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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, steaming some indie horror game.

Yeah, found some game called Lasting that is apparently a game that made a reviewer scream in terror, and reviews for it state that it's pretty scary, so I'm gonna see if all that is true about this silly game.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, steaming some indie horror game.

Super spooky hidden post text!

Charon's hand at a glance looked soft and delicate, but when Alex held it in her own hand, clinging tightly and nervously as she marched with anxiety, she felt the true nature of the hand itself. Her skin was as cold as a corpse, not warm like a living girl's hand would be. Despite Alex's grip, she'd feel like Charon's hand was in no danger of suffering. Her flesh was rigid, and the very touch was the defining moment of the living coming into contact with the dead. As such, her fear would no doubt only be reinforced as various thoughts of what death would be like would resurface from her memories. It was both a welcoming embrace and a feeling of standing on the edge of oblivion, not too different from falling asleep. Senses fade, and the problems of the world seem to matter less. But unlike sleep, there is no promise of return.
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Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, playing Don't Starve because I just bought i

Feel free to watch me struggle with trying to figure out what to do. Or don't.

I'll be playing for half an hour regardless.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, playing Don't Starve because bored

Yup, playing this free roaming game involving night and evil spiders again.

Feel free to watch, or don't.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

My break's over gonna play for a bit.

Still playing Don't Starve, so it's probably boring unless you've got nothing better to do.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

I'm addicted to this game.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

I swear to god I'll survive longer this time.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

Back online

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

Goddamnit, missed how you die. Oh well, better luck next time.
Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

I died to the darkness.
Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

It was probably a mechwarrior that killed me instead of the grue.
Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

I deeply apologize. Lurker's love of robots that move like chickens is a beautiful thing and should be respected.
Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit

You of all people should respect that strut

*Squeezes some of dat harpy butt
Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring shit


Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, click here to watch more boring Don't Starve

Yup, doin it

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, going to play Mad Father soonish

Yeah, within the realm of soon. Some of you may have already heard about this, and that's because other people of more popularity and worthy note than me have found it and started playing it, but the game seemed so interesting that I figured I'd play it myself and not spoil it.

It's a supposedly scary game, and it's got those RPG maker graphics, so it's nothing fancy. I'm just streaming it because I know of at least one person who will be watching, and letting all of you who don't care know in case you're so immensely bored that you have absolutely nothing better to do than watch boring ol' me play a silly RPG maker game that may or may not make me scream.

Re: RJ's Stream - To all who don't care, playing Mad Father

Cranking it up