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[Complete - Full] RJ171384 - [Shoku]少公女騎士みるく

Re: RJ171384 - [Shoku]少公女騎士みるく

I might tackle Delia's War (Shoku's more recent game) at some point though. :D (after I get a couple of completed full translations under my belt)

*Hope's skyrocketing*
Quality of Translation

I saw someone in this thread mention that the translation is really broken English. So how bad are we talking here? I tried to get the demo to work with the patch to find out, but it says I'm Missing a title png. So now I'm wondering on a scale of 1 - 10 how bad is it, ya know before i put down money for the game. *Please be honest as possible*
Re: Quality of Translation

I saw someone in this thread mention that the translation is really broken English. So how bad are we talking here? I tried to get the demo to work with the patch to find out, but it says I'm Missing a title png. So now I'm wondering on a scale of 1 - 10 how bad is it, ya know before i put down money for the game. *Please be honest as possible*

I'd give it a 6 to 7 with 2 being a machine translation. Its pretty easy to understand though there's a few errors but not enough to be ruin the experience. The text sometimes feels that its been a bit simplified though but apart from that its good. So yeah, i recommend it.
Re: RJ171384 - [Shoku]少公女騎士みるく

The translation was good at first, but it stops making sense after a while. It gets way too literate.
Re: RJ171384 - [Shoku]少公女騎士みるく

Yup, not that I'm not thankful to the translator. But they really shouldn't rely on machine translations and then try to translate it without actually knowing Japanese lmao. This goes for A LOT of translations, not trying to be mean or anything but it's just a fact. People are going to give you shit, if I'm being brutally honest, this translation doesn't deserve 5 stars. Maybe a 3 since you're able to go through the game and know where to go sooort of. There are times where east meant west and west meant east for a lot of quests.
Re: RJ171384 - [Shoku]少公女騎士みるく

All I can say is - I found it to be quite understandable and enjoyable. Were the directional errors pointed out to SlayerZ? I seem to remember a couple like that, but they weren't game breaking by any means (in most cases I had a map in mind in my head of where things were)...and while there were a few awkward turns of phrase, nothing that was super distracting...

Thanks again to the translator!
Re: RJ171384 - [Shoku]少公女騎士みるく

Yup, not that I'm not thankful to the translator. But they really shouldn't rely on machine translations and then try to translate it without actually knowing Japanese lmao. This goes for A LOT of translations, not trying to be mean or anything but it's just a fact. People are going to give you shit, if I'm being brutally honest, this translation doesn't deserve 5 stars. Maybe a 3 since you're able to go through the game and know where to go sooort of. There are times where east meant west and west meant east for a lot of quests.

All I can say is - I found it to be quite understandable and enjoyable. Were the directional errors pointed out to SlayerZ? I seem to remember a couple like that, but they weren't game breaking by any means (in most cases I had a map in mind in my head of where things were)...and while there were a few awkward turns of phrase, nothing that was super distracting...

Thanks again to the translator!

Been a while since I played, and I haven't played the translation, but I seem to remember some mistakes like that in the original. So it may not be a matter of mistranslation. It may just be that the dev changed his mind at some point about where the quests would be. Even machine translation wouldn't be likely to mix up east and west.
Re: Quality of Translation

I'd give it a 6 to 7 with 2 being a machine translation. Its pretty easy to understand though there's a few errors but not enough to be ruin the experience. The text sometimes feels that its been a bit simplified though but apart from that its good. So yeah, i recommend it.

Well I pulled the trigger and threw the dice. In the end I'm satisfied with the translation. I think your rating of 6-7 was quite fair. However, it is very inconsistent ranging from perfect grammar to making no damn sense. It is nice to see it mostly is the former. I think a large part is basically passable english with LOTS of grammatical errors so if "Thhis aand taht" bothers you a lot then pass this up. Over all as long as i get the story in a way that is no worse than the game "A New Life" by Beggar of Net then I'm fine.
this was really a great game! i took my time ( a lot ) and finish it in 5 hours ,damn good ,i think the developement of this "serie" really took a great path.the CG animation thing is really a + ;art is not THAT great in those one but there cool.i would have like the opportunie to stay ^restine all the game but we cant....the menu is just fucking great ,u got all u want and even h in here! love the fucking face she can do sometimes! you can farm pretty easy and cause u will be a whore u can use ur lewdness to do skill (he have to buy the skill first and it will be like an abylity ,who will use mp).
put incest in it was fucking great (i know im a freak).translation was fucking fine,there is some mistake but its pretty understable so a big big thanks. I really really hope someone will do it for A RECORD OF DELIA WAR ,cause its the last one of the serie (the last one published i mean) .i cant understand a thing but i did llaunch the game and look in it ,it look more solid than milk and petite godess emily i finished both and milk was really more solide .but they all have their things really ,i really really thanks people for people's trads,and this studio for their grat game i had acerola in my heart,black lilith , Happy life, and here come shoco.
hope u the best guys and hope you will like this game like i had
I hate to necro bump, but everything is gone, is it possible to get a new DL link?