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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Now free once more, Rumia decided to do some real damage. It was risky, and if it didn't work then she'd be in a lot of trouble, but it was worth it. She summoned more of her power, creating another forked bolt to throw... Then began to channel power through Lassic, mixing in his corrupt magic with her own. It'd leave her a bit weakened due to the influence of his power and increased arousal, but if it went well it ought to cripple the Behir pretty badly. She let her barrage loose, aiming for separate parts of the monster, shouting at the spider to keep hitting the most damaged spots.

(Empowered Forked Blast, channel 1 AP. Aim at separate parts. Spider keeps attacking whichever's weaker.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would give a bit of herself to Lassic again, and the result was hopefully that the Behir would be destroyed. As a few lewd images would dance through her mind, Rumia was still able to focus herself.


Rumia Forked Blast+: 8, 3 - 7, 5 - Behir - Hit Head, Miss Body
Spider Attack: 6(-2) - 7 Head - Miss

Behir Head: 6 -5(-1) Rumia - Hit
Behir Body: 5 - 11(-1) Rumia - Counter

Rumia would channel a massive blast that would severely damage the head of the beast. The spider seemingly at least able to comprehend that the head was severely damaged would fire off another poorly aimed blast that looked at least like it was directed at the head of this beast.

The Behir was unamused from having its head almost obliterated from that blast and would ram right into Rumia. As it tried to follow up with its body to ensnare Rumia however, she was able to stop it by blasting the Behir away.

Rumia: 3/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/2 CP - Naked
Spider: 2/3 FP
Master OOC

Behir Head: 1/6
Behir Body: 3/6
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a groan as she got hit again. Dammit, those visions Lassic kept sending her way were really distracting! At the very least, she managed to hit the beast's head... He was pretty fucked up by now, one good hit would likely take it out. Unfortunately, the spider wasn't doing too well, it's aim going wide most of the time and she was starting to slow down too. A few more hits and she'd go down. At least she managed to keep it from grabbing onto her this time. Gathering herself, the girl resumed fighting, flinging projectiles at the Behir's head, hoping to shoot it dead before she ran out of strenght to fight.

(Attack the head.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was starting to fade, as was her enemy counterpart. The battle raged on for some time now and it almost seemed as if this would be decided by a battle of wills. Rumia looked to finish this thing off.


Rumia Attack: 11(-1) - 8 Head - Hit

Rumia aims a shot at the oncoming Behir, and lands a perfectly timed blow to the head of the beast. The Behir simply crumbles to the ground twitching about a few times before simply ceasing to exist. Rumia has won this fight.

Searching the cave that they were fighting in, there would be little of interest save for the tail that was severed previously. There was unfortunately no treasure chest at the end of the mission. A few things were of passing interest, as they did not readily seem like they belonged in a cave of a beast.

The most readily noticeable was the outline of a hidden door, that was not really hidden aside from the fact that there was no readily available trigger mechanism for it. Rumia could continue to explore in this area, simply move to head back to the safe haven, or try to get all the way back to the base.

Rumia: 3/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/2 CP - Naked
Spider: 2/3 FP
Master: 5/5 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a triumphant shout as the Behir died, dropping to the floor after taking her fireball head-on. After getting her bearings back and searching the area around, she was a bit disappointed to find that there was no loot to claim save for the severed tail. She asked Master whether it'd be possible to somehow harvest it or take it with them. Store whatever they could get it out if - bones, scales - as materials for later, and maybe make something to eat out of the meat if there'd be no other use for it too. Either way, she was not abandoning the tail if she could help it.

Once the matter of the tail was settled, she began to inspect the strange door. She'd try to push and pull on it in various ways, hoping that maybe it'd open up or slide away if she did. Should that fail, she'd look for clues, buttons, levers, riddles, anything really that might be hidden in the area, whether among the debris or some other fixtures. Finally, should she exhaust all possible options, she'd try to simply knock on it, or try asking through the door for it to open. And if that didn't work... There were always fireballs.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(The tail is yours, one way or the other..)
Rumia would look to get what she could from the Behir. With Master already holding a good deal of materials from the tunnel, Rumia would need to rely on her backpack to carry anything she could get from the defeated monster. A few scales were fairly easily plucked away along with a pair of the claws. Rumia would also have a chance to get some of the innards like the teeth or a tongue if she desired. The usefulness of these items could not be determined until she were to get back to the home base, though Rumia could certainly stuff her backpack as much as she possibly could with them.

Rumia would notice what looked like a door of some kind. Though for some reason there seemed to be no mechanism to open it. No manner of trying to manipulate the door, including fireballs of differing magnitudes seemed to be wanting to so much as dent this area of the mountain. Could she have overlooked something that was in an alcove on her way here?
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed. No matter what she did, the door wouldn't budge. What the Hell was she missing here? Shaking her head, the girl grabbed her backpack and stuffed it full of scales and claws, along with whatever guts she managed to grab ahold of. The more, the merrier. Following that, she tried to get back to figuring the door out. If the opening mechanism wasn't here, then it had to be something else. She tried backtracking to the alcoves from before - perhaps whatever she needed to open the door was hidden there?
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would salvage what she could from the Behir. Surely something had to trigger that door. The problem of course was that there was no trigger or mechanism that Rumia could find to unlock that door. Thinking that she had missed something, Rumia would search the alcoves that she had casually wandered through before.

Finding nothing in the alcoves, Rumia would need to figure out how and or if it was even possible to get that door open. There was nothing within the mountainous area that was going to allow that door to open. With little reason to be within the mountain area any longer, it would be up to Rumia to make the final decision on what she would do. However there was little else to do aside from heading back to the home base at this point.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed. She couldn't quite figure out what the deal with the door was. She returned one last time to it, glaring at the doorway as if it had offended her. Having exhausted other options, she decided to settle for asking both Master and Lassic whether they could tell her anything about this door or figure out how to open the damn thing. Should they have no insights to offer, she'd give up and return to base. But if one of them had any sort of observation that could be useful, she'd definitely attempt to go through.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would consult Lassic, and for once he was at a loss. Not having any real idea what the door was or why it was there, it could offer nothing in the way of insight. Master however basically said that there might be some way of opening it back at the base.

With no ready solution to the door available Rumia would head back. A few things were on the menu when they arrived back in the home base. In no particular order: The spider, the metals collected by Master, the materials gathered from the Behir, and Rumia's clothing come to mind fairly quickly.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed as she returned back to base. First order of business was tending to her clothes, repairing them and making sure that everything was in order. While she did that, the robot was given the task of sorting through the gathered minerals. Seeing what was useful, how much of everything they've had on hand, and what could be done with it. Once she had a list of available resources, she'd make her decision. The materials from Behir were something she mostly worked on herself. She'd try to see if it'd be possible to fashion some kind of protective covering from it's scales, perhaps some small armor or something like that. Fangs and claws could make weapons, but she was hardly a melee warrior and unless Lassic wanted something spiky, she'd simply use them together with the scales to make armor.

Meat and guts were another thing. First, she'd try to get Master or some other robot to run some tests on a few samples, see if there was anything useful to be extracted from them. After that, she'd settle on making some roast Behir to celebrate another victory. She'd try feeding a few bits to the spider, see if it liked it. The arachnid would occupy her attention next. It had decent offensive abilities, but little durability. She'd see if it'd be possible to make him bigger and tougher, maybe to the point where it could be trained to serve as a mount. Finally, the matter of the mysterious door. Master suggested there might be a way of opening at the base, and this merited a search.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would almost immediately set off on making a new set of clothes. Master would process the materials gathered. Lassic woyld do something useful and inform the otber robots of the door they found at the end of the tunnel.

Upon completion of her latest fashion statement, Rumia would look to add a little something to her ensemble. From the looks of it, the scales from the Behir would make for a faurly decent chestplate that could cover her from the chest up. Leaving a single scale for the robots to attempt replicating if she so desired.

As Master would finish sorting the minerals and metals gathered, it would appear that there was enough to do a few things. Used with the scales, a potential was seen for a more useful armor design that would over her regular clothing. The fangs and teeth could be used to fashion claws or some other smaller weapon to help in close quarters. When consulted, Lassic was fine the way it was.

The Behir tail was essentially the trophy from the hunt. The other guts Rumia was able to salvage were used to make food for both herself and the spider. The spider seemed to react favorably to this and it would seem that the spider was getting stonger (+1 FP).

There were a few loose ends. Namely what to do about the door and fashioning a saddle of some kind for the spider so that Rumia could eventually ride into battle with it. It was not quite there yet, but Rumia was closer to that goal.

The door according to one of the robots has a 16 panel lock to it. What looks like a keypad was on one of the control boards though it would take time to solve this using brute force inputting random buttons. Possibly a code could be found rhat would unlock the door.

(Sorry for the butchering as I am on my phone currently)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia cursed her luck. 16 panels. Code lenght unknown. She was no math professor, but she learned enough about combinations and probabilities to realize that brute-forcing this was likely to take up a massive amount of time. Too much to be realistically feasible. She'd have to leave the matter until she had some information about the code, if not the whole code itself. With a sigh, the girl gave up on that venture at the moment and focused on other matters. The spider was growing nicely, she'd definitely have to look into finding more things she could feed the creature. Also get some leather to make a saddle for it, too.

Meanwhile, the armor project was progressing suprisingly nicely. After consulting Master, Rumia decided to leave one scale for the bots to analyze and focused on combining the ores gathered in the cave with the scales to create a suit of armor to wear over her clothes. A combination of metal and Behir scales would be used to fashion protective plates while fangs would be placed around joints and places her enemies could attempt to latch onto in order to discourage them. The beast's claws would be mounted on her arms, to let her fight off someone who managed to get grabby with her regardless. Once the design was ready, she'd review her options, picking the next area to visit.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would focus her efforts on fashioning a piece of armor. This would work rather well as the armor would fit itself quite nicely overtop of her clothing. (+1 CP) The claws however seemed like they would need a little more work to be truly effective as a method of discouraging anything from grabbing her. Maybe this could be looked into some more further down the road. Looking at the combination lock mechanism, Rumia would quickly realize that the code would take forever to potentially find by brute force alone.

Rumia could attempt to go outside where she was originally found, to see if there were any salvagable materials. Master would not be able to follow, stating something about his programming not allowing him to go outside. The robots identified another target for elimination, so if Rumia wanted there was another tunnel system that could be explored. There seemed to be numerous targets in this particular area, 5 to be exact.

(Shitty map)

The markers C, D, E, H and I all had little skulls on them to denote that there was a target to be eliminated there. G was marked with what looked like a campsite, so that might be a safe area possibly? From what could be seen from the limited surveilance was that sections A, B and C were indoors, however the rest of the area was outdoors and within the compund. A few minor monsters could be seen as well as a few of the more difficult enemies as well. A Giant Scorpion could be seen in area C. A pack of jackals were spotted not too long ago headed in the direction of area D. Once clear of area D, Rumia would be totally on her own as to what she may face.

The choice for what Rumia would do next was made somewhat more complicated by the fact that she could still simply go into the entertainment area as well.
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Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was pleased with her new armor. The plates, made of metal and Behir scales, would keep her clothing from falling apart too easily and was much harder to damage, too... Provided nothing knocked them off, or broke the harness keeping them on top of the clothes. With the problem of the door left aside for now, Rumia was given a choice. She didn't particularly care for a break, feeling good about herself. Going back didn't appeal to her much at the moment. Which left going into next area, to kill the threats there.

The next one looked like it'd be quite the gauntlet. Several major threats, four of which were grouped up in pairs. Also a number of smaller annoyances. This could be difficult if she didn't pace herself well. Still, she was confident in her ability to deal with those problems. Picking her stuff up and setting out, Rumia decided to head towards area D and start the cleanup with monsters located over there. With that place out of the way, she could progress towards C and check out F along the way once that was dealt with. A stop at G to recover, then final confrontation at H. This looked to be a sound plan.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(ffs ate the post and then I was away for the weekend.. oops)

All great journeys start with a single step. Rumia would need to keep this in mind possibly as she planned her journey out and headed for the entryway into those corridors. With some of it being indoors and the rest outdoors, there would be little in the way of knowing what to expect once she were to enter into the great outdoors again.

As she entered into what was marked corridor A, it would seem that alot of plantlife was about. Vines were seemingly everywhere along with a few random creatures entangled within them. There were seemingly random noises coming from them, and a quick translation from Master would reveal that they were asking for help. The tone inferred from the sounds heard was one of desperation or despair most likely. Little else at this point could be seen from the dense vines almost wholly covering the area.

These corridors would make it difficult for the spider to maneuver with how it has grown. It was getting close to being almost as wide as the hallways were themselves at this point. What would Rumia choose to do at this point now that she could potentially gain the advantage of surprise on these vines?

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 3/3 CP
Master: 5/5 FP (snare ready, sonic boom ready)
Spider: 4/4 FP (web ready)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia looked around, taking in the situation. Vines again, which likely meant that there was some kind of plant monster nearby that was the source of the vegetation. Furthermore, other creatures were under attack here. It was unlikely they'd be particularly friendly if released, but it was still no reason to leave them like this. Frowning, Rumia set to work. Focusing her fire magic into a thin lance, she worked on cutting her way through, liberating the caught creatures along her way. Master wouldn't be of much use here, but perhaps the spider's venomous spit would work on the plantlife, withering them or even eating through, maybe. Either way, it was time for some gardening - specifically, removing the weeds.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would do what any sensible mage would think to do, start burning away at the vines. These vines were nothing like the ones she had encountered previously. They were seemingly not sentient in any real way shape or form, just a mass of unkept overgrowth. The creatures however that were pleading and wailing were another issue entirely. As Rumia would get close to one, it would simply disappear.

These illusions may be the actual challenge in this room? The vines certainly were not putting up much of a challenge as they were just.. there. Rumia would soon learn the source of the illusions as she finished burning through the weeds into an area large enough to be able to move around somewhat. What awaited was an old hag of some manner. A forest siren of sorts that lures victims in with illusions.

Rumia at least up until now seemed to not be affected in any tangible way. The hag was certainly old, and likely in need of something to feed off of were it to continue to live. Were Rumia to be enchanted by the illusions, then maybe this hag would have had its way with her? As it stood now, either Rumia was too powerful to be entranced or the hag had simply withered to a point where the spell no longer had enough power behind it to serve its purpose any longer.

One thing was for certain, the hag was between the door forward into area B and Rumia.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"And just what the Hell are you?" Rumia muttered to herself as she examined the creature before her. An interesting specimen, to say the least, but probably a weak one from the looks of it. Between her equipment, firepower and backup, the mage was probably more than capable of taking that one out. Though whether she was unaffected by the spell because of her own power or because the illusion ran out of juice, she couldn't say.

Still, the pyromancer had to admit that the vision itself was fairly realistic, certainly fooling her until she started to get close enough to cause the projections to wither away. Thankfully her decision to burn the way all the overgrown plants allowed her to see through them. Now it was only a matter of dealing with their creator. And while Rumia doubted she had particularly good intentions, she didn't quite feel like incinerating a defenseless opponent who had yet to piss her off or wasn't some dumb monster.

"In case you're planning to get in my way: I wouldn't recommend that." The mage sighed, regarding the hag. "I've killed my way through everything I've encountered so far and I don't think that trend's going to change anytime soon. So let's not get in each other's way, hmm? As long as you don't cause trouble, I might not incinerate you here."
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Plan to get in your way or not, your fate is already determined. If you want to leave the spider behind for me, then I can let you pass. Otherwise so long as I live, no one gets into the next area. So, you can turn around and keep walking back the way you came for all I care.

It has been a few years since I have had a proper meal, so maybe I am getting a little rusty."

With this it was made clear that were Rumia to proceed forward, the hag was not going to just allow it to happen. If Rumia were to choose to do so, she could sacrifice the spider to the hag. She could just turn around and walk away like nothing ever happened all the same as well.

With how Rumia was posturing herself, it was likely that neither of those were the correct answer. The barrier the hag had erected was clearly magical in nature, so it would be that either the hag would need to bring it down or Rumia would need to bring the hag down if she were to proceed forward.