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RPG [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.09 updated)

Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.01 upda

Pickax - つるはし
Glass bottle - ガラス瓶 (empty bottle - 空き瓶)
Torch - トーチ

They're all from Google Translate because it's impossible to hook menu text from this game, so just look for those characters. Torches are crafted. Glass/empty bottles are purchased from the female merchant. The pickax I believe is purchased from the tool/furniture merchant.
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Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.01 upda

In version 2.01, is it possible to increase MC's level or do you only gain stat increases from equipment?
Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.01 upda

From what i know, use scarecrow inside your house. It upgrades your skills(craft, fishing, cooking or something) and HP for spirit points. HP or some kind of related stat is first option. Don't forget to save beforehand though. Spells are leveled up through sleeping with spirits, however, they require spirit points.
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Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.01 upda

The first option increases the player's level, which basically means an increase in his HP. To increase your other stats, you need better equipment. It's already posted how to get the only other armor in the game for the player. Weapons are a crapshoot crafting-wise/bunny alchemist. The furniture merchant/blacksmith in town sells two, one of which is used to access the Tree spirit if you want her early.

It should be noted that the scarecrow must be purchased from the furniture merchant before it can be used. "Spirit points" are just your experience points gained from beating/capturing monster girls and a couple of other unique actions (ex. first encounter with bunny alchemist in Ice area nets you a sex scene with whoever your partner at the time is and 500EXP).

EDIT: Forgot to mention this... You can gain a one-time upgrade in certain stats through special actions as well. You get +1 Strength for chopping a lot of wood (unknown if "perfect" chops give more towards this). You get +1 Agility for running away from a lot of battles. I think reading a lot might also net you Intelligence (ex. library books, newspaper, signs) and dying/taking a lot of damage may increase your Vitality, but I'm a lot fuzzier on those. To increase your max energy you need certain items. Search the thread. I'm fairly sure I or another person mentioned the 30 energy item.
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Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.09 upda

2.09 updated.:)
Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.09 upda

never mind I fixed it
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Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.09 upda

I manage to go to the tower, get pegasus(even though I already got her) go back in the town(the scene where the wolf girl got rape is not yet there),

where should I go next now? the house in the forest? (all I can see in there is a book that sparkles)

and in the hole.. I cannot see a door more like a place that sparkles(also is this a bug I am with earth spirit but the enemies in the shadow cannot be triggered o.o) is it because I am wearing ghost cloak?

ok.. not sure what I did but the lady(that sell potions and collar) got rape o.o..
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Re: [RJ125462|RJ096225] ELEMENTS! Power-up Definitely&ELEMENTS! Ver.1.2(Ver 2.09 upda

Sorry about the bump, but there's something I don't get. Is Version 2.0 supposed to be played after 1.2 or something? 2.0 doesn't have the event with the fairy right at the beginning, and feels as if I'm supposed to know what to do already without any introduction or story setup.
I present to you the revived RJ096225 and RJ125462. Both versions are in the archive.

Would be great if we could get a translation going for this.

EDIT: Now updated to ver 2.12
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@zarion: given that both pages on dlsite are gone (and there's no info on the blog), do you know how far from latest is your 2.12 ?
2.12 is the latest.

Damn shame this dev quit making games, I loved the art style and premise of this game.
@KHTA:...stupid question, but how you level up / upgrade your defense ?
It must be something obvious for the former, but I keep missing it (already at 5k+); as for the later, I suspect there isn't any, but I'm not sure.

Edit: ...oh, wait, is it just that scarecrow ? It's later options seem to be the grindable skills, but the first one looks like like level up.
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That's it, there's no other way to upgrade defense. The better your equipment, the better your defense. Just 1 increase in defense can take a girl from kicking your arse to barely doing damage. Elemental resistance is more desirable, using the right spirit for the right area is far more important. There's a guide here that'll tell you which area and which girl to use.

Yes, the scarecrow is used to lvl up. Lvling up however is just an HP increase and nothing more. However for the simplicity this game offers, HP increase is incredibly important. You can increase some other stats but I honestly can't remember what they did. Probably fishing and capturing skill.
Are you supposed to play through v1.0+ first? The game doesn't seem to explain a lot of things, like the lore background, basic controls, where the player's supposed to go, things like that. I was utterly confused when I started v2.0+, then I played through the opening of v1.2 which did explain things.

(And having the flower fairy handed to me in the opening of v1.2 let me guess which map to go first in v2.0+ to find her -- the flower field).

Disabling 'easy mode' on v1.2 does remove the tutorial and the early flower fairy (and stat increases when capturing monsters), but it's still seem to be signposted (e. g. glowing points on the map) better than v2.0+.
@KHTA: sorry to nag you (especially given that most of my last question was already written a few posts above - somehow I've missed that), but I've got a couple more.
Where aprox. is that hidden water area in earth dungeon ?
Is the bottle the thing needed to interact with those odd pools in earth dungeon and meadow house ?
Far south. If you just keep going south, you come to a room with a door on the southern end. Once you've stopped the island from sinking and complete some other requirements I can no longer remember you'll be able to open the door.

The odd pool is just sake and yeah, you need a bottle to put the sake in.

Are you supposed to play through v1.0+ first? The game doesn't seem to explain a lot of things, like the lore background, basic controls, where the player's supposed to go, things like that. I was utterly confused when I started v2.0+, then I played through the opening of v1.2 which did explain things.

(And having the flower fairy handed to me in the opening of v1.2 let me guess which map to go first in v2.0+ to find her -- the flower field).

Disabling 'easy mode' on v1.2 does remove the tutorial and the early flower fairy (and stat increases when capturing monsters), but it's still seem to be signposted (e. g. glowing points on the map) better than v2.0+.

No, it's suppose to be the exact same game just with a new system. But some of the changes dev did, I can't understand for the life of me. It's suppose to be a "do things your way" type of game. The way we posted earlier isn't THE way it has to be done, just the easiest way it can be done. That's why outside of tutorial you're just dropped into the game with basic info and told to have at it.
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Also did they really remove diagonal movement in v2.0+, or is it buried in the options somewhere? Seems strange to take away features. The new choice of font combined with the black (dark brown?) on brown coloring also hurts legibility (really, really need to squint to read the text sometimes). Overall I have a better experience playing the v1.2 version so far. v2.0+ just feels... worse, even though it's supposed to be an upgrade with more features.

Edit: Odd, didn't see this part earlier:

No, it's suppose to be the exact same game just with a new system. But some of the changes dev did, I can't understand for the life of me. It's suppose to be a "do things your way" type of game. The way we posted earlier isn't THE way it has to be done, just the easiest way it can be done. That's why outside of tutorial you're just dropped into the game with basic info and told to have at it.

I do appreciate the sentiment of having a sandbox (wacky) 'lifestyle simulator' game (sorta like Elona), but the previous version has the tutorial enabled by default, and even with it disabled (no easy mode) it still gives hints to the player on where to go.

v2.0+ just... floods the player with a lot of options (well, option-looking shiny things that you can't actually make use of yet) straight from the beginning, with a lot of distracting sparkles all over the place that seem to explain things you can't do yet. It still gives the same hint to visit the Calm Field to capture some monsters after you pick up the pokeball collars, but since it's buried among so many other messages (most of them about things you can't do yet unless you order constructions from the carpenter), it's easy to miss it.

(The distracting font also makes it easy to accidentally skip parts of the text when reading.)

v1.2 doesn't even let the player visit the other places connected to the house if the relevant construction hasn't been unlocked yet. With easy mode turned off, there was just one sparkle (the one with the collars and other item) which directly hints the player to visit the Calm Field to capture some monsters (well, the game calls them "animals"). Exploring there would lead to the flower fairy and subsequent plot hooks (when the player goes to town to sell animals/restock on collars). Quite intuitive.

Overall, IMHO, v2.0+ just seems... filled with questionable design decisions. Again, IMHO, it seems rather hard for a player to play it without a guide or prior experience from v1.0+. It gave me the impression that it's some sort of 'expert mode' intended for veteran players, and I got completely lost until I fired up v1.2 and everything began to made sense.

(This isn't intended to be a review or any form of censure or criticism. I'm just, well, giving an honest impression from the perspective of a new player.)
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OK, this is silly - I've meant to ask this earlier, but forgot: perhaps I've stumbled upon a minor bug; how do you trigger the last album entry for the rat ?
......iirc, you get it from raising her in stable and doing H
Just to clarify: once the "gravestone" on top of the tower is unlit, you're done ? I have the necklace already.
Also, to correct the current guide, you can have upgraded ash spirit on the second day, you just need to raise her affection by depleting/replenishing her energy before advancing to the next day.

Any ideas what's the treasure map the guide is talking about referring to the librarian ?

Oh, one other thing: what the source of "denki stones" ? I've seen one of them somewhere, but it seems it should be a bit less rare - there are a few recipes that require them.
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