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[RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

[RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

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Dec 6, 2009
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I have decided to try to do a rpg of Serifyn's Tentacle Lair Escape Apocalypse.

I dont know when this might be finished. Im still learning things about the system. But I have already made faces and character sprites for the character choices we were given in the CYOA. I need to figure out how to implement a character selection screen. I will post any progress I make when I get it done and have a chance and opportunity to post.


Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Character select like this?


Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

cool.... this looks promising... ^^

Wish you the best of luck with this project, hope it turns out nicely...
there have been some other great projects here... wich I still consider among the best RPG-H games I have played.... :D
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

im honored.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Update: I've got the first few maps made. Mostly. An abandoned town, several empty buildings, a ruined inn and pub. A ruined church with your first npc, a devastated nun who shares dialogue. I've filled out one building which you can explore. When I get on line with my laptop next and a good uploading site, I'll put pic and such up. I also have the basic map or exterior map of purples lair. More to come when I have it worked out. :D
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Just curious, are you copying the story as well or are you just using the setting and characters?
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

For anything involving TLE overlord and TLE I'll try to copy the story best I can
For the games progression, I'm making it up since you're still in the beginning/middle of it. Honk honk.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Basic unifinished maps and sprites for Olivia and locations










NPC Dialogue
Im putting the link to my album here because there's too many to put down: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=721
Spoilers cuz big images and lots of them.

UPDATE UPDATE: As you can see Ive new maps, changed an event and edited the first exterior map. Also implemented character select. Purple lair has also been updated to include an unfinished overlord battle.
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Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Id like to help in any way that i can, but allow me to make a couple of quick points regarding what you have so far, so that you can better understand the setting and the timeline at which TLE:A takes place.

The following is observations about what you have done so far, and how i think you can improve it to better fit the setting i have created, if that is your wish.

1. The Nun - The event which shapes the world of Apocalypse is ofcourse, the Apocalypse, an event which is understood to have happened over 200 years ago in the world in which the game is set.

The Apocalypse was an event where all of the tentacle creatures, who had been hidden away from the world for thousands of years, decided to crawl out of their lairs and attack the world collectively, enslaving the human population and killing many of the men, so that they would not regroup and cause problems later on.

Being that the events were 200 years ago, civilization has all but disappeared, except for small and scattered pockets of survivors, who live off of whatever scraps they can find and live day to day, in fear of being captured or recaptured.

Because of the timeline between when civilization fell and the present day, it is unlikely that any kind of formal religion from the past would have survived, certainly not long enough for a nun to learn, practice and inevitably lose faith in her religion.

Living in this world means that beliefs and traditions are luxuries that few free humans can afford, being that they are constantly being hunted, and are instead more focused on attaining simple things such as food, shelter and clothing for protection from the elements and the creatures.

Under the same situation you have envisioned (a woman who is alone, devastated and there probably to explain the setting of the world to the player), i would instead see a woman who is scavenging for supplies, probably unaware of what the significance of the church was to the former civilization other than a building full of relics and books.

Introducing a character in such a way would relay the desperation of the human race, and how it has lost what we in today's world take for granted.

2. The Walls - This is a minor point and may be considered nitpicking, but given the setting of the land which the entire game has taken place in, i think it deserves mentioning.

You have created a town which has been devastated and destroyed by time, it has long since lost it's inhabitants and thus has fallen into ruin, the marks of degradation should be evident in every way, wheel barrels and other tools are left in place, their rotten wood and rusty metal has not moved in hundreds of years since their master (who had likely suffered a grim fate) had last left them there.

The scenery of a town should be haunting, showing minor signs of struggle, but otherwise left empty and completely unattended, the roads will be cracked and ruined with vegetation growing through them, the fences should be rottened and damaged, the overgrowth of the nearby plantlife should be slowly invading the town, consuming it as everything in town is slightly more naturalized.

Being that the vast majority of the story throughout the series takes place close to the town of barkholm and it's nearby forest, many of the surrounding towns should at least partially reflect the appearance of barkholm, so lets talk about it.

Barkholm was a town created on the edge of the forest (the great forest in which the majority of TLE and alot of TLE:O takes place), Barkholm is on the edge of civilization, far from the capital, it the fact that it is so far from the capital means that its citizens must fend for themselves, growing their own food, mending their own clothing, even educating their own children.

It is unlikely that the town of barkholm would built a wall around their town, as the majority of their populous actually embraced nature, many of the people in the town went into the forest every day to either harvest its bountiful yield or enjoy its quiet and peaceful tranquility.

If the philosophy of barkholm, which is believed to be the largest community in this area of the world is that they would not need walls, that philosophy would spread to the nearby smaller towns and hamlets, building a wall would be a waste of time to these people of the past, who embraced the very nature which would inevitably yield their enslavement hundreds of years later.

It could be seen as nitpicking, but i see it as a kind of irony that these people wouldent build walls because they saw no reason to.

Of course the walls or lackthereof is never mentioned in the story, seeing them surrounding a town would suggest that these people had something to build walls for, when in fact, they had no reason to fear anything, especially not something absurd, such as tentacles.


If you truely want to implement my vision of the world into your game, id love to help you, but i would also understand if you wanted to have complete control over the story of your own game.
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Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

NP. They were pretty much just the pre generated maps I used. But I could edit the walls away and probably find the damaged fence tiles easily enough. The nun is also easily enough corrected. I'll try to get it fixed over these next few days I'm off. I will upload the rest of the maps I made and see what you think of them here in a bit as well. As I said I doubt I'm even 10% finished to having the game be what I want it to while sticking close to the story you made.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

That's a fascinating initiative! And awesome as well _^_
You're the artist behind the face sets or are they remade from something?

Do you have an idea how you'd be presenting the h-scenes? Text only, CG's, Custom Girl generated images or maybe VH like sprites?

In any case, I wish you good luck... and know... you'll be watched... closely *evil laughter with a thunder bolt in the background* (in a good way of course ^^)
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

It's a premade char generator in the program, I just look for the ones that I think best or closest match the description Serifyn gave us. As far as H scenes, I am a LONG way away from feeling like I want to tackle those yet. I probably will put them in, but if I do I'll likely turn to an accomplished actor/designer when the time comes. Right now, I'm just trying to focus on getting maps up, putting in events and laying the ground work for the world. But thank you all the same :D
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Added poll for people to choose which protagonists they would like to have in the character select screen.
I originally wanted to include all of them, but couldn't wrap my brain around how to implement one.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Though I know little of RPGmaker, I would just like to voice my kudos to you and your project!

Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I would say for me it wouldnt matter as much wich one, I think all of them have a way of cuteness to them... Eva is my least fave from what I see here....

but I think all would do fine as the protagonist... ^^

Can't wait to play a demo... seems like you wil be making an awesome project out of this...


I was asking something someone before already asked... so never mind... I see you arent up for the H-events and such for now.... although I do hope you wil get those in sooner rather then later... this looks so promising... ;)
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

UPDATE: Look to my earlier post. But new maps, events and some edits. Nowhere near finished. Will post a demo once I get to where I can get to mediafire.

ver. 0.0 The first map is only about 20% at best complete, I dont have a way to get to the other maps, but I just wanted to share what ive got done so far. As I mentioned earlier theres a glitch in the church with a repeating dialogue, just disregard until I can figure out to keep it from looping. Also Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions and the like.

EDIT: Fixed buildings by making new maps for them in the slums. Will upload later. Also looking for decent/competent sprite artists to make nude mods/sprites for the pcs.
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Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Reading the TLE and was thinking that if someone was able to take all that and make it into a game it would be really sweet, but would also take allot of work.

Mind if I ask what your vision is on what kind of battle system you want to use and how they will play out? open world? will it be posible for our actions to effect other powers?
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

It's very piece mail. Right now I'm trying to get the world put together. I would very much like to have a clothing HP and destruction system and to have different unique stories for each of the four girls. But alas I am lazy and often pressed by RL things such as time,work and etc. Also the clothing damage/HP deal is quite complicated and hard to work out from what I've heard from xgkf and the RPG Maker VXace community. The world is more or less open, you're free to go wherever you want now..... but each map has definite path for you to follow. What few maps I have right now. I have recently (like around midnight last night) made a few new maps; they still need more tweaking, and to place a few enemies in as I have only really put up one quick battle. Just to try figure out the battle system. I also need to put a few more maps in between major areas.

Here is what I have done so far(50% credit goes to xgkf for helping me with a lot of this :D ) :

Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I need an RTP file in order to run this, can someone direct me to where that is?