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Re: Rift Touched

Hmm.... Fair point, then how about those piercings which can be hidden under clothes?

A to D

Would rather the ears then the clit or the tongue but, I find that a reasonable enough change.
Re: Rift Touched

So, it looks like A, B, D, G, and H are the winners. Wow, this one had a lot of votes!
8:25 am

You look down at the piercings and admire their craftsmanship for a little while, picking each up and turning it over in your hands, considering each one critically. You think about yourself and about Delilah… and you realize that you aren’t as averse to the idea as you once thought, but there are some that you just don’t want. You do, however, like the idea of being able to be walked from your clit, not to mention you find the ring stunning – you nod to yourself as you make up your mind. “I don’t know about getting my tongue, lip, or eyebrow pierced” you begin say you use your right index finger to push away those piercings “But the others… yes. I’m not one-hundred percent on board with getting my clitoris pierced, but I’ll do it… for you, and because you put so much thought into it”. Delilah’s face lights up as a great big smile crosses her lips and her eyes seem to twinkle in an almost surreal happiness. Oh my gods… I didn’t think she would be that happy about me getting piercings. That face she’s making is actually a little terrifying… you think as you smile back at Delilah, somewhat forcing yourself not to recoil from your lover as she goes through ten different phases of happy all at once. “Say it for me” Delilah says quickly as she bares her teeth in a huge grin. “Say what?” you ask as you cock your head to the side in confusion, unsure of what it is Delilah wants you to say. “You know what” Delilah quickly responds as she leans forward “At the park… say it for me”. Again you don’t know what she’s talking about as you sift through your memories of the last few days and… Really? She really wants me to say it? Alright, I guess… you think as you roll your eyes and smile in amusement at Delilah’s simplicity at the moment. “I’m your obedient, submissive, slutty little girl, Mistress Delilah. Please pierce my slutty clit and walk me like the good Pet I am” you repeat, word for word, what she wanted you to say back at the park, and when you do Delilah lets out the most uncharacteristic of girlish squeals that you never thought you would hear out of your vampiric lover. Dear gods what have I gotten myself into? you think with wide eyes as you do recoil slightly from Delilah. You watch as Delilah gently picks up the tray and moves it off to the side of the bed… and then she mounts the bed and crawls towards you while grinning from ear to ear. “Uh, Delilah” you say uneasily as you push inch away and crawl away from Delilah “D-Don’t do anything hast- mmph?!” You don’t get a chance to finish as Delilah lunges for you, pushes you onto your back, and kisses you passionately while twining her hands with yours and holding them tightly. “I. Love. You” she says forcefully between each kiss, diving back down as she finishes as she tries to taste every bit of your mouth while also allowing you to breathe. You don’t resist, instead moaning and closing your eyes as you wrap your legs around Delilah’s waist, enjoying the cool sensation of her mouth and the outpouring of emotions she’s feeling at your submission and acceptance of her kinks.

A few centuries old and something so simple brings her so much happiness. I guess it really is the simple things… works for me~.

“Hah… hah” Delilah pulls her mouth away from yours and breathes deeply as she rests the left side of her cheek on your own and pecks your ear, rubbing her face on yours lovingly. She snakes her arms underneath your back and holds you tightly as she whispers “It’s going to hurt, my darling”. With your arms now free you wrap them around Delilah’s back and hug her tightly as, trembling a bit as you realize that at least one of those piercings is going to hurt very, very much. “I-I know…” you whisper back “But you’re right… and I want to do it for you. Just promise me that you’ll hold me when it’s over… promise me you’ll hold me until it stops hurting”. Delilah grips you tightly, mashing her body and yours together, especially your large DD’s, and whispers back “Oh, darling, I promise… I promise to never let go. I’ll hold you forever, my darling love. I am so sorry…” You smile as you snuggle into Delilah and say “Don’t be… I am your submissive, slutty girl and Pet after all. You know what’s best for me… Mistress…~” Delilah pulls away from you entirely and looks down at you with a loving smile before she unmounts you. You bring your arms to your breasts and mash them together for her, which she licks her lips at and gives you an approving look before she scoops her arms underneath your legs and back. You allow yourself to be picked up, wrapping your right arm around her neck for support, and cuddle close to your dominant vampire as she scoots off the bed and walks you over to a chair with stirrups attached with an empty tray on top. When she gets there she sets you in gingerly, as if you were the most precious thing in the world, and bends down to put your feet in the straps. When you’re bound in, she gestures for you to put your arms down on the armrests, which you do obediently, before she straps those in as well. You watch as she tightens them, but not too tight, and then walks behind the chair – you give a little gasp of surprise as you lean back slightly until you’re almost looking directly up at the ceiling, at which point Delilah moves back in front of you and looks directly at your glistening pussy. You can’t close your spread legs thanks to the straps, but you don’t mind; in fact you’re feeling quite aroused by her looking down at you with appraisal. Without saying another word your white haired lover walks away and to your left, back towards the bed, and grabs the tray off the bed. You watch as she brings it back and sets it in place on top of the already empty tray… and then she walks away again, this time behind you. You try to see where she’s going, but you can’t turn your head far enough before the headrest gets in the way, but after a few moments her voice tells you that she’s right behind you. “Hold still, my darling” her smooth, confident voice comes out from behind you “I’m going to blindfold you. I don’t want you seeing this up close and possibly becoming so frightened that I can’t work properly. Just relax and know that your mistress will take care of you”. “Alright” you reply quietly, yet truthfully in as confident and sweet a voice as you can muster given the circumstances “I trust you”.

You lean your head forward to give Delilah a better vantage, and a second later she takes it when your vision goes black as a cloth blindfold is wrapped around your eyes and quickly tied behind your head. Delilah fishes her hands around the inside of the blindfold and gently tugs your hair out, making you more comfortable and gently pulling your head back against the headrest. “This next part is very important. Be a good girl and be as still as you possibly can”. Delilah’s voice comes from beside you as she runs her hand through your hair soothingly – you sigh in contentment and nod and just… wait. You wait for a few moments as Delilah removes her hand from your hair, and after a few seconds you hear the rustling of metal and what sounds like something being pried open and then slotted into something else… and then you feel something cold, sharp, and metallic against your left ear towards the top. You gasp and freeze instantly as you break out in a cold sweat, but as Delilah hums soothingly and strokes your hair you calm down… and then you hear, but mostly feel, the clamp that follows. “Argh!” you scream in a high screech as your oversensitive ear is wracked with pain – you feel the metal puncture and destroy the skin of your ear near the top. It stings, burns, and pricks all along where it was just pierced, and you can feel the blood flowing down towards your canal as you grimace in pain and every muscle in your body clenches. As tears well up in your eyes and you try to not cry or scream out in pain, simply breathing hard as you try to fight through it, you feel the metal once more at your ear. With another snapping sound you feel your ear puncture again as another silver-gold ring is set into the flesh of your ear, and again you scream out in pain… and only a second later another is quickly snapped into place. When it’s over you know that it is done, for now, and when the clamp is remove you scream out, clench your teeth, and jerk your head from side to side. “Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Argh, it hurts!” you yell out in pain as tears well up in your eyes, which you clench shut as you try to fight the pain once more as it seems to envelop your entire body, though in reality it’s just your ear the hurts like fucking hells. You feel some sort of cloth dab at your ears, which sends a new lightning wave of pain through your body as Delilah dabs at the blood, and again you seethe, hiss, and grunt in pain while clenching your fists and all the muscles in your body. “Shhh, darling, I’m right here” Delilah says gently as you feel a cool hand at your cleft, rubbing your clit from underneath your hood and a few fingers inside your pussy as it molds to her digits “You did good. You’re such a good girl… here, this will make you feel better now”. “Argh! Uhn! D-Delilah, hahn!” you sputter out as you grunt in pain, then moan in pleasure, bucking your hips and writhing in your seat as Delilah uses the fingers of one hand to stimulate you sexually, while using the other to dab at your bleeding and painfully throbbing ear with a piece of cloth. You don’t know what to think or feel anymore; on the one hand you’re in pain – not severe pain, but pain – while on the other you’re feeling incredible pleasure thanks to Delilah’s skilled fingers as they dance across your clit and inside you, pumping you quickly and bringing you closer to orgasm. You almost don’t feel the pain anymore as you stop writhing, instead bucking your hips as much as you can to meet Delilah’s fingers, and when you near your peak… she stops.

“No… please, Delilah, please… it hurts, and that makes it feel better…” you whine as she pulls her fingers from your greedy snatch, with you desperately tightening your vaginal muscles, but to no avail as she fully removes them. “I know, darling, I know, but if you cum now it will be bad for you. Now sit still for me… I think the bleeding is going to stop”. Delilah dabs at your ear a few more times and, after a moment, you hear her grunt in satisfaction. “T-Thank you…” you say sincerely “Really… thank you, Delilah”. “Oh, hush, darling… I should be thanking you for doing so much for me” your lover chides as you feel her hands, her clean and dry hands you note, rub your cheek affectionately. “I’ll let you rest, but the blindfold stays on~” she says, and you can’t help but chuckle playfully.

8:47 am
9:13 am

Delilah finishes dabbing your belly button, where you now have a new ruby ring piercing, and lets you rest once more. This one didn’t hurt as much as your ears, which you now sport three silver-gold rings on your left ear and what Delilah called an industrial piercing on your right ear with a matching silver-gold looping metal piece, which is held in placed by two tightly screwed on studs on either end that have tiny diamonds. Your nipples were relatively easy in comparison; all that needed to be done was to unscrew the studs on the ends after unlocking the chain that connected to the metal hearts, then once that was done they just slipped right out and were easily replaced. It felt weird having the metal pieces come out of your body… but that quickly passed as they were replaced, re-tightened, and the hearts were reattached. Now, however, is the moment of truth; you are going to have your clitoris – not the hood, but your clitoris – pierced… and you are nervous and a little scared. You don’t say anything, but you’re sure Delilah knows you’re wary as she presses what feels like a glass bottle against your lips. “Drink this” Delilah gently says as she starts to tilt the bottle “I brought some of Helena’s brew just in case. It will burn, but it will also dull the pain – I want you to feel as little as possible for this, and I want to make this very clear, Colette. Do. Not. Move. I need you to be as still as possible; even with my enhanced speed and reflexes, if you make one wrong move then I could hurt you, and I don’t want that”. You don’t need any more encouragement than that; you open your mouth wider and let Helena’s special brew pour into your mouth. It burns and tastes harsh, but it seems to have a mild fruity flavor that makes it more bearable, but it still burns going down. “Blegh!” you cough up some of the brew, unable to drink very fast – Delilah chuckles and dabs at your mouth and breasts where you spilled some before you say “Okay… sorry, ready to go again”. “Don’t be sorry, darling” Delilah responds “Alcohol doesn’t do much for me, but Helena’s still manages to light my senses up”. “Really?” you ask with a slight laugh “I wonder what she puts in it? In fact, how long has she been drinking it?” Delilah laughs heartily at your comment before she says “I have no idea what goes into it, darling, but she’s been drinking, and experiment, for a few years now. I’m surprised she’s still alive in all honesty; between her alcoholism and all the other troubles she manages to get into most other people would be dead or nearly there by now”. You shake your head slightly before you open your mouth and Delilah feeds you more of Helena’s brew, this next drink no better than the last. You get a few more drinks, and each one is easier to down than the last, and after a few minutes your face feels flush and numb. In fact you’re starting to feel really good… “loose” would be the best word to describe it, given that it’s a little bit hard to maintain control of your head right now. Still, you’re not drunk, just really relaxed after a few drinks.

“Good” Delilah comments before you feel her dabbing at your cleft with what feels to be the same cloth, probably enchanted, which feels like a dull arousal as she dries you off down there “Now, hold still”. When the cloth is removed and your cleft is sufficiently dried and clean, you feel Delilah’s cool fingers at your hood, but most notably at your throbbing clit – through each of the piercings Delilah had stimulated you as you felt pain, but left you in a perpetual state of arousal as she never let you go over the edge, and now your little button is rock hard and painfully aroused, just as you are. You gasp as you feel her cool fingers again at your button, but this time there’s something different that you feel pressing against it… something cold and sharp that you barely feel… and then your clitoris explodes in a dull but highly acute pain that seems to spread outward from your groin to the rest of your body. You gasp loudly in shock and remain perfectly rigid as you experience and fully appreciate every millisecond of pain, even as inebriated as you are. It barely lasts a moment as the metal enters from one end of your clitoris and exits out another, but that barely a moment seems to last an eternity as tears immediately well up in your eyes, and then just as quickly it is removed, leaving you with a new kind of painful sensation as every nerve in your little nub explodes. You remain perfectly still for those brief seconds, remembering Delilah’s words as you clench every gods damned muscle in your body and fight the tears that are already streaming down your cheeks, and literally a second after that you feel a small piece of metal at your clit twisting quickly, but oh gods it hurts so much! Barely a second later and Delilah finishes twisting and you feel her tighten something on the end… and then it is finished. You croak out a few unintelligible sounds of pain as Delilah dabs at your clit, which seems to be incredibly oversensitive with acute, life affirming pain… and you cry. “D-Delilah, gods it hurts! It hurts! Please, make it stop hurting!” you bawl, causing your tears to wet the fabric of the blindfold as you try and remain perfectly still as the dabbing stops and you yell “Is it over?! Please, is it over?!” You don’t wait for a response as you start thrashing in your bindings from the pain, clenching your muscles and trying to kick your way out of the chair with your legs while trying to rip your arms loose. Delilah doesn’t say a word, instead as you thrash in your seat you barely register that she’s untying you starting with your hands, and when your hands are free you bring them to your eyes and rip the blindfold off just as Delilah finishes freeing your ankles.

The pain starts to intensify as you try to get up, causing you to wail in pain and cry even harder as you just sit there in the chair with your feet touching the floor, and thankfully at this point the alcohol starts to catch up with you and you start to feel dizzy as the pain in your groin dulls and flares at erratic intervals, and a sense of nausea that creeps up from underneath those other two feelings starts to become more evident. You just sit there and cry… crying in pain, and crying just because you can. “I have you… I have you, my darling” Delilah says sympathetically, and when you bring your head up from your hands you see her bending down in front of you. She gets her cool hands underneath your legs, and at this point you reach your hands out for her and wrap them around her neck, seeking comfort in her arms. “Hold me… please” you say with a hiccup as she starts to lift you up, causing your groin to hurt which also seems to make your other piercings hurt worse as well. “I’m never letting go” she replies earnestly as she manages to lift your legs up and hold you, even as you wrap your arms around her neck and burying your head into the side of her shoulder, tightly hugging her. She carries you a ways and before long you feel your butt touching the bed, but Delilah never lets go of you – she starts to hum and rock you in her arms as she sits beside you, lifting you onto her lap as you continue to cry into her shoulder, enjoying the closeness and comfort that her presence brings as the pain starts to subside. “I’m here for you, my darling girl… I will always love you, no matter what, and as long as I am able I will protect you” she whispers into your ear with a slight quiver, holding you so tight that it seems to melt away the pain. “O-Oh, Delilah…” you hiccup as you hold onto her, focusing on her rather than the pain, which makes it subside… and you actually appreciate now that you have both your ears pierced, your belly button, and now your clit, and it makes you feel… right, sexy even. You start to think that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t wrong in thinking that Delilah and the others know best for you. When the pain becomes a dull throb you start to feel drowsy, but you never let go of Delilah even as sleep starts to take you, but before it does you start to think that Delilah has put in so much effort for you, and if she really does know best then maybe… you should try and be the best you can be for her in return?

9:49 am
12:11 pm

You start to rouse from your slumber as a dull ache assaults your senses, mostly centered in your groin but also in your ears as well. However, it’s a pleasant ache accompanied by an almost itching feeling… a feeling you usually associate with a wound healing itself. You yawn and stretch your arms and legs, rubbing your face into the… pillow? You open your eyes and sit up, blinking a few times as you get your bearings, and when your vision finally returns you see that you’re resting on the pillows of the bed and are underneath the sheets. It’s at this point that you feel something on your ears, belly button, and on your vagina that gives you the most wonderful, yet un-arousing, stimulation which incidentally you believe is also causing your itching. You look down to your navel and cleft as you sit up and see that there’s some sort of clear slime on you. It’s not moving, and it’s definitely not sentient, but it nonetheless came from a slime given the texture – you reach down and touch it… yep, feels like a slime – and general look and amorphous shape to it. “What the heck is going on? Delilah?” you say to yourself before looking around as you call out for your lover, but she’s nowhere to be seen. You start to get up with the intent of looking for her, but you notice a note on the other pillow beside you. You pick up the parchment and see that it was written by Delilah, given her signature at the end, and smile as you read the short note.

My sweetest, most beautiful darling Colette,

I am so sorry that I caused you any pain, but I want you to know that you were so very good and handled it very well. You make me the happiest woman every single day that I’m with you, and I want you to know I will always love you and cherish our time together. Do not be alarmed if you do not see me when you wake. I wanted to let you sleep after all that you endured, and I will be gone for several hours. The slime that you no doubt notice on you came from Meredith – after the last time I realized that slime healing would be the best way to bring you back to full health, since magical healing on a piercing could cause problems. Be a good girl and leave it on until I get back. Speaking of which, Deidra informed me that after each session you should have a long resting period in order to avoid any complications with the ritual, which is why I will be gone for several hours. It is both to allow you rest and have time to yourself after your traumatic experience. Do not worry, for once I return we will continue where we left off, and I want you to be fully rested and mentally prepared for what is to come, my darling. I intend to love you, and I will not be very gentle; as I said, the toys in this room are not just for show and I intend to use them… all of them. I believe it goes without saying that you should not masturbate. I don’t want you hurting yourself as you heal, and that is a command to you, my love. I will punish you severely should you disobey, after I help you heal of course.
Yours truly,

P.S. Don’t leave the room, darling. You need time alone to rest and recuperate, and as Deidra has made me understand you need as little contact and stimulation as possible with other people and things or else you could harm yourself as a side effect of the ritual. There’s still some leftover food; rest, eat, drink, and be well, Colette.
Re: Rift Touched

You finish reading the note with a smile and an aroused shiver at the prospect of Delilah returning, but are disappointed in her advice, especially the masturbation part. You can already feel yourself getting aroused, and as you look down at your slime covered jewelry, you find that, despite the itching and the pain, your arousal isn’t abated much. “I could rest, sure” you say to yourself as you put the note down and stretch your arms over your head and rustle your hair “But I’m not really hungry or tired right now, and she said she would be away for a few hours. How do I know she won’t be gone for thirty more minutes, or maybe three hours? I think a little exploration is in order~”. You set the note down back on the pillow and throw the sheets off of you as you step out of bed. When your feet touch the ground you notice that tray nearby, and atop it is all the food from before, Helena’s wine, and a pitcher filled with water and two cups next to it. You step off and walk over, examining it all – you smile and pop a cherry into your mouth and pour yourself a glass of water, drinking it down quickly before you look around the room. To say the room is littered with bondage gear wouldn’t be an inaccurate description, but to say that it was unorderly and cluttered would be – above the bed is a hanging metal beam with a hook that, you imagine, would be used to suspend someone for another’s enjoyment. You also see a wooden horse, stocks, a rack, various whips, ropes, chains, manacles, and whatnot hanging from the walls, a full length mirror off to the side, various sex toys are visible from an open chest… it really is a dream come true for those interested in bondage and sex. You walk over to an armoire near the back of the room – a rather large one at that – and open it to reveal many different types of clothing ranging from harnesses, maid outfits, frilly clothing, classy looking clothes, and everything in between to satisfying almost any fantasy or role play. You close the armoire and make your way back to the bed, plopping down on it and crawling back towards the head where the pillows are at – you move Delilah’s note aside and grab her pillow, hugging it closely and inhaling deeply, catching a whiff of your lover’s aroma on it and sighing contentedly as you bring it close to your chest. “I’m bored” you say to yourself aloud “And I itch down there and at my ears… argh, I wish it would hurry up and heal! Little red’s healing took a few hours to fully be healed, so I guess this will be the same, but I’m so horny… gah, I need a distraction!” You toss the pillow aside and bounce off the bed, intent on dancing or meditating to keep your skills sharp, but then you realize there’s one place you haven’t really seen yet – you grin to yourself and turn around, kneeling down as you flip up the bottom sheet of the bed.

Underneath you find nothing… except a book – you dip down low and extend your arm out and grab the book, sliding back out from underneath the bed once you have a firm handle on it. Once it’s out in the light you note that it’s a hardcover and isn’t terribly long given the size. You could probably finish reading the entire thing in a few short hours if you put your mind to it, you think, but it’s the title that catches your eye. “Discipline of the Submissive?” you read it aloud as it’s printed in big bold gold letters on the front, lacking any other defining feature – you turn the book around and see that there’s nothing of note on the back besides the grey color of the book itself. “Now why would something like this be down there?” you wonder aloud as you turn the book back over and open the cover to the cover page. On the cover page is a note by the author, signed anonymously, which reads True submission is more than just an act – submission is a way of life, an art, and a discipline that requires both strength of mind and body. Any fool can submit themselves to someone else, but a true submissive will realize that only a few strong deserve the right to have their minds and bodies chained to another’s will, and should only be reserved to those that are deserving. To submit yourself to another that is deserving is to loose yourself from societal boundaries; to lose shame, to lose independence, to become what your master or mistress desires, and through this you become free. Through my journey of self-actualization I have had my mind and body tested, pushed, broken, and built up stronger and better than before. I have been disciplined, humiliated, shown the joys and pleasures of carnal delights and physical pains, of being degraded and showered with appraisal and at the whim of the one who I call my dominant. Should you, the reader, desire to be the very best for your master or mistress, should they be deserving, then this guide will help you realize your full potential for them. This is but a place for you to start; the real work comes between you both, but this guide may help you ease into the process should you truly desire to be your master or mistress’ ideal submissive.

“Interesting” you comment while flipping the page “Let’s see what we have in here…” You flip the pages of the book, stopping at the beginning of chapters and a few pages into them. The book itself, as you guessed, isn’t terribly long and would probably be easily finished in a few hours even with breaks in between, but it is highly detailed and very thorough, and you get the sense that the author is highly intelligent and treats the subject with an academic mind and a passion reserved for something someone dedicates their life towards. The author stresses order, structure, and discipline most of all – the endurance of physical pleasure and pain, being neat and tidy such as folding clothes – perhaps Delilah has read this book before? – making the bed and putting things in their proper place… but also of the proper procedures for serving your master or mistress. The author goes into detail about how to properly present yourself and disrobe for your dominant, how to beg, worship, and how to show proper servant-like respect for your dominant on various pages. You flip to a few more pages and read some very perverted and downright dirty things as well that the author recounts from their personal experiences that they believe helps build the good foundations of your submissiveness. Things like humiliation, degradation, being denied pleasure, having luxuries and freedoms stripped, and more are par for the course. As you get up and plop down on the bed, putting the book down, you wonder if studying this would make Delilah and the others happy – and perhaps yourself? You roll onto your back and look down at your navel and towards your groin at your new piercings, covered in slime, and smile as you admire them despite the itching you’re feeling as they heal. You also have to resist the urge to touch your ears and admire those piercings as well.

That certainly was an interesting skim, but should I really continue reading it? I should probably just get some rest like Delilah and Deidra think I should, but really that would just be wasted time in my opinion. I could easily practice dancing or trying to harness my powers instead… or maybe disobey Delilah entirely and masturbate or leave the room~. Hmm, ah well at least the bed is comfy…

As you think about what you want to do, you sit up on the bed and crawl off the edge and make your way towards the mirror on the side of the room. You notice, upon further inspection, that there are wheels attached to the bottom, meaning it can be pushed around wherever it is needed. You don’t worry about that, however, and instead get a good look at your new jewelry. Despite the slime obscuring them slightly, you bring your hand down to your navel and examine the silver-gold ring at your belly button, which has a brilliant ruby set into it that matches your hair. Your left ear has the industrial piercing and looks unique, and with the two tiny diamond studs that hold it in place. You tap the bit of Meredith’s own slime and it ripples slightly, though without any sentience behind it as the rippling spreads and then dies down – you do the same for your right ear, which you admire the larger silver-gold rings set in place. Surprisingly, you don’t feel the weight of the rings despite their size, and you actually kind of like them – your half-elven ears, while not as long as an elf’s, now have something that draws the eyes and makes your ears look more pronounced, which is something you never thought you would enjoy, but here you are admiring the effect. You look further down at your new clit ring, and are amazed that the blacksmith was able to make something so tiny and still manage to inscribe the inside. You definitely feel that one, but it’s mostly the soreness from the piercing itself as it feels almost weightless, but then again that could just be the slime holding it up. The sapphire on the end is brilliant and beautiful, but you don’t let yourself forget the naughtier side to it that will allow Delilah, and most likely Lula, Leena, and Astraea, to “leash” you with it thanks to the enchantment it has. It’s not overly noticeable, aside from the jewel, and you actually enjoy looking at it and feel that, at least somewhat, you can relate to Helena given she has a clit piercing as well, not to mention one at her navel and on her tongue and nipples. You also can’t help but notice the different jewels you now carry on you; diamonds on your right ear, emeralds dangling from your nipples, a ruby at your navel, and a sapphire at your clit. “What every adventurer wants; a nice set of jewels~” you say aloud as you turn your head and examine your piercings more “Except instead of being found in a treasure chest they’re on me. Hah, oh well, I guess I like it better this way anyhow”.

12:30 pm

A. Study the book “Discipline of the Submissive” and take to heart the lessons and philosophy provided.

B. Practice your dancing on dances that you know to improve your skill.

C. Meditate and focus on your new lust and powers.

D. Leave the room and do something. (Specify)

E. Delilah’s not the boss of you! Masturbate.

F. Take Delilah’s advice and just rest so that you don’t risk any side effects of the ritual.

G. Use one or more of the various toys/contraptions in the room. (Specify. Let your imagination run wild!)

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (1224 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10). Left ring finger.
-Enchanted Emerald Ring of Strength. (Enhances melee and ranged attacks, excluding crossbows. Allows lifting of heavier objects). Right ring finger.
-Skin-Walker (Hugs body like a second skin, revealing everything as if nude. Blessings in effect when worn). Currently on floor.

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Naked!
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
- Silver-gold Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached). Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Silver-gold circular industrial earring on right inner ear. Has two small diamond studs on outside that attach to ear. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Three silver-gold large ring piercings on upper left ear. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Silver-gold ring with ruby set in at belly button. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Small silver-gold ring with sapphire set in. Enchanted to extend a small chain to those that know command word. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains. For the darling and joy of my existence. To my love, Colette inscribed along band.

Weaponry Not currently available/equipped.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).

Magic Not currently available/equipped.

-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.
-Lust Strike (10 Lust minimum required. The higher the lust the stronger the attack in intervals of 10. Foot-Fighting only skill): Use lust to increase the damage of your kicks proportional to the amount of lust you have. The higher the lust the more damage is added to the attack. Lust is expended upon usage. Can choose how much lust to use, but at least 10 is needed.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Stripper tattoo on right arm represented by two interlocking hollow rings with arcane writing in the hollow parts, flames along the outside, two large arcane symbols on the left and right gap, and three curved squiggly lines in the center gap (Solid Purple).


Health: Fine
MR: 102/102
Lust: 20/100
Vagina is wet.
Soreness located at groin, belly button, and ears.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Magical Sensitivity (Demonic Lust): As a side effect of the ritual you underwent at Deidra’s you now are able to see the lust let off by demons, namely succubi and even your own, as a reddish-pink aura.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Very Slight Magical/Physical Damage Resistance: Your new piercings, courtesy of Delilah, are enchanted to boost your physical and magical damage resistance the more that you wear. The number of piercings you have gives a very slight increase to these resistances.

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Leg Strength (Minor): Thanks to your training and workouts with Vivian the strength of your legs has increased, and you’re better able to move on your feet in all general instances. The strength of your attacks when kicking/using the foot fighting skill has increased.

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 38/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Dancing: 1/4
Belly Dancing: Uses 10 MR or 20 Lust and bestows a minor physical hit reduction to enemies and a minor bonus to Colette’s to hit. Lasts for five minutes.

Strip Dancing: Strip Dancing (and FULLY stripping, barring weapons) requires 30 MR or 60 Lust and bestows a major overall hit reduction to enemies, mild bonus to Colette’s to hit bonus, and a mild bonus to Colette’s overall damage reduction. Also rapidly increases Lust regeneration as well as halves dancing time thus halving negative penalties of dancing and attacking. Lasts 10 minutes.

Pole Dancing: Requires 15 MR or 30 Lust and also requires a pole (or something similar) nearby to utilize. Sends forth a burst of pure magic that homes in on all enemies and deals minor to mild damage and knocks them down for a single turn. Single use.

Line Dancing: Requires 25 MR or 50 Lust and bestows Colette with rapid MR regeneration and gives a minor magical damage increase. Lasts 5 minutes.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Requires 25 MR or 50 Lust and bestows Colette with a mild damage bonus and +1 skill bonus to all offensive weapon skills (2/4 Hand-to-Hand becomes 3/4, etc.). Lasts 5 minutes.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Foot Fighting: 1/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, even going so far as to touching your more intimate parts. You’re also more receptive to the sexual advances of others and are willing to participate more readily than before, but nothing too extreme or against your personality and tastes. May affect certain situations.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

F and nothing but!
Wall-O-Text again. I told myself I would try to shorten these posts. I should really stop lying to myself, ‘tis a nasty habit. Enjoy!
12:30 pm

“Heh, might as well not incur the wrath of Delilah and Deidra” you say to yourself as you finish examining your new accessories “I guess I’ll have to put up with my boredom, and this blasted lust of mine, and just rest and heal up. Come to think of it this might be the best decision considering what happened last time when my head felt like it was going to explode…” You saunter back over to the bed and gingerly crawl onto it and towards the head of the bed, throwing the sheets up and snaking yourself underneath. You brush your hair out of the way and toss to the right, grabbing Delilah’s pillow for comfort. “Great” you say aloud as you shift your legs uncomfortably from the soreness and itching “Now to try and get some rest. I’ll never be able to relax like this!”

12:33 pm
4:12 pm

“Darling” you hear a gentle, soothing voice whisper into your ear and a hand lightly shaking you awake from your peaceful sleep “Colette, darling, it’s time to get up”. “Mmm?” is all you manage to utter from your throat, unaware of what is happening as your mind rebels against the thought of waking up. “I see Meredith’s slime has done wonders” the voice you now recognize as Delilah’s says as you come out of your drowsy stupor – you feel her fingers gently brush your left ear, directly, and touch each of the three rings situated on your upper ear. The small contact feels strange to you, but something you don’t find unpleasant… in fact, given the right touch you think it might be highly enjoyable with your new pieces. “Wake up now, my sweetest” Delilah coos into your ear as she runs her hand through your hair and massages your scalp, earning a very pleased sigh from you as she massages and tangles your scalp on hair in her fingers “You’ve been a good girl so far, won’t you continue to be a good girl for me, Pet?” You smile and nod your head lazily as you struggle to rise, rolling onto your back and using your elbows as supports as you sit up. You blink your eyes a few times as things come into focus, and the first thing you see is Delilah’s pale face, with her white hair let down, and amber eyes smiling down at you – a welcome sight to be sure. “That’s my beautiful, Pet” she coos, leaning back and pulling her hand away from you as you sit up more – you notice that your ears, navel, and groin don’t feel so heavy anymore, and a quick check as you move the sheets off of you shows that the clear slimes from Meredith are gone, and a quick check of the sheets and your pillow shows some moist spots, indicating that they may have dissolved. The second thing that you notice is that Delilah, on top of having her hair down, is wearing a black and crimson red corset, no undergarments or pants, and black leather boots… and she’s holding Willow in her left hand. You let your eyes linger on her bare cleft for a moment before turning your gaze to her whip, and then trailing up to her eyes and seeing affection and a ferocity that promises wonderfully dark and pleasurable things in your very near future. “There’s a good girl” Delilah again coos “Resting for me and not doing anything else… except, I noticed that a certain book was out of place. You didn’t happen to read it, did you?” You try to think on what Delilah means, and after a moment when your mind starts to break away from its haze after just awakening you shake your head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t quite hear you, Pet. Speak up when your mistress is talking to you” Delilah says sweet, but firmly as she taps Willow, which is thankfully not barbed and instead looks like a regular whip, against her left thigh. “No, mistress” you pipe up quickly for some reason, though it does feel more natural to you even without being bound for some reason.

Delilah studies your emerald eyes critically for a few moments, and when she determines you aren’t lying she smiles and says “Good” as she nods her head “Now, I’ve been gentle and lenient with you so far, my sweet, but from now on I have some ground rules that I’m going to be adding”. Ground rules? you think with a wary look on your face Knowing Delilah that could be anything. Delilah chuckles at the look you inadvertently give her and adds “Oh, it is quite simple, but there will be more to come as I and the others show you the way, my submissive Pet. Firstly, you will not disobey me, Lula, Leena, or Astraea or you will be punished accordingly. This is left to our discretion and may come in the form of spanking, chastising, pleasure denial… whatever we see fit, and should you resist the punishment then we will punish you even more. You lack discipline and control I’ve noticed, and you seem to be constantly aroused and need to finger yourself like the dirty girl you are in order to stay sane. That said, I’m not above putting a chastity belt on you and tying you down for a few hours until you learn your lesson, is that understood?” You search Delilah’s amber eyes and find that she’s not lying, causing you to swallow hard and nod your head “Yes, I understand”. Again, Delilah smiles at you, though this time with knowing amusement as she says “Good, and your last statement leads me to the second rule: You shall always refer to myself or the others as either ‘miss’, ‘ma’am’, ‘mistress’, or by our first names, is that clear?” You open your mouth to speak, but before anything escapes your lips you catch yourself and nod, before saying “Yes, ma’am”. “Very good! You’re such a good girl!” Delilah praises with a huge, loving smile on her face that melts your heart “The third rule is that you will only speak when spoken to, and if you wish to ask a question or speak freely then you must ask permission from myself or the others, is that clear, Pet? Do I need to repeat myself?” You smirk slightly, but go along with it and say “Yes, mistress, no you do not need to repeat yourself?” – “I do not need to repeat myself… what?” Delilah repeats back to you as she looks down at you with an almost evil grin, and you wrack your brain for what you might have said wrong… and then it hits you. “You do not need to repeat yourself… Delilah” you blurt out, and after a moment Delilah looks satisfied and adds “Very good, my beautiful girl – That will be your first and only warning; should there be any more blunders you will face punishment, which leads me to rule number four: You will thank me, and the others, whenever you receive punishment, rewards, or when you think it is appropriate. Do not worry, you will learn when to properly thank us”. Delilah seems to examine you for a moment before she continues “You’re a good girl for not reading that book. It has some valuable lessons, but others were not worth your time and would have guided you incorrectly; better to learn firsthand from your mistress instead. Now, throw the covers off and spread your legs for me so I can examine your new piercing~”. You smile and nod your head adding “Yes, mistress” before you fully uncover yourself, baring yourself to Delilah and scooting closer to the edge of the bed and spreading your legs for her.

Delilah releases a deep, pleased, and very throaty moan as you present your glistening snatch to her – she leans in closer and has her face mere inches from your vagina. You can hear her inhaling deeply, making you blush slightly before she brings her right hand up and touches your clit with her index finger and the ring with her thumb. You gasp at the cool contact and find that your sensitivity feels… heightened, which is a scary thought considering you’re already oversensitive enough as it is. “That felt better than normal I take it?” Delilah asks as she looks up, and you respond with a “Yes, ma’am” before she nods and continues “Good… sometimes girls lose sensitivity or have no change at all, but you’re different it seems”. A moment later and Delilah’s hand briefly glows black, and as she lets go of the sapphire ring at your clit a blue chain appears giving you… your clitoris leash that extends into Delilah’s right hand. She gives it a tug, causing you to gasp in pleasure and surprise, before she chuckles and purrs “Do you like it, Pet?” You smile broadly and vigorously nod your head and say “I love it, Delilah, thank you”. “I’m so glad, darling” Delilah says with an almost… relieved sigh as she leans closer to you, putting her left hand and Willow on the bed beside you as she comes face to face with you before kissing you passionately on the lips. You moan and enjoy your lover’s mouth and tongue dominating your own, and all too soon she breaks it as you try to lean into her. You gasp for air as Delilah smirks and says “I love you… now, let us begin” and just like that the chain seems to dissolve into thin air before she adds “It is not often I will give you clothes to wear, Pet, so cherish them and what little time you will be wearing them”. She then points towards the end of the bed, and it’s now you notice the maids outfit you saw earlier now on the bed – it is white and black, and looks revealing. “Put it on for me, Pet” Delilah says, and you smirk and say “Of course, Delilah, thank you for the clothing”. You scoot off the edge of the bed as Delilah moves away and, giving her a smile, you walk over to the very edge of the bed and examine the maid’s outfit. It’s entirely black and white and consists of a tight-fitting, almost corset-like top with a just above your knees high skirt. There’s white lace stitched onto the front in a crisscross pattern and a white “bib” tied to the bottom of the skirt, black fishnet stockings, and thick closed-toed heels that look to be about four inches tall all neatly folded on the bed. On the side are some black cloth panties and a black cloth brassiere, each with small white flowers etched into them. You grab the brassiere and, just before you put it on, Delilah pipes up and draws your attention when she says “Make a show for me, darling; I want to see that cute butt of yours swaying for me” – you smirk and reply with a “I would be happy to, Delilah~” as you bring the bra down and face Delilah, slowly swaying your hips provocatively as you dip down low and wink at your lover, bringing the brassiere up and mashing it against your breasts before slowly coming back up, turning around, and hooking it together. You use the same fundamentals as a strip tease, except in reverse as you cloth yourself for your mistress – next up is the panties, and as you bend over and show your glistening cunt and rear to Delilah, you slowly slide the fabric up your ankles and, with a snap of the band, you fit it snuggly over your crotch and on your pelvis.

You grab the fishnet stockings next and, sitting on the bed looking at your vampiric lover, you slowly roll one up your left ankle and leg before you move onto the next, and then you slip on the black heels. Last, but not least, is the corset dress which you slip on with a few deliciously suggestive shimmies as it goes over your head, and when you slip your arms through the arm slots you pull it down and smooth it out, delighting in how tight it feels and looks against your body, and definitely improving the sight of your assets. “Mmm” Delilah says as she licks her lips hungrily at you “That was very, very good… now come, Pet, and kneel before me”. You acquiesce with the proper response, and as Delilah spreads her legs slightly you drop to your knees before her and look up into her amber eyes. She takes a tiny step towards you and grabs your red hair and says in a throaty moan “Domina has blessed me… such a beautiful creature with stunning eyes~. I want you to get very familiar with this smell, Pet”. You cock an eyebrow at her before she slowly pulls your hair towards her now slightly damp crotch, and when your nose touches her pussy she says “Breathe in my scent, Pet… you’re going to be very familiar with it”. You do as she requests and inhale her musk and arousal, but she keeps you there as she starts to grind her crotch against your nose and face “Your concern is with obeying my orders, as my submissive Pet, and with keeping this sated and pleased. Now… worship it; kiss it, taste it, and know that your world will revolve around pleasing this. For now I do not wish to climax… now begin”. “Yes, mistress…” you moan out as she continues to grind against you for a moment more before stopping, and you take the opportunity to inhale ever more deeply of her musk as you kiss her lower lips, her still holding your head in place with her right hand before gently releasing you to do your work. You never raise your hands as you sniff, kiss, and lick Delilah’s pussy without the intent of bringing her to climax – you make love to her lower lips with your mouth as if it were Delilah’s, licking the length of her slit and planting kisses along her labia, clit, hood, and sticking your nose on her twat and moaning as her intoxicating odor fills your senses and makes you drunk in a lustful haze as your lust begins to rise like boiling hot water. You start to bring your hands down to your lap and underneath your skirt… but Delilah’s voice rings out above you in a pleased growl as you continue to worship her. “Do not touch yourself, Pet, or I will put a chastity belt on you! Your pleasure is in obedience and service, is that understood?” You whimper with need as you reluctantly, painfully pull your hands away and put them on your knees, only briefly pulling away to say “Y-Yes, mistress, thank you” before continuing to eat out your dominant lover slowly and sensually. “Mmm… good” Delilah grumbles lowly and in satisfaction above you as she again grabs your hair, your face now thoroughly coated with her cool juices “Now, be a good girl and kiss your mistress’ boots”/ You look up at Delilah into her amber eyes and see her waiting for your response – you look down at her knee high leather boots, only slightly elevated with a two inch heels… and you shiver in desire. “I-I… I will” you stammer out, a little unsure – you’ve done things submissive like this before, but only while tied up. This is… different, this is thorough; you’ve been pierced, dressed up, you’ve worshipped her, and now she demands that you kiss her boots… that you bow your head to her and kiss her and, essentially, the ground she walks on.

“You will… what, Pet?” Delilah asks of you curiously, sounding almost interested in what you have to say. You look up into Delilah’s eyes and it starts to click into place – back at the park you admitted that she knew right for you and what makes you happy, and you even agreed to be pierced in intimate places by her, your clitoris being the most intimate… and you like it. “Your Pet will kiss her mistress’ boots, ma’am” you say as you look up into Delilah’s eyes, which causes her to visibly shudder in arousal and desire as you look back down at her boots and, dipping low and placing your hands on the cold stone floor beside you, you bring your cum covered face and lips close to Delilah’s right boot… and you kiss the toes of her boot. It’s a gentle kiss, but the point has been made – you lift your head up move over and plant another kiss at Delilah’s left. “Good girl” Delilah coos gently, and when you look up you see a gentle, lovely simple grin crossing her lips “Stand up for me. You don’t need to respond, just obey… and keep those hands where I can see them~”. She notices your hands inching towards your crotch, intent on playing with yourself as your arousal burns, but just as you get close to that ever so sensitive and sacred zone that would bring so much relief… she stops you with but a word. You again whimper with need as you look up into Delilah’s eyes, finding sympathy behind then as she looks down at you pitifully… but she is unwavering. “I said no, Colette. You need to learn self-control and discipline, and I aim to teach you that. It is my understanding that you have taken nearly every opportunity you can to play with yourself instead of learning to tame your body and this new power. If you won’t do it then I shall do it for you”. The look in her eyes as she says this is final, if the conviction behind them wasn’t enough to convince you. “B-But, Delilah… ma’am, mistress, I-I ne-“ you start to stammer out, but Delilah quickly cuts you off. “No buts, now be a good girl and get to your feet” she says seriously before her voice turns quiet and sweet “I promise you’ll thank me, and I’ll make you feel so much pleasure, but you need to be a good girl and listen”. All you heard was pleasure, but nonetheless some of what she says makes it to you and you say “T-Thank you, Delilah, thank you” and you rise to your feet. Once up, Delilah smiles and waves at you from head to toe “Now, strip for me, and do it properly. You shall remove your footwear by hand and place them in front of you; your left first and then your right. Then, you shall remove first your left, and then your right stocking and fold them neatly and place them beside the appropriate footwear. You will then let the dress pool at your feet and step backwards, not forwards, out from it and proceed to pick it up and fold it. You will then unhook your bustier and drop it to your right, and then remove your panties and drop it at your left. Lastly, you will pick up your undergarments and fold them, placing them on top of the dress and then put the stockings on top followed by the footwear. This shall be standard practice from now on whenever disrobing, is that understood, Pet?”

In your lust addled state you don’t understand it entirely, but you shake your head and stammer out “Y-Yes, mistress, I u-understand” as you kick off your right heel. Delilah clicks her tongue at you and shakes her head “Darling, you’ve only just begun and already you have to start again. Bend down and take them off, and make sure it is the left first”. You huff in frustration and slip your foot back into the heel and start again. You bend down and hold your left heel with trembling hands as the lust reaches nearly unbearable levels and slip your foot from the heel, before repeating it with your right. You then start to unroll your right stocking… and you have to start again – you breathe deeply, trying to maintain control, but you have to start over four more times before you finally get it right, nearly breaking out in a sweat as your arousal and lust starts to take over, but you’re triumphant when you manage to get the steps right – left, right, left right, back, up, down… almost like a dance. You fold the clothes neatly and place them atop one another before Delilah says “Very good, and you remembered to smooth them out! Now, pick them up and carry them to the armoire, set them inside, then come back to me”. You obey with a quick “Yes, mistress” and quickly walk over to the armoire with the clothing in your hands, open it up with one hand, and place the clothing inside at the bottom before shutting it and quickly moving back to Delilah in the hopes that you’ll be rewarded. When you stand in front of you she smiles warmly and cups your cheek with her right hand and says “Good, now was that so hard? Now, present yourself like a proper submissive slut; eyes forward, feet together, chest thrust out, and arms at your side”. “Y-Yes, m-mistress” you barely stammer out as Delilah runs her hand through your red hair – your body itches with need, and as you present your naked body to Delilah, thrusting your pierced tits out, facing forward, arms at your side and feet together, you find it more and more difficult to concentrate. Trying to remember Vivian’s breathing and meditation techniques, you try to stave off the lust in the hopes of retaining your mind… but you never ventured far enough in that part of the training yet to learn how to better control your lust. It becomes too much for you to bear any longer – before Delilah can say anything else, you bring your right hand down to your new clit ring and tug on it a little as you jill yourself off with your three fingers on your left hand, moaning happily with a silly grin on your face as you bring yourself closer to the edge, oblivious to everything around you as the lust fully takes hold. “No, bad girl!” Delilah chastises you, and you feel your hands wrenched away as Delilah’s cool, firm grip pulls apart your hands. You don’t even notice that she’s dropped Willow as you whimper, almost cry, as your need becomes too much to deal with.

“P-Please, Delilah, I-I need to cum! Gods, I itch so bad! I j-just want to cum… just once, please!” you beg with your beautiful vampire lover, but she holds steady. “I know it burns, my love” Delilah says as you struggle, trying to shake your arms free but to no avail as your strength is no match for a vampire’s. So great is your lust that you even consider using your new powers, both from the ritual and those acquired rift abilities inherent to you as a rift touched, against Delilah. If you use those then Delilah, even as mighty as she is, would be challenged… but you stop yourself as your affection, adoration, and love supersede your lust… for now. “Colette, Colette! Stop, I will give you what you need if you just calm down” Delilah says calmly and soothingly, and looking into her eyes as your frantic panic starts to fade somewhat, only to be replaced with a lewd, suggestive grin you fail to recognize anything in her amber eyes except a lover… and a source for pleasure. “P-Promise?” you ask with a giggle – “I promise” Delilah replies with a smile “Now, just wait here while I fetch some toys~”. You nod enthusiastically and, as Delilah lets go of you, you watch with a silly little expression as she gives you a wink and walks over to the side of the room towards the toy box, with your eyes glued on her pussy and ass the entire time admiring it and fantasizing about diving into it… more than usual that is. You watch as she pulls out a ball gag and some rope, and you just know this is going to be good. “Now, hold still my darling~” Delilah coos as she walks back over to you – you giggle slightly and, as she brings the ball gag to your mouth, you open wide as she sets it in place and ties it behind your head. She has you put your arms behind your back and ties the rope to you in a body harness before tying your shins and thighs together like a frog, and then tying a loop behind you before she picks you up and hoists you onto the hook above the bed. “There you go… perfect~” Delilah says in a pleased and… relieved voice? No matter, you’re tied up and as submissive as can be, so surely she’ll fuck you now? You hang suspended in the air, tied up, gagged, unable to move and staring down at the covers of the bed, tilting your head slightly as Delilah as she pulls up a chair from the back of the room… and sits down. You wait for a little while, expecting her to take advantage of you, to pull out a toy and fuck you, lick you, bite you, something, anything! But it doesn’t come… instead she sits there with her legs crossed and watches you with a sad look on her face. “I did not lie when I said I would give you what you need, Colette. What you need is a timeout… a time to be still and steep in that unbearable lust of yours”. Her words are like daggers in your skull – betrayals, denials, promises broken, and most importantly a lack of something stimulating you towards climax!
Re: Rift Touched

No, no! Please, Delilah, don’t do this! Please!

You beg Delilah in your mind as you make muffled sounds of frustration, trying to fight your bonds, struggling against them, rocking in the air. You struggled for seconds, maybe minutes, then you scream into your gag, sputtering saliva out from the edges and from the pores in the toy, wrenching your neck and bending your back in frustration as the lust begins to be too much for your mind. You throw a tantrum in the air, a childish, immature tantrum as if your mother has just taken away your favorite toy… except that toy is sex, which you desperately need from the very center of your being. You scream yourself hoarse as your Delilah, your wonder, beautiful, dominant, loving Delilah watches with a neutral, perhaps sad, expression, and you wonder why she doesn’t help you sate your lust. Doesn’t she care about you? Doesn’t she love you? Does she truly enjoy seeing you suffer like this? Has it all been a lie, why else would she take this away from you? You’ve been a good girl, you’ve done as she’s asked… are you just her fuck toy, her conquest, a horny fucking bitch that her and the others have turned you into to be shared and fucked and made to enjoy every perverse second of it? Or maybe you’re just a screwed up kid, because really when you think about it who’s to say you aren’t? You chose to live in a brothel for gods’ sake, and after you suffered a near melt down after the Arlandus incident you chose to fuck your way through it. Your mind reels and goes to deep, dark places as you slowly drive yourself more and more insane as the lust takes over entirely – you thrash ever more frantically and continue to scream into the gag, biting into it with all your might and accomplishing nothing, sticking your tongue against it to push it out to no avail, struggling against bonds you know are perfect given the one that made them, and feeling your cunt flooding juices and dripping copiously with need. When you start to run out of energy, however much time has passed, you look at Delilah with her still neutral expression as she rests her arms on the armrests of the chair and continues to stare at you. You look her in her amber eyes… and then you hang your head in defeat and cry. It itches so bad it hurts, and because your need can’t be met you cry, and you cry because you let yourself think such awful things, and because you don’t know if they’re true, and because you feel like you’re going insane, and because you need it so badly, and because… you don’t really know why, but you do it anyway. You whimper and cry, the tears streaming down your face and hitting the covers below, absorbing into the fabric and mingling with your saliva and juices. Again, you don’t know how long you cry, and after you lose energy to do that you just let yourself hang in silence for you don’t know how long after that. After a very, very long while you finally feel yourself regaining a portion of your sanity… a clarity almost as the lust doesn’t feel quite so unbearable despite still being there and as hot as the sun, similar to how a burn doesn’t start to feel better until you’ve let it sit, whereas putting ice on it is only a temporary relief that needs to be constantly reapplied in order to feel better.

Just like a burn you had to suffer through it, and after you’ve reached the worst the rest doesn’t seem quite so bad, though like a burn there are still flare ups until it’s fully healed itself.

“I’m sorry” you hear Delilah say, and when you slowly lift your head you see a morose and deeply hurt Delilah, the pain evident in her eyes… and the tears of blood that stream down her face. “I did not want to put you through that, but I know you needed it, and I know that chances are you wouldn’t have ever resisted. I know from experience that the best teacher is pain and suffering… when I said that I and the others know best, darling, I wasn’t just referring to your desires and who you are, but what would make you a stronger person. I hope you understand that I’m doing this because I know it will help you, because I know it is going to benefit you in the long run. I love you, my darling Colette, and I will do my very best to fulfil your every desire and help you become the true woman I know lies underneath, but that also means there will be some tough lessons ahead for you, and I want to make you stronger for what this cruel world will throw at you. I know I won’t always be there, and Arlandus was only the beginning… there are dozens, hundreds, thousands more where he came from, and we can’t always be there to protect you or swoop in to save you at the last minute. This is not just about the sex, my sweet, though that doesn’t mean we both can’t enjoy it – it is also about discipline and control, structure, order, and keeping a calm mind in the face of chaos as it happens around you. I will also do my very best to turn the pain into pleasure, but sometimes there is no avoiding it. I hope you understand, and I hope you don’t hate me, but if you do then I understand, my love”. As the fog partially lifts from your mind you shed some tears, though this time it’s tears of shame at ever having thought that she did not care, and did not love you. You could never hate her, perhaps be angry, but never hate and forsake. You’re still aroused as all hells, but you don’t think she was in the wrong – you started to act like a small child for a little while there, and perhaps you’ve been acting like one for some time now. “Mmph mmmph mmph” you mumble into the gag as you look at Delilah through your glowing emerald eyes, barely noticing that the tattoo on your right arm is glowing a dim purple. Delilah sits up from her seat and walks over to the bed, mounting it and standing up as she lifts you up from the hook. Without untying you she puts her hands behind your head and undoes the binding to the gag as she cradles you in her lap. You look up at her and, when the gag is released, you stretch your jaw a moment. “I-I’m sorry, Delilah” you sincerely apologize “I lost myself a-and I thought some very dark thoughts. I’m so sorry… you’re right, thank you”. Delilah’s smile becomes happy once more as she shakes her head and leans down, pecking your forehead before saying “It’s alright, my darling, no harm done”. Delilah picks you up slightly and hugs you close as she lets her hands roam your back and undo the knots and ties she put on the rope, until after a few minutes she frees you completely and tugs away the rope, tossing it aside.

You’ve had some time to think as Delilah undid the bindings, and you realize that Delilah is right… and that you don’t trust yourself. “D-Delilah” you stammer out as she tosses the last of the rope away and you lean back to look at her “May Pet make a request of Mistress?” Delilah smirks at you as you refer to yourself as “Pet”, but she quickly recovers and says “You may, what is it Pet?” You feel your lust starting to flare up and, despite being at full capacity, you somehow manage to keep it under control… but you feel yourself slipping again. You speak quickly and say “May Pet please wear a chastity belt, ma’am? Pet doesn’t trust herself to not touch herself”. Delilah seems a little taken aback by your request, but she nods nonetheless and says “I will grant your request, and you’re a very good girl for realizing you need help, Pet. What about your breasts and ears, Pet? What’s to stop you from touching those? We both know you’re very, very sensitive”. You think it over for a moment and, nodding to yourself, you come to a sound conclusion and say “Then mistress Delilah can tie Pet’s hands behind her back to stop her”. Delilah chuckles a little before adding “Very well, oh and ‘Pet’, you needn’t refer to yourself as that all the time unless I or the others request it”. “Of course, Delilah, thank you” you respond with a smile as she wipes away her bloody tears from her cheeks and scoots off the bed, sauntering towards the toy box. She rifles through it for a few moments before she pulls out an iron chastity belt, which looks like a thick thong that would cover your important bits while leaving your butt exposed… just like a thong. She looks back at you and smiles, sending a shiver of arousal coursing through you, and you fight to keep your hands from roaming as you kneel on the bed, forcing your hands to your knees…

… “There” Delilah says as she locks it in place, putting the key in her bosom – the belt itself is heavy and fits tightly to your pelvis with no way of penetrating or getting to your crotch and anus. In fact, it turns out to be enchanted with instead of a command word the key acts as the commanding force, tightening it and holding it better to your waist without hurting you. You feel “better” with it on, because at least with it on you won’t be able to masturbate should you feel the urge, which is near constant but a stronger urge at least, and with some time you’ll hopefully get used to it and be able to resist those urges. “Right, now that that is done my darling… it is time for your spanking for being a bad girl earlier” Delilah says as she scoots off the bed and walks over to the chair she pulled up, sitting on it and patting her laps. You smile and, with a shiver, you say “Yes, mistress” and sashay over to your lover, splaying yourself across her knees. When the first spank comes you yelp and thank her for the punishment and count out one spank, then two, and so on… and after the fifteenth spank you say “Fifteen! Thank you, mistress”. “You’re very welcome, Pet” Delilah says earnestly “Now let that be a lesson to you. From now on whenever you’re in my presence or the presence of Lula, Leena, or Astraea, you shall not pleasure yourself; instead you shall let us decide when to pleasure you, is that understood?” “I understand, Delilah, thank you… and I’m sorry for what happened. I-I still feel it, like I’m about to lose control again, b-but with this I should be alright” you respond as Delilah gently lifts you up and puts you back on your feet. “It is quite alright, Pet, as for your lust… you must endure it. It will be with you for the rest of your life, and the only way you’ll understand it fully, and how to control it, is if you let yourself marinate in it and experience the full intensity of it. There is no other way – just like when I was turned into a vampire I at first refused to drink blood, but eventually I did, and when I did it was the most wonderful experience I had ever had, and I became addicted… just another way of being controlled, but I eventually mastered my thirst. I mastered it by starving myself for days and just… living with it, in a manner of speaking of course as I’m technically undead. The same goes for a succubus and incubus, and now the same applies to you”. Delilah’s explanation makes sense, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be hell to live with as your body feels flush with arousal, your eyes and tattoo glow, and your entire body itches with need, especially your vagina… which leaks moisture out the sides of the chastity belt and you just know are swollen red and puffed with arousal. “Let your mistress take your mind off such things for now. Come, Pet~” Delilah chirps happily… perhaps a bit too happily, which leads you to suspect she’s going to do something to you.

That’s a stupid thought you think to yourself as she gestures towards the bed and tells you to lie on your back and relax, which you do after getting into a comfortable position with your head atop some pillows Of course she’s going to do something to me… she said she would. Even if she didn’t, this is Delilah we’re talking about! “Close your eyes now, Pet” Delilah commands coyly, and you respond as per usual and close your eyes – you listen and hear Delilah moving away slightly and then ruffling through something before her footsteps come closer. You feel her get on the bed and crawl towards you, and when you think she’s right next to your head you feel one of her cool legs brush against the side of your head… and then you get a whiff of her familiar arousal and know that she’s just mounted your face. “You may open your eyes now, Pet” Delilah says atop you, and when you open your eyes you’re unsurprised to find her cunt just above you, and without sparing a second Delilah lowers herself completely onto your face and adds “Eat me out my little slut, but I don’t wish to cum. Understand?” You try to say something intelligible, but Delilah’s muff is too close to really get anything understandable out, yet she merely chuckles and responds “I’ll take that as your answer. Now, don’t let me keep you – I will be giving you a valuable lesson”. You somehow manage to listen as you slowly start to lick along Delilah’s cool slit, relishing the taste of her cool, refreshing bittersweet juices, and you vaguely hear the telltale signs of magic being cast. You wonder what Delilah is up to, but you ignore it and continue to please your mistress… until you feel something, a liquid you surmise, drop onto your tummy with an intense heat. You gasp and whimper, arching your back as you stop eating Delilah out, but she holds you in place as you writhe beneath her and wonder what she’s done. “Relax, darling, just a little hot wax is all~. You should remember this from before at the temple… here, this should sooth the pain somewhat~”. A second later and you feel Delilah’s cool hand on your right breast, her finger latching onto nipple stud and tugging on it while simultaneously massaging and groping your tit, earning a satisfied moan from you and making you lose control again as your lust is already ready to burst, and just as your mind starts to fade… you feel another splash of hot wax hit your tummy, this time lower towards your crotch. Again you gasp and whimper, but Delilah’s ministrations bring pleasure back into the fold mingling with the pain and making you feel… strange. On the one hand the wax hurts like hells before it cools and dries, leaving the spot both burning and feeling icy all at once, but on the other as Delilah brings you wonderful pleasure as she does this, well, you can’t really differentiate the two feelings all too well as they overlap your senses, and thanks to the pain itself every time you start to get close to climax it pulls it away from you.

“Did I say you could stop eating me out, Pet?” Delilah asks firmly above you, and you get the hint and quickly open your mouth wide and start to eat Delilah out again, causing her to moan and praise you before she drops another splotch of hot wax onto your tummy, closer to your left breast this time as she continues to tweak and molest your right. You’re so confused right now; you feel pain, pleasure, tasting Delilah’s wonderful juices and inhaling her intoxicating scent from her glistening cunt… and on top of your lust burning itself away at your body it’s like all of your senses are enhanced tenfold. You feel a droplet on your left calf, your right knee, your shins, just below your collarbone… and then Delilah stops fondling your breast and peels away the oldest hardened wax on your skin, creating a new sensation of pain that stings even fiercer thanks to the lingering pain from the heat, causing you to whimper and yelp into Delilah’s snatch as you continue to eat her out. Just like before, however, when she peels it away she returns to your breast and brings you so close to climax… and then stops to peel another away, then again back to your breast, and then another, repeating this for a dozen times… and then she starts pouring wax all over again in different places, starting a new cycle. You’re almost out of your mind with lust, mingled with the taste and aroma of Delilah’s crotch… only to have it stripped as she pours wax on you, the pain abating these things, and as Delilah works, especially when she has pours the wax as it allows her more leeway with her free hand, she starts to pour wax and molest your breasts at the same time. During those times the pain and the pleasure is the same, and this goes on for many long minutes when you hear something clack against the floor. “All done~” Delilah purrs out with a very satisfied, throaty moan as she dismounts from you – you pant for air and try to compose yourself as you shake slightly from both pleasure and some pain, but mostly just from the experience in its entirety. “Oh, you look lovely, darling~” Delilah coos as you turn to look at her, noticing that she’s admiring your body and running her cool fingers along your left leg and up your tummy, sending shivers down your spine and causing goosebumps to form on your skin. You look down and see some red wax dotting your body from your collarbone down, some of it already hardened and cool while others are finishing the process. There are red welts on your luminous, milky white skin where Delilah peeled off some wax, and some even overlap each other. “Did you enjoy that, Pet?” Delilah asks sweetly as her eyes lazily connect with yours – “I” you start to say before averting your gaze as you think for a moment, looking back and responding with doubt “I-I’m not sure, Delilah… I-I feel like I’m going crazy with lust. The pain s-stopped it, but then when you touched me i-it felt so good, and then the wax hurt… but it felt good. I-I don’t know, Delilah…”

You’re answer, however, makes Delilah smile broadly… as if that’s exactly what she wanted to hear. “That’s alright… we’ll try something different now. See the hook above you, Pet? Stand up and hold on tight to it, and whatever you do don’t let go. I promise you will love this after I’m finished~”. You look up at the dull hook above the bed; the same one Delilah hung you from earlier. You wouldn’t be able to stand up to your full height, instead having to bend your knees a fair bit, but that’s not the issue; you wonder what Delilah has planned for you. Still, she does know best and you’re not about to deny her. “I-I’ll do it, mistress” you reply, trying to hold onto your sanity as best as possible as the lust starts to flare up again and you’re mind starts to fog over. With shaky legs and hands you sit up and push yourself up as Delilah praises you and crawls off the bed. When you’re on your knees you reach up and just barely touch the bottom of the hook, but when you raise yourself up as you put one foot on the bed you manage to grab the curve of the large hook with both hands. When you look back down at Delilah, you see her holding Willow… and she’s looking at you as she licks her fangs and eyes you hungrily. The lust in your mind starts to destroy all reason and sanity once again, and your hands start to loosen on the hook as you think about bringing then down to your cunt and fingering yourself, not even realizing that you still have a chastity belt on – during this time Delilah winds up her right hand, throwing it back behind her shoulder, and with lightning fast reflexes she snaps her wrist and the long vine of the whip strikes out towards your body. With a crack the whip slams against your torso and sends a fierce tingling pain coursing across where it struck on your stomach. You yell out in pain and grip the hook reflexively, holding on as pain shoots across the spot where the whip struck. The pain, however, brings your mind back from the edge as it beats back the lust, though it does nothing to stop your body from burning and itching with need. With your mind back in your own hands, and your body shaking with pain, you realize that Delilah actually whipped you without altering it to cause you pleasure. After that realization, you also come to understand that she held a lot of her strength back as it could have been much worse… but still the point stands.

“I’m sorry, darling” Delilah’s voice penetrates your ears, and when you look towards her you see that she’s visibly displeased with herself for causing you pain with her whip “But I need you to not give in to that lust of yours. You need to continue to soak in it for as long as possible, and my little experiment with the wax proved successful. I can tell when you’re about to lose yourself, my Pet; your eyes turn glassy… and they glow brighter, as does that wonderful tattoo you have”. Delilah points towards your eyes and then your ink, and when you look at your right arm you see the purple glow of the tattoo, though while still dim, as bright as it can be. You think on what Delilah says and slowly start to understand what she’s trying to do. S-She’s trying to force m-me to stay in this s-state of mine… and she’s using a little bit of p-pain to do it. But then why…? you think as you understand, and then you say “W-Why give me any p-pleasure at a-all? I-If you don’t mind me a-asking, Delilah?” Delilah shakes her head and smiles sweetly, almost longingly at you as she replies “Because I don’t enjoy seeing you in pain, darling. I love to hear your cute voice gasping and whimpering as I pleasure you. I love knowing that I can please you and love you, and know that you are content and safe. For as much pain as I know you have to suffer, because it will make you stronger, I will do my utmost to ensure you feel as much pleasure to counter it. I won’t lie and say that I don’t enjoy whipping and waxing you, though~. Those pretty red marks on your skin only add to the work of art that is your body, darling, it’s just a shame that you need to feel pain in order to have them”. You manage to crack a smile at Delilah, finding her fascinations amusing – as you smile sweetly to her you straighten your back, which is difficult as any movement causes your skin to stretch slightly and irritate the welts and causing you to hiss in pain. However, you manage to sit up straight and proud and, still smiling, you say haughtily and with a glint in your eyes “W-Well then, my mistress, c-continue p-please. O-One, thank you, ma’am”. Delilah chuckles a little at your attitude – a little dose of rebellion and sarcasm on your part – but warmly grins at you in return. “As you wish, my lovely little Pet” she coos back and, with another windup, she cracks the whip at you once more – this time the blow strikes on your left side… and this time it brings you nothing but pure, electric, wonderful pleasure. You arch your back and gasp out in bliss as the blow brings you so close to the edge you can taste it… and then the next strike at your right side destroys that as you feel pain, throwing your head forward and yelping as white hot stinging pain shocks you back to your senses. Just like the wax, Delilah alternates between pleasure and pain, sometimes even willing the whip to split into three pieces on the end, and somehow managing to cause individual strands to cause either pain or pleasure, mingling the two together and confusing your senses even further.
Re: Rift Touched

Delilah, however, does not remain in one spot – as the large bed is situated in the center of the room, there’s plenty of moving room around it that Delilah utilizes as she walks in a circle around the bed and you. She whips you from the front, the sides, and the back, hitting almost every part of you except your head, face, and neck. A few times you falter and let go of the hook, though Delilah doesn’t punish you and instead asks if you’re alright – you endure the mingled pain and pleasure and flash her an unsteady smile as you reach back up and grasp the hook again. The worst pain, and incidentally pleasure – which you find confusing as hells – comes when she whips at your armpits, feet, and breasts, though she doesn’t whip your breasts as often as your center mass in general. You count out and thank her for every strike, and after a monumental forty lashes you can hold on no longer and let go, slumping onto and pleasurably hitting the soft bed on your right side, sending tingling, stinging pain through your pain that is also… pleasurable all at once. You moan and groan in equal parts, shaking with arousal and slight exhaustion as your skin tingles, is covered in red welts that both hurt and tingle wonderfully, and is covered in a thick sheen of perspiration. You pant for air and barely hear feel the bed move as Delilah mounts it – you can’t see her as your red hair is in your face, but she is very near as you hear her whisper into your ear as she strokes her hands through your mane and massages your scalp. “You’re such a brave, good girl, Pet. You’re doing so well – I’ll let you rest for a little bit, but we’re not done yet”. You nod your head, unable to give a proper response at the moment, but Delilah giggles instead and coos delightful praises into your ear, filling you full of pride and confidence and making you feel… accomplished. Her words and praises, though to others would be demeaning, give you strength, and you hang on her every word as she calls you “good girl”, “Pet”, “my darling”, “so strong”, and so on, and the best part is… you believe her. You feel like a good girl, a good and strong Pet for your lover. You realize what is happening to you, but instead of rejecting it you revel and accept it, just like when you admitted to her at the park, and despite the lust burning away inside you, you feel that her methods are working as you’re fully steeped in lust and you can think better than before, but you still have a long way to go you realize. You also realize now, more than ever, that Delilah does know what she’s doing and she does know best, and instead of apprehension for the future what she has in store for you, you feel nothing but excitement, and you wonder what Lula, Leena, and Astraea have in store for you.

You feel the bed shifting slightly and you hear things, clothing it sounds like, hitting the ground… and after a few minutes of recuperating you hear a click and feel the chastity belt being tugged off of you followed by the clank of metal on the stone floor – you muster up your strength and brush your hair out of your face and turn onto your back. You look down your chest incredulously and see that you’re no longer wearing the belt… and you see Delilah sitting at the edge of the bed where the pillows and headboard are at, fully naked and giving you a come hither look. “You’ve been such a good girl, and I think you’ve learned your lesson. Now, be a good Pet and worship my feet with your hands and tongue”. Delilah, who has her right leg crossed over her left, which is bent, wiggles her right foot at you and wriggles her toes. You smile and reply “Yes, mistress… I would love to~”. You sit up and crawl towards Delilah provocatively and, upon reaching her beautiful, pale foot, you take your hands and start to massage her foot sensually, rolling your thumbs on her arch and heel… and then you lean forward and start to lap at her big toe as you look her in the eye. Your body tingles with painful pleasure, and you become more aroused at the action, yet you’re more in control than you previously were and you think that you can stand to not lose your mind with lust… at least for a little while longer. You lap at Delilah’s big toe, moaning as you do so before you kiss her toe, then kiss each of her other toes before lifting her foot up and kissing along the bottom. “There’s a good girl~” Delilah coos “Don’t forget to take them into your mouth and suck on them like a cock, my dirty Pet~”. “Yes, mistress…~” you purr out, lost in your actions as you open your mouth and lean forward, engulfing all of Delilah’s toes and taking her cool foot into your mouth, running your tongue along each of her digits as you start to suck and bob your head, lathering and tasting more of your delicious Delilah – you even go so far as to deepthroat her foot, causing you to expand your mouth and her toes to nearly touch the back of your throat. “Good girl… you love the smell and taste of my sweaty feet, don’t you, Pet?” Delilah asks as you bob your head along her foot, only moaning and nodding as your answer as you’re enraptured by her taste and by being able to service her. Delilah merely giggles before she says “Don’t forget the other one” and, after a few moments of savoring the moment, you remove her foot from your mouth as you let your tongue glide across the bottom… and then you repeat the action with her left as you gingerly put down her right. After a few minutes of doing this you remove her left foot and kiss it, rubbing your face along it and making Delilah chuckle. “Good that you know your place, Pet~” Delilah says with a seductive undertone “Tell me, Pet, do you enjoy being submissive, subservient, and obedient to me?” You look up at Delilah and smile as you give her foot another kiss and say “Yes, Delilah, I do… I enjoy it very much”. Delilah smiles and then adds “And where is your place, Colette?” You grin and give Delilah a sweet look before you purr out “On my knees at your feet, mistress” and to accentuate your statement you kiss her foot once more.

“That is correct, Pet” Delilah says before she pulls her foot away “Turn around for me, Pet, and get on your knees. I want you to bury your face in the sheets and spread your ass for me, and wait for me”. You shiver excitedly and nod your head enthusiastically and quickly reply “Yes, mistress, of course! Thank you, Delilah!” you then smirk and add “Don’t just stare, okay, Delilah?” Delilah grins at you and clicks her tongue, wagging her finger – you giggle and turn around, pulling your hair back as you get on your hands and knees before burying your face in the sheets. You raise your butt up and spread your cheeks for Delilah in anticipation. You feel mingled pain and pleasure on your butt from the spanking and whipping, and you oddly enjoy it, along with following Delilah’s orders. As you lie on your right cheek you hear Delilah say “That’s a wonderful view, my sweetest, and it comes so naturally to you~. Now, wait there while I fetch something”. You feel the bed shift as Delilah gets off of it, but you don’t hear her move… but you do hear her rummaging through the chest again. You’re so fucking horny you think you might lose all your liquids just through your pussy alone as a stream of juices flows down your legs. When you feel the bed shift again, your excitement grows, and you gasp happily as you feel the lubed tip of a dildo, perhaps a strap-on, press against your pucker. “Beg me to fuck your tight butt, Colette… beg me like a good girl~” Delilah growls out dominantly, sending shivers down your spine as you physically shake. “Please, mistress, please fuck your Pet’s ass! I need it so badly, Delilah… please!” Delilah again growls out in a pleased moan and adds “Good… do not cum when I fuck you, Colette. You must endure it without cumming, do you understand?” You’re a little crestfallen when she says this, but nonetheless you obey and sincerely reply “I won’t cum, mistress, I promise. Thank you for fucking my ass, Delilah”. “You’re very welcome, darling” Delilah chirps happily… and then she pushes the mushroom head of the toy against your pucker, spreading your sphincter slowly and causing you to moan loudly and shout “Yes! Gods, yes!” as your rosebud easily gives way to Delilah. Once the head is all the way inside you, and gods is it a large toy, Delilah rears back and thrusts the large toy all the way inside of you in one stroke. The toy must be as thick and long as Leena’s cock as it fills you as full as you’ve ever felt, stretching and reaching just as much as Leena would. That action alone would have made you cum on the spot given how aroused you are, even with holding back all the pleasure thanks to your training, but as Delilah thrust home you also yell out in wonderful, painful pleasure that stops you from toppling over as you feel many smaller whips, a flogger if you could guess, whacking against your back. As Delilah pulls back out she flogs you again, causing you to gasp in pain and pleasure once more… and then she thrusts home again and repeats the action, causing you to drop your hands from your ass as you grab the sheets below.

You do your best to hold back the pleasure as Delilah starts to pick up the pace, and before long she’s fucking you in earnest – you gasp, moan, and whimper in pain and pleasure as she continues to flog your back, though she doesn’t keep pace with the flogging similar to how fast she fucks you and instead spanks your ass with her bare hand sometimes. She alternates between spanking you and flogging you as she pounds into you, and you do all that you can to stop yourself from cumming, leaving you in a perpetual state of literal lust and arousal that is worse than any other you’ve felt tonight. Despite the pain bringing your mind back to reality whenever it starts to slip away, the mingled pain and pleasure you’ve been feeling, and indeed how it keeps you in a perpetual state of infuriating lust and arousal, has had an effect on you. You like it when Delilah whips you, pours hot wax on you, spanks you, flogs you… it arouses you and you find that you can hardly differentiate between pain and pleasure as they both assault your senses at once. As Delilah continues to slam into your pucker as you tighten like a vice around her toy, and she continues to spank and flog you as her pelvis slams against your butt and creating the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh, causing you to moan and yelp in equal parts pain and pleasure that mingle to create what seems to be one feeling… it’s too much. “D-D-Delilah! I-I love it!” you yell out, and without missing a beat as you fight to remain in control and not topple over Delilah laughs and says between grunts “Oh… really, Pet? You love me fucking your tight ass with my huge toy cock? I think we already established that some time ago, darling~”. “N-No, mistress” you reply as you catch your breath, a difficult endeavor as Delilah is merciless in fucking you and, while you don’t orgasm, you suffer a mini-orgasm that causes a large amount of your juices to leak down your thighs and spray onto the sheets “I-I love it when you s-spank me, whip m-me… the p-pain feels good!” Delilah stops fucking you as she slowly withdraws her hips, having buried herself deep inside you and allow you to feel every last glorious inch of her toy as it slides back, and she rests the crown shaped head just inside your pucker. “Is that so?” Delilah comments with intrigue, and a moment later you feel the familiar whips of the flogger against you’re already wonderfully stinging and probably red back… and you yelp in surprise and moan in pleasure as you leak ever more juices. “Wonderful, darling, simply wonderful~” Delilah coos as she pulls the toy cock out of you, leaving your anus gaping and empty and making you groan as she adds “On your back, my Pet… I believe it’s time we both are rewarded for our efforts tonight~.” You immediately perk up at that statement and, without missing a beat, you roll onto your back and spread your legs wide for Delilah without any prompting, going so far as to spread your lower lips with your fingers as you watch Delilah pick up an enchanted rag and cleans the toy cock which, as you guessed, is about as long and thick as Leena’s cock… and you think it may even be molded after hers if you could hazard a guess. When she finishes cleaning it she touches the toy and after a tiny black flash of magic… nothing changes.

You look in confusion at Delilah, as well as obvious desire and mind-numbing arousal starts to take over, making her chuckle and say “It’s double sided, my darling love, and now whenever I thrust into you I can feel what it’s like to have a cock. The sensations will travel down the base of the business end all the way inside me… as close to having a cock as I’ll ever want. Now, just one last detail…” Delilah lowers herself down to your level and lies atop you as she positions the toy cock against your slit, and you have to fight the urge to wrap your legs around her and pull it in as you moan with pleasure and then groan with need. Delilah looks you in the eyes and brings her right hand up to your choker, fingering the emerald and then the metal heart that has your name on it and says “Colette, darling… I love you”. She then leans forward and kisses you – not dominantly, perhaps a little possessively, but mostly in a gentle, caring kiss. You moan and return the kiss in kind, wrapping your arms around her back and holding her tight, even as your body stings from the lashings and the wax, mashing your breasts against hers. “I love you too, Delilah” you finally respond after Delilah pulls back and you look your lover in the eyes with adoration. Delilah smiles back and pushes herself up slightly and says “I am so happy… we will cum together, my darling, so please wait for me~”. Holding herself up with her right hand, she brings her left down and you watch as her hand glows black, and when she touches your new belly button ring a silver-gold chain bursts forth from it in a magical mist. You watch in awe as two more burst from your new nipple studs, and one bursts from your clit ring. You continue to watch in awe as the two nipple studs connect together as the clit ring chain winds its way up and molds into the middle of the chain connecting your nipples. The belly button chain simply travels a short distance up and molds with the chain of your clit ring… and then you feel your left ear tighten, and when you bring your hand up you feel a chain connecting those three rings as well. Your industrial piercing at your right ear also grows a chain, connecting the two diamond studs on the outside of your ear as this chain rests against the top of your pointy ear. “Exquisite…” Delilah comments as she leans down and gently grabs the chains of your left and right ear, tugging on them and making you moan as electric pleasure runs through your body and causing you to writhe beneath her. She smiles at your reaction, and you wait for your lover to make a move – you yelp when she picks your legs up and positions them over your shoulders, lining up the toy cock with your slit and, with her right hand, she manages to hold onto your right leg with her elbow and grab the chain connecting your clit, navel, and nipple piercings, giving it a firm tug and making you moan once more. She grins evilly and thrusts into your needy, sopping, and accepting pussy all the way to the base, pounding passed your cervix and bottoming out inside of you – you almost topple over as you arch your back in extreme pleasure, but Delilah firmly tugs on the chain, pulling your tits, belly button, and even your clit tightly. The pain is exquisite, but it prevents you from toppling over. Delilah has a look of pure bliss on her face as her eyes flutter and a moan escapes her lips.

“Mmm, maybe I should find a way to grow a cock. If this is what fucking your pussy is like then I believe I could get addicted, darling~” she says with an uncharacteristically girlish giggle. You grab the sheets at your sides as Delilah withdraws from you slowly, allowing you to feel every wonderful centimeter of her toy cock, which she seems to enjoy, before she slams back home and tugs at the chain once again, causing you both pain and pleasure in equal parts and sending your already incredible lust to new heights, and you swear by the gods that you can’t take much more without going insane. Apparently Delilah is at her limit as well, having held back the entire time as well and not cum; she gives one final tug of your piercings, drops your legs, and thrusts home. You hear her cum as she yells out in bliss… and then she leans down and bites you on your neck. You can’t hold back after this and your world explodes in a joyous cacophony of unintelligible sounds of bliss and darkness as your toes curl and your vision fades as you have a truly intense, mind-shattering, convulsive orgasm that has been building for hours. As Delilah’s fangs sink into the flesh of your neck and you feel her drawing and consuming your blood as you both climax, you feel like you’re flying – your eyes roll back into your head and you just… float, completely lost in the wonderful sensations. After what seems like an eternity you finally come down, and despite the exhaustion you take a deep breath of air and feel renewed, your lust burned away and your mind, though hazy and groggy, feels peaceful and at ease. Delilah continues to slowly drink your blood straight from the source, and it feels wonderful – you wrap your arms around her head and hold her close as she drinks her fill, just enjoying the closeness as she feasts on you as you both revel in the afterglow. You stare at the ceiling as she takes a minute or so of straight drinking, making you feel tired and weak, but it’s well worth it when she pulls away and looks you in the eyes, love and nothing but in them, even as your crimson blood drips from her mouth and leaks out the edges of her mouth. You don’t care about that, and in a bold move you pull her head close to yours and kiss her, tasting the your coppery blood on her lips, but more tasting her cool mouth and taking your lover by surprise as you let your tongue brush against her fangs. Eventually you pull away and continue to breath heavily, unable to utter a word as your eyes flutter with the telltale signs of sleep – Delilah sighs happily and withdraws from you. You don’t make a sound even as your pussy tightens greedily around the toy, too tired and exhausted you are to manage even that. You barely watch as she undoes the straps and pulls the toy out, revealing the other wet end before tossing it off the bed.

“You’ve earned your rest, darling… sleep now, my love” Delilah says soothingly, picking you up and cradling you close to her cool bosom. You smile and snuggle into her breasts, barely aware being covered by a blanket as you drift off to sleep in Delilah’s arms, body stinging and tingling wonderfully…

8:32 pm
You find yourself staring up at the canopy of a lavish red and black four poster bed, and you wonder where you are and why you’re here. You sit up and throw the covers off, finding yourself understandably naked and pierced in all the right places with red welts peppering your body. They don’t hurt, and they send a shiver of arousal through you… but that’s not important; what is important is where you’re at. You look around the room and you think you may be in the temple of Domina, but it’s not Delilah’s room, obviously, and it’s not any other room you’ve been in. There’s a fireplace going directly across from you, a window to your right that leads out into a forest… wait, a forest? You look around the room and note the regality of your surroundings – a dresser for silverware and fine plates and bowls, a vanity, an armoire of fine mahogany, a sofa and two cushioned chairs in front of the fireplace with a dining table in the middle, paintings of vast landscapes and castles… everything about this room screams nobility. Except that everything is some variation of red and black – you shimmy out of the covers fully and scoot towards the bed, heart pounding, and brush away the canopy as you scoot off the bed. Directly across from you is a wooden door, and not wanting to spend another moment in this strange place you quickly walk towards the door, reach out with your right hand, and turn the knob… except it doesn’t budge. “Would you like more, my mistress?” a familiar voice – an all too familiar voice – sounds out behind you, and when you whip your head around you see two individuals by the fireplace, one sitting and one standing, who were most definitely not there a few seconds ago. “Why yes, darling, thank you. That will be all” the other woman says and you watch Delilah – your Delilah – take a wine glass full of blood from this other familiar woman. Delilah is wearing her red and black dress, her “noble” outfit, and is sitting on one of the cushioned chairs with her hair in a bun, sipping on the blood and reading from a rather large novel. “Thank you very much, mistress” the other woman with red hair says with a deep, respectful bow – this woman is wearing a maid’s outfit exactly the same as the one Delilah had you wearing earlier, except she’s wearing a black and white headband. However, her red hair has black streaks in it and looks like someone took some clippers to the left side of her hair and cut it very, very short like a boy’s crew cut. You see three gold rings pierced into her left ear and two diamond studs outside of her right, both of which are half-elven. When she turns around and smiles at you, you’re shocked to see that you’re staring at… yourself. Except, this you is different, notably she has her right eye-brow pierced, her left lower lip pierced, her nose pierced with a bull ring, and she’s wearing black eye shadow that really draws to her, your, emerald green eyes. The tattoo at this other’s right arm, the one Deidra gave you, is colored with blues, reds, blacks, oranges, yellows… and you notice that her, your, left arm has a beautiful full sleeve tattoo depicting butterflies flying amongst a jungle, full of multiple colors. You also notice through her fishnet stockings that her right leg has a fully dark black tattoo of chains that presumably cover the circumference of her thigh, and her left leg has four black and red stars that start from her knee and travel upward, morphing into a black and red bird on the fourth image flapping its wings.
Re: Rift Touched

She approaches you with an easy confidence that comes from age and experience… indeed, though she looks exactly like you, you get the sense that she’s older somehow, more experienced and wiser. “Hello, Colette” she says in your voice, giving you a calm, collected, yet very warm and inviting smile that just comes so naturally you can’t picture your face without it, despite all the piercings. Upon further inspection you notice a small red heart shaped tattoo under her left eye where tears would flow should she cry. When she said “Hello” to you, you noticed that she had a studded piercing on her tongue, and now that she’s this close you can see she has some letters tattooed onto each of her fingers, excluding her thumbs. “Curious aren’t you?” she comments with such ease and confidence, drawing your attention back to her as she smiles warmly back at you still. She curls her hands into fists and brings them together in front of you, and you read left to right – right pinky to left pinky – E-A-T-S-C-U-N-T… Eats Cunt… classy. “I’ve got a few more” the other you says with a playful, easy smirk that also seems… proud “Around my breasts I have a rose wreath that blossoms into a tree at my sternum, a pair of angel wings that cover my back, some cute little red and black bat wings above my vagina, and on my lower back I have written ‘Cum Inside’ written, except C-U-M not C-O-M-E. Oh and you probably can’t see it, but on my left inner thigh I have a very stylish looking arrow pointing towards my vagina with writing above and below the line that says ‘Load Goes Here’. I’ve also got Delilah’s hand print outline on my right butt after she spanked me, just so that it was perfect, with ‘Love, Delilah’ written inside. I also have some more on my feet and elsewhere, but you’re really not here to hear about all my tats and piercings, are you?” “Why I’m here?” you repeat incredulously as you notice her wearing your choker, and just above it her neck is another tattoo of a snake that seems to wrap around her neck and is eating itself that you failed to notice before “Why am I here? And where is here for that matter?” The other you smiles and saunters towards the bed, brushing aside the canopy and taking a seat as she pats the bed beside you, her… whatever, you decide to walk over and take a seat as you listen. “This is inside your head, Colette” the other you says, and at that mention you vaguely start to remember another encounter similar to this one… “Bingo, this is twice you’ve had this happen. Both with Delilah being the cause, go figure” she adds, as if reading your mind, which she probably did because she’s a figment of your mind. “Damn, we catch on quick don’t we?” the other you teases as she straightens out her outfit with meticulous and practiced care “Right again, as for this around you” she waves her hands about to show you the room “Another figment of your imagination, something you thing would fit Delilah’s personality. Not too shabby, but it could use more coffins, whips, and rope in my opinion, but hey what do I know? I’m just a little slice of you after all. All these tat’s? You’re mind, and that little story earlier? Yup, you guessed it, you again, Colette”. She continues to explain as she chuckles in amusement “You’re at another mental crossroads it seems, and you have an opportunity. I represent what Delilah envisions for you, or what you envision that Delilah envisions for you to be more accurate”. “So” you say slowly “I think you’re what Delilah wants me to be, and I secretly want to become that?” The other you gives you a playful slug on the arm and says “Look at you, piecing things together! It’s not quite the full story, but yeah pretty much. You’re conflicted if you want to become this, and personally speaking I don’t think Delilah will force you into this because she cares about you too much, but you don’t have to become this exactly. I mean, you already rejected some of the piercings, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to become what I represent, or maybe you want them later, hmm? I am the maid and the servant – I am the perfect obedient and submissive that you believe Delilah desires. Tattooed, pierced, and serving her every desire as a proper submissive would serve their better. You’ve already said that your place is kneeling at her feet, and I embody that with open arms, as that is my true happiness, my confidence, my strength. This” the other you points to her face, her hair, and waves her hands down her body “Is what she would desire, and through that you find purpose and pleasure”.

She lifts up her skirt and shows you that she’s wearing the thong chastity belt you were wearing earlier. The other you taps it a few times before she pulls her skirt back down and easily says “I don’t need to masturbate when she’s around; Delilah takes care of all my needs and decides when I get play. The greatest pleasure, however, is being her servant… her perfect Pet”. “I’m not going to lie to you, ‘darling’” the other you teases with a wink “It’s a big step – you’ve already admitted that she, Lula, Leena, and Astraea know what’s best for you and that they know what you want, physically and emotionally, but this would be… well, not exactly being her slave, but pretty darn close. Giving up some of your independence and devoting yourself to serving her and being the best that you can for her, taking to heart everything she teaches and says, bowing down to her every whim. It is a monumental decision, willingly giving up ones independence, even a fraction of it, but the end result is, in my opinion, well worth it. You will find a purpose – not the purpose, but a purpose that you can follow – and through that you will gain strength and confidence in yourself”. “Pet” Delilah calls out without ever taking her eyes away from her book “You’ve been such a good girl, as always, would you like to have a belly rub, darling?” The other you smiles broadly, happily and fulfilled even, and replies “Of course Pet would love a belly rub, mistress! Thank you very much”. She then turns to you and says “This is your time to shine if you want it” finishing as she points towards Delilah “Take it or leave it. Doesn’t mean you can’t decide this on your own later, but if you think this is where you want to go then the opportunity is patting her laps right now”. You look at the illusory Delilah as your mind races, and you turn back towards your pierced and tattooed other and ask “What’s in store for me if I do this?” She, the other you, smiles and simply says “Whatever she wants and thinks is best. I wouldn’t expect to get out without some ink at the very least since she said she thought it was best for you at the park. As for more piercings… I think she’ll take the hint and not press the issue since you didn’t choose to have anymore. She cares about us after all, in her own way, and she’s been considerate of our feelings so far so I don’t expect that to change any time soon. You’ll forget most of this anyhow, but you’ll feel the decision you’ve made, just like last time. Only difference is this part is just a little bit stronger than the last piece of you, and you don’t have anything causing your body stress or stimulation right now, so I can help you remember a few things… what I mean is if you see any piercings or tats that you want, or maybe you want to shave the side of your head or get black streaks in your hair, maybe even a little dark eye shadow… well, just let me know and I’ll make it happen. The clock’s ticking, Colette; what’s it going to be?”

1. Accept this part of yourself and submit yourself entirely to Delilah.

Gain Delilah’s Perfect Pet Perk: Become Delilah’s perfect submissive Pet and bow down to her every whim. You strive to learn from her and serve her as best as you can unflinchingly, and through your submissive subservience you find purpose. You will be utterly submissive to Delilah in all things, serve her, follow her orders, and come to depend on her, but gain confidence and strength as a result of this realization.

Increases total health by a minor margin.

Lust will be unable to overcome Colette’s sanity even at 100/100 Lust

Any regular or sexual perks undiscovered will be learned much faster if/when Delilah teaches you them, and already learned perks will increase to maximum at a much faster rate.

Understand that the possibility of having tattoo’s and other bodily “art” may follow…

2. “Remember” bodily art that your doppelganger currently has and have Delilah give them to you. (Does not require choice 1 be made).
2A. Put black streaks in your hair.
2B. Wear black eye shadow around eyes.
2C. Have the left side of your head shaved as a crew cut, leaving the rest of your hair untouched.
2D. Have your right eyebrow pierced after all.
2E. Have your lower left lip pierced after all.
2F. Have your tongue pierced after all.
2G. Have your nose pierced with a bull-style ring.
2H. Have your ritual tattoo filled in similar to your doppelganger’s.
2I. Have your left arm (wrist to shoulder) tattooed with the butterflies flying in a jungle setting. Very colorful.
2J. Get a dark black tattoo around the circumference of your right thigh of linked chains.
2K. Get a tattoo starting from your left knee up to your just below your pelvis depicting a black and red star that morphs into a flying black and red bird. Four parts to this tattoo.
2L. Get a red heart shaped tattoo near left eye.
2M. Get “Eats Cunts” in all capitals tattooed across your fingers from, excluding your thumbs, from your right pinky to your left pinky. Black ink.
2N. Get a rose wreath tattoo the covers around breasts and blossoms into a tree at sternum. Colored green, red, and brown.
2O. Get angel wings tattooed across most of your back. Black ink.
2P. Get tiny red and black bat wings tattooed above vagina.
2Q. Get “Cum Inside” tattooed on lower back. Black writing.
2R. Get a stylish arrow tattooed on inner thigh with writing above and below the line that says “Load Goes Here”. Black writing.
2S. Have Delilah spank your right butt cheek and then have a tattoo outline of her handprint with “Love, Delilah” written on the inside. Black outline.
2T. Just above where your choker rests get a tattoo of a snake wrapping around the circumference of your neck that is eating itself. Colored green and black.
2U. Write in your own tattoo, piercing, or change to Colette’s body! (May write your own original idea or alter existing options from above!)

3. Do not accept this part of you and enter a dreamless sleep until morning…

4. Other
3:57 pm

You have a very late start to your day as both Delilah and Deidra insisted that you rest and recuperate after your time with your lover. Not going to disobey Delilah, you resigned yourself to your room for a few hours after waking up this morning in Delilah’s arms and rested, recovering from the many wonderful lashes, spanks, and wax drops that Delilah gifted you yesterday. The welts were barely visible, and after a few hours they disappeared entirely, and it was around that time that Deidra came into your room and, after a quick examination, said you should be fine. With that you decided first things first: you found Vivian, gave your new lover a passionate kiss, and pulled her away to your room for a romp in the sheets. She was perplexed at your new accessories, but it turns out she thinks they’re very fashionable on you, especially when her tongue was at your clit and constantly flipping the ring, which made for a very interesting and wonderful new feeling. After your little romp you promptly reinserted your toys, which conveniently made their way back to your room, and are now currently deciding how you want to continue with your late starting day. “Mmm, that was great, Vivi~” you coo as you step out of your washroom, stretching your arms and flashing your breasts to your lover, who is currently sitting cross-legged on your bed and fully nude, licking the juices from her mouth. “You always taste so good… and I really, really like the new jewelry” Vivian comments yet again as she stares at your clit ring, your belly button ring, and your new earrings. You bring your hand down to your clit ring, which the flap to your dildo doesn’t cover, and give it a little flick, relishing the feeling as it dangles and seems to make you ever more sensitive. “I do too” you reply as you remember last night “Now, what are you going to teach me today?” “Um” Vivian says as she twiddles her fingers together “Deidra says that she thinks you’re ready to do more throughout the day, and to tell you that you’ve had people asking about you to… sleep with you. So have I actually – it looks like we might be a little popular after our onstage performances… I went outside while you were with Delilah to do some shopping and a few people recognized me. I had never received so much attention before in my life; they all wanted to go on dates, compliment my performance, even, um… ask if I would have sex with them some time or do another performances like that. It was a little overwhelming”. You smirk at Vivian’s bashfulness and chuckle as you say “Well, it looks like we’re famous whores now”. You bring your hand up to your face and practically face palm yourself as you groan and add “Gods… famous for saving the city, which no one really knows who I am yet except a few people who probably won’t visit a brothel, and now famous for being a good and loose lay. Friends of friends probably know about us and are probably looking for sex here at this very moment. Hopefully my family doesn’t catch wind of this; mom and dad would probably be beside themselves, but uncle Will… well, I think he’s been to a few brothels in his time to be honest, but I don’t know how he’d feel about his niece being a whore… a good one at that”. You groan and shake your head… and then you just laugh it off and shrug “Oh well, drat it all I guess and move on, and maybe even do a better job to keep the money flowing, hmm~” you tease Vivian with a wink, which makes her blush but nod… without reluctance you might add.

4:15 pm

Colette may now choose up to two actions now! Any combination of training/training, work/training, and work/work may be taken.

A. Practice your footwork for the next few days and learn how to move and use your feet better

B. Have Vivian help you control your lust and possibly unlock some of the hidden powers of your dances

C. Learn new dances from Vivian to add to your knowledge!

D. Improve your dancing abilities by practicing already known dances.

E. Strip in front of a crowd in the brothel for a few days with Vivian. (Pay is dependent on foot-fighting skill and other factors).
E1. Invite the crowd to take part in an orgy once more!
E2. Have sex with Vivian only on stage.
E3. Masturbate only on stage.
E4. Find a man after your performance and sleep with him for money.
E5. Find a group of men after your performance and sleep with them for money.
E6. Find a woman after your performance and sleep with her for money.
E7. Find a group of women after your performance and sleep with them for money.
E8. Find a tentacle beast and sleep with it for money.
E9. Find a group of tentacle beasts and sleep with them for money.
E10. Do not sleep with anyone after your performance.
E11. Other

F. Dance outside the brothel with Vivian to attract customers. Will learn a new dance. (Pay is dependent on foot-fighting skill and other factors. More choices may be involved later). (Takes place after initial few days of stripping)

G. Dance inside the brothel as part of musical entertainment with Vivian. (Pay is dependent on foot-fighting skill and other factors. More choices may be involved later).

H. Do private dances at guest requests. Will learn a new dance. (Pay is dependent on foot-fighting skill and other factors. More choices may be involved later).

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (1224 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10). Left ring finger.
-Enchanted Emerald Ring of Strength. (Enhances melee and ranged attacks, excluding crossbows. Allows lifting of heavier objects). Right ring finger.
-Skin-Walker (Hugs body like a second skin, revealing everything as if nude. Blessings in effect when worn). Currently on floor.

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Naked!
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
- Medium sized anal beads with eight beads in anus that vibrate at a very low frequency– command word Vashana.
- 7.5” fleshy pink dildo with heart-shaped flap on bottom that is a few inches thicker than Lula’s cock that vibrates at a very low frequency – command word Solaris. In vagina.
- Silver-gold Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached). Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Silver-gold circular industrial earring on right inner ear. Has two small diamond studs on outside that attach to ear. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Three silver-gold large ring piercings on upper left ear. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Silver-gold ring with ruby set in at belly button. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains.
- Small silver-gold ring with sapphire set in. Enchanted to extend a small chain to those that know command word. Enchanted to connect to other pieces via chains. For the darling and joy of my existence. To my love, Colette inscribed along band.

Weaponry Not currently available/equipped.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).

Magic Not currently available/equipped.

-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.
-Lust Strike (10 Lust minimum required. The higher the lust the stronger the attack in intervals of 10. Foot-Fighting only skill): Use lust to increase the damage of your kicks proportional to the amount of lust you have. The higher the lust the more damage is added to the attack. Lust is expended upon usage. Can choose how much lust to use, but at least 10 is needed.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
- Three large silver-gold earrings on upper left ear.
- Circular silver-gold industrial earring on right ear. Diamond studs on outside.
- Silver-gold belly button ring with ruby.
- Small silver-gold clit ring with sapphire.
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Stripper tattoo on right arm represented by two interlocking hollow rings with arcane writing in the hollow parts, flames along the outside, two large arcane symbols on the left and right gap, and three curved squiggly lines in the center gap (Solid Purple).


Health: Fine
MR: 102/102
Lust: 43/100
Vagina is wet.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Magical Sensitivity (Demonic Lust): As a side effect of the ritual you underwent at Deidra’s you now are able to see the lust let off by demons, namely succubi and even your own, as a reddish-pink aura.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Very Slight Magical/Physical Damage Resistance: Your new piercings, courtesy of Delilah, are enchanted to boost your physical and magical damage resistance the more that you wear. The number of piercings you have gives a very slight increase to these resistances.

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Leg Strength (Minor): Thanks to your training and workouts with Vivian the strength of your legs has increased, and you’re better able to move on your feet in all general instances. The strength of your attacks when kicking/using the foot fighting skill has increased.

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 38/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Dancing: 1/4
Belly Dancing: Uses 10 MR or 20 Lust and bestows a minor physical hit reduction to enemies and a minor bonus to Colette’s to hit. Lasts for five minutes.

Strip Dancing: Strip Dancing (and FULLY stripping, barring weapons) requires 30 MR or 60 Lust and bestows a major overall hit reduction to enemies, mild bonus to Colette’s to hit bonus, and a mild bonus to Colette’s overall damage reduction. Also rapidly increases Lust regeneration as well as halves dancing time thus halving negative penalties of dancing and attacking. Lasts 10 minutes.

Pole Dancing: Requires 15 MR or 30 Lust and also requires a pole (or something similar) nearby to utilize. Sends forth a burst of pure magic that homes in on all enemies and deals minor to mild damage and knocks them down for a single turn. Single use.

Line Dancing: Requires 25 MR or 50 Lust and bestows Colette with rapid MR regeneration and gives a minor magical damage increase. Lasts 5 minutes.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Requires 25 MR or 50 Lust and bestows Colette with a mild damage bonus and +1 skill bonus to all offensive weapon skills (2/4 Hand-to-Hand becomes 3/4, etc.). Lasts 5 minutes.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Foot Fighting: 1/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, even going so far as to touching your more intimate parts. You’re also more receptive to the sexual advances of others and are willing to participate more readily than before, but nothing too extreme or against your personality and tastes. May affect certain situations.

Minor Masochist: Thanks to repeated use of pain inducing items and techniques during sexual play you now associate pain with pleasure. Pain (only minor pain) will increase your arousal and lust so long as it is not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

3 C D
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Re: Rift Touched

First thing first
3 against
path of full submissive. I feel that its too much and despite how well greater writes, would be resricting for an adventurer.

On Tats & Stuff. Here is what I'll consider, not here? Their is a reason for it ask I might answer.

2I. Have your left arm (wrist to shoulder) tattooed with the butterflies flying in a jungle setting. Very colorful.
-No 'real' reason but, seems very Colette-ish chasing after butterflies and falling into the most wonderful/strange things.

2J. Get a dark black tattoo around the circumference of your right thigh of linked chains.
-Love of Bondage in a tat, despite the admittedly weak reason. I like it. Very on fence for it might drop it because is a bit 'out' there for her.

2K. Get a tattoo starting from your left knee up to your just below your pelvis depicting a black and red star that morphs into a flying black and red bird. Four parts to this tattoo.
-Star to Bird done in 4 parts; reminisence to phoenix lore funny Colette would get a tat like that considering 'sex rouge' path chosen. Location is odd to say the least... If not for that I'd say its something I can see Leena push on her.

2N. Get a rose wreath tattoo the covers around breasts and blossoms into a tree at sternum. Colored green, red, and brown.
-Nature and Nurture, is quite literally the aspects of motherhood/caring. I WANT this not totally Colette though a little out there.

2Q. Get “Cum Inside” tattooed on lower back. Black writing.
-No reason besides, personal tastes. Had we not just gone through what we went through I'd have said Colette would have gotten this eventually, now? Noep unless a Lover asks her to do it. Looking at you Helena or Vivian.

2T. Just above where your choker rests get a tattoo of a snake wrapping around the circumference of your neck that is eating itself. Colored green and black.
-Orborous, very symbolic tat. World Eater its said the snake was tricked into eating its own tail to save the planet. Sadly instead of dying the snake grows as fast as it eats. So aspects to tricksters and sacrifice. Sadly not very Colette unless Delilah pushes for it.

So current vote is...
2I, 2K, 2N, 2Q
I'd be flexible if at least 2 of those are chosen moreso if N is one of them.

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