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[WIP - Full] [Complete - Partial] [RJ248195] Exorcist Rio - The Cursed Village

I used enigma VB unpacker to unpack the boxed .exe
I then inserted the data folder from the translation .zip file, overwriting 19 entries in the unpacked folder's data folder
I then attempted to run the game using game.exe within the unpacked folder but it just gave me a white screen. I have also tried copying over and running game_boxed and game_unboxed but to no avail.

Do you know of a solution for this?

Remove the "%" from the "%DEFAULT FOLDER%" folder
Sorry, I was very sick a few weeks ago and now work has been busy. With it being summer I have been spending less time at the computer on weekends.

I did make a bit of progress but not enough for an update. I haven't abandoned this it has just been difficult to make time for it at the moment.

Sorry again for taking so long.
a little question.
I got a Error after I tried to start the game after the patch:
"Failed to load: js/plugins/Exhydra_OptionsMenu_ExtraOptions.js
Is there any way to fix this Error?

Thanks o/
Is the file in that location? It should be in the www folder for your game. If the file isn't there try redownloading the game. If it is there then I'm not sure sorry. I've never had the problem and your the first person with it.
Thank you.
After I redownloading the game, it works now.
I don't know what was the problem, but it works now :)
Hey everyone. Sorry but despite taking so long this is only a small update. All the outside stuff in the main village area that wasn't translated properly has now been translated. The stuff with the strange guy that lives in the forest might be wrong but he was hard to translate.

I updated the program I was using to help me translate and it corrupted my main translation file. Once I salvaged what I could I noticed there was a lot of symbols everywhere and some missing translations, I think I found them all and corrected them but if you find anything let me know.

Link is on the first post.
I just found this thread and forum. Love everything from HouseGames.
Haven't translated anything before but I started this game a bit ago because I love it so much.

Thought I would post what I have here and If you want to use anything go ahead.
All the names are translated like in the left screenshot and all the menus as well. After that I kinda started translating as I was playing so it's a bit random what is and isn't.
Also, I understand you AE1992, translating the strange man's dialogue is a pain in the ass.

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  • data.zip
    367.8 KB · Views: 121
Last edited:
Hey everyone. Sorry but despite taking so long this is only a small update. All the outside stuff in the main village area that wasn't translated properly has now been translated. The stuff with the strange guy that lives in the forest might be wrong but he was hard to translate.

I updated the program I was using to help me translate and it corrupted my main translation file. Once I salvaged what I could I noticed there was a lot of symbols everywhere and some missing translations, I think I found them all and corrected them but if you find anything let me know.

Link is on the first post.

So happy someone's working on the series. Heard that this one in particular is a bit challenging with so much different text, especially the naked homeless guy.
Just wanted to let you know that your efforts are beyond appreciated! Good luck!
Thanks TheBestNameEver. Will try and look at what you have when I have time. And yeah, he is such a pain.

Thanks Henry.adams12345. It's my first attempt at doing a translation so it is proving quite challenging.

Judging by their blog I think House plans on releasing another game in February. And while I have no intention of translating it I was hoping to have this finished before they released their next game.

I've updated the main page with a new translation patch. I've mainly focused on trying to finish off the small maps. I haven't tested it at all and probably won't test any patches until I have finished the translation, then I will go through the whole thing at once. It's admittedly not a massive update but it's all I have for now.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Best Christmas present ever!
Thank you so much for the update and for your continued work on (no bias) the best H-game series :3

Hope you're having a great holiday!
My favourite series! Had no idea this was being done!
Thanks for the translation! Are you using machine translation?
If you are, I can't even really tell, the translation is excellent imo and looks like a native translation!
Thanks TheBestNameEver. Will try and look at what you have when I have time. And yeah, he is such a pain.

Thanks Henry.adams12345. It's my first attempt at doing a translation so it is proving quite challenging.

Judging by their blog I think House plans on releasing another game in February. And while I have no intention of translating it I was hoping to have this finished before they released their next game.

I've updated the main page with a new translation patch. I've mainly focused on trying to finish off the small maps. I haven't tested it at all and probably won't test any patches until I have finished the translation, then I will go through the whole thing at once. It's admittedly not a massive update but it's all I have for now.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Any updates on this? Btw Thanks for trying translate this game
Yeah I'm using machine translate and then trying to make the gibberish it spits out make sense.

No update yet, January and February are the busiest times at work so not made much progress over the last 2 months.
Updated first post.

Can't remember exactly what is new since I last updated. The general store, some stuff in the forest, and with the woman that teaches you a knew spell. I think I might have done some stuff in a cave too. Some other small maps were done too.

Going to try and do the inn next as it's the first place you go when you can move around freely.
Updated first post.

Can't remember exactly what is new since I last updated. The general store, some stuff in the forest, and with the woman that teaches you a knew spell. I think I might have done some stuff in a cave too. Some other small maps were done too.

Going to try and do the inn next as it's the first place you go when you can move around freely.

Awesome! Thanks for sticking with the translation!
I'm getting a "TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of null" just after seeing the Mayor's house.
