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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 6 vs. 19 W, Miss!
W 4 vs. 9 S, Miss!
S 17 vs. 15 W, Hit!
W 17 vs. 1 S, Critical Hit!
S 17 vs. 6 W, Hit!
W 9 vs. 12 S, Miss!

Sakura's first swing missed badly, but her follow-up backswing struck the wolf in its side as it leaped to attack her, sending it flying away briefly. The result wasn't quite as bloody or harsh as it realistically should have been, likely because of the settings she chose. The wolf got up, growling and snarling as it circled the blue-haired girl. Finally it attacked again, and Sakura wasn't quite fast enough to get out of its way this time, taking the animal's claws to her chest and stomach in a harsh attack. There was a brief, sharp pain, though it quickly dulled and faded, and only slight cuts could be seen down the front of her body. She quickly hacked at the wolf again with her axe, hitting it in its back and causing it to back away, carefully eying the girl and circling once more.

2/4 HP

4/6 FP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The fight was a little diferent of what Sakura expected. Her first attack missed, yet still the wolf just wait until she make it fall away. This make her notice that the battle was not so realistic and a second proof soon reach her when the wolf give her a potent slash with his claw. Yes it was painfull, but she was not badly hurt as she must be. Priscilla soon hit the wolf once again, not waiting other wound to check the game settlings.

Soon the wolf get recovered and tried to circle her, but the rich girl will not give him more time to attack her. With a round swing she tried to hit him on his chest and then use the same impulse to send him fly to the air, maybe expecting to give him a finishing blow as he was drowzee.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 14 vs. 15 W, Miss!
W 20 vs. 14 S, Hit!
S 9 vs. 1 W, Hit!
W 15 vs. 12 S, Hit!
S 8 vs. 16 W, Miss!
W 9 vs. 14 S, Miss!

Sakura's upward swing missed badly, allowing the wolf an opening to slash at her right leg with its claws, though she managed to counterattack properly with another cut on its back. This time it lunged at her and bit her other leg, then jumped back to avoid her next swing. It was growling lowly, seemingly on its last legs, though she was getting pretty tired herself...

1/4 HP

2/6 FP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura's eyes get fully opened once she miss her attempt to hit the wolf in the chest, she saw slowly coming and bite her leg, making her squeak and return her axe to hit him to making get back, but the wolf just bite her other leg instead of get back, Sakura scared get back when the creature tried to bite her. Now scared and wounded, there was not way that she could act different, she just try to hit him once again to protect herself and survive, no matter if she get wounded once again in her attempt to win

[hmm... she will lost once again, maybe fight is not for her : p ]
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 4 vs. 3 W, Hit!

The wolf circled around Sakura slowly, leaping at her suddenly, though she managed to swat it away with the blade of her axe, causing it to fall limp and dead against a tree. It was much less of a bloody mess than it would normally have been, and her own slight wounds healed up almost magically after the battle, probably for the convenience of having her HP replenished after each fight.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Trying to mantain the wolf away, Sakura just tried to hit him when the beast jump to her. Her attack take the life of the creature in the instant and even a lot of blood start to leave the wolf body, making a blood puddle even when her blow was not enough to cause tat, maybe after all this game was not so realistic like she believed.

The rich girl sigh to calm herself and expected to had to rest, but in the instant her wounds get healed and her energy return to her body, making her be ready to continue, maybe this game was not so bad now after she had win for first time. Ready for more, she continue her way to the west, looking around to dont miss the temple.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura continued on for a time, getting deeper and deeper into the forest without seeing another monster. It was quite a peaceful walk, and she almost let her guard down... though not quite, as she noticed eventually that some of the roots on the ground in front of her were moving. They shot out at her, though she easily dodged, and traced them back to one particular tree...

Magical Tree
???/??? HP

6/6 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was having a nice day walking through the forest without get disturbed, but she started to get worried when after many minutes she had not found any monster for her training.

Suddenly she notice some roots coming to her and in the instant she realize that it was a monster, thanks to her fight against the vines. Ready for then, she easily avoid them and even she saw from where they come, the rich girl need experience to be able to get inside the temple, so she decide to fight the strange tree monster. At last she have a axe, a great tool to handle troublesome trees. Trying to dont get caught by the roots, she move toward the tree and then start to logging it, trying to dont stay in the same place and turn in a easy target.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 13, Hit!
T 16 vs. 8 S, Grappled!
S 11, Hit!
T 11 vs. 14 S, Resist!
S 5, Hit!
T 7 vs. 8 S, Resist!

Sakura made her way to the tree and hacked into it with her axe, trying to move away quickly, but not quickly enough to avoid having her legs caught by the roots. She continued hacking away at the tree, resisting its attempts to grapple her harder, though it was a thick tree, and would probably take a while to fell.

Magical Tree
??? - 3/??? HP

Sakura (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
6/6 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The weird fight started not so well for Sakura, but she had still the courage earned from her fight against the young wolf. Her first hack was soon followed by the succeed of the tree to grapple her leg, but the rich girl was like in a frenzy, as her foe was unable to avoid her attacks, she was sure that she will be grappled again if she try to escape from the roots and instead she continued hacking the tree and hope that she could stop the thing of grappling her even more, as she continue her attacks until the roots make her change of tactic
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 16, Critical Hit and Freed!
T 5 vs. 15 S, Miss!
S 9, Hit!
T 17 vs. 5 S, Grappled!
S 18, Critical Hit and Freed!
T 2 vs. 2 S, Miss!

Sakura hit the tree with two particularly heavy blows of her axe, causing the roots to shrink back away from her for a moment, allowing her to get another hit in. The tree still looked sturdy despite all of her attacks on it, though, and it seemed like it would take more to get it to go down.

Magical Tree
??? - 8/??? HP

6/6 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The richgirl soon find the right way to hit the tree, her axe nearly cut until his core and she smile when the creature free her with every blow. However there was not sign than this fight was ending

But even when the plant creature looks like it could never fall, Sakura just decide to dont stop and hit him even more.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 20, Critical Hit!
T 2 vs. 8 S, Miss!
S 8, Hit!
T 4 vs. 4 S, Miss!
S 20, Critical Hit!
T 15 vs. 6 S, Grappled!

Sakura kept hacking away at her opponent, her cuts getting almost to the center of the old tree now, managing to avoid getting grappled again until the very end, though she could feel that the fight was almost over if she could just keep fighting.

Magical Tree
??? - 13/??? HP

Sakura (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
6/6 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Fall,fall,fall she through as her axe cut deep in the cortex of the tree. She could feel it, she just need to continue and soon this pervert creature will be defeated. Even when her leg was grappled again, it dont reduce Sakura attempts to beat this thing, as she use once again her axe to increase the great wound on the tree.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 14, Hit!
T 2 vs. 7 S, Failure!
S 12, Hit!

Sakura gets in two more chops with the axe, and suddenly the roots shrink away from her, falling still on the ground. The tree was now leaning precariously, as the blue-haired girl had cut through more than half of it. A popup suddenly confronted her, telling her that she had gained a new skill.

You have gained Axe Expertise Level 2 (+2 Attack, +1 Defense, 13 dice difference needed to crit or counter)
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Soon, Sakura saw how her whole work had made her win another battle and then a message said her that she had earned a upgrade in her weapon skill. But there was not time to celebrate, if she dont get away soon she will get crushed by the tree when this fall. She quickly tried to push him away of her or at least see where it will fall to get out of the way.

If all goes right, the blue haired girl will continue her path toward the temple. Maybe before she reach that place her weapon skill will get improved again.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura moved quickly to get out of the way of the giant tree, which was beginning to teeter dangerously after her having chopped it much of the way through. It began to fall almost in slow motion, away from the blue-haired girl, smashing into the ground with a loud crash. After witnessing the evil tree's demise, Sakura continued on the way towards the temple. When she reached it, she had to stop and look in awe. It was an enormous structure, one which reminded her of a Mayan temple in the real world, the way it was layered. As large as it was, and as far out in the middle of nowhere, she could believe it might have been plopped down whole more easily than that someone had built it out here. There was something both awe-inspiring and ominous about it. There were no sounds of animals nearby, not even birds or insects, and the air felt somehow heavy.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

wonder what kind of smut i miss

Looking the tree fall in another direction, the naked girl sight happily before continue her path, her walk soon guide her direct to the temple, she just stay astonished by the huge place and she only get free of her surprise when her body feel a strange odd feeling, her fear start to grow as she get inside the temple, she soon begging to think than get inside the temple is a bad idea. Her nude body shiver, as she prepare her axe to protect herself.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The temple doesn't have a door; instead there is simply a huge opening centered in the front of the pyramid-like structure, ringed in foliage. Inside all seems quite dark, lit only by a line of flickering torches that extended to the end of her vision. The air inside was cold and still and heavy, a stale smell pervading the place as if the air hadn't moved in a very long time. As Sakura walked forward into it the torches began to waver even more, and two by two as she walked past them they were snuffed out completely, leaving everything behind her bathed in darkness that was broken only by the dim light from outside filtering in through the entrance... Finally she came across a decision point. There were doors to either side of her, left and right, all made of stone, and then the path continued onward even farther...
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

s Sakura walk, her soft and delicate skin could feel the atmostphere change, she walked scared making a sudden muffed whine as the first torches fade as she walk. please stop... no...no... why they had turn off? she think as she see herself being purtsued by the darkness, all was so silent and odd, the smell make her shiver even more and make a firm hold of her axe, she really wanted to dress her dress but if she lost it she would be nude once she return to the town, the throught was enough to make her blush and feel ashamed, she tried to dont make too much wind in an attemt to make the torches survive but it was useless and then she notice than she should choice one path, this could be her last chance to return if she get lost so this make her decide to take the right path so she could return. Trying to take a torch before move with her axe ready to defend herself and with her bagpack nearly empty at her back