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Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra looked at the metal chains and frowned. Looking at them she seemed to shake a moment before almost chucking them into the water before sighing and putting them on not wanting to suffer the compression of her chest any longer. Ya know your a pervert Serina. Kyra sighed it wasn't with any malice just simply said in a matter of fact tone. Still the day wore on and Serina had plenty of opportunities to cause trouble if she liked but soon the sun was starting its slow decent down the sky and the duo would have to head back.
Re: Rogue Alliance GAIDEN 2

The two would linger on the beach for what seemed forever each daydreaming about the other with only their exchange of glances tell-taling the lewd thoughts. Still while the beach was hardly an option, the moment they'd return to their cabin... Serina could only smile darkly at the things she'd do.

The girls packed they things up and still in their beach clothes, minus Kira insisting on being wrapped around in a towel the duo would go back to the ship. Where all the plans they had would crumble and sink...

Approaching the ship clear sounds of conflict could be heard even from a distance! "Kira!" Serina turned to her friend who instantly threw her the dagger. Be it Kira stayed behind to get in armor or not, the rogue would rush forward armed with a dagger and only her scantily clad bikini!

Serinas eyes widened at the sight the whole crew were fighting some unknown pirate group, their blades clashing and clanging as each of the sailors remained in a seeming mirror match against an opressor. All of the raiders faces covered and donning the exact same unknown uniform "Damnit!"
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra cursed as the dagger flew threw the air to Serina's waiting hands. Just her luck pirates would attack while she was wearing.. this battle bra. Still it was enchanted and would offer more protection than the simple bikini that Serina wore. Dashing forward with a yell Kyra approached the first of the buccaneers. It was a tall fellow likely a norn. He wore the simple leathers common to pirates and it was emblazoned with a purple and black mask. Turning to the sound of Kyra's charge they met with a clash of steel. For a moment they held each other in check their eyes meeting. Kyra's fierce blues gazed deep into the man's glowing purple eyes.. wait purple what the hell?

That moment of confusion was all the massive brute needed as he brought up a boot and kicked Kyra back sending her tumbling into the sand. Scrambling to her feet once more Kyra was able to recover before the next blow struck. It was aimed haphazardly and was easy to block. It would be a tough fight far tougher than she realized as several of the pirates had disengaged from their other opposites to head her way.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Meanwhile Serina charged forward, absolutely sure Kyra would join her charge only moments later. Unaware of her distress. Her eyes sharp the rogue would quickly use a nearby dropped supply chest as a steping stone and leaped at one of the pirates her blade cutting through the smoke and slashing on the pirate!

The blade flew and... went right through the target? Serinas eyes widened as only purple sparkles surrounded her blade hand as the edge went through the pirate. Only to make the rogue landing utterly unbalanced from the lack of impact.

Rolling and fumbling briefly Serina shook her head and looked to the pirate, who continued it's strugle against the crewman. Neither seemingly fazed by whats going on. Looking around each combatant would continue their fight... but noone was getting hurt. Attacks would land on either side neither leaving a mark of impact?

As Serina eyed the battlefield a feminine silgoulette came into view casually and confidently strutting across the battlefield. The only females on board were her and Kyra... meaning this woman was... the moment the rogue tried to focus on who the female was one of the pirates swung down at her! Missing her by a split hair!
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra didn't see Serina's discovery for herself as she had her own hands full. The norn pirate was huge easily taller than most norn she had met and that was saying much. Still as strong as he was he was gods awful slow and for once it was Kyra who was the faster lighter combatant.

The man took a massive swing that threw him off balance allowing Kyra to duck in quickly and slash at his knee. The Norn howled in pain and dropped his blade. Grabbing the massive blade as its wielder rolled in the sand from his injury Kyra took note of it. The blade was a crude thing made of tarnished jagged metal. Still it was a good deal more effective than the little hatchet Kyra had been using. It was far to big to use as a one handed blade but it wouldn't matter much to her as any blade was a comfortable fit in her hand. Moving forward and dragging the blade with her in the sand Kyra picked out her next target. Spotting Serina's moment of confusion Kyra chucked the hand axe at one of the pirates who began to approach her friend. The axe arched threw the air the well polished blade glinting in the fading light. Whether or not it had an effect Kyra couldn't see as she was soon set upon by more pirates.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Indeed the axe flew true as it pierced the light fog of conflict and landed with a powerful thud! Serina tensed up strongly as the steel pierced the pirate and sank into the ships haul. Solidifying the fact that these pirates were not real!

The pirate still unflinching as ever swinged at Serina once more, as she tensed her body up and not blocked the attack! Only for the illusions attack to smoothly slide past, having absolutely no effect on the heroine!

Steadying her breath the rogue smiled confidently and scanned the battlefield only to note Kyras peril! "Kyra!" whatever the situation on board was it'll have to wait! Rikke griped her dagger tightly and dashed forward the illusions swinging at her to no effect not halting her dash even for a moment until...

Serinas eyes sharpened as one of the attacks suddenly had a clear effect on the air around it! She raised her blade only for it to clash with an attack rebounding her hand back! This was no illusionary attacker!

"Oh? Looks like we arrived at a bad time." an unknown feminine voice spoke up, snickering kindly "To parry my attack, you're not one of the crew are you?" from the fog of battle Serinas opponent stepped into view. Clad in dark armor, more akin to beach wear than battlegear stood a confident smirk on her. Her eyes sharp and narrowed, clearly hinting to seeming purple. Her hair extra long and flowing, even more eyecatching due to it's unnatural light blue color.

The stranger held two daggers, seemingly Asuran made with bright energy emitting from it "I'd rather you not disturb our plans here." she tightened her grip on the dual daggers and looks to Serina in a predatory confident fashion. Spurring the rogue herself to tighten her hold on the retractable Whispers dagger she had herself.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Her vision blocked from her friend Kyra just barely made out Serina's call. Was she in danger? Was she hurt? Kyra had no way of telling to many foe's blocked her view. Slashing wildly with the over sized weapon Kyra caught two of the pirates with her mighty swing. Expecting a spray of blood and a jarring impact Kyra was instead treated to her weight shifting as the expected resistance was not there. Stumbling off balance she heard a short feminine laugh. "By the gods fight fair you coward!" Looking back Kyra couldn't find the woman mocking her. "Now why would I do that my dear this is so much more fun?" Once more she was set upon by the phantom pirates but instead of flinching away she plowed right threw them, their bodies disappointing in purple smoke briefly before reforming. "I find these games so much more enjoyable than actual fighting. But if you insist then here I am?" The smoke on the battle field shifted slightly revealling a tall tanned woman with red near fiery hair. She wore wore a black and purple mask that head most of her face and she was dressed in a very sleek and sexy leather armor combo that would make Serina Jealous. At her hip she had a rapier and from what Kyra could tell it was well crafted. Not wasting a moment Kyra launched into a charge only for the woman to vanish before her eyes. "Fu Fu. You fell for that old trick." Suddenly searing pain enveloped her body as the hefty blade fell to the sand. "GAHHHHH!" It was nearly to much and Kyra's vision faded only a moment before the pain ended leaving her gasping for breath. Still Kyra reached for the fallen blade. "Oh still up well thats mighty impressive but sorry hun not gonna happen this fight is over." Once more the pain enveloped her body causing her to scream out in agony. This time however it proved to much and Kyra slipped into darkness her body falling limp in the sands. "Humph I thought it would be a little harder. Gruff grab our prize we are leaving and send up the flare so the other know." Gruff the giant norn looked at the fallen warrior and gave her a swift kick in the gut before grabbing her in one swift move to toss her over his back. With the other shot off his flare gun alerting the others.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Sparks flew out as the daggers clashed "Out of my way!" Serina growled as she spun andlet loose a kick towards the woman, only for her to seemingly instnatly move aside. The dust of battle all around making her movements unclear!

"Ho~ You're quick." the woman snickered casually, only for something in the air change, the atmosphere growing on edge or perhaps electric "And cute." Only due to her combat trainign did the rogue see the eletric whip piece the dust and fly to her, crashing against the ground in a show of sparks. Her eyes sharp the rogue would quickly scan her area and grip her dagger tighly, her movements growing swift and subtle...

"I love them being spunky, perhaps I'll take you too..." another whip attack would lash out at the rogues silhoullete, only for the shadow to disperse to reveal the rogue was gone?! Suddenly a kick would swiftly knock the woman on her knees, a blade from behind nearing her throat and pressing down! The sneak attack wasn't even suspected!

"Take me where?" the rogue asked with sharp eyes a sly smirk on her face. Clear outrage burned at the blue haired woman eyes, though in the position at hand she was helpless "Who do you work for--"

"GAAAH!" the cry seemed to pierced the sounds of conflict all around as the smoke seemed to clear up only to reveal Kyra hitting the ground! "KYRA!" her blade faltered, only for the woman in her hold to seize the chance! A powerful force knocking Serina back a fair few back and away, her body rolling across the sand, dagger flung aside and away!
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra's world was pain and darkness, she couldn't move and the very thought of it was painful. Yet she was moving? A sicking feeling of weightlessness filled her stomach only for it to end in a rough painful jar. What was going on where was Serina? Slightly her eyes parted letting her glimpse the chaos going on around her. She was over someone's shoulder and who ever it was must have been a giant. Looking over has the illusionary pirates fought she caught sight of Serina laying in the sand. "S...Serina..." her voice was hardly a whisper no doubt to quite to be heard. Still she called out again a hand weakly lifting up and reaching out for her friend only to be lost in the smoke of the battle.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Damnit!" Serina gripped the hand in anger and would almost recklessly charge forward! The illusionary pirates one after the other slashing and attacking her only for the girl to charge forward, unarmed, unarmored and weakened she'd move to clear the battlefield only for a sweeping kick to knock her down and send her rolling forward and the ground.

Unyielding the rogue tried to instantly get up, only to feel frost wrap around her legs and hands. Keeping her in place?! "Oh~ So spunky." the same womans voice echoed out from behind her. Though raising her head Serina would meet a far different sight!
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Looking up Serina was greeted with Kyra's outstretched hand reaching for her. Tyring to struggle anew only brought a laugh from behind her. Looking up Serina caught one last gimpse as Kyra was carried away from her and lost in the smoke. A moment latter a dull womph echoed and bright burning flare lauched up ward revealing a flying pirate vessel. Looking back to where Kyra had been Serina saw a fairly athletic looking woman wearing brown leather pants and an open blouse. She had reddish pink hair and a single black eye patch with a pink jolly roger. Looking at Serina she smirked and tipped her triangle hat as she rested a hand on her barbed whip. "Shes mine now darling to bad should have kept a closer eye on her." With her parting words said the pirate captain shimmered out of existence leaving Serina to her plight.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Kyra!" Serina struggled against the icy bonds, but they were clearly laid thick on her. Keeping the rogue in place "What about this one captain, she'd be quite the trophy for the crew aswell." Serina heard the stranger speak behind her, before a crackling sound could her heard, mere moments before a seeming whip lashed against the girls ass, her swimsuit revealing the orbs in full "AAh~!" the whip was clearly used less to harm and more for sheer enjoyment at this time, even more humiliating the rogue! "D-damn you!"

The rogue didn't have any of her gadgets on tricks on her, her psichical prowess nullified against the advanced magic on display! "We have what we came for. We're leaving Jessica." the captain spoke in a firm tone and gave Serina a taunt before departing. Jessica walking right past her and infront her joining her crew aswell "That's too bad, I've had such plans for you, scank." with a dark laughter the mage would disappear aswell. A clear sound of booming engines heard ignited, blowing the wind aside and all the pirate illusions shattering to reveal the deception.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Held tight in the icy bounds Serina heard one last call out to her from Kyra as she dissapeared in a shimmer of light. The vessel above slowly roared to life and began to drift off its colors flying bright and bold. It was a sailing vessel converted to an air ship with azuran teck and as it made its way from view shimmering gold letters gave Serina her first clue. The name of the vessel was The Siren.

With the illusionary pirates gone the krew of the Acceleration came running to her aid though it was all for not as the icy bonds that held her evaporated. "Sweet blessings Lyssa we where lucky. The Siren rarely leaves survivors."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

'The Siren'... Serina once freed looked to up only for a speck in the distance, the pirates long gone by now "Damn it!" the rogue grit her teeth in frustration and slammed her fist into the sand a few times. They'll pay for this! Kyra will not be some sort of slave to damned pirates!

Without a single word uttered Serina quickly dashed past the crew, collecting Kyras things aswell as her dagger, before sprinting onboard and into their quarters. It seemed that barely a few minutes would only pass she stepped outside of her quarters, fully decked Whispers Elite armor. The captain was busy, calming down the crew and checking for missing supplies, it was then the rogue approached her "Captain a word." she spoke firmly, devoid of her usual playfullness. The asura turned to her and would follow a few steps aside "Nothing else seems to be missin--" "We need to turn around." Serina interupted the captain midsentence and looked to her firmly, unfortunately with a demand far too steep "Absolutely not, we have direct pact orders. That includes you. I'm sorry, but reaching the outpost has to take priority than chasing an elusive pirate."

The word would make the rogue clench her fists visibly, she knew this would be the answer. Abbandoning the mission like this would only get them all branded as traitors and court-marsahaled for ignoring direct orders...

The rogue silently turned around and walked away "Lightbringer!" the captain called out stopping her "Does she mean that much to you?" Serina would not answer and return to the ship in silence.

As the evening neared the crew finished their tasks at the island and returned to the ship getting ready to depart... until. A clear commotion could be heard below decks, echos of conflict all too clear until the side of the prototyped ship opened a small speed-boat, likely still a prototype escaped from the ship!

One of the crew would swiftly charge into the captains quarters a tad pale and utterly out of breath "Captain! Treason! The Lightbringer she knocked out the men and took your prototype!" the man called out, only for the captain to remain silent looking out of the window "Let her go, we have to save our strength for the enemy." the crewman leaned out at the firm words "But captain... the prototype, you said it can be disabled. The emergency remote swi--" "There is no such thing, crewman. Now return to you duties." the asuran didn't even face the man and kept her gaze distant, the crewman looking down thoughtfully and leaving the quarters. The remains of a asuran-made remote sparkling in the captains trash bin.

That very same evening the crew would continue on their previous task. Serina was not among their ranks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Few days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lions Arch, the seeming center of Tyria. Be it Asuran, Charr, Human or even Skritt everyone would try their hand at the deals made here. So long as peace remained and order was more or less kept, the city remained a bastion commerce. A place perfect for honest people to aquire the rarest of goods, an offer extended to even the most shady buyers.

Deadlegs Inn was reknown for housing the worst of the worst in town, so long as you had the coin they had the drinks and beds. Just as every night, the inn was packed. Drunkards, pirates, thieves and worse all joined in the festivities, nowhere else could a man see a pirate and thug duke it out in arm-wrestling, nowhere else would an Asuran openly sell his experimental wares, nowhere else could you aquire the most rarest and baned goods in all of Tyria. Drugs, weapons, contracts... slaves.

The bar doors swung openly as a figure wrapped in a black cloth enter it, for how large the cloak was it did little to hide the owners unmistakeable femine sway and to some extent her exceptional form. The stranger would without hesitation move forward and walk straight towards the barkeep. Numerous gazes curiously glancing to the new arrival, while the more experienced visitors stuck to their own affairs.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos sat sipping a drink and paid little heed to the entry of the dark clothed stranger instead he sat and brooded. He had been drinking for several hours now and the drink was heavy on his breath and his eyes burned and blurred with its effects. Usually he was quite chipper always easy to laugh or swoon one of the girls that plyed their trade in the Deadlegs but tonight not even their charms would shake him out of his morose mood. Instead he drank and brooded and looked to a young bard who played his small guitar trying his best to swoon the lady folk. As he looked on he muttered to himself. The bard was a handsome devil and no doubt he had his fair share of womanly company. Sitting her heard the first few strums of the strings as the bard began to tell a tale of true love and dashing swordsmanship. After a moment however Carlos got up and took the instrument away from the foppish bard. “Hey you can't do that give that back.” Carlos threw the man a dangerous look that immediately caused him to shut up. Sitting in the now vacant seat Carlos strummed a few lines before looking up and clearing his throat. “You want a song of love ladies and gents? Let me tell you of love.”

“I once dashed a trail across the sea.”
“To find what it held for me.”
“From wind and waves I tell this tale”
“Of the one who cut my sails.”

“Her eyes they glittered like a raging sea.”
“And once they where only for me.”
“Her lips as sweet as fine wine.”
“Enough for me to thank all divines.”

“Skin so pale as to rival the moon.”
“Hair as dark as an evening too”
“Enough to make any man swoon.”

“Alas my beauty hated the sea.”
“And away she thus drove me.”
“For I am a pirate threw and threw.”

“This song sucks!”

Quickly a small sailor tossed a empty mug at Carlos who ducked away quickly. However just because the first hit missed doesn't mean the fight wasn't going to happen. Soon many men got into a fight and a general tussle of fist and limb that threatened to engulf the entire bar. Carlos however slipped away and took a seat unscathed, grabbing an ale and drinking as the fight continued.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The cloaked stranger didn't care much for the singing or the general hussle-tussle as she approached the barkeep, her face covered to only show off her sharp blue eyes "I'm looking for a man named Carlos." she spoke up to the barkeep, who nonchalantly continued to clean the glass in hand "Never heard of him." the bald man bumbled nonchalantly.

The stranger paused briefly and placed a small bag on the table, only for the barkeep slyly slip it under his bar "The 'wonderful Canary' over there." he motioned to the improv bard, who'd soon enough cause way more trouble and hussle than before.

Without a word the stranger would approach the man and speak from her mask "We need to talk." her feminine voice a clear contrast to the usual public in the inn, her sparkling blue eyes a relief in the dreary location.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos sipped his drink and looked up at the stranger. "Ya know I met eyes like that once. The remind me of happier times so I'll humor ya." The smell of alchol was heavy on his breath as he gestured to a nearby stool. "What can Carlos do to.. err for you." He sipped his drink again not even looking at his guest.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The stranger would lead the drunkard aside, his current predicament making it all too easy for him to be directed and swayed. Picking a table a tad more away from the hussle in the bar, looking around for any prying ears she'd speak directly and to the point "The Siren, I need to find it."

Before he even reacted the girl pulled the cloth down from her face to reveal herself "They've taken Kyra." Serina smiled at the fairly known 'fan' of her friend.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

At the mention of the Siren Carlos got agititated and made for a blade that wasn't there. "Im not going back! Keep that devil wo..." "They've taken Kyra." Carlos stopped mid sentence and paused a moment. "Then shes lost to us....." Carlos rose from his seat and tossed some coin on the table before heading out into the cool air completely ignoring Serina. Any attempts to grab him met with a quick side step the pirate being far more lithe than his drunk state would imply.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

As lithe as he was, he was still drunk. Dodging the intitial grab on his shoulder, he'd suddenly feel his legs sweeped from under him making him crash against the wooden floor, Serina placing a heel on his chest looking down fiercely "Who's 'us' you do what you want I'm going after her!" She'd press down to accentuate her point.

Quite a few patrons turned their head to the duo. Serinas hood now having fully fallen off to reveal the elite whispers agent. Thankfully hers was an organisation of secrets, though a figures would suddenly disappear in the crowd upon recognising her. Their intents yet unknown.