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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Looking around and taking in the situation after getting out of the fantasy, Rumia let out a frustrated groan. Of course she was naked and still horny as Hell. At the very least, the hag was out cold - and so was Lassic, probably. The spider was no longer under her control, at least, which was a good thing. Picking up her stuff, Rumia told Master to dump the hag somewhere out of the way and called the spider. First, she wanted to vacate the immediate area and get past the point that was once protected by that barrier to avoid getting cut off from proceeding again. As soon as the three of them were away from this place, they'd settle down in the nearest available spot for some rest. First to recover from their wounds, then to scratch Rumia's itch. Maybe she could try getting the spider to fuck her again - it'd need as much practice as possible to get better at mating her.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(This is starting to piss me off..)

Rumia would be sent from the fantasy in her mind, back to the reality of the world around her. Of course nothing had changed for her, as she was still on the brink of losing her mind to pleasure still. At least now she was starting to be able to cope with it a little better now. Rumia still wanted to get what she could from this and would start to make her moves.

Master would move what was left of the hag off and essentially dump the body. It would look like the hag was in a coma, the effects of the fantasy taking hold in reality as well for it. There was little likelyhood that the hag would ever be a threat again. Not finding release for herself, Rumia would address this issue with the spider being the lucky one. The interaction was almost comical as Rumia was being overrun by her desire for pleasure and the spider seemed to have no clue what exactly it was supposed to do. Nonetheless, Rumia would find her release. Not really sure now if it was a good thing or a bad thing, the spider did not return the favor and did not empty itself into Rumia.

With most of the issues from the last battle now settled, Rumia would put her clothes and armor back on. What she would find on the other side of the barrier was surprisingly another hallway corridor. The difference between this one and the last was twofold. The first was that about halfway through there was a bend in the hallway with another corridor leading to the seperate area on the map. Rumia would remember that there was a boss of some kind in that area. The second minor difference was that there were no plants on this side of the barrier. The only real things of consequence that Rumia could see was a pack of about 5 dogs with a huntsman caring for them on the other side of the hallway about 150 yards away.
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Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed as she dressed herself after the romp with the spider. It was... Not that satisfying, to be honest. Maybe because she was far too horny to care about coaxing the creature into it rather than just jumping it's bone immediately, but the damned thing also seemed to have trouble comprehending what she wanted from it. She'd have to look into some way of training it to fuck her properly before she tried using it as stress relief again. At least she was able to get off, bringing her back to a more lucid state. Which allowed her to progress and get something done here for once.

Now that she was past the barrier, Rumia would find it a bit odd to see no plants growing here. The mage figured that old elf would try to extend her influence as far as possible. Perhaps the hag lacked the strenght to spread them to this place? Or maybe the barrier prevented it? No matter. She was free to proceed and that was most important. The route to the boss area was clearly visible now... But what drew her attention was the huntsman and his dogs.

For some reason, the sight of a man simply taking care of a few dogs in such a place struck Rumia as odd. She felt curious about him. Who was he? Why was he here? How did he get here? What was he planning to do in this place? Figuring that the boss was unlikely to go anywhere while she wasn't looking, the mage decided to approach him and try to start a conversation. Maybe he would be friendly enough to offer some help, or perhaps some insight about this place at least.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would let her curiousity get the better of her. This was odd to say the least. All that was in this hallway was little more than a pack of dogs and their master. Looking to get some headway into figuring out the situation here, Rumia would engage the huntsman.

"Who be you? Certainly not a monster, so what do you want here? I be not allowing any to pass through here as they will end up being the next meal for my pets. What is out there, that does not concern you. Just turn around and keep walking. Everything will be fine by me."

Not exactly the conversationalist this huntsman. Just like the area before, there was a guard of sorts stopping Rumia from simply proceeding forward. Not seemingly wanting for anything aside from Rumia to just go away, Rumia would need to press a little to see if there was some way to get through that door and proceed onward.

Of course there was still the matter of the other passage. The hallway that turned toward that other area had nothing of import that could be seen as she walked past it. How Rumia would proceed was her decision to make now.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The girl sighed. Of course he'd end up being uncooperative. Still, she felt slightly less keen on fighting him. Probably a bias, nothing particularly important, but enough to stay her hand. At least he didn't demand anything, really. "I'm Rumia. A mage." She introduced herself. "May I at least ask, who are you? And why are you here? I don't want to be a bother, really, it's just it's not very often that I meet someone who doesn't demand something from me or just attacks me outright. Maybe we could just talk?" Perhaps she could try solving this with diplomacy for once.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Oh, a smart one, eh? I speak with small words so you understand good. You go outside, you die. Very simple yes? I keep watch to make sure nothing gets in or out here.

I think you do all those fancy fireballs by the looks of you yes? I will make you a deal. You go and figure out what is causing the area over there to be unnaturally cold, and I will consider you suitable enough to journey outside without being killed immediately."

Among the dogs barking a bit here and there, the message was fairly clear. The huntsman was the protector of this area, though as long as the door remained closed there would be little reason to have to protect anything by the looks of it.

What was of interest was that Rumia gained some insight into what was down the other hall. An unnaturally cold room? What could this be all about?
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Cold, huh? I think I can deal with that. Got plenty of fire to throw around." Rumia nodded. Guess he wasn't a bad guy, really. Just keeping people from killing themselves like idiots. "And I guess I was planning to check that place out as well. See you later, and thanks for the heads-up." Finishing the conversation, the pyromancer turned back and went down the other corridor instead. Cold, huh. This could go either really badly or really well, depending on whether her firepower would simply melt everything or end up being weakened by the frost. As she walked towards the unnaturally chilly place, she decided to consult with Lassic. "Do you know any creatures that might be capable of causing such effects? If yes, how does one deal with them?"
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Could be anything from an infestation of Mephits, or maybe something more powerful, maybe something another druid like the one we just faced. I do not sense the presence of any foul magic, so it is unlikely that there is anything demonic here.

I cannot tell for certain what is there. I do at least know that your power will not fade in the elements like this. The area beyond is not anything you would need help with dealing with. You already know how to deal with something that would be of this element."

Lassic was as useless as he was useful. Not able to sense anything demonic, however also not able to determine exactly what was in there at all. Rumia at least might be able to take some solace in the doorway into the area being simply somewhat cold. Not entirely uncomfortable to the touch but it was clearly colder than the hallway she was currently in.

Were Rumia to make any manner of preparations before going in, this would be the time to do so.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"So it's nothing demonic..." Rumia mused. Hmm, could it be that the source of this cold wasn't magical in nature, then? Turning her attention to Master, she decided to ask the robot for input. "Do you have any idea what might be inside?" She queried. Regardless of answer, she'd check up on herself and her comrades before entering. There probably wasn't do much she could do about her armor or Master's damage, as both would likely need repairs. Still, she'd do what she could to help with that. She'd also give herself and the spider some last minute chance to rest to recover from injuries as much as possible.

Once everybody was in the best shape possible considering their circumstances, Rumia would move towards the door and open it cautiously. It seemed that it was merely a bit chilly, as if pulled out of a refridgerator. It was a good sign, she supposed. It seemed that the cold wasn't as bad as she thought. Or it was originating from a single spot and growing weaker as it expanded, which implied a fairly powerful source and was less good for her. Still, she was a pyromancer. She was equipped for this. And she was going to crack this one just like she cracked all the others before.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would be cautious with her approach to this room. As she finished her preparations, she would enter what felt like a refrigerator. Her body would tense itself with the rather sudden change in temperature. The room itself looked like it were meant for some manner of aquatic endeavor. About 15 feet away from the entryway was a solid sheet of ice that dominated most of the ground within.

There was a ventilation area at various points above her in the roof. There were fairly large fans blowing air throughout the area. At least the source of the cold air being pushed through the room was obvious. Finding the controls however would be a little more difficult. The room being dominated by a sheet of ice that seemed to be a few feet deep would make movement rather interesting.

As Rumia scanned the room some more, she would notice a few machines that seemed to work to move water in some manner. Possibly to purify it in some way? Though the machines seemed to be throwing snow about the room in random directions at this point. Shutting these down may be a double edged sword. There was certainly not smooth terrain near them, but that would make it alot easier to move around in that area.

The final issue would be that there were two serpentine creatures frozen within the ice. There was machinery of some kind that given the configuration of the room would make it fairly obvious that it was meant to control at least some aspect. Master would likely be able to work on this if he can get to it.

The likelyhood of imminent danger seemed low, however simply sitting around would not exactly solve anything either.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia frowned as she took in the area. She'd need to find the fan controls and either shut them down or modify the settings, depending on what could be done. First, however, she needed to make sure she could move around properly. The frozen water in the middle was probably safe to traverse, considering how thick the ice was, but it'd be difficult to move on top of it. That's why turning off the machines that kept throwing snow around became imperative. She directed her first steps there, keeping Master near her to work the machinery in case she wasn't able to do so. Once the snow throwers were offline, she could move on further. The mage didn't want to blast those machines yet - restoring their function might be necessary later.

Once the snow machines were off, Rumia would send Master to start working on what appeared to be the control panel in this room to find out what he could do. Meanwhile she wondered about the two shapes frozen in ice. Knowing her luck, they likely weren't dead and would probably turn hostile once they thawed. She'd have to watch her back with those. There was also the question of who or what turned the machinery in this place into a giant fridge - she'd have to investigate and find the cause, then remove it quick. No point just shutting things down only for them to be reactivated the same way later. That hunter would probably not like it.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would start to consider a plan of action, getting to the machinery on the other side looked simple enough. Though there were a few problems that could be forseen as well. The creatures currently trapped within the ice would likely not exactly be too happy about that, as well as something had to have caused this to happen as well. A pair of serpentine creatures were highly unlikely to have caused this whole scenario to happen.

Rumia would start to consider this for a short while and then settle on trying to get things back to the way they likely were before whatever had tampered with this place. Deciding that the machines that were throwing snow about the area were the highest priority, Rumia would set her focus on getting over there first.

DC8 - Ice
Rumia: 9 - Pass
Master: 9 - Pass
Not wanting to overestimate the ice, Rumia would take care to avoid making any sudden movements that would throw her off balance. Master also would just push himself forward slightly and allow the ice to glide him across the room. As they get close to the machine, Rumia would start to have snow get thrown near her with a little landing on her. Certainly nothing that would constitute a threat, but an annoyance for sure.

These machines after some quick study would become readily apparent that they were an effect and not a cause. It was more likely that the control panel would be what controlled these and the fans over top as well. At this point, it was more formality than anything but Rumia would seemingly just need to move over to the control panel bank.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out an annoyed growl as she brushed the snow off of her for the n-th time. Of course the damn things didn't have an off switch on them. Of course. Still, at least both she and Master were now close enough to the control panel to reach it comfortably. Gesturing at the robot to follow her, she walked up to the machine. "All right then, since you're probably more familiar with the equipment here than I am, I'm gonna need your help operating this. We've got to shut down the machines here first. Then, I'll need you to run a diagnostic or whatever, figure out what caused this and where I can find our target. I'm afraid you'll probably have to deal with any tampering that's been put into effect. I'll take care of the ones responsible." The mage declared. "Once the cause has been removed and the machines fixed up, we can restore their functions. That should probably normalize the situation here."
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia after figuring out her plan A was going to be ineffective, would go right for plan B. Now at the master control panel, both Rumia and Master would need to simply figure things out at this point.

Master was certainly familiar with this control panel, there were similar machines back in their own control center. However, the damage that was done was not seemingly something master was able to simply undo. Running a few diagnostics to start, Master would report that there were 3 issues. Fairly obvious since the results were readily evident to anyone within the room.

First the ventilation system was malfunctioning. There was cold air being sent into the area, almost like an air conditioner on a large scale being left on the lowest setting. Certainly an issue, but not the heart of it.

Second there were the smaller water filtration systems that were essentially repurposed into snow blowers. Again what woul seemingly be an effect and not the overall cause of the systemic failure within this room.

Third was the giant chunk of ice itself. Another effect of the system failing. The drainage system was failing as the water was not being cycled through due to being frozen. As Rumia would start to put a few things together, she would realize that this was some manner of holding tank for an aquatic use.

Finally there would have to have been something that did all of this. Whoever or whatever it was, was not readily apparent. So Rumia would have to remain vigilant for whatever it may have been that caused this. Alongside the imminent threat that if the ice were to return to water, it was likely whatever was frozen within would become a threat to her as well.

Rumia would need to think about this before she told Master which one of the systems to attempt to restore first.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia went over the list of issues as she considered her next move. The ventilation system was what reduced the temperature in the area - it was the lynchpin of this whole setup. The makeshift snow throwers merely added to the frost that covered everything. The drainage system, on the other hand, was as good as offline considering no water could flow through it. Obviously turning everything around would be a pretty bad idea, considering it'd likely result in chaos. Probably bringing down not only the cause of this mess on her head, but likely freeing the serpents while forcing her to fight in the middle of constantly changing circumstances. No, restoration of the enviroment would have to wait until the reason behind this was isolated and removed.

After considering her options for a bit, Rumia decided to order Master to shut down everything, but hold off on restoring any functionality. The place would still remain cold for a good while, likely keeping the water creatures frozen unless they had some rapid thawing ability. The overall system shutdown would likely stir whatever created this mess, though, perhaps even prompting it to emerge. She'd be able to engage and with a little luck, destroy it. After that, she could take her time returning the place to it's normal state. Decision made, she gathered her party, for what it was worth, then gave Master the signal to turn all three systems off. Then, it was a matter of waiting... And seeing what comes.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would think about things, and decide that fools rush in. It would be this decision to see if Rumia was foolish or not. Master would commence a full shut down of the systems in the room. This did not seem to affect anything else, since the ventilation was linked to places possibly outside of this room. With the fans in the vents being stopped and the water system also halted, the room was almost now completely silent. As Rumia suspected, there was no immediate changes to the surroundings aside from the lack of a snowy mix being blown about the area.

There was some noise still coming from the ventilation shafts, as something was awakened while the vents ceased to function. A few small ice creatures would emerge from the vents. Mephits by the looks of them. Small fairy like creatures that would seemingly swarm about now that their hive was disturbed.

A voice would enter Rumia's head, and it was a familiar one. Lassic seemed to want to say something.

"I will show you how to destroy these. It is time to unlock a new spell for you. Obliterate these pathetic creatures with it."

With this, Rumia would get flooded with a quick tidal wave of knowledge. It would seem that the chain lightning that Lassic used against the Hag inside her mind was not just a figment of that particular reality. Lassic would implant the knowledge of the spell upon Rumia.

(Spell Learned: Dancing Flame - Once per battle and 1 turn to ready which can be offset by paying 1 FP to cast immediately. Cannot be interrupted by damage but will be interrupted by being grabbed or a status effect.

Will attack all enemies and bounce about until the blasts miss their next target or eradicate all enemies. Can not cause friendly fire unless they are grappling a valid target.)

(Skipping the infinite long set of rolls.. just not worth posting them)

With Lassic seemingly still keeping some level of control over Rumia, The spell would be prepared and launched immediately. 4 dancing flames would bound about and deal a devastating amount of damage to the approaching Mephits. What was left was a mostly charred set of falling corpses that were starting to melt away at the ice below her feet. There were a few lucky? ones that survived the blasts however they were singificantly damaged.

Rumia would have one more go at them before they were within range of attacking. Their breath attack would be fairly dangerous if they were left unchecked. Four of them remained, and they were pretty clearly wounded already.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP
Master: Unavailable, manipulating control panel
Spider: 4/4 FP

Mephit 1: 2/5 FP
Mephit 2: 2/5 FP
Mephit 3: 1/5 FP
Mephit 4: 1/5 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia frowned as she regarded the fae-like monsters that began to emerge from the ventilation system. Mephits, small ice sprites. One was a minor nuisance at most. A swarm could be deadly. They likely set up their dwelling in the corners of the ventilation shafts, setting the machine up so that it kept blowing cold air all over the place to suit their tastes. Blasted little imps, they'd be annoying to clear out. The pyromancer couldn't help but worry a little, though. With those numbers, she'd be forced to keep pushing out forked bolts frequently to make any sort of sizeable dent in their forces. As she began to prepare for a prolonged and likely painful slog, she felt Lassic make his presence known.

The girl shivered as the wave of knowledge hit her. The principles behind the bouncing bolt of lightning Lassic had used were suddenly revealed to her and immediately combined with her knowledge of fire magic. The new spell that was created felt almost as if she had known it from the beginning. The set-up time was kind of annoying and the cost of bypassing it unpleasant, but she could live with that. What she liked less was Lassic deciding to force her to cast it immediately. He could have at least asked, damn it! Still, she couldn't argue with the results. The mephit swarm was decimated by the surging flames, a small rain of corpses hitting the ice, leaving a mere handful of nearly dead survivors standing.

With the horde nearly finished off, Rumia would now have an easy task cleaning up the remains of it. Granted, the creatures could still be dangerous, but the battle was likely hers by now. Commanding the spider to target the first mephit available and pelt it with poison, she channeled twin bolts of flame and sent them at the weakest of the bunch. With a bit of luck, she'd kill both, leaving her with only two annoyances to clean up next. The battle would be easily finished after that, most likely. All she needed to do now was not miss.

(Spider attacks first mephit, forked blast at number 3 and 4.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would not entirely be pleased with Lassic, however she was warned that power did have a cost when their alliance was first formed. At least this time the cost was one that was very likely one that was worth paying. With a few injured Mephits left to deal with, it was only a formality at this point to dispose of them. A forked blast would see two of the survivors fall from the sky.

The remaining two Mephits were unable to do anything of consequence and as they would flounder about Rumia and the spider would pick them off as well while suffering no damage on their own side. About the only thing that came from this slaughter would be a few small pools of water forming from the Mephits falling to the icy ground below.

With at least part of the problem solved, Rumia would now potentially look into what else may need to be done. Also looking into what order they would need to be done in, as Master was waiting at the controls for a command of some kind.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia took a moment to recover from the fight. Mostly she had to recover from Lassic forcibly pushing her into hastening the Dancing Flames, the mephits turned out to be as good as trash in their condition. Once that was out of the way, she'd consider checking the ventilation system for any remaining foes. Climbing into the vents would likely be very difficult - if possible at all - and would lead to a tedious and possibly dangerous search. No, it was far more effective to use the system itself to deal with any potential stragglers.

Turning to Master, Rumia gave him the order to restore the ventilation system and start pumping some warm air to melt the ice first, then return it to it's normal parameters. The filtration/oxidization system and the water pumping system would be turned on after the giant block in the middle of the room started to melt, giving them something to work with. Pumping in some fresh, warm water would likely speed up the melting process. In the meantime, the mage began to prepare for another fight. Either against any remaining ice creatures, or the two serpent-like beasts frozen in ice.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would take a few moments to process just exactly had happened. Evaluating the situation, it became clear to her that the ice was going to melt one way or the other. Instructing Master to turn the heat up within the room, the obvious effect being that the ice would start to melt.

With the ice now starting to crack and melt away, the filtration system would start to function properly again though a few chunks of ice would clog it for a few seconds here and there every so often. With the area now restored to its possibly original state, there were 2 serpent like creatures swimming about the water. They did not seem to really care about Rumia as they did not immediately attack her.

Rumia would be so fixated on the serpents, that she did not readily notice the pair of rather small Yeti that had descended from the vents. Probably just a pair of young Yeti pranksters trying to make this room into their own personal playpen. Rumia would become aware of their presence when one of them gave up any chance at the element of surprise by letting out a howl.

Yeti Scream: 5 - 7 Rumia - No Effect

Rumia at least knew what she might be up against were she to just have at them. Though much like the serpentine creatures simply swimming about, they may not exactly respond well to being attacked.

(all skills at the ready)
Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP
Master: 4/5 FP
Spider: 4/4 FP