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Re: Rift Touched

“Um” you start to say “I-I don’t think I can meet small children l-like this, Lula”. Lula stops suddenly and smacks her hand against her head “Right, so sorry honey; I guess I got too excited. Check the armoire. There are plenty of clothes in there that should be your size”. You nod and head for the armoire and open it to reveal a deceptively large amount of clothing of all types ranging from fetish gear, casual, scant, conservative, and everywhere in between. A lot of things look to be in your size and you find a nice, casual white sundress with pink flowers that looks to come down to just below your knees and a matching pair of white flats with pink ribbons on top. You go to the center chest and dig out your undergarments and put them on – you moan lightly as the sheer thong rides up on your tooshy and pushes on the large plug inside you – before you go to put on the dress and flats, but Lula stops you with a cat grin “Hey, sexy, why don’t you walk to the front door as you are and then put everything on, hmm?” You widen your eyes and blush before turning to Leena, who you see has an amused grin on her face and is eagerly awaiting your response. You consider the thought and it sends little tingles down your spine and arouses you. “A-Alright, I’ll give it a shot” you say and, while carrying the dress and flats in your left hand, you use your right to rustle through your new fiery red locks so that you’re wavy hair isn’t in tangles and can flow freely. You take a deep breath and walk towards the door and open it…and see that for some reason the mansion seems to be bustling with activity now.

You can see down the stairs and halls as you poke your head out and observe that men and women of various races as well as a few tentacle beasts move throughout the halls and chat, or deliver food and beverages. Some seem to be in what looks to be bondage gear and being led about on leashes and collars, while others wear tighter fitting, almost intimidating clothing and carry whips, paddles, or floggers. However, one thing that all of them have in common is they seem to be wearing the colors of Domina – red and black – somewhere on their attire. You stare dumbfounded at the sight before you, since it most certainly was not there when you had arrived. You don’t have long to think before you yelp and giggle uncontrollably as you feel fingers tickle all along your waist, causing you to jump a few feet in front of you to escape. You turn around and glare at the perpetrator – Lula, who has a wide grin on her face and giggles – before you turn around and see that everyone in the halls and on the first floor looks up and stares at you. You see desire, lust, awe, and appraisal written on each of their faces, but are frozen stiff from the attention you’re currently receiving.

“What are you waiting for, baby? Let’s get going” Lula says as she appears beside you. You look at her and all she does is smile and wink before sauntering down the stairs. You look out at the crowd as they watch you with their desire filled and appraising looks you feel those same tingles and feelings of…rightness and pride fill you. So you decide to take a step forwards, and the feeling gets stronger; you take another step, then another, and with each step the feelings get stronger until you find yourself walking at least a little bit more confidently, though still a little embarrassed considering you are in your sheer undergarments, so everyone can see your ample breasts, your shaved pussy, and the large plug sticking out of your bottom. You see a few of the men and women gape at you, while others gawk with lewd and suggestive grins at the sight of your basically bare breasts, plugged ass, and smooth pussy. There are a few catcalls, which make you blush, and you see a few of the men – you actually spot Swilwen amongst them, much to your embarrassment – start to shift in their clothes and robes as you see tents in them as evidence of their arousal, and you see a few women shift while some of the more intimidating crowd licks their lips and eyes you hungrily, which sends little quakes of anticipation down your spine. When you reach the door you bend over – which you’re sure everyone in the room follows that particular movement to get a better look – and set your flats on the floor before stepping in them and then pulling the dress over your head and letting the straps catch on your shoulders to stop the descent.

The sundress itself shows off your figure rather well as it hugs your skin slightly and shows just a little bit of cleavage, but not enough to be inappropriate. You rustle your hands through your wavy, fiery mane and pull it out from the back of the dress and letting flow freely down your back while a few strands drape across your front and passed your breasts. You don’t know why you do it, but you look back and smirk at the crowd before blowing them a kiss before opening the door and walking outside with Lula, who looks very amused, in tow.


You walk down the street and lightly trace your choker as the influence from Domina’s temple starts to fade…yet the arousal, the thrill, the pride, the excitement, and the sexiness you felt at baring your nude – or practically nude – body still remains, just like after a little while after you finished your “walk” with Lula when you saw how everyone at the inn reacted to your drenched figure with such arousal and hunger. What is it about showing my body off…especially in such a condition that gets me so worked up? Is it because I’m just a pervert and I never really knew it? But it makes me feel sexy when others see my body like that – Lula always says I should be proud of my body and not be ashamed of it, but then what about when she…c-came on me? It was so arousing and intense… you begin to reflect until you feel a finger on your bottom pushing up against the plug, causing you to stop and gasp as a ripple of pleasure surges through you. You turn to see Lula looking away innocently, but you know better and glare at her until she looks your way and laughs.

“Sorry, honey, I couldn’t resist – did you know you’ve been swaying your hips since we left the temple? Not that I’m complaining; it looks really, really sexy especially in that cute and innocent looking dress you have on” your dark blue haired friend says with a suggestive smirk before leaning in to whisper in your ear “and it’s causing quite a few people to look your way – mmm, they must think you look as delicious as I do”.

H-have I? I haven’t noticed; I’ve just been walking in a way that makes the plug feel more comfortable…actually, I think I hardly notice it now.

You shake your head and Lula chuckles before you both continue walking through the streets of the slums towards Penelope’s orphanage. When you reach the nearly run down building with a sign outside labeled “Penelope’s Home for Youngsters” you get the same feeling of sadness, but are happy that you and Lula could come and do something for the children. “Come on, honey” you hear Lula say beside you “I know it’s sad, but the temple of Lequis will have this place up and good as new in no time. Now, we have to give these wonderful darlings some happiness in their lonely lives”. You look to Lula and nod before you walk up the short steps towards the large double doors and knock a few times. You wait a few seconds before you hear footsteps behind the door – when it opens you’re surprised to see a half-elven woman open the door. The woman has what you assume to be shoulder length thick, black hair done up in a bun; the woman also has hazel eyes, fair skin as is traditional of those with elven blood similar to yours, and ears that jut out two inches passed where a human’s would end while wearing a green and brown blouse tucked into a light blue ankle length skirt over plain brown shoes. When she sees you she looks about as surprised as you do before she looks to Lula and a wide smile cracks across her features.

“Lula, dear, are you here to spend time with the children again?” the half-elven woman asks. Lula nods with a bright smile “Of course, Penelope; you know I love every one of the little rascals as if they were my own. I also brought a friend along who wants to help as well. Penelope, meet Colette – Colette, Penelope”.

You smile and offer your hand to the supposed headmistress of the orphanage “Hello, ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you”. Penelope takes it with a much brighter smile and shakes “Please, honey, just Penelope; I’m only two-hundred twenty, and even if I was older I wouldn’t want to be called a ma’am! But my am I surprised to see another half-elf; there aren’t many of us in the world…and one so beautiful as well! Please, come in” Penelope opens the door further and motions for both you and Lula to enter. “Oh I’m sure the children will be happy to see you, Lula, and you as well Colette. I can only do so much for the dears, and without anyone else to help it can be quite taxing; and good role models are hard to come by, so I am very grateful for you wanting to be here, Colette” Penelope goes on to explain. You feel warm at the thought of possibly being a role model for these children – you follow Penelope through the house, which looks close to the temple of Domina but with obvious wear and tear on the floors and walls, until you reach the back of the orphanage. Penelope opens the door, which leads outside, and reveals a large playground with swing sets, a jungle gym, and a roundabout – there’s also a large amount of toys and balls scattered about the yard along with screaming and laughing children, about twenty in all, of various ages ranging from about five to twelve and various races.

“Children!” Penelope yells out to the group of playing little ones “Lula’s here and she brought a friend! Oh, Madison, what have I told you about pulling on Relub’s hair?” Penelope starts to scold a small human girl, about eight you would guess, as she pulls an orc boy’s hair, whom you imagine is five or so. “Sorry, Mama Pen!” the girl named Madison yells in an innocent tone before releasing Relub’s hair, who glares at the girl and then tackles her – the two then start to kick and scream at each other and call each other nasty names like “doofus”, “meathead”, and “puke face”. “Stars above give me the strength…alright, that’s enough you two!” she yells out before marching outside and grabbing each tyke by the ear and separating them as they yelp in pain. “Now, Madison, what do you say to Relub?” Penelope says in a stern voice to the young girl, who looks at the ground and kicks some dirt as she shifts. She sadly looks up and says “I’m sorry, Relub. You’re not a puke face and I won’t grab your hair”. Penelope then turns to look at Relub sternly, who pipes up with equal sadness with an adorable voice as he’s still learning how to speak “I sowwy Maddy, you not a doofus and I won’t knock you dow anymo’”. Penelope seems satisfied before she yells out again “Alright, everyone, Mama Lula and her new friend are here to read and play with you, so be nice and have fun!”

All the children scream in happiness and joy – apparently Lula is quite popular – and run up to the back door where you and Lula stand just outside of. “Woooow, yer pretty!” an elven boy says as he walks up to you and tugs on your dress, while a half-goblin girl says “What’s your name, pretty lady?”. “Colette, honey, and what’s your name?” you answer with a smile and kneel down to the girl’s level. “My names Keila!” she says proudly and with a puff of her chest that you find downright cute as the elven boy puts his hands in your hair and starts playing with it. “That’s a bootafull necklace, Cowette! Did Mama Woowa give dat to you?” the orcish boy named Relub asks you. Before you answer, Lula jumps in with a smile “Why yes I did, Rely; she’s a very good and special friend of mine and I wanted to give her something nice for being so good to me”. You cock your head and look up at Lula with a smile before Madison pipes up “Do you like her Mama Lula? Like, like like?”

“Oh yes” Lula says immediately before kneeling down and hugging Madison “I like her very, very much” – you look oddly to Lula with a little blush; she looks back with a smile and winks at you which causes all the children to let out an “Oooooooo” in response. You spend the next hour – well, a little over an hour - with Lula and the children telling stories about life back at home in Veilwood, while Lula tells of the adventure with the dwarven noble that her sister had to pull her out of. You also wrestle – though you have a few instances where you jostle the plug in you, causing obvious reactions that you do your best to conceal, push them on the swings, run around the jungle gym, and play hide and seek – which you’re very good at so you have to go easy on them – much to all their delight while Penelope watches and occasionally goes inside to fetch snacks and drinks as you and Lula continue to spend time with all the little children. When you near the end of your time Penelope steps out of the orphanage and says “Alright, children, say good-bye to Lula and Colette. It’s time for your history and magic lessons!” which elicits a near unified “Awwww” from the entire group, and you have to admit that you’re a little disappointed that you can’t spend more time with the kids. You hug Aliwen, the little elven boy that you were giving a piggyback, and wave to the rest of the children as Lula does the same while kissing Louis, a human boy, on the cheek before you both move to leave.

However, you feel a tug at your skirt and look down to see Relub looking up at you teary eyed “Pwease don’t go Mama Cowette; we wuv you. Pwease, don’t go!” he finishes and starts to sob a little, which really pulls at your heart-strings. You smile weakly while bending down and picking up the orcish boy, hugging him tightly as you rock him and saying “Oh little Rely I have to go now, but I’ll be back”. “Pwomise? Pinky Pwomise?” the sad little orc boy asks with puppy dog eyes.

Oh please don’t look at me like that. I don’t know if I could handle it!

You smile and whisper “Promise” while holding out your pinky to the little boy, who locks his own with yours. He instantly beams and loses his tears – you put him down and he goes to Penelope’s side, who looks at you rather lovingly and mouths “thank you” before she gathers the rest of the children and shuffles them inside. You and Lula follow behind and part ways with the rest of the youngsters with waves as you both head for the door. Once outside and down the small flight of stairs you stop and look back at the orphanage, feeling more than a little sad to leave. “Hey” you hear Lula say next to you “They really like you, you know that? They don’t have many people that come visit them since they don’t have any family. As far as I know I, my sister, and a few others from the temple of Lequis are the only ones to come by. You did a really good thing today, honey”. You, however, turn to Lula with a serious look while you bite your bottom lip and ask “What will happen to them, Lula? What will happen if they don’t get adopted?”

Lula looks down and sighs wearily – which is already a bad sign – and says “If they aren’t adopted then when they come of age they will be given the option to become priests or priestesses at some of the temples here in the city or elsewhere. Problem is, is that not all will be given that choice, and if it comes to that then the city will step in to help by offering guard positions, but…” You know where this is going but you ask anyways, with a heavy heart “But?” “But it’s not enough; many won’t or don’t have family that will take care of them, and again not everyone will be able to be a guard which means – which means they won’t have homes. They won’t have any money, family, or a home of their own…they’ll be on the street, Colette” Lula finishes and looks up at you with misty eyes. You instantly think of the men, women, and children of the slums – the beggars as many call them – that are hidden away in the alleys, sleeping in the streets and huddled together for warmth and you immediately get teary eyed thinking of little Relub, Madison, Aliwen, or any of the other children in a similar position. “That’s not fair” you say, barely more than a whisper before you look at Lula almost pleadingly “That’s not fair- no, no, no…Why? Why won’t anyone help them? C-can’t they stay at the orphanage and help repair it, o-o-or become an adventurer...something? Anything?

Lula gives you a sympathetic look, but her words do nothing to alleviate you as she shakes her head “I and a few others have been doing what we can, but it’s not nearly enough. Penelope doesn’t have enough money; she barely has enough to keep the place up and running as is, and to be an adventurer and not end up dead the first day requires years of training and combat skills that would require a trainer or years of experience, usually both. I’ve tried petitioning the governess for more funding to programs that would help give homes and work for them, as well as improve the condition of the slums overall, as have Penelope and some of the other temple heads, but we’ve had no luck. The man in charge of those funds, the governess’ advisor Arlandus, seems to be using the money for something else that he claims is for the good and security of the city, so we can’t do much of anything”. At the mention of Arlandus your eyes pop open and you scowl in hatred.

Arlandus?! The same scum sucker that’s been helping feral goblins attack farmers and kidnapped, drugged, tortured, and raped a young girl for his own pleasure?! He’s probably using the money to fund these sick ventures, as well as line his own pockets! I’ve never wanted someone dead before, but this man…this monster might just deserve a good disemboweling… you think full of hatred before you breathe deeply to calm yourself down and reign in your emotions. “Baby, are you alright? You looked really angry just now; I’m sorry if this upsets you, because it upsets me too, but there’s nothing that can be done” Lula says full of worry, obviously having noticed your face turn ugly with anger. “Maybe” you say, still seething a little at this new information before sighing and putting on a light smile “Sorry, Lula – can we just go back to the temple? I need to clear my head…and thank you for coming with me; it was really fun”. Lula smiles and nods before wrapping her arm around your waist as you both walk the streets of the slums back to the temple of Domina – Lula decides to have some fun every now and again by reaching down and pushing at the plug inside you, causing you to yelp and moan, confusing the people around you.


You open the door to yours, Lula’s, and Leena’s room and see Leena sitting on one of the red cushioned chairs reading from a book entitled “The Dominant and the Submissive”. Upon hearing the door open she looks up and smiles brightly when she sees you naked and plugged – you felt that little tug and thrill as soon as you entered the temple and decided to follow it by removing your flats, dress, and undergarments at the door, much to everyone’s approval – and her sister Lula, who has her arm around your waist, though her hand does dip down to rub your ass. You a little when you see Leena and say “H-hey, Leena – I had a lot of fun with Lula at the orphanage…I think I would like to go back and help out around the place, or just play with the children, later some time”. Leena smiles brightly and strides over to you, giving you a hug “That’s great to hear, child; so wonderful that you want to help others and care about them. Something like that rarely needs Domina’s guidance to bring out, but she does enhance its feelings”. She pulls away a little and, with a lewd smirk, says “So...how would you like to have a nice, big dildo inside that pretty pussy of yours along with the plug while you walk around, hmm?” You blush, but feel the familiar build-up of arousal and the tug that makes it feel…right, somehow.

T-this as well? Gods, what is wrong with me? you think as you nod nervously…and in anticipation. “Good girl” Leena says, sending a shiver down your spine “Now go put your things away, get on the bed on your back and pull your legs to those beautiful breasts; I’ll meet you there while Lula fetches your new toy. Doesn’t that make you so happy to have a new toy, Pet?” You shiver and feel tingles again Leena’s role-play…and at the need to submit yourself, so you nod your head and say “Y-yes, Mistress Leena, Pet is very happy” before you walk over to the black and red bed, crawling onto it to the center before turning on your back and grabbing your thighs and pulling them until your knees touch your breasts. You shudder as the contact from your knees on your breasts sends little pangs of pleasure rippling through you and enhancing your burning arousal and want at the situation – you focus on Leena, however, as she crawls on the bed next to you on your left and twirls your red hair in the fingers of her right hand while looking you in the eyes tenderly. “You’ll love this, Pet, I promise. You’re such a dirty slut, you know that? That’s alright, sluts are wonderful…” Leena whispers into your ear, sending tingles down your spine, as she tilts your head and leans in for a kiss. You moan and tremble slightly and nearly let go of your legs as Leena explores your mouth with her tongue; you press back into the kiss and seek Leena’s tongue with your own, pursing your lips and sucking on it lightly once she lets you have it. You release her tongue with a gasp as you feel a large object rub up against your moistening slit; you part your legs slightly and see your blue lover smiling sweetly as she rubs and tilts a rather large dildo that’s a few inches shorter than Lula’s member and a little over half as thick against your slick opening, lubricating it on all sides. “There, there baby; just getting it nice and wet so it doesn’t hurt when it goes in. There are also two lovely straps on either side that go around your beautiful legs to hold it in place. We don’t want you losing it when you walk around now do we?” Lula says as she brings the now glistening toy up slightly to show you that there are indeed two leather straps attached to little metal hoops near the bottom of the toy.

You watch in anticipation as Lula lines up the toy with your sopping cunt, and moan deeply as wonderful jolts ripple out throughout your body as she slowly, tortuously plunges the large toy inside you – let out a loud, pleasured yelp as the toy grinds up against your rock hard clit. You feel your walls parting and then clamping tightly against the invading tool as pleasure rips through you, edging you closer and closer to your peek and weakening the grip you have on your legs. “Oooh yeees…I c-can feel it, it’s so big, a-and that plug in m-m-my ass is so m-much tighter now” you manage to stammer out through whimpers of pleasure as you feel every centimeter of the object rub against every side of your sensitive wall, sending so many jolts through you that you quick reach the cusp of your peak…and then the pushing stops. You whimper in frustration and quickly look down through your slightly parted legs to see the toy isn’t all the way in yet.
Re: Rift Touched

“W-why did you stop…?” you absently ask before you feel Leena lightly stroking your cheek down to your shoulder. “Because, Pet, you’re losing your grip on your legs” Leena simply says, which makes you groan in irritation at having been denied your release yet again. You look at Lula between your legs grinning wickedly and you glare at her in the hopes that she’ll finish, but she instead giggles and sticks out her tongue at you playfully.

I-I…I’ll get you back for this, L-Lula you think as images dominating Lula, pleasuring her, then bringing her to the edge of release invade your mind before you deny it to her like she’s doing to you now…which sends little tingles down your spine, causing you to smile mischievously. Lula notices the smile and cocks her head to the side in confusion “What has you so happy all of a sudden?” You shake your head and force the smile down “N-nothing, Lula; I was just t-thinking how I love p-pleasing you and your s-sister”. N-not exactly a lie…but not the w-whole truth either you think wickedly and instead smiling inwardly at your future plans. At your words Leena smiles and plants a gentle kiss on your cheek while Lula grins and says “Oh you’re such a precious, wonderful thing Colette. I’m so glad you like making me happy…and what makes me happy is pleasuring you until you whimper and squeal”. You lightly arch your back and gasp in pleasure as Lula resumes pushing the toy ever so slowly into you – the wonderful pressure from the dildo and plug combine to create a euphoric feeling of fullness and stretching that quickly pushes you to the edge as you lightly arch your back and close your eyes. Yet again you feel the toy stop moving, but this time you feel it bump deeply inside of you which causes you to gasp in both pleasure and surprise.

“Oh, looks like that’s the end of the line~; I just hit your cervix, honey” Lula says in a sing-song voice, causing you to blush. You yelp a little as Lula moves forwards and parts your legs, simultaneously separating your hands from them, and goes to work on the straps on the end of the dildo and tying either one to each of your legs securely. When she finishes she gives the end of the toy a little tap, which sends vibrations coursing through you and causing you to quickly intake air as you feel tiny jolts of pleasure and shudder slightly. The blue succubus then crawls over onto your right side and starts caressing your right leg and up to your belly while her sister does the same to your left, which you have let down and are resting straightly on the bed. “You’re such a good girl for feeling so good and wearing your slutty toy” Lula coos into your right ear and plants kisses along your cheek and neck as she plays with the metal heart on your choker. “Mmm, such a sexy Pet…I think you deserve a reward. Would you like to drink your Mistress’ milk, Pet?” the purple succubae on your left whispers huskily into your ear, causing you to shiver and nod with a blush. You turn slightly and watch as Leena pulls down her tight fitting robes from the top to reveal two very large purple breasts with darker purple areola and nipples.

“What do good girls say when they want something?” Lula whispers lustily into your ear – you shudder and look into Leena’s red eyes and say “Please, Mistress Leena, Pet wants to drink your creamy milk. May Pet please have some?” “Good girl – you may have some. Drink until you’re all full…here, let me help you; now press those big, beautiful red lips up against me and suck to your heart’s content” Leena says as she shifts slightly and scoops you up into her arms and cradling you as if you were a baby, pressing her right teat towards your face. You feel tingles down your spine and your stuffed love canal, already dripping, leaks more copious amounts of your passion that travel down your perineum to your plug filled anus before dripping onto Leena’s knees. You open your glossy red lips on engulf as much of Leena’s very large right breast as you possibly can – you lightly suck on the teat while swirling your tongue around the areola and flicking the nipple to add some stimulation, and to coax out the wonderful liquid. Your efforts are rewarded, and you are surprised, when you feel and taste the warm, sweet, creamy, liquid wash over your tongue on filled your mouth. You’re surprised to find that it’s much thicker than Lula’s – you close your eyes and moan happily as you drink down the wonderful substance.

“That’s it baby girl, drink it all up” Leena coos into your ear. You gasp into Leena’s breast when you feel a light pinch and rolling motion on your own breast and open your eyes to see Lula massaging your it with her right hand while stroking your hair with her left. “Mmm, I wanted to spank a bad girl, but giving love to a good girl is so much better” Lula coos into your ear before giving your face a light kiss. You close your eyes and continue to drink down the sweet liquid as you slowly ride your peak under Lula’s care. You shift your legs to add to the stimulation from the two large toys inside you as you feel wonderful pinching, massaging, and rolling sensations over your nipple and on your breast as a whole that send a plethora of combined jolts coursing through you. Before long Lula’s small work sends you to climax as you quake lightly while moaning deeply into Leena’s melon from the boob-gasm you’re currently experiencing. The effect is enhanced as you feel your sphincter and vaginal walls clamp down on the two toys and trying to milk the fake members, which sends more pleasurable shocks coursing through you and extending your orgasm slightly. After a few more moments of blissful release – and a large puddle of your juices that leaked out the sides of your honeypot onto the covers and Leena’s knees – you come down and twitch lightly as you cease your suckling.

You pull your mouth away from Leena’s breast, though you do you her nipple a few long licks to gather up any remaining liquids, before you rest your head between her cleavage. Leena holds you tight and pulls herself back further onto the bed before lying on her side – you feel the bed shift and another pair of breasts and full body press themselves up against your back and the back of your head. “Mmm, did our baby girl love Mama Lula and Mama Leena giving her lots of love?” you hear Lula whisper into your ear in a sultry tone. You feel tingles as you shudder and nod into Leena’s melons, causing the purple succubus to chuckle lightly “I think that’s a yes. You’re such a good baby girl”. Leena pulls your face closer into her bosom while you feel Lula drape her arm over yours and her sisters waists; you snuggle into the large globes both in front of and behind you as you drape your own arm over Leena and hold her tightly. There you lie, mashed between two large breasted succubae, arms tangled over each other with two large toys stuffing your pussy and rosebud after having just come down from a boob-gasm while drinking milk from one of them…and you couldn’t feel more right at home as little tingles go down your body, causing you to blush at what you know it means.

S-so I like b-being talked dirty to, playing “g-games”, having my breasts played with, walking around n-naked, and subm-mitting myself. I a-also like having things up my b-butt a lot as well a-a-as being…stuffed. Oh my g-gods, am I a s-slut? I mean, I liked doing these things with Lula…but I didn’t think much of it until n-now. I really, really like these things and it feels so…right f-for some reason. W-what am I?

You spend the next few long minutes reflecting on yourself until your mind idly wanders to the training that you wanted to take part in, which fills you with the tingly sensation and tugs at the back of your mind. You wriggle your way out of the light embrace you find yourself in and sit up carefully so as not to disturb the toys inside you further than needed, though it does nothing to prevent pleasure from running its course and leaking your fluids. The siblings likewise sit up and look at you expectantly with smiles on their faces – “I think I want to get some training in” is all you say before crawling off the bed, swaying your hips and wiggling your stuffed bottom at the two as you go with a light blush. You reach the center chest that has your things and pull out your latex bodysuit and leather boots, figuring you might as well start with stealth first since it is your specialty and the black could potentially help…and then you realize you have no idea who will teach you or where you should go.

You turn around and see both Lula and Leena watching your every move with rapt attention and lust, which you strangely find arousing as tingles course through you. “H-hey, Leena, where do I go to have some stealth training?” you ask the purple succubus, who lifts up her robe properly and gets of the bed before moving to the door. “Follow me, sexy, and I’ll show you” Leena says as she opens the door and waits for you with a smile – Lula bounces off the bed with gusto and joins her big sister’s side. You smile and nod before putting on your latex body suit – the thought of walking around practically naked sends ripples through you – and immediately hit your knees and plant your hands on the ground. “O-oh nooOOOO! S-so go-Ah-od!” you cry out in pleasure as you arch your back; when you slipped the latex body suit on it immediately started to mold to your skin, making it so that everything is visible as if you were naked, but with a black latex sheen. However, with the plug and especially the dildo inside you the molding inadvertently pushed the plug and especially the phallic toy deeper inside you and increasing the already incredible pressure you feel; you feel as the end of the toy pushes deliciously against the entrance to your womb, threatening to break through. The molding stops just shy of causing that though and you manage to stand up on shaky legs, and when you look down you blush as you see a noticeable bulge from the end of the toy coming out from where the outline of your pussy should be.

“Oh my, that looked like it felt good~” Lula chirps with a lewd grin on her face. You let out another gasp as you move to put your boots on; the movement adds more pressure to both the toys, especially the dildo which continues to poke and prod at your cervix and grind at your gushing walls, before you manage the simple task and shakily make your way to the door. Leena wraps her arm around your waist and pulls in you close and whispers hotly into your ear “Just wait until everyone sees what an exhibitionist slut you are, all filled up with toys and strutting around about as naked as the day you were born”. You blush as you feel the familiar tingles ripple through you followed by arousal before Leena speaks yet again “Now, follow me like a good girl and I’ll show you were you need to go”. You nod before Leena turns and exits the room; you follow close behind with Lula right behind you, checking out your ass and giggling all the while. However, a stray thought of pressing yourself and forcing a kiss onto Lula seems to stick in your mind…which oddly enough sends tiny tingles and arouses you so you do just that. You turn around, give Lula a hungry look which confuses her, before you saunter close and grab her face and thrusting your tongue into her gaping mouth. You fight for control as you press yourself harder into the kiss, which takes Lula by complete surprise, and with your right hand you grab a fair amount of the blue succubus’ hair and twine it in your hands. When you pull away you leave a strand of saliva between you and give Lula a sultry look before turning back to Leena, who has an equally shocked and aroused expression on her face, and walking out the door. “Wow” is all you hear of Lula in a breathless voice behind you before she continues to follow.

When you step outside the room you’re again met with the looks and stares – which are now more focused on your nethers and the toy sticking out of your pussy – that seem to be hungry for you, especially from those wearing intimidating looking leather and carrying whips. You feel wonderful tingles all throughout your body at the thought of being exposed to unknown people like this, but are drawn from your thoughts when you hear Leena speaking to you “There’s a bottom floor to the temple, dear, and that’s where we’ll be going. It’s a bit of a maze, so stick close”. “A-alright, Leena, I’ll stick close; lead the way” you respond before following Leena down the stairs. You feel and see eyes on you from every direction and you again feel the tingles and a surge of pride from everywhere seeing your body…like it’s always been a part of you waiting to come out. You hear a few stray whispers and hear the words “whore”, “slut”, and other degrading words which don’t really seem to faze you all that much – in fact, the thought of both baring yourself and being talked dirty to combine into an overwhelming sense of rightness that both shocks and arouses you. You continue walking and put a sway to your hips as you reach the bottom of the stairs as little pangs of pleasure ripple through your nethers and anus – your suit absorbing your leaking juices all the while.

Were there always so many people here? you wonder as you follow Leena down the left hall next to the stairs, running into more and more people that sling lewd names at you and stare lustfully, pulling at the feeling of rightness in your mind and sending shivers down your spine as the tingles intensify. You try and shift your legs as you round a corner to try and stop the dildo from pressing so hard, but you only serve to increase the pressure so you give up and just continue to walk. Before long you reach a heavy wooden door, which Leena opens and goes inside – you and Lula follow and you are surprised to find that the door leads down a flight of stone stairs in a narrow passage lit by torches. You continue following behind Leena with Lula right behind you until you reach a very large, very open stone room with torches lining the walls for light and dozens of doors and not a soul in sight. Leena gestures for you to follow and you do so until you reach a wooden door in the back of the room – Leena opens for it, turns to give you a smile, and walks through into a pitch black room. You look into the darkness anxiously before you feel a light pat on your bottom, sending little shivers of pleasure through you, and you turn to see Lula giving you a reassuring smile.

You walk through the threshold as does Lula and you hear the door shut behind her – you can barely make out Leena in the darkness and so you go to move to her, but stop quickly as you hear a sinister sounding laughter resound throughout the dark chamber. You note that the voice is female, but nothing more as you scan the darkness for any signs of life other than you, Leena, and Lula. “Oh, what do we have here, hmm?” the female voice resounds throughout the stone room “Is this the delicious little slut I’ve heard so much about?”. You shudder a little at being called a slut and try to reign yourself in.

Why does it feel so good…so right to be talked down to like this? Gods, if these are really my desires then I must be a total freak! you think before the disembodied voice makes a sound not unlike sniffing and breathing in deeply. “Oh…and she smells so good. The best I’ve ever smelt; and what’s this I smell? Oh, and she’s so wet right now. Oh, darling, you’re so delicious I could just. Eat. You. Up. Teehee~ and look at that lovely bodysuit you’re wearing. I can see your nipples hard as rocks…ooooh my! Are those toys inside those slutty little holes of yours? Darling, you’re making it very hard not to scoop you up and spirit you away” the voice continues to sound out. You start to look around until you gasp in both shock and pleasure as you feel a finger lightly rub at your engorged clit through the latex, another pinching and rolling your left nipple, and a mouth over your right half-elf ear sucking and licking as well as a body pressed up to you from behind. You mewl, whimper, and quake under this unknown woman’s ministrations as her voice sounds out in your ear in a husky whisper “wouldn’t you like that, ‘Pet’? I promise to look after you every day, giving you lots of love, walking you, having you lick my feet and hump yourself to climax on my leg”. You tingle and shudder in arousal and pleasure while you lean back into the embrace of the hidden woman as you ride higher and higher towards climax.

“And all I ask from you is that you give me just a little bit of blood every day, and even that would send you into orgasm. Aren’t I so kind?” the woman says before you feel her bring her lips to your neck and kiss it lightly, then sucking on the skin…before you feel a pair of fangs bump against your skin. You freeze in fear and your blood turns to ice as a single thought enters your mind – Vampire. You enter a defensive mode and instinctively smack your head back against the woman, causing her to let out a little yelp of pain as she releases her grip on you – you jump forwards and turn around to barely see a pale skinned human woman with long, straight white hair gripping her nose. “Ack, a feisty one aren’t you? I like that; makes things so much more interesting” the woman says with a wicked smile as she recovers, looking up to reveal a very pretty face with full lips, a curved nose like yourself, and glass-like amber eyes while wearing pitch black leather armor with red on it that hugs her curves tightly.

You remain on the defensive ready to strike, until you hear Lula laughing behind you and put a hand on your shoulder “Easy, Colette – and you, Delilah, play nice. I think even she could be a problem for you”. The vampire named Delilah laughs and saunters up to you with an unnatural elegance…and extends her hand. You eye the woman and the hand warily, but see in her eyes and smile that she means no harm so you tentatively extend your own and shake her hand lightly. “So sorry for teasing you, darling; I can’t help myself sometimes when I see such delicious looking morsels. Not that I would eat you…maybe just a taste” Delilah says nonchalantly as she opens her mouth to reveal a set of sharp fangs, which sends goose bumps along your skin. The vampire named Delilah laughs at your reaction and says “Relax, darling, I won’t hurt you I promise. Though it is wise to fear a vampire for we are very powerful, and none of us are to be trusted. Hah, look at me – a vampire – telling someone to never trust a vampire! The irony, anyways darling my name is Delilah, as you no doubt already know. May I ask your name?”

“Colette” you say with a bit of a forced smile, still wary of being in the presence of a vampire before a question pops into your head “Why would you tell me to never trust a vampire, besides the obvious?” The woman named Delilah grins evilly and says with a little bit of animosity “Because there are very few of us that are worth trusting. Most want more power and seek to subjugate others and think themselves superior; they’re even more arrogant than the elves of Wehndarwil! Bunch of fools is what they are”. Delilah’s words strike you as odd, though you feel you can relax around her – you relax your muscles and ask “Do you know any vampires that are worth trusting? And why do you seem to hate your own kind?”

Delilah smiles calmly and says “Hmm, the Madame of the bordello, Deidra, is a very trustworthy vampire. There are also two more in the city that I and others know of…Stefan and Yuthera – a couple – are also trustworthy and seek to distance themselves from vampire culture. As for why I hate vampires? Simple really; about seven hundred years ago a powerful vampire broke into my parent’s farm, tortured and bled them dry, turned me because she thought I was pretty, and used me as a slave and fuck toy for a few centuries. That is until she thought I was docile and completely under her control, what- three, four hundred years ago? It doesn’t matter, point is I tore her heart out and shoved it down her throat before I slaughtered her coven and fled to Eborthia from Scoleshire. Took me a while, but I eventually found this place and Leena, the darling that she is, took me in and gave me a home. I’ve been here ever since”. The vampire withdraws her hand with a smile and adds “So, unless this is a social call – and believe me I would absolutely love that – then I must assume you are here to learn more about the art of stealth? You’ll find few better instructors than a creature of the night such as I, although you’ll definitely be distracting with that gorgeous body of yours and the ‘extra cargo’” she finishes by pointing to your delightfully stretched bum-hole and pussy.

R-right, I still have those in me…I actually almost forgot they were there… you think before Lula comes up and gives you a hug and says “You can trust her, baby. We’ll leave you two to it” she finishes by pecking you on the lips and walking towards where you entered. Leena says behind you “Don’t worry about Delilah, dear; she can be a tease, but she’s a good person and I’m sure she’ll show you where the other trainers are should you want to learn some more”. Leena then joins her sister at the door and, with a wave that you can barely see in the darkness they walk through and close the door behind them, leaving you in a dark, open chamber with a female vampire that has already shown a keen interest in you.

…Oh boy.

Edit: playing "games" is lingo for role-playing.

Edit: edit: For those of you wondering why there are no choices...it's because this is only the beginning. I still have a bunch more to finish writing up, but I figured to give you content that was finished and that made sense. So, what better sense than a slight cliffhanger?
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Re: Rift Touched

Here’s the next second part of the first day at the temple of Domina. Things start to heat up for dear Colette! This is part two of hopefully three for the first twenty four hours. After the third post I promise all future temple of Domina related posts will be shorter!

…Oh boy.

You start to wonder at the situation you find yourself in before a hand on your shoulder startles you from your thoughts. “Well then, ‘Pet’ - nice choker by the way- , let’s get to crackin’, hmm? Let’s see, where should we start…?” the voice of Delilah sounds behind you, which makes you wonder when exactly she moved behind you. “I know” you hear Delilah say again “Since you seem to carry yourself like one that is familiar with stealth, with a little something ‘extra’ I might add, I think we can start off a little more advanced. Now, as a vampire I can see in the dark better than most, but that doesn’t mean I have true night vision. My sense of hearing is also heightened, so I can hear the lightest of footsteps, and I can smell pretty good too, but it can be muddled if a scent is scattered everywhere. Now, I’ve been at this for a long time so I have all but mastered the art of moving silently and quietly so it won’t really be fair what I’m about to do, but when you’re outside things are rarely fair”. You turn around to look Delilah in her glasslike amber eyes with confusion before she smiles and continues “Follow me; I’m going to show you where we will be training” and heads off further into the chamber.

What in the world does she have planned? you wonder before shrugging and following the vampire woman deeper into the room, trying to ignore the little beats of pleasure that ripple through you from the toys stuffed inside your holes. You nearly bump into Delilah in the darkness when you reach her standing in front of a large wooden wall with a door on it that you most definitely did not see when you entered the room. The white haired vampire says without looking at you “This is my labyrinth; it is a maze designed with stealth in mind. There are rooms, vents, crevices, perches, you name it. This is the plan” Delilah says before she does turn to you with a glint in her eye “We are going to play a game called hide-and-seek; you hide, I seek. Since I’m nice I’ll give you a sixty second head start to search for an ideal hiding spot before I start to seek. Don’t worry, you can move around if you want because then it wouldn’t really be sneaking now would it? But” Delilah starts to say and she smiles widely “here are the rules. After I start to seek you, you must remain hidden from me for five whole minutes. If I find you before five minutes is up – don’t worry I won’t cheat you on time – then I get to put a leash around that pretty neck of yours and walk you on your hands and knees and show you every single mistake you made that led me to you. If I find you three times in a row then you get to use those plump lips of yours and slutty tongue and eat me out”.

The thought of being led around like a dog and pleasing this vampire woman sends tingles down your spine and arouses you; you absentmindedly bring your heads to your latex covered nipples and start to tweak them, which elicits a moan from your mouth as you fall into bliss. You’re shaken from your thoughts as you hear Delilah laugh, and blush as you pull your hands to your sides. “An eager little slut, aren’t we? Try not to get caught on purpose, though I certainly won’t mind” Delilah says with a mischievous grin with lust in her eyes. Again, being called a slut sends tingles coursing through you and you can’t help but curse inwardly Darn it! A-am I really such a f-freak? It s-shouldn’t feel so r-right…should it?. You blush and nod to Delilah before a question pops in your head and you ask “W-what if I win? What if I hide for five minutes and you don’t find me?” The pretty vampire woman laughs and looks you in the eyes playfully “Oh I don’t think that will happen, but on the off chance that you do evade me for five whole minutes…then, darling, I’ll be your personal bitch to do with as you please until you decide to leave the temple”.

Images invade your mind of walking the vampire woman, having her please you while she’s on her knees, and taking her with many, many toys that all send tingles through you and arouse you to no end, and you smile. I-I don’t know if I’m a s-slut or not…but at least I’m not t-totally submissive you think while continuing to daydream. Delilah sees your smile and laughs heartily “Don’t get your hopes up yet, Pet. I hardly think you’ll be able to evade me long enough to have me at your knees. So, for the time being you’re my bitch. Now, we’ll begin on my mark – and try not to make it too easy by letting out sounds of pleasure from your two wonderful toys. I would suggest opening the door, unless you want me to have you on your knees now, hmm darling?” You blush at the white haired woman’s words and move to and open the door to the labyrinth, taking a peek inside to see that it is indeed a maze and a dark one at that. “Begin!” you hear behind you, and with that you move inside the labyrinth and crouch down to make yourself a smaller target and you endeavor to make yourself as quiet as possible. You make your way around a few corners and find a door leading into a room; you open the door quietly and move inside while closing it behind you, and find yourself in a slightly furnished room. You see two couches and a table inside, but your search is interrupted when you hear a “Here I come!” resound from outside.

You look around the room quickly and find what seems to be a vent without a cover that you might be able to fit inside, so you get on your hands and knees – trying not to let out any sounds of pleasure as the position strains the latex and pushes the toys deeper inside you – and slip inside, following wherever the vent may lead. “Where aaaare you, Pet?” you hear from inside the room you were just in; you freeze and hold your breath and try not to make any sounds, thankful that you already rounded a corner inside the vent so that you’re bottom isn’t visible. “Hmm, I thought I smelt you. Must have gone somewhere else…” you hear from the room, before you don’t hear anything else. You quietly breathe in, then breathe out and say a small thanks to Yyssbo for remaining hidden. You decide to stay here for the time being and wait it out, until you think you hear a shuffling from behind you so you start to move further down the vent until you pop out outside the room. You look around and can barely see, so you choose to move left down the corridor you find yourself in, poking your head around the corner for good measure, then moving around it. You come to what looks to be a tree house in the middle of the maze, so you decide to move up it as quietly as possible – stifling more moans as the motion of climbing presses the toys into awkward and pleasurable positions – until you reach the top and into a small, bare room. You finger the emerald on your choker for good luck as you move into the room, and noting that there is nowhere to go.

Shoot, I’m trapped in here! Well, here’s to hoping that she won’t find me…I think it’s been four minutes since we started? Just a minute more and I win! you think as you crouch walk in the small space to the center of the room, and gently sitting yourself down. You count down the time and your hopes soar higher…until you hear a familiar voice that is. “Well, well, well what do we have here? Oh, I think I smell a wet bitch somewhere. What do we have here? A tree house…no, she wouldn’t go up there would she? It’s too obvious, oh well, guess it’s time to move on” you hear Delilah say in a somewhat mocking tone from below – you hold your breath and listen, but hear nothing; no sounds of climbing or anything for a few seconds. You let out a small exhale and smile. “Boo!” a voice from behind you says, causing you to jump and squeal in fear, then to rub your head in pain as you bump against the ceiling of the small tree house. You turn around to see Delilah, giggling and eying you lustfully.

No, I was so close! I was sure I wouldn’t get caught! you think, irritated that you lost but also feeling tingles and arousal at what you know will come next. “You did very well for your first time, Colette. You almost had me, but in the end I’m the winner and you get to be a good doggy and go for a walk” Delilah says with a lewd grin – she quickly makes her way to you, scoops you up in her arms, moves to the window of the house and jumps out. You scream in fear as you plummet to the ground in Delilah’s arms and close your eyes waiting for a splat…but instead you feel a gentle shake and open your eyes to see Delilah smiling at you. “Vampire, darling; heights really aren’t a problem” the white haired woman says before she leans her head down to yours and kisses you. You’re surprised, but open your mouth and accept the kiss as you and the vampire cross tongues, although you do take caution in avoiding her two sharp fangs. Delilah withdraws from the kiss, which causes you to groan until you hear a click around your neck. You open look down and see a leash leading from your choker and down into Delilah’s hands; she gives you a wink before setting you down.

“You taste as good as you smell, darling, but rules are rules. Now, on your hands and knees like a good girl – don’t forget to call me Mistress Delilah” the woman says with a gentle tug of the leash. You shudder in arousal as tingles overtake you before you say “Yes, Mistress Delilah” and drop to your hands and knees – the toys inside you press deeper inside you from the angle and you can’t help but gasp in pleasure. “Good girl, now don’t forget to sway those hips and delicious breasts as we walk. Try to keep up, darling” Delilah says above you in a playful tone. You feel a gentle tug on the leash and begin to crawl; thankfully Delilah moves slowly and doesn’t rush. Delilah moves around the maze to the various locations you hid to show you what you did right, and what you did wrong and what you should improve; you listen intently, but also try to stifle moans and gasps of pleasure until finally, she finishes and bends down to unlatch the clip. You look up to see her smiling and gesturing for you to rise; you do so and notice that you’re outside the maze and back at the entrance. You look at Delilah and blush a little before asking “S-so, how close was I to winning?” Delilah gives you a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder “Very close, darling; closer than I thought you would get given your current condition. Now, get ready because we’re going to try again”. You nod and move to open the door to the entrance of the labyrinth.

“Go, Colette” is all you hear before you move inside the maze for the second time and begin sneaking about. Your second attempt goes much like the first and you find yourself leashed and led around the areas that led to your capture, and your third attempt ends in failure as well though Delilah assures you that you’re getting better. However, since you were caught three times in a row when Delilah leads you to the entrance of the maze again, instead of unleashing you she instead tugs down her dark leather pants and pulls down black silk lace panties to reveal a glistening, clean shaved pussy. “You did so good, Pet, but now it’s time to please your Mistress. Do you want to lick my snatch, you slutty little girl?” the leash holding vampire says to you in a husky voice. You tingle and shudder at her words and at the situation you find yourself in before slowly nodding and saying “Yes, Mistress Delilah, please let your Pet lick you and please you”. Delilah smiles and tugs the leash gently “Good girl, now enjoy your treat <3” – you don’t need any further encouragement as you rise to a kneeling position and moan as the toys shift slightly inside you before you give Delilah’s dripping cunt a long, slow lick along the cleft and gathering up her juices, which is slightly cold as is her skin. Delilah moans deeply and you feel hands in your red hair forcing you to look up into the vampire’s eyes.

“Gods you’re so beautiful, darling. I’ve never seen a woman as gorgeous as you before. Now lick me, and never take your eyes off mine” Delilah commands in a barely controlled voice that sends shivers and tingles through you. You do as the vampire commands and, while looking up into her glass amber eyes, you give a long, slow lick up her left labia, then her right, then stopping to flick her hardened clit and causing her to gasp and writhe in pleasure as she mashes your face against her sex. You dive in after that and suck in her engorged lips, probing her walls with your tongue and sucking as you look her in the eyes. “Oooooh my gods, yes! You’re so-AGH-so goOOOood at this, d-darling! You ar-rgh gods yes! Yes! – are a natural born cunt licker! I c-c-could have you – right there, right there! – under me aaaAAAll day long! YES!” the vampire moans, whimpers, and screams in ecstasy at your developed oral skills, which sends tingles down you and causes you to double your efforts as you lap at the flooding cunt before you, drinking down her slightly cold juices with pleasured moans that reverberate into her loins. Before long you hear Delilah scream out in ecstasy as she pulls your mouth away and grinds her slit against your face, before releasing a torrent of her love juices all over your eyes, nose, cheeks, and mouth – you close your eyes just in time to avoid being blinded. While Delilah continues to climax on your face she takes the liberty of rubbing her flooding mound all along your forehead and nose as she comes down with a heavy, contented sigh.

You raise your hands and wipe away the juices around your eyes, opening them and blinking a few times to clear your vision. You look up and see Delilah smiling down at you and looking very satisfied as she flicks her white hair behind her head. “Gods that was incredible; I think you’re one of the best I’ve ever had, darling. With a mouth like that I’m sure you’ll make many people very happy. Now, let’s try a few more times, yes? I can sense that you’re getting better; perhaps before long you’ll be able to outwit and outmaneuver a vampire such as myself” Delilah says with a smile as she pulls her panties and trousers up before she leans down and unclips the leash on your choker then moving towards the door on the labyrinth wall. You blush and rise to your feet, though you still have the evidence of the vampire’s passion on your face. “D-Delilah, do you have a rag or something I can dry my f-face off with?” you ask with a little blush. “Hmm?” Delilah says as she looks back at you “Oh, sorry dear but no. You’ll have walk around as is, though I think it looks great on you all covered in my juices. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too, having everyone see what a little rug muncher you are”. You’re about to argue, but then you start feeling the familiar tingles and arousal that make the action feel…right.

I-I’m a perverted freak! I-I can’t believe this feels so g-good and right… you think almost a little dejectedly, but the feeling of rightness while walking around wearing cum doesn’t subside so you just shrug and smile while moving onto the next round, which intensifies the feeling. You try six more times, and each time you think you get a little closer to victory before the seductive vampire manages to spot you, and each time you are leashed and led around the perimeter to point out your mistakes which you don’t seem to mind, and twice more you pleasure – a little happily, you find – the vampire as the growing amount of her juices gather on your face. Still, you can’t deny the feelings of arousal and rightness that you feel as a result, and you actually find that you like the taste of Delilah and you seem to enjoy using your mouth to please her.

S-she tastes s-so good. I c-can’t get enough of her taste…and the f-feeling of my mouth and tongue on her sends s-shivers through me. Dear g-gods, do I really l-like using my mouth so much to p-please others…? you think as you have your hands on Delilah’s firm behind, licking the excess juices from her thighs and giving her quivering pussy a final long lick. You moan happily as you savor her taste, looking up into her eyes and blushing a little. Delilah pulls her panties and trousers up and leans down to pet your head. “You’re a very good pussy licker, Pet. Did you really enjoy tasting me that much?” the white haired vampire asks with a smile on her face. The thoughts and tastes of your previous actions send shivers of arousal through you and you nod with a light blush “Yes, Mistress Delilah, Pet loves your taste”. The pretty vampire smiles and pulls you to your feet, embracing you and kissing you passionately on your glossy red lips. You press into the kiss with equal passion, sending tingles down your spine, and stick your hand down Delilah’s trousers dominantly as you find her clit and start to rub it with your middle finger. Delilah moans before withdrawing with a chuckle “Oh my, it seems someone’s a little eager to press themselves on me. Mmm, I wouldn’t mind being beneath you licking that pretty snatch of yours…but you’re still my bitch right now, darling”

You feel tingles and deep arousal at the thought of dominating and being dominated by this vampire and you can’t help but smile and peck her on the lips, causing her to chuckle once more. Oooooh yes I’m your little bitch, Mistress…but soon you’ll be mine, though I won’t mind licking you up until then <3….w-wait, where did t-that come from?! O-oh, but it felt so r-right… You soak up the feeling of contentment for a few moments until you shake yourself out of it and ask Delilah “S-so, was I really getting better, Delilah?” The white haired woman smirks at you and says “At what, darling? Licking my cunt or sneaking? If I’m being honest I would have to say both”. You blush a little bit, but can’t help but smirk lightly before something else pops into your head “Leena said that you would know where the other trainers are? Could you show me to them?” Delilah nods with a smile as she unclips the leash and stows it away in a pocket in her tight fitting trousers “Follow me, darling, and I’ll show you the way. I’m sure they’ll just love seeing you strutting around all stuffed full of toys and covered in my juices” The last comment surprises you, as you had completely forgotten that you even had the toys inside you.

Why didn’t I n-notice them? Shouldn’t I have? Oooh there it is…. you think as now that your attention was drawn to them you can feel them shift inside you as you shift your legs, sending pleasurable ripples through you. Delilah gestures for you to follow her, and you do, outside the chamber and into the first large chamber you entered from the stairs of the temple. She points to a door to her immediate left and then to a door on her immediate right before turning to you. “The one on the left next to my own is for combat training. The master there is an incubus named Carth and he’s a real sweetheart and gentlemen, though I think you might make him hot and bothered in your getup. The one on the right is for magic training, and the master is a white tentacle beast that likes to be referred to as Astraea, ‘she’ is a very playful thing and a joy to be around so I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun. If you ever want to train again, or have some more fun, then you know where I’ll be” Delilah says before pulling you close and kissing you quickly and tenderly on the lips, withdrawing with a wink and a blown kiss before she returns to her designated chamber. You giggle a little and shake your head before the pressure of the toys draws your attention.

Hmm, if I’m going to be swinging a sword around then I think I should have a little bit less of a distraction…and maybe Carth will appreciate my body? Did – did I j-just think that? you wonder as tingles and arousal hit you like a wave at the thought of going completely nude with your face covered in female juices and your holes stuffed to capacity. You smile and bask in the feelings you’re slowly getting used to as you reach around and pull at the magical seam of the latex bodysuit before removing your boots. The feelings intensify as the enchantments start to wind down, allowing you to comfortably slip the suit off – you moan in pleasure as you feel a slight tug at the dildo – and fling it over your shoulder before sauntering up to the door on the left and entering it. The first thing you notice about this new room is that it is much brighter than Delilah’s, the second is large and littered with obstacle courses, training dummies, weapons, armor, and other combat related training equipment. The third, and definitely a welcome sight, is a brownish-orange tinted incubus wearing nothing but a pair of trousers and leather boots and swinging away at a training dummy with a longsword – you can see even from this distance that he is very muscular and has a lovely sheen of sweat coating his skin. Feeling like a bit of a tease as tingles ripple through you, you sway your hips and move closer to where the hunky looking incubus is currently having a one-sided sparring match.

“Hah! Yah! Hiyaah!” the incubus, which you note has a goat-like tail whipping about behind him and two large brownish-orange horns curving straight up from his forehead. You put some of what you learned with Delilah – the sneaking, not the mouth pleasing – to use and lightly step behind the incubus, though not enough to get hurt by his swinging and, with a smirk, say “Hey there, how are you?” The incubus jumps a few feet into the air and yells “YAAAH WHAT IN THE BLUE BLAZES?!” before he turns around and his eyes go very wide at seeing your naked, cum covered face and double-stuffed vagina and anus. He stands and gapes for a few moments and you just soak up the arousal and tingles that you feel before you shake your head and say “U-uh, s-sorry about that…Carth is it? M-my name’s Colette and I was wondering if you could h-help me out?” The sweaty incubus, who you note has blue-black eyes and slick back black hair, continues to gape at you and at the mention of “help me out” his mouth forms into a lewd grin and he starts scanning you from red hair to toes, lingering on your breasts and most definitely your vagina as he sees the end of the dildo sticking out of you.

Oh yes how I would love to ride him and…f-focus, Colette! You’re h-here for some h-help learning how to dual w-wield!

“N-not like that; I was actually wondering if you could help me out with learning how to dual wield weapons properly?” you say with a shake of your head to the lewd grinning Carth while extending your hand out in a shake as you cradle your boots in your other arm, though you think it’s a bit silly considering you’re already in a rather perverted and exposed position to begin with. Carth’s smile fades only slightly as he takes your hand and turns it over to plant a kiss on it, sending tingles and a shudder through you. “I have never seen such an exquisitely beautiful creature as you, Colette. I would be happy to serve you…as you seem to have served another already” the muscular man says to you in a very suave voice. You blush a little at his comment, and shudder at the smoothness of his tone and say “Delilah”. Cartch nods his understanding with a smile “Ah yes, she’s a spirited and dominant one isn’t she? She’s kind hearted and caring though, so I’m sure it was pleasant. The woman does love to talk dirty, though, doesn’t she?” You blush and nod in affirmation, but something lingers in your mind “Hey, um, Carth? This might sounds strange but I, uh, have a bit of a s-sensitivity problem and was wondering if you know of any ways to…overcome that?
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Carth seems to ponder your question a moment before nodding his head “I have heard of your sensitivity – word travels fast around these parts – and I do know something that will help, yes. You cannot not feel pleasure nor can the body resist its natural urges, however, a focused and disciplined mind can overcome any obstacle. Now, you mentioned you wanted to learn how to wield two weapons at once properly, yes?” You nod to Carth’s question as you shift your legs a little, stifling a gasp as the dildo and plug rub your privates deliciously and causing you to leak a continuous stream of juices from your legs. Carth smirks as he notices what you’re doing, but continues while moving to a wooden short sword and dagger lying on the ground “Dual wielding is all about grace and position” he stops to pick the pair up and bring them over to you “and the key is to think of your weapons as extensions of your own limbs. To move and flow like water in a stream or very much like a professional dancer.” You drop your latex suit and boots on the ground and take the two wooden weapons, but your ears perk up at the mention of “dancer” and you ask “Dual wielding is like dancing?” Carth smiles visibly at your words “Yes, it is. You see, when wielding a single weapon you do not need much grace, poise, or form – though it obviously does help – but when wielding two weapons at once you must strive for these three characteristics. To wield two weapons at once should not be thought of as two separate entities, but a single blade; where a dancer must use all of her limbs, none are truly separate and must flow and move as one to perfect the rhythm. The same is true in this case; if you think of the weapons in your hands as just that, two weapons, then you have already failed; you must instead think of them as one part to a whole and move them in harmony, never forcing a blow and making every step count. Watch”.

Carth drops his metal longsword and goes to pick up a wooden one lying on the ground as well as a short sword. Wooden weapons in hand he holds the short sword in his left and brings it to his right side under his armpit while in his right he holds the longsword behind his right shoulder slightly. He then slowly slashes out with his short sword so that you can follow the movement, and when his short sword is all the way to the left he slashes out with his longsword slowly until the positions are switched. Then he does another move where he slashes out diagonally with both swords in and upward arc, then a downward arc, and then he does and “X” cut from the top with both weapons before shifting his hands slightly to do the same maneuver but bringing his hands up in an “X”. He does a few pirouettes, thrusts, vertical and horizontal slashes…and then he speeds up. He performs every move he showed you slowly at first, but then he shows you how they would play out in combat; he’s a whirlwind of wooden blades to say the least. You can hardly keep up with his slashes and thrusts and in fact you can “hear” the force of each strike as it seems to cut the air itself. When he finishes he looks at you with a smile and a bow, which you return in awe.

“You see? The weapons are one, not two; when attacking you always attack as one, or if you must – as in my first demonstration – you attack one then immediately follow up. It’s all about rhythm and flow. The same is true when parrying; you use one weapon to parry, and as you parry you should already be following through with a counter. Or if you parry with both weapons you let the attack slide off your weapons and follow through with your counter. Never push back and never be pushed back; guide the attacks against your guard. If the attack will push you back then move with the attack; if it pushes you to the side then move to the side – never break from the current and you will master the art of dual wielding in no time. Remember: rhythm and flow and fighting as one” The master of martial weaponry explains calmly and professionally. “Now” the incubus adds with a glint in his eye “as for your ‘pleasure problem’ I have something that will help”. Carth then goes to a chest off to the side of the rather…messy room now that you think about it and opens to, producing a few familiar looking black balls. “These” he says as he holds up three “are a nifty little toy created by Alec, the owner of Lover’s Essentials that vibrate when activated. I understand you have some…history with these wonderful little things?” You nod and eye the things warily, remembering the last time and how they nearly blew up in your hands.

“Fear not” the master says with a calm smile “he fixed the ‘problem’ that plagued these and now they work as they should. With your permission I will apply two of these to your nipples and one to your clitoris, and then we shall spar”. Images invade your mind of writhing in ecstasy, naked, stuffed, and face covered in female juices in front of this man as he slings delightful degrading words your way and you can’t help but tingle and shudder in arousal. You reign in your thoughts and feelings for a few moments, and with a blush you ask “W-why? Won’t that distract me from training?” He nods in response “That is the point. If the stories are true then you will most likely reach climax multiple times, however, battles are not won by brawn alone; a keen and calm mind is half the battle. You will need to fight through your pleasure as it comes and continue on, making sound choices and keeping to form all the while. Now, are you ready to begin?” You take a moment to think it over and nod with a serious face – which is actually funny when you think about it, considering you’re face, your bottom holes, and your nudity – which prompts Carth to come over and place the adhesive enchanted balls onto your two nipples and clit as he moves your hood lightly. He withdraws a moment as his hands start to glow a fiery red until a moment later three small blasts of magical energy strike the toys and you immediately drop to your bum and drop your wooden weapons.

“GoooOOOOOOOODDZZZZZ YEEES!” you scream as you instantly cream the ground below you with a generous amount of your juices as the toys vibrate at a high frequency on your sensitive nipples and clit. You arch your back and massage your breasts as you feel your cherry and love canal clamp down hard on the toys inside you; you convulse and quiver wonderfully as waves of pleasure crash against the shores of your resistance. You look and see Carth standing there with a smirk and a noticeable erection, causing you to take stock of your situation for a moment as exquisite tingles and a feeling of right flow through you like a gentle breeze. Your orgasm is extended well beyond its means and you immediately fall into a second orgasm while in the throes of your first, causing your eyes to roll back into your head as you continue to leak. However, the wonderful sensations subside as you feel your clit being denied the wonderful pleasure you were feeling and you look down to see the best toy ever not working. “Maybe not your most sensitive spot for right now, eh?” you hear the incubus denier of wonderful pleasure say to you, and you groan in frustration. However, he is right and you can feel a little bit of your mind coming back as you come down from your orgasm, though you are quickly building your peak again from the ones at your nipples.

“Quickly, rise Colette and focus yourself! Remember the form and face me!” Cartch bellows to you; you look up and see that he is wielding only a single wooden longsword. You grit your teeth and grab your wooden short sword and dagger before rising and taking the form that he showed you earlier, though with great difficulty as you feel the jolts of pleasure rippling through your breasts and centering in on your drenched pussy. On shaky legs you make your way to your sparring partner and, with a great deal of effort as you gasp and whimper in pleasure, you strike out with both blades in unison. However, Carth evades the strike and smacks you in the butt as he circles around you “Too slow, Colette, and your dagger did not follow through with your sword. Again!” I-I-I’m g-g-g-g-going to g-get you! you bellow into your mind as pleasure rips through you; you turn around and try to quickly make your way towards him, but stop midway as another climax hits you and you barely stand up as you feel your juices squirting out the sides of your tunnel around the dildo. “The pleasure is a natural part of you, Colette. Accept it and move on – now come!” your instructor yells to you. You muster what strength you can and, while still in the throes of passion, you ready your stance and quickly make your way to the master and strike out in an “X”.

“Better, but you did not follow up, Colette; you left yourself exposed. Again!” Carth yells out as he breaks your guard with a downward vertical slice and pokes you in the belly, pushing you back. You’ve thankfully come down from your heights, though you can feel another cliff rolling around for you to fall over and you quickly correct yourself and perform a side-swipe pirouette followed by a thrust, and manage to graze Carth’s shoulder causing you to smirk in triumph before another powerful jolt sends you into the abyss and ecstasy. “Good, good; you’re getting better! Again!” Carth bellows once more. You continue on like this for maybe another forty five minutes before you physically just can’t stand anymore – you drop your weapons and fall to the ground. The incubus catches your writhing and slightly bruised body; you close your eyes and just convulse in pleasure, though you think his methods have worked a little as you can still feel your mind barely there; like if you wanted to you could slip over into a starry haze, but only if you wanted. Before long you feel glass pressed against your skin and the familiar taste of apples, but mixed with raspberries, washes over your palate and down your throat – you also feel the vibrating balls cease before all three are removed. You blink a few times to focus your eyesight and take a deep breath as you feel your energy returning and your bruises healing; you look up and see the handsome incubus staring back at you with a gentle smile.

“You should feel your energy returning and your wounds healing, beautiful. I’m surprised; you did quite well today. I think you may be catching on, and after a few more lessons I’m sure you won’t need my help with wielding two weapons at once or your ‘problem’” the dashing incubus says with a winning smile. You smile yourself and chuckle “You must be a hit with the ladies” you finish before setting your legs down onto the ground, turning around and pecking your instructor on the cheek which makes him beam at you. You bid him farewell as you gather up your bodysuit and boots, swaying your hips as you leave hoping to give the incubus a good view of your leaking, stuffed anus and pussy as tingles run up and down you. You blush as you see a very large puddle of your love juices on the floor, but pay it no other mind as you walk out the door and head for the magic trainer while flicking the heart on your choker.

When you open the door to the magic trainer’s room you’re blindsided as a shrill squeal enters your mind; you yelp in surprise as you’re quickly pulled into the room by what looks like a dozen or so white tentacles. “You’re here, you’re here! Oh, I heard you might be coming this way and I hoped, prayed, and well that’s all but I really, really, really wanted to meet you! You’re so beautiful and soft and OH you have toys inside you and you recently climaxed quite a few times! You also like being called Pet, and good girl, and slut, cum slut, and licking and sucking and oh so many wonderful things!” the voice continues on and on into your mind like an overactive child. You, however, are unable to see much as the tentacle beast hugs you closely and twirls you about; you just hold on tight with a confused expression on your face as ‘she’ continues speak, though a few things she says send tingles through you. Finally, the tentacle calms down and releases you while backing away and you get a good look at ‘her’ for the first time; you see that she has twenty writhing tentacles of all shapes and sizes, a large round core, and oh yes a large, blue eye with thick black lashes around the lid.

This must be Astraea, and she’s a tentacle lord no less!

“Mmmhmm” Astraea’s voice sounds into your mind “That I am, red!” Weird, if I didn’t know better I think she could read my mind. Hah, fat chance. “Yeah, fat chance of that happening”. You blink once then think No… “Yes~” The cat goes – “meow”. Arghflpzcktiupgrrrg!. The white tentacle lord looks at you stupidly “…What? Did your brain break?” to emphasize her point she knocks on your noggin a few times with one of her smaller tentacles. You lightly swat the tentacle away from your fiery mane and say “How-“ but are interrupted by Astraea “-can I read minds? Specialty I developed a loooong time ago. I also know that you came here for magic training, and yes I can help. I’ll show you a technique that will help against mental probes such as these, and they’ll increase your magical reserves slightly in the process! No I won’t probe for anything personal, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have fun <3”. You’re about to wonder what she means by fun until she says into your mind “Want my tentacles to pound your holes? Want to be covered in my creamy tentacle seed? Wear slutty clothing? Drink down said seed? Be tied up and taken?” You feel tingles work their way through you wonderfully as images of Astraea relentlessly pounding your every orifice, covering you inside and out with her seed as she ties you up, then being put in a scant outfit and paraded around all invade your mind. You then hear a fit of giggles enter your mind “Oh you’re so adorable and super slutty!” You glare at the white tentacle’s blue eye before you press images of her doing you then jumping back at the last moment to deny her release, which also sends tingles through you.

“Oooooo I like you! Anyways, pleased to meet’cha! I’m Astraea, as you already know, and today I’ll be teaching you how to block little ol’ me! So, first thing’s first, put this on” the tentacle says before producing a pair of red high heels, a small black micro skirt, and a very small blue blouse that would only just barely cover your breasts from behind ‘her’ back. You cock an eyebrow at the tentacle, obviously missing something – you take the opportunity to look around the chamber and note that, besides it having torches to help you see, it’s relatively bare besides a few chests at the end of the room. “I know what you like~. You want to show off that sexy body of yours, and what better way to do that than with the perfect lady of the night outfit?” You’re about to object but tingles, rightness, and arousal pull at you and you give in; you drop your boots and bodysuit and take the items. You put on the skirt first, which hugs tightly to your hips and does nothing to cover your ass so the toys are plainly visible, then the blouse which only just barely covers your breasts and leaves ample cleavage showing both above and below the scant attire while exposing your nipples. The last items to be put on are the two red high heels that have five inch heels on them.

“You look delicious! Alright, so here’s how this works –and it’s better if you sit down and cross your legs…if you can that is~ - think of something, anything, and then think of a wall or a barrier around that thought and focus on it with your magical reserves. Maintain it and try to strengthen it if you can; I’ll be probing your mind for the information you’re thinking of. Don’t worry, no consequences if you can’t keep me out; I have been doing this a while. Just think of something else and repeat the process. We’ll do this for about an hour and then stop, since it can put a strain on an untrained mind and we don’t want to burn you out now do we?” Astraea the playful tentacle lord explains. You smile and nod before sitting down on your bum – you stifle a moan as the plug pushes deeper into you and the angle pushes the dildo up against your cervix slightly – and cross your legs, close your eyes, and picture a dog in your mind. You then think of putting a wall around the dog as you gather your magic and focus it around the wall, creating a sort of mental/magical barrier.

“Mmm~ very good, Colette! Not bad for a first try…but I can see the dog in your mind. Alright, let’s try again, but this time think of a word rather than a mental picture; they’re easier to work with” Astraea says – you look into the big, blue eye and nod with a smile before you think of the word “Sneak” and put up a mental/magical wall in your mind. “Better…better, yes I’m finding it more difficult to probe that beautiful mind of yours. Let’s see…Sneak, huh? You really are a rogue at heart aren’t you? That was good, alright let’s move onto the next one” Astraea says, and you simply nod again and move onto another word, then another, and so on for about the next hour. In between the training Swilwen carts in some food and drinks for you – you blush a little as he looks at you with lust in his eyes – which you happily ingest. After the hour is up you start to feel a little fatigued, which Astraea notices and ends the current session.

“You’re doing very well, Colette; I think in a few more sessions you’ll be able to block me out entirely” Astraea speaks into your mind happily. You smile and respond “Thank you, Astraea; you’re a very patient and knowledgeable mentor” you give a little bow before you turn to gather up your bodysuit and boots, but a tentacle on your shoulder stops you. You turn to look at Astraea with confusion before you hear her in your mind “I didn’t mean to probe, but I felt your emotions in some instances regarding your time here. I know that you feel conflicted with these desires of yours even though you seem to enjoy them. Trust me when I say that nothing good will come from fighting them; they are who you are and you’ll be much happier if you accept them”. You look at the tentacle as your emotions flare up in different directions, but Astraea’s kind and sincere words strike a chord in you and, before you know it, your spilling yourself to the white tentacle “I just…I just don’t know what to do, Astraea. I don’t know who or what I am. I mean, I get these feelings….these ‘t-tingles’ and I feel aroused when I do some of these things and they feel so right like if I didn’t do them then it wouldn’t be who I was. But some of the things and situations that make me feel these things are…perverted, dirty, slutty. Is that what I am inside? A s-slut? A dirty whore that wants to walk around naked, be talked down on, be showered in the…s-seed and juices of others? To be d-dominated and maybe do a little dominating myself? I mean look at me; I have two t-toys inside me and I love it; I love the way they feel and I love it when others look at me. This scant outfit you gave me? I…I love being in it, knowing that others will see me in it – it makes me feel s-sexy and dirty…but is this w-what I really am? Just a no good slut? I don’t – I-I…” you finish as you drop to your knees, cupping your face in your hands as emotions over the recent hours and the many feelings you have felt start to battle inside you.

You feel like you’re about to cry when you feel a few tentacles wrap themselves around and under you, lifting you up and drawing you into the embrace of the white tentacle lord. “There, there it’s alright, Colette, it’s alright…” Astraea says soothingly into your mind; you sniff a little and hug her tightly as she begins to stroke your hair with a tentacle and holds you tenderly. “I know it’s scary and confusing, and I understand if you want to leave – which I would urge against, but it is your choice – but you are not a no good slut. Never in a million years will you ever no good. You’re strong, smart, quick, brave, beautiful, and kind; you fought off a pack of feral goblins singlehandedly and helped save the farms of the city. You entered the sewers alone and took on terrible creatures for the sake of the city and its people. You went to the orphanage and spent time with children who have no one to call their family; for that small time you were their family and brought joy to their otherwise bleak lives. That is who you are, Colette; you are a protector, a caregiver, you have a heart of gold, and you are a rogue and a fighter! These things you are feeling – your hidden desires and wants – are a part of who you are, but they are not solely what defines you. So what if the things you desire are dirty, perverted, and slutty? If they make you feel good, sexy, and arouse you then there is nothing wrong with that at all”

“Does it matter if you love having sex? Or that you love a little role-play, or dirty talk, or being tied up, or dominating and being dominated? These things are nothing to be ashamed of – I’ve known people that have gone their whole lives denying themselves and their desires and you know what happens to them? They end of living unfulfilled lives and end up dying old and bitter because of it. Instead of rejecting these feelings you should embrace them, Colette, because in the long run they will make you happy and a more fulfilled person because of it. They’re just one of many strokes of the brush that make up the whole of a beautiful picture” Astraea explains in detail. You listen intently as you hug her tightly while she strokes your hair and cradles you and when she’s done you can’t help but feel a little better and a little silly over your outburst. You snuggle into the tentacle’s closed eye and think with a smile Thank you, Astraea; I really needed that… “Anytime you want to talk or you start to doubt yourself just come talk to me and I promise to listen and give you advice. Same goes for everyone here; we’re all here for you and your benefit young one and we want nothing more than for you to find yourself and be happy” you hear in your mind. Just like what Lula, Leena, and Swilwen said to me…You know, Astraea, you’re very wise. Thank you again you think both to yourself and your tentacle friend.
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“Teehee~ Who, lil ol’ me? I’m just a teensy little tentacle that likes to talk a whole lot <3 Now, run along sweetheart before I never let you go~” Astraea says, returning to her old playful self in the blink of an eye. You smile and plant a kiss on her core as she gently sets you on your feet – you gather up your bodysuit and leather boots as you head for the door with clacks of your heels, putting a sway in your hips as the toys grind into you wonderfully. Before you exit the room you turn around and blow a kiss then wave to the friendly tentacle with your free hand – which she returns with a few tentacle-y waves – before you walk out the door, up the stairs and back towards your room feeling much better about yourself as tingles overtake you. Embrace them and it’ll make me happier…alright…alright. Instead of second guessing them I’ll try, Astraea; if I get those same feelings again I’ll just…dive right in you think with a light smile as you stare at the ground. When you open the door to the first floor of the mansion and walk down the hall back to the front entrance you notice the same stares, hollers, and dirty talk from before, however, instead of blushing you hold your head high, puff out your chest, rustle your red hair in your free hand to get a sexier look, and with a sway to your hips you walk back to your room while giving winks and blowing kisses to everyone along the way. The tingles, arousal, and general rightness flood your mind and body and you listen to them, continuing to be a sexy tease to everyone as they gawk at your scantily clad figure, focusing in on the cum on your face, your barely contained breasts, and your stuffed lower holes as you walk up the stairs and into your room.


When you close the door to your room you look down with a shy smile I guess…I guess she was right. I do feel…better; sexier and a little happier. *sigh* I guess this is who I am – instead of fighting it from now on I think I’ll do my best to embrace it wholeheartedly. When you close the door you look up and your eyes go wide as you see Lula and Leena, naked and sporting erections, staring back at you lustfully – you linger on Leena’s erect cock with wide eyes, figuring it must be at least eight inches long and as thick as your wrist, if not slightly thicker. “Mmm, hey baby you look so good in that. I think it’s time for us to have some fun like you mentioned earlier, hmm?” Lula says in a sultry tone. “That’s right dear, and we even brought a few toys like you wanted” Leena adds in a husky voice, moving out of the way slightly so that you get a good view of the bed. Your body lights up in wonderful tingles as you shudder in arousal and apprehension at the sight on the bed; there are blindfolds, gags, anal beads, rope, and other various toys scattered across the bed. O-oh yes… you think as you lick your glossy lips lightly and dropping your boots and bodysuit at your feet. “Undress and come over here you sexy little slut so we can get you nice and ready” Lula coos as she extends her hand and finger waves you over – Leena wraps an arm around her sisters waste and gives you a come hither look that excites you to no end.

J-jump right in, Colette….oh gods I want this so badly…

With shaky hands you undo the buttons on your blouse and slip it from your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor as you step out of your heels and shimmy your way out of the tight micro skirt and letting that fall at your feet. You saunter up to the two lovely succubae, looking into their beautiful red eyes with your emeralds and shivering as you see the lust in them. When you reach the sisters, Lula brings you into a hug and whispers into your ear “We’re going to blindfold you, tie you up, and fuck your slutty ass and mouth so good, honey. Aren’t you so glad, Pet?” You shudder and tingle before nodding in response and saying in a low, lustful voice “O-oh yes, please use my dirty hole and mouth, Mistresses. Pet wants it so bad”. The act of submission and what you just said fill you with those same growing feelings – you just bask in them until Leena chuckles “Well said, Pet” before she leans down, tilts your face towards hers, and kisses you deeply. You moan and melt into the kiss, closing your eyes as you feel her run her hands along your hips, waist, breasts, and arms tenderly. You return the favor and reach out your hands to pull Leena in closer and running your hands along her bottom and up her back as you two twine your tongues, and as Leena extends hers deeper into your mouth. You moan in frustration as she pulls back, though she lingers on and pulls at your glossy bottom lip; when she pulls back you open your eyes and look into Leena’s, who looks back full of tenderness and passion with a bright smile.

“You’re so beautiful, Colette, and you taste so good. I can’t wait to connect with you” the purple large breasted succubus says, which makes you shiver and smile. “Neither can I, Leena; you’re so wonderful and gorgeous – you and Lula both – that I’m dripping in anticipation” you respond in a husky tone. Leena smiles, though you hear Lula beside you say “Aww, Colette I had no idea you felt that way about us. We promise to make this feel so good for you baby. Close your eyes honey so we can start”. You smile and close your eyes – you feel Lula kiss you tenderly on the lips before you feel a snug fitting piece of leather fitted onto your head and around your eyes. You open your eyes instinctively, but see nothing and you realize that you’ve been blindfolded, which makes you shudder and tingle. You hear the voice of Lula whisper soothingly into your ear “Now we’re going to tie you up then bind your arms and legs, baby. Are you Okay with that? You won’t be uncomfortable will you?” The generosity and care you hear warms your heart and, with a kiss where you think Lula is, you say sincerely “I want this, and I trust you both to take care of me. I know I’m in good hands”. You feel yourself press up against a pair of very large breasts – Leena you assume – before you hear the elder sibling’s voice “Oh, Colette, you’re too precious. Don’t worry, we’ll make everything feel good; I promise, now hold still, dear” she finishes with a kiss on your cheek before withdrawing.

You smile and nod – a few moments later you feel rope being strewn across your torso and around your neck; you feel it hug your skin tightly, but not uncomfortably, as Lula, Leena, or both work on cinching and knotting the rope in various spaces around your neck, around your breasts, down your stomach and navel, and even down to your crotch – which makes you gasp in pleasure as it pushes up the dildo still inside you and a knot is formed on your clit – then around your ass cheeks and leaving your anus exposed, then back up to your neck. When you think they are finished you feel tingles and excitement from being so snuggly wrapped and at the pressure it causes on your clit, toy, and around your breasts which you surmise makes them push out a little farther. You shiver as you feel hot breathe on your right ear followed by a long lick that makes you gasp. “Hands and arms behind your back, baby, and spread your legs for us” you hear Lula say beside you; you pant a little and nod as you spread your legs farther – which digs the rope into your nethers and the toy in place – and put your arms behind you. “Good girl” you hear Leena say opposite Lula in a breathy voice before you feel leather straps around both your ankles, which tighten after a few moments, then you feel your arms fitted into a snug sleeve and tightened as you feel straps moving over your shoulders. You try to close your legs, but find that you can’t as there seems to be some sort of metal bar in place to prevent such an action.

“And now the final piece…” Lula says before you hear a clip in front of you and a gentle tug, signifying you’ve just been leashed. You can’t describe the feelings of arousal and how right it feels to be tied up, immobilized, and leashed and at the mercy of two beautiful, well-endowed succubus’s. You feel a kiss on your lips and you open your mouth to accept whoever’s tongue has decided to invade you; you feel hands on your cheeks as one of the succubus’ press themselves into you for a deeper kiss as the wet sounds of kissing fill the room. Eventually the invader pulls back and you can feel a wet strand of saliva form between your two mouth before a hand wipes your lips then enters your mouth, which you suck on deeply and swirl your tongue around the digit. “Do you like sucking on my finger, Pet?” you hear Lula whisper hotly into your ear; you moan and nod your head as three more fingers enter your mouth that you eagerly suck on. “Good girl; does Pet want to suck on my fat, juicy dick?” you hear Lula whisper into your ear again as you feel another set of hands start to massage and caress your breasts and nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through you – you moan again and nod a little more enthusiastically. The fingers withdraw and you whimper in frustration until you feel yourself being lifted up by your bottom and underneath your bound arms and carried somewhere.

A few moments later you’re set down gently on your forced-spread knees, and then you feel something rub along your cheek then prod your mouth. “Open wide, Pet; I want to feel those plump cock-sucking lips wrap around me. Be a good girl and lube me up, because I’m going in your cute tooshy next” you hear Lula coo from above you. You quake a little in anticipation before you open your mouth and flick out your tongue; you find the glans of the member and swirl your tongue along it before inching closer and running your tongue along the bottom shaft of Lula’s blue tool – the arousal you feel causes your already leaking cunt to gush out even more as your juices slide out and around the toy stuffed inside you and down your thighs. “That’s it, Pet, lick it nice and good. Isn’t Mistress Lula’s cock so tasty and delicious?” you hear Leena beside you coo into your ear. You feel incredible tingles and you stop momentarily to say “Yes, Mistress Leena, Pet loves Mistress Lula’s big, tasty, beautiful cock. It tastes so good and feels so nice on my tongue” then you go right back to licking along the shaft before you wrap your mouth around the glans, swirling your tongue around it and the teardrop opening as you suck lightly. You then inch yourself deeper onto the lovely rod, swirling your tongue underneath the glans as you suck and bob your head until you feel the large member go into your throat and you bump against your blue Mistress’ tummy with your nose. You manage a gurgled moan onto Lula’s sword, which she seems to like as she grabs a handful of your fiery hair and lightly pulls your head back before she guides your willing mouth along her now glistening and messy shaft.

She gently bobs your head along the tip of her member to her base, face fucking you for a few moments until she gently pulls you off, though you reach out and lick the shaft a few more times until it disappears from your reach. “Be a good girl and hold still for your Mistress. I promise this won’t hurt and it will only take a moment” you hear Leena whisper into your ear before she gives it a lick, sending jolts of pleasure through you and causing you to gasp lightly. You hear steps in front of you before hands grasp underneath your armpits and lifts you up gently and moves your forced-spread legs out in front of you – you whimper and quiver in bliss as you feel the plug inside your cherry being slowly pulled out and stretching you slightly around the largest part of the plug as it’s removed. You feel yourself racing towards your height, but stop just shy as the plug is removed, leaving you feeling unusually and uncomfortably empty as your anus gapes from the removal of the toy. You don’t feel it long, though, as you feel the tip of a large penis press against your slightly gaping pucker before you’re gently lowered inch by excruciatingly wonderful inch onto the cock. “Gooodddzzz yeeeeessss, pleeaaaase d-don’t s-s-stop…” you plead as you moan and whimper in pleasure as the thick tool stretches you farther than the plug ever could, and filling your pucker deliciously as it stretches and reaches farther, leaving you feeling blissfully full. As the jolts of pleasure ripple through you and to your filled pussy you come close to peaking, but again your release is denied as you feel your bottom press against the bottom of the shaft as well as a pair of legs and taut stomach – you try to rock your hips to feel more pleasure but are held still from behind as arms wrap around you.

“Oh baby girl you feel so tight around my big cock. Do you want me to fuck you, hmm? Do you want to be my little anal whore, Pet?” you hear Lula’s hot, steamy breathe whisper into your ear. Her words send tingles and shivers through you and you give yourself over to the feeling as your pussy clamps down a little on the toy still in your pussy. “Y-y-yes, please Mistress Lula, Pet will be a good anal whore, just please fuck my slutty butt!” you plead to your mistress, who chuckles and kisses the back of your head as you try to rut against her. “Good girl, now I promise to make you my little anal whore only if you promise to use those cock sucking lips and nice titties to make my sisters big cock feel good. Think you can do that, my little anal whore?” Lula continues to tease you with nuzzling against the back of your fiery red hair. Tingling sensations ripple through you and you nod vigorously while saying “Yes, oh please yes Pet will suck and worship Mistress Leena’s big purple cock. She loves the taste and feel of cock in her mouth, and she loves having her boobies played with and used to please her Mistresses!” You bask in the feeling of rightness as the tingles and arousal overtake you before you feel something trace your lips; you take a whiff and shudder as you smell the arousal and musk coming from what must be Leena’s large purple shaft.

“Be a good cock sucker and open wide so you can taste your Mistress’ nice, juicy cock” Leena says above you. You gladly part your lips and moan as you feel Leena’s thicker tool slowly pushing its way into your mouth as she guides your head with her hand in your hair, stretching your jaw wide as you accommodate the large member. You swirl your tongue around the glans as it passes into your mouth before rubbing your muscle along the bottom shaft and sucking as more and more of the rod enters your warm, wet mouth until you miraculously feel your mouth reach the end of the tool, signifying that you have successfully deep-throated eight inches of wrist thick succubus meat. Despite your lack of air you manage a garbled moan as you feel the cock resting tightly in your throat.

Oh g-gods I’m tied up and I have m-my mouth, throat, pussy, and a-ass stuffed; I f-feel soooo full…I…I love this. Gods, I love this feeling s-so much!

Leena seems to be enjoying your near constant sucking and your attempts to move your tongue as she moans pleasurably. “Oh yes, you’re a natural born cock sucker. By Domina I’ve never had someone as good with their mouth and tongue before as you, Slut, and no one has ever been able to take all of me. If I’m not careful I think I might just l-ooooooh yes that’s wonderful right there- lose control and blow too soon. Do you love having my co-OOH MY-cock in your throat as much as I love being there, Slut?” Leena says in a very domineering voice, which makes you feel tingly all over. In response you slurp loudly on the large tool and manage a gurgling moan before she pulls out with a pop and says “Sit up straight you beautiful, wonderful cock sucker so I can mash my big cock between your breasts; I want to pound through the valley of your wonderful breasts and passed those plump lips” You twitch a little in anticipation and sit up as straight as you can manage while your arms are bound and legs forcefully spread – when you think you’re as straight as you can be you gasp in pleasure as the rope harness pushes the dildo deeper inside you. “I told you didn’t I?” Lula purrs into your ear “That my big sister is very dominant…but you love it don’t you, Pet?” You smile lightly and say “Oh yes, Pet likes being dominated and called a slut so much. It makes her feel all tingly and good inside”. “That’s a good little slut” you hear Leena say as you feel hands on your breasts before you feel what must be Leena’s large cock resting beneath them “Now, be a good girl and let some saliva dribble from your lovely fuck tunnel onto your Mistress’ big, beautiful dick”. You moan in pleasure as Lula starts to rock her hips slightly, urging you to comply with her sister’s demands; you gather a large amount of your spit and let it slip down into the valley of your breasts below, and you whimper in pleasure as you feel your nipples pinched and tweaked wonderfully as Leena uses your breasts to rub the spittle around.

“Get ready my little Anal Whore, because once my sister gets your tits nice and lubricated there’s no slowing down until we hose you down in our yummy, thick and creamy cum” Lula whispers into your ear while she continues to slowly rock her hips. You wait in anticipation as you feel your breasts getting slicker with your saliva until finally Leena says “Good girl, now keep that slut’s mouth open and face down so I can fuck that pretty mouth of yours while I do your titties” You shiver and comply, facing down and opening your mouth wide – as soon as you do the fun starts. With unnatural strength Lula lifts you slowly up from her rod, sending ecstatic jolts of pleasure coursing through you, before she slams you down hard on her thick pole which causes you to cream yourself on the spot from all the pleasure denial you received. Your sphincter and pussy clamp down hard around the members as you moan in pleasure – you’re unable to gasp as upon having Lula’s cock bury itself fully in your ass, Leena followed up with an upward thrust through your melon-y valley and into your mouth as you manage a suck despite the pleasure. Carth’s earlier training helps you maintain focus through the near mind-shattering orgasm as you quake and convulse in Lula’s grasp as she continues to bounce you off her cock while Leena likewise fucks your breasts and mouth.

“Oh yes, so fucking good – your slutty mouth is so good, Pet! I – Ah! – just love seeing my big dick disappear into that warm, wet hole. I – AHN – don’t, oh yes, oh yes, d-don’t think I’ll – ugggh yeah – last much longer. Is she – is she a good cock sleeve for you, sister?” Leena says between labored, pleasured filled breaths to her sister. “Ahn, yes, yes, yes! Oh, s-sister her ass is sooOOOOOO- huh, so good. It j-just won’t st-AHAHAHA YES! GODS! – stop gripping my cock. It’s like it’s tryyyIIIIIIIINNNNG to m-m-milk me dry!” Lula responds through equal pleasured filled breaths. You, however, hardly hear the banter as your pleasure resistance breaks down under the expert assault of the two succubus’s; you suffer a long, continuous orgasm that jumps into multiple orgasms as your passions reach new heights, then are stoked further as you feel incredible pleasure coming from your very full and overstimulated pucker all whilst tingles permeate your entire body. Your ass and honeypot have been in a near constant mode of convulsion as they grip the two tools like a vice. Your eyes roll back into your head and you quiver uncontrollably in bliss, though you somehow managed to keep your mouth open – or it’s just that you can’t close it – to be tit and face-fucked as you gasp and whimper in pleasure.

“Rrrggh, I’m there, I’m there, yes!” Leena screams at the top of her lungs followed by Lula “S-s-so am I, Sister! By Lequis, yes!” You make a garbled pleasure filled scream as you feel yourself lifted swiftly off of Lula’s wonderful pleasure stick and set down on your bum, however with the pleasure you feel you simply fall over onto your right side and continue to convulse in rapture while your gaping rosebud continues to quake and convulse as it seeks more stimulation. A moment later you feel something warm, thick, and sticky hit the side of your face, ears and hair, and then your breasts and torso, then what little of your arms are uncovered, then your ass, legs and feet. The torrent of the thick substance doesn’t stop until you feel yourself nearly completely covered in the stuff; you moan at the warm feeling it leaves on your skin and at the slightly salty, thick taste of it as some is shot into your open mouth and on your lips. When you finally come down from your earth-shattering climax you lick your lips to gather up more of the tasty treat and moan contentedly at both the taste, and the wonderful release you just experienced.

“By Domina” you think you hear Leena say through huffs and gasps “that was…incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good before; her mouth is like a vacuum”. “Mmmhmm, that was really, really good; that incredible ass of hers gripped me like a vice and just wouldn’t let go…gods just thinking about it sends chills up my spine. Is – is she still awake?” you hear Lula say. With great effort you groan and roll a bit in the thick, salty cream and position yourself onto your knees – though you shiver delightfully as the rope pushes on the dildo - and manage to say with a slightly raspy voice “I’m *cough* excuse me; I’m awake you two. That…was intense just…wow”. You hear both Lula and Leena laugh before Leena speaks up “Hold still, dear while I remove the spreader, blindfold, and sleeve”. You obey and remain stationary before you feel the straps on the spreader loosening then removed, followed by the arm sleeve, then lastly the blindfold. You blink a few times as you’re hit with blinding light until your eyes adjust; you bring your hands to your eyes and rub them for good measure. “Oh, Pet, you look so delicious right now. Come look at yourself in the mirror~” Lula says – you wait a few moments to gather your strength before rising and, with a slight tug of the leash on your choker, you follow behind the naked blue succubus with wet splotches sounding beneath your feet.

You glance towards where you were lying and see a very large puddle of semen that gives a near perfect outline of where you lied; you look down and see that you are quite literally covered with the stuff, as you can hardly see the rope harness you’re wearing which fills you with those now familiar feelings, causing you to smirk slightly. You look up and find yourself in front of the vanity mirror beside Lula and Leena, who are on either side of you and grinning lewdly. What you see sends tingles through you and you can’t help but moan; where when Lula covered you before in the park you thought you were drenched, but now it looks like you took a bath full of the sticky substance. Your fiery red hair is now completely white and dripping with the sister’s seed, your ears and entire face, save your eyes, are likewise plastered a thick goopy white; you turn around slightly and see that your back, butt, legs, and feet are equally drenched – you look at your front again and see that from your face down, even the rope, are just plastered and painted with the creamy stuff. The only part, save for your eyes, that isn’t completely covered is where your arms were bound; you get tingly sensations as you look at yourself which intensify as you bring your arms and hands to your body and roll them around in the seed, covering them as well. You look down at your now covered hands and a stray thought enters your mind to lick them clean; to taste the seed and you feel those same sensations that tell you it’s what you want and that it’s the right thing to do for you.
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Re: Rift Touched

You bring your eyes up to the mirror and see yourself staring back, covered head to toe in cum, leashed and collared, and in a fully body harness ready to lick up all the semen along your hands…and you smile as something Astraea said to you earlier enters your mind – Embrace it. Everything else is blocked out as you maintain eye contact with your dirty reflection and you bring your right hand to your mouth, and with a heavy, satisfied sigh you take a big whiff of it and begin to lick. You never look away as you scoop up the delicious, thick and salty substance from your hand and you moan as you roll it in your mouth before swallowing it down and relishing the feel of it as it washes over your tongue and slides down your throat. When your right hand is clean you bring your arm up and begin to lick, moan, and swallow the cum down as you watch your reflection do the same before that too is clean and you switch appendages to repeat the process. When you finish you look back at the reflection with a smile before bringing both hands to your hair and rubbing the evidence of Lula and Leena’s passion into your scalp, then gliding your hands down to your breasts and tummy to rub that in as well while you sway your hips and watch yourself.

Look at me…I’m a whore, a slut, a cum slut, a cock sucker, an anal whore. I’m a bondage submissive little cock sleeve…and I love it. I love sucking down big cocks and drinking down and wearing tasty, delicious, wonderful cum. I love being fucked up the ass until my mind goes blank. I love eating out pussy and having my breasts played with and stuffing my holes full of toys. I love showing off my sexy, dirty, slutty body without any clothes on…or very few to show everyone I’m open for business. Oh gods, I’m getting so horny thinking about what a dirty little cum guzzling slut I am…

You hold your arms about your waist tightly as those tingling, arousal, right feels wash over you and wrap around you like a warm blanket, causing you to moan before you bring your hands to your nipples and start to pinch, roll, and tweak them in your fingers as you watch your reflection do the same. “I felt a change in you just now, Colette” you hear Leena say, breaking your trance and causing you to look towards her in confusion “A significant change in fact; I’ve felt your mind shift closer to what your heart and your soul want and desire. It is still a ways away, but it is a wonderful thing – congratulations”. You see Leena smiling brightly – brighter than you’ve ever seen her smile – and then a strange feeling overcomes you not unlike the previous sensations. “I…I feel lighter – freer, I think? Like a…a huge weight was just lifted from my chest and I can breathe easier. I don’t know it’s…strange” you admit before you bring your hand back to your lips and lick off a dollop of cum, which seems to be causing both Lula and Leena to shift uncomfortably as their flaccid penises start to twitch back to life, causing you to smirk and do it again. Leena clears her throat to refocus herself, though the purple succubae’s first few words are a bit hoarse “Y-yes, anyways that is what aligning your mind and heart should feel like; like a great weight being lifted from you. You have taken the first steps towards your true heart’s path, dear; we’re both very proud of you”.

Lula giggles and claps her hands excitedly “Oh, baby, that’s so wonderful! Who knew that you were such a, um, well…” “Cock hungry, pussy licking, sex crazed slut?” you finish a little nonchalantly and with a grin. Huh…it doesn’t seem to really bother me all that much anymore…weird you think, a little surprised at yourself. Lula actually blushes a little at your words “Yeah, that – you actually remind me a bit of a succubus in fact since we’re all pretty much sex loving nymphomaniacs; are you sure you don’t have a succubus parent?” “No, I’m pretty sure I don’t have a succubus parent. Although, speaking of parents I wonder what my mother and father will think about the new me…?’ you reply with a little laugh before pondering how to…break the news, so to speak, to your loved ones as you bring another dollop of the sibling’s seed to your mouth and slurp it down. Lula and Leena give you hungry looks as you continue to drink down their seed, which makes you all tingly and aroused; however, you smile wickedly as you have other ideas. “Hey, Lula, Leena, have you two ever…you know?” you ask the two sisters with a coy smile.

Both the siblings smile mischievously and Leena nods “Yes…we have; we are succubae after all, why? What do you have in mind, dear?” You eye the double dildo on the bed and shiver as another familiar wave washes over you “I was thinking…I’d really like to see you two make love to each other…especially with that” you finish by pointing to the double ended dildo. The blue and purple sisters both look to what you point at with curiosity, and when they spot it their grins take on a devilish look before they turn back to you with glints in their eyes. “You are a naughty one, aren’t you” Lula says with a smile and a giggle before continuing “Be a good cum slut and go sit in one of the chairs while Mistress Leena and Lula have some fun. Mistress wants you to play with your nice titties and cum lots and lots for her nice owners; can you do that, Pet?” You bask as familiar sensations wash over you and grin “Yes, Mistress Lula, I promise to be a good cum slut and play with my boobies while you and Mistress Leena play with each other”. Lula lets go of the leash and you take that as the sign to sit down, so you saunter over to one of the black chairs and plop yourself down with a little splotch as you watch the purple succubus moves over and grabs the large, long double ended dildo and places one end into her mouth before heading back to her blue sister. You start pinch and tweak your nipples while massaging your cum covered breasts in a circular motion, sending little jolts of pleasure coursing through you that cause you to moan, as you watch Leena move closer to her sister. You’re eyes widen at what happens next; when the larger bust succubae reaches her sister, Lula opens her mouth as Leena thrusts the other end of the dildo into her sister’s mouth and down her throat!

Neither seems particularly fazed by the action, and in fact when their lips meet they start to kiss passionately as their hands glide across each other’s backs and curves. After a few moments both the incestuous sisters withdraw and Lula takes the dildo out of her and her sister’s mouth and says “Mmm, nice and wet now – ready big sister?” “Oh yes, little sister, I’m more than ready” Leena responds before Lula plunges the thick double end toy deep inside her glistening cunt in one thrust before she drops to her knees, leans back, and spreads her leg while giving her sister a very suggestive look. Leena smiles and goes to the ground and lines up her own drenched love tunnel as she drapes her right leg over her sister’s left and her left leg under her sisters right then plunges herself onto the toy. Both incestuous women moan deeply, and the sight is so incredibly erotic that you double the efforts one your breasts and start to gasp and moan loudly.

“Seems our dirty girl is enjoying herself, sister” the younger sibling says with a smirk. “So it seems, Lula, so it seems. Shall we?” Leena adds with a wink. The blue sister smiles and leans into her purple sister’s face and kisses her passionately on the lips with a moan, and with her left hand she grabs her hair and starts twining it. Leena does the same and presses herself into the kiss and her sister’s large breasts while twining her little sister’s hair with her left hand, before both sister’s use their right hands to reach down and grab each other’s cocks! At that point both the sisters, while still locking lips, start to bounce themselves together on the double dildo on the floor while simultaneously jerking themselves; the sight is so erotic to you that you work on your breasts at a furious pace trying to find release as your passions reach their heights. You pinch, pull, tweak, and rub at your cum covered, rope harnessed nipples and breasts, gasping and moaning all the while as you watch both of your friends make love to each other on the floor before you; the room is filled with the sounds of your whimpers and moans as well as the slapping of flesh and moans from the two succubus’s. You reach your peak first; with a final tug of your nipples you experience one very powerful jolt of pleasure that ripples through your breasts, curls your toes and lands in your nethers as juices break through your stuffed pussy and onto the floor as you quake. A moment later you see and hear both sisters withdraw from the kiss, tilt their heads back, and make garbled moans and whimpers as they shake and convulse slightly in bliss before you see two large, thick torrents shoot up from below them and splatter each of their faces, breasts, and stomach in their seed.

You continue to quiver as you slowly tweak your nipples and massage your ample bosom, bringing yourself down slowly from your most recent climb while the sisters continue to rock themselves on the dildo and battle with their mouths and tongues. After a few moments though, Leena pulls herself back and off the large toy and stands up, stretching and running her hands through her hair and down her curves – Lula does the same, though with the toy in hand before she smiles and walks up to you and brings the toy to your mouth. “Lick it clean, Pet; taste your Mistresses” is all she says with a glint in her eye, you lick your lips and shudder before opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out to the toy, giving it a few slow, long licks along the head and shaft. You reach out and take the toy from Lula and proceed to lick it all along its shaft and both its heads while looking Lula in her red eyes, turning it in your hands when you need to get to another spot and moaning as you taste the slightly bittersweet taste of your two mistresses. When it’s all clean you hand it back to Lula, who gives the toy a few licks herself, and she tosses it behind her onto the bed before she reaches down and unclips the leash and undoes your dirty choker – which you’re disappointed that it did get dirty – and sets them on the table.

“Stand up for me, honey, so I can get the rope off you. Leena, be a peach and run the water? I think we could all use a nice bath” Lula says to you with a cum covered smile, before turning to her sister. You stand up and raise your arms above your head to make it easier for Lula while Leena walks towards the room with the tub in the floor and says “Of course, Sister; I could use a nice, hot bath after this. And I’m sure Colette could as well”. Leena disappears into the room and you hear the sound of running water as Lula works at untying the rope harness; when she finishes she reaches down and undoes the straps to the dildo and slowly pulls it out of your stuffed love tunnel, causing you to moan and grab Lula’s sides for support as pleasure rushes through you. Your walls grip the toy tightly and after a few moments, and with a loud schlip the toy comes out, as does a fair amount of your juices that leak onto the floor. “Oh baby your pussy wouldn’t let it go, and look at how much of your fluids came out! You must have felt very good~. Go get cleaned up, baby, I’ll be in in just a moment” Lula says to you with a smile as she goes sets the dildo down on the table next to the rope, leash, and your choker. You reach up and lick a small bit of seed off Lula’s face before pecking her on the lips and saying “Don’t be long” before sauntering off towards where the tub is.

You see Leena sitting in a very large tub cut into the floor with steam rising from the water, and behind it and on the other side of the room are a few chamber pots. Leena looks to the door and smiles when she sees you and pats her lap, sending little ripples through the water “Dear, come on in the water is fantastic! Here, sit on my lap and I’ll clean you off; the tub is enchanted so any muck that washes off into it will be filtered and sucked through little pipes one the sides”. You smile and walk your semen stained form – you leave little drips and semen footprints as you walk – over to where Leena is sitting and dip a toe into the tub. You find that it’s just the perfect temperature – not too hot and not too cold – and step into the warm bath and wade your way to Leena and sitting yourself on her lap with a plop as steamy water ripples throughout the tub. Leena reaches over to the side of the tub and grabs a large, fluffy looking sponge and dips it into the water before bringing it to your hair. “So, dear, how was your first day here? Did you enjoy yourself?” Leena asks in a calm, soothing tone as she runs her hands through your hair and massages the sponge into it to gather up her and her sister’s seed. You sigh and snuggle back into the very well-endowed succubus’ very large breasts and reply “I…yes, I am enjoying myself actually. I was really...confused and scared and didn’t know what to do with myself. It’s like you said before; that discovering myself would be difficult and frightening. I didn’t really want to believe that this” you emphasize your point by waving your hands down your body “is who I am, or maybe I just didn’t know how to really deal with it. It was like a war was waging inside my own head between what I had always known…and what my heart wants. I met someone – Astraea – and she helped me; she said that she had known people that denied themselves their entire lives and ended up old, bitter, and unfulfilled. She said that if I wanted to be happy that I should embrace what I’m feeling here, and that it doesn’t define me, but instead it’s just a part of me. So, I listened to her and I think….I think that was the right choice, because I do feel better; a little liberated and free” you finish while gazing into the rippling water as you feel the sponge start to caress your left ear and cheek.

So…I am a slut; I love being tied up, screwed, paraded around, humiliated and talked dirty to, walking around naked or in scant clothing, and so many other things. Still…I feel like there’s more to learn about myself that I haven’t yet discovered you reflect on yourself before you hear Leena say behind you in a slightly mischievous tone “That’s wonderful Astraea could help you, dear. She’s very wise and has been around a very long time; you would do well to heed her advice. But, I have to ask…you seem to really enjoy drinking down mine and my sister’s seed; do you like it that much?” You think it over a moment as Leena continues cleaning your face and reply, without any shame whatsoever “…I do; I think it might be because of Lula actually. We had a lot a fair amount of sex, and before I wasn’t too sure about being penetrated so I instead wanted to try and use my mouth. I guess after all these times I must have acquired a taste for it…and for using my mouth and throat to please in general. I, um, actually like using my mouth and I love feeling a cock in my throat…as well as in my ass”. Leena chuckles behind you as she works the sponge along your breasts now “My goodness, dear; I am very surprised you aren’t a succubus! Listen, I’m sure Lula told you about…modifications we can make to your body besides the purely aesthetic. If you still feel that way tomorrow and want to feel even better when you go down on someone, or about having something inside your cute butt then talk to me. With the help of alchemy and Domina’s power we can alter your body – painlessly I should add – to fit what your heart desires”.

What kind of alterations, I wonder?

You don’t have time to think long as Lula bursts through the door a moment later carrying a ring gag, a headband with black and white cat ears, and anal beads; large anal beads that look like you could just barely wrap your fist around with eight balls attached, and instead of a plug or stopper at the end there is instead a very long black and white looking cat’s tail. Leena sets the sponge down and whispers huskily into your ear “Ready to have some more fun, dear? I want to feel what it’s like inside that cute, tight butt of yours while my sister takes your pretty pussy”. You feel wonderful tingles all throughout your body and you feel your arousal start to flare up again as you nod and say in a hushed tone “Oh, dear gods yes…” Leena chuckles before she moves your hair to the side and starts kissing and nipping at your neck as she holds you tightly from behind – Lula sees you and her sister and smiles “Oh, I take it our baby wants it?”. You close your eyes and lean further back and in a breathy voice say “Yes…please, yes…” A moment later you open your eyes and see the Lula has entered the tub and is moving towards you; she kisses you on the lips as she reaches you before she bends down and grabs both your legs and hoists them over her shoulders. You feel all tingly and aroused in this position, scrunched up between two lovely succubae with your butt in one’s lap and your legs spread and over another’s shoulders. “Here I come” Lula says with a smile before you feel the tip of her cock align itself with your pussy.

You wrap your left arm around Lula’s head and with your right you reach around and grab Leena’s head and gasp as you feel your engorged bottom lips parting beneath the water as Lula’s tip penetrates inside you for the second time. “Mmm, yes, gods so b-big I lo- AH!” you say between gasps and pants as you feel incredible pressure and pleasure from being filled, before gasping loudly when Lula angles just right to rub against your rock hard clit. You slowly, excruciatingly edge closer and closer to release, but you do your best to utilize what little training you received from Carth to keep your mind intact as you feel yourself slowly inch towards the edge of rapture. The release doesn’t come, though you whimper and gasp as you feel Lula’s glans bump against the entrance to your womb and stretches you farther than your love canal has ever been stretched – the blue eyed succubus leans in and whispers into your ear “Hold on tight to me, baby”. You pant a few times before nodding and wrapping both your arms around Lula’s neck and locking them in place as you feel Lula’s hands on your ass. She lifts you up slightly in the water and spreads your cheeks to your still slightly gaping pucker; you gasp and hug Lula tighter while placing your head over her left shoulder and on your leg as you feel a very large cockhead press against your backdoor. “Relax, dear, and it will go in easier” you hear Leena say beneath you soothingly. You take a deep breath and relax your lower body, and whimper delightfully as you feel your rosebud start to stretch like it has never been stretched before, even more so than with Lula.

“Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, oh gooodddzzzz!” you repeat over and over as Leena’s wrist thick cock spreads your asshole which, combined with the stretching of your vagina due to Lula’s cock being buried inside, sends stars shooting across your vision as incredible amounts of pleasurable jolts ripple through your bum, to your toes, and landing in your stretched and filled cunt. As you feel the cock being buried deeper and deeper inside you, you actually convulse and your mouth forms an “O” in a silent scream as a powerful climax sends you toppling over and forcing your ass and honeypot to clamp down hard on the two thick tools; you throw your head back and arch your back as Lula quickly lowers you the rest of the way onto Leena’s thick, purple cock. “Domina her ass is so tight…I can feel you through her sister” Leena says in a low, satisfied voice. “By Lequis you’re r-right; I can feel you through her tight pussy, big sister. She’s so stretched the pressure is incredible, like a vice around me. Is it good for you too, baby? Do you love being stuffed in your ass and pussy with our big dicks at the same time?” Lula moans and says to her sister before whispering into your ear. With your mouth still open in an “O” and head still thrown back you manage to nod, barely, at Lula’s words as stars play across your vision.

S-s-s-so t-t-tight…I-I-I can f-feel b-b-both cocks s-stretching me w-wide open; I c-c-can feel them t-through b-both ends. Godzzzz…I m-might break – so full…l-l-love it soooo much…

“You can stop holding on, dear; just let go and enjoy the ride. We’ll take care of the rest” Leena whispers behind you; you nod slowly and let your hands go slack to your sides so that you’re just mashed between the two sisters with their cocks buried in either hole while your legs are over Lula’s shoulders, allowing her to penetrate deeper. You feel Leena’s hands on your butt alongside Lula’s…and then the fun really begins; both sisters draw back to their tips then thrust back in hard and fast into either of your holes. You let out an unintelligible wail of pleasure as you flood your holes clamp down on the shafts and your pussy squirts juices around Lula’s cock – you gasp and convulse hard as you feel the penis inside your convulsing and flooding cunt go further than should be possible, creating a wonderful and rapturous pressure inside your womb and ass. “Oops” Lula says, though you really aren’t paying attention to understand “I-I think I went passed her cervix and into her womb. Oh by Lequis she’s so tight…” “Gods so fucking tight – w-whatever you’re doing, Sister, don’t stop. S-she’s clamping down on me like a v-vice!” Leena says between gasps behind you. You’re eyes roll back into your head as the cocks pull back then thrust in deep and fast yet again; you’re pussy and ass clamp down ass your love tunnel gushes fluids around the wonderful pleasure stick inside you and your head lolls to the side. You see nothing but stars and you feel like you’re flying as Lula and Leena pick up the pace and start fucking you in earnest; sending you toppling over into orgasm after multiple orgasm while the water around you jostles and waves from the force.

“Yesh, pleash don’t stops!” you say in a silly, messed up voice as you’re relentlessly pounded by the two lovely women, though you aren’t really aware of it at all. “Oh, I think she’s been f-fucked s-OH BY DOMINA YES!-illy, Lula. That’s s-so cute – AHN SO GOOD!” Leena says as she continues to pound into your ravaged ass. “Mmm, yes, yes, yes, so tight yes! Oh-FUCK- I think y-you’re right, but s-she loves it” Lula agrees with equal tenacity as she works your stretched and constantly convulsing love hole. You just sit there bouncing between the two cocks without a thought in your head as you’re overcome with incredible, constant orgasmic bliss; your breasts bounce, your arms are slack at your sides, and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh as well as water jostling fill the room. You continue to moan and scream unintelligibly in ecstasy as you twitch and quake from the mind shattering pleasure, however, you peak your highest when you feel something incredibly warm and thick being jettisoned into either hole which snaps you back to reality for a short while.

T-t-t-t-they’re c-cumming inside me…a-a-and they a-aren’t slowing d-down, either! you manage to think before you topple over into another toe curling climax that thrusts you back in your happy, pleasure fill world. Your earlier observations prove to be true as both Lula and Leena make animal-like grunts as they dump their thick, sticky loads inside you without stopping their thrusts. The relentless fucking continues as you soar higher and higher in bliss – your pussy starts to leak semen out the edges as it is filled to the brim and your stomach starts to distend from the content. You groan in frustration as you feel the wonderful meat stick removed from your pussy as your vaginal walls try to milk it for more, before you feel yourself being lifted from the warm water then placed face first on cool tile; you whimper brokenly in pleasure as the cock still buried in your ass thrusts and cums a few more times into your wonderfully stretched and abused hole before it pulls out – your ass clamps down hard to prevent its release, and you groan just as you did when the one in your pussy left. However, you’re very happy to find something else not unlike a large ball deposit itself into your gaping and twitching pucker, followed by another, then another, and another until you think maybe eight in all have plugged you followed by a large stopper at the end that your anus clamps down on. You two pairs of feet move around the room and water rustling a few moments, followed by whispering and then Lula’s voice sounds in your ears “You’re so fucking hot and tight, baby. Now, open your mouth for me so I can help you feel so good”.
Re: Rift Touched

All you hear is “open mouth” and “feel good” so you open your mouth; a moment later you feel a circular metal ring fitted into your mouth and tightened slightly followed by something being placed onto your head. “Gods she has so much energy, and she’s so fucking beautiful…I think I’m falling in love” you hear Leena say behind you, though you don’t really comprehend the words. “You and me both, big sister. Now, baby, ready for one last go?” you hear Lula say and you mumble incoherently in response; your mind is somewhere else so you’re really in no position to say anything. However, you do know pleasure as you feel something long and thick plunge deeply into your sloppy pussy and you moan in pleasure. You feel both your arms grabbed and pulled back to lift you up onto your knees; you blink a few times to focus your eyes and you see a big, blue cock lining up with your gagged mouth, so you stick out your tongue and give it a few licks before it moves passed your tongue and into your waiting mouth. You suck, lick, and moan as the thick member moves to the back of your throat and sits there, allowing you to feel the wonderful fullness in your throat which causes you to moan and release what little air you can manage. “Gods, her mouth is the best. How’s her pussy, sister?” you hear Lula say. “Heaven, Lula; it’s so good” the elder sibling says behind you before the fun starts all over again.

You feel the large member that stretches your love tunnel like no other pull itself back then thrust inside deeply – the cock in your mouth does the same. You just moan and convulse as new sets of stars blink across your vision as your eyes roll back; you just kneel and accept the pleasure given to you and the pleasure your body gives to the two wonderful blue and purple women as they thrust in and out of your at an ever increasing pace. A few more toe curling climaxes later both love rods release their seed deeply inside you; you moan and feverishly drink down the offering in your mouth after it pulls back from dumping a load down your throat, and as your convulsing sheathe milks the thicker sword for all it’s worth. You lean into the blue dick as it withdraws trying to drink as much of the thick, slightly salty substance as you can until it finally withdraws completely – you moan as the other delightful piece of flesh exits your very used pussy and causes another wave of twitches and convulsions before you slump to your left side on the cool tile. You close your eyes and pant heavily as you feel something being taken from your mouth, then you feel yourself lifted up, movement, cuddly warmth, mashed between two warm bodies with wonderful fun bags, tails and arms wrapped around you lovingly, and something pressed into your mouth that you suck on which rewards you with something sweet, thick, and creamy before darkness takes you to a wonderful world of naughty dreams.


You feel yourself waking up from a wonderful nap and you feel fully refreshed, so you open your eyes and blink a few times as you yawn and stretch. You scratch your head, but pause as you feel something funny on it; you reach up and remove whatever it is and bring it to your eye level and look at…a kitty cat headband? What is this? Why am I wearing such a thing? you think as you shift in the covers of your bed. Wait, bed? When did I go to bed? The last thing I remember was…AHN! you start to think before you shift and feel a wonderful pleasure permeate from your rosebud that moistens your cleft. You reach down and feel…a tail? You also feel a little bloated for some reason and a slightly sweet, slightly salty taste lingers in your mouth. You reach under the covers and rub your belly and notice that it seems a bit...swollen, so you lift the sheets up to see that your belly looks bloated and distended and you feel very, very full. Confused, you look to your left and see Leena looking at you with the cattiest grin you’ve ever seen as she rests her chin on her hand; you look to your right and see Lula in a similar position with an equal grin…and then it all comes flooding back.

Dear gods they…they…they fucked all of my holes! First my ass and mouth, then ass and pussy, then pussy and mouth…oh my gods it was incredible! I’m getting goose-bumps just thinking about it. Oh dear they did me until I passed out! That’s…oh yes… you remember which sends delightful tingles and arousal through your body. “Gods, baby, you were so hot and tight and such a wonderful little slut” Lula coos at you before leaning in and kissing you tenderly on the lips; you grab her blue hair and press back into her before withdrawing. You feel a gentle hand turning your face until another pair of lips – Leena’s – press tightly into yours with a moan that you return with equal passion. “Mmm, oh yes” the purple sister says as she pulls back and looks at you lovingly with her red eyes “you were such a wonderful fuck toy. Oh, just remembering it sends shivers up and down my spine, dear”. Lula did say that I would be their little fuck toy…good gods it felt so wonderful to be their toy you think with a shudder; both sisters notice you quivering and giggle. “That was amazing; it felt so good I think I might have lost my mind for a little while there” you say with a deep, contented sigh as you snuggle into the women’s embrace.

You chance a look at Lula and you smile at her as she smiles tenderly back at you, and then a devious thought enters your mind that makes you smile broadly. You look to Leena and lean in, whispering into her ear so that her little sister can’t hear; what you say makes Leena’s smile grow and fills her eyes with a mischievous fire. “What?” Lula says beside you, confused “What are you two talking about?” With an evil smile and a passion in your eyes you look to Lula and say “”Hey, Lula…want to go for a walk?”
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Re: Rift Touched

Here’s the next second part of the first day at the temple of Domina. Things start to heat up for dear Colette! This is part two of hopefully three for the first twenty four hours. After the third post I promise all future temple of Domina related posts will be shorter !
I'm not bothered by the length of your posts at all. Your good at this.
Re: Rift Touched

I'm not bothered by the length of your posts at all. Your good at this.

I have to agree with Night length matters very little especially when reading smut/action. Also anyone Else wonders by what the 'offered' changes are for the Alchemy treatments? One can only wonder what can be given to add to Colette as she is already pretty darn well endowned in every department.
Re: Rift Touched

Part three of three for the first twenty four hours of the temple of Domina.

Sorry this took so long to write. I was busy perfecting it…and doing other things as well, sorry: P Anyways, feel free to write things up that you want and I’ll try to add them as best I can.


Lula blinks at you in confusion and astonishment before saying “A walk, baby; as in…a ‘naughty’ walk? By Lequis how is it you still have so much energy? You’re a little dynamo, I swear!” You giggle and lean in to whisper huskily into Lula’s ear “Not just any walk, Lula; this time I want to lead you around, and in my sexy bodysuit. What do you say, Lula? Want to call me Mistress Colette and you be my cute, sexy Pet?” to emphasize your point you lightly press a kiss on the blue woman’s lips as you reach down and trace your index finger from the bottom of her wet slit up to her clit, then tracing along her now hardening shaft from base to tip. Lula moans pleasurably to your advances and when you pull back you look into her eyes and see a renewed passion blazing deeply in them as she grins back at you. “Mmm, you make a good case, baby” Lula purrs at you. You giggle and grab the kitty headband and put it onto your head before turning to Lula and saying “Now you go be a good girl and put on your sexy outfit for your Mistress” before you carefully move off the bed as you massage your slightly distended tummy while avoiding shifting the anal beads kitty tail inside you.

Oh this feels nice…being full of my lover’s cum and still basking in the afterglow. What’s this? Looks like I’m still leaking a little from my vagina you think as you feel a slightly thick and wet trail leaking down your thigh. You turn your head and see Lula getting off the bed and watching you with a grin as well as Leena from her spot on the bed – with a grin you turn to face the two beautiful lovers and dip your right index finger and middle finger into your honey pot and stir it up a bit and, which a gasp and moan as pleasure and tingles fill you, you bring the two digits to your mouth and suck down yours and their combined fluids. You look to Leena and it seems her breath is caught in her throat as she shifts on the bed – Lula, on the other hand, is out of the bed on looks at you lustfully as her cock hardens to full glory. You smirk on flip back around and moaning as your artificial kitty tail flicks with your movement and sends little jolts coursing through you. You move towards the large armoire and open it as you look for suitable clothing to wear for your “walk” with Lula.

Let’s see…no, too conservative…too colorful…oh that looks sexy, but not what I had in mind…oh, here we go!

You spot a black and white maids outfit – a very skimpy maids outfit you should add – hanging on a rack in the armoire with a pair of long black, thin and fingerless leather gloves and black mid-thigh boots that seem to have platform heels and many buckles and straps that give it a bondage-y look. There’s also a lacey black garter belt, sheer black panties, sheer black stockings, and a sheer black bra that go with the set. You grab everything except the panties and bra since the panties would get in the way of your artificial tail and would get dirty, and the bra you just don’t want; you get to work on putting the maid outfit on starting with the garter belt and stockings, then the leather gloves, then the outfit itself, and lastly the boots. When everything is on you saunter over to the vanity mirror and run your hands down your body in a sexy manner as you gaze at your reflection.

You have a black and white kitty ear headband on your fiery red hair, wearing a skimpy black and white maid outfit that hugs your body tightly; the outfit has tiny white shoulder puffs, the torso is black and white – white around your bust and navel, which show your nipples since you aren’t wearing a brassiere, and black around your sides and back – and with a frilly black and white skirt that barely covers just below your ass, meaning that if you were to bend over in the slightest then everyone would see your panties, or lack thereof and, needless to say, it does nothing to hide your anal tail. Underneath you’re wearing a black lace garter belt that are currently holding up black sheer stockings that are mostly covered by black, mid-thigh platform boots that has buckles and straps going up it that give it a bondage look and which hug your legs tightly, but not uncomfortably. Last, but not least, are a pair of long, thin black fingerless leather gloves that you find cute and that stop a few inches passed your elbow and that hug your skin snuggly. You gaze into your emerald eyes as you ruffle your fiery red hair with your hands to let the wavy mane flow better and to hide the band of the headband before blowing a small kiss at the mirror with your glossy red lips. All in all you look like a very sexy cat maid with a black and white tail and ears, with a slight bump in your stomach from the gifts you received earlier.

“Meow” you hear Lula’s voice behind you say huskily – you turn around and lick your lips at the sight before you. Lula’s in your black latex bodysuit and it hugs her every curve and contour deliciously tight – she turns around and pokes her bum to show that she has an anal plug inside her already while her spaded tail peeks through the seam of the enchantment and flicks about playfully-, allowing you to see the perfect outline of her breasts and nipples, an unobstructed view of her pussy, and unique to her physiology you can see a perfect outline of her fully erect cock that’s resting up along her navel and pointing skyward. “Baby, I have to get me one of these. Oh, it fits so nicely to my body and just think of all the people I could tease with it” Lula says with a glint in her eye as she runs her hands up and down her body. With a sway in your hips you walk up to Lula and, upon reaching her, you press yourself up against her body and run your hand along her erect shaft, jerking it soft through the fabric, causing Lula to moan in pleasure. You feel tingles coursing through you at what you’re going to do later, but right now you feel those same tingles at doing something very mischievous and as you gather your magical reserves as your hand on Lula’s cock glows a dim clear you think the words pleasure slave before releasing the energy at the suit. “WhoooOAAAAAHN! Oh by Lequis YES! I am d-definetly getting one of th-OOH BABY!-ese suits!” Lula moans and quivers in ecstasy as the suits pleasure enchantments take effect, creating thousands of tiny tendrils that all rub, massage, and tweak every part of the body the fabric touches. You smile devilishly as you build up your magic again and release it to stop the enchantment, and Lula’s pleasure buildup.

Lula groans in frustration and pouts at you “Why did you stop? That felt really good!” You smirk and chuckle as you wag your finger in front of your face “Ah, ah the real fun comes later, nyaa~”. Lula cocks and eyebrow and laughs “Nyaa?” – you smile and shrug before saying “Well I am a cat, aren’t I? Now stay there while I get my lovely Pet her collar…nyaa~” you finish by bringing your hands out in front of you in a mock claw fashion, emulating a cat before you move over to the three chests as you give your behind a wiggle to wag your fake tail sticking out of your bum. You open the first and third chests looking for a few things and you smile as you spot a purse, a large strap-on dildo with two ends that’s about seven inches long and a few inches less in thickness compared to Lula’s member – Leena mentioned earlier as you two whispered that it was enchanted so that both the user and receiver could feel pleasure – which all sends wonderful feelings of rightness and tingles coursing through your body. You gather up the purse and strap-on, placing the toy inside the purse, before spotting a leash and collar and gathering that as well; you continue your search for something very specific that Leena also says she has and, upon spotting it, you smile wickedly and wonderful tingles and arousal wash over you.

It’s time for a little payback for earlier, Lula you think as you grab a familiar pink vial that holds a very strong aphrodisiac. You hide the bottle in front of you and quietly pop the top before taking a sip and holding it in your mouth as the taste of strawberries hits your tongue. You close the top and set down the wonderful liquid before standing up and moving to Lula, purse on your shoulder and leash with collar in hand. You smile at Lula as you reach her and slip the collar around her neck and tighten it snuggly before reaching up and around her neck and pressing your lips to hers in a deep kiss. You deposit the sweet liquid into the succubi’s mouth as you twine tongues before withdrawing, and watching as she moans and swallows it down, causing you to grin evilly. “Mmm, that was tasty; what was it, Mistress?” Lula asks you with a moan. You chuckle mischievously and say “You’ll find out later, Pet. For now, come here and get on your knees, Pet. Mistress needs to be cleaned a little before we head out” you finish with a light tug of the leash while pointing to your crotch, which has a long, thick white streak leak down your thighs. You feel tingles at commanding your lover and watch as she licks her lips and saunters up to you, dropping to her knees and running her tongue up your left thigh, then your right as she gathers up yours, hers, and her sister’s juices. You gasp and whimper in pleasure and grab her dark blue hair as she moves under your short skirt and starts lightly lapping at your moist slit, drinking down the leaking excess with a moan.

“O-oooh that’s a go-AHN!-od, Pet, but there will beeEEEE – gods, yes! – time f-f-for that later” you manage to stammer out between very pleasured gasps and whimpers as your Pet continues to service you. You reluctantly pull back as you feel your peak reaching closer to its apex and as wonderful tingling sensations permeate your body; you look down and smile as you see your large horned lover staring back at you with a huge smile with your juices on her lips and chin, which she licks to gather up with a contented moan. You feel your pussy quiver wonderfully at the stimulation it received, and you moan as jolts of pleasure race through you as your pucker clamps down on the large anal beads inside you which give you a very nice feeling of fullness on top of the semen plugged up inside you. You give a gentle tug of your leash, signifying for Lula to rise before you give her a kiss on the lips and tasting yourself before pulling back and, with another gentle tug, leading your Pet towards the door. “Have fun you two~” you hear Leena call out from behind you as you smile and open the door, tingles overtaking you at exposing yourself and dominating Lula. You give your left ear a little massage and moan as jolts hit you and land in your mound while you descend the stairs of the temple with Lula in tow and eyes on your scant form, and at Lula’s practically naked one.

You and Lula both get leers, cat calls, and whistles from the crowd of disciples as you both walk down the stairs. When you reach the bottom, and as tingles fill you up, you take the opportunity to get a little payback on Lula as you smile devilishly. A green goblin man walks up to you wearing an intimidating set of leather and a lewd grin with another goblin woman in tow, leashed and collared similar to Lula but with only a rope harness on for clothing, and being blindfolded and ear muffed so she can only rely on her Master’s guidance to navigate safely. You feel tingles and shudder in arousal at the sight of the woman, wondering what it would feel like to be in that position and to be in the position of the man leading her around. “Walking your toy I see” the goblin man says with a smirk before continuing “it looks like she’s a good and obedient one too”. You smile as you look at the man before taking a glance at Lula and winking mischievously “Oh yes she’s a very good, beautiful and obedient girl. She just loves showing herself off with her butt stuffed full of toys, and she really loves having her hair stroked and her breasts played with; would you like to play with her a bit? I’m sure she’d love that very much, wouldn’t you, Pet?” you finish and turn to Lula with a smile and a wink as you gently tug on her leash. Lula smirks and with a fire in her eyes she says submissively “Oh yes, Mistress Colette, that would make Pet so happy. Pet loves being walked and touched and played with” before she moves closer to the goblin man and leans her head down and drapes her hair to the side, just like you did at the inn.

The goblin man smirks as he reaches out with both hands; with his right he strokes Lula’s long, dark blue hair and with his left he reaches for her right breast and massages her breasts and rolls her nipple between his index finger and thumb, causing Lula to moan. After a little while the man pulls back and Lula groans in frustration – you bellow at to the rest of the disciples as the tingles intensify “She’s such a lovely and pretty Pet, isn’t she? Does anyone else want to play with her and show her how much of a good girl she is?” Many of the disciples, especially the ones wearing dominant and intimidating looking gear, whistle out and raise their hands and glee. You look to Lula, who has a grin on her face, and wink before you do the exact same thing she did to you back at the inn and lead her around the open hall to the various people and having her kneel occasionally as she’s petted, stroked, and has her breasts played with through the fabric of the latex. When you think she’s had enough stimulation for now you gently tug on her leash and lead her out the door of the temple and into the streets of the red light district. It’s dark outside, which is a bit surprising to you since you didn’t have much of a concept of time whilst in the temple, but you know your way around the district and so you gently tug on the leash and lead Lula down the streets and towards the park. As you walk the streets you and Lula both get hungry and wanton looks from the people that walk the streets, however instead of feeling shame or embarrassment you walk the streets with a smile as if nothing in the world was wrong.

You notice that there are more people out at night in the red light district, and there are also floating orbs of magic that emit white light that line the streets – you drop into your aura sight and see the threads and pulsing colors of the magical world and see that the orbs are indeed of the white magical variant as they pulse brightly. The people of the red light district at this hour, on top of giving you and your pet a few cat calls and appraising looks, seem to be dressed much differently; instead of regular clothes they are now in attire similar to yours – scant, in bondage gear, or other unique and exotic clothing, and you see more than a few people walking around in the nude or being led on leashes. Seems the red light district has a very fun night life you think with a smirk as you look about and give other men and women desirable looks and lewd grins…until you hear Lula gasp audibly and stop moving as the leash’s length is drawn. You smile handsomely at what you know has just happened.

“Y-you little m-minx; I k-knew something was f-funny about that kiss you g-gave me” you hear Lula stammer out behind you; you turn around and can’t help but crack a huge grin as you see Lula shifting her legs uncomfortably and stroking her cock with her left hand and rubbing her right breast with her other hand through the latex. “Oh, Pet you shouldn’t play with yourself without permission” you say in an innocent tone as you saunter up to Lula and gently pull her hands way from her cock and breast before adding “Is something wrong? You look so uncomfortable; is there anything Mistress can do for you?” Lula glares at you with a smirk on her face “O-oh I think y-you know exactly w-what is wrong”. You shake your head and click your tongue at Lula as you try to not smile “Well, I think Pet is being a very bad girl, talking back to her Mistress like that. I thought Pet would like being taken for a walk, and I had something so wonderful planned for her too. But, if she’s going to be like that then I think I’ll just have to turn around and take her back home…” Lula’s eyes go wide and she actually looks a little crestfallen, which makes you think you’ve gone too far, but she quickly smirks and says “N-no, Pet is sorry Mistress; please don’t call Pet a bad girl and please don’t take her home. She loves being walked and wants to please her mistress”. You smile and gently tug on the leash as you head for the park with Lula in tow.

You reach the park while gently tugging the sexually frustrated Lula along with a smirk and are surprised to see that there are a lot more people here at night than there are during the day as you gaze out into the magically lit public area. There are men, women, tentacles, and everything in between walking about in all manner of costumes, clothing – or lack thereof – and being led, doing the leading, and oh so much more. There are even a few that are openly having sex in the open for all to see! Wow, I guess the best things happen at night here. Oh my gods, is that tentacle taking two women and a man at once! By all the gods it’s penetrating all their holes at once, and that one tentacle is open and sucking furiously on the man’s penis! That is so hot I’m getting horny just watching it! you think as you start to moan as you massage your right half-elf ear with your right hand and your left breast with your other while watching a blue tentacle beast with twelve tentacles take three people at once. You rocket closer to release as you moan, until you hear Lula groan behind you which snaps you from your reverie. I need to help Lula out before she goes crazy, because gods know I almost went crazy when I took the stuff you think as you search for a spot in the park; you smile when you see a patch of grass that’s unoccupied, and what would be perfect for your plans since it’s in the middle of a large group of people. You look back at Lula and wink before gently tugging on the leash you carry and leading her to the spot.

When you reach the spot you smile widely when you see many, many lustful and appraising eyes on you and your Pet and you say to Lula and just loud enough for everyone to hear “Aren’t you so happy to be in the park, Pet? I’m sure everyone here would just love to pet you and praise you for being such a good girl; wouldn’t you like that, Pet?” Lula shivers in anticipation at your words and says “Pet would love that so much, Mistress; she loves being praised and taking walks in the park for everyone to see her”. Oh this is so erotic right now you think with a smirk before saying to the crowd “Does anyone want to show my pet what a good girl she is and tell her how beautiful and sexy she is?” You smile when quite a few hands raise up followed by whistles and shouts to bring Lula, and yourself no doubt, over; you grin at Lula, who gives you a lewd grin in return, before you gently tug on the leash and lead your latex clad lover to a group of people who stroke her hair, massage her breasts, sometimes lightly brushing her cock and causing her to groan in frustration all while people tell her how good and beautiful she is while likewise praising you on “training” her to be so well behaved. You feel your arousal building at the situation and, when you feel you’ve both had enough, you lead Lula to the clear spot of grass for the main course, which you are sure Lula is anticipating just as much as you in her drugged state.

You look at Lula and shudder as you see her practically panting with arousal and eying you hungrily while licking her lips – you chance a glance towards her crotch and through the latex you can see her cock twitching lightly. Geez she looks like she’s about to jump my bones…not that I would particularly mind. Let’s see how much farther I can take this before I can really have some fun… you think with a smirk before saying to your two-horned lover “You’ve been such a good girl, Pet. Do you want to feel all better now?” Lula smiles widely and with a glint in her eyes she purrs out “Ooooh yeeees, Mistress; Pet wants to feel sooooo goooood”. Oh she’s nearly at her limit <3 you think before continuing “If Pet wants to feel better then she should kiss her Mistress’ feet”. Lula smiles before dropping to her knees and seductively crawling on all fours to your platform boots and planting kisses on them while looking up into your eyes…or is it your glistening nethers? Either way you watch in arousal and amusement before you take a step back and turn around to point your stuffed cherry towards Lula and say “Good girl, show how much you love your mistress. Now, Pet, take out my cute little toy, remove your sexy suit, and lie on your back and Mistress promises to make you feel all better”.

You look over your shoulder down at the horny succubus and watch as she gets on her knees and extends her hands, grasping your left cheek and kneading it with one hand while grasping the toy tail with the other. You gasp and whimper in ecstasy as she slowly pulls the tail plug out, and you feel each large ball slowly, wonderfully stretching your pucker as it exits your hole which leaves you feeling…disappointed at not being so full anymore until all eight balls have been removed, and as you slowly climbed your peak. You gasp as you feel some of the cum in your belly start to slowly leak from your anus – you turn around and smile at Lula as she starts to remove the bodysuit with shaky hands as she eyes you lustfully; you look around and see that you’ve drawn quite the crowd. You take the purse that you brought with you off and open it, placing the toy tail inside and setting it on the ground next to you as Lula finally manages to get the bodysuit off, which causes her large penis to fling freely for a few moments before she gets on the ground on her back fully nude with the latex bodysuit beside her. You look around and smile broadly as you see a few people gape at you and Lula and openly start to masturbate at the sight.
Re: Rift Touched

Let’s see if I can’t give them a good show… you think before you turn your attention back to Lula. You saunter up and over her crotch and look down at her with a coy grin “So, Pet, do you want your mistress to make you feel better?” Your blue tailed succubus looks at your dripping pussy – both from your own juices and the leftovers from earlier - hungrily before looking up into your eyes with lust and saying “Yes, Mistress, your slutty Pet wants to feel better. Please make her feel good”. “Good girl” is all you say with a grin before you reach under your short, frilly black and white maid skirt and part your moist lips as you slowly lower yourself over Lula’s thick tool; you moan lustfully as you feel the glans of the penis slowly part your sopping walls, and you look down and see Lula’s face with a look of pure bliss written across her features. You gasp and moan as you lower yourself slowly, and when you bottom out and feel Lula’s tool part the entrance to your cervix you moan deeply before you lean down to Lula’s ear and whisper huskily “No touching, Pet, or I stop; just enjoy the pleasure your mistress gives you and be thankful for it” you finish by placing a tender kiss on her red lips as you start to slowly rock your hips back and forth, then from side to side before you straighten your back and slowly start to ride the member. You look down into Lula’s red eyes with your emeralds with desire as she does the same before you bring your hands to your head and remove the headband, tossing it next to the purse as you run your hands through your fiery locks and trace them down your body as sexual warmth and pleasure fill you.

“Mmm, oh, oh yes Pet y-you’re making me feel so good. Do you – AHN! – like t-the way your Mistress f-fe- gods so good!-els?” you say as you ride Lula’s thick, blue cock. However, you see that instead of answering she simply nods and has a look of pure bliss on her face as her eyes are closed and her mouth is open in the shape of an “O”, which causes you to smirk. W-well I -gods I love the way she fills me!- guess I know how t-to break her c-cool. Just g-g-give – fuck YES! – her a strong a-a-a-aphrodisiac you think as you try to angle her cock to rub against your little bud, eliciting more gasps of pleasure as you tunnel through the foundations holding back your passion. You smile when you look out at the crowd and see everyone staring at you two with rapt attention – some masturbate openly while others shift their legs as their nethers moisten or cocks poke painfully at the fabric of their pants – until you feel Lula’s cock twitch inside you, threatening to spill her seed inside you. Feeling like being a tease you bring your riding to a halt and causing Lula to snap her head up at you and look at you with a painful lust in her eyes. “P-please, don’t stop, Mistress” Lula begs – with great effort as you feel yourself getting close you pull yourself from her member as your walls clamp down around her and reach over and pull the strap-on out of your purse.

“This” you say to Lula, who’s whimpering for release beneath you, as you show her the double sided toy “is what I’m going to use on you, Pet. Where would you like it, hmm? In that sloppy pussy of yours…or in your tight butt?” Lula takes one look at the double-ended strap-on and smiles widely before saying “In Pet’s pussy, Mistress; I want to feel it stirring up my messy cunt so badly”. You grin from ear to ear before aligning the worn end with your equally drenched cleft and slowly pushing the slightly curved toy inside you, causing you to gasp and moan as the curve to the toy hits all your sweet spots and threatens to topple you over the edge. After a few more painfully blissful moments you have one end of the toy inside you before you get to work on the straps that go around your legs and waist until finally, the toy is ready to be used. You gather your magical reserves as your hand glows a dim clear and think the words “double the fun” before you touch the other end of the phallic toy and release your magic on it. Nothing happens, much to your disappointment, so you lightly tap the end of the toy; you gasp as you feel the vibrations work through the end of the toy you touched to the other end inside you, hitting your sweet spot and sending ripples of pleasure through you.

Oh, Leena needs to tell me where she got this wonderful thing you think as you shudder from the little vibrating aftershocks that run the length of the toy. You smile at Lula, who has an equally large smile on her face, before you grab her left leg and hoist it over your shoulder while you align the toy cock her slippery love tunnel…and then you plunge it to the base in one thrust. You and Lula both gasp, whimper, and moan as the toy vibrates along both ends and builds both of your passions before you use the training Carth had you go through and, while steeling yourself, you pull back and slam into Lula a second time with the toy…and then again, and again until you start to get used to the toy and build a rhythm as pleasure overtakes you and your red-eyed lover. With Lula’s left leg over your left shoulder you are able to penetrate deeper into her, so you do just that at a furious pace – as the pleasure overtakes you you see her big cock flopping about so you decide to lean down slightly and, with your right hand, start to jerk her fast and hard, which she seems to enjoy as she bucks her hips and looks you lovingly in your eyes. You pound away at her for a few moments until you both cry your release to the sky as you and Lula arch your backs; your pussy clamps down hard around the toy as you squirt juices that leak around the outside and puddle onto the ground below while you feel Lula’s own canal do the same around her end, sending shocks that intensify your orgasm as your walls convulse delightfully. You, however, reign yourself in and proceed to jerk Lula a few more times until she arches her back further and spurts forcefully onto her belly, breasts, and face with four thick, creamy loads.

You take a moment to catch your breath before you start right back up again, not wanting to leave your lover in an aroused haze since you can clearly remember how you felt while under the drug’s effects. “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!” you scream out in rapture as you climb the top of your passions yet again. “Don’t stop, don’t stop! Yes! FASTER!” Lula likewise screams as she starts tweaking her breasts and nipples with her hands and fingers as you continue to pound into her while simultaneously giving her a hand job. Lula clamps down on your end of the toy which sends powerful vibrations traveling through to the other end and into your honeypot, sending you hurtling towards climax as your dam breaks, causing you to quiver and whimper as you continue thrusting through your orgasm as Lula’s cock spurts a few more times. When you and Lula have both had enough, and with a whimper of pleasure, you withdraw the strap-on from Lula’s love tunnel and fumble about with the straps until finally you remove the toy with a moan and let it drop to the ground. You get on all fours and crawl up next to Lula, placing a knee into her crotch as she drapes a leg over yours, and kiss her passionately as your grab a handful of her hair and twine it in your hands as she does the same. You and Lula lie there locking lips, twining each other’s hair, and caressing each other for a good long while as you occasionally withdraw to lick a few strands of her seed off her face before diving back in to battle tongues. When you both finally tired of that you just sit there and hold each other and gently caress one another as you gaze into her red eyes with affection and a contented smile on your face.

“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” you whisper to Lula as you bite your bottom lip playfully. Lula nods with a moan “Oh, yes baby you make such a good mistress. I wouldn’t mind doing this again with you leading me around, and I don’t think they will either” Lula whispers back sultrily before nodding to the crowd around you and her. You look around and over your shoulder to see a few stains on the grass as men and women found their release – when they see you and Lula looking they erupt in cheers and congratulations with huge smiles on their face. A few linger about, but most get the hint to leave as you giggle and return to cuddling, kissing, and caressing with your succubus lover on the grass in the illuminated park as your pussy and rosebud continue to leak from the previous fun you had in the day. You look down at Lula’s blue skin and see the thick, white evidence of her passion splattered on her tummy, breasts, and face and a devilish idea enters your mind; with her left hand you scoop up a large dollop and bring it to Lula’s mouth. She gives you a coy grin before bring your hand to her mouth and licking off her seed with a moan, causing you to giggle as she looks you in the yes. “I think I’ll be a kind mistress and help clean Pet up” you say with a smile before gathering up another bit of seed and bringing it to Lula’s face as you lean down and lick some of her seed off. You and Lula work on “cleaning up” for the next few minutes whilst moaning and sharing wet, sloppy kisses as you two work until Lula’s totally clean of her seed.

You yawn and stretch as you rise and gather up the things scattered about, taking the latex bodysuit and draping it over your right shoulder as you wear the purse filled with the things you brought on your left. “Ready to go, Pet?” you say as you turn to Lula with a grin and a gentle tug of her leash, clearly amused at her nudity. Lula shows off with a giggle as she leans towards you and mashes her breasts together as she sticks her smooth bottom out behind her “Of course, Mistress; thank you for walking Pet today, she really enjoyed it” finishing with a wink. You laugh and wink back with a smile before gently tugging on the leash and heading towards the park exit and back to the temple of Domina while many, many people turn their heads and stare at the stunning fiery redhead in a skimpy maid outfit leading a beautiful naked, thick cocked blue succubus by leash – you and Lula both put on a show by blowing kisses and running your hands through your hair and cupping your breasts as you walk, which gives quite a few people some good material for later…or in some cases at the moment you happen to pass by.


You close the door behind you and Lula as you both laugh and snicker at the countless people that stopped to stare and gawk at you. “Did you- did you see the look on his face when you turned around and showed him your ‘extra baggage’? It-it was priceless!” you laugh between breaths as you grip your sides as you recall the dwarven man that was checking Lula out earlier, only to go wide eyed and take off after seeing she had a rather large penis. Lula laughs boisterously before she speaks up “Oh yeah? What about you, hmm dear? I’m sure you left every man and woman in the district hot and bothered with your performance. Flashing your cute bottom and breasts to everyone and rubbing up against me as we walked. Mmm, I think I’m one of the people you left hot and bothered actually. And you” Lula turns to her big sister lying on the bed watching the banter with an amused grin “You put her up to this didn’t you?”. Leena pulls herself to the headboard as she laughs “Why, whatever could you mean little sister?”

“Oh, don’t give me that; you know perfectly well what I mean! You told her where the vial was to the aphrodisiac” Lula says while glaring playfully at the purple succubus. You take the opportunity to unleash Lula and take the collar from her as Leena looks to the side in a mock innocent fashion before Lula giggles and pounces onto the bed and onto her sister and wrestles with her. You laugh as you watch the blue and purple sisters wrestle and giggle in the bed before they start kissing and caressing each other tenderly. Oh I definitely need to get in on that action you think as you lick your lips and the tingles return upon reentering the temple – you go to the armoire and chests and undress before putting everything back into its rightful place aside from the purse; you set that down next to the door since there are dirty items in it. You turn back to the bed with a smile as things start to heat up and yell “Don’t start without me!” before sprinting and vaulting onto the bed and tackling Lula. The three of you laugh as you all wrestle; you manage to get on top of Lula and pin her arms above her head and look into her eyes with a grin before press your lips against hers with a moan as you kiss her. You kiss Lula for a few moments before you feel hands tickling at your sides, causing you to laugh and shake as you lose your grip before the hands wrap tightly around you and pull you back and flip you around. You turn to face Leena, who has a large smile on her face before she leans in and kisses you while she sets you on your back onto the bed; you wrap your legs around her waist and your arms around her neck as the two of you battle your tongues together.

You continue like this for a little while before Leena lets go of you and plops onto the bed to your left, followed by Lula at your right. You give both Lula and Leena coy grins as you bite your bottom lip before all three of you reach down and pull the covers back to cover all three of you. Both the sisters snuggle close to you and drape their arms over you as they mash their breasts into your face and wrap their tails about your legs, binding you down lovingly and protectively. Ah, this is the life; snuggled between two beautiful sex goddesses and ready to go to bed <3 you think with a contented sigh as you snuggle into their large bosoms. “It was really fun, Leena; I wish you could have been there. I teased Lula a whole lot, isn’t that right ‘Pet” you say to Leena after a little while. “Behave now, honey” Lula says as she wags her finger in front of your face with a laugh “I’ll get you back, just you wait”. You reach out and lick the finger with a giggle before turning to face Leena and asking “Why didn’t you come, Leena?” Leena gives you a catty grin before saying “Oh, I wasn’t here while you two were out having fun; I was out preparing something…special for you tomorrow. Just you wait and see~”. You give Leena a curious look but she chuckles and says “Ah, ah not until tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll love it, though”. That just makes you more curious, but you smile, shrug, and snuggle deeper into the embrace of the two women before turning to Lula’s breasts and latching onto one of her nipples with your red, glossy lips and suckling until you’re rewarded with her thick, sweet, creamy milk.

Lula chuckles and starts stroking your fiery red hair and saying “Oh my, it seems our little girl loves being breast fed”. “I think you’re right; do you like being our baby, dear, and drinking our creamy milk?” Leena replies before whispering huskily into your ear. The tingles coarse through you as does the feeling of rightness and arousal as you nod and moan before withdrawing slightly and saying “Mmm, gods yes; I love both your milk so much. It tastes so good and fills me up; I could drink it all the time” you finish before latching back onto Lula’s teat and resuming your suckling. Lula laughs as she continues to stroke your hair “Well, it certainly isn’t bad for you. In fact, you could live off of it; it’s magical and full of nutrients and really good for your health. As long as we gather some of your energy we could technically survive alone together; you off our milk and us off your delicious energy”. “Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you, dear? Drinking down our milk and creamy cum all day while we lick you and fuck our little slut” Leena coos into your ear – you shudder in arousal and tingle all over at the thought of drinking down their milk and seed and being taken by them. You gasp and moan around Lula’s breast as you feel fingers massaging your labia and a mouth sucking on your half-elf ear while two pairs of fingers reach around and start to massage and tweak your nipples, sending your passions skyrocketing to new heights.

“Shh, baby; you’ve had a long, difficult day and now it’s time to sleep. Just drink my sweet, creamy milk and feel good. Don’t worry, baby, we’ll be right here making you feel good all night long” Lula whispers to you. You just close your eyes and let the tingles and the pleasure jolts course through you as you move closer and closer to the point of no return….and then topple over. You squirt a generous amount of fluids onto Lula’s working fingers and the sheets of the bed thanks to the sucking on your ear and fingers on your sex and breasts. However, they don’t stop working and they work to extend your climax before you topple over into another which causes you to convulse wonderfully and arch your back, but still the stimulation doesn’t stop and before long your eyes are rolled back into your head and you see stars as you continue to unconsciously suck down the sweet, thirst quenching milk as you continue to cream yourself. Darkness takes you as you continue to twitch, convulse, and suckle and you find yourself dreaming very naughty things; of being taken by Lula and Leena, by Delilah, Astraea, Carth and numerous amounts of unknown people, of walking around naked and dripping with cum, of being tied up and tied to a wall with your legs forced apart and lines of people waiting to use your ass, mouth, pussy, hands, and breasts for their own pleasure. You dream of these naughty things almost all night, however, the last dream you have is of rifts; of finding rifts, entering them, gaining the unknown powers they offer, and zipping between rifts in different lands. You focus in on one rift in particular…the one you saw in your magical high back at Jazra’s that was in the sewers with the large magical energy you couldn’t identify that moved about.

And then you wake up.

Early Morning

You taste something thick and sweet, so you lightly suck on it and are rewarded with more of the stuff; you blink a few times and focus in on something purple as you suck. As your vision clears you withdraw – not before giving a final lick of course – and look up to see the face of Leena, still snoozing in the bed with her arms wrapped around you. You wriggle free from her grasp with as much care not to wake her as you can; you think you fail as you hear her exhale breath slightly before she rolls onto her back and lick her lips a little with her eyes still closed. You look to your right and don’t see Lula anywhere, but you notice that your choker is on you and it’s clean, which makes you smile as you finger the emerald; however a stray thought crosses your mind that sends tingles coursing through you and plasters a wide grin on your face. You slowly dive your head under the covers and carefully crawl atop Leena, placing your crotch onto her face as you come face to face with her flaccid, yet still very large and thick, purple cock. You gently take it into your hands and stand it up before opening your mouth and engulfing the soft tool, swirling the head with your tongue and sucking on it as you lightly bob your head beneath the covers. You continue doing this as the purple beast gets harder in your mouth to where you can deep throat it, which you do as you bob your head and moan as you continue to work your tongue and suck as it reaches down your throat. You start bobbing your head with more force and sucking harder as you work your tongue making wet slurping noises as you do so.

You hear a yawn from behind you followed by Leena’s groggy voice saying “Wha-wha-wha?” which makes you smile around her member before you feel her cock twitch violently. “OH YES! AHHHN!” Leena screams out at the top of her lungs before you feel hands on your head from over the covers push you down onto the member just as it starts shooting a thick load down your throat, which you close your eyes and moan into which makes earns you more of Leena’s seed at a greater force. Leena thrusts her hips up at your face and holds you down as your nose rubs against her nub and your chin rests on her tummy; she holds you there for a few moments until her ejaculation dies down and she releases her hold on your head, allowing you to slowly slide and lick your way up her member to gather any remaining semen before releasing her cock with a pop. You feel then see the covers flip off of your head and, with a winning smile, you look over your shoulder and wiggle your butt in Leena’s face and saying “Morning”. Leena gives you a big grin and replies “Mmm, good morning. And look at this…breakfast in bed~” before she grabs your rump, pulls you in, and starts furiously lapping at your mound. You gasp and whimper and pleasure as she runs her tongue along either of your puffy lips before attacking your engorged bud with her tongue and sucking it into her mouth and sucking hard. You quickly turn back around and suck Leena’s cock into your mouth and repeat your earlier performance of sucking, swirling, and licking.

You feel Lula’s cock twitch just in time as Leena sucks in both your lips and probes her extended tongue into your canal and rubs against your sweet spot, sending you into a gurgled screaming orgasm as Leena shoots her load down your throat for the second time this morning and as you squirt forcefully into her mouth. “Mmmmmpphhhh?!” you hear Leena moan loudly before her sucking intensifies and she thrusts her hips up into your face again, forcing her cock deeper into your throat to deposit her seed as she causes you to convulse as she extends your orgasm and drinks down your love juices. After a few moments she slows her ministrations, but never stops drinking and suckling entirely as you withdraw from her cock yet again, making sure you don’t leave any of her offering behind. When you drink down her remaining seed as you continue to quake you lean your head down as you feel Leena’s working mouth and tongue beating down the door to your floodgates until you feel that pressure buildup…and then release in another wonderful, toe curling climax that leaves you quaking and whimpering in pleasure. Leena moans into your sex again as you squirt and gush directly into her mouth, and you can audibly hear her gulping it down. You fight through the pleasure with the training you received and drop into your aura sight and look over your shoulder as the world bleeds away and you stare in awe at what you see.
Re: Rift Touched

You see Leena’s dark grey pulsing and aqua fissured form – just like her sister, but opposite - light up as bright as the sun, and the glowing threads inside her light up as well and as you focus on them you see the flowing stream present in them speed up to quickly carry the new and enhanced magical reserves throughout her body. You exit the sight as you come down from your orgasm and Leena stops her drinking, giving you time to breathe, gasp, and quiver between her legs before you feel hands around your waist pulling you back into a pair of breasts. “Lula was right, dear; you are something special. When she told me about how your essence made her feel supercharged and filled her enough for days, I can’t say I believed her. But here we are; I feel better than I’ve ever felt after feeding, thank you” Lula whispers huskily into your ear before pecking you on the back of the held as she holds you tightly. If you only knew… you think with a smirk as you snuggle into the embrace…until a knock at the door shocks you from your reverie.

“Thank you, Swilwen, you may enter” Leena says loudly below you; a moment later Swilen enters and his eyes go wide seeing you and Leena lying on the bed, nude. You feel tingles all over at being exposed to him – which seems to be a recurring thing – and wave with a smile at him. He smiles and chuckles before returning the wave and carting in a tray full of food and drinks and setting them next to the table before bowing and leaving. You yelp slightly as Leena cradles you in her arms and bounds off the bed similar to what Lula would have done and heads for the table, gently setting you in one large, red chair while she takes the other. “I hope you like it all, dear. When you’re finished head down to see Astraea if you will; she would like to ‘play fun games’ with you as she put it. Oh, and if you’re wondering about Lula, don’t worry about her; she’s finishing a little errand that I think you’ll like” Leena says with a smile and a wink. You cock and eyebrow but don’t enquire further, instead digging into the omelet stuffed with pork, bell pepper, cheese, and onions and downing it with a glass of milk – which you smirk at – before giving Leena a kiss on the cheek and heading out the door and headed for Astraea’s room in the nude as wonderful tingles fill you up.

You open the door to Astraea’s room and smile when you see the white tentacle lord, but also cock an eyebrow when you see what looks to be a catgirl with what you assume to be yellow fur with black spots, though you can’t tell as she’s clothed in the black and red tight fitting robes of Domina. “Colette, Colette, you came!” you hear in your mind, causing you to smile widely as you recognize Astraea’s “voice” before it continues “Oh I’m so glad and…what’s this? Oh my goodness I can’t feel warring emotions within you anymore! You accepted who you are, oh I’m so proud of you; give me a hug you slutty, naughty girl!” You brace for what comes next as all of Astraea’s white tentacles shoot out at you and pull you into a mighty hug with the tentacle’s core while she strokes your hair and twirls about using the tentacles below ‘her’. You laugh and hug Astraea back as she sets you down before saying “Yes, and it’s all thanks to you. I’m starting to feel much better about myself, though I think there’s still more I need to discover; like despite what I’ve accepted there’s still more to it in regards to, well, everything. Anyways, what’s up, and who’s that?” you ask your last while pointing to the catgirl standing nearby with a light smile. You hear Astraea’s voice in your mind say “This is Razasha and she really wanted to meet you, if you know what I mean~. She’s a little on the submissive side…so go get her tiger <3” Astraea finishes by lightly smacking your bottom in the direction of the catgirl named Razasha. You give Astraea a smirk before sauntering up to the bipedal feline as you feel little tingles overtake you.

When you reach her you see that she does indeed have yellow fur with black spots – she also has long black hair, hazel feline eyes on a face mixed between a human and a cat, and the tight fitting robes allow a good estimation of her figure, which you figure she has perhaps B-cup breasts and small hips with a yellow and black tail that swishes about behind her through a hole in her robes. You smile and extend your hand saying “Pleased to meet you, Razasha. I’m sure you already know my name since you wanted to see me, but to make it official my name is Colette”. Razasha offers a small, warm smile before she clasps both her hands around yours and says “The pleasure is all mine, Colette. I had heard you are a pleasant and beautiful woman, and it pleases me to know that what I have heard is true, but still it does you no justice. As for the why I am here” she pauses before letting her robe fall to her feet, revealing that she was naked underneath. You stare in awe at her small lithe figure – you stand a few inches taller than her and you can see that she has beautiful golden yellow fur with black spots, B-cup breasts, and firm muscles hiding beneath. You also see two pink nipples that poke from her breasts, however, you’re very surprised to see that as you roam your eyes down her form that above her glistening, hairless pink sex sits an erect, six inch pink cock! The cock itself is a little thicker than half the diameter of your wrist, but it’s most defining characteristic, aside from being pink and hairless, is that it’s covered in little bumps that would normally be on a catboy and meant to bring great pleasure to their females.

“If you would have me” Razasha says in a submissive tone while looking you in your emerald eyes “then I would gladly submit myself to you”. You bite your bottom lip and trace the emerald on your choker in thought; you think of dominating this beautiful, dual-gendered woman which sends tingles coursing through you as you eye her pink tool. You look her in her feline hazel eyes and see want and desire which helps make up your mind for you; you lick your lips and grab her hand, placing a tender kiss on the top and looking her in the eyes with desire. “I would be honored to be with you, Razasha” you say before you pull the catgirl closer to your body and kiss her passionately, pressing yourself into the kiss and dominating her mouth and tongue with your own as you feel her fur rubbing along your skin, sending shivers of arousal through you. You moan into the kiss, however, like a cat Razasha actually purrs as she closes her eyes and accepts the kiss; you wrap your arms about her waist as she wraps her arms around your neck, and with her tail she circle wraps it around your right leg as you mash your breasts against her own. The kiss is a…unique experience for you as your tongue bumps into her cat-like fangs and as you twine your tongue with her own; you feel the slightly rough texture of her cat tongue as you rub your muscle over it. You gasp a little as you feel claws on the back of your head pressing into your scalp, though not enough to cause pain – you’ve never been with a cat-person before, however, it’s still a pleasant if somewhat unique experience that you enjoy exploring. You feel tingles at wondering how that tongue would feel running along your skin, and lapping at your now dripping honeypot.

You pull back from the kiss, which causes Razasha to hiss slightly in frustration – an action that you find both unique and cute – and look at you in confusion as you smirk at her. “I want to feel that lovely tongue running all over my body” you coo into Razasha’s ear before tenderly kissing her on her lips once more then placing your hands on her shoulders and pressing down lightly. The black haired catgirl smiles submissively and allows you to take control; she slowly lowers herself as she purrs and licks down your body from your cheek, down your neck and collarbone, passed your breasts – she stops and slowly laps at your two hardened nipples which sends jolts of pleasure through you – and down passed your navel until she’s on her knees looking up at you with a smile. “You’re so sexy” you say huskily down at the catgirl between your legs as you twine your right hand into her black hair and guide her mouth to your leaking mound. The feline female literally purrs as you guide her and, while never taking her eyes off yours, she slowly runs her tongue along the bottom of your slit all the way to your rock hard nub, causing you to gasp and moan deeply in pleasure as her rough tongue sends uniquely pleasurable waves coursing through you as it stimulates you in a way you’ve not quite experienced before. Razasha runs her tongue along your labia, first on the left then on the right, before she flicks your hood back and sucks on your clit, flicking her rough tongue along it which elicits gasps and whimpers of pleasure from you as you tighten your grip on her hair and grind your sex into her mouth.

You feel her smile beneath you as you react, and she takes the opportunity to stick her tongue into your tunnel and suck in both of your puffy lips as she probes her tongue and drinks in your leaking juices. “OooOH! That f-feels so ni-AHN-ce!” you half-scream in a high pitched voice at the oral skills of the woman beneath you. Razasha purrs and sends more wonderful jolts of pleasure coursing through you that bring you closer to toppling over until she pulls back. You groan at first and then let out a wail of bliss as she sucks in your clit and flicks and sucks on it furiously as she inserts three fingers into your dripping cunt, curling them and thrusting fast and hard and hitting your sweet spot on your top wall. You only last a few more seconds under her assault before you mash her face hard against your sex and, with a scream of ecstasy as you arch your back and throw your head back; you release a waterfall of love juices that squirt out around Razasha’s fingers and splash along her chin and working mouth as your tunnel clamps down around her fingers and you quiver where you stand. “O-oh gods that t-tongue is – OH! – amazing!” you manage to gasp out between breaths while you use both hands now and grind yourself against the catgirl’s furry face – her nose, head, and lips - as she allows herself to be used as a masturbatory aide. When you finish smearing your love juices over her face you look down at her and smile, sighing contentedly at your work as you take in your cum covered face; Razasha just looks up at you submissively and smiles while purring.

You drop to your knees and lick the fur of her cheek and moan as you taste your juices and feel her fur on your tongue – you kiss Razasha for a few moments before gently pushing her onto her back on the floor. “That was really nice, so I think I’m going to return the favor” you say to the lithe catgirl while giving her a heated look, relishing the feel of tingles and arousal that follow. You extend your tongue and lightly trace her right nipple, drawing a purr from the catgirl, before you dip lower towards her crotch. You stop when you come face to face with her nethers and her shaft; you give her pink snatch a quick, teasing lick that elicits a gasp and a buck of her hips before you turn your attention to the tool before you. You look up into Razasha’s hazel eyes and say in a sultry tone “Now I’m going to make you feel really good, so don’t move or I’ll stop~” before you grab her six inch cock and align it with your mouth and, with a wink to the catgirl, you engulf the member entirely and deep throat it in one stroke. “OooOOOOH D-DOMINA!” you hear Razasha scream out in pleasure and buck her hips as you rest her bumpy cock in your throat – you hear scratching on the floor, which you assume to be from Razasha curling her fingers in pleasure. You moan and smile at the unique feeling of bumps in your throat before slowly withdrawing your mouth and letting a little bit of saliva dribble from your mouth and onto the glistening member before you press yours breasts against the bumpy rod and bury it between your valley and, with a last wink to Razasha, you get to work.

You use your ample bosom to stimulate Razasha’s penis, as well as your mouth; on every down stroke when the shaft emerges from between your breasts you flick your tongue out and lick the member, or your go further and engulf the glans and part of the shaft, sucking and swirling your tongue in the process. The catgirl seems to really enjoy what you’re doing as you look at her face from time to time, which you see that she has her head arches back slightly, her eyes closed, and her mouth in the form of a large “O”; you also hear more scratching noises coming from her sides indicating her pleasure. You smile inwardly and double your efforts and saying “Do yoush likes thish, huh you shubmissive littlshe whore?” between slurps and sucks, teasing the catgirl. However, instead of the usual verbal response, you feel the pink cock twitch a few times’ before it blows you angle it straight into the air and, with a few more thrusts between your globes, Razasha thrusts her hip up and screams her pleasure to the ceiling as thick, ropey strands of semen shoot from her cock like a geyser. You turn your head and close your eyes as the thick stuff splashes onto your hair, face, and breasts while also hitting Razasha on the breasts and stomach. The bumpy dick spurts four times before stopping with a thick oozing coming from the teardrop shaped hole; you open your eyes and smile when you see the mess you made.

You release her member, but not before cleaning it with your mouth and earning a quick buck and twitch from the spent and panting kitty, and take a strand of her seed from your breasts and bring it to your mouth. You make sure the yellow feline is watching and, with a smile and a moan, you put your finger into your mouth and suck down the slightly salty tasting goop. “B-by Domina t-t-that was incredible…” Razasha confesses to you in a slightly dazed voice; you smile and lean down to her breasts and lick some of her seed up before draping your body on top of hers and kissing her deeply, forcing her to taste her own seed as you deposit it into her mouth. Razasha eagerly drinks herself down with a purr as you scrape your tongue against her rough muscle – you break the kiss and look her in the eyes lovingly, and she returns the gesture with a smile and look of desire. However, the moment is broken when you hear a girlish and playful giggle erupt in your mind; Razasha seems to notice it as well and you both look around and spot Astraea, who’s been watching the entire time.

“Oooooo that was hot, hot, hot! I could watch you two all day~ <3! Ooooh, now I’m all horny too~ here you super sexy slut, put this on!” Astraea sounds out in both yours and Razasha’s mind; you feel tingles at being called a slut and even more when she hands you what looks to be a very revealing leather harness. You shudder in arousal and anticipation as you take the revealing “clothing” – if it could be called as such – and dismount from your feline lover to put it on. You get to work and quickly don the leather harness and shudder as it binds to your skin tightly; it does nothing to cover your body at all as the crisscross of leather straps goes around your body and exposes your skin. The leather bands at your cum covered breasts circle around your globes perfectly and make them seem larger than they are with the extra little pressure the bindings put on. The leather also gives you a mock thong; the straps go down to your pelvis and crotch and snuggly hug around your nethers before looping tightly up your ass as the straps connect to another band of the harness. When you have the harness on you glide your hands over your body and delighting in the feeling of being tightly wrapped – you look up and see Razasha eying you hungrily as her cock twitches back to life, and even Astraea has a hungry look in her one eye, causing you to grin mischievously. You feel wonderful tingles and arousal when you hear Astraea’s voice in your mind next.

“Such a delicious looking slut – teehee~ - now it’s time to have some real fun <3” the tentacle says before a few of her tentacles extend outwards towards you. You yelp in surprise, but then shudder in anticipation as a few tentacles wrap around your ankles and bind them before forcing you to your knees. A larger tentacle wraps around your wrists tightly and brings them above your head – two tentacles open up and latch onto your breasts, causing you to gasp and whimper in pleasure as the feelers inside get to rubbing, caressing, and the tentacle itself sucks around your breasts and nipples wonderfully, but not enough to really get your juices flowing before another two engulf your half-elf ears and do the same. You watch as Astraea brings her thickest tentacle, which is about as thick as Leena’s penis, between your breasts, using the other two that are latched on to your breasts to mash them together before it stops in front of your mouth. “Good submissive sluts like you belong on your knees, you beautiful girl. Now, open those plump lips of yours so you can do what you were born to do~ Oooooh you look so good like this with your breasts and face all covered in ooey, gooey cum!” Astraea says into your mind huskily, and with an obvious hint of playfulness; you shudder as you part your lips, and then you moan as the thick, phallic object slowly pushes itself into your mouth – you moan further when you taste a sweet pre-cum leaking from the tip – until it buries itself in your throat as you swirl your tongue and suck.

“Teehee~ you’re so good at using your mouth! Oh, we can’t leave you out of the fun, honey!” Astraea says into your mind before turning her attention to the recovering catgirl, who’s been watching the scene unfold with obvious desire. Astraea flings a few more tentacles out to Razasha, who simply purrs in contentment as two tentacles open up and engulf her breasts, another opens up and devours her pink cock, one buries itself in her mouth, while two gather her leaking juices from her cunt before one plunges itself deeply into her snatch as the other slowly penetrates into her ass. That’s so hot! you think as you watch Razasha being completely penetrated and pleasured from every sensitive spot as you watch a tentacle open up and latch itself onto her clit below her tool, and as the ministrations on your breasts and ears increase as the cock in your mouth starts to pull back and thrust deeply. You convulse in pleasure as dozens, maybe hundreds, of tiny feelers all work on your ears and breasts and sending you hurtling towards release; you moan happily around the thick tentacle deep throating you and releasing a sweet tasting substance as it draws back from your tongue, which you use to further stimulate it. You also watch as Razasha receives the same treatment as she purrs and squeals in delight as her breasts, clit, pussy, cock, ass, and mouth are all used to bring the feline to orgasm quickly; you see her arch her back and convulse roughly in the tentacle’s grasp as she climaxes.

“Mmm, oh you taste so good Razy~ You’re delicious spunk is just packed full of wonderful energy, and I’m so glad you’re feeling good you dirty slut <3. As for you, oh that mouth is heaven! Teehee~ I think it’s time to give you both some loving <3” Astraea says to both you and Razasha before you release a broken gasp, as does Razasha, when the tendrils and the tentacles double their efforts, pounding into your mouth and suckling on your breasts and ears at a furious pace as they do the same to the yellow and black feline. You quickly reach your climax from the stimulation on your ears and breasts and begin to quake and moan gutturally as your throat is pounded relentlessly – you hear and see Razasha undergo the same feelings of bliss at the same time. “Mmpphhsshhlp!” you moan and convulse around the member forcing itself into your throat, followed by a violent twitch; Astraea shoots her load down your throat as she continues to fuck it before pulling back, allowing you to taste the strangely sweet substance before it exits your mouth and you close your eyes as you see it aimed directly at your face. A moment later you’re hit with a large load square in the face – you hear Razasha purring and gasping in pleasure along with you before you feel yourself hoisted in the air and the tendril tentacles withdraw from your sensitive erogenous zones.

A moment later you’re set on a soft patch of slightly sticky fur before you feel something sticky – a lot of something – hit you on your back, sides, hair, butt, arms, and legs. After a few seconds it stops, so you take the opportunity to wipe up, and lick up, the sweet cum on your face; when you open your eyes you see Razasha, covered in a thick, white, sweet substance similar to your own and looking back at you as she pants from her most recent orgasms. You smirk and lick some of the seed from her face before drawing her into a deep kiss, sharing the substance and drinking down some of it along with some of her saliva as you moan and she purrs. When you’ve both had enough of sharing your tongues you just lie on top of her and snuggle up slightly while she nuzzles your sticky face and purrs. However, you’re interrupted when you feel something lightly tapping on your shoulder; you look over and see Astraea standing over you look – well, about as much as a giant tentacle core with an eyeball can look – like the cat ate the canary.

“That was amazing you two~! We so have to do that again sometime, teehee~ Mmm, I think you two should go get cleaned up, though. Don’t worry about the harness, Colette; just worry about getting yourself cleaned up. I think that Leena and Lula might have a surprise for you and it would be best to look like a goddess…well, one not covered in my sticky white stuff that is ~” Astraea chirps into yours and Raz’s mind; you give her a curious look but smile and shrug and, with a wink and a peck on Razasha’s cheek, you rise and offer a hand to the catgirl. She smiles and accepts the offer for help and when she’s finally on her feet you walk towards the door and wave to the two before heading back to your room and the tub as you feel wonderful tingles at showing off your dirty body – the people walking the halls giving you lewd and knowing looks, and Leena especially teases you before you manage to finally get into the bath and clean up.

Mmm, what great ways to start off a day…first a surprise blowjob then getting eaten out…oh and Razasha is so cute and cuddly. Astraea also knows how to push my buttons *sigh*…I’m surprised at how much I’ve changed in just a single day…but it’s nice. I can’t wait to learn more about myself…if I really want to stay that is you think as you get out of the tub and dry yourself off. The sound of the door opening and closing draws your attention, however, and you finish drying off and fold the towel neatly before setting it on the ground and stepping out into the room. What you see when you cross the threshold into the room both confuses you and makes you smile widely; you see Lula in her white robe smiling back at you with Leena at her side, and in front of them is Xillia with her blonde hair down passed her shoulders and wearing a cute blue sundress that ends just above her ankles, which one her feet are a pair of blue two-inch heels that show off her cute feet with pink nail polish. When Xillia spots you nude and still slightly glistening with moisture her eyes go wide, her mouth hits the floor, and her cheeks go beet red – you also notice that she brings her hands to her heart and shifts her legs a little which makes you smile.
Re: Rift Touched

“C-Colette, iz zat you? M-m-my gods zat red hair is so beautiful and zoes lips; it r-really bringz out your eyes….oh mes dieux y-you even s-shaved down zer. N-no matter how many times I zee it, you’re body iz zimply divine…” Xillia gawks and praises you earnestly, which does make you blush a little despite all you’ve been through. However, you are curious as to why Xillia is here so you naturally inquire here about it “Thank you very much Xillia, but you give me too much credit; you’re very beautiful as well…but why are you here? Don’t you have a shop to run…?” Xillia blushes at your praise, but tenses up a bit at your question and fidgets with her fingers with a heavy blush. “Well, L-Lula came to ze shop just as I waz opening it and…she told me about what you are doing here at ze temple and t-trying to find where your heart truly iz. S-s-s-she also said zat you w-were interested in, ehm, z-z-z-zome naughty things and zo L-Lula offered m-m-me…o-oh why d-d-do I feel zuch t-tingles…?” Xillia stammers out, very embarrassed and nervous at why she came here, and also feeling the effects of being in Domina’s temple. You smile brightly at Xillia’s words and saunter up to her as you feel your own set of tingles; she looks at you with desire and confusion before you grasp both her hands in your own and look her lovingly in the eyes. “Thank you for coming Xillia; it means a lot to me that you wanted to come, and I would be honored to share a bed with you again…and with these two” you say calmly and sincerely, but also with a little smirk as you eye the blue and purple sisters – Leena grins lustfully and Lula gives you a knowing wink.

“I-I-I – mmpphh?! - mmmm” Xillia begins to stammer out again, but you never let her finish; you twine your fingers in her hands and kiss Xillia on the lips with your red ones tenderly, causing her to widen her eyes in shock and confusion, but she melts into your kiss with a moan and lets you take control while she closes her eyes. You pull your lips form hers after a few moments, but instead kiss her cheek and work your way down her neck – taking care to nuzzle, nip, and suck on her neck leaving little marks – while simultaneously running your hands up her dress and moving the straps to her blue sundress. Xillia whimpers in pleasure and holds your head tightly as her dress falls to the floor and pools around her feet; you chance a brief glance and see that she’s wearing pink panties similar to the last time you were with her and you smile at her innocent choice of clothing. “M-my breasts are not az large az yours…” Xillia starts to say, but you put a finger on her lips to stop her from talking, looking her in the eyes with a smile before you lean down and kiss her A-cups. “They’re perfect…” you say in a hot, husky voice while you continue to kiss the two small orbs and then flicking her left nipple with your tongue as you look her in the eyes with a smile, causing her to moan loudly and caress your fiery hair. You feel tingles as an idea hits you; you stand up straight and pull Xillia close with your right arm and, with your left, you grab her right leg and pull it up and cause Xillia to yelp.

“Kick that shoe off your pretty foot” you whisper mischievously into Xillia’s ear. You smile as you see her shiver slightly and nod before you feel, then hear, her kick the high heel off; you drop her now bare leg and repeat the action for her left leg. When she’s now totally naked you look to Lula and see she’s disrobed and has been watching the action unfold intently, as has Leena when you glance in her direction. “Xillia” you whisper into her ear “You’ve been with Lula before right?” She nods and you continue “Has she penetrated you before?” Again she nods, though with an obvious blush this time. You smirk before you think of ways to make this more pleasurable for all of you, while not being too rough for the sweet, sensitive woman and then it hits you. You kiss Xillia on the forehead and smile before going to Lula and whispering to her your plan, and then to Leena and doing the same; both sisters smile and nod, waiting for your signal for the fun to start as you go back to Xillia, who has a confused look on her face. You smile and extend your hands out in front of you palm up and say in a sultry tone “Interlock your fingers with mine and stick your butt out a little…and kiss me you beautiful elven woman”. You stick your own bottom out as Xillia does the same while interlocking fingers with you, though with a look of obvious confusion and embarrassment, before you tilt your head to the side and lean in to kiss the blonde beauty with a moan.

You feel hands on your bottom – probably Leena’s – before you feel the tip of a large cock align itself with the entrance to your honeypot and you moan deeply for what you know will come next. However, Xillia yelps in surprise and pulls back to look of her shoulder to see Lula look at her with a tender smile. Before she can start to go haywire, as she’s known to do, you say “Hey, look at me Xillia. Look into my eyes – nothing bad will happen, I promise. We’re all going to feel good together. I’m right here; I have your hands – do you trust me and Lula?” Xillia, with crimson cheeks, nods slowly and whimpers in…anticipation? Apprehensions? You don’t really know, and you don’t have long to ponder it as Lula speaks up “She’s ready, flower; I’ve never done anything to hurt you and I never will. If you don’t want this then just say so and I promise there will be no hard feelings and we will end this here and now”. Leena pipes up afterwards and says “Absolutely, Xillia; this is only if you want it. This is for Colette, but you’re just as important”. Xillia looks to you, then Leena, then Lula over her shoulder and slowly nods while stammering “I-I trust you all”. With a small smile you bite your bottom lip and lean back into battling tongues with Xillia, moaning deeply as you race towards the top of your release as Leena’s very large penis parts your bottom lips and pushes her way inside your moist, clamping tunnel – Xillia whimpers in pleasure as you assume Lula is doing the same to her.

You pull back from the kiss and shudder while gasping in pleasure – Xillia does the same, though less audibly – as you feel Leena bottom out inside you, bumping against your cervix. You look to Xillia and see that she looks like she’s feeling great pleasure and you say “A-alright, hold on tight Xillia”. At that you whimper in pleasure as Leena slowly draws back before slowly thrusting in, gaining speed as time goes on – Lula does the same with Xillia, who shudders visibly at the large cock piercing inside her and opens her mouth in an “O”. You smirk as tingles overtake you and you lean forward and lock lips with the blue-eyed woman as both Lula and Leena pick up the pace; you feel yourself stretching widely on Leena’s wrist thick member and closely approaching the end of the rope. You vaguely hear Lula saying things like “So good, Xillia. So tight” while Leena utters “Gods yes, so tight. Grips me so well” while Xillia squeaks cutely in pleasure as you whimper and quake. You’re the first to topple over into orgasm as Leena drives herself into you hard and penetrates passed your cervix and into your womb, causing you to throw your head back as you arch your back; you scream in bliss and convulse, as does your tunnel while it gushes juices that leak down your thigh. Just as you come down from your high Xillia reaches her own in a series of squeaks and whimpers while she rests her face on your shoulder. When she comes down and pulls her head up, you kiss her before squealing in delight as you feel Leena dump her thick, warm load into you – Lula must have done the same to Xillia as she starts to squeak and quake in pleasure as well.

After the sisters are both done climaxing, and as a generous amount of semen leaks from both yours and Xillia’s sex, you pull back and say to Xillia “So, was it as good for you as it was for me?” Xillia blushes and nods, which makes you laugh then whimper wonderfully as Leena withdraws before Lula does with Xillia, drawing the same response. You smile and take Xillia’s hand, leading her to the bed on shaky legs. When you both reach the black and red piece of furniture you crawl on and lead Xillia along before pushing her to her back and mounting her in a sixty-nine position, giving her leaking pussy a long, wet lick and gathering up some of hers and Lula’s juices in the process and drinking it down. Xillia does the same to you…and then you feel a shift on the bed before a blue cock rests in front of your face and lining itself up with Xillia’s snatch again. You look behind you and smirk as you see Leena staring back at you with her red eyes full of lust, no doubt doing the same as Xillia stops her ministrations.

Oh gods yes, this is going to be amazing… you think before you attack Xillia’s clit while Lula plunges her blue rod to the base inside Xillia’s cunt in one stroke. You spend the next while sixty-nining Xillia, with you coming to climax nearly twice as much as your small breasted lover due to your sensitivity and you both receive a few more huge loads from the sisters. You change positions on the large bed and raise your asses to the air and plant your face in the covers while looking at each other and holding hands as the thick cocked sisters take you from behind. The final position has Leena thrusting furiously into your ass as she holds open your legs for Xillia to eat you out as she’s fucked from behind by Lula before you receive another thick, warm, creamy load into your bum and the blonde elf likewise gets another load in your sopping cunt. Spent, you all cuddle up on the bed to kiss and caress each other before deciding to clean up at the tub, which just so happens to contain a great deal of groping, caressing, kissing, and giggling involved. When you finish bathing you all get out, dry off, and Lula sees Xillia off back to her shop after a nice meal, compliments of Swilwen. You and Leena chat for a bit until Lula gets back, and when she does both sisters head for the armoire and get changed in what looks to be tribal clothing of some sort before they head to the vanity and start putting strange makeup on that definitely screams tribal before they turn to you.

Both Lula and Leena are dressed in tight fitting brown brassieres and panties, that really don’t do a thing to hide their cocks or sizeable bust, with red, black and white markings on their face, tummy, and legs. You cock an eyebrow at them in confusion, and become even more confused when Leena goes to the armoire and produces what looks to be a tight fitting pink dress, but is in tatters and especially so around the breast, stomach, crotch, and legs. She walks over to you and hands it to you and says “Put this on, dear, you’ll need it for what we have planned – and take off your choker for now. There’s one last thing that you haven’t experienced that you wanted, and I think you’ll really like it”. You look to Lula in confusion and you see she has a hungry look in her eyes that sends tingles down your spine and makes you aroused, so you stand up and don the tattered dress, noticing how it gives good views of your cleavage, the skin of your stomach and legs, and almost exposing your crotch entirely, but not quite – you also take off your choker and set it on the table in the room. “Oh you’re going to love this, baby!” Lula says before running up and hugging you and continuing as she withdraws “Now, we’re going to be playing a little game. You are going to play the part of the submissive, frightened, and meek royal princess of a conquered nation and we – along with everyone else – are going to play the part of the jungle tribes that overthrew the kingdom. And guess who’s the spoil of war, hmm?”

Everyone else? Playing the part of a royal princess? What is going on he- oh…oh my…that’s, um, wow oh yes. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! you think in confusion before it dawns on you what this all means, and as you come to the realization the tingles arousal, and send of rightness overwhelm you. “Now” Leena says with a wide grin, having notice the changes in your features at the sudden realization “Hold out your hands so I can bind them”. You shiver in anticipation and do as Leena says as she heads to one of her chests and produces a small red rope, returning to you and binding your wrists together in front of you. When she finishes she goes to open the door as Lula pats your bottom “Mmm, delicious…now, move that gorgeous royal ass”. You shiver and tingle all over as you look towards the door and look to Leena with a smirk before walking to and out the door with Lula and Leena right behind you. Leena moves out in front of you so that you’re between the sisters as she leads you to the lower levels of the temple to the large chamber with many doors below; you feel your slit moisten wondering exactly what is in store for you. When you make it to the bottom of the stairs and into the large, torch lit chamber you gasp at the sight before you.

In the chamber are dozens, perhaps the entire temple and its staff, of men, women, and even a few tentacles that are similarly dressed and covered in the mock war paint. On the floor of the chamber you can see an innumerable amount of large red and black pillows and cushions lying about. However, what draws your eyes and causes pleasurable tingles to course through you is the large wooden post that sits in the center of the chamber that has a metal hook sticking out near the top. “Remember” Lula’s voice behind you snaps you back to reality “Submissive, frightened, and meek” Lula finishes by pecking you on the back of the head. Alright…they want submissive, frightened, and meek? Then that’s what they’ll get… you think with a smirk before you close your eyes and take a deep breath. When you open them you put on your best face of fright as you dart your eyes about the room and hunch your back a little as you take a tentative step back, trying to appear smaller than you are and afraid. Leena looks behind you and sees your acting and gives you a thumbs up before Lula whispers in your ear again “Baby, you’re so good. If I didn’t know any better I would actually believe that you were frightened right now” before she puts on her best tough voice and pushes you from behind, though not that hard and bellows “Move it, slut, or I’ll give you ten lashes for dallying”.

You whimper in your best frightened tone and say in your best teary eyed voice “P-please no, please don’t h-hurt me. I’ll move, I’ll move j-just please, anything but that!” You start shuffling forward and follow behind Leena as she starts moving, looking about and seeing that all eyes are on you with lewd grins that send tingles and shivers down your spine. You continue marching towards the center of the chamber and to the wooden post until the three of you stop in front of it. You yelp in surprise – this one is authentic – as Leena does an about turn and picks you up, hoisting you over to the metal hook and turning you around before setting your rope bound wrists over the hook. Your feet still touched the ground, though you have to stand on your tip toes just a bit so that the rope doesn’t become too uncomfortable. Seeing that you’re alright, Lula and Leena turn to the crowd and bellow out in unison.

“We have sacked the so called ‘civilized’ people’s capital city and taken their whore of a princess for ourselves! What say you to our great victory?!” the sisters cry out together to the crowd, which responds with cheers, whoops, and jovial hollers. You smile inwardly at the performance, but try your best to continue looking frightened and submissive as you cringe at every whoop and dart your eyes about the room while slightly struggling against your bonds. When the succubus’ turn to you with wide grins you freeze as Leena speaks to you “You are ours now, Princess. From this day forth you shall be for use by everyone in our tribe; your new name is now Pet, and you are a pleasure slave”. You widen your eyes and gape your mouth, even as you feel wonderful tingles envelop you, before stammering out meekly and with mock confidence “N-n-no! M-my name is Colette a-and I am a princess! I-I am of royal blood not some…some c-cheap whore! I-I am no one’s s-slave!” Lula smirks before speaking loudly to you, and for everyone to hear “Oh, you are a princess no longer, Pet. Your kingdom is in ruins and you have no one left to defend you; you are completely alone and defenseless. You will be our pleasure slave and our pet…unless of course you would rather be thrown to our loyal wolves. I’m sure they could use a new fuck toy…or a new meal. I hear royal meat is nice and tender~”

Wow, dark storyline don’t you think, Lula? Oh well, let’s keep this rolling so we can get to the good part!

You whimper and do your best to sob while saying “No, no, no, no! P-please anything but that! P-please don’t do t-that to me! I-I-I don’t want to d-die o-o-or be t-the plaything for some v-vile beast! Please…” you finish by hanging your head and doing your best to lightly sob. You almost break character when you hear Leena mutter under her breath “Damn, she’s good at this” before she bellows out “Then you will swear to me and the whole tribe that from this day forth you are known as Pet, and you will be our pleasure slave. You only have one chance, ‘princess’; choose wisely”. You look up almost teary eyed and do your best to look aghast before saying “I-I-I p-p-promise; m-my new name is P-Pet and Pet p-promises to be a good p-pleasure slave. J-just please, don’t throw Pet to the w-wolves, please. Pet promises to be a g-good girl”. It’s Lula’s turn to talk and she says “Good girl, Pet – the first order of business is to get you out of those pesky clothes. Pets don’t wear clothes” before walking up to you and grabbing the fabric with both her hands, then tearing the already tattered pink dress to ribbons in one pull, leaving you naked and tingling all over from being exposed to so many people. You shriek and yelp as your clothes are torn, slightly out of acting and slightly genuine, before Lula lifts you up and undoes the rope tied around your wrists as she sets you on the ground.

Lula then booms out again with a smirk “And every pet needs a leash and collar” and at her words Carth, dressed only in a loincloth and looking very delicious, strides up and hands Lula a large collar with leash attached and gives you a wink before he returns to his spot. The blue succubus puts the collar around your neck and tightens it snuggly. “Good pets also crawl on their hands and knees. Come” The red eyed seductress says with a wink – she waits for you to get on your hands and knees, which you do with a frightened whimper as you feel so right – before she turns around and gently tugs on the leash, leading you to Leena. You put on a frightened shiver as you crawl on your hands and knees to the elder succubus, though part of it is in arousal, and when you reach her she says in a commanding tone “Rise to your knees, Pet, and look at me”. You do so and look up at the large breasted woman with desire – you see it returned equally which makes you almost smirk – and she says “You’re first job as a pleasure slave will be to please me and my sister with your mouth, Pet” before both her and Lula tear off their bras and panties, which were already threatening to pop off from their erections. You look between both the large members then up at the purple succubus and say in your best bashful voice and doing your best to blush “W-w-what? B-But I’ve n-never even s-seen a p-penis before. A-and with my mouth? T-that’s d-dirty!”

Leena grabs your hair and positions your face to her penis and says “It’s either this, or the wolves, Pet. If you don’t please me well, then it’s the wolves either way”. You look up into Leena’s red, desire filled eyes with equal passion before you give a small, fearful whimper and open your mouth and, in one swoop, engulf the thick cock and take it all the way to the back of your throat. You can’t help but moan as the very thick tool reaches passed your throat. You swirl your tongue along the bottom of the shaft and suck, making a loud slurping noise in the process before you withdraw and start to bob your head as you feel tingles at the situation you find yourself in. The crowd erupts in cheers and hollers, and more than a few start slinging obscenities at you as you bob your head, and as Leena grabs your red hair and guides you while she thrusts back, essentially face fucking you. “By Domina those plump lips and that whore’s mouth are the best” Leena mutters under her breath before she withdraws with a gasp and aims her member at you and jerks it a few times. You watch as her penis twitches a few times before releasing three thick loads that coat your face, hitting your nose, eyes, cheeks, forehead, lips, and chin. You wipe away the cum from your eyes and open them to see a thick blue cock; you look up and see Lula smiling down at you, so you open your mouth and reach out with your right hand. You take the tip into your mouth and work your tongue along the glans and the teardrop opening before taking more of her delicious tool inside your mouth and sucking as you jerk her with your right hand.

You take more and more of her inside you until you deep throat her, pulling back to jerk her every so often until you hear Lula whisper in your ear. “Oh, baby, you’re so wonderful. Those lips and that mouth are simply divine – now, drink me all down, honey” she coos down at you before you feel her twitch once, twice, then explode in your mouth when you pull back slightly so that that tip is resting on your tongue.. You moan as you taste Lula’s seed; you continue to give her a hand job to coax more out as you gulp down the salty offering loudly until you feel no more being deposited, so you release the tool from your mouth with a pop. “Mmm, very good, Pet” Lula says loudly, and very satisfied before Leena turns to the group behind her and yells “Victory! We have broken their armies and their spirits! Rejoice, brothers and sisters for it is time to celebrate!” The dozens of people in the room all shout loudly in triumph before all hell really breaks loose. You watch as everyone tears off their skimpy garments…and starts fucking each other! Men on women, women on men, women on women, men on men, tentacle beasts thrown in, and everything in between. You watch as some use their torn clothing as makeshift bondage gear, tying themselves or others up. All you can do is stare in awe as tingles and arousal rush into your core at the sight and sounds of mass sex taking place before you.
Re: Rift Touched

“It’s quite something, isn’t it? I think we could put Dwynvel’s temple to shame” Leena says with a wink down at you, breaking your trance and causing you to smirk. “Yeah, wow that was really hot…so, what now?” you say with a grin. Lula reaches down and removes your collar and wipes some of her sister’s seed off before licking it off with a moan. “Now” the blue succubus says “We all have some fun; jump right in, honey, and enjoy yourself. This is something you wanted after all, so…go on and have fun!” You watch as the succubus sisters go into the crowd and approach a human man and a half-goblin woman with a strap-on who’s currently taking the man from behind; Lula goes in front of the man and offers her cock, which he eagerly sucks down and bobs his head, while Leena – who picks a rag up from off the ground which you find to be enchanted after you enter your aura sight - goes behind the woman and pokes at her back door before getting a brief nod and a grin before entering. There are similar scenes like this taking place all over, people fucking in every which way and all carrying rags; you watch as people use the rags to clean themselves off after a session or three of intercourse, however, the rag itself doesn’t seem to be dirty, most likely enchanted to dispose of waste magically and clean itself afterwards.

Handy little things – well, where do I start then? Oh I just love these tingles I’m feeling right now!

You spot the familiar feline face of Razasha amidst the crowd and, with a smile, you saunter your way through the moaning, squealing crowd and towards the yellow and black furred catgirl. She sees you walking up to her and smiles submissively at you; you flash a wicked grin and as you reach her you say “Want to have some fun?” “With you? Always” the cat woman responds quickly – you feel tingles as you grab her face and pull her into a quick kiss before breaking it and saying “Well then, if you want to have fun then I think you should clean me up first” you finish by pointing to your cum covered face. Razasha purrs and moves closer before she starts licking up all the excess seed that Lula missed and drinking it down. When she finishes you look her in the eyes before pushing her down onto her butt on one of the large red and black cushions that litter the room. You ruffle your wavy red hair as you gently lean her onto her back with your right foot; when she’s fully on her back you straddle her stomach and say “Good kitty cat; drinking all your milk. I think you deserve a reward”. You feel tingles as you raise your rump and spread your bottom lips with your fingers; you angle your entrance over Razasha’s pink, bumpy cock and moan deeply as the member slowly enters you. “O-ooh wow…t-those bumps are-OH THAT’S THE SPOT- wonderful!” you say contentedly as the bumps along her shaft rub wonderfully along your walls and hit every sweet spot, sending powerful waves crashing against the walls of your resistance.

“You feel sooo tight, Colette…” the catgirl says in a dreamy, contented voice as she grabs your hips. “Hold on tight, baby” is all you say with a smirk before you grab your tits and massage them while tweaking your nipples…and then riding the six inch member. You gasp and moan in pleasure as you work on your breasts and ride the human-like kitty, throwing your head back in bliss as you rock and bounce off her. Given the extra stimulation provided by her sword, you quickly reach the end of the rope and fall over into rapture; you quake and moan deeply as you release a flood of your love juices around the woman’s cock. You topple over into a second orgasm as you feel the hazel eyed feline’s cock twitch before releasing four thick spurts of her warm, sticky seed deep inside you, causing you to arch your back as she screams her pleasure to the ceiling. You collapse onto the cat softly and kiss her deeply as you gather your breath and wits from the release of your passions. “That penis of yours is wonderful” you coo into Razasha’s ear as you nuzzle against the side of her face. “A-and you too…oh my gods that was incredible…” the bipedal cat whispers as she catches her own breath; you smirk and kiss her on the lips before rising off her softening tool, which leaks some of her seed out of your snatch, and moving on to your next conquest.

You wander around for a little while until you spot a familiar glassy amber eyed, whited haired vampire standing nude and being pleased by two women – a brown haired human and silver haired elf - at once. You smirk and feel incredible tingles as you approach the trio; Delilah, who you notice has some nice C-cup breasts, is being eaten out and rimmed as she grab the two women’s heads, grins as she sees you approach. “Hey there, beautiful. Want to join in the fun? I could use another pair of lips on my snatch – oh, that’s the spot right there Phi; suck that clit you little slut!” Delilah says to you, while moaning her pleasure and talking dirty to the brown haired human, who must be Phi, that is currently eating her out. You tingle all over at her words, but are concerned when you see the pale woman looks even paler, and has a sickly look on her face despite her pleasure. “Delilah, are you alright?” you ask full of concern as you approach the three women. Delilah throws her head back in beautiful release as she mashes her flooding cunt against the human woman; when she’s done the two women rising and starts to make out with each other as Delilah moans and turns her attention to you. “Hmm, oh this?” she says pointing to her face “Yeah, I’m fine; I just haven’t fed in a good while. I’ll probably head over to Madame Deidra’s later and buy a jar of blood that someone donated. Now, how about we get down to business, eh red?”

You saunter up to Delilah with a smirk, however, you can’t get the image of her sickly face out of her head and so you do something you never thought you would do. “Delilah, here…take some from me; you look like you could use some” you say as you reach the pretty, but sickly looking vampire and bare your neck to her with a smile. Delilah’s eyes take on a hungry look for a moment before she shakes it off “N-no, Colette, I can’t do that. I’m fine, really; I can last a few more hours before I need some blood”. You, however, aren’t going to take that as an answer and press on her while looking her seriously in the eyes “I don’t know much about vampires, Delilah, but I do know that you need magical energy to survive. Think of this as repayment for helping train me earlier”. You see Delilah start to waver, and with a shaky voice she says “A-are you sure about this, Colette? I mean, are you really sure?” You smile and nod before kissing her on the lips tenderly and saying “I’m sure, Delilah; I trust you, and I don’t want to see you suffer”. The white haired vampire gives you a serene and tender look before scooping you up and into her arms, and kissing you sweetly on the lips. “Thank you, honey; you’re too kind. I promise to be gentle and make it feel good…and I won’t forget this” Delilah says as she looks you in your emerald eyes before she gently kneels down and sets you on a large red and black cushion; she gathers a few pillows scattered about and props your head up on them before asking “Comfortable?” You smile and nod at Delilah who gives you a kiss on the forehead.

“Phi, Leawinn, will you please help me? When I start I want her to feel as good as possible” Delilah says calmly and tenderly to the two women she was just with, who nod and smile before the elf, Leawinn, positions herself at your dripping pussy while Phi moves opposite of Delilah and lies down next to your right breast. When the women are in position, Delilah says “It will only hurt for a moment, I promise. Afterwards, you’ll feel nothing but pleasure”. “I trust you, Delilah” you say with a smile, which further softens the vampire’s features. “So beautiful, kind, and caring…thank you…” the pale woman whispers to you before she leans over your neck and gives it a few long, wet licks which makes you shudder. You gasp as you feel two slightly painful pricks on your neck, before your world lights up in fireworks. You scream out in wonderful climax as your love tunnel squirts a torrent of your juices; you convulse and your eyes roll back into your head as you feel a tongue begin to work on your gushing cunt, a mouth and fingers on your breasts, and a wonderful digit that furiously rubs your engorged clit. You gasp and whimper in pleasure as you topple over into a second orgasm, then a third on top of that. When you hit your...fifth orgasm, or was it that sixth, you the pleasure starts to subside and you pant for breath as you feel yourself being cardled while fingers run through your hair, across your skin, and lips on your own.

When you start to come to you blink a few times to clear your vision, and you see Delilah looking at you lovingly with her glass-like amber eyes as she strokes your hair. “You’re incredible, you know that?” Delilah says softly and with a smile “I’ve never felt so rejuvenated before; I think I won’t need to feed for a few days at the least, maybe a week if I’m lucky. Oh, you tasted so good, Colette; thank you so, so much”. Delilah plants a light kiss on your lips, causing you to moan as she rocks you in her arms and strokes your wavy red hair. You look around and, besides the sight and sounds of fucking going on around you, Phi and Leawinn are looking at you tenderly and caressing your skin. After a while you feel tingles returning and, with a smirk, you say “So, does the offer still stand to eat out your snatch?” Delilah actually laughs loudly and hugs you tightly “Oh, still an eager little slut aren’t you?” You chuckle and respond “And you aren’t? You have three lovely women waiting to please and be pleased”. “Hmm, you have a mouth on you, don’t you? I can think of a better use for it…” the now healthy look vampire says to you in a mischievous tone that sends goose bumps throughout your body. You, Delilah, Phi, and Laewinn enjoy each other a few times in a four-way sixty-nine on the floor with you eating out Delilah’s slightly cold snatch and drinking down her juices as she eats out Laewinn and Phi takes you on. When you feel you’ve had enough you bid the trio farewell as you spot a tasty looking white tentacle beast that you caught eying you – pun intended – and you saunter over to her while biting your bottom lip in anticipation.

“I saw what you did there~ You’re so kind and sexy, and of course super slutty, Colette!” Astraea says playfully into your mind. You smirk and tingle at her words before responding “Thanks…it was actually no big deal; she needed some help and I could help her, simple as that”. Astraea throws a few tentacles out and pulls you into a tentacle-y hug with her core, which makes you giggle before she says “You’re an absolute peach, Colette~! So…want to have the full tentacle treatment, hmm? I tie you up, take you in all your cute little fuck holes, and pleasure you on all your sensitive parts?” You tingle all over at Astraea’s words nod vigorously and with a hungry look on your face. All the warning you get before the action starts is a very loud, happy giggle in your mind before a large amount of tentacles lunge out at you and force you to the ground, Two tentacles wrap around your legs from the thigh to shin, preventing you from extending them while your hands are forced behind your back and bound by a single tentacle. You’re then lifted into the air a few feet by the tentacles as two of the phallic objects open up and latch themselves onto your ears, while another two go to your breasts, and a single, smaller tentacle opens up and latches itself onto your clit. One thick tentacle snakes its way between your cleavage and aims itself at your mouth while another thick one pokes at your pucker and another at your sheathe. A few more tentacles start to rub and caress between your legs, on your stomach, arms, and face sensually – you’re so aroused at the situation that you can feel yourself leaking from between your legs in anticipation.

“Ready my beautiful bound goddess?” Astraea says huskily into your mind. Dears gods yes… you thick so that Astraea can ‘hear’ you, before you’re brought to a world of bliss and rapture. At your thoughts the feelers around all your erogenous zones – half-elf ears, breasts, and clit – all start to massage, rub, and suck. The tentacle between your breasts and aimed at your mouth lunges inside to your throat when you open it, and the phallic tentacle aimed at your sopping tunnel buries itself to the hilt and moves passed your cervix and into your womb. All the stimulation at once is simply too much for you to handle and within seconds you’re gurgle moaning and whimpering loudly as your pussy clamps down onto the phallic member inside you, which leaks generous amounts of your fluids. The only tentacle that didn’t penetrate was the one aimed at your ass; instead, you feel it gathering up juices leaking from your vagina before aligning itself with your anus…and then penetrating deeply in one stroke that leaves you feeling completely full and stuffed and sets you to convulsing more as a second orgasm takes you. Now fully penetrated, the tentacles and feelers don’t give you any reprieve and start thrusting in and out of your holes slowly at first, but then picking up the pace until a few moments later the phallic appendages are thrusting in and out of you at a furious pace. Coupled with the feelers sucking, massaging, and rubbing against your oversensitive erogenous zones you don’t stand a chance; you can only accept that pleasure as you continue to clamp down on the members and cream yourself in broken screams of bliss from the member forcing itself into your throat as your eyes roll back into your head.

S-s-so gooooOOOOOD! you scream into your mind before you fall into a deep hole of pleasure as another orgasm rocks you. You hear a joyful giggle in your mind, and then a sweet tasting substance hitting your tongue with force that makes you moan before you feel your pussy flood again, both in your juices and another warm fluid, followed by your ass filling with tentacle spunk. You drink it down as another climax rocks you, and as the two member stuffed in your lower holes continue to fuck you through their own release and fill you up; you can feel your stomach getting fuller and distending on top of the pressure that delightfully fills and stretches you, allowing you to feel the two members through your walls. You have a few more climaxes – how many you don’t right know – before you feel completely full; you’re lowered onto the ground and you twitch uncontrollably as more thick, gooey white stuff splashes across your skin, face, and hair in copious amounts before darkness takes you from the workout you just received.


You feel yourself coming to from a great nap, so you stretch and yawn before rubbing your eyes and snuggling into the covers a bit…covers? You look around and find yourself in Leena’s bed, with no Leena or Lula in sight. You wonder how you got here in the first place until it comes flooding back to you; you grab your waist and shiver delightfully as you remember the orgy you were a part of and the things that you did. That was so amazing…but it seems to be a recurring theme being screwed silly then passing out and waking up here. Oh well, it was worth feeling that good you think as you sigh contentedly and lean back into the bed and daydream with a smile on your face. You’re brought from your thoughts and rest, however, when you hear the knob to the door turning before in pops Lula and Leena in their respective robes. When they spot you they have huge, lewd grins on their faces.

“Well, well, look who’s awake. We saw what happened to you, oh that was so hot to watch; you dangling in the air all tied up and being fucked in every one of your holes and hearing you squeal was wonderful!” Lula pipes up with a grin. “Indeed” Leena says “And congratulations, Colette. You have successfully completed your first twenty-four hours here at the temple. Now, based on what you’ve already chosen and what you’ve already done I’ve taken the liberty to upgrade the list a little bit. Here, take a look”. Leena walks over to the side of your bed and hands you another piece of paper like yesterday, except this one does seem to have a few more options available. Leena speaks again, however, which draws your eyes back to her as she speaks “Also, based on some of the things you’ve shown an interest in we can make ‘alterations’ to your body that I think you may find enjoyable. To start, you’ve taken quite the interest in using your mouth quite a lot – we can, if you want, use alchemy and Domina’s own miracles to alter the structure of your throat, essentially turning it into another erogenous zone so that when you take something down it you will actually feel sexual pleasure from it, and be fully capable of reaching climax from having your throat stimulated”

They can do that?! That’s…incredible really.

“Also” Leena continues this time sitting on the side of the bed as she talks “we can make it so that you can lactate if you wish, especially when you reach climax. This will slightly increase your cup size, but I can assure you it can be quite pleasurable. You also said you really like taking things up your butt; we can make it so that you can take virtually any size up it without the need for foreplay, and this will likewise increase the size of your bottom so that you’ll have a nice bubble butt. It would be unfair to not offer you something to alter your vagina, if you wish, to be more like a succubus’ in that whenever you’re penetrated your vagina will essentially ‘mold’ to the penetrating object, so that you will always feel tight and receive more pleasure. Last, but not least, if you wish for Joan to come back and work on you, then feel free to ask and we shall fetch her for you”

Holy cow they can do all those things?! Wow…I’m really surprised at myself. A short time ago I would have been blushing up a storm and now…now it doesn’t even bother me. In fact, I’m actually looking forward to a few of these things… you think in shock as tingles and rightness and arousal wash over you like a wave before you turn your attention back to the list. You notice that you’re wearing Lula’s choker and you smile, fingering it as you think over the choices offered to you.

Hair Length
- Bald
- Short (pixie cut)
- Short (chin length)
- Shoulder length
- Long (Just above breasts)
- Long (Just passed breasts (current style))
- Extra-long (Small of back)
- Extra-long (Down to butt)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Haircuts/styles These styles aren’t permanent. Colette can let her hair down or change it on her own.

- Pig Tails (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Ponytail (current style. Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Bun (Requires Shoulder Length or longer)
- Odango (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Straight
- Wavy (Current Style)
- Curly
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Hair Color
- Brown
- Dark Brown
- Light Brown
- Blonde
- Platinum Blonde
- Raven Black
- Auburn
- Fiery Red (current hair color)
- Pink
- Purple
- Blue
- Green
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Natural
- Glossy Red (current style)
- Red
- Blue
- Black
- Purple
- Pink
- Green
- Your choice (write something if you want it added)

Nail Polish (Fingers and Toes)
- Natural (current style/color)
- Red
- Pink
- Black
- Purple
- Green
- Blue
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Rift tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Magic Crystal tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Dragon tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Flower tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Death tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- “Slut” tattoo (Flowing writing) (Specify where you want it)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Eyeliner
- Eye-shadow
- Shave pubic hair (current)
- Grow pubic hair
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)
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Re: Rift Touched

Choose any and all that you want! Some may be automatically chosen based on Colette’s current Sex Perks/Passives so beware! Colette also doesn’t have to be the center of each i.e. if Dominant, anal, and strap-on are chosen she could possibly take a strap-on to someone else’s bottom and vice versa if Submissive; I will accommodate as many possibilities as are chosen. Also, if you’re squeamish know that I won’t go too hardcore with some of these things such as spanking, candle wax, floggers, etc. so no bleeding or serious pain.

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Dominant (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Dominant and in some situations you will be more dominant than normal and try to assert yourself even over other dominant individuals) (You will gain dominant based perks)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Submissive and in some situations you will be more submissive than normal, allowing others to make decisions for you and even allow other submissive people to dominate you) (You will gain submissive based perks)
- Bondage Dominant
- Bondage Submissive
- Bondage Submissive Plus (You have shown an interesting in being the submissive in bondage situations and in some situations you will be extremely submissive and allow other submissives and dominant partners to make decisions for you and put you in more extreme bondage situations) (You will gain bondage submissive based perks)
- Give pleasure
- Give pleasure Plus (You like to give others pleasure. So much so that anyone that asks or wants sex from you, you will give them what they want. If this is chosen, while in the temple of Domina wandering about if someone wants you to please them then you will do so. Works well with submissive)
- Receive pleasure
- Receive pleasure Plus (You like to feel pleasure. With this you’ll be able to demand sex from many as you wander the halls of the temple of Domina. Works well with dominant)
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Be served (Sexual and non-sexual. Can demand the help of others or prefer to help yourself as others serve your needs)
- Masochism
- Sadism
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Oral Plus (You really like using your mouth during sex. With this you will gain a perk(s) relating to using your mouth that will increase the pleasure you give, and sometimes receive, from using your mouth)
- Anal
- Anal Plus (You love to use your backdoor during sex. With this you will gain a perk(s) that will help you receive more pleasure and/or give more pleasure to those who use your backdoor)
- Vaginal
- Vaginal Plus (You like sex, and what better way than with the organ designed for it? With this you will gain a perk(s) that allow you to give and receive more pleasure when using your vagina during sex)
- Breast Play
- Breast Play Plus (You’ve been using your melons during sex quite frequently, and why not; breasts are awesome! With this you will gain a perk(s) that will help you give even more pleasure when you use your fun bags!)
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Fivesome (Four sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration+)
- Gangbang (Many sexual partners on one)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Bukkake
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Public Sex
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Exhibitionism Plus (You love to show off your body to others in skimpy clothing, and sometimes in nothing at all! With this you will gain a perk(s) related to exposing yourself to others!)
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Humiliation Plus (You like being degraded and humiliated, and you like degrading and humiliating others. With this the humiliation will be taken to the next level with extra dirty talk, and be borderline cruel. You’ll also gain a perk(s) relating to be humiliated or humiliating others)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)
- Glory Hole (Oral)
- Glory Hole (Vaginal/Anal)
- Piercings (Own category. Can be sexual or non-sexual i.e. piercings as sex play or piercings as jewelry)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing (Scant. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Casual. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Conservative. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc. make up your own if you want)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Butt Plug
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Clamps
- Stocks
- Wooden Horse
- Candle Wax
- Whips, Floggers and/or Paddles
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope and/or clothing)
- Shackles/Manacles
- Aphrodisiacs
- Your Choice (write something in)

Other Sexual Things
- Tentacle Pod (You have shown an interest in being with tentacle beasts and now have the option of undergoing the ultimate in sexual bliss: The Tentacle Pod. You will be inserted into a tentacle beast specialty, which will penetrate every orifice and stimulate your entire body for over an hour. There will be no escape until the allotted time has been completed, and you will be blind and deaf to the world. The only thing you will know is constant, mind-numbing pleasure. Beware; you might come out somewhat…changed as a result. Especially after multiple uses of the tentacle pod) (If you want to stay in for longer than an hour you can specify as such)

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Woman Lover (You’ve been with a lot of women, futanari included, and want to explore the female figure further. With this you will learn to pleasure women extremely well and you may find it easier to seduce women…even those that might not necessarily be interested in women…)

- Slut Training (You’ve had a lot of sex. You love sex, a lot. Face it, you’re a slut and proud of it! Now, you want to learn how to last and act like a better slut! With this you will be able to last longer during sex before succumbing to exhaustion and you will act sluttier as well! What’s not to like?)

- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Preferences
- Men
- Women
- Other (tentacle beasts, futanari, etc.)
- Your Choice (write something in. There’s obvious things I left out, but if you want them then go ahead and write them in)

- Community Service (Help beggars, pass out food, help repair buildings, etc.)
- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)
- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Stealth Training: Sneak Proficiency (Improve sneak level. May require more than one session depending on sneak level), Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level), Evasive techniques (Learn to hide and dodge better. Small boost to sneak when hidden and small boost to dodging attacks. May require multiple sessions to learn), Dexterity training (Improve your dexterity. Helps with ranged weaponry hit rolls and makes you more flexible. May require multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two.

- Combat Training: Dual Wielding Specialization (Learn to dual wield better. Each session improves perk), Weapon type proficiency (Level up weapons. May require more than one session depending on current weapon level. May only choose one weapon type), Pleasure resistance training (Learn to resist pleasure. More sessions improve pleasure resistance), Muscle training (Increase muscle to hit harder and carry more weight. May require multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two.

- Magic Training: Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers), Magic Crystal Proficiency (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type), Blood Magic (Learn to tap into your very lifeblood to draw magic. Can be used even if there are still magical reserves left. Will drain some health to be used as MR. Requires multiple sessions to learn), Magical Shield (Will be capable of tapping into magical reserves to create a magical shield that absorbs damage similar to ice shield. Each hit on the shield, regardless of damage, drains 20 MR. Lasts indefinitely or until dispelled or broken. Last hit on Magical Shield will not allow damage to bleed through to caster, unlike ice shield. Requires multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two.

- Your Choice (write something in)

A. Stylist Choices
A1. Get more things done, or change what you already have.
A2. Forget the stylist for now. You like the way that you look.

B. Parchment Options (Choose as many as you want)

C. Have some alterations made to your body through the power of alchemy and Domina!
C1. Alter your throat and turn it into a sexual organ capable of feeling pleasure similar to an erogenous zone.
C2. Alter your breasts so that you can lactate when sucked on or during orgasm. Will make bust slightly larger (Go from D-cup to DD-cup).
C3. Alter your anus so that you can take nearly any sized object without the need for foreplay. Increases size of your behind slightly (Will give bubble butt).
C4. Alter your vagina so that it will “mold” to penetrating objects. You will always feel perfectly tight around penetrating objects, allowing you to give and receive more pleasure.

D. Keep the choices you make now and continue them for two more days (This choice will make me write up the next two days with the current choices that are made here. Will speed things up, but you’ll miss out on making choices for the next day).

E. You’ve had just about enough of this temple. Leave.
E1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
E2. Head to the blacksmith
E3. Make a stop at the stylist’s shop “Perfect Clarity”
E4. Go back to “The Size that Fits” (possibly model for Xillia…or have sex)

F. Visit another temple in the temple district.
F1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
F2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
F3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
F4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
F5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)

G. Make a stop at the noble district.
G1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
G2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
G3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
G4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
G5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
G6. Go to Yulag’s inn (Eat, drink, rest, ask for info, visit Lula)
G7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
G8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there. Batzi leaves at 6 pm)

H. Go to the red light district
H1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
H2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
H3. Visit Lover’s Essentials (piercings, bondages gear, sex toys)
H4. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
H5. Go to Yulag’s and Ungan’s home (Specify what you want to do there)

I. Head off to the slums
I1. Go to the jail in the slums (Specify what you want to do there)
I2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
I3. Visit The Pilgrim’s March inn and pub (eat, get a job, get a room, ask about rumors. Specify)
I4. Visit Penelope’s Home for Youngsters (Specify what to do there. Read to kids, ask about work, donate money, etc.)
I5. Go to the Public Restroom and Bath (Male and Female baths and restrooms. Specify what to do there)
I6. Visit Loan For Your Troubles (Specify what to do there. Get a loan. Inquire about a job)
I7. Prostitute yourself (Clothing will have an effect)
I8. Find beggars in the slums (Give food, water, money, inquire about rumors and info, etc.)

J. Wander and explore the city at random

K. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

L. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

M. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

N. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

W. Rift Travel (Closest Rift: Noble District – Kilnhaven, Eborthia)
W1. Use rift to travel to the Rift Plane (Specify what you want to do there. No other rifts are available to be used for travel)

X. Other

Y. Time Skip (Specify where to wait and how many minutes/hours/days/weeks you want to wait. Must have adequate resources to survive i.e. money, food, water, shelter, etc.)

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Backpack: Light Load. Has a fair amount of space left.

Currently Unavailable
-Gold pouch (633 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Hood (Covers entire head. Has slot in back for hair and slots in front for mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Molds to skin like a second skin. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on hood. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of hood that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones (half-elf ears )) (Partially concealed)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
- Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Bodysuit (Covers neck, arms to wrists, and legs to ankles. Molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on bodysuit. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of bodysuit that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones) (Currently concealed)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Currently Unavailable
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Naked!
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Pet” engraved on front. Has “Mistress Lula’s Good Girl” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left Side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR)

Rift Abilities
- Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.


-Thick wavy fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage)
-D-Cup breasts (Human Heritage)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Unblemished Radiant Pale White Skin (Elven Heritage)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller and plumper.
-Slightly curved nose
- Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
- Currently Naked besides Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker


Health: Fine
MR: 85/85
Slightly Aroused.
Feeling Tingles.
Feeling “right”.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Lover: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you prefer milk for some reason if given the choice

Kind-Hearted: You are a kind and caring individual; you like to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Novice: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed a basic understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having slightly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. Anything above a basic probe, however, you will not be able to defend against.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn) Currently not in effect.

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat). Currently not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!). Currently not in effect.

Dual Wielding Journeyman: You have a good amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are lacking in skill and find it difficult to hit enemies in combat. You need more practice before you can properly fight using two weapons at once.

Pleasure Resistance Novice: You have learned to resist pleasure at a very basic level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under basic sexual pleasure. However, more skilled partners and/or prolonged pleasure break down your resistance.

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Slut: You are a slut; you love to have sex. It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you look forward to having sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an increased sex drive and find that you get aroused more easily, and think in more sexual ways. You also feel no shame at sexual situations.

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Lover: You love the taste of cum and you love being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its late stages and chances of reversing this are virtually impossible. You might even start to develop kinks and perks as a result of being continually bound…

Switch-Submissive (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you much rather prefer being the submissive and have developed your submissiveness so that you more easily comply with more dominant individuals. You are still capable of dominating neutral and submissive people, but are incapable of truly dominating a dominant individual unless they give consent.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

Scoleshire is the human monarchal kingdom directly north of Eborthia, and is in a tentative peace with the much more tolerant nation. Eborthia was once the domain of the humans, and its loss one-thousand years ago after the death of Xavier Swartherton is still a sore point to this day, and many of the human nobility sometimes speak of reclaiming their lost land and driving out the demons, monsters, and other non-humans. The kingdom of Scoleshire is dominated by humans and is rife with slavery of non-humans – the masses, especially the ruling caste, is intolerant of any non-human and treats them as second-class citizens or worse. This is not to say they are completely intolerant, however, they are most definitely xenophobic and untrusting of other races, especially the elves as they view them as arrogant and pompous. Scoleshire is a rugged and unforgiving land; it is dominated by biting cold, mountains, forests, and rough terrain that shape its people accordingly.

Vampires are an enigmatic, powerful, and arrogant magical species of Zelios. They are among the most powerful creatures on the planet for their heightened senses of sight and smell, their durable bodies that can withstand significant damage, the ability to conceal themselves in any society virtually unnoticed, and their immortality. The only real weaknesses a vampire has are its weakness under the sun or, the in case of new vampires, its fatal effects. The other weakness all vampires have are to light based magic, which has the interesting side effect of boiling their skin. Other than those two weaknesses a vampire can be killed like any other creature, but with greater difficulty given their natural resistance to physical damage, however, aside from their weakness to light based magic any other magical should work effectively when compared to a physical weapon.

Vampires are created from the humanoid races, similar to werewolves, through bites. The vampire must be their victim, drink their blood, mix their own blood with that of their prey, then inject the new mixture back into their victim to create another vampire. Vampires are cold beings, not just in terms of their emotions but of their body as well; a vampire will be noticeably cold to the touch and appear paler than a normal person, almost sickly so until they feed, which will give their complexion an improvement, but do nothing for their temperature. Vampire society is one based on power, control, and domination; vampires form covens and take over cave systems, abandoned castles, forts, and the strongest, oldest vampires are the rulers of these covens. They seek to dominate the “lesser” races, or non-vampires, and will seek to influence mortals to do their bidding. Since a vampire needs magical energy to survive, and since they prefer blood, they will send out seekers to find and capture mortal prey and return them to the coven to be used as livestock, both for blood and for sex. Aside from all the other powers a vampire wields, their bite is very unique; the bite of a vampire will induce a sense of euphoria and deep arousal in their victim, and many survivors of vampire bites reported being brought to climax from the bite alone.
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Re: Rift Touched

A2. I like the Red might change for a Silver.
B. *drools* -=Error=- will fill out and add2 scenes later oh and training lots of training.
C1- Nope I like watching our partners squirm as we blow them our Aeghoe face shouldn't be shown while we blow them.
C2- Personally yes; IC wise we only like suckling milk. Maybe later it would change but rather not give a quick Magical replinishing faucet to enemies.
C3. - Yes. Not much to say here really. I mean Bubble Butt! Really? Colette thou shall bring all the Futas to the yard.
C4. - Yes. Never loose? Amazing.
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Re: Rift Touched

First things first again things that I label as not Fun.
Other Sexual Things

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Woman Lover (You’ve been with a lot of women, futanari included, and want to explore the female figure further. With this you will learn to pleasure women extremely well and you may find it easier to seduce women…even those that might not necessarily be interested in women…)

Sexual Preferences
- Women
- Other
-- Futanari
-- Tentacle Beast

- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)
[Note] Avoid having anything in you before teaching.

- Stealth Training:
Sneak Proficiency (Improve sneak level. May require more than one session depending on sneak level)

Dexterity training (Improve your dexterity. Helps with ranged weaponry hit rolls and makes you more flexible. May require multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two.

- Combat Training:
Dual Wielding Specialization (Learn to dual wield better. Each session improves perk)

Pleasure resistance training (Learn to resist pleasure. More sessions improve pleasure resistance)

- Magic Training:
Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers)

Magic Crystal Proficiency (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type)Role/Sexual Interests

Now onto a list.

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Dominant and in some situations you will be more dominant than normal and try to assert yourself even over other dominant individuals) (You will gain dominant based perks)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Bondage Submissive
- Give pleasure
- Receive pleasure Plus (You like to feel pleasure. With this you’ll be able to demand sex from many as you wander the halls of the temple of Domina. Works well with dominant)
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral Plus (You really like using your mouth during sex. With this you will gain a perk(s) relating to using your mouth that will increase the pleasure you give, and sometimes receive, from using your mouth)
- Anal Plus (You love to use your backdoor during sex. With this you will gain a perk(s) that will help you receive more pleasure and/or give more pleasure to those who use your backdoor)
- Vaginal
- Breast Play Plus (You’ve been using your melons during sex quite frequently, and why not; breasts are awesome! With this you will gain a perk(s) that will help you give even more pleasure when you use your fun bags!)
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Public Sex
- Exhibitionism Plus (You love to show off your body to others in skimpy clothing, and sometimes in nothing at all! With this you will gain a perk(s) related to exposing yourself to others!)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
--Default while in Room and following sex till we are cleaned.

- Clothing Scant
--Default Combat Clothing: Sports Bra and Hot Pants

- Clothing Casual
-- Default Outside Temple Clothing: Sundress

- Clothing Exotic/Fetish
-- Skin Tight Body Suit: For Magic/Stealth Lessons and while out in the Temple. No panties or bras.

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Gag (Ring gag)
- Clamps
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope/Latex)

- Tentacle Pod (You have shown an interest in being with tentacle beasts and now have the option of undergoing the ultimate in sexual bliss: The Tentacle Pod. You will be inserted into a tentacle beast specialty, which will penetrate every orifice and stimulate your entire body for over an hour. There will be no escape until the allotted time has been completed, and you will be blind and deaf to the world. The only thing you will know is constant, mind-numbing pleasure. Beware; you might come out somewhat…changed as a result. Especially after multiple uses of the tentacle pod) (If you want to stay in for longer than an hour you can specify as such)

I'm Leery of doing this to Colette right now she is treading a rather slippery slope *pardon the pun* between completely Hedonistic Pleasure seeker and one who merely lost all inhibitions and is completely at home with sex. Heck its one of the Reasons why I'm cutting down on my prepared scenes to 'show' that Colette had her fun and now is trying to work through herself.

Will add scenes later still tired for the day.
Re: Rift Touched

Stylist Choices : A2.

Parchment options (in addition of last time options) :
Role/Sexual Interests : bondage submissive plus,
Sexual Acts/Situations : oral plus, vaginal Plus, breast play plus, bukkake plus, piercings (sexuals).
Sex Toys and Objects : breast pump (for C2 choice).
Other Sexual Things : tentacle Pod, milk and cum diet, woman lover.
Non-Sexual :
- Stealth Training : dexterity training, lock pick proficiency.
- Magic Training : magic crystal proficiency, magical shield.
- Combat Training : dual wielding specialization, weapon type proficiency (bow).

Alterations : C1, C2.
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Re: Rift Touched

I think I'm pretty much 99% agreed with Bloodshifter.

Tentacle pod could be done eventually, but doing it now feels like rushing to do everything at once
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