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SIM NTR [サークル冥魅亭] [Circle Meimitei] 死神教団 ~淫森に呑まれた村セグルメット (RJ309886)


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Jul 29, 2018
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From the same circle that created . The game follows an expelled Priest(You) from the Church. As a saint that can hear your God's voice, you have a mission in your quest for salvation: To incarnate your God. (It also turns out that the God you worship is the Death God from the last game mentioned above; however, the developer explicitly mentioned that she will have NO H-scenes in this work.) To do this, you start a new cult alongside your aide Suguzmo in a remote village in a forest and get to work gathering "souls" to offer your God. Despite a strict law of abstinence, lust appears to be creeping out among your followers, including your own loyal aide Suguzmo who seems to take a fancy to the village mayor's daughter. Furthermore, the growth of your cult seems to attract the attention of outside forces, most especially the church that had originally ousted you. As the saint and leader of this new organization, where will you lead your followers and what are you willing to sacrifice? Will you create a healthy and peaceful community whilst pursuing your ultimate goal of your deity's incarnation or will you go towards more drastic measures to ensure the loyalty of the herd?

It's important to note that, unlike Reapers Club, the game has emphasized that most H-Scenes are with men other than the male protagonist. The heroines aren't interested in the protagonist in the first place, and it's up to you whether you want to monopolize them to yourself or as "rewards" for your cult followers.
From playing the actual game now, Netorase seems to be the largest fetish. Most full-blown scenes are either having heroines work as a prostitute for your cult, or marrying them to your libido-filled aide.


As the newly set-up organization in a small remote village, your task is to gradually scale up your organization by constantly developing the village. Above all, this means keeping 5 numerical values above a given limit at all times: 戒律, 禁欲, 生活, 治安, and 防衛. This is accomplished by having your Apostles, select cult followers you can hire and manage, to be your legs and arms performing special tasks you pick for them at the end of each day. Failure to keep even one of these above its set minimum limit - which scales up over the course of the game - will result in a Gameover. While you try to keep your Cult standing and growing, events will naturally play out to progress the story and introduce the heroines. Of course, the outcomes of these will be dependent on your actions.

An important part of the game is managing your followers. A lot of things can lead to a gameover, and a lot of outside forces can bring down your cult with a wrong choice. Of course, that means some extent of reading is essential, so get yourself a translator!

The goal of this game is to, again, reincarnate your God; this means offering up your follower's souls to her. This isn't some crazy human sacrifice-y game where you kill people like maniacs, as you will be picking one Apostle every week that willingly(?) lets themselves be sacrificed. Beware, however, as different Apostles will affect the 5 values in different ways when sacrificed. This is also a good time to mention that the Heroines are and will also become Apostles, though the requirements to recruit them will vary. Obviously, unlocking their H-Scenes will require you to recruit them.

!! Speaking to your aide at night will give you clues as to how to recruit or "capture" each heroine, so going into his room serves as a guide of sorts. Of course, you may witness more interesting things too if you come to his room at night..

Heroine Battles
The Male protagonist is pretty evil himself! When bribing other Apostles that have worked with the Heroines before, you can gain Information on "sins" they have committed. After accusing the heroines at the end of the day of these sins, you will be brought into a Court Hearing with the Heroine as the defendant. After the initial pleasantries, the hearing starts and you will be placed in a card game against the defendant.

image-800 (1).jpg

Goal is to lower the health of your opponent to zero. This is done by overpowering the card that your opponent plays each turn. As far as I know(and remember):
- Each player can play one Field card and a Regular attack card each turn.
- Each regular card has dice value. If a card of the same type is played by both players, the value decides the victor. Equal values results in a draw and wont deal damage to both.
I've forgotten how the elements work. I'll get back to updating this soon.

Examples for Field cards:

The Eye card in the picture reveals the whole hand of the opponent as well as the card they'll play. This makes it incredibly easy to counter if you have a card capable of doing so in your hand.


Winning the duel means the good stuff begins. As "punishment", you get to sexually harass the defendant infront of the crowd. The crowd naturally does react to this with each section of the hearing as shown in the image with the speech bubbles. There is a very slight interaction with this H-Scenes, though it's just clicking without any animated reaction and is required to get through the hearing.

The card game itself isn't the main part of the game as it is first and foremost a SIM(SLG). Of course, they're also a source for H-Scenes for each respective Heroine which may be the more appealing part for the player.

‼ If you're unable to start the game due to a Confirm prompt, refer to the Spoiler below to fix ‼

Continue if you're getting this prompt and unable to start the game.
Basically, this prompt is asking you to fill out some blanks in the options:


Open the options through this button:


The first empty space is the name of your Cult and the second is the protagonist's name. It doesn't have to be in any Japanese character and can be filled with whatever you want. This should let you start the game ~

Extra Links:
All English names are translated. Their JP names will also be mentioned just in-case. I just thought it'd be easier to differentiate the 8 heroines this way. They'll only be mentioned once. These are NOT the official name translations.

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Jul 29, 2018
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This is my first post ever! Let me know if it's sufficient/too much or if I missed anything I needed to add to adhere to the posting rules.
Originally made it so I can get help finding that one damn H-Scene I couldn't find in the Free Demo.

Edited so far:
Preview image - Just catched the no nudity rule very late there, so replaced it with a screenshot of the game's Main Menu. Kind-of borderline, so please inform me if another change is needed and I'll find something more appropriate.
Game summary - Hopefully to generate more interest for anyone that stumbles upon this game for the first time! As if the art wasn't already looking good ~
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Demon Girl
Mar 30, 2012
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I can't seem to start the game. I just takes me back to the main menu:


Active member
Jul 29, 2018
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I can't seem to start the game. I just takes me back to the main menu:
View attachment 37337
The prompt asks you to type down names for your Cult and the Protagonist. Refer below:

Open options through this button


The first empty space is the name of your Cult and the second is the protagonist's name. It doesn't have to be in any Japanese character and can be filled with whatever you want. This should let you start the game ~

An interesting thing to mention that's in the options is an ability to switch languages, though it currently only has [ 日本語 ]Japanese as the only option. While I haven't seen any statements for official translation plans, this could be a sign that it may happen?
Also thanks for letting me know by asking here! I completely forgot about this prerequisite. I'll quickly add it to the OP just in-case others don't know what to do. (y)
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Demon Girl
Mar 30, 2012
Reputation score
Nice, thank you.
Just could not get any meaning of that. Usualy it is enough to just click and see what happens, and after all this time I thought I had become quite profane with tha techniqe :D
The prompt asks you to type down names for your Cult and the Protagonist. Refer below:

View attachment 37338
Open options through this button

View attachment 37339

The first empty space is the name of your Cult and the second is the protagonist's name. It doesn't have to be in any Japanese character and can be filled with whatever you want. This should let you start the game ~

An interesting thing to mention that's in the options is an ability to switch languages, though it currently only has [ 日本語 ]Japanese as the only option. While I haven't seen any statements for official translation plans, this could be a sign that it may happen?
Also thanks for letting me know by asking here! I completely forgot about this prerequisite. I'll quickly add it to the OP just in-case others don't know what to do. (y)


Demon Girl Master
Mar 26, 2012
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Wait, you say that most H-scenes aren't with the male MC yet you say it's netori, which suggests it's the MC stealing the girls from other guys. Also, your description of the game seems like it's mostly gonna be the MC raping the girls. I'm confused.


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Jul 29, 2018
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Wait, you say that most H-scenes aren't with the male MC yet you say it's netori, which suggests it's the MC stealing the girls from other guys. Also, your description of the game seems like it's mostly gonna be the MC raping the girls. I'm confused.
It seems I the wrong definition for Netori for so long noticing only after I read this, wow.
For the second part, I assume this is because I detailed the acts of the hearing events? This is just portion of the game as far as I know as a lot of other scenes will be from regular events as you progress. Also, it seems at least the first heroine didn't mind being groped or kissed infront of the audience crowd. Can't say much for the others. Other than this, I don't think I detailed anywhere else where the MC was proactive with his libido.

So far, the information in the developers blog really only gives me an idea for what happens with 5-ish scenes among two heroines(with there being 8 in total on final release.) Here's what the developer has mentioned about the scenes of this game(Translated; from Ci-en):

Not really sure how to call it as it doesn't sound enough to be Netorare(To me). Again, I thought Netori was something else entirely so I messed that up too. What do you think?
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Jul 29, 2018
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New Character Introduction article released on Ci-en!

Full body illustration available in the article:


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Jun 8, 2020
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So far, the information in the developers blog really only gives me an idea for what happens with 5-ish scenes among two heroines(with there being 8 in total on final release.) Here's what the developer has mentioned about the scenes of this game(Translated; from Ci-en):
View attachment 37426
Could you link the page where this was translated from? Your first post (and this translation) suggests that this is will be a netorase heavy game. To me it sounds like this game will be a wierd mix, like Shinigamikan was. There it felt like the developer wanted the brothel to be a main part of the game, but couldn't do it in the end and did it here. From what I managed to translate the girls can become "sacred prostitutes" and you can send them to do jobs like that, but it's not mandatory and you can monopolise them if you want. The netori aspect comes from one of the girls having a love (or fiance) but sexual activites are prohibited in the cult and only the leader and a few chosen can do it (you might also get the right of first night if the two get married and you can also "bless" them with a child but I'm not so sure about this). So I would say this is more like a harem game with plenty netorase/prostitution (pretty similar to Shinigamikan) and a hint of Netori because of that one heroine.


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Jul 29, 2018
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Could you link the page where this was translated from? Your first post (and this translation) suggests that this is will be a netorase heavy game. To me it sounds like this game will be a wierd mix, like Shinigamikan was. There it felt like the developer wanted the brothel to be a main part of the game, but couldn't do it in the end and did it here. From what I managed to translate the girls can become "sacred prostitutes" and you can send them to do jobs like that, but it's not mandatory and you can monopolise them if you want. The netori aspect comes from one of the girls having a love (or fiance) but sexual activites are prohibited in the cult and only the leader and a few chosen can do it (you might also get the right of first night if the two get married and you can also "bless" them with a child but I'm not so sure about this). So I would say this is more like a harem game with plenty netorase/prostitution (pretty similar to Shinigamikan) and a hint of Netori because of that one heroine.
This is the article that it was mentioned in:

It's also worthy to note that the Developers detail a lot about H-Scene contents in most of these sneak-peek articles. (It's easier to find all of these articles as they're tagged with
#先行Hシーン公開 in ci-en.) Though hardly all the heroines' in-depth introductions and their sneak-peek articles have been released, it can give you a vague(ish) idea.
Other than the first heroine's Netorase with your aide, the other Netorase scenes that have been revealed of other heroines seem to only be employing them as "sacred" prostitutes useable to any special individuals in the cult. I'll likely end up change up the descriptions if it ends up similar to Reaper's Club. There haven't been any other named characters like your Aide that can take a heroine so far.

This is another entry for the character
Suggesting this heroine already has a fiancé back wherever she came from. A subsequent article states that her fiancé may travel to your town depending on your choice, so either the heroine marries her fiancé here or if the player chooses to monopolize her... (???). Seems to be a lil' Netorare element here.

Noticed you said/know most of these already, but I'll just leave it here anyway lol
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Jun 8, 2020
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Oh, interesting. Thanks for the links.
It's starting to sound like you can have a sort of harem, but you prostitute them out and you can also allow them to sleep (or be in love) with other guys just for the fun of it.
I see the developer put everything in this he couldn't put into Reaper's club :D Not that I mind, I always felt Reapers Club was missing elements it should have had, so I'm all for this.


Jungle Girl
Sep 17, 2011
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Not really sure how to call it as it doesn't sound enough to be Netorare(To me). Again, I thought Netori was something else entirely so I messed that up too. What do you think?
As a short way to remember all four NTRs, excluding their sub-categories, here:

NTR is just an acronym for Netorare, Netori, Netorase, and Netoraru. Four separate fetishes. Their only common ground is that they share the same acronym and are all territorial in nature.

For example, Netorare is the fetish of one's own territory being forcibly invaded by someone else without one's own knowledge or consent. Netori is the same, but with switched POV so that the protagonist is the one forcibly invading someone else's territory without their knowledge or consent. Netorase is the fetish of willingly allowing someone else to invade your territory, often times being the one who suggested it in the first place. In Netoraru, imagine Netorare/Netori, except the protagonist is an unrelated voyeuristic 3rd party watching Netorare/Netori happen among other people.

In the case of this game, the author explicitly states that NTR never happens without the explicit consent of the player. So, that would be Netorase.

SOURCE: I have a Netoraru fetish. :V

EDIT: Typos and source.


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Jun 8, 2020
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In the case of this game, the author explicitly states that NTR never happens without the explicit consent of the player. So, that would be Netorase.
With a little Netori element because of the girl with fiance. It will depend on the writing, how heavy that element will be.


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Jun 8, 2020
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Release date is set to 4/29.
At this point I'm extremly curious, what kind of scenes did the developer focus on mainly.
He mixed together harem/netorase/netori so I have no idea what the main theme is now.


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Jul 29, 2018
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Game is now on sale!
There does seem to be the question on the main type of fetish this game presents. Might very well be just a mix again just as their last games.


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Aug 20, 2018
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just played for less than 1 hour and i already got game over because of time, what should i do?


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Game released thread moved to H-games.


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Jun 8, 2020
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Well I'm kinda confused now. I tried to play the game with both google translate and DeepL but the freaking collored words (which are a little bit overused if you ask me) mess up the text.
Played around 3 hours, only got to the point where corone becomes an apostle. After that sudden game over and I have no idea what triggers it.

So the game advanced quite normally. Until the part where the villagers tell you to stop cutting the forest.
If you decide to go against it, you get a game over. If you work with them, then Corone comes and marries a random dude "insert first night scene".
After that the game just advanced and I couldn't here the Death God anymore. No stat went under the given ammount so I'm confused.
So several questions to everyone:
-Corone marrying the other dude is mandatory or that happend because I did something?
-What causes the game over?
-Am I missing something or this game has no interraction with the heroines? I mean compared to how you interracted with the girls several time before they joined you in the previous game, I had no interraction with Corone at all.
-How can you collect black mail info from the girls? Either I didn't reach that point or I missed something.

The only Idea I have is building that one building that costs 30sp but sadly I used up most of it that point. I guess I will try again tomorrow.


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Jul 29, 2018
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As far as I remembered from the old trial version:

You can get blackmail from the Apostles that worked with them in those quests at the end of the day(as long as they're in the same group as the heroine.) At night when you can talk to each apostle, a dialogue option becomes available with any of the heroine's colleagues as you demand them to confess anything wrong they've done for a price, then you can speak to the heroine at night questioning her of the allegations, then the court mini-game thing starts.

I have not played the full-game yet(about to), but I've played the most recent and I guess the actual trial version. Somehow that time I couldn't even progress the game when picking the oppose the village where you only had to raise two stats above the threshold(I presume) as I always get the gameover now. Perhaps that's changed now?