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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 18 vs. 14 P, Hit!
P 5 vs. 7 S, Miss!

S 2 vs. 3 P, Miss!
P 21 vs. 15 S, Hit!

S 17 vs. 11 P, Hit!
P 7 vs. 6 S, Hit!

The panther seemed almost caught off guard by Sakura’s attack, though not enough so to allow himself to be caught squarely by the axe. It glanced off of his foreleg, causing a light wound, but nothing too serious. The big cat growled louder, slowly backing away until he was just out of the blue-haired girl’s range, and walked in a semi-circle around her, as if probing her position for weakness. In her haste to kill him she lashed out, but he was still out of range, and so she came up just a bit short. He used the opportunity to slash at her shoulder with his claws, and they connected without much trouble. It only stung a bit, and though there was a tiny bit of blood it was little more than a scratch. The panther tried to press his advantage then, scratching Sakura in the gut, but he also took her counterattack on his back, making him back away and growl. They had suffered basically equal damage in the exchange, but the blue-haired girl was still quite aroused, and her harness seemed to be interested in the outcome of this one… it was slowly tightening around her, restricting her movements…

3/5 HP

4/6 FP
6/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was the first to strike, her mind more focused on place that creature away instead of win a battle, completely needed to beat it, she dont waited for the right moment and thanks to this lost her chance to hit the panther. She scream when this rush toward her and even when it hurt her with just scratches, for Sakura was the start of an attempt of murder. Another wound make her act by instinct and hurt the creature sending it back, but her succees was stoped when the smog start to restrain her again.

Not again! stop!! She shout before pull herself toward the panther and try to beat it before the strings stop her moves again.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 18 vs. 10 P, Hit!
P 7 vs. -1 S, Hit!

S 9 vs. 10 P, Miss!
P 4 vs. 1 S, Hit!

S 18 vs. 10 P, Hit!
P 18 vs. -1 S, Critical Hit!

Sakura swung her axe with all the power she could muster, and managed to slice into the panther’s side shallowly. The action made her smoke harness dig into her hard, though, distracting her long enough to prevent her from avoiding his next scratch. He was too close then, she just couldn’t bring her attack to bear properly, and he just kept slashing at her with his sharp claws; if the game hadn’t been keeping the actual damage to a minimum she probably would have been pretty torn up, but instead she was merely quite tired and aroused, and she knew she couldn’t take much more. The blue-haired girl swung her axe again, the thing digging into the panther’s back, and she knew it was in just as bad of shape as she was... She could still win this!

And yet, her last attack had left her badly out of position, and the panther slammed her up against the wall, knocking the wind out of her. Sakura crumpled to the ground, dropping her axe as she went limp. The big cat pulled her a little along the ground, out into the middle, and then began to pace around her, sniffing at her and looking her over. The smoke harness began to slowly bind her wrists together, tugging her legs slightly apart as it parted a little bit to allow free and easy access to either of her lower holes…

1/5 HP

0/6 FP
6/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

After hit the creature once again, Sakura could dont dodge the creature's attacks, she closed her eyes and waited the worse as the claws hit her, but she can see than the pain and wounds were very small than what they should do. Stop... its not fair... the blue haired girl whimper in middle of the fight as the strings continue securing her. Her attacks were more slow and she cant get away at time, with a sudden potent charge, the panther make her drop her axe at the floor.

Sakura tried to recover her breath and hold her chest, tears dripping from her by all the small yet continuos wounds and air lost, once she get recovered she scream when she notice how she has been moved away of her weapon and secured as a fresh meal by the strings, the creature started to smell her and this make her try to get away and get her weapon to protec herself, however she was close to be completely stunned by the fear and even her skin has turned white, unable to do anything she closed her eyes and wished than her life could be salved.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The panther continues to circle around Sakura for some time, sniffing at her body intermittently. It’s almost as if it’s purposefully teasing her, though of course it doesn’t really have the capacity to do so. After the second go round it settled on sniffing ever closer to her bound crotch, a rumbling purr emitting from the apparently pleased cat. The rope of smoke that had been wedged tightly inside of her pussy slid out, moving aside for him as his tongue flicked against her to taste her juices. The tongue was rough and bumpy, but the texture felt good against her lower lips, making her shiver in the tight grasp of the harness. The purring only deepened as the big cat tasted her, apparently liking what he got… his tongue assaulted her in broader strokes, brushing hard over her clit and making her truly tremble. She had already been terribly aroused from the previous battles, and the panther’s attentions were doing a pretty good job of making her moreso, even with the fear that he was going to eat her.

The rough tongue probed deeper into Sakura’s dripping sex, lapping at her inner walls swiftly and without mercy, the deep rumbling purr of the big cat making his muzzle vibrate against her lower lips. It was intensely pleasurable, only made moreso by the various aphrodisiacs that were still within her, and after a few minutes of such treatment she came with a cry of pleasure. The black cat huffed a little and withdrew its tongue from her, pulling back for a moment and growling slightly… his breath was hot against her rear, and for a moment it really seemed like he was going to eat her. Instead, though, she soon felt the heavy form of the big cat against her back, and his snarling head came to rest just beside hers over her right shoulder. She could feel something probing at her backside, a stiff rod sliding between her cheeks and making his true intent clear.

It took a few moments for the panther’s blind humping to finally drive his cock into his blue-haired prey, but when he did he did so without any hesitation. Almost immediately his big, thick cock was hilted inside of her, and she felt the distinctive feature of the feline’s member; it was covered in soft, fleshy barbs. They rubbed up against her inner walls firmly, pressing against all the right spots, making her feel even better after her recent orgasm. There was no pause for her at all, the big cat simply pounding away as it growled in its own pleasure. Sakura hadn’t yet been taken like this, so fast and hard that she could barely stand it, each thrust sending a jolt of electric pleasure shooting up her spine. The barbs stroked her insides furiously, teasing her tight passage in a unique way that soon had her gushing her juices. It wasn’t long before she could feel the dick throbbing inside of her, and then a rather large burst of warm cum inside of her. It was too much for the rich girl, and she came a second time. The panther never let up, though, even as it continued to pump her full of spunk. The big cat fucked her vigorously one more round, seeding her womb again as she reached her peak, and then pulled away and stalked off into the darkness, purring.

Sakura was left exhausted on the ground, her pussy dribbling cum and sex juices as the smoke harness held her. Slowly she drifted into unconsciousness… When she awoke the bondage harness was no longer tying her arms or legs together, and had settled back into its default position, which had the added effect of holding the warm feline cum inside of her. Her things were still beside her, and as she slowly got to her knees she saw a popup:

You have achieved Axe Expertise Level 3 (+3 Attack, +2 Defense, 12 difference needed for crit)
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Pale by her fears of being eaten, Sakura tried all the time to get free of the harness, nearly in whispers begged for help and her life until the creature stop behind her and looks to be looking at her exposed holes, the humillation get worse when the panther purr and lick her, making her squeak as she dont expected, she think than after taste her he will attack her, yet still her body has been afected by many arousal things, than against her will she soon reached her peak and cum.

Tears start to come from her, she cant believe to had cum now and the panther growl made her think than the creature will kill her by had cried in extasis. not like this, i dont want to die like a prostitute she said to herself as she prepare to be killed without any honor.

Suddenly the creature rested over her, making her wide open her eyes. Wait...no that too she said after feel the phallus close her hole. The rape continue without the rich girl understand why it feel so good be raped by a beast, trying to say to herself than it was fault of the aphrodisiacs on her, the member feel so good and she cant believe the kind of moans coming from her, she not only cum once but many times with the potent thrusts, her insides get filled with the beast seed until he get sattled and leave her in the floor just like an used fucktoy, with tears she fall sleep.

Time later she awaken, very affected by the rape but at least alive. Why all feel so good? i hate this place, living working for sex would had been better Sakura shaked her head, unable to believe her thoughts momenst later. Then the screen appear at time, so she remember than this is just a game, taking her things before continue her path. She rubed her belly unsure of what could happen with all that cum inside her.

I...Im not a slut, i will go out of this cursed game... Her courage had been restored after notice than she is more strong now.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura gathered her things and moved on, newly confident in her abilities despite her defeat. The door wasn’t that far away, and the big cat was out of sight now, not following her. As she entered she was struck by the sheer largeness of the next room, and the way it seemed to be filled with dead and dying plants. Whereas the greenhouse had been filled with sunlight, this room was dark and lit only by torches, and so there just wasn’t enough light to support all of the plants that filled the area. In the middle was a rather large brown flower, bigger than any the rich girl had ever seen before. It looked like it was dead… but as she approached it it slowly opened, revealing a brownish green woman inside, thin and frail looking. She narrowed her eyes at the blue-haired girl, a sinister grin on her face, and though she said nothing a pair of vines emerged from her flower, making her intent clear.

8/8 HP

6/6 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her equitpments and trying to dont forget than this was not real, Sakura opened the next door, glad to dont need to fight that panther once again. Just as she opne the door, her eyes notice the dead like garden, she feels bad for who had planted all these plants, these things certainly had died a long time. In middle of the room remain a dead flower, she nearly tried to be away of this after what had happened with the giant plant at the other room, in part was a relief than this one loks dead, however this start to move as she get close until reveal a strange plant woman.

Sakura smile and tried to wave to the creature, but soon she notice the bad intentions of the monster.

Get back, i dont want to be used anymore She shout, as the woman send her vines toward her, but soon Sakura started to swing her huge weapon, wishing than this creature desist her attack.

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

(And now my reign of terror begins. Or terrible, either or.)

Sakura vs Alraune!
S 11 vs A 13 Miss
A 14 vs S 16 Miss
S 4 vs A 12 Miss
A 6 vs S 15 Miss
S 15 vs A 5 Hit
A 9 vs S 19 Miss
The Alraune snickers a bit at the busty girls reaction as the vines dashed out after the girl. "Aw, don't you want to liven up my poor garden a little? I could use some fresh seedlings.," coos the plant girl, as she grins sadistically.

Her grin soon becomes a frown though as Sakura manages to narrowly duck around the vines, but they're dead brown bodies were still very tough and supple, and her axe struggled to get a bite into them.

The Alraune seemed to concentrate, her vines weaving and lashing, but Sakura seemed to avoid them all, yet her own blows seemed equally incapable of landing. They appeared equally matched.

Something had to give eventually though, and finally Sakura spotted an opening amidst the vines. Avoiding a follow up, she managed to get in close enough to get a hard crack on the Alraune's root, dealing a good blow. The Alraune cried out in pain before glaring darkly.

"Ooo, I'll get you for that!"

Sakura 6/6 FP
0/10 AP

Alraune 7/8 FP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As long the MC get raped from time to time all should be fine >_>

I know how hard is gming a game from the first time so dont worry and ask when you need it about the rules

Uhm... i dont think than it will help in any... Sakura whimper before said it, she just dont want to know what this girl want to do with her after, but without any window these plants will remain dead. Just as expected this plant woman wanted to hurt her so Sakura tried her best to dodge the dry roots from her foe.

It was amazing see how her axe couldnt harm these things after take down the living tree... but at the end she manage to hurt her.

Sorry, i dont want to hurt you, just let me continue in peace The poor nude girl said, she really dont want to hurt someone but she would continue her attacks in order to defend herself, maybe with some more hits she could make this girl get back.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

A 13 vs S 21 Miss
S 23 vs A 5 CRIT
A 23 vs S 6 CRIT, and Grappled

The alraune doesn't seem interested in giving up her attack as her vines continues to swing and grasp after Sakura."Oh no, I was just going to water my roots with you a bit then let you go, but now I'm going to make you pay for hurting my poor roots! Hold still!"

Sakura ducks under the winding vines and roots, but it makes it hard for her to get close once more. The increasingly frustrated Alraune slams her vines down hard though, but the wind up allowed Sakura to easily avoid it, and get in close, hacking a far deeper blow into the base of the alraunes flower. She shrieked in pain and outrage at the vicious blow.

Sakura had little time to celebrate however, as the vines and roots were now all behind her and whipped back, slamming her down hard and wrapping around her limbs, grappling onto her. The vines, despite how dead they looked seemed to revitalize ever so slightly at contact with her body.

Sakura 4/6 FP -1 to Attack rolls
0/10 AP

Alraune 5/8 FP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura frown softly trying to dont feel herself guilty by all this. No, its not my fault, all this place has tried to do bad things to my body, if you are thirsty we could look for water. The rich girl answer as she tried to dodge the incoming blows until get close enough to hit deep inside. However the pain produced to the plant girl hurt her heart the enough to make her lost the time needed to dodge the roots. Ahh! fortunately for Sakura the game still dont let her feel the pain of each blow but even then surprised she saw herself being draged to the plant woman and tied at the process. As she remember her two fights with plant cratures she wouldnt let this fight go on for too much time so she tried to hit the roots the enought so the pain make the alraune drop her and give up on this fight.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 4 vs A 21 COUNTER Not Free
A 13 vs S 21 Miss
S 7 vs A 14 Miss Not Free
A 6 vs S 7 Miss
S 4 vs A 17 Miss Not Free

Sakura struggled and squirmed as she tried to get the leverage to swing out at the plant, before receiving a hard spank in response to the attempted attack.

"No! Bad girl! Clearly I need to discipline you properly before I can put you to work, my little water pot.," smirks the Alraune, as her vines continue to try and knock the fight out of Sakura.

Sakura was proving resilient though as she managed to maneuver her body enough in the grapple to avoid follow up blows, but at the same time the Alraune was managing to hold her away enough to avoid any follow up strikes to her body.

Throughout this, as the vines still manage to slide over her body a fair bit, they continue to get a bit greener and healthier looking. It looks like the milk that Sakura is lactating has been dripping out from all the pressure and singing and is revitalising the plants.

Sakura 3/6 FP -1 to attack rolls
Alraune 5/8 FP
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Eek! Sakura squeak by the sudden whip, even just the noise has made her almost let fall a teardrop, as a refinated little girl she never has been punished by her parents or servants, it was a fortune than she havent feel a real pain in this game. But the fear to receive another whip made her struggle harder. Please stop, i dont want to be used again. As she shout the poor rich girl tried to find a way to get free her arms the enough to use her axe to get out these roots from her, scared in part by how this thing was draining her to recover, maybe she will not stop until suck all her water from her body, so she should fight and get free in order to avoid all that.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

A 24 vs S 7 CRIT
S 3 vs 19 COUNTER
Sakura is out of FP

"Oh, but I won't stop until you obey, cutey. And you're still struggling so clearly you don't want me to stop.," teases the alraune as she grins then gives the girl another hard spank.

Sakura struggled again, and she seemed to get loose with her arms! However it proved to be a ploy by the alraune, who lashed out with her vines as Sakura swung, making the axe recoil side ways and hurt her wrist, the axe sliding to the side.

"Foul device. Mmm, but that's better. You hurt my poor roots, so now you can pay the price.," smirks the alraune as she drags Sakura up to her proper body before forcibly bending her over her knee. Her hand comes up and she begins spanking the girl roughly with a sadistic grin until her rump is red and sensitive. The vines begin to pinch and tug on her nipples simultaneously, milking her like an animal onto the dried up flower petals, which start to recolor in the process.

"Well, have you learned your lesson?," asks the Alraune, pausing her abuse and starting to pet Sakura's head.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

A new hit made the poor girl get more scared and in needs to get free, she dont wanted than her silked skin get more hurt by these whips at her bare nude body. The teardrops soon manage to slid from her cheeks as she find a way to hit back. Her lucious body moved and tried to cut the roots grappling her but this was just a trick from her foe and soon she receive another hit at her hands. Her axe get free of her hands and she was really tied to rush to take it back.

Unable to do much she rub her hand a few times as she pull away in vain as her body get dragged to the huge whitered flower. Let me free, it was not my intention to hurt you. I just wanted to stop you, please...eh? Sakura said until she get into a strange position, she was not expecting to receive a spank, her first idea was than she will be taken inside the flower or raped as the other plant has made.

Her body just squirm with each hit and boucing. The pleasure and pain mixed at the event as she couldnt stop herself to sob and cry by each hit like a little child. It hurts it hurts, please... have mercy. Even with her begs for mercy the spanks continue until her poor sexy rear was all red and sensible.

She then noticed the hand at her head, she wanted than this end now, this punishment has been so huge for her small limit. Soon weakly nodded after this woman's words in order to dont receive more of this terrible punishment.

Yes ... i had learned the lesson. Please dont hit me more.... Sakura havent feel herself so small and helpless, she was tied and at mrcy at this girl will who looks to be so sadist to stop just with this. She dont wanted to say anything else in order to dont piss her more but she really wanted to this woman to release her. Can i continue? I must end this laberinth...
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Good girl. You know not to struggle anymore. Just be my good girl and do as I say, and maybe I'll treat you well, hm?," smiles the alraune as she continues to treat Sakura like a wilful pet rather than a person.

She lifts the girl up with her vines, and turns her to face her as she looks her over with a smile, before she grasps onto the girls breasts and starts to fondle them, letting the milk flow over her rough brown hands. The alraune seems to shudder in delight as she leans in and forces an aggressive and passionate kiss upon Sakura, her rough dry tongue moistening in her mouth.

After a minute she breaks the kiss before lifting Sakura once more, and diving between Sakura's legs, starting to lap at the girls slit, her hands weakly parting Sakura's thighs for easier access, as the vines return to milking her down atop the alraune.

As the plant girl continues to molest her, the brown starts to recede from her slowly, her body seeming to gain tone and curves as her health seems to return from feeding on the lustful juices Sakura was making, gaining strength and beauty as she drills her tongue deeper into the rich girl's body.

"Oh my, somebody got drilled on the way here... Going to have a few kittens maybe?," teases the Alraune, her voice becoming more pleasent and rich to the ears.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The Alraune havent said the answer than Sakura was expecting, if she werent in this situation maybe there could had been a small complain, but the blue haired girl has been hurted so much and going against the will of this dry plant woman will cause her more damage in her poor well endowed body.

Uhm..yes, i will be good. The rich girl answer looking down unable to find out any other way to escape this than be sumise until she find a way to escape of this woman. There was not a such surprise for what will come next as her breasts were already milked, she wanted to struggle as the dry creature get her face in front of her, she was so sure than this will not be pleased as this plant thing has said.

Just a softly whimper and muffed sounds were able to escape from her as she tried to endure all what will come. There was not intention from her to return a kiss as she endure the forced sudden kiss, more likely her whole being focused on remain awake to find a right moment to get out and take her axe but then she noticed how this being was getting stronger as this continue, her only consolation prize is than her mist rope harness havent tried anything rare again.

The warm at her body increased, making her wetness increase each second before get licked and slowly drained deep inside by the alraune. Her will to find to escape was close to end as the lust and soft moans managed to get out, until then she heard a sudden notice out of any possibility and sense.

Wait... but that is not possible... how do you know about the panther? Sakura mind tried to focus in that idea mostly scared of what this mean, it cant be. I dont want to give birth monster's babies. The rich girl tried to look to her own body, trying to find a clue of why this girl has said this
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The Alraune giggled and looked up at the girl she was pleasuring. "I live here, this is my home. You really think I wouldn't be aware of who else lives here? Admittedly I haven't been able to do anything for a long long time. As for you, well. Maybe I'm lying.~"

The Alraune gives her a coy look before diving back in to continue to delve into the girls folds with her increasingly thick and vine like tongue, it beginning to twist into a corkscrew and spin quickly, her grinding her upper lip along Sakura's clit.

The vines relentlessly milk the girl as the Alraune soon becomes a creature of life and beauty once more, it's flower a lovely dark blue, and it;s vnes thick and pretty. the Alraune's skin a dark healthy green with wide curves and heavy breasts of her own. However she doesn't seem to relent on milking Sakura for her fluids.

The plants around the room also seem to slowly be gaining some life to them as well, as though connected to the Alraune. A sweet scent starts to fill the room, one that begins to increase the arousal of Sakura. The various plants seem to almost move and sway slowly around them.

Sakura isn't able to see anything out of place with her body, but maybe it was just the Alraune being a tease. Or maybe kittens took time to grow, it was hard to say.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The pleasure given to Sakura increased more and more as her fluids were drained by the each time more beautiful plant woman, it was getting hard for the poor lady talk or even heard by how her body was being pleasured but even then she manage to focus the enough. I see... her weak words get out between her soft moans as she was glad than as she expected her body cant have kitties, it was unnatural even in a game like this one.

The woman continued and this was turning to be a nuisance for the blue haired girl as she wanted this torture end now before she get completely dry, her afected mind by the pleasure tried to focus on cast an spell, she havent tried it more than a pair of times but she was in dispair, if only she would had know how this temple was she would had avoided to come here or at least get her skills trained like her magic and also some items... she cant give up and go back to the town or she would lost her only chance to escape of this virtual world.

Using her last source of will she bite her lip and closed her eyes trying to find a way to turn her magic power into a fire at the flowers around them, the chances to focus were small and her lack of training would just turn this into a miracle as she never has tried to burn something in a battle or even use magic in so desesperated scenario. If she fail her body would burn in lust and she would mostly lost herself thanks to the scent increasing in the room. Why you... live here? You could be out to dont need do this to us... Sakura ask sure than the water and sun from outside or that greenhouse could be a better place for this girl.