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[WIP - Full] [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

I've gone back over what I've done looking for anything that could crash the game, and found nothing.
I have, however removed translated pieces that have no bearing on the game dialogue and things that have no bearing on the game at all.
Things I left untranslated include lines that would come out as "Do not set the initial position of the player" and "item processing is not set" among others.
Things that have no bearing on the game as a whole: whole sections devoted to Name Input, which is not used in this game yet is in the Scripts file.

Once I've tested this version, and if it still crashes I'll scan through the files using RPGMaker's inbuilt editor and see if something is fecked.

For your edifice, the trans patch is currently weighing in at just under 9MB.

Thanks Squark! I've been slowly following the translation of this game and am glad you're still chipping away at it. Looking forward to the full thing this year hopefully :)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

If all goes according to plan, I will finish it this year sometime.

Also, crash cause found. It's because of habisain that this can now move forward. Thank him, if you would! Moving on!
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

If all goes according to plan, I will finish it this year sometime.

Also, crash cause found. It's because of habisain that this can now move forward. Thank him, if you would! Moving on!
Ooh, thumbs up.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

If the picture isn't to your liking, look at the guy in the background. What is he taking a picture of...
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Oh there are so many good games in the process of being translated, I can't wait :) Keep up the great work, and habisain you are the MVP!
Will check back every now and then to see how this is moving along, keep up the awesome work. :)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Oh there are so many good games in the process of being translated, I can't wait :) Keep up the great work, and habisain you are the MVP!

No I'm not. Squark's the one putting all the effort in here.

Besides, this is a problem that I should've spotted much earlier (a typo in an string substitution specifier), but didn't. At least I now know of another thing that I should add to Robotrans (my "rule based" translation framework, which I'm also doubling up for automatic patch checking).
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

No I'm not. Squark's the one putting all the effort in here.

Besides, this is a problem that I should've spotted much earlier (a typo in an string substitution specifier), but didn't. At least I now know of another thing that I should add to Robotrans (my "rule based" translation framework, which I'm also doubling up for automatic patch checking).

Well you're both awesome! Doing something a lot of us on here wish we could :p
It's appreciated :)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

This reminds me that i've still got a half-done save of TS-quest.

Welp, when the translation for this comes out, I'll finally understand atleast a little bit about the plotline of the games.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

I'll probably just replay this game when the translation is done again, TS Quest was another bummer just like Mio. Not AS big but still a bummer.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

I'd like to once again thank everyone for their continued interest.
And I'm sorry I didn't get much done this week, went on holidays down the country.
I could release a partial/UI RPGMTrans Patch fairly soonish. Any subsequent patches would be a simple update release.

As I've said before, I'd much rather release the whole glot at once. I'm willing to meet people halfway, however.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Would the patch you post soonish have some story/h scenes translated, or just the UI/items...
Also glad you're still sticking at it and i get why you'd want to release it all in one go.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

It'd have everything I've done so far. So, the UI, Items, Weapons, Armours and so on; but also some of the maps will be in there as well.
CommonEvents remains unfinished to date, and work will most likely be continued on it after I finish the map I'm currently on, and those two behemoths of files - one's 1.2MB and the other one's closer to 3MB. Doesn't sound like much until you realise it's all text. I can't give an ETA, but I will try for sometime in the next eight days. I may very well get those other two files done, but I don't think I'll quite manage the rest of CommonEvents as well.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Ahh no problem, nice to see you're making you way through it at a good pace. Keep up the good work :)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]


Well, I need some help with a couple of lines again.
This one:
Context is an "Evil-Looking Soldier" being creepy to Akos. Translator says something about blind and ass.

This one:
(何なのコイツ・・・これだから、男は・・・) she thinks in response to the above.

This one:
(あの笑み、食ったつもりが食われたみたいな感じになりそうだな・・・) I almost have this, though - something about a cheeky smile I think. But it doesn't make sense.

And this one:
お前のせいでバッキバキになっちまったぜ causes the translator to break down going on about baki or bakibaki and back and other stuff...

If anyone can help at all, I'd be very grateful.
Oh, on another note, I think I've found the file that holds all the H-Scene dialogue.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Let's see what I can do...

"Hey, aren't you paying attention? Your butt is sticking out. I'm gonna crash into it~!"

"(What's he talking about... Honestly, that guy's...)" (Not too sure here, but it strikes me as just a sort of "typical perv" reaction)

"(That grin... It makes me feel like it's eat or be eaten...)"

Would like some more context due to not quite parsing this one, but it's probably along the lines of "I'm going to give you such a beating" or a similar threat - Bakibaki is the sound effect for cracking knuckles. (EDIT: It could also be someone preparing to administer such a beating)
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Thanks so much ^^

Now for a little bad news:
I had an accident with RMTrans and lost only what I'd done for Map307.

Harsh lesson, well learned this time.

So what this means is that the colossal 1MB+ files (which are both in excess of 30,000 lines each) will be put on the back burner for a while, and I'll instead concentrate on the CommonEvents file.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

If this is related to the thing you PM'd me about, it might be recoverable; RPGMaker Trans might have written out the translations in the patched version, in which case I should be able to piece the patch back together. If you want me to have a look, send me the Map037.rvdata2 file from the patched version (assuming you still have it), and I'll see what can be done. Apologies for the bug, but this is one of the one's I've never been able to reproduce.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

It's the very same thing. I didn't feel like gunking the thread up with it.
At any rate, all that remains of Map307 (307, not 037) at the moment is six lines. Which amounts to about 1KB instead of roughly 1.2MB.

So... The backup I'm using will require some work, but if you think you can piece it back together, it'd be much more preferable.

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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

OK, so bad news is I won't be able to actually do the data recovery for a little while (probably Friday, maybe Saturday). Good news is that my suspicions were correct and the file does contain your translations, and therefore it's totally recoverable.

It also helps me narrow down where the bug that caused this problem is, so that's also good :)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

It's better to hear that it helps you narrow it down that to hear the file can be fixed :D
*sits down to do some more work on the CommonEvents file*

EDIT: In all honesty, I'm very tempted to leave all the イクッ as "Iku" instead of changing them to "I'm cumming!". It's quite an internal conflict of interest.
EDIT II: Fuck, I can't wait until I get past all of this Slime content *despairs that there's so much more of it in the CommonEvents* ¬_¬
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