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Re: Rift Touched

Yea I did mobile slaughters my syntax and language.

X.Once you leave Chaps take Lula aside and tell her that we didn't like what she did in the store and that if she can run future things like that by us before.

More or less sorry about that.
Re: Rift Touched

Yeah I agree with that, particularly anytime what she wants to do involves someone else being involved/dominant.
Re: Rift Touched

Chap’s General store :
A :
Throwing Knife x 3 : -21g
Light Bomb x2 : -108g

B :
Steel Pata w/1 foot blade : +42g
White Blouse : +10g
Black Reinforced Leather Trousers : +61g

Total : -16g

About E, I think Lula will understand that we don't want that without telling her.

Domina's temple :
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Re: Rift Touched

The White Magic Crystal, the book, the scroll, and one throwing knife were all bought. The cotton undergarments, the blouse, and the trousers were sold. That leaves 633 gold remaining. Also, A, Z to use the scroll on the gold magic crystal, and X to have a “chat” with Lula were chosen. Quick note for temple of Domina; time will now work differently while undertaking the “trials” let’s call them. Instead of the normal time counting down there will instead be early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night. In fact, if you would prefer me to use this method of time keeping from now on let me know!

This update might seem a bit…boring and have a lot of options, but it’s necessary for reasons that I won’t disclose just yet and for what I have planned depending on what is chosen.

Sometime between 1:32 pm and 2:00 pm

I don’t think so Lula; i-it just doesn’t seem right doing this with someone I barely know. Well, that didn’t stop me from doing it with you…but it’s still different. At least a little forewarning would be nice.

You blush and shake your head “S-sorry, Lula, but I’m just not comfortable with that. I’m sure you’re really nice, Chap, and you are handsome, but it’s just…I hardly know you a-and it wouldn’t seem right is all” you finish while looking Chap in the eyes. The armor wearing dwarf’s smile fades a little, but he nods in understanding.

“Aye, lass, it be fine. I told ye, though, didn’t I: Lula’s full o’ energy and creativity. Not that I’m complainin’, no ma’am, but no matter ‘ow many times I see her she still manages ta take me by surprise” Chap explains with a laugh.

Well, at least he’s a good sport about it you think while still blushing. Lula squeezes you a little more tightly before she pecks you on the side of the head. “Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just love seeing you do naughty things,…and I love hearing your voice” she whispers into your ear. You blush and lean back into her embrace and say “I-it’s alright, Lula, but could you maybe, I don’t know, run these things by me in the future? I don’t mind surprises, but this caught me off guard”. ”Of course, Colette” Lula whispers back “I promise; you’re important to me and I wouldn’t ever want to make you uncomfortable. Now, I think I’m going to go back and pick up that book I was reading” she finishes before, after a little squeeze, she goes back to the book she was skimming earlier and brings it to the counter.

You smile and figure you should pick a few things up yourself; you go back to the scrolls and books and pick up one that deals with magical theory and a scroll that imbues the user with knowledge of a magic crystal of their choice. You go over to some of the magic crystals you saw earlier and pick up the white crystal – figuring it would be a good alternative to light bombs – before returning to the counter and picking out a throwing knife to replace your lost one. You hand over the gold to Chap for the things while Lula reads her book entitled “History of the Unbound and their Integration in Modern Societies”. You notice that your pack is getting a little bit full and has put on some weight so you decide to sell some things that you don’t really need; you pull out your blouse, your reinforced trousers, and your cotton socks, bra, and panties – which cause both Lula and Chap to grin suggestively – and hand them over, which does help clear up some space and lighten the load. You contemplate selling the pata, but figure it might be useful as a weapon later on and decide to keep it.

Hmm, it might be a good idea to use this scroll now…maybe on the gold crystal? I haven’t used it as much so I don’t really know much about it unlike the blue crystal – which I feel like I understand it better and what it can do. Yeah, that sounds a good plan to me, besides being able to heal myself or others better cold come in handy.

“Hey, Chap, can I use that spot over there for just a moment?” you ask the dwarf while pointing towards a clear spot on his counter. He looks puzzled at your request but shrugs and nods to you – you thank him with a smile and head over to the spot before pulling out your gold magic crystal and your new scroll. You open the scroll and place it flat on the desk and look it over; there’s black inked arcane writing all over the scroll as well as instructions and incantations to aid the user in its use. In the center of the scroll is a small, inked circle meant for a magic crystal to be placed; you place your crystal on the parchment and look over the contents of the scroll. After memorizing the instructions you place your hands on the parchment, leaning your head over the crystal and start to tap into the power of the gold magic crystal, causing you, the crystal, and the scroll and its writing to light up in a slightly brighter golden hue. After a few moments the scroll disintegrates and the gold crystal on top shines brilliantly before it shoots a golden ray out at you aimed at your forehead – as soon as it strikes you, you feel knowledge and understanding course through you. A few seconds later the beam flickers out and the gold crystal ceases emanating – you grab your crystal and place it in your pack with a smile after having just learned a new, stronger healing spell that will be capable of healing moderate amounts of damage.

You hear Lula whistle sharply behind you “Wow, that was something – and I see you chose healing magic over anything else. Thinking of becoming a healer, dear?” You turn to Lula and smile “Maybe – I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to know a bit more about healing magic given my line of work. I know I’ll get hurt out there no matter how skilled or careful I may be so it doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan just in case”. Lula nods in understanding and says “Good thinking; though it does worry me to think about you going out and getting hurt. At least with this I know that if you do get hurt you can heal yourself – just be careful and don’t take any unnecessary risks, alright honey?” You roll your eyes with a smirk and say sarcastically “Yes, Mom”. Lula chuckles before putting on a stern face and wagging her finger in front of you “Now don’t get fresh with me young lady or I’ll have half a mind to bend you over my lap and spank you. Mmm, that actually sounds like a delicious idea; oh would you let me do it, Colette? I could play your mother and you could be the naughty little girl that needs a good spanking over my knee…and then maybe I make it up to you by rubbing your pretty little pussy while you drink my wonderful milk an-“

You put your hands up and blush “Okay, Lula, I think we should go before you get any more ideas” you say to your friend before turning to Chap, who’s been eavesdropping and has a lewd smirk on his face “And you, no dirty thoughts, understand!” Chap seems to be snapped from his thoughts, but still retains his grin and says “Aye, I would ne’er dream of it, lass; scouts honor”.

Yeah right; you’re not fooling me! Ah geez, Lula’s like an overactive puppy…except I’m the one that can be leashed! How did that work out? you think with a smirk and a shake of your head.

You make sure everything is where it needs to be and bid Chap a farewell before leaving the store with Lula. You hear Lula humming as she walks closely behind you – no doubt checking out your behind – and you can’t help but shake your head a little in amusement. As you both head for the temple of Domina you can’t help but rub your choker tenderly and trace the emerald on the front.

2:02 pm

…You know, I think I’ll stay here and see if they can “help” me you think before looking to the two sisters and if Leena is anything at all like her sister, then I think I’m in good hands.

You smile at Lula while fingering your choker then turn to Leena and say “Alright…I’ll stay; I trust Lula, and I think I can trust you. So, where do I start…finding myself?” Both the sisters smile serenely at you before Leena says “Right now, Colette – please, follow me” she finishes by extending her hand out towards you. Lula gives you a quick, warm hug before releasing you – you extend your own hand out and take Leena’s, to which she smiles compassionately at before turning around and leading you to and up the stairs of the temple. When you reach the top you look to either side of you and notice that there are doors lining the wall in front of you that extend down to either hall – which branches off to either end – and doors on the wall across from it. However, the first door you see at the top of the stairs is the one Leena leads you to, with Lula in tow.

The purple skinned succubus turns the knob with her free hand and opens the door before her, you, and Lula cross the threshold. You gasp at what you see; inside the room – which itself is quite large – is a huge four-poster bed directly across from you with a light red canopy, and red and black sheets and pillows. One the far left side of the room is a large sofa and vanity, followed by three large chests, a dresser, and an armoire. On the far right of the room across from the bed is a coffee table with two large, red cushioned chairs and two smaller black cushioned chairs. Next to those, and a ways away, stands a beautiful wooden door that is slightly ajar; you can just see inside and notice a very large tub cut into the floor which indicates that is most likely where one bathes, and you suspect there’s a chamber pot somewhere in there as well. The floor itself is covered in a very beautiful crimson rug with black colored flowery designs – you look up and see that the ceiling is rather high up and has a few windows along the top sides to allow natural light to flow in.

Wow, this room is magnificent! Is this where I’ll be staying? If so I think I’m gonna like it here!

Leena leads you over to the coffee table and gestures for you to sit at one of the black cushioned chairs while she and her sister sit on the two larger red cushioned chairs on the other side of the table. “Welcome to my room, dear, I hope it’s not too…loud for you” Leena begins while motioning to all the amenities and decor – with the way she adds “dear” being another eerie resemblance to her little sister – “My sister and I will share this room during your stay. If you wish you may stay here with us; I know it would greatly please dear Lula, and I certainly would not mind. If not I completely understand and I shall have a room of your own set up down the hall. All your needs will be provided for, Colette; you are my guest and a friend and I will make absolutely sure that no harm comes to you and that you’re totally comfortable”. Lula pipes up after her sister and, with a serious look on her face, says “That’s right, honey; we want nothing more than for you to feel safe and provided for. We’ll make sure of that”. Leena nods in confirmation, with an equally serious look on her face.

Wow…they’re really serious about me being comfortable here. I know I can trust Lula; she’s been mindful of me since day one and has acquiesced to all my requests so far if I’ve felt uncomfortable. I get a really good vibe from Leena like I do from Lula so I think I can trust her. But, should I stay with both of them? I mean, I’ve gotten used to staying with Lula – I actually really enjoy being cuddled up next to her – but staying with both of them? I don’t know…well, I might have an even larger set of breasts to snuggle against at night! Oh I can’t believe I just thought that…

“Well, now that the formalities are out of the way” Leena says with a relieved sigh and a bright smile, breaking your thoughts “I’ll be back in a little bit, honey. You and Lula make yourselves right at home while I get things in order for you. Please, put your things in the center chest; you won’t need them and I promise that nothing will happen to them, and they will be returned when you decide to leave” Leena finishes by gesturing to the chests on the other side of the room. You look over to where she pointed then back at Leena and nod before getting up and walking over – you open the center chest upon reaching it and pull your backpack off as well as your weapons and other gear and set them in the large chest before closing it. Left only in your armor and clothing you return to your chair just as Leena stands from hers; she walks around the table and places a hand on your shoulder and looks you in the eyes.

“You have taken the first steps, Colette, and I promise that both my sister and I will help you every step of the way” Lula’s big sister says. You look into her eyes and see nothing but sincerity and warmth; you smile and say “I’m still not sure what will be expected of me or what you plan, but I trust Lula…and I trust you, Leena”. Leena’s features soften at your words and she nods before continuing to her door and closing it behind her, leaving you and Lula in the room together. You turn your head around to look at Lula, but are startled to find her sitting in the black chair next to you with a huge grin on her face before she reaches out and hugs you tightly to her bosom.

“Oh, I’m so glad that you accepted my sister’s offer! She may seem a bit distant and hard, but don’t let that fool you; once you get to know her you’ll find that she’s almost exactly like me. ‘Almost’ being the operant word; she says she’s the ‘responsible’ one so she has to act more mature. Pshaw I saw! By Lequis I promise to help you align your heart with your soul if it’s the last thing I do, honey” Lula seems to ramble on which, while comforting, leaves you in a bit of an awkward position hunched over with your face in her large breasts. You lightly push yourself away from Lula and take a breath before chuckling a little and shaking your head.

I wonder if Lula knows what sorts of things I can expect while I stay here. Well, it never hurts to ask.

“I don’t know if you can answer this, Lula, but what exactly will you, Leena, and the temple do to ‘help’ me?” you ask. Lula brings a finger to her lips and ponders how to respond before she looks at you and says “When I went through it – oh don’t give me that look, yes I and my sister both went through this – I was a bit lost with myself, though I didn’t really know the full extent of it at the time. It’s the same for all that seek out Domina; whether they know it or not they feel that some part of them is missing or dormant and the disciples help bring that out. It’s how I discovered I wanted to be a priestess of Lequis; I wanted to spread love and compassion…and I also really like sex which…isn’t surprising considering I’m a succubus” Lula says with a wink and a laugh, which makes you smirk. “Anyways, back to hidden desires – there are things that every person represses about themselves, or is not fully aware of. This could be sexual, a need to help others, a desire to be in control or be controlled, a repressed desire to be tied up – those kinds of things. Leena and I, as well as the other disciples here in the temple, will work with you to discover those hidden desires about yourself and bring them out; trust me when I say it’s the most liberating thing in the world to be in tune with yourself”.

“Additionally” Lula continues “we’ll try and match your body with how your heart thinks it should look. Haircuts, makeup, tattoos, piercings and…other ‘things’; the whole makeover if it’s necessary. Domina is a powerful goddess and she has gifted her disciples with objects that can change a person’s body slightly if need be, and since she works with other gods, such as Lequis, we can collaborate quite easily if it’s necessary”.

You stare wide eyed at Lula’s explanation and, despite some of the insinuations, you find yourself very impressed and awed. “That’s really incredible, Lula, and I didn’t know that about you. H-how will I know the things that I want and what to choose? I mean, I thought I knew myself but I had my doubts after I first came here so how do I know about these…desires?” you ask Lula, a bit uncertain how it will all work.

Lula, however, smiles brightly and says “That’s what I, Leena, the disciples, and Domina are for, dear. While you stay in Domina’s temple, or if you find yourself in my sister’s presence –she has the same power since she’s the head priestess - you’ll find that you’re more…in tune with yourself. Her power will help guide you towards the things that you want and desire, but the mind is powerful; you will have undoubtedly repressed and beaten down many things that are truth’s about yourself – it’s okay we all do it, honey – and will probably be confused with what you think you want as opposed to what you actually want, which is where we come in. You’ll see once Leena gets back, but we will put you in situations that relate to your desires, or desires you think you have, and guide you through them in the hopes that they will be awakened to you. It’s a very challenging, liberating, and spiritual thing to experience –for all three. It won’t be easy, honey, but I said it before and I’ll say it again; we will be with you every. Single. Step. And we won’t let anything bad happen to you”.

To emphasize her point Lula places her hand tenderly on your leg and looks into your eyes with her piercing red ones – what you see is nothing but tenderness, care, concern, determination, and warmth that makes you feel right at home. You smile brightly as you place your own hands on top of Lula’s and nod to her – her reassurances and the sheer conviction in her voice seem to burn away any doubt you have at that moment.
While in the temple of Domina or near Leena, Colette’s choices – all her choices - will have a much larger impact on her personality and preferences. She will be able to gain perks, tendencies, and preferences at a much faster rate as a result which will inevitably shape her personality. Nothing is set in stone…in the beginning, but if repeated types of choices are made then they will be. Choose wisely.
You both continue to gaze into each other’s eyes until a knock at the door startles you. You look towards the door, then back at Lula with an apologetic smile before you rise and move to answer the door. When you open it you’re met with the sight of a light brown haired elven man wearing black and red robes, and behind him is a large moveable serving tray with a large amount of food and drinks on it.

“Hello, miss, I’m here with food and drink for you and Lady Lula. May I come in?” the elven man says politely and with a welcoming smile on his face. You seem a bit startled but move out of the way and hold the door open “O-of course, thank you very much, sir. You didn’t really need to…at least for me. I don’t want to intrude upon the hospitality I’ve already been given” you say politely. The elven man moves around the large tray and pushes it inside next to the coffee table and starts setting it with strawberries, roast duck, carrots, steak, and all other manner of food before he produces two glasses and pours wine in one – no doubt for Lula – and water in the other – probably for you. When he’s finished Lula thanks him warmly before he turns to you and says “Nonsense; you are our guest here and it is our duty and pleasure to be able to help you find yourself and set your heart on it’s true path. Everyone here will do their utmost for you to make you feel warm and welcome, and what better way to start than a warm meal?”

You are very startled by the disciples simple, yet firm words and find yourself at a loss for your own. You shake it off, however, and with a bright and earnest smile you say “T-thank you, truly – um, if it’s not too much to ask would you call me Colette?” The elven man smiles as he makes his way to you and the door, stopping I front of you and saying “Of course, Colette, and my name is Swilwen. It is a pleasure to meet you and, as I’m sure you’ve already been told, make yourself at home. Every disciple here is dedicated to helping others find themselves and bring out their desires, so if I can help in any way no matter how small then I shall strive to do so. Enjoy your meal, Colette” the elven man named Swilwen says before bowing lightly, which you return, before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. You just stare at the door a few moments wondering what to make of all this before Lula gets your attention with a light cough – you see her give you a “told you so” look before gesturing you to the table to eat. You shake your head in amusement before making your way to your chair and digging in to a scrumptious looking steak lightly glazed with caramelized raspberry jelly on top.

You and Lula both finish your meals and sit and chat pleasantly as you trace the emerald on your choker and play with the metal heart until you hear the door open; you turn around to see Leena, who smiles widely when she sees you and her sister, and a woman you don’t recognize following her while carrying a very large bag. This woman is in fact an Oni, a Red Oni to be specific, and stands at six and a half feet tall with dark, almost black eyes, wearing dark eye shadow, blue lipstick, and sporting a pixie hair cut for her much darker red hair. She’s also wearing an elegant, shimmering blue dress that fits tightly to her skin – which shows that she has some muscle – and that goes down to her ankles. You watch as the Oni woman makes her way to the vanity before setting her bag down next to it. Your mouth gapes in shock as you watch her open the bag…and pull out an entire table full of stylist supplies!

Holy crap, is that a bottomless bag? Those things can hold tons of stuff without bogging anyone that holds it down, and they can hold anything that’s not larger then, well, a table. Geez, that must have cost a fortune! you think as you continue to gape at the Oni woman, who seems to be methodically examining each of her items as if it were the most precious things on the planet. Leena, however, breaks your awe when she speaks.

“This, Colette, is Joan and I have asked that she come here to help you. She’s the stylist in the merchant district at “Perfect Clarity” and has agreed to lend her services to the temple in this matter” Leena explains.

Wait, a stylist is part of it? Huh, I guess Lula wasn’t joking
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Re: Rift Touched

“Um, I’m not sure how this is supposed to help, but I’ll go along with it if you think it will do something” you say to Leena, a little unsure. Leena just smiles and offers her hand “I’m sure, honey, but there’s only one way to find out. Come”. You look to the purple skinned succubae’s hand for a moment before taking it and rising – Lula gets up and follows close behind as you’re led to the chair in front of the vanity. You take a seat and, just as you do, the red Oni turns to look at you and gasps “Stars and heavens above” she says in a slightly low voice “I – you’re gorgeous; those full lips, flawless skin, those brilliant and beautiful eyes. Incredible…you’re truly blessed my dear”.

“T-thank you, miss; you’re very beautiful yourself; I really like the haircut and lipstick, and is that dress made by Xillia?” you say with a blush. Joan beams at you brightly “Oh, child, you’re too kind, and yes this is made by Xillia. She’s the best seamstress I’ve ever met, maybe in the whole country if I do say so myself! But enough about me; you, my dear, are the perfect canvas to work on and I would be honored if you let me work on you”. “But, what about money?” you say while looking to Joan then to Leena “I mean, this isn’t free is it?” Leena chuckles lightly before saying “Don’t worry about the money, Colette. I’ve taken care of it; you just sit back, relax, and whatever you want done Joan, the master that she is, will be happy to oblige”. You look to the tall red woman for confirmation and receive it when she smiles and nods before turning back to her instruments. She seems to ponder them for a moment before turning back to you and talking at you rather than to you “Hmm, I don’t think heavy coloring or blush is needed on such flawless skin. Maybe eyeliner and eye shadow? Oh, lipstick would do wonders for you – maybe some nail polish for your fingers and toes? Yes, that would do nicely” she finishes before turning back on opening up small metal looking jars with different colors; she also produces what look to be small pieces of graphite, tiny shears and razors, and other “things” you don’t seem to recognize.

“Alright” Joan says once she’s collected herself, causing you to concentrate your attention on her “The services I can offer you dear are haircuts, hairstyles, nail polish for your fingers and toes, as well as eye shadow and eyeliner if you so choose. I can also shave ‘down there’ if you want – I can dye your hair different colors if you want; red, blue, black, blonde, platinum blonde, you name it. I’m also quite skilled in doing tattoos as well should you desire any art or writing upon your body then I would be happy to do so. The best part is that I use enchanted products so anything that I do will be permanent, so no needing to reapply! Should you ever desire a change or removal then simply see me again and I’ll see what I can do”.

Hair Length
- Bald
- Short (pixie cut)
- Short (chin length)
- Shoulder length
- Long (Just above breasts)
- Long (Just passed breasts (current style))
- Extra-long (Small of back)
- Extra-long (Down to butt)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Haircuts/styles These styles aren’t permanent. Colette can let her hair down or change it on her own.

- Pig Tails (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Ponytail (current style. Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Bun (Requires Shoulder Length or longer)
- Odango (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Straight
- Wavy (Current Style)
- Curly
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Hair Color
- Brown (current hair color)
- Dark Brown
- Light Brown
- Blonde
- Platinum Blonde
- Raven Black
- Auburn
- Fiery Red
- Pink
- Purple
- Blue
- Green
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Natural (current style/color)
- Red
- Blue
- Black
- Purple
- Pink
- Green
- Your choice (write something if you want it added)

Nail Polish (Fingers and Toes)
- Natural (current style/color)
- Red
- Pink
- Black
- Purple
- Green
- Blue
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Rift tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Magic Crystal tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Dragon tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Flower tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Death tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- “Slut” tattoo (Flowing writing) (Specify where you want it)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Eyeliner
- Eye-shadow
- Shave pubic hair
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Wow, my head is spinning right now; I don’t know where to start! you begin to think before Leena, who’s been watching the entire time, approaches your side and hands you a piece of paper. You look at her confusedly before she responds “Before we begin, dear, I would like you to read over the things on this list and point out any that interest you. It will be a basis to start off with finding yourself – it’s a bit…blunt, I know, but it’s a start”. You nod and look down at the paper and begin to read through what looks to be a simple list of various topics. Some of the things you don’t recognize, but others you do…and others you really recognize as they’re sexual in nature.

“Um” you say tentatively while looking at the list “A-a lot of these are, well…”. “Sexual” Leena interrupts with a smile “that’s alright, Colette, I know what they are; they’re there for a reason”.

Oh, right; Lula did mention that, um, some people have desires related to sex you think before Leena speaks up “It’s alright if you don’t understand some of the things written down, Colette. Trust in your heart to know what you want; pick anything that sounds appealing to you and we’ll go from there and if it turns out you really aren’t interested or comfortable with some of the things written then we won’t go further, alright dear?” Leena puts her hand on your shoulder for reassurance, which causes you to smile and helps to calm your nerves as you look over the parchment once more.

Alright, Colette, this is what you’re here for. Actually, I think Lula might be right; I feel…like I’m slightly more in tune with myself. Weird; some of these things actually seem…nice. Wait – am I getting aroused thinking about some of these things? Oh gods, I think I am! B-but, which ones are giving me these feelings? you think as you look over the list Leena gave you while fiddling with your choker.

Choose any and all that you want! Some may be automatically chosen based on Colette’s current Sex Perks/Passives so beware! Colette also doesn’t have to be the center of each i.e. if Dominant, anal, and strap-on are chosen she could possibly take a strap-on to someone else’s bottom and vice versa if Submissive; I will accommodate as many possibilities as are chosen. Also, if you’re squeamish know that I won’t go too hardcore with some of these things such as spanking, candle wax, floggers, etc. so no bleeding or serious pain.

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Bondage Dominant
- Bondage Submissive
- Give pleasure
- Receive pleasure
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Be served (Sexual and non-sexual. Can demand the help of others or prefer to help yourself as others serve your needs)
- Masochism
- Sadism
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Fivesome (Four sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration+)
- Gangbang (Many sexual partners on one)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Bukkake
- Public Sex
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)
- Glory Hole (Oral)
- Glory Hole (Vaginal/Anal)
- Piercings (Own category. Can be sexual or non-sexual i.e. piercings as sex play or piercings as jewelry)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing (Scant. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Casual. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Conservative. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc. make up your own if you want)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Butt Plug
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Clamps
- Stocks
- Wooden Horse
- Candle Wax
- Whips, Floggers and/or Paddles
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope and/or clothing)
- Shackles/Manacles
- Aphrodisiacs
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Preferences
- Men
- Women
- Other (tentacle beasts, futanari, etc.)
- Your Choice (write something in. There’s obvious things I left out, but if you want them then go ahead and write them in)

- Community Service (Help beggars, pass out food, help repair buildings, etc.)
- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)
- Stealth Training
- Combat Training
- Magic Training
- Your Choice (write something in)

Wow, there are so many things to choose from…and some of these things really, uh, sound like something…and make me feel a little aroused; I think more than usual maybe? I-I think I can pick out a few that give me those feelings, but others I’m not so sure on…oh wow orphanage duty, huh? Wasn’t Lula at the orphanage yesterday reading to the children? That sounds like fun - stealth, combat, and magic training? I better ask Leena about that.

“H-hey, Leena” you say while still looking at the parchment “Why’s there stealth, combat, and magic training listed on here?” You look up just as Leena starts to talk “Well, dear, some people have a thing for those different arts and it’s important to learn some of them for one’s own safety. A few at the temple are very skilled in each of these and might be able to teach you a few tricks, if you’re willing to take the time to learn that is. Remember, take your time; there’s no rush for any of this, Colette” You smile at Leena before once again turning your attention to the paper and eyeing each topic critically, and shifting your legs slightly from the arousal you’re feeling as you look at some of the topics on the paper.

Well, what’s it going to be, Colette? Oh, right, I still have to decide if I want to get a haircut or something…and decide if I want to sleep in a separate room or with Lula and Leena.


A. Room to sleep in
A1. Choose to sleep with Lula and Leena in Leena’s room during your stay
A2. Stay in another room down the hall during your stay

B. Stylist choices
B1. You don’t need a stylist; you’re fine the way you are now
B2. Pick and choose some things

C. Parchment Options (choose as many as you want)

D. Leave the temple; it’s too much to handle

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Just as an FYI you can mix and match things if you want.
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Backpack: Medium Load. Running out of space.

Currently Unavailable
-Gold pouch (633 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Hood (Covers entire head. Has slot in back for hair and slots in front for mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Molds to skin like a second skin. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on hood. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of hood that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones (half-elf ears )) (Partially concealed)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Currently Unavailable
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Bodysuit (Covers neck, arms to wrists, and legs to ankles. Molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on bodysuit. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of bodysuit that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones) (Currently concealed)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair. (Currently conealed)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Pet” engraved on front. Has “Mistress Lula’s Good Girl” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left Side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR)

Rift Abilities
- Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.


-Thick wavy brown hair that goes just passed breasts. Tie in Ponytail. (Human Heritage)
-D-Cup breasts (Human Heritage)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Unblemished Radiant Pale White Skin (Elven Heritage)
-Light Patch of brown hair above vagina, otherwise hairless (Elven Heritage)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips
-Slightly curved nose
- Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Wearing leather armor
-Wearing Yysbbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat. Hood Up. Most Gear Currently Concealed.
-Wearing Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Latex Black Bodysuit. Under Chest Armor. Vagina has slight camel toe.


Health: Fine
MR: 80/80


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads the are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat)

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!).

Dual Wielding Novice: You’ve taken the first steps of learning how to wield two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. However, at present you are severely lacking in skill and find it very difficult to hit enemies in combat. You need much more practice before you can learn how to properly fight using two weapons at once.

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Sex Perks/Passives
Major sexual experience: You’ve had sex many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and most sexual partners well with more skill than most. You can still be embarrassed by things of a sexual nature, but it is few and far between and only the most extreme sexual situation is capable of embarrassing you. You’ve accepted your sexuality almost entirely and are open to almost any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and a great deal of taboo sexual play as well. Only extreme sexual situations may seem to be too much.

Vaginal Experience: You have some experience with vaginal sex and feel comfortable with being penetrated. You can also use some techniques to please your partner as a result as well as receive a fair amount of pleasure.

Anal: You have a lot of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you enjoy using your anus during sex and are starting to develop a tendency.

Oral: You’re very good at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring most sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your superior techniques. You also find that you enjoy using your oral skills as a result and are starting to develop a tendency.

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance. You don’t really know how you feel about it; if you’re intrigued or repulsed by it only time will tell.

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in some very extreme situations to one or more people. Because of your streaking you have become much more comfortable with baring your body in public, though you can still feel embarrassment if still fully nude or in extreme situations, but to a much lesser degree.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive some pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated.

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners more than once, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you have a large growing desire to be in submissive bondage roles. You will prefer to be tied up more often and comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up. It is still in its moderate stages and can be reversed, but it will be difficult.

Submissive: In recent sexual situations you have found yourself, willing or not, to be sexually submissive to more dominant partners and as a result you have a tendency to take the submissive roles and be dominated sexually. You find that you will much more easily comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners. Your submissiveness is in a mild stage and can still be reversed, but it will be difficult.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

Oni’s are magical beings similar to demons and devils, except they do not hail from the hellish planes. Instead, they are born naturally in the world and are a sort of physical manifestation of spirits, or rather their karmic energy. At conception an Oni will absorb either the positive energies or negative energies of the world at large and will be born in one of two colors. The Red Oni are the Oni that have absorbed the positive energies and emotions of the world and as such are often considered the “good” Oni, whereas Green Oni absorbed the negative energies and emotions and are considered “bad”. This generalization is not entirely inaccurate, but it is not the rule; where most Red Oni are often kind, gentle creatures and strive to do the right thing and Green Oni are cynical and violent and care only about themselves there are exceptions from Oni to Oni. A general rule of thumb for most people when it comes to Oni is Red is good and Green is bad, or at least not to be trusted immediately. Regardless, every Oni is incredibly strong – despite being magical, they are in fact not very adept at using magic, and instead seem to possess supernatural strength and physical durability while, ironically, being weak against magical attacks.
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Re: Rift Touched

I got nothing except Boobs such wonderful Melons with the option of sweet sweet life giving liquid should not be passed by. Oh and Lula. Will need some Dom choices to counteract Lula.

B2. Most of the choices I don't think we will choose but
Hair Color
-Plat Blonde. Goes with our white skin going for a etheral look.
-Plat Blonde to match Hair if not a Vibrant Red both if possible with a Glossy finish.
Shave Pubic Hair.
Also open to tats on arms/legs and Belly.

C.Sweet mother of god that list. Okay well Sub is out for us picking if we don't want to be one I still say its okay if we keep it related to a kink.

Due to choices I will post a list later.
Re: Rift Touched

First Not Fun Times
- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)
-- With Lula
--- Clothing Casual
To have some fun mostly with Lula.

- Stealth Training
-- Clothing Fetish: Skintight latex bodysuit.
Sneak always good.

- Combat Training
-- Naked
--- Exhibitionism

-Combat Training
--Dual Wielding Prof.
Someday we will have to fight without clothing and getting rid of the Novice to our perk. If they have weapons that when hit give pleasure use those we need some resistance against that... well a lot of resistance.

Smexy time.
Sexual Preferences:

* This is the combos I want some will have valid reasons. Others will not.*

-Threesome(Lula(Fu) and Leela(Fu)), Bondage Sub(Arm Sleeves, Blindfold, and Spreader Bar(ankles)) Oral(Titjob) + Anal end with cumbath for Colette. Remove Bondage Gear. Keep her Clothing of Cum.
--One on One + Voyuerism (Lula(F/Fu) with Leela(F/Fu) + Colette) Sisters go at each other with *GM Choice* while Colette masturbates only using her hands on her Breasts while staying covered in cum.
---Threesome same as Part 1 but with Vaginal instead of Oral, no Bondage, and Internal shots in bathtub while cleaning up. Put Anal Beads (Large) in right after to keep backdoor occupied for...
----Threesome Vaginal + Oral(Deep Throat) still in tub still washing up now both sisters have had Colette in each spot.
*Most of this serves no true purpose besides +Perks of Tit, Anal, Vanginal, Exhibitionism, Voyuerism, and Bondage Sub. Only thing I 'truly' put for Reason is Oral Skills from 2 very succulent Succubi.*

-Give Pleasure, Normal(Dom), One-on-One (Colette + Sub (Fu)) Oral/Titjob Bukkake.
*Reasons +Oral +Normal Dom -Normal Sub +Experience from not Lula/Leela.*
--Receive Pleasure, Threesome (Colette + Bondage Dom(T) + Sub(Fu)) Usage of Tentacles in place of Ankle to Wrist cuffs and a Gag, Clothing Fetish: Harness (Leather)*Crotch Hugging and Thong in back*. Titjob + Oral(Deepthroat) + Nipple tease + watching our last partner get pleasured by the Tentacles.
*R: +Oral, Tits, Voyuer, Exhibitionism, Bondage Sub, and more experience*

-Take a walk + One-on-One Normal(Dom) (Colette + Sub(Fu)/Lula if she is up for it.) +Anal Plug + Leashing and Collaring Sub, Clothing:Fetish Maid Outfit (leather Gloves and Mid thigh Boots) (Sub will have Skintight Latex suit) go to park to watch the couples there playing with our Sub a word here a touch there when we feel they had enough we ask if they can remove our beads (then placing them into a small purse) and ride our Sub looking at them telling them how they are making us feel with their tool pulling out before they can cum and using a strap on WE brought in purse on their chosen hole having them cover themselves in their seed. Cleaning up the area a bit before returning to Domina's Temple.
*Reasons? Dom++++ hopefully.*

Would add more but 3 seperate sex scenes isn't too bad. For 2-3 day(s) of Temple mix it up a little. Add more to it if we get our usual voters with no additional smexy/training plans I'll load up 2 more Training + 3-4 Sex Scenes for another 2 days.

Edit: Yes its Dom(Normal) with Sub(Bondage) hopefully secure a Kink for those if not *shrugs*
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Re: Rift Touched

Gonna pretty much agree with Bloodshifter on all counts, I think.

Only disagreements for me are hair/lipstick color, of which I would prefer light brown hair and very little if any lipstick or makeup. For tattoos, I'd prefer an upper-back and/or lower-back tattoo, with Rift and/or Magic being the theme for them.

Would also prefer *no* piercings, and am generally fine with Colette's looks otherwise (hairstyle/length, nails, etc.).
Re: Rift Touched


I picked things mostly based on Colette expériences :

B2 :
Hair Length : shoulder.
Haircuts/styles : ponytail.
Hair Color : dark red (all hair).
Lipstick : dark red.
Nail Polish : natural.
Tattoo : no tatoo.

C :
Role/Sexual Interests :
submissive, bondage submissive, give and receive pleasure, foreplay, pleasure denial, role-play.

Sexual Acts/Situations :
Oral, anal, vaginal, breast play, One-on-one, threesome, bukkake, exhibitionism, humiliation, bondage, piercings (sexual),

Preferred Clothing Types :
Naked, scant , casual.

Sex Toys and Objects :
Dildo, butt plug, anal beads, leash and collar, gag, double dildo, arm sleeve, full Body harness (rope), shackles/manacles, aphrodisiacs, breast/nipple pump.

Sexual Preferences :
Futanari, women, tentacle beasts.

Non-Sexual :
Stealth training, combat training, Magic training, saving and protecting people.
Re: Rift Touched

Gonna pretty much agree with Bloodshifter on all counts, I think.

Only disagreements for me are hair/lipstick color, of which I would prefer light brown hair and very little if any lipstick or makeup. For tattoos, I'd prefer an upper-back and/or lower-back tattoo, with Rift and/or Magic being the theme for them.

Would also prefer *no* piercings, and am generally fine with Colette's looks otherwise (hairstyle/length, nails, etc.).
Well for Hair/Lip Color its mostly to enhance Colette's Skin a bit if she is that white a nice Light or Dark color would look nice on her. I'd settle for Light Brown if we get at least one lock Plat off to the side of her face. Lips I really just want that Gloss to showcase her Full Lips.

Tats on back... with our current gear you would never see it true for EVERY case since it is a Bodysuit but I feel that if the Owner cant see it then its pretty much useless. maybe its just me.

Agree with the No Piercing as well.

I wonder if maybe I should try for some flexibility training too...

Also feel free to add your own scenes we are here for AT LEAST 3 Days we can do 3-4? Sex Scenes a Day and maybe? 2-3 Training with 1-??? Regular scenes of Do-Gooder-Ness.

Edit: or simply put up a list like Nightshade ^there. ACK I forgot a Harness!
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Re: Rift Touched

To make things simple I'll start off saying I agree with most of bloodshifters choice. I'll get my own list up in a bit. My main differences are that I'm not really into most bondage gear, which is considering how much I'm into tentacles really. But I don't mind if other people support it.

I'm fully in favor of Collete taking Lula on a walk.

B2But I definitely don't like platinum blonde, always seems like one the most artificial colors in real life. I would suggest Silver hair like the Targaryens would have a similar effect.
Personally I prefer Aubern or fiery red would be my favorite, and light brown would be okay too. I don't really care about the other stuff as long as no piercings.

Otherwise i'd only add in a double ended dildo at somepoint, maybe have The 2 succubus use it when Collete is acting as a voyeur, then have Collette switch out with one of them.

So A1

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal)- Give pleasure
- Receive pleasure
- Serve others
- Be served
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Public Sex
- Exhibitionism
- Voyeurism

- Naked- (not to much in public
- Clothing (Scant.
- Clothing (Casual.
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc. make up your own if you want)

Sex toys
- Dildo
- Double dildo
- Strap-on (possibly enchanted so the person using it can feel through it.)
- Aphrodisiacs

Sexual Preferences
- Women
-tentacle beasts, futanari


- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)
- Stealth Training
- Combat Training
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Re: Rift Touched


Hair Length - Long (Just passed breasts (current style)).
Haircuts/styles - Straight.
Hair Color- Blonde.
Lipstick : red.
Nail Polish : natural.
Tattoo : no tatoo.
Miscellaneous - Shave pubic hair

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Bondage Dominant
- Give pleasure
- Be served (Sexual and non-sexual. Can demand the help of others or prefer to help yourself as others serve your needs)
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Gangbang (Many sexual partners on one)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)
- Glory Hole (Oral)
- Glory Hole (Vaginal/Anal)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing (Casual.)
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc.)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Full Body Harness (Rope and/or clothing)
- Aphrodisiacs

Sexual Preferences
- Women
- Futanari

- Stealth Training
- Combat Training
- Magic Training
Re: Rift Touched

  • Hair:
    • Extra-long (down-to-butt)
    • Wavy
    • Dark Brown
  • Lipstick:
    • Purple
  • Nail:
    • Purple
  • Tatoo:
    • Open to anything

For the rest, I'll go with Blood... Some people just write too much xD !
Re: Rift Touched

Alright quick update time!

This next upcoming post is going to be long and as such is going to take a long time to write. I have all the data so far for votes (p.s. if you are a reader and haven't voted yet then feel free to and I can easily modify and incorporate anything new rather easily) and have written a fair amount already. The thing is is that there are just a lot of things, which is what I expected and I am happy with. However, that means it's going to take a little while to write up.

So, that brings me to a quick question to you all. Would you rather I write up everything and then do what I've been doing and make one large dump or break it up into smaller posts so that you guys can get the content, but without the choices and stats which will show up in the final post?
Re: Rift Touched

Smaller posts. I prefer one of each day to see her shift into New Colette.
Re: Rift Touched

smaller posts would be fine. Assuming their chronologically complete and stuff. Its easier to see how long it would take to read if it's broken up by day, and easier to keep up with it since one big update could take more time to read.
Re: Rift Touched

You already write rather fast plus with really good quality so in my opinion you can keep same pace.
Re: Rift Touched

…a lot of stuff made it, okay? Just kidding, just kidding. For the stylist options it was really split between a few options, but having red dyed hair, natural nails, red lipstick (glossy because it was specified), and shaving pubic hair won out. Alright, here comes the big one; Orphanage Duty, Magic Training, Stealth Training, Combat Training, Naked preference, Exhibitionism, casual clothing preference, latex preference, exotic clothing in general preference, learn dual wielding better, female preference, futa preference, tentacle beast preference, arm sleeve toy, breast play, oral, threesomes, bondage submissive, bondage (sex acts one), blindfold, spreader bar (ankles), bukkake, one-on-one, voyeurism, anal beads toy, giving pleasure, receiving pleasure, aphrodisiac, be served, orgy, group sex, full body harness (rope), humiliation, Dominant (normal), leather harness clothing preference, butt plug toys, leash and collars, maid outfit preference clothing, role-play, pleasure denial, foreplay, Submissive (normal…perhaps Colette will become a switch or go full submissive?), double dildo toy, regular dildo, scant clothing preference, strap-on toy, and “taking walks”. Wow, that is a lot of stuff! Looks like Colette’s going to have a grand old time after just one day! Also, since Bloodshifter wrote out a few scenario’s I’ll go with his, but make alterations and additions based on the additional choices that won.

FYI each of the things chosen will play out in a twenty-four hour period, since I do want to have other choices thrown in while at Domina’s temple, such as the option to leave or “special” options that may occur as a result of staying.

Also, I don’t expect (famous last words, right?) that future posts related to the temple of Domina will be quite so long since this was a jumping in of sorts. Anywho, without further ado I present the temple of Domina and the first twenty-four hours! Well, at least what I can get done for now. I hope you all like it!

P.S. Things should heat up a lot by the next time I post. So have patience :)


For some reason the idea of having red lipstick, especially something that would…draw attention to them sends shivers down my spine, as does having deep, fiery red hair. A-also, I really like the thought of being…clean “down there”. A-a-as for L-Leena’s list a-almost all of them s-send ripples t-through me. Oh my gods, a-am I really like this? B-but the more I think about it t-the more I seem to w-want it; and I e-even have a few m-more ideas t-that ! you think as you continue to shift your legs in growing arousal as your cleft starts to moisten. You slowly and nervously turn your head to Leena and say “I-I’ve chosen, Leena, um, can I p-point to the ones that I w-want…and t-there’s a few things t-that I –sigh – that I want to add, i-if that’s alright?” Leena, ever patient and understanding, smiles and nods as she kneels down closer to you and looks at the parchment. You start off by pointing to the one marked “Orphanage Duty”, and Leena’s smile visibly widens.

“Dear that is such a wonderful thing that you want to help the children. I’m sure Lula would be overjoyed to go with you and help out around the orphanage, isn’t that right sister?” Leena says before looking at Lula. You turn around and see Lula, not exactly hovering, move closer to you and give you a hug from behind before saying “Oh, that makes me so happy, honey! I’m sure you’ll love all the little darlings – they call me Mama Lula with how often I visit; maybe you’ll be Mama Colette before long, hmm?” The thought of helping children, and being so close as to be called Mama Colette, warms your heart for a few moments before you point to the stealth and combat training for both Lula and Leena to see – Joan being polite the entire time and diverts her attention to her supplies and thoroughly checking them. “A wise decision; it never hurts to be better prepared and learn how to take care of yourself” the purple priestess says. However, with a shaky hand you next point to some of the naughtier things, to which Leena simply smiles and nods while rubbing your shoulder in reassurance; Lula doubly rubs your other shoulder as she watches.

Calmed somewhat, you point to the next thing, and the next, and the next…and then some more after that. Leena and Lula are very supportive at first…and then they stop rubbing, then their eyes go wide, and then their mouths start to gape after that. You look to Joan with a heavy blush and make sure that she can’t hear you before you start to mumble out the…”other” things you’re interested in. When you’re finished you look to Lula then Leena with apprehension, which is further enhanced by the looks that either of them give you – looks of shock, disbelief, and deep arousal. On a whim you look down to Lula’s crotch and see a visibly tented erection popping out of her robes; you do the same for Leena and see the same, though much to your surprise it is slightly larger than Lula’s. You look down at your feet and fidget slightly until a slightly raspy cough from Leena draws your attention.

“O-oh my” the head priestess exclaims as she stands up and tries reign herself back in. “Wow” your blue skinned friend opposite you also says as she does the same. You look between either of the succubae and see them looking at you with huge lewd grins before Lula squeals in joy and lunges at you in a big hug whilst in the chair. “Oh baby, I never knew you were so, so, so naughty! Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together, just you wait and see!” Lula yells before withdrawing and planting kisses all over your face. “Oh yes we shall – this will require…preparation, dear. Please, make yourself comfortable and don’t hesitate to ask Joan to do any work on you while Lula and I are out…making preparations” Leena says once Lula finishes showering you with affection. You blush deeply and nod and watch as the two women move to the door.

Just as Lula exits you remember something important and yell to Leena “Oh, Leena, I-I won’t need another room i-if that’s alright with you!” Leena turns back around with a large smile and nods her understanding to you before shutting the door – from behind the door you hear Lula squealing and giggling in happiness and joy, which makes you blush and chuckle slightly as you finger the small emerald on your neck. You then turn your attention to Joan, who has thankfully pretended not to have heard or understood what just happened, and say “I-I’m ready if you are Joan”. The red Oni woman turns to you with a smile and says “Very good, darling; what can I do for you?”

“Well” you begin “I would like to have my hair be a fiery looking red. Likewise I want to have red lipstick, but I want something that will…draw attention to them if that makes any sense?” Joan seems to ponder what you want before she smiles “I think I do; I can apply a gloss and lipstick blend that will make your beautiful lips seem fuller than they already are, and they’ll add a nice little luster to them that will enhance the effect”. You nod before continuing with a slight blush “A-also, if you could – what I mean is…shave…’down there’?” you finish by pointing to your private region. Joan sees your blush and chuckles “There’s no need to be shy, dear; I’ve done this hundreds of times. It’s actually quite popular with many women to remove their hair, both for looks and personal hygiene”. You nod, but retain your blush, as you show your understanding to the muscular red woman before you watch as she opens a jar off a thick fiery red substance – she dips four fingers into the jar and scoops out a large amount of whatever it is before she rubs it together in both her hands. “Hold still, dear – oh, and please let your hair down” is all she says before she moves around behind you as you sit in the chair; you do as she says and untie the fabric from your hair and watch from the vanity mirror as she continues to rub it in her hands before she brings it to your hair; you see her hands glow in a dim brown color before she touches your hair and starts to gently massage your scalp soothingly.

You observe the reflection in awe as you see the substance from her hands start to roll off of and into your hair, spreading out along each follicle on your head and down to the root. She continues to massage your scalp for another fifteen seconds or so before she withdraws her hands. “Well, beautiful, what do you think? Wow, it looks really good on it; it complements those beautiful green eyes” Joan asks you; you look at the reflection and gape at what you see. You see your reflection staring back, but instead of the brown hair you’ve known all your life you instead have a fiery red mane on your head; you also think Joan is right and that the red look does complement your eyes very well, and in fact it makes them seem even brighter with the contrast. You reach up to your head and grab a handful of the locks, just to make sure it’s real before you smile widely.

“I’m glad to see you like it, and I must say it looks absolutely stunning on you. Now, open your mouth slightly so I can apply the lipstick and gloss” Joan says behind you with a grin, before she moves around and grabs a cylindrical metal tube off her table, before she opens up another jar filled with a slightly shiny red liquid and grabs a small brush which she dips into it. Once she’s done she walks over to you and pops the top of the tube, revealing a small stick of red – you open your mouth slightly as Joan leans forwards moves it closer to your lips before she starts to apply it in a circular motion. Once she’s done she puts the top back on and brings the brush with the lustrous substance on it to your lips and repeats until she’s satisfied, at which point she pulls away so that you can look at yourself in the mirror. You see yourself staring back yet again, but this time you have red, lustrous lips that seem fuller than they already were and seem to draw your eyes unconsciously. You tentatively bring a finger to your lips and rub along them, relishing the feel of the sheen the gloss creates on your lips; you also note that the whatever enchantments are in the products prevent it from rubbing of, thus confirming Joan’s earlier claims of permanency.

“Simply stunning; your lips look very beautiful and kissable. Now, please remove your trousers so that I can finish the treatment” Joan says as she examines her handiwork. Oh shoot, I don’t have any pants or trousers on! That means I have to completely undress! you think and blush lightly, but nod before your rise from the chair and proceed to take your things off. Joan’s eyes widen a little when you remove your coat to reveal the bottom half of the latex bodysuit underneath, and widen even further once you have your armor off as she sees your breast in all their glory save for your nipples. You pull off your bodysuit then your sheer undergarments – which cause Joan to smirk a little – and place everything except your choker in a neat pile next to the chair before you retake your seat. “By the gods your body is gorgeous…” the tall Oni says in a quiet tone as she drinks in your nude form, and causing you to blush. She snaps herself out of her reverie, however, and reaches for her table and grabs a razor and another jar, which she opens and scoops a small dollop of a white, fluffy looking substance out and onto her hands.

“Spread your legs slightly for me please; I don’t want to hurt you when I do this” she says with a light smile. You blush and are hesitant at first, since you’re still a little aroused from before and your loins show the evidence, but you comply and spread your legs for the woman stylist. Joan doesn’t waste a moment and begins to apply the strange substance to your nethers and the patch of hair above – you jump slightly at Joan’s touch – before she brings the razor up. You flinch at having a dangerous piece of equipment so close to your private area, but Joan remains professional and says while looking up to you “Trust me; I’ve done this many times and I promise not to hurt you. Please, be still”. You nod and take a deep breath to relax yourself before you feel the blade running across your skin over, around, and above your pussy. The whole ordeal lasts less than ten seconds under Joan’s skilled hands – when she finishes she stands up and looks down at her work with a smile. You look down as well and see that the patch of hair and any stubble around your vagina that you may have had are completely gone now leaving nothing but a smooth, hairless slit and likewise meaning you have no hair save your eyebrows and head. You instinctually reach out and rub the area and delight in the smooth feel of your skin, but quickly retract your hand and blush as you realize Joan is still watching you.

She chuckles at your actions “Every woman does it, dear, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Will that be all?” You think it over for a moment before replying “Yes, thank you very much Joan. I wasn’t sure about this to begin with, but you work wonders! I really like my new look”. Joan beams proudly and bows lightly before she turns to her table and gathers up her things while stand and continue to look at the new look you have for yourself as you tangle your hair in your hands, rub your lips, and rub the smoothness of your skin over and above your nethers. You do this for a few moments until Joan, seemingly finished with putting everything away, bids you farewell and promptly exits the room and leaving you to your own devices. Time seems to go by swiftly as you continue to examine yourself absentmindedly, lost in the strange and delightful feeling of looking…like you think you should; or at the very least trying something new. You figure it’s time to stop gawking at yourself and so you turn to pick up and put your clothes back on, but before you do you hear the door open. You gasp and turn your body to see who it is, and find Lula and Leena standing just inside the room and staring at you lewdly, and with a little bit of awe thrown in.

You move to cover yourself, but Lula almost yells out “No!” before she collects herself with a sheepish smile “S-Sorry, what I meant was that I want to see you. Oh my goodness, honey, your new hair is beautiful! I love that fierce red; it really brings out your eyes. And those lips are just scrumptious looking! Oh baby you even shaved the little tuft of hair you had, so cute! You look so gorgeous it almost makes me dizzy – isn’t that right Leena?” Lula finish as she walks up to you before turning around to her sister, who followed right on her heels. “Oh yes, she’s simply astonishing; I’m sure even the gods would be jealous of her beauty, because I know I am” Leena says sincerely with a smile. You think of covering yourself, but something about the act just doesn’t seem right so you let your hands fall to your sides comfortably before saying “Oh stop it you two; you two are extremely beautiful. If anyone should be jealous it’s me; you’re both so beautiful and confident!” At your comment both Lula and Leena smile warmly and embrace you, with Lula drawing your face to her bosom while Leena moves behind you and presses her larger breasts into your back before wrapping her arms around to her sister. The act makes you feel safe and secure and so you snuggle into the embrace with a contented sigh before both the women pull away from you.

“Lula was telling me everything about you; about how wonderful and kind you are, your sincerity and modesty…everything. I’m so glad to see the stories are true, little one; as my dear sister told me you are wonderful and precious. I think I might be jealous of my little sister for not introducing me to you sooner” you hear Leena say as she nuzzles into your shoulder from behind. You shudder wonderfully at the words and contact before Leena pulls away “Lula my dear would you please bring Colette over to the bed as we discussed? Colette, honey, please put your hands on the edge of the bed for me while I get your toy”.

Toy? What toy? you think confusedly as Lula grabs your hand gently and leads you over to the bed. Lula motions for you to put your hands on the bed and you do so before you ask “What are you talking about, Leena? What do you mean by toy?” You turn your head with a blush at the slight exposure and see the priestess of Domina gather up your things and place them in the center chest with the rest of your stuff before she opens the one on the right. You can’t see clearly enough what’s in the chest, but your eyes widen when Leena produces a large butt plug – the crown of the plug at its thickest is probably a little over half as thick as your wrist while the end before the stopper is slightly less so – and a jar of jelly that you recognize as Lula has the same kind back at the inn. Instead of apprehension at seeing the two things you instead feel…anticipation?

Oh gods…I think – I think I want that thing “up there”…O-oh no, I think I’m getting w-wet! I a-always wondered about things up my b-butt and w-why I liked it so much. M-maybe this is what I really l-like? you think embarrassedly before Leena reaches you and says “It’s okay to feel nervous or confused, dear. It’s all natural, I promise; Lula told me all about your sensitivity and how you brought yourself to orgasm when she did you up your cute butt and when you used her toy. I promise to be gentle, and it will help you for later – is it alright if I put it inside you, Colette? Do you trust me?” You look to Lula, then Leena, then to the plug – which sends a tingle down to your loins – before you nod and turn your head back around and face the red and black sheets. “It’s okay, baby, I promise my big sister won’t hurt you and I’m positive you’ll like it so much” Lula says as she sits on the bed next to you and places one of her blue hands over your own before leaning in and planting kisses from your half-elf ear, down your cheek, and over your neck tenderly. You sigh and lean into the tender and loving attention you receive from Lula before you gasp as you feel fingers with a jelly-like substance begin to gently rub along your rosebud, which sends little pleasurable jolts and tingles through you that land in your nethers. After a few moments of rubbing you moan as you feel a finger enter your pucker and start to slowly thrust in and out, sending more jolts of pleasure and causing you to rise your peak – you unconsciously start to rock your hips back into the finger to seek more pleasure.

You then feel a second, then a third finger enter your cherry and thrust lightly while spreading your sphincter; you begin to rise your peak quickly as you now visibly thrust back into the fingers as Lula says “I know, it’s so good isn’t it baby? You love it don’t you? You’re such a dirty little butt slut aren’t you?” You moan and whimper in pleasure and manage to nod as the tingles and anticipation of being called such a humiliating term pull at you, to which Lula gently grabs your cheek and tilts your face to hers before she kisses you passionately on the lips, twining with your tongue and pulling on your bottom lip as she strokes your new fiery hair – you moan appreciatively as you feel yourself nearing your edge as your pussy leaks generous amounts of your love juices down your thigh. However, the fingers withdraw and you groan in frustration into your kiss with Lula before she too withdraws, but not before planting little pecks on your red, glossy lips and giving them a little lick as you feel yourself descend the heights of release.

“W-why?” you say in a daze to Lula...or to Leena? Maybe both? You don’t have time to consider it before you gasp loudly and push your head into the covers as you feel a large object begin to press itself into your bum. You whimper and shudder delightfully as you feel the object – most likely the plug – press itself passed your sphincter slowly and stretch it wonderfully as it continues its journey. You slowly, almost painfully plummet into bliss from the invading object and push back into it with her hips as pleasure filled electrical jolts ripple through your bottom, down to your toes, and right into your drenched cunt. However, like before, it ends all too soon as the short yet thick object finishes its journey as you feel the plug part of the toy press up against your pucker, leaving you feeling quite full but not uncomfortably so…in fact quite pleasantly.

O-o-oh that was so good…dear gods I-I think I might have a thing for m-my butt. There might be some t-truth to what Lula said to me last night about being a…a b-butt slut you think as you gasp for breathe and whimper in frustration at not finding release…though being denied your climax twice now seems to have heightened your arousal a bit. You gasp lightly as you feel smooth hands rubbing your bottom tenderly and traveling up your waist, caressing as they go before landing on your shoulders. You feel warm breath on your right ear, which makes you shudder, before the familiar voice of Leena speaks to you “Oh, Colette, that was so erotic. Did it feel that good for you?” You blush lightly and nod in response s you still catch your breath “Such a good girl” you hear Leena say, which sends another wonderful shiver through you at being called one of your pet names “Can you keep that wonderful toy inside you all day until we get to play later honey, for me and Lula? I think you might like it, and I’m sure it will help you for when we get to have fun like you wanted” you hear Leena continue on. You remember what you told the sisters under your breathe earlier, and the thought of being taken by both of them and in such manners really arouses you to no end.

Oh yes…I-I can’t wait for it! W-what is going on? W-why do I feel so aroused at the thought of that, and at having this thing inside me for most of the day

Your thoughts are obstructed, however, when you feel yourself being lifted up – you yelp in surprise and look to see Leena’s gorgeous red eyes staring back into your emerald ones as she holds you like a princess. She shocks you slightly by the tone of her voice, which is full of concern, and what she says next “Is this alright, Colette? Does it really feel good, and do you want this? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable”. You feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn to see Lula with the same expression and say “Please, be honest honey”. You smile and blush a little as you look between the two sisters and say “Y-yes I do feel good…actually I think I really like feeling it there. It makes me feel full, but in a good way, and I like the way it s-stretches me…and for some reason when you said those, d-dirty things to me it sent tingles through me…”. The siblings smile and Leena sets you down on your feet; you walk around the room a few times and wiggle your bottom at the wonderful feeling of having the large plug in your ass, and especially at the rapturous little pangs of pleasure it sends coursing through you as you leak fluid from your mound. When you finish your little test you shake your head amusedly at yourself.

I can’t believe this…but for some reason it feels so right

You’re drawn from your self-reflections when you hear Lula say “Mmm, I can’t wait to see you walking around naked and in scanty clothing. You’re a naughty girl, you know that?” You turn to face Lula and blush a little as you nod and say “Y-yes…I don’t know why; I was terrified before – and I’m still a little apprehensive – b-but I think I like it when people see me. When you ’walked’ me yesterday I was so scared, but afterwards it sort of felt…good. I t-think I liked the attention and the thought of being…you know, covered with you”. “It’s the power of Domina at work” Leena pipes up with a smile “She’s helping to guide you to your hidden desires it seems. Perhaps spending some time with my dear sister has helped to speed the process along?” You blush and lick your red, glossy lips a little at the thought of what things Lula has done to you, but you quickly shake them off. “I-I don’t know – maybe – but I would really like to go to the orphanage and maybe spend time with the children now” you say while looking expectantly at Lula, who cracks a wide smile and bounces off the bed towards you and heads for the door while dragging you along.
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