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RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

I couldn't continue watching the goblins vs vamps. RJ, ya gotta use dat Troll to throw the gobbos! There's no better TD in the game!
Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

That method of play is far too straight forward for my taste and I don't care for it. I'd rather chainsaw his guys than attempt to score sudden Touch Downs
Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

You could have done both! You chainsaw first. Then you chuck the goblin. You were gonna lose the goblin a turn later anyway due to cheating rules. Had the goblin been within go-for-it distance to score a touchdown, would you have eschewed that too because it was too "straightforward?"

In b4 you try to explain how that's a different situation. It's not. Both are obvious means to winning the game rather than getting an extra block on some worthless thrall. Goblin chucking is a legit and often necessary part of goblin team strategy. ;)
Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

Blue, plz

I've beaten Tass so many times that I couldn't give less of a fuck about what you're talking about or the sake of winning.

If you go into blood bowl wanting to win you're doing it wrong.
Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner


Oh okay RJ.
Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

Having played elves a bunch, scoring is fun to me, because I sure as hell wasn't winning the physical game. 'Cept against Halflings.
Re: RJ&Tass's Blood Bowl Corner

I really hate elves, not because they're bad, but precisely because they level up and become insane at the game. Though they just evolve into this seemingly super tryhard meta that seems so insanely out of place in a game like bloodbowl. Watching goblins or norse try to compete against a pro elf team is so retarded because the goblins and norse are acting like they're playing a completely different game and the elves just don't care about anything other than TOUCHDOWN BABY WHOOOOOOO DODGES FOR DAYZ AND LONG BOMB PASSES YOU NEVER SEE COMIN'

Which is sorta what my Amazon team has become in solo play. Dodge and Block on all the tits makes it a super easy game, both bully and pass for the win easy. It reaches a point of mundane and boring events repeating themselves of me winning over and over against these evidently inferior teams.

I take no pride in winning a fight against a cripple. But I'd happily enjoy making two cripples kill each other, because it's even. In addition, it's also hilarious.