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Re: Rift Touched

1 - I dunno, Colette's already done these things several times, and probably still will in the future, the only difference I see this making is that she'll stop viewing it as being something so taboo or whatever.
Re: Rift Touched

A to go alone and 2
Here it is at last! I got sick (again!) but I still managed to write. I think this one turned out really well, but I’ll leave that up to you all. I hope you all enjoy this latest update and, again, thank you for reading and thank you to those that take the time to vote!


You look at your other in the eyes – your emerald eyes - for several long moments and, before you even speak, the other you pouts before sighing lightly, releasing your hands and taking a step back. You look at her with confusion as your brow furrows to reflect what you feel, yet she merely looks at you with a sheepish smile before responding. “I know that you won’t accept this part. I felt it in you just now – it’s not who you really are”. You blink a few times before taking smiling yourself and explaining “I just can’t do it. I can’t see myself as little more than a… a toy, which is essentially what I would be, because I’m not a toy. I think, I feel, I act, and no matter what I do I can’t let myself be used like an object… well, not all the time at least. And I don’t think that it would be healthy for me to become whatever it is I would become. It would consume me and end up hurting me. I’m sorry, but it’s best if it stays exactly what it already is; nothing more than an idle fantasy to be played out on occasion. Sure, some of the things I’ve done might allude to this part of me, but it isn’t who I am at heart. It’s just-“ you continue before your other cuts you off with a light response “Another piece of the puzzle. Heh, maybe you might be right”. “Right about what?” you ask before the other you quickly responds as she looks over her shoulder back at the group “If this part had been at the forefront there’s no telling what might have happened – sometimes you are your own worst enemy. Oh, but the troubles and fun you could have gotten into...” The other you lets it hang before she looks back at you and shrugs before a lewd grin plasters her face as she says “Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to have my fun back here then until you let me out every once in a while~. Come on everybody, who’s up for another round?!” You watch as she winks at you and walks backwards before turning on her heels, arms outstretched to the group before her as she’s happily embraced by the masses, hands wandering and touching all over – you giggle lightly before you feel yourself getting suddenly very tired and your memory gets a little hazy as you wonder why you’re here. You blink a few times at the blurry figures before you that seem to get farther away and you can’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction and confidence overcome you, and then you’re overcome by a blanket of darkness, the last thing you hear being an echo of a familiar voice saying “Have fun out there…” You wake up from a peaceful and deep sleep with a yawn as you stretch out on the warm bed beneath the covers…

8:16 am

You look at the dress lying on Leena’s bed, entranced by the loving care that Xillia took in crafting such a beautiful dress, though you wonder at what modifications she may have made to the dress as she did mention having to make some. Maybe she altered it to fit me better because it wasn’t in my size? you think as you grasp the top straps with your hands and bring the fabric up to your torso after making sure Little Red is soundly on the bed, walking over to the vanity and looking yourself over as you hold it out in front of you. Despite not actually wearing it, you know for a fact that it will accentuate your physique perfectly which, you admit, might be because of the “intimate” encounters you and Xillia have had, which also serves as a disappointing reminder that Xillia could not make it due to her responsibilities with running a shop. However, you smile as you see all your other significant others reflected in the vanity, gathered about the room either standing or sitting on the chairs in the room, save for Vulgan who pants and wags his tail as he paces back and forth beside the table as he eyes your with those intelligent blue eyes. “Don’t leave us in suspense, darling” Delilah speaks up as she crosses her left leg over her right, wearing the same dark black and red leather armor top, pants, and boots that she seems so fond of while giving you a pleasant smile. You turn around and, while still holding the dress out in front of you, you gaze at each of your loves and see that, aside from Vulgan and the red slime, have expectant smiles on their faces and in their eyes… along with a little something extra that you instantly recognize. “You all just want to see me stripped down into nothing but my undergarments” you reply after a few moments and with a coy, knowing grin on your face as you saunter over to the bed and start by taking your gloves off. “Hell no” Helena replies casually before you watch her drink from another bottle of her special brew “We want to see you naked, but this is the next best thing since your undergarments are kind of see through and skintight…. Oh so very skintight~”. Lula laughs lightly before bounding to her feet and clapping her hands together, giving you an innocent and kindly look that melts your heart as she says “Oh, but that dress is so gorgeous, Colette! Oh, please will you try it on for us? I think I’ll have to purchase one from Xillia myself, but of course I’ll need to have it fitted since I’m taller than you”. You laugh halfway through disrobing until you’re in nothing but Skin-Walker over your sheer stockings, thong, and half-cup bra before you slip the dress over your shoulders. As the red fabric glides over your skin, something catches your eye and you can’t help but grin at Xillia’s practical ingenuity. You look to Meredith and ask sweetly “Meri, would you please hand me one of my magic crystals?”

Meredith, who’s been looking at you with dreamy clear eyes, nods once and morphs over to your back one the floor and says “Let me see… wow you sure do have a lot of things in here, sweetheart! Oh, is that a book on magic?! Can I read it while you’re gone? Oh, it looks so interesting!” Your slimy lover chirps out excitedly as she pulls out your gold magic crystal, and your book, and moves over to you, handing the crystal over. Your hand touches hers and you smile as wonderful relaxing tingles engulf your hand as you both linger, enjoying the contact that both of you share. “Of course” you say sweetly and simply “I know you love to read. So, while I’m gone you can read it to your heart’s content. Actually” you smile broadly as you look Meredith over, admiring her form as she continues to maintain a cross between you and Helena “After you finish, why not write a book?” You nearly giggle at Meredith’s cute reaction as she blinks – an odd thing for a true slime to do – and says curiously “Me? Write a book? Well, I don’t know… I mean, I love to read them, but to write a book? That just seems…” You bring both of your hands, your left which has the gold crystal still in it, and grasp her slimy face, looking her in the eyes serenely and responding “Who better to write a book than one that has read thousands, hmm? I know you have a very active imagination, and you like to read all kinds of novels. Give it a shot~”. Meredith smiles and starts to engulf your hands and you feel tiny bits of her emotions run through you that you naturally reciprocate, making her ripple slightly and nod. “Teehee~, aren’t you just a sweety~! And a naughty, sexy one at that~” Astraea giggles into yours and everyone’s minds as she moves over to you, her large white tentacles wrapping around you and hugging you closely as Meredith pulls back and immediately opens your book and starts to read. You giggle lightly and wrap your arms around Astraea’s core as best as you can while she closes her eyes, snuggling against her as you rub your face over her closed eyelid. “Not as much as you~… but I think I should show you Xillia’s genius before I go any further!” you reply back honestly, before Astraea lets you go and you hold out the gold crystal in front of you. With your right hand you pull the front of the dress forward a little bit, offering a better view of your cleavage as you bring your left hand to your bosom and stuff it inside the dress to one of four pouches just underneath your breasts. Afterwards, you remove your hand without the crystal and let the material cling back to your bosom and cross your arms while grinning.

The pouches – four in total – are big enough to hold items as big as your magic crystals and the vial in your breast area without showing any sort of deformity to the material, essentially allowing you to keep those items concealed. The only way anyone would really know you have anything there is if they decided to cop a feel and, as much as that might entice you, especially from the present crowd, you suspect that the group you’re to be mingling with will be much more conservative than you’ve had the pleasure of being acquainted with. You pull out the gold magic crystal and place it on the bed before moving over to your pack and pulling out your other crystals and the truth serum vial, looking over the liquid with a critical eye as you bring it to your face as it barely sloshes in its airtight confines. You stuff it into one of the pouches in the dress before deciding on three magic crystals to bring with you… just in case. You also imagine Skin-Walker shorter so that it doesn’t cover any part of your hands, arms, neck, feet, and what little of your chest is exposed, leaving your legs untouched as the dress covers that part of your body well enough already. You also undo the black silk fabric from your hair and let your mane flow down freely, a numerous amount of fiery red locks flowing passed your shoulders and down to your breasts while the rest sits comfortably behind your back. The final touch, and another important precaution that you take, is to your dagger and throwing knives with you. Since you don’t really have anything to strap your dagger to, seeing as you’ve just been stowing it in your left boot, you instead grab your dagger still in the scabbard along with your throwing knives and, sitting on the bed as you lift your dress up – much to the satisfaction of your onlookers and bringing a grin to your face – you wrap your throwing knife sheathe, with your knives attached of course, around your right thigh before slipping your dagger between the fabric. With that done you procure your “invitation” and are ready to go… except that you have something important to say.

“Helena” you say softly and as sweetly as you can manage as you look at your lavender haired lover, who’s begun to move closer to you with the intent of wearing some of your gear that’s on the ground. “I’m going alone” you finish, which stops the monk dead in her tracks as you stares you in the eyes intently. She opens her mouth to speak, but before she can say anything Leena, who has been quietly lounging on the leftmost cushioned red chair while resting her chin on her right hand - besides the loud smile on her face most of the time - says casually “I assume you agree with my precious dear, Nyx?” You give Leena a curious look, as does everyone else save for Delilah, who seems unperturbed by her statement – a moment later and you hear the knob to the room turn and, lo and behold, Nyx walks in wearing the hood of her midnight robes down and allowing you to behold her dark hair and pale complexion. She looks rather irritated at being found out, though she quickly grins evilly and says “Maybe next time you won’t be so lucky” before turning her attention to you and saying “Yes, I do. While your plan is sound, Helena, it would also attract unnecessary attention to, Colette, and not the kind that would have a positive outcome for her”. Helena scoffs at the dwarven woman and almost yells at her in an explosion of anger “But this is a world that I know! It’s ruthless, manipulative, cruel, and everything is for show! Fucking gods dammit… I don’t know why we even have to do this bullshit in the first place! You said you have enough to pin everything on the creep, so why not just take it to the captain of the guard, the governess, or even the heads of the temple of Victressia?! Have the fucker locked up, executed, or fucking slaughtered by a spirit of justice! There’s no need to send her into a lion’s den!” “Helena” you say softly as you approach her, her face getting visibly red as she huffs as she leans on the edge of the bed and pouts “It’ll be alright. I won’t be hurt and, really, what’s the worst that can happen? I get found out or laughed at by a bunch of people that I hardly know, then thrown out and maybe detained? It’s not like I’m going to be fighting the man in mortal combat or anything or have to fight off an army”. You place your left hand on your right shoulder and rub her sensually and reassuringly as you smile at her, and while it does assuage some of her anger it doesn’t extinguish it by any means as she says sternly “You. Don’t. Know. That. He’s a thief, a torturer, a slaver, probably a murderer, and he used feral goblins to attack the farms right outside the city. This is a man who’s capable of anything and will do anything to get what he wants. If he feels threatened, even a little, and he can’t talk his way out then what’s stopping him from going fucking berserk and attacking you? Not to mention you’ll be in a room filled with backstabbers and cheats, all looking out for themselves as they suck on the cocks of those with money and influence in the hopes of getting a big old load down their throats that will help them out”.

You avoid frowning, and likewise giggling, at Helena’s explanation and especially her comparisons to sex. Nyx clears her throat and adds calmly “While I don’t disagree with your assessment of Arlandus or the other nobles, Helena, I would like to point out that first and foremost not all of them are as bad as you say. There will always be those types of people in any society, though obviously the ones with the most money and influence can do the most damage, as has been the case with this particular monster. Secondly, while I do have enough evidence to put him away, as I’ve said I want to see him squirm and suffer, but also because it’s much more difficult than you think. I could present all the evidence on a silver platter, but he could easily deny it all and, with his money and influence, there’s a definite chance that he could get away with it, which would cause no end of problems… for everyone. That’s why he needs to be humiliated in front of all of his peers, because these are the people he is buttering up to, these are the people that hold the power, and these are the people that, should he grow out of favor of, can effectively ruin him. I will also concede to you that he can be unpredictable – child, be careful around him. He may seem charming, despite his arrogance, but under no circumstances let your guard down. If you are successful and he does start blabbing his mouth off I would urge you to be as far away from him as possible, because once he lets something dire slip he may not be in the best of moods… due in no small part to the serum, which will artificially ‘enhance’ his personality along with making him more pliable to talking. Oh, and due to his knowledge and affinity with alchemical concoctions, I would wager that he may be slightly resistant to the effects of the serum, so by all means use all of it on him at once. Slip it in a drink, preferably wine” Nyx finishes with a terribly evil glint in her eyes and a smile to match her dwarven features. “I say simply drain his blood and be done with it” Delilah says casually after Nyx finishes talking, tapping her right fingers on the armrest of the black cushioned chair on your right. “Delilah” Leena chides softly “You know we can’t just kill him, and if you killed him it would be a disaster. You of all people should know that”. The last statement piques your interest, and you can’t help but asking “Not that I’m condoning murder, but why would it be bad for Delilah to kill him?”

“Because” Astraea says seriously into your mind, and if Astraea is serious then you have learned to listen and listen well. “You may not know this, but despite Eborthia being a much more liberal land, and the only land, that is home to so many races there are still… issues with certain creatures. Tentacle beasts, such as myself, had a difficult time being accepted into this new society due to our nature of kidnapping and enslaving others, and it is doubly true that there are others that were unable to let go of their old ways. Still, given time we became accepted as more and more of us let go of our ways – which, for most, was just a means of survival – and we let our thralls, our children, become autonomous of our will. Most vampires, however…” Astraea trails off sadly, and you get the sense that it’s not just about vampires as her single large blue eye looks down shamefully. “Vampires are still mostly domineering, arrogant, worthless garbage that won’t think twice about enslaving, murdering, torturing, humiliating, and feeding from others like they are less than a person” Delilah finishes Astraea’s sentence viciously as she clamps her armrests before adding “And I agree that most of them should be wiped from the face of Zelios. I’m sorry, my sweet darling, I don’t mean to be bitter – Vampires are still considered to be extremely dangerous and anti-social creatures, which they are, and are to be watched closely. What few vampires there are that live openly amongst us are usually watched around the clock for any wrongdoing. I myself am watched at all times, though I do have the good fortune of it being by Leena as I am a priestess at this temple. Deidra and the other two vampires living in the city, however, are watched by the disciples of Yyssbo and some of the spies of Kilnhaven. Should any one of us step out of line then we shall be reported to the city, at which point they will call in the vampire hunters; those that specialize in the destruction of vampires using a lifetime of training, master crafted equipment, and magic and reagents that do vampires harm”. You look at Nyx, a little shocked at this revelation, though she only nods, devoid of any emotion, before you look back at Astraea and Delilah… and then turning your attention to the others. “I’ve never heard of that… well, at least it wasn’t mentioned in any history books that I remember reading. What of demons and slimes, werewolves, and oni, and other creatures?”

Lula speaks next, though less somberly or angry as the others “Well, for most other races such as human, elves, goblins, and orc it was a non-issue. However, right after the great war a millennia ago there were many demons that weren’t banished with the arch-devil and surrendered to the allied forces at the time. Many were banished while others were allowed to stay, though this obviously took many years and even longer for there to be full acceptance. This happened in tandem with tentacle beasts, somewhat, but it took just a little bit more time for them. Werewolves weren’t an issue since they only cared about being with their packs, so they never really went out of their way to cause problems. Let’s see… slimes just sort of ‘happened’ since most aren’t evil to begin with and oni, even the green ones, mostly stayed away from other people. Besides, most people already knew that red oni’s are generally better than green, so again not an issue when they started to come around”. You nod your head as you absorb the information, but go back to one thing Astraea said as you turn to her and ask “You mentioned kidnapping before, Astraea. Did you…?” “Yes” Astraea says quietly into your mind as she becomes completely still, not looking you in the eye “Yes, I did, sweety”. “I had to survive and, for many, many years I did just that. My specialty was mind control; I would subdue them by lulling their minds. It – it was not something I enjoyed, but I always made sure that I was gentle and that the people that I had… brought home were always cared for. I would take what I need from them, hold them for a little while, wipe their memories, and then send them on their way whether it was back to their home or to their destination. That was only after I become skilled at what I do – before then I had a lair and… I extended their lives far longer than should have been possible… and they didn’t see their families…” At this point Astraea’s tentacles and her core starts to shake a little, and you think you see the beginnings of a tear form on her big eye as it darts about. You spring into action as you bite your bottom lip, striding over to your tentacle lover and kneeling down, closing her eye for her with your right hand gentle before wrapping your arms about her. “That’s not you anymore – that’s not who you are. You are wise and kind, and you are an incredibly caring person. You did what you had to do, and I don’t know if I could have been as strong as you to get through that” you reassure in kind, serene whispers as you gently rub your hands along the sides of her core.

You close your eyes and smile gently as you feel Astraea wrap most, if not all, of her tentacles around you and hold you close as her shaking slowly subsides before creasing altogether, a testament to the calming effects you have on her. You embrace each other for a little while longer before she releases you and you pull back, looking her in her blue eye, which is red around the edges, and say softly “I’m here for you, and I promise to never stop caring for you”. “Oh, sweety…” you hear softly in your mind and, after another tender hug, you pull away and stand up, making sure you have everything ready. “Astounding” you hear Nyx say beside you “You really are something special. Here I thought you were theirs, but it seems to me it’s the other way around. They are all here for you… no matter what shenanigans you get into, such as at Deidra’s~”. You stick your tongue out at Nyx and giggle lightly before correcting her “No, we’re here for each other. I just happen to be running the show~”. This draws a laugh from everyone in the room – you talk with them all for a little bit longer before you decide it’s just about time to go. Meredith grabs Little Red, and your book, and heads out with everyone else as they return to their rooms or to wherever it is they want to go. Even Vulgan leaves the room, oddly enough, following behind Lula – you follow behind, but notice Leena lagging behind as she goes to the armoire and waves you over. As you saunter over to her, the door closing behind you as you walk, you see her open the armoire and pull out a pair of red, traditional two inch heels that cover the toes. She hands them to you and says “Better than walking around in your stockings, don’t you think, dear~?” You look down at your pink sheer feet and nearly smack yourself in the head, nodding as you take the heels and placing them in front of your feet then slipping them on. “This might seem out of the blue, but can I ask you something, Leena?” you say with a serene smile on your face and a fire in your eyes. Your purple skinned lover turns around, standing at her full height and replies “Of course, my dear, you can always talk to me”. “We~ell” you begin as you fiddle with your fingers behind your back before bringing your left index finger to your mouth and sucking on it “I forgot to ask the others, but Helena already said that she wants to drown me in pleasure and turn me into a gangbang slut, and Delilah wants to ‘mark’ me…and I’m pretty sure she wants to make me her slave, too, as well as travel with me should I find something that could help her walk in daylight, but that’s besides my original point. What do you want from me, or to do to me, Leena~?”
Re: Rift Touched

Leena looks at you with those red, piercing and compassionate eyes and she bends down slightly, bringing her hands to your cheeks as she cups them. You brace for the kiss that comes and you moan as your red lips meet hers – you press into the kiss and twine your tongue with hers, bringing your hands to her long, dark purple hair and her horns, wrestling your right hand in her strands as your left rubs her slightly curved right horn. When Leena pulls back you find that you’re just a little moister than you were, and you can see that her eyes shine a lustful fire as her robe starts to tent. “I am happy loving you and being with you, my love, but if you really must know…” Leena says as her hands trail down your shoulders, arms, and to your breasts as she fondles them over the dress. You moan, welcoming the touch, and biting your bottom lip as you reach out and start to rub her much, much larger melons happily, fulfilling that perverse fascination of yours as the soft flesh feels wonderful in your hands. “Me and Lula are demons of lust and we can barely contain ourselves when around you. That time we were inside you still rutting your tight holes while you slept? We could usually control ourselves, but that was a slip up while we slept. When we’re both together if you could let us fuck you… and I mean really fuck you, even if you pass out, and just keep fucking, then you would make us so happy and sated, dear. But we won’t do that, because we don’t want to hurt you – you’re not ready for that kind of succubi treatment just yet~. As for me, personally~” Leena says, and the thoughts in your head turn wonderfully perverse as you imagine all the things they would do to you. “Me” Leena reiterates “I would want to show the entire city that you’re mine. I would put a collar and leash on you, strip you down, put some lovely heels on you, and take you to every district of the city and make love to you in full view of everyone… but only in that cute butt of yours. After every session I would plug you up with a toy until the next district until I had taken you in every district, and then” Leena leans in and whispers into your ear, her hot breath tickling your ear and making you more excited as you imagine her taking you in your bottom in the red light district, to the slums, the merchant district, the fountain, and so on. “And then, I would march you over to the Pilgrim’s March when it was full of people, sit at a table, and order a nice big meal. I would take my time eating – thirty minutes, maybe an hour – and the entire time you would be on your knees, sucking my cock clean of your ass and my seed, drinking down my gooey, tasty cum every time I reached climax for your own tasty meal~. You would do it loudly, so that everyone could see it and hear it, until I finish both my meal and my drink. For the grand finale after I finished my meal I would pick you up and plant you on your back on the table and make sweet love inside that tight pussy of yours until I came inside you one last time, pulling out to spray the last bit of my essence all over your body~”. Leena finishes with the tiniest of licks to your ear before pulling back, giving you a lewd grin to match your own as you sigh.

“That can’t be all of it” you moan out lustfully as you look at Leena, who smiles and shakes her head. “Oh, of course not, but the rest is far too dirty… but if you want I can still tell it~.” She adds, to which you slowly nod as you lick your lips as she continues “After I cover you I would grab a big mug and set it beneath you before removing the toy to let my juices flow from your wet, sloppy anus and pussy and into the mug… and then you would drink it all up. That’s only if you’re feeling really nasty and, if you really want the moment to last, I would have you polish my cock while I chatted with everyone at the bar… for however long it takes~.” You run it all through your head and find yourself getting aroused… and you laugh. “What’s so funny?” Leena says, a strangely curious look on her face as she watches you bust a gut. “Nothing, haha, nothing… it’s nothing. Just that, well, I guess it’s too much to ask for something simple like maybe… dinner, or a date? Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot and I love making love with you, and the others for that matter, but it just seems that it almost always revolves around sex. Not a bad thing, mind you, it’s just that, well, maybe sometimes I don’t want to be treated like a toy”. You finish explaining and Leena, much to your dismay, looks back at you with horror. “Oh, Domina… oh, Colette, dear, I am so, so sorry! I had no idea you felt that way! Dear gods, we’ve been treating you like a – a doll, haven’t we? I was so caught up in all the naughty things you were interested in and – and… I…” Leena starts to panic and, you realize, you should have worded it just a teensy bit better. You reach out and grasp the sides of her arms, your invitation folding slightly as you do so, and you say with a laugh “Whoa, there, Leena! There’s no problem; I like being used like a toy… if it’s you and the others, but not all the time, and not by other people. All I’m saying is, maybe, we go out and get to know each other better is all. I mean, we kind of skipped the whole getting to know one another and straight to sex and I love you’s. After this maybe we could take some time to get to know each other better than we already do and just enjoy each other’s company – you, me, and all the others, yeah?” Leena calms down a bit and smiles as she nods before saying sheepishly “If it’s any consolation, dear, despite what my little sister has already ‘done’ with you, she would probably enjoy some quality time with you in a much more tender, loving way” – “Good… and good to know~” you reply, and with a grin you take Leena’s right hand with yours and say “Now, you know how you can make it up to me?” She nods once more silently and you smile as you lead her over to the bed, your heels clacking on the floor as you walk, before you twirl around, grin at her, and blink. You blink right behind her as blue mist announces both your departure and reappearance, causing he to shriek in shock, especially when you push her on her back towards the bed. She tumbles onto the bed and lands on her bosom and stomach before turning over quickly, her eyes wide with surprise as she gazes into your emeralds, which are alight with passionate fire. “Get that top off, because I haven’t had a proper meal yet today, and I need my milk~” you say dominantly and, as Leena gets over her shock, she says “Of course, milady, how rude of me. Next time, dear, a little warning would be nice”. You watch as she pulls her black and red robes up from her ankles and over her head, tossing it towards the three chests and mashing her very large breasts together enticingly. You moan lowly, almost a growl, in approval at the delicious sight before you; her beautiful purple body, that gorgeous and glistening pussy with the gargantuan cock right above now fully erect, those humongous tits and dark purple areola and nipples just begging to be sucked. “Now, where would the fun in that be, lover~?” you reply as you mount the bed and crawl towards her, leaning your head down and looking her in the eyes as your mouth engulfs her left nipple and a good portion of her breasts.

You drop the invitation and barely notice it floating like a leaf to the ground as you bring your left hand to her right boob and massage it and grope it as you look her in her red eyes, sucking and moaning, swirling your tongue around the areola and flicking the nipple until you’re rewarded with her creamy milk that, for some reason now, seems to fill you up that much more as you can feel your magic returning to you and your hunger being sated twice as fast. You close your eyes and moan as you suckle, feeling Leena’s hand on your red hair, pressing you against her lightly and stroking you soothingly as she sighs happily. You relish those little sighs as you run your right hand along her left side, caressing her stomach and side while doubly enjoying the feeling of her soft skin on your hands. You continue to drink from her, using her body for your own as she would have done yours, and looking into her eyes with both desire and love that she reflects back at you with the look in her red eyes, the smile on her face, and the pleased sigh that escapes her lips. You pull back gently and lean forward, kissing her and having her taste her own milk on your tongue as you dominate your lover, just as she would do you…

9:35 am

10:00 am

You stand in the grand ballroom of the capitol building, awed by the grandeur and opulence of this single, large room. Getting in was much simpler than you would have imagined; as you walked the streets, droves of finely dress men and women of obvious wealth and of a higher class walked the streets, and you find that, with your dress and looks, you blended in rather well. You also counted your good graces as none seemed to have recognized you, since the last time you were really in the noble district was to have your portrait drawn, and at the time you were a brunette and not a redhead, and word of your “exploits” at Deidra’s hadn’t reached the district. As you approached the large stone structure you heard the telltale sounds of hooves clacking on stones and, once you were around the domed structure that housed the rift, you saw that there were a few horse-drawn carriages at or just arriving at the entrance of the capitol building from the street just off to the right which, if the map Charles gave you is any indication along with your own intuition, is probably where the other entrance to the city is located. From the carriages men and women of various races, though undoubtedly more human, goblin, and elven, would step out and approach the entrance with a confident, almost arrogant stride to them which seems to fit with Helena’s description. Their clothes, likewise, exude an air of wealth and superiority, their tuxedo’s, dresses, and robes reflecting their supposed demeanor – you notice that, even by the way most of them walk and talk, it seems as if they’re trying too hard… superficial and perhaps fake are the best words to describe it, though that could just be that you know a charmer when you see one from your own personal experience. You notice manicures, pedicures for the women, extravagant and oftentimes ridiculous haircuts, and the list goes on… and yet, despite the general malaise you felt being around them, essentially sneaking in on their gathering, you noticed that there were others – not as many, but some nonetheless – that were much more relaxed and held themselves with dignity.

Some had a “military” feel to them, if their coats and weapons were any indication for both genders, yet others seemed uninterested or disapproving of the atmosphere they were walking themselves into. All-in-all you get the sense that, while Helena’s prejudices for the nobility are partially justified, it seemed to you that they were just like everyone else, though with obviously more money and better off than most. As you approached the you were met with some impressive sights to behold - two massive wooden and iron doors greeting you, along with two male orc guards clad from head to toe in chainmail and wielding massive halberds on either side of the entrance and looking rather… focused, if you could say so. Something about them struck you as odd as they hardly moved or acknowledged anyone – merely giving a grunt or a nod as some people passed - , but such was probably their job. Finally, the least impressive but still delightful thing to behold was the greeter at the door. He was a young man of human descent with big dark green eyes and a nervousness about him, almost as nervous as you as you felt your heart drumming in your ears, yet somehow this young man barely out of his teens was able to act courteous and professional to each and every person he greeted as he checked their invitations. It was obvious he wasn’t of wealth or of the type that you found yourself with as you walked the streets, but you couldn’t help but admire both his enthusiasm and discipline. As you approached him you flashed him a winning smile and, for only the briefest of moments, you saw him lose his cool and his eyes reflexively darted towards your bosom. Though it was only a moment, as his eyes returned to yours, you couldn’t help but smile lightly at the action and as his smile broadened. He bowed deeply at you and said “Welcome, ma’am, to Governess Glethal’s ball. May I please see your invitation?” You flashed a smile at the young man and, held in your left hand the entire time – maybe slightly bent after your short time with Leena – you present the forgery to the man and say “Of course, and please… call me Catherine. Catherine Bralondel”. You tested the fake name on your tongue and, while you don’t think it fits you as much as Colette, you thought it sounded rather nice – the man seemed to think so as well as he gingerly took the invitation, looked it over, and then nodded before dropping it into the slot of a large metal box he had at his feet where the other invitations seemed to go. Before walking in, however, you leaned in and whispered to the man “Thank you, and might I say you are doing a very fine job. I can tell you are nervous; keep it up~” before striding inside.

You didn’t have much time to explore as you and the other guests were more or less corralled into the third door on the right of a massive stone hallway, with the other doors being closed. You did see that the hall led into a larger room, and you wondered where it would lead, but before you knew it here you stand in the ballroom with maybe two-hundred other people, perhaps more. The building, and indeed the room, reminds you more of a castle or something out of a small duchy at the very least given the size and fine craftsmanship. This particular room, the ballroom, is perhaps as big as your home back at Veilwood and ten times over. It has three grand chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling that remain still, though somehow they managed to light the candles on them. You watch in awe as the flames dance on their wicks, looking like a tiny inferno overhead that pours out into a chorus of colors as the light of the fire reflects off the crystals of the chandeliers. Besides the chandeliers you note that there are two long tables, as long as the room itself, to your left and right that is the current resting place of so many varieties of dishes and drinks that you think it would take all night to sample them, not to mention that there’s so much you could probably keep the entire city fed for at least a fortnight. The stone floor has a beautiful red carpet underneath that must have taken ages to produce, not to mention a great deal of manpower and money – you walk to the right and out of the way of the door so that others can pass as your eyes roam to the back of the room, and you note the elevated platform that has a stage of sorts with two stone chairs that are really little more than thrones. The one on the left has red cushions on the base, armrest, and backrest of the throne and stands taller than the one on the right, which incidentally has the same cushions but is smaller and actually looks a great deal more comfortable as the cushions “pop” out more. Last, but certainly not least, you survey the area and, once your initial shock and awe wanes, your senses finally allow you to experience the noise and colors of the room. People are chatting and laughing, men and women in less grand but no less expensive outfits sift through the crowd carrying metal trays of food and drink as they hand it out, you see men and women with odd clothing that denotes them as residents of distant lands. Some people have colorful yet bulky garbs that covers most of their body, a few others have warm looking fur coats and wear obvious half-armor along with some swords, maces, and axes. There are a few Cat-People that wear little more than finely made strips of cloth over their unmentionables, yet it looks so natural on their fur that it is not indecent in the slightest. You try to place the country of origin for many – you see a group of orcs in tribal looking attire and pin them to be from the nation of Grazbulork. A few elves in flowing robes that look to be light as a feather you known instantly to be from your father’s homeland of Wehndarwil – the bulky geared individuals you assume to be from the desert land of Ornsimun, whereas the rugged looking individuals, all men, with fur and half-armor you’re not quite sure, perhaps Scoleshire?

The Cat-People are obviously from the jungle nation of Falwathyn, and speaking of Falwathyn… “No way” you mutter under your breath as a small smile crosses your lips; as your eyes roam the crowd, and as you note the many individuals, even a few tentacle beasts with jewelry on their appendages, watching you with interest and curiosity, you spot five tall, muscular women wearing white togas and sandals, all armed with long-swords on their hips while only four of which carry large bronze shields as the fifth also carries a short sword on her hip as well. They each are tall, muscled, dangerous looking, and have dark skin; two look naturally darker while the other three’s skin looks bronzed from long days in the sun. Their hairs range from black, brown, auburn, light blonde… and dirty blonde – they’re easy to spot in the crowd due to their physique, and only the dirty blonde seems to converse with anyone as the others stand watch to guard her, yet even the dirty blonde keeps most conversations short as she seems disinterested in associating with anyone. Seems Hera’s not a fan of talking~. I figured as much; she seems more like a woman of action than anything else you think as you continue to watch her – however, this poses a problem to you as you’re technically supposed to be infiltrating this little shindig , and you consider blending into the crowd… and then her eyes land on you, and you both hold each other’s gaze. You watch her features go from disinterested, to interested, then confused, and then you slowly see recognition creep across her face… though if you hadn’t met her beforehand you might not have recognized the slight changes as she still looks stone faced. Crap you think as you bite your tongue lightly Already found out. Well, might as well try some diplomacy. I’m sure Hera will understand. You make up your mind and stride over to her, wading through the crowd of people as numerous eyes follow your form, your red hair lightly blowing back and your dress clinging to your form slightly. Your heels clack on the ground, inaudible to all except yourself and those closest to you – you approach the group of Amazon’s, though only Hera seems to notice you… for now, and she looks positively joyful to see you. “Greetings, great warrior, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Catherine Bralondel – might I inquire as to what your name is, oh esteemed warrior of the jungle?” you say with a coy, yet warm smile as you bow to Hera just outside of her circle of guards. You look up and see the confusion on her face, especially as you give her a quick wink, but eventually she opens up and responds. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance miss… ‘Bralondel’. I am called Hera, emissary and diplomatic representative of my Amazonian sisters here in Kilnhaven. Would it be agreeable to converse, miss ‘Bralondel’?” This seems to take a few people by surprise that were listening in as they stop their own conversations and whip their heads around to stare at you and Hera, and Hera’s own guard, more stone-faced than their charge, look to each other in confusion for a moment before recomposing themselves.

“It would be most agreeable, thank you very much miss Hera” you say with another bow – Hera looks at you expectantly and nods once, turning on her heels and walking over to the right side of the room, towards one of the long tables of the room. You follow her and her guards as many more eyes follow you, this time with wonderment and appraisal… and more than a little envy and jealousy. You follow Hera behind the table in a less populated corner of the room and, though your facing Hera and the wall, you can almost feel the eyes on your back as you begin to speak… quietly. “It’s very good to see you, Hera. Before you ask, let me explain…” you say quickly and quietly, taking a few minutes to explain the situation to her and, incidentally, her guards. You tell her about Arlandus, the feral goblins, the orphanage, the money, his “servants”, Elise… everything, especially why you’re here now. She merely nods a few times as she listens and, when you finish, she says “I see – this Arlandus… I have met him. I do not like him, and now I like him less. He is a worm; I will keep quiet and help if I am able… now, it seems you are drawing unwanted attention. Go and, how do you say… ‘mingle’? Yes, ‘mingle’ and attempt to insert yourself until his arrival”. “So he’s not here yet?” you say, slightly disheartened by that fact before you look behind you and notice that you have more than a few voyeurs, who quickly avert their gazes and go back to talking amongst themselves when they see you looking. Nosey aren’t they…? I had better watch what I say around them or it might come back to bite me you think before nodding to Hera, who nods back. You give her another bow and say a little loudly “I am sure my father will enjoy further dealings with the Amazons. Have a pleasant day, Hera, great warrior and diplomat of the Amazonians”. “To you as well, Catherine” Hera says simply before you make your way to the bulk of the crowd, followed by Hera and her guards a short time later. Almost immediately you are beset by the nobles, most native to the country and city, and are showered with questions and appraisal. “You talked with the Amazons, young lady?”, “You must tell me your secrets, my dear! The Amazon’s are always so tight lipped and unapproachable! My family would love to deal with the Amazon’s more… intimately”, “Who is your father, young miss? A man able to deal with those women successfully surely must be a man of great prestige!”, “It’s is a pleasure to meet you young lady! My you are an enchanting young woman; what, pray tell, is your name? I am sure it is something equally as beautiful as you are”, and on and on. Men and women dressed in fashionable clothes, wearing fine jewelry and holding glasses of wine besiege you with questions and, while some seem sincere, others seem to be phishing for secrets and information… but you’re not quite sure. You also can’t help shake the feeling that you’re a small fish being swarmed by a pack of sharks.
Re: Rift Touched

You try to keep your composure, offering a bright smile to the little over half dozen men and women showering you with questions, and looking you offering appraisingly and critically. “Pleased to meet you all, sirs and madams. My name is Catherine… Catherine Bralondel” you start off with before trying to answer each of their questions – “It is a pleasure to meet you all as well”, “My father is a merchant and trader of elven descent”, “No, he spends most of his time on the road. I am here because he thinks it good of me to meet other people”, “Yes… he is single; my mother passed some time ago shortly after I was born”, “The Amazon’s are a good yet stern people…”. You try to keep up, and between the “Oh you poor dear” remarks and “You don’t say, here have some wine” replies, you start to feel overwhelmed… not to mention to don’t remember grabbing the wine in the first place as you take short sips. You’ve never felt so overwhelmed before, especially when they start offering their friendship, wanting to exchange contact information, set up meetings, play dates, and so forth. You do your best to quickly answer and evade as best as you can, and are extremely relieved when a man’s voice booms throughout the room, most likely magically enhanced. “I present to you all, Governess Glethal Casaban, lady and wise ruler of Kilnhaven appointed by the High Council of Lumin. With her, her son Koren Casaban – eligible bachelor, skilled warrior, excellent physical shape…” Wait… the governess has a son? And why is he going into such detailed description about the son? you think as literally the entire room stops and gives their full attention towards the large entrance. When the people start to part, you do the same and you find yourself on the left side of the room – you are in a good enough position in the crowd to see the two. Glethal, the governess, is wearing a shimmering gold dress that doesn’t really cling to her and flows down passed her ankles, dragging the bottom along the ground. She is a half-goblin with milky pale green skin and dark eyes, with black hair done up in a bun, and you can tell that her other half is human based on the fuller features that compliment her goblin heritage’s more angular ones. She holds her hands out in front of her and has slightly wrinkled skin along her neck and brow, hinting at her age, but otherwise she is very pretty. Her son Koren is almost a dead ringer for her, and if it wasn’t announced that he was her son you would have mistaken him for a younger brother – he is a half-goblin as well, obviously, though his skin has a pinker hue to it than her mother’s, and much fuller features that hint at a human father.

He lacks the more angular features of his face, being closer to that of a young human male’s face, though he does have slightly angular ears. Like his mother he has dark eyes and dark hair that is pulled back in a short ponytail which, you assume, would probably come down to just passed his chin of let loose. He’s clean cut and has what you would describe as a handsome baby face, looking to be in his teens, though you suspect he might actually be closer to if not older than you. He’s wearing a dark grey double breasted pea coat that’s tucked into his black pants and held in place by a small black belt. He’s also wearing black dress shoes… and he does not look amused to be here in the slightest, if his face is any indication; he looks like he’s trying to hold back a scowl, but is only half successful at doing so. His mother gives no indication that she notices and, if she does, she’s ignoring him rather well – flanked on either corner of them are four guards in what you can only describe as being clad in knight’s armor. You assume one knight to be a dwarf, given his or her stature, but the other three you have no idea. One might be an orc or an oni, but the other three could be anything from elf, to incubus, to succubus, to goblin, to human – you can’t tell because from head to toe they are covered in strong looking steel plate, with rounded helms that cover their entire face. The dwarf carries a battle hammer on his back while the largest of the group – you’re sticking with orc – carries a great sword; the other two carry shields on their left arms emblazoned with the insignia of Kilnhaven while long swords are strapped to their hip. How they even move in such armor is beyond you, and as you watch the six cut through the center of the room as if parting the very sea itself, you hear the clank of metal on stone as each of the burly individuals walks on either side of their charges. It must be blisteringly hot in those suits of armor! Sure wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of any of those guys… you think as you continue to watch the posse make their way up the stone steps of the elevated platform, the governess taking a seat on the larger leftmost chair, folding her hands in her lap like a “proper” lady while her son sits in the right, arms hugging the armrest tightly. The dwarf and the orc take up either side of the platform’s stairs, standing at attention while the shield bearers stand beside the thrones, albeit a few feet away to give the governess and her son space.

“Thank you all for being here today” the governess begins in a posh and elegant voice “It warms my heart to see so many allies and supporters of the High Council and of me. While my late husband, gods rest his soul, could not live to be here with me today, nor to see his handsome son reached manhood, he was always a staunch supporter of tolerance, equality, freedom, and forging lasting alliances to secure peace and harmony in our great lands and beyond. Thank you for being here with us today, great Amazonian warriors, and gracing us with your beauty and bravery. I know it has not been easy, learning our customs and adhering to our way of life, and for going to the greatest of lengths to accept and integrate into our culture I and the people of Kilnhaven sincerely thank you. To the rugged and mountainous people of Scoleshire, I thank you for making the long and treacherous journey to be here. I know our countries have not always seen eye to eye, and there has always been some conflict and strife, but it is my hope that one day our countries can come together not only in tolerance, but in friendship, and with your presence here today that makes such a dream possible. Oh, noble and graceful elves of Wehndaril…” The governess continues on with her speech, welcoming each of the emissaries and thanking them before moving on. You can’t help but admire her as she exudes a sort of strange strength that carries in her voice; she’s very charismatic, and when she speaks people listen. “And last, but certainly not least, as you know my son has come of age and is a very eligible bachelor, and is in the market. Ladies, don’t hold back – I’m hoping for a grandchild before I pass~”. At that last statement you almost burst out laughing, and you can almost hear the groan from her son and the cushions underneath giving way to his vice-like grip as he digs his hands into the armrest, but you do notice the lovely shade of red his face takes on. Many of the younger women, and certainly a good deal of the older women, snicker, giggle, and even fan themselves you notice. That’s completely mortifying! No wonder he doesn’t look pleased; his mom is trying to get him laid in front of everyone! Poor guy~ you think with a tiny grin on your face. Glethal smiles and waves her hand once and, just like that, large swathes and cliques of people approach the stone steps – the guards let only a few people go up at a time, and numerous men and women approach, and either bow or drop to a knee and show their respect to the two, kissing the backs of their hands and whatnot. Poor Koren gets some very exclusive treatment from the women, even the older ones, as they bat their eyes at him, swoon over him, flirt and giggle with him as they try to make conversation, which while he is obviously displeased you do give him credit for being polite and ending each of the conversations as quickly, and painlessly, as he can.

Better him than me you think with amusement, relief washing over you as you’re no longer the center of attention. You rub the magic ring you decided to keep, and carefully check your bosom to make sure the vial and the magic crystals you brought are still there, as well as subtly re-securing your throwing knives and dagger. You carry your wine with you without drinking it and just observe for a long while.

10: 31 am
11: 00 am

You start to get worried that Arlandus won’t show, as you’ve been here for about an hour now and still no sign of anyone like the man that Nyx described to you. If your gaze could bend reality, you probably would have burned a hole through the crowd as you stared intently at the door, watching as people come and go. Your mind starts to race – did he find out about you, or about Nyx’s raid? Did he find out about the feral goblins you slew, the plot against him? Did he decide to go home first instead of coming straight here, thus ruining everything that’s been set up? You almost start to break out in a cold sweat… and then your heart both leaps and hardens all at once. Just as you were about to enter a panic, you notice a fair skinned human, about six feet tall with slicked back brown hair tied in a ponytail and dark green eyes stride into the room. And does he make an entrance – he walks with a swagger that oozes narcissism and arrogance, like he owns the place, and the robes he has on are similar to mages robes that reach down to his ankles, yet these robes are blue and green and encrusted with tiny jewels. He has rings of emerald, ruby, sapphire, and diamond on his fingers that even from your distance you notice as they glitter. His nose is long and his lips seem to be up in a permanent smug smile, and you watch as his eyes lazily drift about the room as he stops to take in the scenery. By far the most noticeable, and worrying, feature of his is his mage’s staff. Scepter is a better word you think as your eyes roam over the long piece of metal. His “staff” looks to be made of pure gold and reinforced with platinum – it’s thick and almost as tall as he is. On the bottom is a medium sized white magic crystal that’s been professionally cut and fitted to the bottom, perhaps with the intention to be used as both a means of stabbing someone and looking extravagant at the same time. However, on the top of the staff the gold and platinum branch off into six symmetrical “prongs” that each hold a magic crystal, with a seventh crystal sitting in the center as the staff continues up. With the white crystal on the bottom, the six prongs surrounding the center each have a crystal as well – you see a gold, red, blue, aqua, brown, and violet crystal for each of the prongs, and in the center is a large black magic crystal. That must be the focus crystal you think dryly, and actually a little impressed that he was able to find such a large crystal. When it comes to size it doesn’t matter for magic crystals, however, the focus for a staff does matter; the focus crystal, usually the one in the center at the top, channels the power of the staff, which is usually either enchanted or made of magical materials, namely wood from old or powerful trees.

It enhances the magical power of said crystal, making it twice as potent for the wielder. And if his focus crystal is black, that must mean he prefers death magic; draining the life of others to fuel his own, inflicting incredible pain and damage with magical blasts that rot the body, spreading miasma and magical disease… and even animating the dead you think as you drop into your aura sight. You try to pick him out from the crowd and, while difficult, you manage to see him as the world bleeds into so many different colors. You see that, just as you thought, he has a strength for black magic and a weakness to light if the black pulsing and white fissures are any indication. Not only that, but you learn that his robes are enchanted, given that they pulse and glow brightly to your eyes, that his staff is enchanted – obviously – and that half of his rings are enchanted as well. So he’s not all bark and glitz; he actually seems like he might be able to hold his own you think before you notice some more guards walk into the room, about six in total. Not just any guards, but Arlandus’ guards – each of them looks close to six feet tall and, like the knights up on the stage, they are decked in full plate armor that covers them from head to toe. However, each of these guards carries a great sword with a sapphire on the pommel and inscriptions etched along the blades. A quick dip into aura sight reveals that these individuals aren’t wearing enchanted gear… but it’s curious, as you notice that, beneath the openings in their armor and the eyes slots of their visor, you think you can see black pulsing and white fissures… for all of them. When you pull out of the sight you notice that each of them hardly moves at all, even less so than the other guards and they look… they “feel” dangerous and wrong. You shake the feelings off as you watch the man literally walking right down the center of the room in the middle of his own personal guard. People literally have to move out of the way or be trampled by him as he makes his way towards the governess. Just before he gets close he motions to his guards and they split off, moving to either side of the room and standing guard, like living statues, behind the tables. He then proceeds up the left stone steps, passed the guard and ignoring him entirely, and upon reaching the governess you see him drop to one knee instantly and bow his head, his staff in his right hand supporting him as he does so. You move in closer to get a better view of him, and to hear what he has to say.

“My lady Glethal, my lord Koren, I have returned from my long and arduous journey from the capital. Your humble and ever faithful servant is once again at your side, ready to serve your every whim and need. I beg your forgiveness for being away for such a period, and will accept any punishment as you see fit to bestow upon me” Arlandus says in a smooth and actually genuinely sorry tone. You actually start to doubt that this man is capable of any ills based on just this small interaction, but you just can’t help shaking a feeling of wrongness about him. The lady Glethal doesn’t seem to have any such qualms as she says “Oh, hush, Arlandus – you have ever been my faithful advisor. After my husband passed you have worked twice what a normal man of your position would have been expected. In my opinion you needed a little time away, and I see you have brought your men along as always”. “You are too kind, your grace; truly I am blessed to be in the service of such a wise and benevolent woman as yourself. You should take your security more seriously, my lady, for you never know what lurks in the shadows waiting to strike at you. I am always urging you to bring more protection, yet in your wisdom you deny that need for your people, oh wise Glethal of the house Casaban”. Arlandus keeps his head bowed until Koren speaks up and says “Arlandus, you do not need to bow to us. Your are like an uncle to me… family. Please, rise and stand tall”. “You are most gracious, my lord” Arlandus replies before he slowly rises to his feet “You make an old man proud, to see such wisdom and humility in one so young. Why, if your father was here he would be beaming with pride at my lord’s quick rise to manhood”. “That means quite a lot coming from you, my friend. You also should give yourself more credit; you are still spry and look like a man half your age! And, as always, you look impeccable” Koren replies with the first genuine smile you’ve see of him so far. “You are too kind, my young lord, and as I always say; it is important to look ones best at all times!” the advisor laughs out boisterously. Your mind is reeling, both at the apparent trust the governess and her son have in Arlandus, and by extension Arlandus’ own personality. On the outside he seems completely sincere and truly concerned with the wellbeing of the two, but his actions just moments before was the complete opposite, yet no one seems to have batted an eye at him for it. In fact, you miss the next bits of their conversation and, when you return to your senses, he’s striding off the platform and out into the crowd, striking up conversation as casual as can be and immediately becomes the center of attention. You hear his voice above all others and his smile never fades as he talks, and talks… and talks. You certainly don’t know what to think, but if Nyx is write then he is a master of manipulation and using his own charms against others.

If that’s true then I need to stay on my toes at all times… and be very, very cautious around him. He could probably give Deidra a run for her money. Now, what’s the best way to go about this? Should I approach him, or should I wait for him to approach me? Maybe I could find some of the people that were interested in me before and become the center of attention… again; maybe that will draw him over? Nyx also said it likes young, naïve girls so maybe if I look lost and doe-eyed at him…? And how will I use the serum – pour it into a drink, does it on some food? Those seem to be my only two options, and how much will I use? I could always try and, ugh, “entice” him into bed… after that I don’t know what I’ll do. You try to think up some plans to help yourself and your plans, coming up with many different ways to play this out, but ultimately you can’t decide quite yet. You look to Glethal and Koren, and then to Hera and her guards, thinking that you might be able to enlist their help, directly or indirectly, should the need arise. Or, you could just have fun with them and scrap the whole thing.

A. Choose which three magic crystals you stowed away! (May only choose three)
A1. Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
A2. Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
A3. Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
A4. White Magic Crystal: Light
A5. Aqua Magic Crystal: Water

B. Approach Arlandus and attempt to strike up a conversation. (Specify if to try and flirt, inquire about him, merely listen in, etc.)

C. Find others to talk to and try to become the center of attention, hoping to draw Arlandus’ attention. (Specify what to talk about and how to act).

D. Act like a naïve and lost girl, wandering about and occasionally glancing at Arlandus, hoping he will notice and take the bait.

E. Do something else. (Write in what you want to do. Be as specific or general as possible)

F. Do something with Hera and/or her guards. (Specify what you want to do with them/use them to help you)

G. Try to get Glethal’s attention. (How? Specify what you want to do with her/use her. What will you say? Etc.)

H. Try to get Koren’s attention (How? Specify what you want to do with him/use him. What will you say? Etc.)

I. Try to “entice” Arlandus and get him to bed you. (Specify how, and what will you do if you succeed? Elaborate)

J. If you try to drug Arlandus, how will you try and drug him? How many drops will you use? (Put in food. Put in drink. One, two, or three drops? Specify)

K. This is too much to handle. Leave.

X. Other.

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Pouches in Dress. Full. Pending

-Truth Serum (three drops) (Causes drinker to experience extreme confidence, loss of shame, overrides common sense and logic, and to talk incessantly. Ask whatever question you want and they will answer. Warning: Don’t be obvious with questions are target may catch on!). In pouch of dress’ bosom.
- Magic Crystal (Pending)
- Magic Crystal (Pending)
- Magic Crystal (Pending)


- Skin-Walker (Currently covers torso with room for cleavage, and legs. Exposes from dip in collarbone to skin just above clit. Cleavage shown. Currently molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Can take on nearly any type of clothing through your will and imagination. Responds only to Colette. Blessings in effect when worn) (Currently concealed)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Xillia’s Red Shimmering Dress (Comes down to just above ankles. Shows a little bit of cleavage. Has straps on shoulders. Clings tightly, but not too tight, to body)
-Two-inch Red Heels (Covers toes)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Right thigh. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes.
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely around shoulders and behind back. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)


Health: Fine
MR: 112/112
Slightly Aroused.
Vagina is a little moist.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn).

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn).

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 31/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

A2, A3, and A4.

X : You wait until he gets a glass of wine and his attention into something or someone to "accidently" bump into him and pour skillfully the serum into his drink. You act shy and naive (with subtility) and sincerly apologize. You then introduce yourself and tell him you are a little lost here and that you know nobody aside the amazons. Hoping to get his interest and let his guard down about the wine. You act like you are impress to meet someone as important and don't hesitate to flatter him.
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

A2, A3, and A4 were chosen for the magic crystals and X as the strategy. Here you go nightshade99 ;)

11:15 am

You formulate a plan in your mind and, based on what little you know, or rather have been told, about Arlandus you grin wickedly as it starts to come together like pieces to a puzzle. This just might work you think as you take a long sip of the wine you still hold in your hands, the smooth glass holding the red liquid courage that you just might need to pull this off. With half the glass full you are currently content to watch from a distance and wait – you wait until finally… There it is~ you think triumphantly His first cup of wine to whet his parched throat. It doesn’t take long for Arlandus to wave down one of the servants carrying wine, nor does it take long for the manservant to scurry over to the well-dressed tyrant; it seems, as far as you can tell, that Arlandus is somewhat of a celebrity as at his wave a few heads, both servant and noble, turned to see what his attention was directed at other than the current crowd around him. You hope beyond hope that your skills at bluffing, subterfuge, and charming others along with your roguish deftness will be enough to help you, and you give thanks to Lequis for the blessed undergarments you wear as well as offering a little mental prayer to her… and a few other of the deities as well while you’re at it. Hopefully with the blessings and the experience I’ve gained over the last week or so will be enough! you think to yourself before you put on your best act of being shy, naïve, and a little lost and out of place… all of which isn’t entirely untrue given the circumstances. You start to slowly make your way along the edges of the room, passing people and offering smiles and nods as well as a few laughs as they try to interact with you, some you even recognize from before as they try to reinitiate contact to get to know you better for whatever reason they have. You try to be polite, courteous, and friendly while maintaining your act, which does wonders to draw people, some of which you immediately know have ill intentions, towards you. All the while you make your way through the crowd, trying to avoid bumping into anyone in the quickly cramping space as the room fills, and while keeping an eye on Arlandus as he more or less stays in the same spot near the edge of the leftmost table closest to the entrance. You were worried about having to try and distract him in some way, but it seems that his attention is solely focused on talking to those around him and laughing loudly and jovially… which he seems to have managed to do quite well without stopping since he arrived and became the near total center of attention in some form or another. With your mind focused on Arlandus, weaving through the crowd, you almost feel like you’re sneaking up on another dangerous foe – which, in some respects, you are – and Skin-Walker responds to this unconscious change in your demeanor and silences your footsteps as it seems to redirect the shock of each of your steps into the main body of the suit via the blessing.

You hold the wine glass in your right hand as you bring your left to your chest, deftly and quickly inserting your hand into your bosom, gliding your hand across your soft skin as it curves over your left breast and along the sheer bra’s underside to the pouch that contains the vial of truth serum Nyx so graciously gave to you. With lightning speed you withdraw your hand once you have a firm hold on the vial, cupping it in your hand as you bring it to your side, the back of your hand facing forward while you hold the vial away from prying eyes. You take a deep breath and, with everything in place, you put your plan into motion. Here goes nothing and with that, not but ten paces from your target you wait for an elven couple to walk by, their white gowns flowing behind them gracefully as you offer warm smiles to them both, and then you move. Just need to wait for him to move a little to the left… good, now turn your head and talk to the man you keep calling “Major”… perfect, okay this is it!, you put on your best flustered and doe-eyed face, holding your drink close to your chest as you look off to your right side while consciously keeping your target in your peripheral. You move ever closer, and to your left you see a plump goblin in fine black dress pants with a vest to match reach out for you as he exclaims “Young miss -!” You turn your head absentmindedly to look at him, and the shock on his face, as you cut through the group of half a dozen or so people and slam right into Arlandus… just as you had hoped. With a exhalation of air and a shocked gasp you run into Arlandus’ chest and “accidentally” dump the wine you held close to yourself onto his robes. In that exact instant he grunted from the light impact and brought his left hand, his staff wielding hand, up as he recoiled slightly as the red beverage poured down his robes… and with his right he tries to balance the wine he himself still carries by bringing to lower as he tries to control the sloshing beverage. Not wasting any time to think it through, you pop the top of the vial with your thumb, sending the small cork flying harmlessly off into the sea of shoes to be stepped upon and kicked around without notice before bringing your hand over Arlandus’ wine glass and relieving the contents into his container. It takes naught but an instant before the vial is emptied – you don’t quite know what to do with the vial at this point, but thanks to the chorus of shocked gasps that follows you figure that, if you haven’t been made yet, then hopefully the crowd is more focused on Arlandus being doused with a very stainable liquid all over his obviously expensive clothes. You quickly bring your hand to your side and drop the vial and, the moment it touches the ground and makes the most offensive clank to your ears, you use your left foot and kick it off to the side and into the crowd of people to join its other half.

You don’t even need to act to stare to Arlandus’ robes in shock as your heartbeat thunders in your ears and you’re obviously very flustered by what you’ve just done, evident by the color you feel rising in your ears and cheeks… hardly believing what you’ve just done. I’ve just snuck into a high class party full of diplomats, nobles, foreign ambassadors, soldiers, and the most dangerous looking guards I’ve ever laid eyes upon! And I’ve just dumped a drug into one of these people’s drinks! Upon further examination as the sound around you dies, you look at Arlandus, who’s looking at his robes with one hand up and one hand down with a critical eye, and then to the crowd around him. You expect someone to start shouting for the guards and to have you arrested, but no… there are no calls for guards; there’s only shock and disbelief at what’s transpired. After a few moments you start to get really worried and, while looking at Arlandus and only half acting, you stammer out “I-I’m so sorry! I d-didn’t know wha- I’m sorry, sir, I-I just was walking and didn’t m-mean to – h-here, let me make this r-right!” You look around, searching for something, anything to clean Arlandus off with. Then you remember the wine glass, and instinctively reach out for it with your right hand… only for it to be caught by the wrist with his left. You look at him, shy and fearful as the color starts to drain from your face… but you almost can’t comprehend when you see him smiling back at you, and more than a little confused to see his staff beside him, standing up straight and motionless as it defies the laws of gravity. “Now, we can’t have a pretty young thing like you lose herself over a little spill like this, can we milady?” the mage says with a smile and a glint of… “something” in his eyes, and before you know it he’s gently released your wrist as he starts to glow in a dim aqua. A moment later and he releases the magic he gathered from his left hand, sending a few small water missiles at his now damp robes – you watch as the slam into the robes and drench it even further, however, you watch as Arlandus then slowly rubs over the front of the robes along his chest and stomach. You’re almost awestruck when you see the red stains lifting and, when he pulls his hand away you see globules of red wine/water floating in the air and traveling towards his palm to form with a much larger ball of red water and wine.

You focus on the ball before looking at Arlandus himself, only to find him grinning at you before he says “Your glass, young one, would you be so kind as to hold it out for me?” It takes a moment for your to realize he’s talking to you, and another second to realize you’re still holding your wine glass – you nod and hold out the glass for the mage and, a moment later, he thrusts out his hand and you watch as the large globule lazily drifts through the air towards you before stopping to hover over your wine glass. With another hand motion from Arlandus the almost jelly-like ball starts to contract somehow before depositing itself into your glass – actually, upon further inspection, it seems to only be depositing the wine and leaving the magical water behind. After a few more seconds, with your glass back to half-mast at last, Arlandus snaps his fingers and, in a rather dramatic display, the remaining magical water flies off towards the ceiling. Your snap your neck back quickly and follow the magical water as it flies up towards the chandeliers and then bursts with an audible pop in a light misty spray that looks rather spectacular as it reflects off the glass and flames from the chandeliers above. You look back down, and again Arlandus is smiling back at you with… again that “something” in his eyes that you can’t quite identify as you’ve never seen it before. You recognize some inklings of desire in his eyes, something you’ve come to know rather well over the course of the last week, and maybe even a little lust, but there’s something else there that you don’t really know, and that just doesn’t sit right with you. “Fret not, milady” Arlandus’ voices pierces your thoughts as you watch him bow lightly as he grabs his staff “Accidents do happen, and it pains me to see such a lovely girl’s face to be so full of terror and anguish. Does the young miss, who I must say is the fairest maiden I have ever laid eyes upon, have an equally enchanting name?” When you hear “terror” and “anguish” your mind immediately leaps to the short time you spent with Elise, recalling the near broken state she was in along with the terror and anguish she suffered, even in sleep without the aid of drugs according to Nyx.

It takes all your might not to scowl at the man, but with his words comes a certain clarity – you look around briefly, darting your eyes to the sides of your vision to see that everyone, despite what just happened, is rather calmed and seems to still be in awe of the magic show Arlandus put on. I haven’t been caught you think lucidly, and with that realization and your memory fueling you, you continue on with your plan and put on the best act you can muster. “Beg forgiveness, my lord; I can be so very clumsy, and I’m so overwhelmed by everything and everyone that I wasn’t minding myself. Catherine Bralondel is my name, my lord” you recompose yourself and curtsy to him, though you do keep the air of being flustered and shy about you, hoping to lull Arlandus and the others into believing that you’re simply a shy, naïve girl.. while also giving just the slightest view of your cleavage. “Oh, think nothing of it, miss Bralondel – my, your name is lovely… may I call you Catherine?” Arlandus replies quickly and with a winning smile and a smooth, inviting tone. His words and mannerisms are very strange to you, and have an odd effect; you “feel” them as much as you hear them, trying to lull you into letting your guard down. You shake the effects off as you recognize them and reply with your own smile as you curtsy once again “But of course, my lord! I would be deeply honored if you called me by my first name”. Arlandus’ smile broadens before he nods “Good… Catherine; such a beautiful name for an equally beautiful young woman. Worry not, young Catherine, for we all are nervous and overwhelmed our first time. Well, perhaps not everyone, as I myself was introduced to this world at a young age and took to it naturally, but not all are as fortunate. Pray tell what is the reason that we are graced with your exceptional beauty that even the gods are jealous of? It must be truly traumatic for such a young girl to be in a place where she knows no one” – “You are too kind, my lord, and I know that you are a born natural, if your prowess with magic is any indication” you reply with a shy smile as you flick your left hand over your ear, moving some of your hair out of your face “I am not wholly alone, but the Amazonian’s are not exceptional conversationalists”. You take a sip of the wine in your right hand and offer a shy smile as the crowd seems to have relaxed some and taken an interest in the exchange between you and the advisor. As you lightly drink from your wine Arlandus’ eyebrow cracks up and his smile fades ever so slightly as you see a keen interest spark in his eyes. “My Catherine, what business does a fair creature such as you have with the Amazon’s? I admit that even I have difficulty conversing with them”.

Again, you feel something pushing you and you “feel” his words as much as you hear them, and this time you can’t really shake the feeling as it washes over you and makes you more…compliant. Without really realizing it you say “Oh, we are friends, my lord”, and at this his eyebrows raises just a little further and you see the confusion in his eyes. Why did I say that? you wonder in a panic before you try to salvage the situation and quickly add “It’s thanks to my father, my lord advisor; he’s a merchant that has had many dealings with them over the years, long before I was born as he tells it. Perhaps friends is too brazen a word; I would say that we, or at least I, am acquainted with them and am used to them, but it is so very difficult to truly understand them. I believe it has something to do with their culture, and perhaps a language barrier, for they seem to keep to themselves for the most part and speak as bluntly as possible without giving any indication of their own feelings. My father has had more success than I, as I’ve only had scarce few opportunities to interact with them; he would know more than me”. You wait for a moment and, just when you think he won’t buy what you’re selling, his mouth forms into a smile and he nods to you – you watch in triumph, your heart leaping somewhat, as he brings his wine glass to his mouth and takes a sip of it. “That is most interesting, Catherine, most interesting… yes, I’ve had dealings with them before, however limited, and that describes them to the letter. Please, and I would hate to impose on you, but tell me of your father… and what of your mother, young one?” You smile at his words, and again you feel something that tugs on you ever so slightly to be open with him and trust him… but you manage to shake it off before it seeps into you any further. “Oh, I would love to tell you about my father, my lord! He obviously is not as important as you, my lord, but I love him so! He’s a very successful merchant – born in Eborthia as well, my lord! – that made his fortunes traveling all over the country, and even abroad sometimes, bringing his wares with him all the while! This was before my time, of course, as I was born when he had made good his fortune, as for my mother… my mother passed away. He had been an adventurer as he’s told me, and after gathering up a few items of value, mostly enchanted items, he sold them and made a fair bit of coin. Afterwards, used the coin he had earned and bought himself a horse, a wagon, and items of various sorts before setting out, buying and selling across the land for many years!” You finish explaining, adding a little flair to the story and a contented sigh, hoping that your display and explanation shows that you adore your fake father while maintaining an ignorant, almost childish charm in idolizing one’s parent. It seems to work as Arlandus smiles brightly with both his mouth and his eyes as he takes yet another sip of wine.

“I am sorry to hear of your mother, young Catherine, but you obviously adore your father very much. He treats you well, I hope?” the advisor asks, and you’re only too happy to respond – “Oh, that is very kind of you, my lord! My mother passed away from illness when I was young, and I scarcely remember here. Daddy is wonderful; I want for nothing as he buys whatever I want and spares no expense! Why, this dress cost upwards of five-hundred gold coins, my lord! Obviously it is not as wonderful and grand as your own finery, my lord. Father even saw to it that I could attend this magnificent ball and meet all these fine people, as he thought it would be best for me to meet new people rather than be stuck in one place”. Your flattery makes Arlandus beam as he takes yet another, longer drink from his wine, and says boisterously “Your are a sweet young thing, and that dress looks impeccable on you! It is good that he treats you so well, and I do hope you have made some new friends at this fine ball our wise governess has concocted?” “Your are far too kind, my lord advisor, and yes I have met some very wonderful and incredible people! So many were interested in me when I arrived and I was able to even see the governess and her son, and to be talking with you, my lord, makes this entire venture worthwhile!” you respond easily, the words flowing from your lips as easy as you breathe as you try to stroke his ego. Your attempts work as he takes yet another drink from his wine and laughs as he responds “Good, yes that is very good! You are a fine young lady, Catherine, a fine young lady!” You decide to press the attack as you lightly smile and cast your eyes downwards for a moment and say “Your generosity knows no bounds, my lord. I’m certain your lordship has many stories to tell… would you be so kind as to regale with tales of your past? Surely you have seen and done many truly incredible things?” Too easy you think as, without missing a beat, Arlandus clears his throat and begins to speak “Ah, yes, you are correct, young Catherine; I have lived a life full of great achievements and full of success. I received the best education in the land, attending the most prodigious academies, trained under great mages, alchemists, and warriors to hone my craft. I have helped sign treaties and been an ever faithful advisor to the governess, her son, and her late husband the previous governor. Why, there is too much to tell; what would you like to know?” With a small smile that you prevent from breaking into a grin, you respond with a slightly airy tone “I would love to hear everything, my lord”.

Arlandus’ grin is profound and, as he takes another drink of his wine, he begins with tales of his youth and how he knew he was destined for greatness even at a young age…

11:27 am
12:15 pm

You and the group around Arlandus, which has been hanging off of his every word, clap as he finishes telling you and the others about the time he successfully helped sign a bill that would allow Kilnhaven to gain more funding from the capital for its defense and for its people through “tireless and thankless work, petitioning the High Council and finally convincing them that this great city deserves better”. You find the last bit a tad dry as you wonder what, exactly, those “funds” have been used for… in fact, you found more than half of his stories to be nerve-wrackingly painful to listen to. From his upbringing and how “great” he was from an early age, to his “extraordinary and spotless” academic record, his magical and alchemical prowess through constant study, his combat training with a former general, his political life, the inheritance he gained from his parents after their death… him, him, him! Overall, you got the distinct impression that he likes to talk about himself, and he never seems to run out of great and wonderful things to say about himself coincidentally. However, it was worth it as you watch him finish his glass of wine with the serum mixed in, and almost instantly someone is there to take the glass from him and put it on a tray before offering another, which he takes before shooing the servant away – you have the fleeting thought that it was probably a good idea to leave Helena out of this, as she might have punched Arlandus in the face by this point, if not when she first saw him, because his incessant praising of himself has left a distinctly bad taste in your mouth. Actually, he seems to be talking incessantly… and even more as time goes on. Maybe he’s normally this talkative, or maybe the serum’s taken effect? Perhaps now would be a good time to start asking him some more “difficult” questions? Where should I start; with the feral goblins, the money that might have been taken from the slums and orphanage, his “servants” and Elise, or maybe inquire about his relationship with the governess’ husband? I could also ask him a few other things… like why he went to the capital, or if he went to the capital at all. You also muse on the odd sensations that you were getting whenever Arlandus would talk, which would attempt to lower your guard and compel you to reveal things about yourself and do exactly as he asked. He only managed to get you a couple of times altogether as he would occasionally ask you questions, and you were able to talk your way out of it shortly thereafter, but it was still unnerving to you. Whatever I ask, and whatever it is about him that caused those strange sensations, I should probably refrain from being too obvious with my questioning and lead him into it… maybe just mentioning it and his thoughts on said topic, or implying something perhaps?

Let’s review what I know: he was supplying information, items, and promises of power to the feral goblin shaman outside the city who in turn pressured his chieftain to attack the farms, specifically the livestock. I know this as, according to Nyx, his handwriting was on the note I found. He’s also most likely been stealing money from the city treasury, although this is purely assumption on my part as I have no proof other than Lula and Penelope’s word that they were denied any extra funding for the orphanage and Lula specifically mentioned Arlandus by name. After Nyx and her disciples raided his home they found his servants locked in their rooms, terrified and only given enough food to survive for a week while he was out of the city, not to mention the dungeon he kept Elise in and her mental state. Then there’s the capital visit, his parents, the governess’ husband, his training in combat and his magical studies, and any little detail he’s given me so far. Most of these might be dead ends, but they might be worth pursuing in any case. If he’s not guilty of anything and if he’s fully under the serum’s effects then I’ll find out soon enough. If not, then anything useful to nail this piece of work to the wall will be fine by me. I might want to save the heavy stuff for later; if he has anything nasty to say then I want a crowd to build up, so that when the really bad stuff starts to fly then by that time he’ll hopefully have everyone’s attention. As you finish thinking you notice Arlandus looking at you, unabashed desire in his eyes and a slight grin on his face. “You are truly magnificent, Catherine; a beauty to behold. Your skin is like milky porcelain and your eyes are enchanting… oh how one could get lost in them forever, observing every little muscle twitch and change in emotion from those eyes, each to be savored. And the fire in your hair to top it all off… exquisite beauty” Arlandus rambles out, and you can’t help but smile at him and cast your eyes down slightly before saying in a shy voice “Thank you very much, my lord, tis kind of you to say… and an honor”. His grin broadens as he steadies his balance with his staff, the crystal on the bottom scraping on the floor slightly as he moves it for balance. You rub your right thumb along the enchanted ring on your ring finger as you think over your next course of action.

12:18 pm

A. Ask Arlandus questions/Interrogate Arlandus. (Think of any questions you want to ask Arlandus. You can be as specific or as general as possible – write full length questions or general questions while specifying to be blunt, coy, brief, etc. The order may or may not matter!)

B. Excuse yourself and leave

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Pouches in Dress

-Open pouch slot.
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice. In pouch of dress’ bosom.
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning. In pouch of dress’ bosom.
-White Magic Crystal: Light. In pouch of dress’ bosom.


- Skin-Walker (Currently covers torso with room for cleavage, and legs. Exposes from dip in collarbone to skin just above clit. Cleavage shown. Currently molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Can take on nearly any type of clothing through your will and imagination. Responds only to Colette. Blessings in effect when worn) (Currently concealed)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. Right ring finger. (Enhances MR by 10)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Xillia’s Red Shimmering Dress (Comes down to just above ankles. Shows a little bit of cleavage. Has straps on shoulders. Clings tightly, but not too tight, to body)
-Two-inch Red Heels (Covers toes)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Right thigh. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes.
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely around shoulders and behind back. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)


Health: Fine
MR: 112/112
Slightly Aroused.
Vagina is a little moist.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 31/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

A. Ask him politely how he became the advisor.
Re: Rift Touched

Sorry for not updating, everyone, but I've been very busy and haven't had time to write until very recently. Just wanted to let you all know that things are coming along and that I'm not dead/sucked into an inter-dimensional portal and trapped on another planet somewhere!
Re: Rift Touched

A Politely ask Arlandus how he became advisor

Sorry about the delay on the post, everyone. Been a little (incredibly) busy, but I finally got around to writing this up at last!

12:18 pm

You think it over for a moment and, despite everything he’s told you, he’s never really divulged exactly how he became advisor in the first place; sure, he’s bragged about his accomplishments and feats before and after the fact, but never once has he mentioned how he came to be in such a position. With how much Arlandus was talking, both before and after you slipped the serum into his drink, you find it odd that he would leave, in your own opinion, the most important part of his life that has given him so many boons. You intend to rectify that, if for nothing more than your own curiosity – “Young Catherine” Arlandus’ voice snaps you out of your reverie, and you refocus on the advisor, who has an amused look on his face, with a curious look on your own “Do you often suck on your finger?” You furrow your brow in confusion until you realize that you do have your left index finger up to the first joint in your mouth, sucking on it lightly. You blush lightly and quickly remove it before laughing “My apologies, my lord, tis a habit of mine that I oftentimes find myself doing when deep in thought. Forgive me that was terribly rude”. “Not at all!” Arlandus laughs, perhaps a little too loudly, and adds “I find it quite amusing and, dare I say it, adorable. Might you indulge me on what you were thinking about that had you enraptured so?” I guess my habit worked out in my favor; well, here goes nothing you muse before asking politely “Well, my lord, I found the stories you told of yourself and your history riveting and inspiring, but I was wondering, if it’s not too much to ask, my lord, if you would grace us with the tale of how you became advisor in the first place? I would be so very excited to hear the surely wondrous tale!” The dark green eyes of Arlandus light up for a few moments before he laughs softly while shaking his head amusedly “Oh, you have no idea, my young Catherine, of that you can be sure”. You see him smile absently as his gaze glazes over for a short period as you assume he loses himself in the memory, which is further reinforced by the chuckle that escapes his throat which, all combined, sends a shiver down your spine and raises the hairs on your neck. “Ahh… such a fond memory; twas years ago by close to thirty now, when the late Governor Casaban yet lived. My dearly departed father and he were good friends, you see, and naturally he trusted me. How could he not when he learned of my great accomplishments? Studying magic and alchemy at the most prestigious institution in Lumin and succeeding at the top of my class. Training under a retired general in the art of combat which, primitive and barbaric as it may be, again I exceled at and was given glowing praises and accolades. Why, none had shown such grace and prowess with the use of the quarterstaff and magister staves such as I, he had said”. Arlandus’ voice is sarcastic and almost mocking, though it would be difficult to detect had you not had some experience yourself with such things – you keep a straight face as you listen to the man speak and wave his staff about dramatically, accentuating each point from the mentioning of his father, his academic success, to referencing his study under some nameless retired general.

You nod at each point politely, but nearly jump in surprise as he slams the bottom white crystal of his staff on the stone floor, making it clang and resonate slightly around you, though it’s only audible enough to cause a few heads to turn and stare in curiosity and interest. “But no matter how ‘impressed’ the man was he would not support my bid to sit at his side and be his arm and the voice in his ear! Said that I ‘needed to do it the proper way’ and spend years of service in the political spectrum dedicated to the city and the people of the city… the people” Arlandus says in frustration, ending on a dry note. “B-But surely it was not all bad, my lord Arlandus? After all you were eventually raised, quite quickly I might add, after you discovered and thwarted the plot against the old governor’s life if I remember correctly? There is no reason to be upset, then or now” the portly goblin man says in a slightly deep voice as he loudly nibbles on a piece of cheddar attached to a small pointed stick, slacking his tongue every now and then. “Oh, yes” Arlandus laughs loudly yet again “That was my saving grace, yes. Oh, and Mr. Sharpstone, never tell me what reason I have to think or feel anything ever again, and for the love of creation shut your mouth when you chew your food you disgusting pig”. Arlandus shoots the chubby goblin man, Mr. Sharpstone, a menacing glare that turns your blood to ice and likewise seems to freeze the man in place in total silence as the color drains away from his face mid nibble, and stuns you and most around you how he has reacted. He doesn’t quite know what to do it seems, and so he remains motionless until Arlandus sighs in irritation, making Sharpstone jump a little as he says “For heaven’s sake finish the damn thing quickly and stop gawking like an imbecile. You’re being rude in front of me, your peers, and the lovely Miss Catherine Bralondel. Now, where was I? Ah, yes, the plot – you see, some brain-dead idiot, oh what was his name…? Bah, something with a K and distinctly Falwathyn; had a –ra and a –olwyn in it I think, but I digress – he was an aide here many years ago and was displeased with his station. Him and a few other of the former street urchins that had found their way here; by the gods I never understood Ulric’s fascination with raising others up from their low station”. At this point Arlandus takes a sip of his wine before he continues “At the time I was able to find myself in the position of requisitioning supplies and money, which I am able to do very well I might add, and also in charge of the funds that each of the ‘fine’ residents of this building earn, along with the guards of the city. Heh, you can learn so much about a person based on the money that they make…” You continue to listen, enraptured, yet the last statement you find rather ironic considering what he’s wearing, yet you can’t help but feel that there’s something deeper hidden behind his words. For now, though, you continue to listen without interrupting as you smile and nod your head enthusiastically despite the uneasiness you feel at how his demeanor has shifted so quickly, idly wondering if this is due to the serum’s effects.

“He, Mr. K we’ll call him since his name escapes me, earned a measly amount which was already far more substantial than he or any of the other whelps ever could have hoped to earn in their miserable lives, and yet they wanted more. They thirsted for greater wealth – how did I know, you ask? Simple, they demanded more from me; since I was in charge, and still am in charge, of the salaries of those in the employ of the governor they thought they could demand more from me. At the time I was merely an enforcer of the salaries per se and managed the books, but they certainly didn’t know that at the time and, after a long and enlightening chat filled with thuggish threats and intimidation they came to realize that they could get nothing from me. Yet, their aspirations were high and, seeing an opportunity, I played the part of the sympathizer as I ‘understood their plight’, being denied something they thought they deserved after working tirelessly for for years. Eventually they thought of me as their ‘friend’ who ‘understood’ them, laughable I know, but it proved valuable to me as they foolishly divulged seemingly everything to me”. “Why would they do that, my lord?” you ask inquisitively as he finishes his rant, causing his smile to take a darker tone – “Because, child” he replies coolly “I offered to help them, to funnel some extra money their way for their ‘hard’ work. It had to come out of my own coffers, unfortunately, but alas I saw an opportunity in them for they were servants, cooks, guards… they saw things that I wouldn’t see and knew things, little things that could prove valuable to me – why, I didn’t even need to ask most times as they would tell me out of trust! Now, Mr. K was the de facto leader of the little group, but he was obviously no genius despite being the most ‘intelligent’ of the bunch. He was a servant; he cleaned the rooms, changed sheets, went into the chambers of the governor and the current governess when they were away to do his duties. He was given permission to do so and no one would bat an eye if he or the others came and went, whereas if I were to do so then that would most definitely have been noteworthy due to my esteemed nature”. “Why help them at all, Lord Arlandus? The little rats were obviously brutes; why not report them to the guards and be done with them?” A thin human woman with a nasally voice in a fluffy black dress that reminds you distinctly of a tutu asks, taking the words right out of your mouth. “Why?” Arlandus laughs out loudly “Why indeed, Pria? I’ll tell you why; because they were ambitious, and that made them dangerous… and useful. It took some months giving the motley group some extra money and being a shoulder to lean on, but it finally paid off! A few members informed me that they had been swiping things, small things, from time to time and pawning them off, but with the extra money they were receiving from me they became greedy and wanted more… more! It didn’t take much to convince them to seek greater bounties… and greater bounties they found, with my help of course”.

“You see, Pria” Arlandus says menacingly and with an insidious grin “They had grown complacent, fat, and hungry. I had not spoken a word of their crimes and instead let them build, because I knew what would happen. Give a mangy malnourished mutt some decent food and it will want more. Continue to feed it and it won’t go back to eating garbage and scraps, and it will continue to chase after the better quality with an almost complete disregard for their well-being, similar to those addicted to the Heaven’s Grace drug; those addicted will seek it out and do whatever they can for it, building up a tolerance until they seek out more potent concoctions, becoming more volatile as time goes on the longer they don’t have their next dose. Eventually, Mr. K approached me one evening along with a few of his degenerate lackeys and informed me that him and a few others were tired of working here and were planning a ‘big score’ as he put it. Essentially, he was going to rob the governor when he and missus Casaban were away on business… urging the High Council to open more orphanages and schools or some such nonsense I believe. Anyways, Mr. K wanted to know if I could be so gracious as to aid them in their endeavor, the fool”. “Oh, quite the fool Arlandus, though I must beg the question as to why you did not tell anyone that they were committing crimes here in the estate? And naturally you did not aid them in such a heinous undertaking” a light green orc man, standing at just under six feet tall and wearing a stylish tuxedo says in a distinctly posh accent a he shifts his feet nervously. “As I said before” the advisor replies in irritation, throwing the orc an equally irritated look that causes the orc man to stop shuffling “And I abhor repeating myself; I was using them because I knew they were up to no good and I wanted to make sure I knew who all the conspirators were. It was very important to know all who were involved, Qwilgrub, so very important to my plans. I agreed to help him, of course”. The confession draws a few audible gasps that merely make Arlandus roll his eyes, yet you see a glimmer of amusement in his eyes and a small twitch on his lip that shows he’s thoroughly enjoying himself. “I had everything enough to have them thrown into jail and locked away forever, but these fools needed… deserved to be buried for their insolence” Arlandus growls out – The thin woman, Pria, asks cautiously “So you never really intended to aid the scoundrels?” Arlandus throws Pria a dirty look and practically growls out “No, you foolish woman, of course not! They were merely a means to an end, serving a purpose until they outlived their usefulness. To be in league with such trash is beneath me, to be in the same room as them was too good for them and sickened me to no end! No, their crimes would be greater and I was playing them as I would an opponent in a game of chess; the best was yet to come, so why catch a few small fish when you can have the whole troupe?” “Bravo!” Sharpstone, the portly goblin, cheers out loudly and nervously while raising a wine glass “Beating the ruffians at their own game and playing them like the fools that they are! You are a true master, Lord Arlandus!”

I think you have a little something on your nose, Mr. Sharpstone

Arlandus nods at the goblin’s exclamation before continuing “Indeed, now where was I…? Ah, yes, their crimes would be greater, and I saw to it that they were. You see our esteemed governess, then merely the wife of governor Ulric, was to be with her husband at the capital to petition the High Council. If you lived in the city and were not privy to this knowledge then you must be touched in the head. Mr. K and some of the more easily influenced and opportunistic of his group sought to pilfer their goods when they were gone as they went about their duties; jewels, silverware, heirlooms, virtually anything small enough to be hidden in pockets, shoes, under a skirt. As I recall their plan was to take as much as they could before fleeing to the northwest, towards Dusk’s Horizon to hide amongst the underground and pawn everything of value. I had promised to help them, having convinced them that I was dissatisfied with the governor as well and, as a sign of good faith, I gave each of them an enchanted ring that would improve their grip and reduce the noise they made. Oh… but that’s not all they did”. Arlandus rubs his right thumb along the ring on his middle finger with an evil glint in his eye. “I told them the best time to strike would be during the night when they left. To convince them that they left I had ordered that the governor’s carriage leave the city for repairs and to be cleaned along with feeding the horses… the night before they left. Of course, I never told nor let slip to anyone in the building” Arlandus explains happily, a toothy grin on his face. “You don’t mean…” you say out loud, more thinking than anything as you look at Arlandus with wide eyes before taking a sip of wine to quench your quickly drying mouth – “Oh yes” he retorts slowly “It was glorious; some of the other servants were already working through some of the other empty chambers while a few of the guards of the group abandoned their posts. And those rings I gave them all? Enchanted… or cursed, depending on how you look at it. They allowed me to see where each of them was and, when I used the command word on the rings, a blade would materialize in their hands. The improved grip on the rings also prevented them from dropping the blades. When Mr. K was in the darkened chambers of our fair governor and her wife I was in wait nearby, and when I activated the rings it was spectacular”. Arlandus booms out a laugh as he reenacts the scene “’My lord Ulric, there are assassins in the bui- My lord, look out!’ Oh the look on that overgrown cat’s face was priceless when the blade materialized in his hand as he turned to look at me, only to be met with an ice spear in the chest – nothing but dumbfounded confusion! Naturally, this startled and severely distressed the governor and his wife as they jumped out of bed, grabbing for the swords mounted on their wall. After I saw to the governor I told them of a plot I had learned that meant to take their lives before I bravely secured the building, ‘finding’ more would be assassin’s and dealing with them swiftly with the aid of the ‘trustworthy’ guards. Those that surrendered were later tried and either executed or imprisoned for their crimes”.

Arlandus has a sickeningly amused smile plastered on his face, his lips in a broad smile that, despite the warmness in them, hides a sinister satisfaction that chills your blood. He murdered someone, maybe a dozen people in cold-blood… and he’s smiling? you think in disgust, a terrible pit forming in your stomach at the confession. To your relief an elven woman with fine light brown hair tied in a bun, and wearing vestments similar to Koren’s but with a few patches on them that signify her as perhaps army, possibly guard or militia, makes herself know as she speaks. “Arlandus, while I do not doubt that you had the… best of intentions, don’t you believe that what you did was too extreme. By the gods you had people killed and imprisoned for something they did not commit!” the elven woman pleads, and you have to hold back a smile as you notice a few nods and murmurs of agreement from the group. “Crimes they did not commit?” Arlandus spits out, snapping his head towards the small, yet firm elf woman “They were the lowest of the low. Filth that had no right. No. Right. Being here – they were lazy, opportunistic, and shirked their duties. They stole from us, from me and when pushed even a little they went further and further! No, there crimes were heinous and they needed to be dealt with. After that, Ulric lent me his support and his ear and by the gods was it the best thing that ever happened to this city. I threw out the rabble that would not put in the effort, I earned the money to rebuild the roads and walls, to properly equip the guards and have them turned into a disciplined force that knows how to follow their betters! Who here denies these claims? Thirty years ago I was the best thing that has happened to this city in a very long time and since. Look at the guards by the governess and see how disciplined they are and how well made their armor is. I did that – the food you see here and the fine state of the districts, I did that! Never again does anyone have to fear the rabble sullying us with their presence”. You start to find yourself getting angry at his words, but quickly smile and nod when you see him glance at you, earning a haughty grin from him before the elven woman adds “Except the slums, of course, ‘my lord’” The magister scoffs and shrugs his shoulders as he says easily “Filth begets filth. Nothing but beggars, thieves, and uncultured ruffians inhabit that part of the city. If I had my way I would have them all thrown out and have the district razed to build something better. Alas, I do not have my way… yet – let them stay where they are; where they belong, away from the rest of the good folk of the city”. Again, you smile when you see more than a few people grumble in disagreement and shift uncomfortably, some even scoffing and shaking their heads.

“Right you are, my lord!” you groan lightly when you hear the chubby Mr. Sharpstone speak, raising a glass to Arlandus “Keep the trash away from us – they certainly aren’t worth the time or effort if they don’t want to better themselves, like ourselves. We are all grateful for your effort, oh great visionary! And I say those brutes received their just desserts – who’s with me?” You’re more than a little irritated at the obvious boot-licking taking place, but nearly drop your wine glass in shock as more than a few people raise up their glasses and humbly cheer Arlandus, nodding their heads in agreement as they make a toast to the man before downing some of the contents of their glasses. You cannot be serious; he confessed to murder, bribery, and aiding in crimes, not to mention insulting thousands of people and he’s being praised? What is wrong with some of these people? you think in disbelief, looking around the room, especially at the governess and her guards, further dismayed that you don’t see any action on the part of her at all. That’s really not good enough? What will it take to get everyone to see the man for who he truly is? You look around and though you see that some people look more than a little displeased with Arlandus’ story, they are in the minority compared to those that seem indifferent of or supportive of his actions… which baffles you even further. Still, it’s a start you muse before you watch Arlandus raise up his glass, smile, and chug it down in two gulps before the glass is quickly replaced by another as a woman carrying a tray comes by and offers the platter. “I hope you enjoyed the little tale, young Catherine” Arlandus’ voice pulls you from your thoughts – you smile lightly at him, maintaining your cool as you respond “Oh, of course I enjoyed it, my lord! It was very… enlightening”. He seems to accept your answer with a grin and a nod, his eyes flashing as you smile at him before they unabashedly roam your form, which makes your stomach knot up. There’s still the matter of the feral goblins, his parents, the treasury money – which makes me wonder exactly how he was able to fix up the city as he claims if he was dipping his hand in it… unless of course Nyx was right and he has some friends in the capital and elsewhere – and a few other details that could be worth mentioning. Maybe it’s time to add some pressure and be a little more accusatory? Or maybe I could continue to be polite to him since he does seem a little infatuated with me… and it seems he has a bit of a temper that he’s unable to hide right now thanks to the serum; getting on his bad side might not be the best idea. Maybe… maybe I could use his infatuation with me to my advantage? As much as I don’t like the idea of showing off for him it might not be bad to tease him a bit to lower his guard, but subtly as I don’t think he would appreciate it if I was, well, like I am with the others or when I’m feeling particularly exhibitionistic. You watch as Arlandus chats with Mr. Sharpstone, looking annoyed and amused all at once as the goblin praises him and his deeds, before he directs his attention to some other of his admirers. You see that a few of those that aren’t quite as happy with him linger about, looking as if they want to ask some questions of their own – the elven woman in particular does not look satisfied as she holds her glass of wine in her left hand firmly, glaring at Arlandus all the while. You wonder if you can use her, and the others, to your advantage – Perhaps asking a few questions, getting him going, and then letting them do the rest for me? I’m sure they might have a few things to say… but how to get them involved I wonder? Maybe I should just ask their opinions, since a few of them seem shy to answer, although she might not need any encouragement… You feel eyes on you and you look back at the advisor to see him eyeing you up, to which you offer a shy, polite smile in response that seems to make the man grin while you grimace inside.

12:34 pm


A. Ask Arlandus questions/Interrogate Arlandus. (Think of any questions you want to ask Arlandus. You can be as specific or as general as possible – write full length questions or general questions while specifying to be blunt, coy, brief, etc. The order may or may not matter!)
A1. Continue to be polite and respectful to Arlandus in your questioning.
A2. Be more accusatory/aggressive in your questioning.

B. “Tease” Arlandus i.e. show more cleavage, give smoldering looks, etc. in the hopes of lowering his guard when asking difficult questions.

C. Try to get the crowd more involved in the questioning by asking the opinion of others such as Mr. Sharpstone, Qwilgrub, Pria, the elven military woman, or the crowd in general.

D. Let the conversation flow naturally, letting those ask questions as they please based on what Arlandus says.

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Pouches in Dress. Full Pending

-Open pouch slot.
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice. In pouch of dress’ bosom.
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning. In pouch of dress’ bosom.
-White Magic Crystal: Light. In pouch of dress’ bosom.


- Skin-Walker (Currently covers torso with room for cleavage, and legs. Exposes from dip in collarbone to skin just above clit. Cleavage shown. Currently molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Can take on nearly any type of clothing through your will and imagination. Responds only to Colette. Blessings in effect when worn) (Currently concealed)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. Right ring finger. (Enhances MR by 10)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Xillia’s Red Shimmering Dress (Comes down to just above ankles. Shows a little bit of cleavage. Has straps on shoulders. Clings tightly, but not too tight, to body)
-Two-inch Red Heels (Covers toes)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Right thigh. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with.
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes.
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely around shoulders and behind back. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)


Health: Fine
MR: 112/112
Slightly Aroused.
Vagina is a little moist.
More than a little annoyed.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 31/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

A1, B (act like you are not doing it on purpose) :
Ask naively how the governor reacted when he knew that Arlandus tricked the "assassins".
And how he must trust him greatly to accept to put his life and his family in danger.
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Re: Rift Touched

A1, B (act like you are not doing it on purpose) :
Ask naively how the governor reacted when he knew that Arlandus tricked the "assassins".
And how he must trust him greatly to accept to put his life and his family in danger.
