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Ya... you need Japanese uni-code bud.
That's what me thinks anyways.

Ya... you need Japanese uni-code bud.
That's what me thinks anyways.

I've installed the Moonspeak language pack via Microsoft Update, and I've been using it through the regional thingamajig as displayed in this picture. I log off/restart once Japanese is chosen, then hope for the best. Of course, this doesn't seem to be helping in the least. The screenshot I posted previously was taken while I was in Jap-mode.


Ok, first thing first, since window re-sort the files, the names aren't going to correspond exactly to the file you show.

So I'm going to give 2 things, the name of the file(full name, including any english letter in it) and the file size so you can compare it.

And for the file with the same size...well, just try to hope it work I guess.

The folder is just readme, so it shouldn't cause any problem to ignore it.

CROAランドレイ 532kb
Cらリリム 798kb
CランドBOSS 677kb
CランドBOSS赤 677kb
Cリース(敵専用) 2125kb
Cリディア(敵専用) 1698kb
Nニーナ 2567kb
Nプレセア 1872kb
Nリース 2195kb
Nリディア 1741kb
N肌色リディア 1692kb
Pニーナ 2585kb
Pプレセア 1875kb
PランドBOSS赤 679kb
Pリース 2015kb
Pリディア 1699kb
P肌色リディア 1695kb
判定君 213kb

That's all the file I see with non-english letters.

Ok, first thing first, since window re-sort the files, the names aren't going to correspond exactly to the file you show.

So I'm going to give 2 things, the name of the file(full name, including any english letter in it) and the file size so you can compare it.

And for the file with the same size...well, just try to hope it work I guess.

The folder is just readme, so it shouldn't cause any problem to ignore it.

CROAランドレイ 532kb
Cらリリム 798kb
CランドBOSS 677kb
CランドBOSS赤 677kb
Cリース(敵専用) 2125kb
Cリディア(敵専用) 1698kb
Nニーナ 2567kb
Nプレセア 1872kb
Nリース 2195kb
Nリディア 1741kb
N肌色リディア 1692kb
Pニーナ 2585kb
Pプレセア 1875kb
PランドBOSS赤 679kb
Pリース 2015kb
Pリディア 1699kb
P肌色リディア 1695kb
判定君 213kb

That's all the file I see with non-english letters.

Thanks, I'll give this a try and post with results.

I still can't seem to get ROA working. I've tried setting my computer's language to Japanese, using applocale, downloading multiple copies and extracting with different compression utilities, extracting to the main directory of the hard drive, but alas...

I'm still getting the GameDemo open error. The file names it usually refers to are all in non-japanese jibberish as portrayed in many of the screenshots already present in this thread.

At present, I'm using a x64 bit edition of Windows 7 Ultimate; and even when the display language is set to Japanese, the files contained within the archives are all in jibberish or English.

Is there anyone with a solution to this problem?

Had the same thing before and what you must do is extract the .rar while you are under the japaness setting. The gibberish show itself when you extract the .rar in english.

Hope it help out. I'm going back into lurking

Excellent news! The game seems to be working now. I've already finished it, however... I don't suppose there are any mods or anything for this game, are there?

The archive came with two game directories; one of them is relatively small, that being the one I just fixed with the help of lazycat. The other directory has a lot more files, and a seperate game directory; can anyone tell me what it is?

Had the same thing before and what you must do is extract the .rar while you are under the japaness setting. The gibberish show itself when you extract the .rar in english.

Hope it help out. I'm going back into lurking

I had already tried this, but it didn't work. Never mind now, though; lazycat has provided me with the file names to manually fix the issue.

Ugh, this is way too much damn trouble.

I can get the ROA game to work just fine. I don't know how to do the updates and such to make the game up to date. I can only get the demo to run. There needs to be like... a giant compilation of all of it put together CORRECTLY.. I seriously am not going to waste hours just trying to get one damn game to work.

Raidy Thunderwoman thingy was a gig, and I could get that to run no problem. Why can't it be that easy 0_E

cant somebody get a working compilation of the files and upload it to megaupload or rapidshare or somthing so that not everyone has to spend multiple hours trying to get this game to work?

And for those of you who cant get the newest ones to work, try the older ones, i dont even have a japanese language pack on my pc and im running an old version just fine

The only version of ROA I've seen is from the first post in this thread linking to megaupload. But if someone could post any of the later versions that are fully operational, that would be great.

I've installed the Moonspeak language pack via Microsoft Update, and I've been using it through the regional thingamajig as displayed in this picture. I log off/restart once Japanese is chosen, then hope for the best. Of course, this doesn't seem to be helping in the least. The screenshot I posted previously was taken while I was in Jap-mode.

Congratulations... You don't know what Japanese regional settings are.

Please access them here:


I noticed the Ryona RPG downloads have more recent dates, has anyone played with the newest versions? If so are they any good?

Cheers Pheonix, friend kept pointing me to the display language selection; was wondering what the hell I was doing wrong.

Ugh, this is way too much damn trouble.

I can get the ROA game to work just fine. I don't know how to do the updates and such to make the game up to date. I can only get the demo to run. There needs to be like... a giant compilation of all of it put together CORRECTLY.. I seriously am not going to waste hours just trying to get one damn game to work.

Raidy Thunderwoman thingy was a gig, and I could get that to run no problem. Why can't it be that easy 0_E

Nobody? Nobody at all knows?! I enjoyed it with only those two enemies, but I want to play the latest and greatest! T_T

Nobody can provide a link that just downloads the latest version?!

There you go, enjoy.


There you go, enjoy.

Well yeah.. I.. um... that's half the problem. I don't know how to sort the files T_T.

There you go, enjoy.

The top 2 on that link are the latest and their different games as far as I know. If your looking for the RPG thing grab the top one, If your looking for the 2D Fight/Rape one grab the 2nd one. (Been a while since I checked, could of changed)

Second-one down is the sidescroller. It's a 20-enemy gauntlet, and you only get to use Rydia.

First one is the RPG and requires one of the RPG maker programs to run(not sure which, as I gave up trying to get the darn things to run)

That's it? That's all that's improved? Where the hell are the new enemies? Where are the new stages? Why take out the characters?! Why even take out the kitty woman! Am I missing something here?!

Basically, ROA has evolved over time and these are all core games, meaning, you don't have to download parts and updates.

ROA rarely gets updated anymore and what you mostly see is for RyonaRPG which is an entirely different game.

The ROA that's currently being worked on is different than the one showed in this thread, there's at least like 3-4 different versions and they aren't being worked on anymore. I hope that clarifies some things.
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