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Sailor Moon OOC thread

Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Can anyone tell me what type of games and rp is done here? Besides them being in the sailor moon genre.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

So far the Rp is like any normal roleplaying game. Though the prospect of erp is a possibility, so I guess it is similar to Dark Gate, just a different system and setting.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Oh? Well I'm indeed interested in that case. is there a certain person that GM's or does one need to find one, and do we need permission to make a character or just have one from the very start?

Edit: Also, I've looked over the character sheets, and I don't really see anything that really explains the limit of points. How many abilities one can take, limit of powers and etc.
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

The point system is explained in the BESM rulebook. Basically they get a certain amount of points for every level of Senshi scout level. Then they spend it on senshi powers or sub attributes.

As to joining, could ask Blueslime.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Mhmm, is there certain classes locked for races or can a guy be played as a Senshi? Kind of gotten the idea of a bit of a feminine looking guy being a senshi in his past life and wearing a paper bag over his head when he 'transforms' to try and hide his identity. For comedy factor~ And magical panties that can somehow fully contain his boybits so he can give panty shots without anyone realizing!

And I think I shall. Just want to get a few details figured out before I do.

Eidt: Erm, this may sound dumb but where exactly is the rulebook?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

No race restrictions, though men are usually knights and woman are scouts. Though in the tv show, there was a boy band that were all sailor scouts, though they transformed fully. Though if not, could be worked out with the gm.

Also the book link is on the opening post for this thread.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Its been a long while since I've taken a look over the show so sorry if I don't remember a few things~ Should likely go take a look at the new show like a few of my mates keep telling me.

And thanks~ Likely wouldn't of looked there! Now I just need to ask Blueslime.

Mhmmm. My security is blocking me from opening the pdf. Any idea why?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Mhmmm. My security is blocking me from opening the pdf. Any idea why?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

No, here is a new link.

Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Ahhh, thanks~ Lets see if this one works! You can ignore my pm. It was for the front page link.

Edit: And it worked! Thanks again Ra~
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I'm currently working with Sprig on creating a character to join with the thread I'm running. Rathuris and Xivvix, are you okay with this?

The concept is a renegade dark warrior who will transition into a Knight.

I have two options - either I can make this upcoming event in the thread be the point where your parties meet, or I can keep you separate for a while. What is the party's preference?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I am alright with Sprig joining.

For when ever he is added to the party, which ever feels more natural during the flow of rp is fine with me.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think there is a good chance they would meet at the point of this event, thanks to his spiritual training he would be able to detect the disturbance and the sources of power moving towards it and would likely want to investigate it himself.

Though will he have been in this world for a while or will he have just entered it when this disturbance happens?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Are you really going to do the bag over your head thing? Our thread isn't super serious, but it hasn't really been that silly either.

Well, I guess Sprig joining is fine. And I agree with Rath, whatever you feel works better for the story, Blue.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Hehe, nooooo, no bag over the head unfortunately~ Wouldn't really work with this character. Though it would of been amusing! And from what I've read
of the thread its got a semi-serious semi-relaxed style too it. For the battles for example the seriousness came out in it, and how bleak it looked for them as they were trying to figure out a way to beat the kings of those thrones. The accident that lead to broken ribs, and then the awakening of a demon that lead to a lot of innocents being taken into the negaverse and the main villain at that time being torn to shreds. All of it had a rather fast paced, heated and serious tone to it.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I've been discussing Sprig's character over PM, and I think it's now more in line with the tone of our setting. Stat-wise, it seems good to go.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Characters done! And into the game, woo~ Looking forward to playing with you all!
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

And made my first post~ What do you all think?