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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Another thing to think of is the insurance-
Only buy insurance for uruks you actually like, then the ones you don't care about can die and give you their corpsemoney

Of course, I like all of my uruks so far
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge


Tugog the Killer (Fmokou)
Skun Learned Scribe (Toxic's Minion)
Hork the Bloated


Day 98, Goroth the Bleeder has a trial

Day 99, Ratlug the Sadistic leads a hunt

Day 100, Norsko kills Arjay

Day 101, Ratlug's Execution

Day 102, Amug kills Arjay

Day 103, Arjay dies again and forgets to brand

Day 104, Slicer gets Skak the Slippery for real

Toxic 24 pts
Level 3 Archer - Lugnak Blood Licker
Level 20 Hunter - Pug the Steady

Fmokou 127 pts (Credit: 61)
Level 14 Archer - Tugog The Killer

Grave 37 pts (Credit: 327)
Level 4 Warrior - Azgrom Slave Taskmaster​

Slicer 123 pts (Credit: 289)
Level 18 Warrior - Ratlug the Sadistic​

Aust 157 pts (Credit: 246)
Level 13 Warrior - Narug the Dumb​

He is dead, and Aust has been afk for quite some time. If you desire another Uruk, say so in the thread. You will no longer be given uruks if you do not participate

Ranger 105 pts (Credit: 225)
Level 10 Warrior - Goroth the Bleeder​

Ryu 68 pts (Credit: 159)
Level 6 Warrior - Pigug the Collector​

XSI 33 pts (Credit: 16)
Level 15 Defender - Amug the Serpent​
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

You cannot get limited insurance, all or nothing.

In addition, while Grave has the worst luck dying to Aust's AFK minion, we do see a couple contenders on the rise for Warchief amidst the wanton fields of death and despair. The likes of which have already made our friend Grave greatly distressed as the evils of mordor torture him, killing every Uruk he comes to love.

We may see our second and final winner soon, or perhaps they'll be cut down in their prime.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Very good. Next up, I shall acquire a minion. I am certain there will be someone suitible around there somewhere.
Amug will probably continue feasting, as he seems to be pleased to do
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

I'm hoping Arjay will continue something like this in Shadow of War. I'm nerding out for it myself and seeing something like this with the Uruk's on his side would be cool!
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge


And the replacement suuuuuucks... Ugh. Have him kill Arjay, maybe he'll gain some actually useful traits. I dunno.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

He might grow into something beautiful though
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Like all the Uruks before him?

Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Better get insurance then
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

I'll wait until he displays some ability to be fucking useful.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Let's send our slippery little buddy out to kill a random uruk!
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

I'm hoping Arjay will continue something like this in Shadow of War. I'm nerding out for it myself and seeing something like this with the Uruk's on his side would be cool!

I 100% have plans to iterate this in Shadow of War, and I'm positive it'll be implemented much better than it currently is now. Since the main problem now is that current Uruks cannot kill each other. In Shadow of War, you can DIRECTLY make your Uruk off another without needing a derp minion.

It'll also allow things like seiges, where you can watch your Uruk become warchief by not just offing a guy, but having him take over an entire fort on his own, using a large collection of either npc uruks or other player uruks. This will create a very interesting and unusual Co-op/pvp environment where players can either work together to take over a fort and allow one to become warchief, or hope that their comrades will die in the process of taking it.

None of this is set in stone however. I will need a great deal of time to observe Shadow of War's mechanics to make a well designed adopt an Uruk out of it. However, I do know that one GREAT benefit is that keeping your Pet Uruk alive will be MUCH easier, as when they go down in combat, they go into a bleedout state that I can revive them from. So depending on how I muck it up, this will most likely mean that if you like your uruk, it will be very easy to keep it.

I can already tell you it will be far less clunky than the current Adopt an Uruk. No holds barred, you can kill whoever you want. No maybes or what have you. If you want it dead, it will die. It'll also be much more complicated to reach that win state, as you need to seige instead of just kill a warchief. Just like current Adopt an Uruk, winners will have their Uruks hung up on display for being awesome little uruks who survived death and despair, and left behind countless lost souls in their wake.

Here's to hoping it'll be fun.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Forgive me. I have no real excuse for my absence here. I guess I just never thought it would be an everyday thing. Heck, this seems to update more then once a day. And while I can't use work as an excuse, it really has been busy the past couple weeks. Again, not using it as an excuse, just trying to explain my mindset. Hopefully you'll give me the chance once again.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

It'd be a real boon if they'd make it so awful abilities wouldn't over-write good ones. It would make sense for uruks to get stronger as they leveled, not lose their strengths in trade for iffy things. Anyone who's watched a leaper or boomerang fight knows it's a clear downgrade from fast or heavy attacks.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Call me crazy, but I feel like some strengths stay with the Uruk even if they're overwritten. Or maybe they don't stay in true form, but they evolve without any tool tip indicating it. A key point I noticed here is someone with the enrage effect that DIDN'T regenerate. When I notice a lot of Uruks regen with it, and I think they typically had some kind of regen beforehand, from attacking or what have you. So I think their old trait survives in some odd form but gets absorbed into a new trait. Just a theory, and would explain why Pug was so strong despite having a very odd skill set. The guy was just indestructible.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Some death, not as much as usual, so I guess this was a good day?

Tugog the Killer (Fmokou)
Skun Learned Scribe (Toxic's Minion)
Hork the Bloated
Amug the Serpent (XSI)


Day 105, Tugog and Mozu duel

Day 106, Ratlug Ambushes Mozu

Day 107, Slicer's minion ambushes a random uruk

Day 108, Tugog kills Arjay

Day 109, Amug faces a trial

Day 110, Azgrom kills Arjay

Day 111, Pigug kills Arjay

Day 112, XSI gets a minion again

Toxic 24 pts
Level 3 Archer - Lugnak Blood Licker
Level 20 Hunter - Pug the Steady

Fmokou 116 pts (Credit: 61)
Level 17 Archer - Tugog The Killer

Grave 34 pts (Credit: 327)
Level 5 Warrior - Azgrom Slave Taskmaster​

Slicer 132 pts (Credit: 289)
Level 19 Warrior - Ratlug the Sadistic​

Aust 163 pts (Credit: 246)
Level 3 Warrior - Muzglob the Drunk​

Ranger 125 pts (Credit: 225)
Level 10 Warrior - Goroth the Bleeder​

Ryu 68 pts (Credit: 195)
Level 6 Warrior - Pigug the Collector

Accept this Uruk or ask for a SWAP,

XSI 41 pts (Credit: 16)
Level 18 Defender - Amug the Serpent​
Last edited:
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Kill Arjay again. Maybe the fucker will stop sucking soon if he's fed more corpses.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Maybe. Maybe. Some of them just seem to suck all the time, and then some are amazing from the start. Very random

For now, I will have my minion fed on a diet of random uruks to power him up a bit.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

So... if I send my minion to threaten someone if they're not strong enough they'll just straight up get executed right?

Slippery little bugger needs to kill more random uruks then.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

I don't think so. Last time I sent a death threat was with Toxic's minion, and he was just fine.