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Re: Rift Touched

Thanks to you. Happy writter birthday and have nice week end !
Re: Rift Touched

B and H are the winners of this round of voting! Thank you everyone that voted, and welcome back Bloodshifter! Also, thank you Mark3000 for voting for the first time!
4:37 am

Seeing Vivian run around her room frantically searching for things to wear, talking to herself, and pulling out different articles of clothing amuses you to no end, especially since she seems so excited about it… or perhaps she’s just excited to be around you if her attitude in every interaction you’ve had with her is any indication. She reminds of Xillia in a way when she gets an idea in her head for a new piece of clothing you think with a smile on your face before you clear your throat to get Vivian’s attention. “Oh, sorry!” Vivian says sheepishly as she whips her head around and looks at you holding two very flimsy pieces of swimwear that you wouldn’t mind wearing, if nothing more than to tease people. You like don’t mind exhibiting yourself to others, if past experience is any indication, but you think that maybe you want to look nice while doing it if given the choice. “I wouldn’t mind wearing something a bit ‘classy’ like you mentioned” you say as you rest your hands on your hips and grin as some of your red hair falls in front of your eyes “I’m used to be either completely naked or in something… less than decent for public displays if you know what I mean~”. You think back to when Lula first convinced you to go on a “walk” and you ended up walking back to Yulag’s inn in your then unblessed bodysuit covered in her semen wearing some very high heels. Good times you think as you pleasantly reminisce on the week you arrived I was practically afraid of sex when I got here and now I revel in it… love it even. The things I’ve done and had done to me… gods it makes me shiver! Not to mention I’m now living in a brothel, more or less, for a few months. I wonder if I came here more for the potential in learning something new and unique, which the ritual definitely was, or more for something else…? “I think I’ve got it!” Vivian’s voice snaps you out of your daydream and thoughts as she runs around to her dresser and starts pulling out some suggestive clothing that, while revealing, you have to admit doesn’t look blatantly sexual – seductive and provocative to be sure, colorful as well, but not something that advertises yourself for, well, sexual favors or the promises thereof. The outfit consists of a white thong that looks made of silk, with a dark blue band. The thong itself looks like it would cover a fair amount of your crotch, while the band itself that would wrap around your waist is slightly thicker than that your sheer thong. The bra piece is made of the same material, silk it looks like, and looks like it would cover your nipple and a fair amount of your bosom with its triangular shape, however, it is lacking enough coverage that it would show a generous amount of your cleavage, but without being considered risqué – perhaps the most risqué part of the bra is that the dark blue bands that outline the breast piece and that would wrap around your back and even behind your neck as well as attaching the two breast pieces together are rather thin in comparison to the thong, leaving more room for skin to show. Next is a pair of dark blue harem pants which, oddly enough, are made of a sheer material similar to your undergarments while also being slightly more opaque, meaning that from your ankles to your waist would be completely visible but without being quite so transparent, giving the wearer’s skin more of a dark blue tint to it than anything else.

Up next is a golden chain belt with a large golden disc in the front, probably meant to draw eyes towards the crotch, with two dark blue silk pieces of cloth woven around the chains with golden yellow tassels attached to the ends. Last but not least is a pair of crème colored open-toed four inch heels that have the bare minimum of straps needed to hold the foot in place, both around the ankle and at the toes, which seems to mean that those that wear this would show off as much skin on their feet as possible. “Wow” you say as Vivian places each of the pieces onto her bed neck to each other “It’s very colorful and doesn’t look like, well, like something like the stereotypical whore would wear~”. “Oh, there’s just a few more things to complete the set… and what does the stereotypical whore look like~?” Vivian adds with a giggle as she goes over to her vanity and rifles through it – you watch as she pulls out different pieces of jewelry ranging from bracelets, rings, toe rings, and even a golden chain-linked headpiece with a small ruby hanging from a small chain on the front. She places each of the pieces of jewelry above the clothing in a neat line and smiles as she looks at you excitedly and says “I hope it’s not too bad. This is a traditional Ornsimun dancer’s outfit still in use today. Female dancers wear similar outfits when entertaining those at court, on stage, on the streets, at family events and celebrations, weddings, you name it! Dance plays a very important part in their culture, and even the men wear their own types of dancing garbs that are equally as revealing while not being too sexual. They believe that the body is something to not be hidden and to be enjoyed, and their clothes reflect that as it allows for the best expression of dance… and it could also be that they live in a desert so it’s usually very hot”. You nod in understanding at Vivian and look to the clothing and jewelry on the bed, finding it very beautiful to look at. Based on what Vivian has told you, you wouldn’t mind seeing a traditional Ornsimun dance or even going to the country itself, in fact you think it would be amazing to do so if their culture values dancing so highly. “Thank you” you say to Vivian with a sincere smile on your face “You put a lot of thought into this, and I really appreciate that”. “Oh” Vivian says with a blush as she scratches her nose, looks down, and taps her left foot behind her right in embarrassment “It’s nothing really – I just wanted to give you the best since you d-deserve the best. I think the only other thing that would make the outfit better is if you had your ears and bellybutton pierced, and maybe a few more tattoos, since the dancer’s themselves and their clothing are colorful and full of ‘jingles’”. “Well then, teacher!” you announce confidently and with a grin, amused by her embarrassment and touched at the way Vivian feels and thinks as you start willing Skin-Walker away from your back “I think it’s time I learned from the best and started mastering the dances I already know!” When Skin-Walker is separated enough from your back you reach towards your bosom and grab the skintight material and yank it from you, exposing yourself to Vivian, making her eyes go wide as you toss Skin-Walker to the ground and work at your sheer undergarments starting with your garter belt.

As you expose yourself to Vivian and start removing your other clothes, feeling her gaze on you, your lust starts to build faster than it already was before and you find yourself getting hungry for relief and satisfaction as your loins start to moisten further and itch in need. “Like what you see~?” you growl out in throaty need as your last undergarment, your sheer thong – which are a bit damp – slides down your thighs. As you glide your hands down your legs with the panties, you bend over and let your breasts hang, moaning in need as your emerald heart piercings dangle from their chains and cause tiny jolts of pleasure to course through your body as they tug on your oversensitive nipples. You maintain eye contact with Vivian the entire time, and crack a pleased grin as she breaks the gaze as her eyes roam over your body with extreme desire, eventually settling on your sheer thong and focusing on the dampness that you left behind you your lust. Her spaded tail flicks behind her back hypnotically as her eyes display nothing but lust for you mingled with awe and perhaps a little reverence as she pulls her gaze back up to meet yours, her breathe quickening as her arousal builds as well. “Mmm~” you purr out with a toothy grin as you slowly straighten your back and step out and over your thong as you saunter over to Vivian’s bed “Let’s get to work, shall we~?” Your voice drips with promise and desire, and as you gingerly pick up the bra you smile as you hear Vivian’s shaky voice. “G-Get to work?” she asks hopefully, making you turn your back and smile at her. “I need to practice my dancing, and you’re the best teacher around. That means I’m very… ‘eager’ to learn~” you say as you press the fabric of the bra up against your bosom enticingly before grabbing at the band and flattening it against you as you tie it around your back and then once more behind your neck. You then pick up the thong and bend down as you place each foot through either end and pull the material up until it rests snuggly around your waist and against your privates – you then slip into the harem pants, impressed with how airy yet thick and smooth they feel against your skin, and how they seem to “poof” out. You then wrap the golden belt around your waist with the disc in front before turning your attention to the jewelry on the bed. You pick up the two wrist bracelets, noting the gold on the outside bands while in the inside is silver with aquatic etchings, and slip your hands through the somewhat small openings. The finger rings for each of your fingers and thumbs are much the same, though obviously smaller, and you individually take each ring and slip them on your fingers. When that’s done you sit down on the bed and reach for the toe rings, again for each of your toes and similarly designed, and slip them on your toes before slipping your feet into the open-toed heels. Last, but certainly not least, you grab the chain-linked headpiece and don it, marveling at how it quite comfortably conforms to the shape of your head, though the small chain with the crimson red ruby that rests on your forehead just above the curve of your nose might take some getting used to.

“So?” you say with slight trepidation as you stand up from the bed and make some final adjustments with your hands “How do I look?” Vivian just stares at you for a long while, more with awe than desire you seem to think, and after you clear her throat she blinks a few times to regain her focus. “Like a princess” Vivian replies with a heavy, unfocused tone – You scoff and roll your eyes at her, unbelieving of what she says. “You’re just saying that” you says dismissively, though you are thankful that you at least look decent in the outfit. “I’m serious” Vivian replies with greater conviction in her voice, which takes you off guard as she continues “You look like a princess – the way your hair flows over your shoulders and down your back, the way your skin glows, the choker, the headpiece… everything is just so perfect, but it’s not the clothes or the rings or the jewels that make it so. No, it’s you, Colette… it’s like the jewels and the clothing are just distractions, and when I stop looking at them I see you shining brighter than any jewel and more dazzling than any color they may offer. And those beautiful emerald eyes…” “Stop it, you~” you say with a slight blush “Now you’re just embarrassing me… but thank you for the compliments”. Vivian just stands there in her pajamas and smiles at you for a little bit before she turns red and says “S-Sorry, I just kind of… n-never mind, let me get dressed too!” With that she quickly gets undressed, much to your satisfaction as you take in her lithe, fit, and deliciously succulent brown body that stirs your desires further. You watch as she rushes over to her dresser, vanity, and armoire and pulls out a similar outfit, jewelry and all, to yours though her harem pants are pink and the jewel on her headpiece is a sapphire. “Let’s go” show says as she giddily bounces over to the door on her heels, giving you a nice view of her toned legs and tight looking rump that you want to just dig into before suckling on those rock hard nipples on her flat chest… Focus, Colette you think as you take a deep breath of air and smile at Vivian as she opens the door for you Geez, I need to control this lust of mine at some point. I thought I had a handle on it when I “discovered” myself at the temple of Domina, but this is just so much more. Oh well, best not to keep my teacher waiting~. You saunter up to Vivian and thank her as you walk out the door, turning to wait for her as she closes it and motions for you to follow her. You follow her down the hall to the right after exiting her room, and at the very end of the hall you reach another wooden door. Upon Vivian opening it and motioning you inside with a big smile, you’re amazed at the sheer size of the room, and what it contains – you see men and women of various ages and races, and more than likely Deidra’s boys and girls, all doing some sort of activity. The room has poles with men and women dancing on them in various states of dress and undress, mats for others to do stretches of some sort, large bags hanging from wooden posts that they punch and kick, a stage with others that are practicing their dancing, metal weights that some are lifting. Still others hang around the outside and talk, laugh, and drink water as they rest, which you now notice that each of the men and women are sweating.

Looks like this is where everyone goes to keep in shape and practice their moves you conclude I think I might be using this room a lot during my stay here.

“Come on, Colette! We’ll practice up on stage!” Vivian says beside you excitedly, and starts pulling on your arm gently as a few others around the room stop and wave to Vivian while giving you curious and impressed looks. Vivian waves back as she takes your right arm and leads you around the edges of the room, avoiding those working out and practicing. You make it halfway to the stage on the far left wall before a cute, fair skinned human woman with long brown hair, who was talking and laughing with a goblin woman and elf woman stops and smiles at you and Vivian before she approaches you both. She’s covered in a fine sheen of perspiration and wearing her hair in a ponytail, her eyes are a light brown, and she’s wearing tight fitting purple top that exposes her midriff and a pair of equally tight fitting hot pants. You can see she’s as flat chested as Vivian, but that doesn’t matter as you find her incredibly attractive, and you can’t help yourself imagining her eating you out before with her luscious pink lips before you squirt all over her face. “Hey, Vivian, how are you? And who’s this beautiful woman you have your arm wrapped around?” the woman says in a pleasantly feminine voice and with such a warm smile that you find yourself itching with greater need as you yearn to hear her cry out in ecstasy, and you fight to keep your growing lust under control as you look her up and down with want. “Hey there!” Vivian chirps happily as she stops tugging on your arm, though she doesn’t let go and it drives you wild as you feel her soft hands on your arm “This is Colette and she’s a new girl. She’s going to be staying here with us for a few months”. You smile at the human woman sincerely and, with your left hand extended out, you say “Pleased to meet you, miss. It’s my first day here and Vivian is my teacher of sorts. I’m mainly going to be a dancer… well, stripper actually, and she’s going to help me get better. By the way, you’re very beautiful miss”. The woman laughs heartily for some reason and gingerly takes your hand in a gentle embrace as she shakes it, rubbing her thumb over the top of your hand and looking you in the eyes with a growing desire that you’re pleased to see, though it’s somewhat abated. “I’m so very pleased to meet you, Colette, and I do hope you enjoy your stay with us. Thank you so much for the compliment, but I think that in terms of beauty you far outmatch me. In fact, I’m not usually attracted to women, but if you don’t mind me saying I find you very attractive. My preferred area of expertise is a specific fetish… and one that I am find very enjoyable for myself” the woman replies with sincerity and a charming smile. “Nonsense!” you reply happily as you hear that she finds you attractive, a first step perhaps for things to come “You’re a very beautiful and charming lady, and I’m glad that you find me attractive. I prefer women myself, but I have been with men before a few times~. What fetish do you specialize in if you don’t mind me asking – I may not look it but I find sex and different fetishes to be incredibly enjoyable~”.

Vivian giggles beside you long and loudly, and even the woman smiles in amusement at you and with a look in her eyes that says she knows something that you don’t. “What?” you ask in confusion as you look to the woman and Vivian “Did I say something wrong?” “N-no – hahaha! – not really… it’s just that she is a he, and his name is Lucas” Vivian finally replies between her laughs and snickers. You, however, are floored by this new information and look at “Lucas” with shock as your eyes go wide and your jaw hangs open, though “he” just looks at you and smiles. “I’m sorry for the confusion” Lucas says, and you’re amazed at just how feminine he is – he doesn’t look in the slightest like a man at all! – “But yes, I am a man, and my specialty is playing the part of a girly boy for other men. You wouldn’t believe how many men love sleeping with other men that look like women, whether they’re attracted to men or not, and I’m more than happy to play the part”. Once the initial shock passes, without fully subsiding, you finally say “Wow, you, uh, really had me fooled there. You look so feminine it’s hard to imagine that you have a penis tucked in there… sorry, that was too forward”. Lucas chuckles and shakes his head and replies with an amused tone “No, it’s quite alright, Colette. I’m proud of the way I look, and you don’t need to apologize for anything. Sex is both business and pleasure around here, and you’ll find we don’t shy away from it. Actually, I’ve always been more interested in “girly” things since I was little, which as you can imagine meant I was teased and bullied to no end by both boys and girls. Eventually, as I got older I became more interested in boys and the girls in my hometown took me in, so I became just another one of the girls. By the time I was in my teens I looked and dressed just like a girl, and that’s about the same time that I and everyone else started becoming interested in sex”. “Oh” you comment, not really sure what to think as you scratch your head with your left hand “How did that turn out?” Lucas smiles devilishly at you, and it looks so seductive and full of carnality you can’t help but shiver in desire. “Well, I was interested in the boys, and the boys were interested in the girls, but they weren’t ‘experienced’ so they reasoned that since I looked like a girl and acted like a girl that they could use me as practice before they tried to bed a real girl. So one day Osprey, who I had a huge crush on, asked me if he could ‘do it’ with me, I quickly said yes. Gods I still remember him nervously undressing me, running his hands over my skin and saying it was as smooth as a babies, his lips on mine, and his cock in my ass before pumping me full of his seed. I had never felt so good in my life, and soon found out that I have my best orgasms when I’m being penetrated”.

Lucas takes on a dreamy, reminiscent look as he sighs and smiles before he slowly comes back to reality and says “He was so unsure of what he had done, and left without saying a word. I was hurt, but he told his friends about what he and I had done and eventually, slowly but surely, the other boys started asking me as well. First a kiss, then a blowjob, then anal, and then the boys realized that I was easier than the other girls, but was still somewhat part of the boy group without really being a boy in their minds. I inhabited a strange middle ground between boy and girl for them it seemed. For months I was taking cock almost every day – spit roasts, gang-bangs, fake dates with a happy ending… I loved almost every moment of it. But, eventually, the girls started to really catch on, and more than a few of them had interest in some of the boys, but all the boys at that point were interested only in me”. “Uh oh…” you say softly, getting a feel where this is headed as Lucas’ faces turns slightly pained and in a frown. “Yes, you can imagine” Lucas confirms sadly “The girls found out and they were none too happy. They banded together, ambushed me when I was alone in the woods by the stream next to my quiet little village, tied me up, and brought me to the abandoned farm at the edge of town. I’ll spare all the details, but I was taunted, yelled at, called all manner of nasty things, beaten, and sodomized by them for hours on end in their rage”. “I am so sorry” you say sincerely as you reach out and touch Lucas’ right arm, earning a smile and a shake of his head. “It’s alright… actually, I don’t really know why I’m telling you this. My history is no secret to anyone here, but I usually refrain from spilling everything to a new boy or girl the first day they’re here. It didn’t end all bad – Qweila, one of the girls, didn’t take part in what happened. Actually, when the other girls left she stayed behind and helped me back to the village. Turns out she had always liked me, but I had never noticed, and on the way back we ran into Osprey. He was worried about me, the sweet boy, and came looking for me since I hadn’t been around and it was already dark out. Well, when Qweila and I told him what happened he was furious and, after much convincing, we told the adults and parents what the other girls had done. Needless to say there was hells to pay, and for a few years after that things between me and… and everyone in my village” Lucas stops to think as he frowns before continuing “It was tense. So I left and came down south – I’ve never been very strong, and while I was good at history, a little bit of magic, and knew a little bit about architecture, I wasn’t exactly capable of supporting myself or finding work that I was good at. So, I turned to prostitution… which turned out to be very profitable for me for a few years. Eventually, Deidra found me and brought me here, oh, three years ago I believe, and I couldn’t be happier”.
Re: Rift Touched

“What happened to everyone at your village?” you ask curiously, and to your surprise Lucas actually smiles brightly and says “Believe it or not I went back about a year ago. I think I needed to go back, to face what happened. Everyone is still there, a few of them married, a few of them not… actually, Osprey and Qweila got married afterwards and live quite happily with a child of their own, which surprised me. Well, when I got back to town I stayed at the inn, and when word spread of who I was, I ended up being quite surprised. One night there was a knock on my door, and when I opened it, there was everyone from my childhood. The girls apologized, some more sincerely than others, and offered me gifts and their heartfelt apologies, while the boys were sorry for using me for their own desires. It took some time, but I eventually forgave them – many of us are actually friends again, and I plan on going back again sometime this year to visit. All things considered, I think things turned out better than expected, and I learned a long time ago to take what you can get, because sometimes the alternative might be worse”. You smile and nod your head and say “I’m glad things worked out. Wow, I wasn’t expecting this when I woke up this morning, but now I feel glad that I did wake up when I did”. “Uh huh” Vivian adds with a bright smile and a nod “I’m sure you’ll love everyone here, Colette! They’re all so interesting and wonderful people as well. Sorry, Lucas, but I really want to help Colette with her dancing”. With that, Vivian starts tugging again and you and Lucas, as well as the elf and goblin woman, laugh at her excitement. As you allow yourself to be dragged by Vivian you turn and wave to Lucas, who yells back with a smirk “I still do like women, Colette… just bring the proper toy and we can have some fun some time~”. You smirk and nod as your lust starts to grow again, this time imagining yourself wearing a strap-on and plowing into Lucas’ bottom with the toy until he blows his load beneath you… Keep it under control, Colette you chide yourself lightly as you follow Vivian, despite getting more and more turned on both by your thoughts and her touching you The next few months are going to be really interesting for sure… hopefully I don’t do anything I’ll regret. Or maybe I will, but I’ll probably enjoy it too~

Yours and Vivian’s heels clack as you ascend the steps to the stage, which itself is quite large, and find that there are about six other people dancing on stage. They keep a fair distance apart from each other, and only two of the six are dancing together. Each of the dancers at one point or another stumble, misstep, or downright fall during their practice, or perhaps rehearsal, but again they rise, retake a stance, and begin again. Vivian lets go of your arm, finally, and walks towards the back of the stage – you follow and the other dancers don’t pay you any mind as you pass, though you do get a few glances from the two male dancers and one female dancer, who is with her partner, before they continue on with what they were doing. When you and Vivian are at the back of the stage near the large red curtains the succubus turns to you and says “During special events this room is usually cleared out so that large numbers of people can occupy the room. Those times don’t come around very often, so for the most part this is our room where we can hone our bodies and skills, and socialize away from guests”. You nod and take another look out, seeing as how large the room is you imagine it could fit quite a few hundred people if necessary, which again makes you want to explore just how large the mansion is. From the outside it is certainly large, but it didn’t seem as large as the homes in the noble district… but then again you’ve only seen the front of the mansion. Maybe a trip down the alley’s is in order you think before Vivian’s voice brings you back to her and the lessons. “Well, now that we’re here why don’t you show me your moves? What dances do you know?” she says as she crosses her arms in front of her. You look at her for a moment and shrug your shoulders and say “Okay, I know how to line dance from back home. I won a dancing competition for it a little while back”. You straighten your back and take a few steps back from Vivian, who watches intently, and start to recall the dance. You put your right foot out and twist your foot, placing your toe onto the ground before pivoting your foot and placing your heel on the ground before stomping three times onto the wooden floor, your heels clacking loudly as you do so. You repeat the same motion with your left foot as you bring your right foot down for the final time, and then you step forward with your right foot with your left leg out in front of you. You clap, step back so that your right leg is behind you and clap. You feel the rhythm in your mind and the movements start to come naturally to you. You stop, stand still, and repeat – start with your right foot, faster this time as you place your toe down, then heel, stomping, repeating. You move forward, clap, move backwards, clap, then you shake your hips, pivot, and slide to the right and clap before sliding back to the left and clapping, bringing your hands above your head, twirling in a full circle, clapping, and then repeating. You pick up the pace, and increase the frequency of your claps as you stomp your feet and kick your legs out until you’re a blur.

After a minute or two you stop and smile as you finish a twirl and a clap, looking at Vivian who herself has a big smile on her face. “That was very good!” Vivian claps excitedly “Simple but elegant – you obviously know that one very well, but I think you could add more variation to it. Maybe something like this”. Vivian then takes a step back and you watch as she repeats the same movements you did, but with much more fluidity than you. She quickly steps her right foot out onto her toe, quickly pivots, stomps, claps, and repeats for the other foot. When she gets to the kicking and clapping, she twirls just as you did, stomps her feet, claps, then looks at you bends over while keeping her legs straight, and trails her right hand from her right big toe up to her chest, then to her shoulder, and twirls. When she finishes this twirl she stomps twice then kicks her left leg up high into the air and grabs it with her left hand, and you marvel at her flexibility before she lets go and, the instant her foot touches the floor, she bends her back quickly and does a backflip as her hands touch the ground and she essentially cartwheels backwards! You watch in awe as her feet touch the ground and the sapphire on her head flies about and she no more than touches the ground with her feet again before she’s stomping her feet, clapping, twirling, kicking, sliding, bending down low and spreading her legs before quickly bouncing up again to stomp her feet and twirl. Honestly, you’re really, really impressed and it seems that a dance you’ve practice before and thought you were quite good at is nowhere near as fluid, quick, and graceful as what Vivian is showing you. When she finishes with a final twirl and clap, you clap your hands and say “That was amazing, Vivian! You’re so much better than I am. Everything was quicker, more fluid and natural. No move went to waste and it was tied so perfectly… you’re amazing!” Vivian, who looks as if she’s hardly broken a sweat, blushes and fiddles with her fingers and says “It’s nothing too big… I just like dancing is all”. “Vivian” you say seriously “I love to dance, but you… what you have is a passion and understanding of dancing that far surpasses my own”. The violet eyed succubus beams at you happily before stammering out “T-Thank you… now, show me what other dances you have”. You happily oblige and break out in the belly-dance that Lula showed you as you shake your hips, stamp your feet, and wave your arms from side to side while rolling your belly. Again, Vivian takes what you showed her and improves on it, gliding her hands over her body as she shakes her hips, bringing her hands above her head, twirling around to give you a view of her rump as she glides her hands from the bottom of her calf up to her bottom before twirling again. She takes the provocative dance and makes it even more than what Lula showed you just like before. Next you show her the veil dance, and for this you need to imagine a veil in your arms as you twirl your arms about along with your body, clapping and kicking your legs up – just like before Vivian does as you do, but adds flips and much flashier, fluid kicks that makes her seem like water as she moves.

5:00 am
10:00 am

You spend all morning practicing your dances with Vivian, and for every dance that you manage to perform, even when you decide to get creative or sometimes mimic Vivian, she ups the ante and outdoes you at every turn, and with such ease of movement and natural grace that, despite your love and years of experience dancing, you can’t quite keep up. Thanks to your natural interest in dancing, however, you do pick up on each of her moves and additions, but it’s a matter of performing them at the same level that’s an issue, especially considering her footwork is far superior to yours. The last two dances, pole dancing and strip dancing, were particularly fun to you, especially since there are poles fitted to the ground that you and Vivian were able to use. You thought you performed quite well at pole dancing, and it make you feel incredibly sexy and aroused, but Vivian used the pole like an extension to herself rather than just an object and maneuvered up, down, and around it like a snake coiling around itself. Even when you started to get really hot and bothered and flush with excitement, starting to strip down as you got on all fours and crawled on the ground, swiveling your body and spreading your legs as you took your shoes off before bouncing to your feet and rubbing along your body, unhooking your belt as you rubbed over your breasts and moaned… even after pulling all the stops Vivian’s performance at strip dancing was just so much more erotic. It probably helped that, by the time you were stripped and kept your eyes on her the entire time, eyeing her like a piece of meat that you want to devour – which you do – she was already ready to strip for you, which may or may not have been due to the lust you see rolling off of her in waves when you enter your aura sight. Seeing her naked, and by now her partially sweaty, body was turning you on even more and it took every ounce of willpower for you, and it seemed Vivian as well, to not jump her bones and take her right then and there. You hardly even noticed everyone else around you stopping to watch you and Vivian perform until you were both dressed again and a few people started to whistle and clap. You and Vivian pant, both from the exertion and from the lust you both must be feeling –you think you can understand how a succubus might feel, at least partially, as you find it hard to control yourself right now with your burning arousal- which only seems to intensify the tingling in your loins as you and Vivian pant and stare hard at each other. The arousal you feel is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before, and every second you waste standing and staring at Vivian is another moment for your lust to build… and hers it seems, or perhaps she’s feeding off of your own lust and it’s enhancing her own? Either way your thong is damp, your nipples and clit are hard, and you are one-hundred percent ready to go as your eyes flare up in desire, which Vivian mimics as she moans softly.

“You two were great!” Lucas’ voice, thankfully, serves as a distraction as you reluctantly, almost painfully, pull your eyes away from Vivian’s delicious, sweaty form. Alas, it was for naught for as soon as your eyes land on Lucas, your lust flares up once more – despite him being, well, a “he” his body is so feminine that he could easily pass for a very beautiful woman, and the urge to push him down and fuck him until you’re satisfied crosses your mind. His luscious pink lips, his long brown hair, toned stomach, hairless and fair-skinned legs, his small, cute feet… G-Gods… need to get some relief s-soon. So… damn… horny! “Are you-?” Lucas begins, and it’s at this point that you notice he’s carrying to large glasses of ice water, and upon seeing you racked with exertion and lust he thrusts one large glass into your hands and says “Sister, you look like your about to ravage something… in a good way of course~. Here, this will hopefully help you cool down, figuratively and hopefully literally. Vivian, take this; you look thirsty and you could use some cooling down yourself”. You look at the glass of water as you relish the feeling of the ice cold and condensation soaked glass against your hot skin. You bring the glass to your mouth shakily and take a sip, which ignites a thirst in you that you did not notice and in no time at all you tip your head back and gulp down about half the contents of the glass. As you pant for air, and as the ice cubes clack against one another, you look at the glass once more and realize that you’re still as needy as before… so you aim the glass at your face and dump the rest of the water onto your face. “C-Cold!” you say as the ice cold water hits your face and runs down your body, with more than a few cubes getting stuck in either your bra or against the gold chain at your pants and rest against the skin of your bosom and belly. You listen to Vivian gulp down the water with as much desperation as you, though when you look you see that she has the entire contents of the glass drained in a matter of seconds. “Where is her room, Vivian?” you barely register Lucas saying as your lust, momentarily suppressed from the cold, quickly starts to burn fiercely once more – you look out at the dozen or so people left watching and all you see is something to quench your thirst for sex and release, nothing more than flesh meant for pleasure. You moan and lick your lips as thoughts of debauchery and carnal temptations fill your mind… and you so desperately want to act on them. You feel something tugging at your left hand and, when you look down, you see a brown hand clasped around yours – when you look up you see Vivian’s beautiful violet eyes staring back at you. “Come on, Colette” Vivian says softly to you, and in your lust addled mind you think she wants to take you to bed. “Okay~” you purr out with a moan “Lead the way~” – you feel another hand at your right and when you turn to look you see Lucas smiling at you and tugging right along with you, barely aware of your own feet moving. “Let’s get you in a cold bath” Lucas says, but you can only giggle and say “Only if you’re there to warm it up with me~”.

Lucas laughs and as you giggle and try to kiss, grope, and make more contact with the two as you walk almost drunkenly, for some reason you come to an abrupt stop. You look into Vivian’s eyes and see that she wants you bad, and you want something to fuck just as badly, but you’re in control of your faculties just enough to shake your head lazily and snap yourself back to what little reality you can grasp at. “I-I need to… to have some time to myself” you say with a silly grin that you try hard to not crack, but fail as thoughts of jilling yourself off and using the oh so many wonderful toys in your room come to mind. “You’re one horny girl, Colette” Lucas says with a laugh “You’re almost like a succubus or incubus that just reached their age and can’t control themselves. What’s up with that~? – Doesn’t matter; you need a good lay~”. You barely control yourself as you keep that same silly grin on your face while shaking your head “Yeah… I think I’m going to take care of this before I jump both of you”. You turn and have to focus as the lust clouds your mind, but you see your door and start to head for it… until someone’s hand touches your shoulder, making you both moan and groan all at once. You turn your head and see Vivian, biting her bottom lip in thought before she finally blurts out “I can help you!” You grin even wider and you feel like you’re about to lose control, but still you hold it together as you listen to Vivian. “I can help you… whenever you want, Colette. Until you get your ‘thing’ under better control I can help you. I would be glad to – you could tell me what to do and take me whenever and however you want. A-Actually… I would really like that. You’re so beautiful, erotic, sexy, and you’re so sexual that you can put even a few incubi and succubi to shame. I could learn from you… I could be there to relieve you whenever you want, just say the word”.

Oh gods… oh gods yes! N-No, got to keep it under control.

Lucas whistles playfully beside Vivian and giggles as he says “Wow… so this is the Colette you’ve been talking so much about. You have a serious admirer, Colette… I think I’ll take my leave now. Have fun you two~”. With that Lucas winks at you both and saunters back down the hall towards the training room, and you instinctively turn your head to watch his magnificently feminine ass sway down the hall in those wonderfully tight pants… but you have more important issues in front of you. You look back at Vivian and see that she wants you so badly right now, and at the moment you want her, but you don’t know how much longer you can control yourself and your rising lust as it threatens to overtake you. “I can feel the lust coming off of you” Vivian says quietly as she shivers in delight and closes her eyes, moaning “It’s so strong, potent, and wild. Please, use me l-like your personal s-slut…”

10:08 am

A. Take Vivian up on her offer and use her whenever you want, especially when your lust threatens to overtake you.

B. Take Vivian up on her offer, but don’t use her – have it be on equal terms when you both want it.

C. Instead of you using Vivian, have Vivian use you! Have her tie you up and sate her own lust, as well as yours, whenever she wants! She is the teacher after all, and she needs to learn how to be a better succubus! Right…?

D. Decline Vivian’s offer and deal with your lust yourself whenever it becomes a problem.

E. Go find a “guest” to help deal with your lust and possibly get paid for it… if you’re not too lust addled to remember payment that is.

F. Go to Deidra for assistance with your lust. Who knows what she might have in store for you…?

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
This choice may or may not have long term effects for the remainder of Colette’s stay…
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (324 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10). Left ring finger.
-Enchanted Emerald Ring of Strength. (Enhances melee and ranged attacks, excluding crossbows. Allows lifting of heavier objects). Right ring finger.

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Wearing traditional Ornsimun Outfit. Consists of white thong with dark blue band, white triangular bra with thin dark blue band, sheer dark blue harem pants, golden chain belt with golden disc on front and dark blue silk with golden tassels woven into chain, four inch crème colored heels, various finger and toe rings of silver with golden bands, silver with golden band bracelets, and golden chain-linked headpiece with a small chain that rests on forehead with a ruby set into it.
-Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)

Weaponry Not currently available/equipped.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).

Magic Not currently available/equipped.

-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely behind back and over shoulders. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Stripper tattoo on right arm represented by two interlocking hollow rings with arcane writing in the hollow parts, flames along the outside, two large arcane symbols on the left and right gap, and three curved squiggly lines in the center gap (Solid Purple).


Health: Fine
MR: 102/102
Lust: 92/100
Painfully Aroused.
Vagina is incredibly wet.
Can barely think because of lust.
About to lose control thanks to lust. Need sex now!
Contraceptive (11 hours remain).


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Magical Sensitivity (Demonic Lust): As a side effect of the ritual you underwent at Deidra’s you now are able to see the lust let off by demons, namely succubi and even your own, as a reddish-pink aura.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 38/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Dancing: 1/4
Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

I dunno, I kinda want to go A, too.
Re: Rift Touched

A. Ravish her
-X. Really work her over. She wants to be your Slut your happy to give it to her. You accept her invatation lust bubbling clawing at your thoughts latch on to this your body alights and an growl that sounded like came from an animal twice your size erupts from your throat, you press Vivian up against the wall next to your door you slience her we an finger to her mouth. Your left arm clearing her right shoulder of hair you bring your head in and breathe in Vivian's scent, her sweat, musk, lust you memorize all of it. Your mouth opens and you 'bite' down on her symbolically, there is no weight to it you kiss it afterwards as you draw away.

You stare into her eyes and nearly orgasm on the spot Vivian trapped between you and the wall helpless shuddering in the simple pleasure that you brought her, you roughly flip her your breasts mashing into her back piercings digging into you both. You repeat your earlier move your left clears her left shoulder your right snakes its way up her belly, gorge, it lies gripping her throat lightly. You move in once more breathing deeply of her. Your left arm making tracings over Vivian's stomach featherlight touches that bring tremors to her in addition to everything else you are doing. She siezes up under you as you bite down once more you draw her even tighter against you as your orgasm works its way through your body hands tightening not enough to hurt but, an added pressure beyond being there.

You want to take her, tell her how she is yours. You notice your surroundings the hallway and the fact your both clothed you ease off Vivian an sigh of annoyance escaping your hand on her throat moves off with reluctance snaring her right hand your left opening your door leading her inside past you. You close the door fumbling to close and lock it. Vivian's giggle serves to shatter the last of your trance a shruddering breath brings you back off your primal needs, Lust rapidly building in yourself doesn't fool you, you look to Vivian studdering over yourself for an apology.

--X. Vivian giggles again "Deep breath Colette this isn't the first time exactly someone has locked me in a room to do with as they please." She bats here eyelashes at you innocently.

You fight down an blush, breathing deeply you catch Vivian's scent again you look at Vivian. "I accept your offer-" You step closer to her. "-Vivian I'll use you-" another step, your arm tracing up her own. "-I'll show you how crazy you make me-" another step smaller this time your standing infront of her your voice a whisper, your arm cups her face locking it towards yours. "-I'll show you you off to everyone, worship your wonderful glorious body. I'll make you see in you what I see in you." You dive in for a kiss pulling back at the last moment.

Smiling impishly "Do you accept me?"

... I regret nothing of that lead in besides not giving Vivian more lines and reactions.

*(Not at all thinking on how subs are turning out to lack in the chest department. Except Razasha but, Catgirls are awesome enough to break conventions.) I wouldn't at all mind Colette really working this girl over mostly because we lack hard-subs like Xillia compared to Doms (Astraea, Lula, Deliliah) Leena is really middle with inclination to Dom. Meredith is Sub/Middle too little actual time sexing to decide herself. Amazons all Dom but, too far to really influence us unless we seek them out again. Helena is what ever gets her fucked the fastest (Sub Tendencies?) Wolf Dog*Embrassed forgot name* is Dom yet interest in him had him mostly sideline also very passive sorta 'control'.*

I admit I'm pushing Colette's character a bit for the beginning I'm hoping its not too hard to understand that its from the Lust Colette is building up.

*Thoughts on choices*
A-I expect us rarely making it to our room DEPENDING on how 'badly' we Dom her I forsee our first Sub. Xillia isn't quite there yet we need to work on her (both at same time as they both have the same annoying image issue! I swear we need to tone down Colette's beauty at this rate.) There is of course her behavior if we go as far as I'd like we'd likely ruin the darling for anyone else... to be her mistress I mean. And until we install some sort of switch in her her effectiveness in teaching may take a dive. I suggest personally finding an collar or a set of Latex/Leather clothes that she doesn't wear nearly at all and drilling her to respond to Colette only while wearing that/Leashed.

B-Similar to A more like what Helena is if she didn't speak her mind unfiltered.

C- Play to our strength(lol) she is subby but, then again Succubi this would likely boost her self-confidence after a while not to mention fulfilling a few power fantasies as she teaches us. A correction here, a preformance done well there. We'd likely turn her into a passable Mistress to anyone.

D- (Personally) worst option well until you remember Colette's various toys and Skinwalker.

E- 2nd worst mostly due to lolrandom and preg chance.

F- *analogy* An hole opens in the wall large enough to stick your arm into. Do you stick your arm in? */analogy* Deal with a Vamp can be anything we don't know but, will get the job done 100%.

Also surprising turn out for C.
Re: Rift Touched

Wow, the amount of votes on this one in so quick a time is amazing! Also, welcome xaero and thank you for voting for the first time! Alas, ladies and gentlemen, we are at a standstill! We have three A's and three C's, along with an X by Bloodshifter and a very detailed scenario ;)

You could all discuss what you want together, or I'll flip a coin to decide who wins. Alternatively, I feel that the choices could be "blended" together, so if you all want I could mix both A and C together.

Either way I'm sure Colette won't mind ;D
Re: Rift Touched

I'd like to point out its only the lead in to smut! Then again Colette does have alot of kinky habits she likes to do with her bedmates. I blame Lula totally its all her fault.

Like I stated C will likely lead Colette to 1. Gaining another Dominate Women Lover (With 3 already) but 2.Likely change her a bit as this is her submitting to what is possibly an very Submissive Character. Being a worker at the Bordello Vivian is likely taken some 'Dom' studies as Guests may have wanted her to lead. Yet I see her childish demeanor and that boundless energy in women... Its not the makings of an Natural Mistress nd would feel weird to have Colette submit to that.
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Re: Rift Touched

So, it looks like the stalemate has been broken with Minerve’s switcheroo from C to A! Specifically Bloodshifter’s little scenario… perhaps with a few tweaks!
10:08 am

You stare at Vivian for a moment as you process her confession to you, and her desires that, even without words, are clearly written on her face… and that’s all it takes. The lust isn’t quite at the level where you can’t keep it under wraps, but it seems that the choice has been made for you – you stop thinking entirely and just let your body and your desires take control, because if she wants to sate your burning need then by the gods you will give her what you both want. You pant in need as Vivian watches you expectantly with her beautiful violet colored eyes… and you lunge for her. Vivian squeals in shock, but you quickly suppress that squeal with a shocked and pleased moan, one that is fill with bliss as you mash your mouth against hers and force your tongue into her mouth. You growl fiercely as you taste her delicious mouth, pulling back and not even giving her time to gasp for air before you tilt your head and press the attack once more, all the while walking forward until her back presses against her wooden door and your breasts mash against her flat chest. You kiss, suck, and control her mouth with a ferocity and carnal passion that, if you weren’t addled by demonic lust, you would be shocked, but as it stands you’re too busy trying to get air between each brief yet possessive and exploratory kiss. You pull back briefly before diving to Vivian’s neck and breathing her in deeply while nibbling and sucking on her neck, earning a gasp from her lips and causing her to press her left hand against your head. You growl in ferocious need and trail nibbling, suckling kisses down her neck to her collarbone, causing Vivian to gasp more and moan. “C-Colette-! Ahn!” Vivian gasps out in desire as you trail your kisses back up to her neck and bite her lightly on the right side of her neck, kissing and sucking on her skin and savoring every smell and taste of her perspiring, intoxicating body. You spread your legs and start grinding your crotch against her left leg as you press your right hand against the door behind her and, with your left hand, you grab her right leg and lift it up as you passionately grip and rub along her covered leg. Vivian moans and allows you to do as you please, wrapping her leg around your waist and her tail around your left leg somewhat awkwardly. You’re at a crossroads; on the one side you desperately need relief, but on the other you want to continue feeling her, tasting her, pushing against her… you just don’t know! “More!” you growl out as you pull away from a possessive kiss on her lips as your hair falls in front of your face “I need more!” You pull away from Vivian and for a moment she opens her mouth to speak, but you don’t give her the chance as you tear away from her, grab her hands, and pull her closer to you. You can barely think as you move yourself closer to the door of your new room before the lust takes over once more – you pull Vivian closer, earning a pleased moan from her, and hold her tightly with your arms wrapped around her back as you run your digits along the curve of her soft, smooth back and literally lick the curve of her jaw while breathing in deeply and hungrily.

“Gods, yes!” Vivian says loudly as she holds you, but you surprise her as you tear yourself away quickly and, with as much speed as you can muster, you step around her and press your hands against her back and give her a light push. “Whoa- uhn!” Vivian starts to say as she stumbles towards the door, catching herself on the wood with her outstretched hands, but you’re too caught up in your need for release to worry about anything else. You dart forward and press your breasts against her back and mash her against the wooden frame as you press your nose against her hair, breathe deeply and sigh, before you lean down and suck on her shoulder as your right hand goes for her right flat-breast underneath her unnecessary bra, whilst your left darts around her left side and underneath her pants. You move her thong aside and your fingers find her sopping wet, tight pussy and, with a pleased growl, you press your first three fingers into her tight twat while you use your thumb to stimulate her clit after frantically searching from beneath her hood. This earns a surprised, yet deeply satisfied, gasp and moan from Vivian as you flatten yourself against her and with her against the wall as you hump her right leg. “Door. Open. Now.” you order, trying to fight the wildfire of lust so that you don’t fuck her in the middle of the hallway, not that it doesn’t seem like a good idea… but there are more options in the room underneath the bed to help sate yourself. She nods and quivers as you continues to play with her sopping cleft and as you kiss and suckle on her neck – you hear her fumble with the doorknob, jiggling it and trying to turn it until, finally, Vivian manages to open the door. You both stumble forward passed the threshold, yet you never let go of Vivian and, once you’re both far enough inside, you use your right foot and press the heel of your footwear against the door and swing back, slamming the door loudly behind you. As soon as the door closes behind you, you let go of Vivian and work on the gold chain-linked belt at your waist trying to get it off. “Dammit!” you curse loudly as frustration starts to set in as you work on undoing the metal link beneath the disc, causing the chains to rattle before you finally manage to get the blasted thing off. As soon as the belt is off you take a few stumbling steps back until your back is pressed against the door, just in time to watch Vivian with hungry eyes as she turns to look at you with a flush face full of need and desire that sets you off even more. You don’t even bother taking the time to go to the bed or get your clothes off – instead, you link your thumbs beneath the band of your harem pants and yank them down to your knees along with your thong. You moan and shiver delightfully as your bare vagina is exposed to air and that, coupled with the friction from the thong, sent such delightful jolts of pleasure coursing through your body that you think you were close to cumming. You look down and giggle as you see that your thong is completely covered in juices, and that your pussy is quite literally dripping moisture onto the fabric from above – so strong is your lust that you feel it running down your legs and dripping like a small stream.

You look up and see Vivian staring at your cleft with both hunger, desire, and amazement as she pants for air, but you’re having none of it – you need her tongue on your cunt, and you need it now! “Vivian!” you growl out throatily, trying desperately to fight your need, and failing, while trying to remain civil at the same time “I need you!” Your voice snaps Vivian back to her senses as she jumps slightly, looks at you, then nods as she takes a few quick steps towards you and drops to her knees willingly in front of you. She stares in awe at your tight, dripping slit and you take the initiative to grab her light brown hair with red streaks in your right hand, bunching her hair up and pressing her closer to your snatch. “I need your tongue on me” you command with a ferocious, throaty moan as her violet eyes meet your emerald ones. “Your eyes are glowing, Colette” she says breathlessly as she stares into your orbs while simultaneously opening her mouth and letting you guide her to your lower lips – as soon as her face is inches from your dripping cunt she breathes in deeply and sighs in a pleased tone, and when her mouth is over your lower lips you both moan loudly, though Vivian’s eyes light up before seemingly glazing over as she tastes you. Her tongue presses firmly against the entirety of your slit and, after a few moments of savoring you, she surprises you as she ravenously starts to lick and suck at your slit, seeking more of your copious amounts of juices with a hunger that you’re quite familiar with… or perhaps you will be if your current condition is any indication. “Don’t stop!” you nearly scream out in bliss as your entire world lights up – you’re so painfully aroused and in need you don’t bother holding back any of the pleasure, not that you could focus on that give your current state, and you feel every centimeter of movement that Vivian’s tongue does across your oversensitive genitalia, further enhanced by your natural sensitivity. You hold her head firm with your right hand, and with your left you reach up for your left breast and start to knead it in your hand, pinching your pierced nipple occasionally and tugging on the emerald heart. You moan loudly at the extra stimulation, coupled with Vivian’s noisy licking, slurping, moaning, and drinking of your juices you quickly find yourself at your peak all too soon… and all too soon you’re toppling over in a loud orgasm. You throw your head back with a happy smile and let out a shrill squeal of delight as you squirt and gush enough juices onto Vivian’s face and into her mouth to fill a cup or two, and as she tastes of your essence, the force that sustains her very life, you look down to see her eyes go wide and hear as she moans loudly and starts to suck and drink greedily from your cunt. “Yes! Ahn! Don’t stop! Do. Not. Stop!” you scream out as you rock your hips against Vivian’s face, who cannot get enough of your cum.

In fact, you ride the waves of your ecstasy until you physically start to quiver and gasp out loud with a silly smile on your face, your eyes rolling back into your head as you fall into a second orgasm, and then a third before the previous one even ends… much to Vivian’s delight as she continues to drink you dry as her tongue flicks along your labia, clit, and darts inside your lower lips as she sucks entirely on your puffy lips and engorged clit. After your fifth orgasm you barely manage to push Vivian’s face away, though you do have to remove your left hand from your breast and grab onto the doorknob to keep steady as your legs shake and quiver, and you’re dimly aware of your bra being soaked with your milk as well as your belly as it trickles downwards. “Oh – AHN! – gods!” you say between panting gasps, looking down at Vivian as you continue to hold her hair tightly. She doesn’t seem to mind as she licks her lips… in fact, she actually looks drunk off of your cum, and what she says next reinforces this. “G-G-Gods…” she stumbles about her words as she giggles, looking up at you with glazed eyes and a splattered face “You t-taste so… so good. I feel s-so full… so g-good a-and…” she doesn’t finish, instead she sighs and giggles as you loosen your grip. She leans forward and wraps her arms around your legs and starts to gently lick up your right thigh, cleaning your legs of your juices before moving onto your left. You, however, are coming down from a serious rapture high and do little more than allow Vivian to continue to clean and please you, though you gasp when she starts to “clean” your pussy with her tongue slowly and lovingly with contented closed eyes. “G-Gods” you say through half-lidded eyes, bringing your hands to your face and rubbing your eyes whilst Vivian finishes cleaning you up and decides to cling to your leg and rub her messy face against your left leg. “That lust” you continue “Was so overpowering… it was something I’ve never experienced before” you finish with a pant as you open your eyes and remove your hands, looking down at Vivian with a contented smile that she drunkenly returns. You giggle as you see her face, splattered in your cum and looking drunk as can be after she drank from you, and you remember what she said earlier… and it sparks something inside you that you so very much want to further explore.

You bring your hands to your breasts and flip up the damp material that is soaked in your milk, baring your breasts fully to Vivian as you look down at her. “Vivian” you say sweetly down to the beautiful, lithe succubus at your knees, causing her to look up and smile at you with wide eyes as she gazes at your large DD’s. “Come up here, Vivian~” you say sweetly yet again, moaning as you push your breasts together with your hands trying to entice her – it works as she lets go of your waist and slowly pushes herself up from her knees until she’s standing at eye level to you. You smile at her and glance down seductively at your breasts and say smoothly “Want to have a taste~?” Vivian looks down at your right teat and licks her lips, nodding slowly yet enthusiastically – “Go ahead~” you purr out, and a moment later Vivian is lowering her head and suckling on your right nipple, along with a large portion of your breast. You moan and hold her head at your melon as wonderful jolts of pleasurable electricity envelop your teat and travel down to your toes and back up to your pussy, especially as your milk leaves your breast and is greedily slurped up by Vivian, who somehow manages to drink slowly as she moans and giggles at your tit. “You sure you want to be my slut, Vivian?” you ask quietly as you stroke Vivian’s light brown hair with red streaks in it, and you smile as she nods and mumbles “Mmhmm” while continuing to drink from you. “I’m a very horny girl” you say with a quiet laugh and a moan as Vivian continues to suckle from you “You’ll be working your tongue, fingers, and shaking that cute butt of yours for me every day… and I can be quite perverted when I get aroused. Who knows what I might do~”. Vivian stops suckling from your tit and looks at you through hazy eyes and a smile, adorable yet lewd as milk runs from her lips and your cum drying on her face. “I-I am no stranger t-to that~” Vivian says with a hiccup and a giggle before she leans back down and rests her head between your bosom, which you cradle with a smile as she adds “I have n-no problems… and if it is with you, C-Colette, then I would gladly do it. I want to be your slut – y-you smell so good, tastes so good… e-everything about you is just so amazing to me that the thought of b-being at your feet makes me c-crazy~!” You smile devilishly at Vivian’s response, but also feel touched at the same time that she has those feelings… and it helps that she’s a very pretty girl to boot! “Alright~” you say slyly “If you really want to be my slut then you need to prove it~. Clothes off, get on my bed, ass up and face down… and don’t you dare look back or you won’t get your reward~”. Vivian nods with a lewd smile and a shiver of desire as her lust undoubtedly starts to rise right along with yours, and she promptly, though reluctantly, pulls herself away from you and saunters over to your new bed as she undoes the string-like bindings of her bra.

You get to work removing your clothes as well, starting with your heels and followed shortly by your harem pants and thong – which are about as damp as your bra – and then your bra and the jewelry and headpiece. You toss each onto the floor to your right, and by the time you finish removing everything Vivian herself is sitting on your bed removing her toe rings and headpiece. You stand there and enjoy the view of her sweaty, desirable body, drinking in her flat chest and lithe form that glistens with both flush arousal and her own perspiration. Her brown skin is delicious to look, to touch, and to taste just as her tongue is… and her light brown hair with those cut red streaks… I am going to have so much fun~. You saunter over to the bed when you see Vivian remove the last of her items and toss them off the bed in a haphazardly bunched up pile before she shifts onto her knees and puts her face down in your pillows and raises her ass to you, her spaded tail flicking about excitedly. You giggle and kneel down next to the bed and reach underneath, searching for the box that holds so many wonderful toys – when you feel it you pull it out and open it up, shivering in delight as you see so many wonderful toys. You run your hands along them until you come upon a strap-on of formidable length and girth that might rival Lula’s member, though slightly less, and decide that this is the toy you will use to break in your new slut… and just the thought makes your lust skyrocket towards the heavens. The strap-on isn’t an ordinary strap-on; it is a double-ended toy, though the one that goes inside of you will be slightly smaller in comparison, but no less enjoyable. You pick the black toy up and line up the smaller end with your pussy before slowly pushing it in – you moan deeply and smile as you close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of being filled. After a few seconds of pushing, your pussy fully molds to the shape of the toy as the other end touches your pelvis – you smile and rock your hips to seek more pleasure before reaching down and strapping the toy in place, giving it a flick to test its sturdiness and balance, which also sends a few jolts of pleasure coursing through you and eliciting a happy gasp. With an evil, promising smile that Vivian sadly cannot see, you stand up and mount the bed behind Vivian, who’s eagerly anticipating you if her gushing slit is any indication. You crawl over to Vivian and giggle when she gasps as you rub both of your hands along her ass cheeks, firmly gripping her skin and relishing both the firmness and softness of her rump.

You lean in close to her cleft and breathe deeply of her scent, which makes Vivian gasp and shiver and causing you to laugh as you smell her arousal and cause her to turn to butter in your hands. “You smell like a slut~” you say with a lewd grin, and before Vivian can respond you spread her labia with your thumbs and dart forward, flicking your tongue along her pink, tight slit and causing Vivian to moan-gasp and thrust her butt out towards your face. You giggle and pull back, though you so savor the juices you gathered on your tongue from Vivian, and find them to be exquisitely delicious – you raise yourself up on your knees and run your left hand along Vivian’s back while you steady your toy cock with your right, lining up her cunt. “I hope you’re ready, my cute little slut~” you purr out in dark promise, a lewd grin plastered across your lips and reflected in your eyes “I hope this isn’t too big for you~?” You line up Vivian’s pussy with your toy penis, and when the tip of your toy is against Vivian’s slit she starts to say something, but you promptly cut her off as you grab her spaded tail with your left hand and pull it back while simultaneously slamming the toy cock home and spanking her ass with your right hand firmly. The combination of surprised gasping, pleasured half-moans, and the rapturous shivering of Vivian’s body as you practically feel her pussy clenching around the toy as she arches her back is like a work of art to you. You ease your grip on Vivian’s spaded tail and let it glide through your fingers as it twitches in excitement, relishing the leathery feel as you then run your fingers down to where it connects from her back. “Is your tail sensitive?” you ask gently as you stroke the twitching tail while slowly pulling the toy out of Vivian’s sopping cunt, and when she instead answers with a gasp and a moan you bring your hand down on Vivian’s right cheek again, this time a little harder and leaving a tingling red spot after the thwack! of your palm against her bare bottom. Vivian yelps and moans before she quickly stammers out “A-A little bit… i-it feels nice when you s-stroke it, a-and i-it hurts when it’s y-yanked on hard”. Good to know for the future~ you think before you start lovingly, tenderly stroking Vivian’s tail and stifling your own moans as you saw in and out of her, the portion of the toy inside of you rubbing all your sweet spots. This earns a satisfied sighing moan from Vivian’s lips, and she buries her head further into the pillows and starts to thrust her hips back against the toy, making you giggle. “Eager little slut, aren’t you?” you say with a laugh as you decrease the tempo of your thrusts, and even though your lust is rising you know that what you just said is something that’s been said to you before… too many times to count. “Yes!” Vivian says loudly, muffled by the pillows “Yes! I’m your eager slut! Please… please fuck me, Colette!” You grin wickedly at how easily her will crumbles before your own – you feel a little bad since you know she adores you, admires you, and is fascinated with you… but this is what she wanted, and not only is she enjoying it but you are as well.

It’s not like I’m going to hurt her and toss her aside you reason as you pick up the pace of your thrusting, earning greater moans of satisfaction from Vivian It’ll be fun… hmm, I wonder how many people she’s slept with before?

You lightly spank Vivian’s rump while stroking her tail and ask “You’ve been here for some time now, correct? How many people have you slept with?” You wait a few seconds and, when nothing but moaning comes from her lips you give her tail a light tug and her bottom a firm smack, making Vivian yelp and moan all at once. “U-Uhm” she says weakly as she tries to think “I-I don’t know… l-less than f-fifteen I t-think, a-and most w-were never a f-full night. M-maybe a h-handjob o-or a bl-blowj – oh, yes faster, please! – ob! D-Deidra f-f-forbid me from h-having sex u-until I turned e-eighteen, a-and by then it was d-d-diffooOHcult to get into s-sex! Yes!” You find that odd, both that Deidra would forbid Vivian from having sex and that Vivian has been with Deidra since before she turned eighteen. “How long – uhn! – have you known Deidra?” you ask, figuring that now is as good a time as any to ask. “A-All my life” Vivian confesses, even as you allow her to thrust her hips back to meet your own “T-The people here are m-my family, b-b-but I consider h-her to b-be my m-m-mother… kind o-of. S-She’s not my r-real mother, obviousllYY! But s-she’s treated m-me like a daughter a-and kept mooOOOStttt of the ‘b-business’ from me until I turned e-e-e-eighteeeEEEEeeen!” Very strange, that Deidra you consider thoughtfully, even as you fuck Vivian with an increased pace, fast enough to cause slapping sounds to permeate the room and addle your own mind as the toy inside you builds your pleasure There’s more to this place than meets the eye, and her… if that wasn’t obvious enough. Oh well, now’s not the time~! You increase the pace of your thrusting by twice as much, causing the thick toy cock to hammer inside Vivian at a fast pace with the end bumping against her cervix, or what you assume to be her cervix, as the smaller toy vibrates slightly inside of you, building your pleasure much more slowly. You grin as you hear Vivian gasp and moan in pleasure, and bring your hand up before slamming down hard, harder than before, and eliciting a yelp from Vivian followed by a moan… and then you smack her again while stroking her tail, mingling the pain and pleasure together. “Ugh! Ugh! M-More!” Vivian pleads and begs, and you’re happy to give her more – after a full minute of pounding you find yourself close to the edge and you can tell Vivian is close as well by how her pussy twitches around the cock toy. You try to hold back as much as possible until, at long last, Vivian topples over as she throws her head back and gushes around your toy, at which point you let loose and let out a squeal of pleasure as you squirt around the inside of the toy, causing copious amounts of juices to pool from outside the edges of your labia and your milk squirts out of your breasts and down your stomach. You continue to thrust and prolong both of your orgasms, but eventually you ease up on Vivian, who’s gasping harder than you it seems… yet you give her no rest.
Re: Rift Touched

You let go of her tail and promptly pull the toy out of her pussy with a wet squelch and a surprised gasp. “Turn around, Vivi~” you tease as you lean back on your hands, but not before giving Vivian’s rump another firm smack. Vivian, understandably, takes her time to turn around as she comes down from her high, and it took more than a little energy for you to maintain control, but eventually she turns around and you thrust your hips up slightly to show her the glistening, thick black toy which is quite liberally covered in her juices. “Good sluts need to clean up after themselves, and they need to learn what they taste like~” you growl out dominantly as she focuses her violet eyes on the toy. She shivers in desire and nods as a small smile creeps along her lips – she leans down and licks the tip of the head, bobbing the toy before she opens her mouth wide and engulfs the head entirely, moaning as she inches her way down the cock. You reach out with your left hand and grab her head gently and slowly push her down. “Good girl… keep going for me~” you say sensually and softly… almost encouragingly, which does wonders as Vivian seems to melt and relax as she goes further and further until finally – and you don’t know if it’s because she’s a succubus or she’s had practice – she deep throats the entire toy without gagging. You hold her there for a few seconds until her eyes lazily linger up to meet yours, at which point you smile and release her head, to which she slowly withdraws… and you can feel your lust bubbling up and burning once more. When she withdraws fully with a gasp you giggle and lean in close, cupping her cheeks in your hands and planting a tender kiss on her lips, which makes Vivian smile, shiver, and moan happily as she melts into your embrace. You plant a few slow, tender kisses on her lips before pulling back and, licking off your own excess juices with a moan, you say with a fiery glint in your eyes “We are far from done~”.

10:26 am
11:39 am

“Keep licking! Don’t stop fingering yourself either!” you command as you moan, gasp, and giggle as you fondle your breasts and ride Vivian’s face while she fingers herself. You’re facing the door at the moment as you grind your pelvis into Vivian’s face, specifically her wonderful tongue, and strewn about the bed are various dildos and plugs that have all seen various use… mostly you using them on Vivian to sate your own perverted desires, but occasionally you used some on yourself when your lust became too much. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to your edge, yet you hold back the pleasure so that you can savor the beautiful woman beneath you giving it her all to please you until you can take no more. “Gods, yes!” you yell out, throwing your head back and removing your hands from your breasts only to place them behind your back, holding Vivian’s head in place once more as you squirt your milk out yet again over your body and Vivian’s. Vivian gets another mouthful of your cum, which she happily and greedily drinks, before she makes a muffled sound of pleasure below you as she fingers herself faster and faster… and then she herself blows, soiling your bed yet another time. “My, my, what do we have here~?” you hear a teasing voice say, which regretfully snaps you out of your rapturous throes as you whip your head back down to spy Deidra – when did she get in the room? – standing in front of your door. Instead of remaining shocked or stumbling about, which is what Vivian does below you, you instead clamp your legs together to hold Vivian in place and continue to grind against her nose and lips with a grin. “Nothing much~” you reply coyly “Just a little bit of fun is all~”. Deidra laughs heartily at your boldness as she shakes her head and crosses her arms. “I see the lust has gotten to you” she says with a smirk before you finally release your vice grip on Vivian and let her up, since her stumbling and flailing beneath you, while amusing, might not have been healthy for her. “And you, Vivian” Deidra says to the sweet succubus that you were grinding your crotch into only seconds before “It looks like you’ve made a fast friend~”. “U-Uhm, I can explain!” Vivian says as she sits up and shifts her legs, clearly embarrassed and knocking some of the wet toys off of the bed and onto the floor – “Oh, there’s no need” Deidra replies with a chuckle “It looked as if Colette was riding your face and creaming herself atop you, and you were gladly licking her up and drinking of her essence~. Does she taste good~?”

You lean back and smirk as Vivian, clearly embarrassed, stumbles with her words with a series of “Uhm’s”, “I’s”, and huffs, which make you giggle as you can imagine she’s quite beet red at the moment. “S-She, yes…” Vivian finally admits as she slumps her shoulders and hangs her head “She tastes very… very good; better than anything I’ve ever tasted before and she’s so filling, but I want more because she tastes so good… I love it”. “Aww, you taste good too!” you tease as you push yourself up with your hands, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around Vivian’s neck and planting a kiss on her left cheek, making her smile tenderly as you lean on her left shoulder. “Really?” Deidra asks in mock surprise, offset by her clearly amused and, dare you think it, intrigued smile “I might just need to have a taste sometime~. But I like my meals, and my lovers, wrapped up and ‘played’ with, driving them wild. It makes the meal so much more… satisfying~”. Your mind races at what Deidra just said, and you imagine her tying you up, holding you down, teasing you… or maybe that’s just what you think she means. Either way her words stir something in you and you feel yourself getting aroused again. “Well” Deidra says easily, as if what she said before was unimportant “You two have your fun, but I trust that you will continue to help Colette dance better. Next week, if you’re up to it, I want to see if you’re ready to start dancing in front of people, Colette. It’s entirely up to you, but there’s really no way of knowing if you have improved if you don’t put your skills to the test while under pressure. Oh, and girls, do try to keep it down~”. With that Deidra winks and takes her leave, turning around and opening the door and gently closing it behind her as she goes. You and Vivian both stare at the door for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. You pull Vivian into a playful kiss which quickly turns suggestive as you bring your right hand around her waist and finger her clit, earning a moan, while with your left you tweak her left nipple on her flat chest…

The remainder of the day, and the next day, involved you cleaning up, eating, and practicing more with Vivian in the same room as before and in the same clothing, but obviously washed. Just like before your lust would barrel out of control and after you finished practicing you would drag Vivian off to your room where she happily sated all your desires rather submissively. Of course your lovers came to check up on you, but no more than twenty minutes to an hour at a time, sometimes staying to watch you dance before they had to leave for “something important”. You made no secret that you were fucking Vivian, and of course none of them minded, though a few smirks and knowing glances towards you and Vivian soon followed. Helena actually made a comment along the lines of “Another one to add to your list, babe”, which actually made you laugh. Truth be told, besides your trysts with Vivian – which have actually been rather sparse, usually only taking time after dance training and before bed… and maybe before meals - , the last two days have actually had the least amount of sex that you’ve been used to since you arrived in the city, and it’s actually just a teensy bit frustrating. When you’ve had your fill of Vivian you cuddle with her a little while at the end of the day before she goes back to her room, and you take the opportunity to masturbate right before bed. You wake up this morning on the following day at a reasonable hour, well rested and adjusted already to your new living space, though news has broken of the full details of Arlandus’ treachery, save a few names of course. Still, you’ve heard idle talk of a red-haired warrior that slew Arlandus, and details of her “special abilities” have likewise spread like a wildfire. Thankfully, as everyone wonders about whom this “mysterious” woman is, you go about your business without anyone giving you a second glance… well, a second glance of recognition that is. You have plenty of second glances, most of which are appraising and filled with desire, and you have to admit that with so many prospective partners, especially more than a few women that have taken interest, you find it hard to resist your desire, and if not for Vivian you might have slept with more than a few already. Despite all this you feel yourself improving your dancing techniques, and Vivian says as much, but she also said, well, when she wasn’t fawning over you or on her knees in front of you, that it will take much more practice and focus now to become better.

8:16 am

You step out of the bathroom and are in the midst of drying yourself off when you hear a knock at the door. You take a few seconds to finish dry yourself, save your hair, and toss the towel you used onto the bed before sauntering over to the door. You reach for the knob and open the door, smiling as you see Vivian – who is fully dressed in dress with a somewhat frilly skirt that ends just above her knees and with a large triangular cutout in the center that shows off a fair portion of her stomach and belly button, and is wearing what looks to be three-inch heeled black shoes with golden buckles on either side and black sheer stockings that go up to her knees – standing in front of you. Her eyes go wide for a moment as she takes in your nude body, but she quickly composes herself and it’s at this point she hands you your own set of clothes that are similar to hers. “What’s all this?” you ask with a lewd grin as you the neatly folded clothes – you note that, while Vivian’s dress is a series of colorful greens, reds, and browns, the one she hands you is black with a stylized tree mosaic on the front in blues and greens, and along the cuffs and skirt parts are similarly stylized mosaic flowers in blues and greens. Other than that everything is the same, and you can’t help but wonder why she’s handing you this, but your answer soon comes as Vivian explains. “I thought it would be nice to change things up a bit, instead of wearing the same old outfit. I hope you like them” Vivian says hopefully and with a slight blush that you find adorable – you smile, lean forward, and kiss Vivian on the cheek and say “They’re very nice, Vivian. Thank you~” and turning towards your bed. As you reach the bed you place the clothes down and pull up the dress, now realizing that it too has a triangular open patch for your stomach and belly button, but also that the stylized mosaic pieces have empty patches as well, letting some skin, though not much, show through – you recognize this sort of attire as being Eborthian, though you know it’s not very prevalent this far south in the country. As if to read your mind as you start to put on the simple white cloth bra and panties, Vivian starts to go into detail about the clothing. “These are a tap dancer’s clothes” you listen to her speak as you get the panties on, and you can’t help grinning as her voice becomes just a little high pitched as she looks at you before it levels out “Which help in, well, tapping one’s feet while dancing. Invented by Eborthian born humans, the clothes are supposed to be very earthy and naturey, like much of the landscape at the time, which hasn’t changed all that much besides a few more cities and towns cropping up. They’re usually more covering, but these are slightly modified to give a little more exposure~”.

“I can see that” you reply with a smirk as you don the dress and twirl in it, causing the slight frills to pick up with your momentum and flash your panties slightly “I imagine I can bend over and not have a problem, but any hopping or twirling and everyone will see my unmentionables~”. You sit on the bed and pick up the stockings and shoes, rolling first the left then right stocking all the way up to your knees before unbuckling the buckles and slipping your feet into the shoes, and then tightening them once more. You stand up off the bed and immediately notice a pleasingly hard clacking that the shoes make when your feet touch the ground. “So, Vivi~” you tease Vivian with the nickname you’ve given her, causing her to blush slightly and stick her tongue out at you playfully, earning a chuckle before you continue “What’s the plan for today?” Vivian thinks for a moment as she places her left hand underneath her chin and says “Well, you’re a surprisingly quick learner when it comes to dancing, and whether or not that’s just how you are or because of the ritual, or both, I don’t really know. You definitely look more comfortable and natural when dancing, and I think you understand what’s needed to become one with each dance… I think it would be great to work on your footwork, practicing using your feet for more than just walking and dancing, but also for fighting”. “Fighting, huh?” you say with a cocked eyebrow and as you rest your arms underneath your bosom “I’m interested in fighting, and I understand what Deidra told me before, but how will that help me?” “Fighting is just another form of dancing. Using one’s body, and since us dancer’s spend most of our time using our feet, don’t you think it would be useful to learn how fight more with your feet? You could probably even use it while dancing, mixing your fighting prowess with a dance” Vivian explains excitedly before she continues “Or, you know, we could try to help you control your lust more. Not that I mind… but isn’t the whole point of this to help you do some amazing magical stuff thanks to the ritual? I’m not an expert, but I know my own lust better than you, and since you kind of ‘borrowed’ mine the least I can do is help you understand it better. Of course I could always teach you a new dance, or we could continue doing what we’re doing… but I don’t know how effective that will be without teaching you more of the basics. Also…” Vivian trails off and looks deep in thought on her cute face, yet you can’t help imagine how much that cute face has been drunk with pleasure that you’ve given her, or how often that cute face was licking your snatch with passion.

“Also…?” you repeat curiously, wondering what Vivian may be thinking of – “Also” Vivian continues “If your powers are partly fueled by your dances and your lust, maybe we can do two at once? Coaxing out your powers and teaching you new things all at once!” “Sounds interesting” you comment idly as you nod your head “How exactly would we do that, though?” Vivian fiddles with her fingers now and blushes slightly as she says softly “Well, the other night, and every day since I’ve been helping ‘relieve’ you of your lust I noticed that whenever your lust reached its peak, or close to it, that your eyes would glow an emerald green. M-maybe if you were to continue to practice with a t-toy or two inside of you, vibrating even, then your lust might take over and unlock the powers… but you can’t climax, so it would have to be, well… I think afterwards you might be in need of more relief than usual”. You look at Vivian with an incredulous smirk before you burst out in a fit of giggles. “You – hahaha! – you want me to dance, or meditate, or practice my footwork with a few dildo’s inside me? Seriously? Are you trying to get back at me, Vivi~?” You stare playfully at Vivian, though you make sure you look just a little bit hard to confuse her – Vivian’s face goes slightly pale and she stammers out “N-No!” as she throws her hands up towards you “I-I just thought that i-it might help! This is new to me, a-and I thought I saw something that might be relevant to y-your unique situation”. You look Vivian in the eyes and see no deception, which makes you smile and chuckle in amusement. “Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you~” you tease the wonderful succubus “I’ll think about it. So… what to do for the next few days?”

A. Practice on your footwork and foot-fighting. (May not choose B, C, or D)

B. Have Vivian teach you new dances to expand your knowledge. (May not choose A, C, or D)

C. Continue having Vivian help you improve on the dances you already know. (May see diminishing returns on dance skill without more knowledge in other areas. May not choose A, B, or D)

D. Try to gain a greater understanding of and control over your lust and the powers of the Stripper. (Give magical effects to dances along with MR and Lust associated with dances. May not choose A, B, or C)

E. Use Vivian’s suggestion and start practicing with a vibrating toy inside of you that teases you endlessly without letting you climax in the hopes of drawing out your lust and forcing abilities to come out as you practice.
E1. Have a toy inserted in your vagina (May write in specific toy, girth, length, and “equipment”. Default is medium-sized dildo)
E2. Have a toy inserted in your anus (May write in specific toy, girth, length, and “equipment”. Default is medium-sized buttplug).
E3. Have toys placed over your other sensitive areas (Clit, nipples, and ears. Similar to E1 and E2, default is detachable adhesive beads that are enchanted).

F. Don’t just have the toys in/on you for this session – have them in/on you for the duration of your stay in everything you do! What better way to coax out the powers of your lust than being steeped in it near constantly 24/7? (Some variation of E must be chosen)

G. If you have to suffer with toys inside of you then obviously Vivian must as well! Whatever you have done to yourself, Vivian needs to have done as well! (Applies to both E and F)

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (324 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10). Left ring finger.
-Enchanted Emerald Ring of Strength. (Enhances melee and ranged attacks, excluding crossbows. Allows lifting of heavier objects). Right ring finger.

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Wearing altered traditional Tap Dancing Outfit. Consists of white cotton panties and matching bra, a black dress that ends just above the knees with mosaic stylized flowers at the hem and cuffs, and a similar stylized mosaic tree closer to your bosom. The portrait has small gaps to allow for some slight skin to show around the breasts while there is a semi-large triangular opening around your stomach, allowing skin from your stomach to show including the belly button. Also consists of knee-high black sheer stockings and three-inch heeled shoes with golden buckles on either side. You have the urge to tap, tappity, tap while wearing said shoes.
-Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)

Weaponry Not currently available/equipped.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).

Magic Not currently available/equipped.

-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Stripper tattoo on right arm represented by two interlocking hollow rings with arcane writing in the hollow parts, flames along the outside, two large arcane symbols on the left and right gap, and three curved squiggly lines in the center gap (Solid Purple).


Health: Fine
MR: 102/102
Lust: 9/100
Vagina is wet


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Magical Sensitivity (Demonic Lust): As a side effect of the ritual you underwent at Deidra’s you now are able to see the lust let off by demons, namely succubi and even your own, as a reddish-pink aura.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 38/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Dancing: 1/4
Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

A, F1, F2, G1, G2
the sizes don't really matter to me so medium sized
Re: Rift Touched

B, F1, 2, 3.

Have no ideas about their design.