
Birthing: Y 5 (3 for pregnancy related birthings)
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y (to a point)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y 3
Enemies from my own bestiary (From DoD): Y 5
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y 4
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y 3
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y 2
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y (9 inches)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y 4
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y 4
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y 1
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): very rough


Sandra had woken up in the middle of the woods, having fainted after a party that she'd gotten quite drunk. Had she been dumped out here after being drugged or something? It was hard to tell, but she didn't remember any forests near where she'd lived, so if she had been drugged, then it was one helluva drug indeed. It took her a few minutes to get her bearings enough to even raise up, as whatever had happened had left her head heavy along with her body.

Looking around, Sandra saw she was in a clearing, with a stream just to her left, which if the sun's location was any indication, then that would be north. Nearby she could see a few things laying about, as if someone had tossed things all over the place in a hurry, or maybe had flung stuff into the air in fright or something. She saw a pair of daggers, a leather loincloth top and bottom, a small backpack, and a water skin that was half full. The water inside of the waterskin smelled alright, and if she tasted it she'd find it was drinkable thankfully, the fresh water helping to dull her headache some at least.

She could see a path that ran across the stream, which was about fifteen feet wide at the shallowest point, but if she wished to try and swim it she could of course. Sandra also saw a path that ran down in the opposite direction as well, and in the distance to her east she could hear what sounded like wolves howling, although it was hard to tell just how far off they actually were.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra woke up, dazzled. Where the hell was she? The last thing she remembers was that party at her friend's house. She drank a lot, maybe to much. And now, she comes to in the middle of a forest.
"What... The fuck..." she mumbled, while trying to remember what happened last night. But everything was a blur. One thing was sure, though: she and her friend lived in the middle of a big city. She heard the stories of guys who drank to much and woke up in another country, and for a moment she thought she was going through the same kind of experience.

Sandra tried to reach her cellphone, only to realize she was naked. The hermaphrodite tried to rise up, but her head felt heavy, and it took several minutes for her to be able to sit up. She looked at herself, and fortunately did not see any kind of abuse on her body. Then, she looked at the mess around her. Collecting everything, this was the perfect adventurer's kit. She put the clothes one, which was fast as it was only a small bra and a loincloth which barely hid her hermaphrodit bits. Then, she equiped the daggers, finding them rather light and easy to use, as if she was familiar with those.

After refreshing herself with a few drips of water, she stood up. Hearing the wolves howl to the East, she decided it was better to walk along the stream in the opposite direction. "I'm not sure I'd make a good meal with so much alcohol in my blood, but I don't want to find out." she thought as she started walking.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra did find her cell phone nearby, but it showed no signal on the thing, though all of her apps and little games were still on there that she didn't need an actual signal to use, and the battery was amazingly at full. Deciding to follow the stream so as not to get caught by the wolves she heard in the distance, Sandra made her way along towards the west upstream, as the stream went from west to east.

As she traveled along, she saw fish swimming in the stream and on the far northern bank of the stream she noticed wildlife that resembled what she was used to seeing in the forests. Squirrels, birds, a couple of turtles in the stream, a few frogs here and there. It was odd though, as she remembered that it had been the middle of summer when was awake last, but now it seemed that it was mid fall and was a bit cool out.

After a half an hour of traveling upstream, Sandra saw the first signs of life other than wildlife. It looked like campsite that had been left not too very long before, likely a day or two at most. It looked like there had been human, or at least humanoid life here, as she saw footprints that resembled that of a large human. The footprints went off upstream further she saw, and she also saw a couple of things in the campsite that looked useful. The first was a dark green cloak, made of thick cotton that would keep her warm, and the other was a pair of leather boots that looked quite worn, but wearable. Now at least she wasn't traipsing around barefooted.

There was a path that led to her south as well as the one that followed the footprints upstream, but as she knew, where there was water, there was sure to be life.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra was pleased to find the camp. That meant there were humans nearby. She was a little embarassed to show herself in her current, skimpy clothes, but she did not really have a choice.
The herm was a little surprised by the footprints' size, albeit she did not give it more thought. She was pleased to find the cloak and the boots, albeit they looked really, "medieval", with that thick cotton cloak and those leather boots. She put them on without hesitation, taking the time to clean her dirt-covered feet before putting the boots on.

After she put on her new clothes, Sandra decided to follow the footprints, upstream.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

After a short while, about another hour or so, she spotted something in the distance upstream. Sandra saw what looked like a person kneeling down by the stream. As she got closer however she saw it was a very tall woman with blonde hair, she was muscular yet it was womanly muscles, and she had a tattoo on her right arm and another on her back that looked like tribal symbols. She looked as if she were washing something off in the stream that looked like clothes, but it was hard to tell from here. The woman also had a finely made spear sitting next to her on the rocks at the bank of the stream.

Up further from the banks of the stream, Sandra saw another woman sitting there and setting up a campfire, and there was a fox fur and some meat nearby that told her that the fox that had already been cleaned, cut, and defurred.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra was impressed by the two persons she saw by the river. She thought she was rather fit, but these two women were ripped. And they were also one or two heads taller than her. She took a moment to ponder on the reason why they were wearing pelts and looked like straight out of a role-playing game. Well, maybe it was that, how did they call it, "LARP" thing. This doesn't explain why she would wake up in the middle of one, but that's the kind of stupid thing you do when you are drunk, aren't you?

The herm calmly walked towards the two campers.
"Um... Hi. I know you must be in the middle of your roleplaying thing, but can you spare a few minutes of your time?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

As Sandra called out to the two women, they jumped up suddenly and turned to look at her. "Halt, who goes there?" the one by the water called out as she turned to look at Sandra, aiming her spear towards her while the other did so as well.

"What do you mean... roleplaying? We're hunting for game to bring food for our tribe," the one near the campfire said, which she had literally just got started while the other one stepped towards Sandra with her spear still trained on the young herm.

"Be you part of the Longtooth tribe?" the blonde one that had been by the water asked her, obviously ready to fight if necessary.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Either they are very dedicated roleplayers, or Mary had a time machine in her basement and did not tell me. At least they seem to speak English. Sandra thought.

Raising her arms in an appeasing gesture, she answered the blonde woman's question. "I'm not part of these "Longtooth". Actually, it's a long story, but I'm not from this region. My name is Sandra, by the way."
Hoping the spear-wielding woman would lower her weapon, she tried to plea further. "I mean you no harm, really. I just want to know where I am and where is the nearest town."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Not from this region. Which region are you from them... Sandra?" the blonde one replied, lowering her spear and looking back at the other woman, a black haired beauty that now Sandra could see her better she saw had large DD-cup breasts and was simply gorgeous.

"The nearest village to here is our own about a day's travel to the west. Pine Grove is the name of our village. And we're of the Strong Arm tribe. What tribe are you from?" the black haired one said as she came over to them. "I am Petra, and my hunting sister here is Gina," she went on to say, introducing herself and her companion in a more welcoming manner as Sandra no longer had any weapons pointed her way.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Well, hum... Hi, Gina and Petra." Pine Grove didn't ring a single bell to her. At the very least, she was in the company of two gorgeous beauties. She wouldn't mind flirting with her, but she didn't know how they'd react.
"I'm from New York." she began. Noticing this didn't seem to ring any bell on their side either, she rapidly added. "From the... Er... American tribe. I don't think you know them."

Decided to change the subject, Sandra tried to know more about the two women. They proved friendly, and could lead her to their village "So, you're hunting. What kind of game are you after?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

"New... York? I've never heard of that village. Nor have I heard of an American tribe. If they're anywhere, then it's probably far to the east or west of here," Petra said, scratching her head at the names which seemed strange to her.

"We're hunting just anything that will bring meat back to the village to store for winter. As you can likely tell, it's starting to get cooler," Gina said, her words made punctuated by a breeze that blew through across the water, which made all three of them shiver.

"Come let us warm up by the fire. I did get it started finally after all," Petra said, taking Sandra's hand and leading the way over to their campfire, where she sat down next to Sandra.

"Are you a huntress then yourself Sandra? Or an Amazon?" Gina asked curiously as she took a seat on Sandra's other side, poking at the fire with a long thick stick.

While Gina talked to Sandra, Petra grabbed a few small yet thick sticks and pushed a few pieces of the fox meat onto them to put over the fire to cook. She pulled out a small cloth that had bread wrapped in it, which she pulled a piece off of and offered to Sandra before taking one herself while Gina reached over and got a piece too.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

I guess that if I say that I'm a waitress at Starbucks, they won't understand at all. Sandra thought.

"Thank you, Petra" Sandra said, as she took the piece of bread. "I'm a trader at my "village"" she began to explain, choosing a job title the nearest of her actual occupation. "I'm distributing the food that the "hunters" bring back to the rest of the villagers" the herm continued, with a new half-truth.

The term used by Gina caught her curiosity. "Say, Gina, what is an "Amazon"? Back where I leave, we do not have those, or we may not know them under that kind of name." she asked after taking a bite in her piece of bread
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Oh a trader eh. What do you trade Sandra? We haven't had a foreign trader come in weeks now, and we usually get one every month or so from somewhere at least," Petra replied, looking over at Sandra, both of them close enough now that Sandra could see they both had deep forest green eyes.

"An Amazon is a warrioress. And the chief Amazon is usually our leader, but not always. The chief Amazon can sometimes in larger tribes and towns be the leader of the warriors, while the chieftain is the leader of the people," Gina replied, explaining what the Amazons were. "There are Amazons, Rangers, and Riders. Each are warriors in their own way. During the gathering times before winter, Amazons, Rangers, and Riders all contribute by becoming Huntresses like us and bringing back at least one or two animals for stockpiling meat to dry and whatnot. There are a few who are Huntresses all year round though of course, but we are not. I'm an Amazon, and Petra a Ranger," Gina went on to say before getting up and going back over to the water to finish doing what she'd been doing before.

"Are you hungry Sandra? If so we do not mind sharing. We've already gotten one deer, and are aiming for another before we head home tomorrow. If we're lucky we can get three, if you wish to come with us and don't mind carrying a little extra that is," Petra asked after Gina was back at the water, offering to share their meal with Sandra. "She didn't mention that there are also Guardians and Mages, but the Guardians are for protecting the tribes matriarchs, of which our tribe unfortunately hasn't any. And the Mages also serve alongside the Guardians to protect the matriarchs, but in a different manner," she added, handing Sandra some more bread to hold her over until the fox meat was done.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra tried to suck in all the informations. She fell in a rather strange world. Was she dreaming? She pinched herself discretly. It was not a dream.
"It would be a pleasure" the Herm answered to Petra's proposal. She wasn't scared of lifting a little weight, and Gina and Petra seemed extremely friendly. She looked at their muscles reflecting in the camp fire. They were gorgeous.

"I'll accompany you to your village. I must say I feel safe, being with two pretty, stron-looking women like you." she awkwardly flirted, trying to turn it as innocently as possible, in case they wouldn't be in that kind of thing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Looking out over the water at Gina, she saw that the Amazon huntress had undressed and was washing off her body, where Sandra saw that she'd gotten blood on her from the fox apparently. The woman was simply gorgeous, her large breasts bouncing freely as she splashed some water on herself and her slit very tight looking.

"Oh why thank you Sandra, that's kind of you to say," Petra said, flashing a wink at Sandra. "While the food is cooking, I'm going to wash off as well if that's alright. I'll be back over in a few minutes," she added before getting up once she was satisfied that the meat was cooking good, where she went over and joined Gina in the water, undressing along the way to reveal her own beautiful body, her dark skin shining in the sunlight as the water she splashed up onto herself dripped off of her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

These nude, fit bodies had an instantaneous effect on Sandra, who felt her herm cock grow rock hard, forming a tent under her loincloth which would be hard to hide. And she had not pawed off since... Damn...
"Yeah. I'll... Er... Go relieve myself before we eat, then." she said, as she went towards nearby bushes, pretending to go to the bathroom.

Once hidden in the bush, she wasted no time beating herself off as discretly as she could, while peeping here and now on the two women's sexy, jiggling bodies.
"Damn, I wish I had this kind of body" she thought, while her hand stroke her cock fast and tight.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Alright, be careful alone though. Then you can come and join us, no need to be shy," Petra called back to Sandra as she headed off.

As she found a good spot to get where the two lovely women wouldn't see her, Sandra watched the two washing each other now. Their hands glided over one another as both pairs of DD-cup breasts jiggled deliciously. Her hands were quickly stained with her pre as she watched the gorgeous duo suddenly do something that made her throb. Petra knelt down in the water as Gina threw a leg over her friend's shoulder, where Petra then proceeded to gently wash Gina's pussy for her. Sandra saw that neither of the girls had much hair down there, merely a landing strip for Gina, while Petra had a little heart shaped pubic mound.

The two switched a couple of minutes later, with Gina washing Petra off down there and giving her a fast and playful lick across her folds. Petra gasped and splashed Gina with some water, and just as that lick came, Sandra felt her pleasure boiling over as she launched her seed out in long thick ropes. She'd let out a deep lewd moan, which she was unable to stifle any at all with either hand, and she noticed the two beautiful ladies staring in her direction.

"Sandra? Are you okay?" Petra called out as Gina let her friend's leg down, both of them grabbing their spears as the walked back up onto the shore to check on their new companion.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

What Sandra saw was beyond her wildest fantasies. Here she was, pawing off while peeping two gorgeous, muscled women, with one pleasure the other. And all that in a bucolic scenery and in water.
She couldn't help herself as she came loudly, launching ropes of cum on the bush in front of her.

Oh, crap. she thought, when she heard Petra call out to her. Sandra was ready to stand up, when she noticed her loincloth, her only clothes, was stained with her own jizz. Oh, crapcrapcrap.
"Y... Yeah, I'm okay, don't worry." she panted, as she tried to frot her undercloth with some leaves to make the cum go away. Swiping herself the best she could, she went out of the bush.There was... Well you know, sometimes you get constipated, and it takes... Some effort. she blaberred, hoping the two women would not ask her about the strange stains on her loincloth.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Oh, okay then. If you're sure you're alright, and if you're done that is, then why don't you come and join us. The water is cool, but nice. And we can keep each other warm if we're together," Petra called back to her, the two tall ladies setting their spears back down.

When Sandra came back out, Gina and Petra were both back in the water by that point, and both were waving her to come join them. Whether she did or didn't was up to her of course, but the two did insist that she at least clean up a little bit before they ate, especially since she'd used the bathroom and all.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra's cheeks reddened. There was no way she could run away from this. Besides, she simply didn't want to after that peepshow.
She simply hoped the two women would not get mad. She took her loincloth off, showing her nude body, and thus her herm cock, to them. "I know I should have mentioned it earlier, but... Hum... I hope it's okay with you."