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RPG [RPG Maker] [はなたか] NTRPG2 従順なフィリア 男達の性欲処理に逆らうことは許されない (RJ136304)

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NTRPG, the final fantasy of NTR? :D
That would be sweet :p

To answer your question, the author didn't update his blog since the end of 2014... so no news for now :(

eh, really, really sweet! a real saga with this "model" it's my dream. i really like the art of はなたか.

yhea, i have ask for another personal blog because i thought he do little update in his personal blog and big update in the dlsite-blog.... however there only 1 blog and is without news for too long T_T

i have try to find any info of the author but i have failed u,u I'd like to see if he is still working on next project ( project) or he have dropped all work with H-games.

Actually I was waiting for people copying his model (NTR stories in rpgmaker with only sprites), but there is nothing...
hem hem.... see this little spoiler lol
but this isn't the place to talk to this

Does kaede have a scene with the village elder.

Does kaede have a scene with the village elder.

the village elder dont have scene at all.

only scene with kaede, before the ending, is with abel. 3° phase, monday, speak with her during noon, then come back again during evening.

another scene with kaede is in the "marie-dlc" with garudo.

btw, read the blackboard outside your room and see what, and how many, scene u can see in that spacific day. of course some event cancel other event so, if u whant see all of them dont take all the five checkpoint scenes.

btw2, finish the game and reach the gallery room. from there u can see all the event in the game (at least 95% of them)

I thought she didn't but I was wondering because of her status in marie xmas.

I thought she didn't but I was wondering because of her status in marie xmas.

ooh, now i understand this "interest" in kaede :D
after losing against abel she became his personal sex slave, that's it.

No I'm talking about her stat with the village elder and when you click on his door she says she's never doing it again or something. So I thought she had a scene with him that I had missed.

Yep, I was hoping for more scenes with Kaede too, too bad she wasn't more used in the game...

No I'm talking about her stat with the village elder and when you click on his door she says she's never doing it again or something. So I thought she had a scene with him that I had missed.

oh the stat.
sadly.. nope. there isn't a scene with the village elder.

so many story yet to be told... so may character-story that they deserve to be seen.

kaede, marie, bargirl, babysitter, pink hair girl. all of these have great potential.
maybe in the future..... *dream*

Sorry to bump this thread up, but how does anyone know how to get the scene with Libido and Eriru in the first game?

Sorry to bump this thread up, but how does anyone know how to get the scene with Libido and Eriru in the first game?

shouldn't that be in the thread about the first game though?

So I've been playing through this.... (much love and thanks to m1zuki, btw!!)

Damn, this is really great. No CG's, meaning I could concentrate on the story.

My heart is incredibly sad and broken, to the point where I feel hollow even after closing the game..... but damn, that just makes the NTR scenes REALLY GREAT!!!

....No, more than great, they're FUCKIN INCREDIBLE

My Mind says no, but my heart and dick? Man, they love this Genre.

Sorry, Last Question.

So after finishing and getting the "Happy End", there was a little tidbit about getting 100k Gold and having the ending explained.

Well, I did get the 100k Gold and got the Epilogue.... but still no explanation as to what happened to the town, why the Girl attacked Mars, and WHEN did MARS killed the Knight Girl's Loved One.

What was the meaning of the Two Birds chasing each other, then leaving another small bird behind before the scene mentioned above happened?
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Sorry, Last Question.

Hey use some spoiler tags. D:

no explanation as to what happened to the town
Unless I'm mistaken, basically Ragnas was pretending there was a dragon in the ruins but the village was never in danger from the start. He's just been hanging out and then bringing them pieces of the treasure little by little shown by the empty chests at the end. The village chief uses the money to basically make the village their whore town, which it actually already was to a smaller extent. There are hints that Filia's family was brought to the village on the agreement that Filia could be used by the men of the village when she became of age, the old granny hints at her ordeals when she was younger, and even Kaede in MarieXmas reveals how she was a slave to the chief.

WHEN did MARS killed the Knight Girl's Loved One
It's easy to miss, but in the last scene when Mars runs up the stairs he defeats the black knight (Bud). As the scenes progress, you start to see the knight's blood oozing on the floor where he fell, and the knight girl (Elina) staring at it in disbelief.

What was the meaning of the Two Birds chasing each other
This one's free for you to interpret...

Getting an error whenever I try to download the english patch as a zip file on Mega, it gets stuck around 90%. I haven't tried saving all 180+ files individually yet, but the idea seems unfeasible. Can anyone upload it as a torrent perhaps on nyaa? or send it to me somehow? ty

I zipped it on the mega if that helps at all.

Anyone knows if there is any news of NTRPG3? Author seems to have been gone completely AWOL :(

Anyone knows if there is any news of NTRPG3? Author seems to have been gone completely AWOL :(

in teory, yes.

...in pratics, the game is probably dead long, long ago.

43. COX 2015年03月23日 04:48
Please tell us the development progress situation of new games

44. gnagno 2015年05月10日 20:11
5 私は私の悪い日本語を事前に謝罪するが、私はヨーロッパからのあなたの仕事に従う、と、私はできるだけ早く新しいものを見てほしい素晴らしいので、私はまた、購入している。

45. 공배영 2015年09月15日 17:10
5 韓国人ですntrpgシリーズ毎日しています。何回目かわかりません早く、後続作を出してくださいntr要素をさらに入れてください 応援しています
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