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Re: Rift Touched

C and D
Although what does it mean she learns magic faster? I mean how does she learn magic to begin with. Does someone teach them or does she eventually learn them from seeing people use them? Or does it mean she masters a spell that she was taught?
Re: Rift Touched

C and D
Although what does it mean she learns magic faster? I mean how does she learn magic to begin with. Does someone teach them or does she eventually learn them from seeing people use them? Or does it mean she masters a spell that she was taught?

Learning magic is through the use of magic crystals. The more Colette uses, say, a blue magic crystal which is for ice magic then eventually after a certain number of uses she will learn a new spell from the crystal. There are other ways of learning of course, but this is the most basic way of learning magic. If D is chosen then it would cut down on the time required to learn magic from a magic crystal and would increase that crystal's level.
Re: Rift Touched

C and D
Although what does it mean she learns magic faster? I mean how does she learn magic to begin with. Does someone teach them or does she eventually learn them from seeing people use them? Or does it mean she masters a spell that she was taught?

As seen from the Rouge Shop update before Sewers Magic is learnt from Tomes/Scrolls over a period of time I am guessing it speeds up that requirement. So instead of 3 Blocks to learn level 1/4 spells we'd need maybe 2 or 2.5.

Not sure if we can get taught.
Re: Rift Touched

As seen from the Rouge Shop update before Sewers Magic is learnt from Tomes/Scrolls over a period of time I am guessing it speeds up that requirement. So instead of 3 Blocks to learn level 1/4 spells we'd need maybe 2 or 2.5.

Not sure if we can get taught.

Tomes and scrolls are another way of learning as well, but they will be rare and generally expensive.

If anyone is confused, look for a post containing Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc. for more information.
Re: Rift Touched

If I may what is the logic behind Self Buff? For those of you choosing it?

We aren't actively pursuing Magic. And our Reserves are more then well enough for 7 of any 1 spell type(4 from MP and 3 Crystal) what is the thought in getting 2 more to our pool? 27 isn't that much better then 21 Protection Hits.
Re: Rift Touched

B and D won the last vote!

I also added another sheet under the Inventory/Stats/Perks/Looks page titled Rift Abilities. These are special abilities unique to Colette as a Rift Touched that are different from conventional magic.

Also, I know I said the queued locations weren’t in any particular order, and I also know Bloodshifter and maxentius-septimus asked to go to places, but since there wasn’t really any consensus I’m picking the locations for now, sorry!
1:54 pm

Stand up and walk over to one of the living figures in a sort of trance and extend your hand out to touch them. You focus your magical energy on the small threads beneath the surface and add a little bit of your own to the threads on a single spot, blocking the rest of the magical flow. You watch as all magical activity in the threads stops and go dim, aside from the single spot you blocked up; that spot glows bright hot. As soon as you finish all of a sudden you snap back to reality rather suddenly and begin to pant forcefully, overcome from your experience. Your senses are brought back to the forefront of reality when you hear a crash and the rustling of papers – you focus your eyes in front of you and you can see Jazra on the ground in front of you, a chair on its side, and papers strewn about on the floor.

“W-w-what did you do to me? I can’t…I can’t feel my magic! It’s gone...my magic is gone!” You hear the alchemist almost scream in hysteria, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear as he looks at you.

Gaius rushes to the side of his friend and helps him up and asks “Old friend, please, calm yourself! What do you mean ‘gone’?”

Jazra, with the aid of Gaius, rises to his feet on shaky legs and looks almost tearfully to his friend “Gone, Gaius; I can’t feel my magic at all, and I don’t mean like it’s been drained. It’s like it’s not even there, or that it ever was to begin with! When she touched me she did something! She took it away!” Jazra points at you accusingly, making you feel very small and shamed, but also very confused – after all you don’t know exactly what you did, only that you instinctively how to do it.

To further emphasize his point, Jazra tears himself from Gaius and walks over to one of the crystals on the ground and begins to focus on the magics within…but nothing happens. He tries a second time, then a third, getting more and more frustrated with each attempt. You watch helplessly as he tries to use his magic, when suddenly a thought clicks in your head.

No, not a thought…more like knowledge; I think…I think I know what I did and how I did it…but why do I know it? you question yourself before turning to Jazra. In a calm and gentle voice, or at least the best you can muster considering the circumstances, you speak to the desperate man “Jazra…I think I know what I did. Please, sit down and I think I can explain” gesturing to the chair that was overturned, now on its legs thanks to Gaius. Jazra looks at you a little fearfully, but nods and moves over to the chair before taking a seat and fidgeting nervously.

You take a deep breath before beginning “I saw these…threads. I think I might have said something about them while I was under the effects of the magic. Anyways, I can’t explain it, but somehow I knew that if I added a little bit of my own magic to these threads in something living then I would be able to, I don’t know, ‘suppress’ the magic somehow. I think that’s what I did to you – sorry, by the way; I was a little out of it” you finish, offering a sheepish, half-hearted smile in return.

Jazra, along with Gaius, thankfully seems to forget about his current trouble and looks in awe at you before turning around and grabbing his quill and another sheet of paper before scribbling something down. When he finishes he turns back to you rather tentatively “I’m sorry for the outburst, dear; it came as a shock to suddenly not feel my magic. Can you possibly…reverse what you did?”

You think for a moment and, again, the answer just seems to come to you “I, well I can’t be entirely sure, but I don’t think so, but I don’t think I took your magic away; I think I just blocked it for a short period of time. I think if you wait a few minutes it will come back”. You smile at Jazra reassuringly, who now looks much less frantic than he was before. You wait with Jazra and Gaius, who have remained quite silent, for about ten minutes. The silence is interrupted when Jazra suddenly gasps in surprise and rises to his feet with a start “It’s back; my magic is back…oh thank Kramulet!”

You breathe a sigh of relief, glad that you haven’t crippled an old man accidentally. Gaius pats his friend on the back before turning to you “This is wonderful news, wonderful indeed! I think you nearly scared old Jazra here half to death, child!” He laughs boisterously at before turning to Jazra and gesturing to his note-taking materials before producing his own from within his robe and turns back to you “Now, if you will child, would you please relay everything that you saw and experienced?”

You nod and relay everything back to the old men: the rifts, the magic, the web-like threads, and your urge to go to the rifts, which is currently abated at the moment. Both men listen intently, only speaking to ask questions or to express their surprise. You finally finish and notice that both men seem supremely excited with what you told them. Gaius is the first to break the silence “Colette, what you have told us could change the world of magic forever. The knowledge we have gained here today, thanks to you, will surely be studied for decades – perhaps even centuries – to come to further unlock the secrets of magic and of the rifts. I believe Kramulet sent you to us for a reason…in fact, I will send word to other temples of Kramulet throughout the land, telling them of the great thing you have done. Should you ever need a place to rest and gather your strength know that, from this day forth, you will always have a home and friends amongst those that follow Kramulet”.

You beam brightly and offer your very genuine thanks to Gaius and that you were happy to help, while offering an apology to Jazra, who waves his hand in dismissal. “There is nothing to be sorry about, dear; it was a shock, yes, but even if I never used magic ever again at least the world would have this knowledge, which I consider far more important” he says with a smile.

You nod before a question pops into your mind: you turn to Gaius and ask “What about my ‘urge’ to go to the rifts, Gaius? I’ve never had them before; the last time I ever got close to a rift was years ago and I never felt anything like what I felt just a little while ago”.

Gaius rests his chin in his hand in thought before speaking “I can’t be sure, but perhaps it has something to do with you being rift touched and no longer being a child. I’m sorry, but I just don’t know. Perhaps you should visit a rift and find out? There’s one here in the noble district that anyone can access, or you could try the one in the sewers that you mentioned”.

You groan at the thought of entering the sewers again, and at getting near a rift. The last time you were near a rift you were little, but you remember it clearly; it had blinked into existence for a few minutes in Veilwood forest where you used to play, and when you got near it the blasted thing had zapped you and drained what little magic you had back then to boot! You pull yourself back from your memories and remember that you did just help the owner of the alchemy shop with his experiment, and turn to Gaius to speak.

“So…not to be a spoil sport, but I did just help you with the experiment, so…can I get blessed now?” you say while giving Gaius an innocent smile. Both Gaius and Jazra look at you before smiling and laughing loudly. Once they stop Jazra looks to Gaius and nods, before going back to his work and notes as Gaius gestures to you to follow him. You nod and grab your things beside the door and follow Gaius outside the shop and back to the temple of Kramulet.

2:12: pm

You reach the temple of Kramulet and continue to follow Gaius towards the back of the temple and to the left, then through a door into a room that looks similar to the one Nilas and Nyx live in.

Do these temples all share the same architect and interior designer or something? A little originality would be nice! you think before remembering Nyx’s room Well, okay maybe there’s some originality; I don’t think any of these other temples have hidden switches that open secret passages…I think.

“Now, what blessing would you like to receive, child?” Gaius turns and says to you, pulling you from your thoughts.

You think for a moment, but the choice seems obvious to you and you say with a polite smile “I would like to have myself blessed, please”. You figure that being able to learn magic faster and have more magic would come in handy in the future. Gaius nods and begins to chant in a distorted and distance voice – the same song and dance as with Nilas and Nyx before him – before he reaches the crescendo and moves towards you. He places his hands on either of your shoulders as he utters the last syllable and a flash of light erupts from the ceiling for a moment, however, unlike the other times where you never really felt anything, this time you do feel something; you feel your blood boil with magical energy and feel it increase in power. You also feel a shift in your mind as you gain intimate knowledge about magic and magic crystals, signifying your increased potential for learning the secrets that each crystal type holds.

You thank Gaius for the blessing, who merely nods and smiles, before exiting his room and making your way through the temple interior and to the outside. You make your way through the temple district towards the merchant district. As you make your way through the district you stop as you notice “The Size that Fits” and consider “modeling” for Xillia.

Hmm, maybe another time; right now I want to explore the red light district and see about this “product testing” job. It must be short and simple enough since only sixty gold is being offered you think before moving on. You make it out of the merchant district, passed the fountain, and into the red light district a few minutes later, all the while getting the same looks and stares of appraisal and desire from the city folk as you pass by. You finally reach the red light district and take a quick look about to gather your bearings before setting out in search of…well, whatever you can find really.

You walk the streets of the red light district, noting how similar to the merchant district it truly is what with the two-story homes and shops, though without the stalls and it being much quieter. The people here also don’t seem to be in much of a rush to get anywhere and dressed much more…provocatively, though not distastefully so; a little more skin here and there, but without being indecent and in fact many of the people seem to that much more attractive and confident because of it. As you walk the streets you get the same looks as before, but to your surprise the people actually stop to say hello, wish you a good day, and compliment you on your beauty and choice of clothing. You have a few pleasant conversations and notice that some of the people, both men and women, let their eyes roam across your form, but they always come back to maintain eye contact with you, sometimes touching your arm or shoulder in flirty manners as they talk to you.

The people here are so nice and polite! I’ve only been here a short time but all I’ve gotten from people are looks or stares of appraisal or desire. Well, I get those here too, but they seem friendly and more relaxed and confident with themselves, even if a few of them were trying to flirt with me you think with a blush. However, you break your thoughts as you walk down one of the streets and notice a very large building – about the same size as one of the mansions in the noble district, though this one is made of a very high quality looking wood and stained a deep, dark brown – with a sign above the door, written in red cursive, titled “Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure” and underneath the title it says “bordello”.

Hey, that’s the place from the notice board for, uh, blood donations, right? Wow, this is a really big place, and nice looking too! you think, surprised that such a place looking for blood donations to help the monster and magical community would be so…lavish looking You watch the entrance as people – men, women, magical beings, and monsters – sometimes enter and exit the people with happy smiles on their faces, some looking extremely satisfied and others positively glowing. Must be a great place you think before moving on.

You continue walking and pass by “Exotic Sway”, remembering the offer of employment from the owner of the establishment, Devith. You continue on your way, taking one of the side streets and following its path until you reach a large park. You see trails, paths, green grass, a stream, and many trees littered throughout the park. You decide to take a walk through the park and marvel at the blending of nature and city, looking at all the people enjoy the path or couples sitting on benches and kissing and caressing each other. You think it’s quite romantic as you walk along the path, that is until you hear a wet sound coming from behind some bushes. Curious, you quietly make your way towards the source of the sound and peek over the tall bushes…and stare in wide-eyed shock at the sight you see.

Behind the bush are two people – a lightly red tinted incubus and a petite woman with shoulder length pink hair – having sex. Behind the bush. In public. The incubus is on his back fully clothed, save for an opening in his pants, his feet pointing toward the bush, and his cock currently glistening with female juices and disappearing and reappearing from sight as the petite woman rides the incubi’s cock above him as she moans and whimpers in ecstasy. Thankfully, the petite woman is facing away from you and she obstructs the view of her lover, but you can’t help but notice that she’s completely naked, save for a collar around her neck with a leash that leads right into the hand of the incubus, and some sort of leather binding which traps both her hands and forearms together behind her back, and, though you can’t quite tell, you think you see a black sash of some sort around her head. For some reason you can’t tear your eyes away from the shameful public display, your eyes glued to the woman’s crotch as you watch her roughly bounce off the thick, red cock with wet sploshing noises and the sounds of flesh slapping roughly together. Soon, however, her moans and whimpers turn into broken gasps as she tries to stifle her voice as she nears the edge of her peak, while the incubus below her simultaneously begins to take more labored breaths and starts to thrust up into his pink haired lover.

Soon, however, the woman loudly cries out in ecstatic pleasure as her hips meet her lover’s pelvis one final time and her dam bursts, coating the incubi’s cock in a generous amount of fluid. Likewise, the red skinned man thrusts up one final time, and with a grunt he grabs his lover’s ass and pulls it down onto his cock, which twitches a few times before releasing a thick stream of his seed directly into the woman’s canal. The pink haired exhibitionist arches her back as her orgasm washes over her, and moans in delight as her tunnel is filled with her man’s gift before falling onto the incubi’s chest and panting in exhaustion. You see the man slap the woman’s ass playfully, and she starts to rise from the man’s thick pole. You take the opportunity to move away from the scene and walk a ways away, your cheeks burning red hot at what you just saw. Eventually, you see the two emerge from the bushes; the man exits first, still carrying the leash followed by the woman...who is still bound, collared, has a blindfold around her eyes, and is naked and leaking the evidence of their lovemaking from between her legs! The woman takes a few tentative steps towards the leash until she bumps into the back of the carrier, which she then nuzzles lovingly against the incubi’s back who in return turns around and gently lifts the woman’s chin towards his face before leaning down and kissing her passionately. He breaks the kiss a few moments later with a smile and hugs the woman close before releasing her and walking further into the park, tugging the collar gently as he does so.

You watch in disbelief as the woman, who looks utterly unashamed, obediently follows her…lover? Master? Further into the park. You get a second shock as you notice that no one in the park seems fazed at all by seeing a collared, blindfolded, naked woman leaking love juices being led about – in fact a few people actually give approving looks or go up and congratulate the couple. Others even walk up and start conversing with the two, laughing, nodding, and gesturing as if nothing in the world was wrong.

What in all the hells did I just witness? is all you think. You take a few moments to collect yourself as best you can, shaking your head a bit to clear your thoughts, before you make your way out of the park and away from the…interesting scene you just saw take place. As you leave the park you notice that you’re actually a little aroused and intrigued from what you just saw, and you mentally slap yourself and try to push your arousal and thoughts down as you continue on your way.
Re: Rift Touched

You walk the streets of the red light district, trying to forget what you just saw, until you come upon a rather large building, about the same size as “Madame Deidra’s”, with carvings of men and women serving other men and women who are holding collars, doors, and broken chains etched into the wood. A sign above the door reads “Temple of Domina” with the picture of a regal looking woman holding broken shackles.

Domina? Isn’t she the goddess of domination, submission, bondage, and the true heart’s path? I don’t know much about her, actually, but what I have heard is that those that seek out her temples come back changed; happier, more confident and full of life. Supposedly, the disciples here help people realize what makes them happiest in life and show them their heart’s true desire, or so they say. I do know that she’s a goddess of light, that she works closely with Lequis, and that her blessings are highly sought after. Funny, why don’t they have their temple in the temple district, and why didn’t Nyx tell me anything about them?

You shrug and move on, though are quite intrigued as to what the temple may have to offer. You continue walking and you think you have exhausted all that the district has to offer…that is until you reach a shop that catches your interest. The shop in question actually happens to be the one from the notice board looking to have new products tested. You look up at the sign above the door and read “Lover’s Essentials”. You look in the window and read the signs advertising “dildo’s”, “butt plugs”, “piercings”, “bondage gear”, and other goods that you have no idea what they really are. You shrug before opening the door, which sets off a bell, and step inside the shop.

Oh boy is all you think as you take in the sight before you. The room itself is quite spacious and has many stands, shelves, and table tops throughout the room. However, it’s what is on display that really catches your eye, mostly because Lula herself has many of these items in her trunks! You see items labeled as “butt plugs” of various shapes and sizes, ditto for “dildos” which are the phallic shaped objects. You also see manacles, those forearm bindings that the woman from earlier wore labeled as “arms sleeves”, collars and leashes, metal bars with leather straps on them labeled “spreaders”, clamps with signs by them that say “nipple clamps”, blindfolds, ball gags, ear muffs, ring gags, ball gags, and oh so much more that it makes your head spin.

You take a few quick breaths and look around for the owner, but instead you only find a counter to the far left of the room. You approach the counter and, noticing a bell, you ring it a few times and wait. You wait a few minutes and are about to leave when suddenly, from behind the door on the other side of the countertop, a large orc man, who’s fiddling with a bull ring nose piercing, and an impressively large human man emerge.

“Ungan, what did I just say? Stop playing with it; you need to give it time to heal and playing with it will only make it take longer!” the human man chastises the orc.

“Yeah, yeah I know. Still, thanks for the new ring, Alec; I’m sure my wife’ll love it! She’s got a thing for piercings – I just hope she doesn’t expect me to get pierce ‘down there’ cause there’s no way in all the hells that’s happening!” the orc named Ungan replies to the other man before laughing boisterously and clasping the man named Alec on the back, who joins in the laughter.

The men turn their heads as they approach the desk to see you standing there, looking a bit out of place as you shift a little uncomfortably and offer a smile that you hope was more confident than you feel. “Damn” Ungan mumbles as he eyes you up and down “It’s a shame I’m married. Maybe my little pumpkin won’t mind sharing if she sees her. Ah, Alec you get all the fun” he finishes while whispering to Alec. Alec rolls his eyes at Ungan and playfully shoos him out the door, to which Ungan complies while raising his hands above his head in mock surrender, laughing as he steps out the door and giving his new piercing another flick.

Now it’s just you and Alec, the six foot light brown haired muscular human man with dark green eyes which seem to have a strange feral ferocity to them. If you’re being totally honest with yourself, you find yourself just a little attracted to this man who could rival Nilas on the hunk factor. Alec clears his throat, which pulls you from your daydreaming and causing you to turn just a bit red around the cheeks as you realize you were staring.

You decide to be the first to break the silence “Hi” you say a bit awkwardly. Smooth, one Colette. Real smooth. You sigh as you mentally slap yourself before continuing “I’m here about the notice to, uh well, test some new products that you made” you finish a bit sheepishly as you look around the room, wary of what situation you might have gotten yourself into.

Alec on the other hand beams happily at you “You are? That’s great, please, come with me” he finishes while gesturing towards his back room.

“Wait, hold up, what will I be, uh, testing exactly?” you stop and call out to the man.

Alec stops and slaps his forehead with the palm of his hand before turning back to you “Right, I’m so stupid; right yeah, you’ll be testing a few new items that I’ve enchanted. You might not know it by looking at me, but I actually know quite a bit of magic. Anyways, the items I need tested are an expanding butt plug – a small, glass plug that should slowly expand while continuously vibrating to prepare the wearer for anal sex and to bring the wearer pleasure at the same time - , a detachable and vibrating anal beads – these anal beads vibrate, as I just said, but the balls themselves can be detached from the wire safely and can be placed on different parts of the body and, thanks to an enchantment of mine, should stick to the skin and continue to vibrate. The last, and certainly not least, is a female latex body suit that I enchanted. This one is the trickiest, but should have the best results; it’s enchanted to be a sort of one size fits all and, when worn, it should “come alive” so to speak and provides very pleasurable stimulation to every part of the body, and I even have a matching head cover for elves as well, with no penetration required!” Alec finishes saying all this like he was talking about the weather.

You, on the other hand, can only stare in disbelief at what you just heard as your face turns the brightest shade of crimson you think you have ever produced “A-and would y-you have to, u-um, wa-watch me?” you stammer out bashfully while fiddling with the sleeves of your coat.

Alec notices your embarrassment and hesitation – really who wouldn’t? - and walks up to the counter and asks you “What’s your name, honey?”

“Col-Colette” you reply, unable to reign in your embarrassment or calm your nerves.

Alec smiles and nods before speaking in a gentle tone “Colette, that’s a lovely name. Yes, I would have to watch to make sure nothing goes wrong and to properly observe the results”. You go a darker shade of red at that before Alec puts his hands up and says “I promise I will not try anything funny, and I won’t tell a soul if you do this. Also, you’re not my type so I won’t get excited by watching you”.

You blink once before asking, quite confused “Not your type? Won’t get excited? What are you talking about?”

“Well, you have the wrong parts for one, and your shoulders aren’t broad enough. Your hair is too long, and your face is too feminine for my liking” Alec confesses, which only makes you more confused.

Has this man completely lost his mind? you think as you continue to look at the large man quizzically. Alec sighs and shakes his head before putting both hands in front of him, side by side, and extending the index finger of either hand towards each other and tapping them a few times.

…OH! Oh, wow okay I seriously did not expect that. *cough* well then, um, I…huh…

Alec smiles as he sees the realization on your face “So as you can see I won’t try anything, and since you are such a cute little thing if you do this, on top of getting paid, I can offer you a discount if you ever shop here again or I could let you keep one of the items you test if it’s not defective. Money’s not really an issue in this matter and I already know how to make these enchantments, so that won’t be a problem either. So, what do ya say?”

“If you don’t mind me asking” you decide to ask the dark green eyed man “but, well, why do your eyes look so…feral?”

Alec chuckles before saying “Noticed that did you? It’s because I’m a werewolf”.

Wow, a hunky werewolf that likes other men…for some reason that’s kinda hot.

2:34 pm

A. Accept to do the job
A1. Accept the job and just do it for the sixty gold the notice offered
A2. Accept the job and ask for the discount
A3. Accept the job and ask for the enchanted butt plug (will receive if not defective)
A4. Accept the job and ask for the enchanted anal beads (will receive if not defective)
A5. Accept the job and ask for the enchanted body suit (will receive if not defective)

B. Decline the job and move on (will go to one of next destinations)

C. Visit another place in the merchant district.
C1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
C2. Head to the blacksmith
C3. Make a stop at the stylist’s

D. Visit another temple in the temple district.
D1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)

E. Make a stop at the noble district.
E1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
E2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium (buy potions, scrolls, books, tomes, etc.)
E3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
E4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
E5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
E6. Go to the inn to rest, eat, drink, or something else
E7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
E8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there)

F. Go to the red light district
F1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
F2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
F3. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
F4. Go to Domina’s temple (Specify what you want to do there)

G. Head off to the slums
G1. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned or buy more goods such as bombs, potions, crystals, etc.)
G2. Visit the inn the slums has

H. Wander and explore the city at random

I. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

J. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

K. Go back to the feral goblin camp

L. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

M. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Next locations in Queue
1.Explore slums
2. Model for Xillia

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (494 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice (21 hours remain on recharge)
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Emerald Lined Silver Bracelet
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1.
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Black Reinforced Leather Trousers. (Reinforced shins, knees, and femurs. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-White Blouse (underneath Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver. Currently concealed)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives. (Currently concealed)
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows). Strapped to backpack.
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10). Third digit. Left hand. Over Leather Glove.
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Hood down. Blessing in effect when sneaking).


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x28. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 1/4: Charges (2/3): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR)

Rift Abilities
- Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.


-Wavy brown hair that goes just passed breasts. Tied in a ponytail.
-Wearing leather armor.
-Wearing Yyssbo blessed hooded trench coat. Hood down. Most gear currently concealed.


Health: Fine
MR: 90/90


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads the are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat)

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!).

Dual Wielding Novice: You’ve taken the first steps of learning how to wield two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. However, at present you are severely lacking in skill and find it very difficult to hit enemies in combat. You need much more practice before you can learn how to properly fight using two weapons at once.

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Sex Perks/Passives
Minor sexual experience: You’ve had sex enough times to know how to please yourself and your partner competently and, while you are no expert, you’re confident in your skills. You’re still capable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature, but you’re much more open to them now and are comfortable with your sexuality.

Hymen Intact: You still have your hymen intact.

Vaginal Experience: You’ve had sex using your vagina before – nothing special.

Anal: You have some experience using your anus when it comes to sex, but not much.

Oral: You’re pretty good at giving head and can adequately please most people with your mouth if you put your mind to it.

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance. You don’t really know how you feel about it; if you’re intrigued or repulsed by it only time will tell.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

Werewolves are magical creatures and are created from the humanoid races, similar to vampires, but unlike vampires they are not considered to be undead. Instead, they are changed; a werewolf is created from the bite of another werewolf on an uninfected person. The person, unless cured, will turn into a werewolf themselves at the next full moon. Werewolves, however, don’t go around creating more of their kind wantonly; lycanthropy is considered a gift and the werewolf and his or her pack must consent to passing on the gift, as must the receiver of the bite.

Werewolves also usually live in packs, with each pack divided into the Alpha male and Alpha Bitch, followed by the Betas, then the Omegas. No werewolf is inferior to the other, however, as each has a part to play in their pack to sustain itself. Very few werewolves are without packs though those that are, are usually dangerous and rabid and would attack anything on site. Werewolves also have the power to transform into their wolf at any time they please, which takes the form of a very large, hulking wolf that is both faster and stronger than an average wolf and then some, but with the intelligence of a person behind it.
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Re: Rift Touched

A5. if Defective default to A1.
-X. take a look at the sexshops productsbefore leaving, just to see what they have.

Getting you guys to agree on 2 isn't hard but with Lula around our need in this town at least for Sex Toys is non-exsistant.

Also I really want that latex suit if it had on/off functions even better. The Anal plug I can see a use for later... the sticky beads now THAT is FUN. As par of course I'll vote for one of the Products over the money since likely the Products are more expensive then 60 Gold.

F4. just to Ask what we can do for a Blessing this actually sounds like it can Synergize with our Lequis Blessing it has nothing to do with the fact I want to bless the Latex Living suit!

And I repeat its JUST TO ASK. We don't need to actually do it I'll refrain from forcing Colette to do anything I see as too Much.
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Re: Rift Touched

A5 and F4.
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Re: Rift Touched

B - too soon
-x - bump into a rack of toys whilst bungling out of the store from embarrassment

Re: Rift Touched

Personally, I would prefer not to have to test the expanding buttplug, but I guess A4 to keep, preferably.
Re: Rift Touched

Mostly agreed with Bloodshifter A5 A1 if defective.
F4 just ask what we can do.
X take a look at the sexshops products before leaving, just to see what they have.
Re: Rift Touched

as it turns out the Suit will be under our armor and above our Under garments. So effectively we'd not lose anything its a Chest/Leg combo.
Re: Rift Touched

Edit: Forget this post; it didn't happen :p
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Re: Rift Touched

A5 won out to be taken as collateral, also F4 was chosen to visit the temple of Domina. X was also chosen to look at some of the items in the shop.

Also, I think I forgot to add this in the lore from the last post but werewolves are magical beings. So when a humanoid gets turned into a werewolf, or a werewolf is born, they don’t/no longer need to use magic crystals to use magic.

2:34 pm

Alec seems a swell enough sort…maybe…but that money is relatively easy, and he did offer me a discount or a free item if it works. That bodysuit does sound really interesting, too…oh my gosh what am I thinking?! I can’t believe I’m even considering this at all…but for some reason I find it a little intriguing playing with these toys… you think before glancing at Alec, your face a lovely shade of crimson. I just wish I didn’t have an audience for this…

You sigh, having reached your decision “O-okay, I’ll do it. A-also, maybe, i-if you wouldn’t mind that is, I-I’d like the bodysuit” you avert your gaze from Alec, too embarrassed to look at him.

“Of course, I wouldn’t mind at all. As I said I can replicate the enchantment fairly easily now that I know it. Please, follow me” Alec says with a knowing smirk on his face, gesturing to the room he and the orc Ungan emerged from moments earlier. You nod and, a bit shakily, you walk around the counter and into the backroom of the shop, Alec in tow soon after. The room you walk into looks a bit like a torture room, in your opinion; there’s a finely crafted wooden chair with cushions on it in the center of the room, and all around the room on desks and hanging off the walls are ring piercings, barbs, barbells, studs, and all other manner of flesh impaling metals. You immediately get nervous and start to have serious doubts about this as you take a tentative step back, bumping into Alec.

You jump forward in fright, causing Alec to laugh “Don’t worry; this is where I do my customer’s piercings. I admit it looks a little scary at first glance, but I assure you nothing dubious happens back here. See this stud here? Those are used to pierce the tongue, nose, or navel…or really wherever the customer wants it, but those are the most popular. These rings here are popular for nipple piercings, sometimes on the nose or eyebrows. I’ve even had a few ladies get pierced ‘down there’ with the rings. The barbs and barbells are almost exclusively for nipples, and you wouldn’t believe how many requests I get to add chains to them; apparently a lot of people like to have their nipples pulled” Alec points around the room at the various objects and explains their purposes calmly, though many of the things people have done sound downright ludicrous to you.

You continue to look around the room and notice that, directly across from the door you entered on the other side of the room is another door. Adjacent to that door is yet another, but this one is open and you can see stairs leadings up, most likely to Alec’s home. Alec strides to the door on the other side of the room and opens it and again gestures for you to follow before entering the room himself. You comply and walk around the chair, avoiding the desks and piercings as best you can, and enter the room. This room is smaller than the last, and up against the back wall is a small bed with red covers and two fluffy looking gold pillows. On the left side of the room is an open door which contains a small tub and chamber pot, and on the right side of the room is a desk containing a quill, parchments of paper…and the “products” that Alec described to you. You gulp in anxiety at the sight before you, but are pulled from your thoughts, if only slightly, when Alec turns around to speak to you.

“You can set your things by the door we just came from, and I would recommend that you insert this into your anus and use the chamber pot in the restroom” Alec says as he hands you a small, aqua looking capsule that glows faintly with magical energy.

You look at the thing strangely, then start a bit as you realize he said “insert into your anus”. “E-excuse me; why d-do I need to put this u-up there?” you stammer out, clearly mortified and confused at the request.

“It’s just a precautionary measure; it’s magically enchanted with water magic and, about oh thirty seconds or so after it comes in contact with your insides it’ll release a torrent of warm water into your anus and bowels. It’s meant to clean them out your system so that you don’t have an ‘accident’ when we get down to business. Plus, I would have suggested using the chamber pot anyways to relieve yourself since I don’t really know how much stimulation you will be receiving, and I don’t want to further embarrass you than you already are if you do have an accident’ Alec explains.

You nod bashfully before removing your gear aside from your boots, trousers, and studded leather armor and set them next to the door before making your way to the restroom. Once you’re through the door you shut it before pulling your trousers and blessed sheer thong down, which has been giving you a bit of a wedgie that you’ve only just gotten used to over the last few hours. You take a deep breath and, with shaky hands, you bend over slightly and reach around to gently push the small, aqua colored pill passed your sphincter. Thanks to your increased sensitivity the sensation of having your sphincter penetrated, even just a little, sends pleasurable jolts through your body and you can feel your virgin cunt start to moisten a little. You bite your bottom lip to stifle any moans and, after a few seconds, you succeed in getting the pill inside you.

You sit on the chamber pot, which thankfully has a roll of soft paper material meant for wiping, and wait. You count out thirty seconds in your head but nothing happens, which makes you think that the pill didn’t work, or never worked to begin with. You grit your teeth in anger and shame as you think you might have just been duped before you feel it; you feel a gentle warmness in your bowels, which also rumble a little painfully, that seems to spread. You cross both arms around your stomach in discomfort before you have a very powerful urge to relieve yourself. After you finish relieving yourself – and you have to admit you feel very clean – you clean yourself up and pull your thong and trousers back up before walking out the restroom door.

“works like a charm, eh?” Alec says to you as you walk out the door, which you nod shamefully at before he continues “Alright, now I need you to strip naked…well I guess you can leave your undergarments on, but they might get a little wet or dirty. It’s your choice though” he finishes with a shrug.

Had to expect that one coming – at least I can be reasonably sure that this guy won’t try anything, still I’m not very sure about stripping in front of a total stranger you think with a sigh before moving towards the door where most of your things are. You turn your back to Alec in an attempt to retain even a modicum of modesty as you begin to undress, starting with your boots and working your way up. When you remove your last article of clothing besides your black silk fabric, which happens to be your sheer stockings, you set all of it in a neat pile next to your pack and turn around while using your hands to cover your ample D-cups breasts and your virgin pussy, which only has a small patch of thin, brown hair just above it that forms a natural arrow pointing at your clit.

Alec, despite not seeing all of you, stares wide eyed at your pale, radiant figure “Your body is a work of art, Colette. I know many women that would kill to have what you have; it’s a shame that you’re so embarrassed about showing yourself. I can see a sexy and confident woman just lying underneath all that doubt and uncertainty just waiting to be set free. Ah, but listen to me ramble – please, sit on the bed” the hunky werewolf says while gesturing towards the small bed in the room.

You blush harder and smile at his compliment before tentatively dropping your hands and walking over to the bed and sitting down. You watch as Alec walks up to the items that you will soon be testing, examining each one and rubbing his chin with his hands in thought. Finally, he picks up the small plug – which, surprisingly, looks smaller than even the ones on display in the shop – and a small, clear circular jar which you didn’t notice before and walks over to you.

“Have you ever used on of these before?” Alec asks you, to which you shyly shake your head and avert your eyes. “That’s okay – I’m going to need you to move further up the bed, turn around, and get on your hands and knees. Make sure your behind is pointed towards me – this has to be done gently or else you could hurt yourself and this is for lubrication” Alec explains while holding up the jar filled with a jelly looking substance.

You, however, are having none of it, blushing so fiercely red that it looks like you’re a volcano about to blow “Bend over…and s-show you my p-privates?! I-I don’t know a-about that. C-can’t I j-just do it m-myself?”

Alec kneels down to your eye level and smiles “I have to be here to make sure the enchantments are perfect, or else you could get hurt. I promise I won’t try anything and I will do as much as I need to; no more, no less. I promise”.

You look into Alec’s ferocious looking dark green eyes and see no hints of malevolence at all. You nod and tentatively do as Alec says, closing your eyes and burying your head into the pillows as you bare your toned bottom to Alec, your rose-bud and virgin slit exposed for him to see. You yelp in surprise as you feel large fingers smear a warm, gelatinous substance around your pucker and you almost bound away before Alec says “Relax, it’s so it won’t hurt when it goes in. Do you trust me?” With your face still buried in the pillows in shame you extend your left arm and nervously form your hand into a thumbs-up position before returning it to its spot beneath you.

You feel the fingers smear just a little bit more before they withdraw and, a few seconds later, you feel a small object gently being pushed against your pucker. You take a few deep breaths to try and relax as you feel the small object push into you, causing little jolts of pleasure to shoot from your anus to your toes, then back up and landing on your nether region and causing you to let out a muffled moan into the pillow as your tunnel moistens. You try to remain perfectly still as you feel the bulge slowly push passed your sphincter before it finally slips through to the much smaller end and you feel the stopper press against your smaller hole and causing you to feel only slightly full and stretch.

W-well, that wasn’t so bad. A-actually, if I’m being h-honest it doesn’t feel b-bad. A little fu-UULLLLL! your thoughts are interrupted as the plug, just as Alec said, starts to vigorously vibrate inside of you. You bury your face further into the gold pillows and grip the red sheets of the bed tightly as your body is assaulted with jolts of electric pleasure, causing you to curl your toes and moan lewdly as you feel the assault stir your passions. You instinctually arch your back and raise your hips, trying to seek more pleasure from the delightful little device as you soar to greater heights. You stop climbing, however, as you feel the plug start to expand outwards, especially around the end near the stopper and cause you a little bit of pain. To counteract the pain, the plug starts to vibrate twice as fast and you can actually hear it hum slightly from the speed of its vibrations, though you’re too lost in the wonderful sensations your ass is feeling and at the feeling of slowly being stretched as you race to the edge of your pleasure. By this point your slit is leaking copious amounts of your love juices down your legs, and your shame forgotten, you raise your head from the pillows and let out a few pleasured whimpers and gasps while thrusting your hips back into the air.

After a few seconds more you reach the end of the line and topple over with a half-hiccup half-scream of pleasure as your pussy gushes a large torrent of fluids from beneath your legs and onto the sheets below. However, the plug doesn’t stop vibrating or expanding and prolongs your orgasm for long seconds after, and actually sends you into a second orgasm and squirting even more juices onto the sheets below you. You continue to scream and gasp in pleasure, your back arching and your body quaking as you feel the warm torrent continue to wash over you and whiting your mind. Your elbows grow too weak to support you and buckle underneath your weight, causing you to slump head and shoulders first into the soft pillows below as another mini-orgasm takes hold of you, causing your eyes to roll back into your head slightly and release a throaty moan of pleasure. The plug still expands and vibrates, and if you were coherent enough to realize you would probably assume that it’s about as thick as Lula’s cock at this point.

You let out muffled mewls and whimpers of pleasure as your body is rocked with another small shockwave of pleasure, causing your mouth to form in an “O” as your form quivers in ecstasy. However, the plug suddenly stops vibrating and with a pop you feel the now large object slowly removed from your now gaping pucker, the sensations sending another delightful shock to your nethers and sending you tumbling down into another small orgasm, leaking generous amounts of fluids down your thighs and onto the bed. When you finally come down and the shockwaves subside you’re left with a very pleasurable stretching feeling coming from your ass, as well as the feeling of air entering inside you which makes you shudder. With a contented sigh followed by an effortful groan you manage to push yourself up and shift yourself onto your back, your legs resting atop the wet stains of evidence to your passions, causing you to blush slightly.

“I’ve never seen anyone cum that hard before from having their ass played with. Damn, that’s so hot; I wish I could have that! Well, I think it’s safe to say that this little toy of mine is going to be a real hit” Alec says with a laugh before looking down at your nethers, and particularly at your gaping rose-bud and says “Wow, I think I might have to do a few tweaks; if you tried I’m sure you could probably fit your fist in there!”

You blush furiously at his statements and sluggishly close your legs and try to cover that region of your body, which still strangely feels pleasurable despite the ordeal it’s been through. Alec merely chuckles before moving to the desk and launching a small purple bolt of magical energy at the plug, causing it to shrink back down to its small size. He then picks up a quill and starts writing notes on one of the parchments of paper for a little while. After he finishes writing he grabs the anal beads, which has six medium size balls attached to it, before moving over to you.

“I’m a little excited to see how this works; it took me a long time to try and get this right. What I’m going to need you to do, before we move onto the main course, is attach two balls to your nipples, two to your labia, one to your clit, and if you can manage it the final one on your anus” he says to you as he starts to fiddle with the balls before you hear a series of clicks, which release the balls down one end of the wire. You nod, though not quite as bashfully as before considering you’re still basking in the afterglow of many wonderful orgasms, and lean forward to pick up the balls. Alec stops you, however, and tells you to wait before his hands glow a dim purple and then he release more purple magical energy at the balls like the plug before it. Alec then gestures for you to use the balls, which you proceed to do. You pick up all the balls in your hand and notice that they start to stick to your skin a little and vibrate. You start to reach out with your other hand to begin the process, stop as you notice then starting to vibrate faster, and faster…and faster still. You enter your aura sight and see the red pulsing of the magical object start to explode with power as it grows hotter in your hand.

“Alec!” you yell to the muscular wolf-man “Something’s wrong; defuse the enchantment, now!”

Alec doesn’t waste a second before his hands glow that same dim purple before he releases the magical energy, directed at the enchanted objects. When the magic hits, the balls stop vibrating and return to normal.

“Fucking hells that was close one! Gods dammit it all, I must have used too much power in the enchantment; I knew I shouldn’t have forced it. It’s a good thing you saw what was happening in time; are you alright, Colette?” Alec rages, before concerning himself with your safety as he moves closer to inspect your hands.

You drop the balls and perform your own examination and, noting no damage, you nod your head to Alec “Yes, I’m fine thank you. Um, is the body suit going to be fine?” you ask, clearly nod relishing the thought of being in a suit that’ll cook you alive. Alec sighs in relief before smiling.

“Yeah, I’m sure; I spent a long time perfecting the enchantments on that one. Still, if anything does go wrong and if you notice it before I do then do what you did just now”. You nod and Alec, a bit frustrated, grabs the wire and balls and moves back to the table to set them down. He then grabs the bodysuit and accompanying hood which are a sleek, dark black, and moves over to you. He shows you how to enter it and close the bodysuit and explains that it will magically seal itself once you’re in, before handing it and the hood over to you. You get off the bed and put your legs through the top-back of the suit and down through the leg slots, bending down to pull the rest of the suit over your body. You pull your arms through the arm slots then feel the opening in the back start to seal itself up to your neck before the suit starts to automatically mold itself to your body. You reach around and pull at the back, which causes it to open up and stop molding itself.

Had to be sure you think I don’t want to be sealed up with no way out.

You let go of your back and the suit restarts molding to your body, tightening around your neck, arms, bust, waist, hips, crotch, ass, and legs very tightly, though not tight enough to be uncomfortable. However, the tightening seems to further increase around your bust, ass, and crotch allowing anyone who sees you to see your breasts and nipples perfectly. Likewise it perfectly sculpts itself to every contour of your ass, again allowing anyone to see its form. Your crotch, however, is perfectly visible; you look down and likewise feel as the suit tightens itself, giving you a clear camel toe, which causes you to blush furiously. You look at the hood on the bed and grab it and put it on over your head, which molds like the suit and covers the entirety of your head save for slots for your hair in the back, for your eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

You take stock of yourself in the skintight bodysuit – the bodysuit itself covers your neck, your torso, and to your wrists and down at your ankles, leaving your hands, feet, and head free – aside from the hood which covers the entirety of your head save for a slot in the back where you let your hair through, and slots around your nostrils, eyes, and mouth. However, the suit tightened even further around your bust, ass, and crotch leaving nothing to the imagination as any who would look at you could see your boobs and erect nipples as if you were wearing nothing, and likewise for your ass and crotch which is tightened so much that it gives you a visible camel toe. All-in-all it’s essentially a second skin for you to wear as it shows off everything, and is surprisingly comfortable despite being.

You pick at the fabric around your ass, breasts, and nethers embarrassedly “D-does it have to be so tight?” you ask Alec.

Alec, who was watching with rapt attention, chuckles and responds “Yes, it complements the figure of the woman wearing it and it will help when the fun begins. I would recommend lying on the bed on your back”. Alec points to the bed, which you sigh as you nervously move to the bed and crawl to the pillows before lying on your back. Alec gives you a reassuring smile before his hands glow purple before he releases the magic at the suit and hood.

“OooooOOOHHH GODSSZZZZ, AH, HUH!” you scream, gasp, writhe, and buck in utter bliss on the bed as the effects are instantaneous; as soon as the magic hit the bodysuit and hood thousands of tiny tendrils burst out along the inside of wherever the fabric touches on your head and body. They massage, wriggle, and vibrate at an alarming speed everywhere, but especially on your ears, breasts, nipples, ass, pucker, pussy, and clit. You rise your peak so fast that you have no time to prepare as you topple over in an intense orgasm – your back arches, your eyes roll back in your head, your mouth forms an “O” in a silent scream, your body spasms violently, and you see stars in your vision. However, there is no reprieve as the tendrils continue to writhe and vibrate on every sensitive part of your body, divinely and unnaturally extending your orgasm as it continues to rock through you, your slit gushing and squirting a river of your love juices which seem to be absorbed by the very latex bodysuit you’re wearing. You curl up in the fetal position from the pleasure as black starts to surround the edges of your vision as you start to lose consciousness, when the tendrils suddenly slow, but don’t stop, their movements and mercifully let you come down from probably the single most intense, wonderful orgasm you have ever experienced before.

You draw a deep breathe into your lungs and gasp and moan in pleasure on the bed, your body spasms and quivers delightfully all the while. You gasp and pant as your ears, breasts, ass, clit, and pussy are slowly stimulated by the tendrils which never allow you to fully douse your fires. When you think you’ve finally caught your breathe and have a handle on the situation the suit seems to react and starts up again with as much speed and power as when you it started.

“AAAAAAAGGGHH- YES, AAHN, MORE!” you manage to scream out between gasps and whimpers of ecstasy, bucking your hips and arching your back futilely in an attempt to receive even more pleasure.

M-m-maybe L-lulaAAHH was r-r-r-r-right. M-m-m-m-m-more p-pleasure i-isn’t such a baaAAAHHN-bad t-thing you come to realize, given the immense wonderful sensations you feel all over your body, your slit releasing torrents of your juices, which are greedily absorbed by the suit, as your walls convulse uncontrollably in bliss. You continue for you don’t know how long, having one long continuous orgasm and a few mini-jolts of pleasure spread out from time to time that elicit sharp gasps and whimpers from you, as well as bucking your body slightly. Your eyes at this point have been rolled up in the back of your head since the second start-up and you’re virtually blind with pleasure at this point, you also haven’t noticed that you’ve pulled the covers and sheets up from the bed as you grabbed, clenched, and writhed about. You hardly notice your vision blurring and the darkness returning to the edge of your vision before the tendrils slow their movements once again.

You don’t even register the purple glow in your peripheral vision, or that the tendrils seem to retract back into the suit. You’re too busy quivering and quaking in pleasure as spasms rock your sensitive body. You vaguely hear a door opening and footsteps resounding on hardwood moving away from you, and a few minutes later you hear footsteps coming back closer towards you before being lifted up so that you’re sitting on your bottom.

“Here, drink this” you hear a gentle voice say, which you think sounds somewhat familiar. You open your mouth and feel cool, refreshing water hit your tongue which sparks you to grab the container it’s being held in and down the rest of the liquid in large, greedy gulps. “Eat this, you need to get your strength back” you hear the voice say again. You look at the hand, which is holding some dried meat and fruit, then up at the person holding them – your eyes take a moment to focus before you see a muscular man with dark green eyes looking back at you with a smirk on his face.

“Thanks, Alec” you croak as you realize who the man is, and gingerly take the food and stuff your face as if you hadn’t eaten in days.

“So” you hear Alec say “I take it you like the suit and hood? I don’t think I’ve ever seen such intense climaxes before. I gotta say it was really hot to watch”.
Re: Rift Touched

You blush a little in embarrassment, but look at Alec and respond quickly “This suit is incredible, Alec”. The werewolf laughs at your honesty heartily for a few moments.

“Well, I’m glad you like it ‘cause now it’s yours. I think I’ll have to make triple the intended amount if your reaction is any indication. I’m sure they’ll sell like a wildfire!” Alec says before offering a hand to help you off the stained and disheveled bed before stepping out of the room to give you your first bit of privacy since this little encounter, which you are grateful for. You remove the hood and bodysuit and place them in your pack by the door before proceeding to get dressed properly, smiling in contentment for more reasons than one.

I…really like this suit. I’m half-tempted to put it back on… you confess to yourself before a realization hits you I don’t even know how to activate this thing!

After getting dressed you step out of the room and walk through the door on the other side of the piercing room, finding Alec waiting by the door.

“Here’s your sixty gold” he says, counting out the coins in his hand and turning them over to you, which you place in your pack “and to activate the more ‘pleasurable’ enchantments on the suit you should focus your magical reserves and think the words ‘pleasure slave’ then release your magic onto the item and it will respond”.

“Uh, thank you, Alec” you kindly reply, mortified at the command word used to activate the enchantments.

Alec laughs and waves his hand in a dismissing gesture “No, Colette, thank you. That was a great show, and thanks to you I’m sure I have a few popular products that’ll rake in the money! Feel free to stop by anytime you want”. You nod and shift awkwardly in embarrassment before making everything of yours is secure. You look around and decide to peruse some of the merchandise of the shop out of curiosity. You walk around the shop and see butt plugs labeled in sizes from small to large – and indeed the large ones are very large, perhaps almost as half as thick as your wrist – along with phallic shaped dildos labeled much the same, though the largest you see is a little thicker than your wrist with little bumps along its surface. You shudder at the thought of something that size entering any part of your body and move on. You see manacles and shackles, some made of iron while most made out of leather, as well as spread bars, which you ask Alec what they are for and learn they are to help spread the wearers legs and prevent them from closing.

You see nipple clamps, some with bells on them, ball gags and ring gags – which Alec explains are to prevent the wearer from speaking, or in the ring gags case prevent speaking while leaving the wearers mouth completely open. You see arm sleeves and leg sleeves, their purpose obvious given what you saw of the pink haired woman, as well as blindfolds, ear muffs, and collars with leashes. You see other body suits and hoods, but in different colors, hanging about along with rope and a corset – which happens to expose the privates and breasts – that has chains attached to leather wrist and ankle cuffs which you assume is to limit movement. You see some other things, but this is most of what you see and, with nothing left of interest, you again thank Alec and bid him farewell before stepping outside the shop.

That was definitely a different…and I guess enjoyable experience. I think Lula and the things in this city are starting to get to me a little…though I’m not so sure it’s a bad thing, right? you think questioningly before looking around to get your bearings and to decide where to go to for your next destination. You remember the temple of Domina and, since it’s close by, you decide to head back to the temple and seeing what it is they are all about, and possibly getting a blessing. Your mind made up you walk the relatively short distance back to the large mansion-like temple of Domina in the red light district.

You reach the outside of the temple and look up at the intricate carvings once more before opening the door and walking through. The inside of the “temple” is rather odd, you think at first glance, considering it looks more like a mansion. The floor is a dark brown hardwood with red carpet just above it, and you can see a large staircase leading to the second floor of the mansion. To either side of you you see archways leading into hallways, which undoubtedly have more doors and hallways. The same goes for either side of the large staircase across from the entrance; there are two hallways that branch off to the left and right as well as continuing further down the hall. Other than the sign and carvings outside there’s no indication that this place is anything but a regular mansion.

“Do not let looks deceive you, child” you hear a voice from the right hallway say, startling you as you turn to face whomever spoke. You have to do a double take for a moment as the woman – who is in fact a succubus – emerges in a red and black tight fitting robe and she looks almost exactly like Lula; same small nose, same red piercing eyes, same large horns that emerge from behind her ears, and even wearing the same color lipstick. The only way you could tell it was not Lula was that this succubi’s breasts are larger than Lula’s – which is another shock since Lula’s are already about the size of your head – while her skin is a light shade of purple and her long hair is a darker shade of purple.

“Welcome to the temple of Domina, child. My name is Leena, head priestess of this temple - it is such a pleasure to see a new, and stunningly beautiful, face grace these halls. Please, allow me to be of assistance; what is it you need, child?” the buxom succubus known as Leena asks with a warm and inviting smile on her face that makes you feel right at home, and a look of pure compassion in her eyes that eerily reminds you of Lula.

You’re just about to speak when the door behind you opens and you hear a voice that you most definitely do recognize “Sister, how are you!” you hear Lula behind you yell, and for a moment you think she means you but are mistaken as she bounds passed you and rushes to give the purple succubae a big, loving hug.


“Little sister, it is so good to see you! I’m doing very well; how are you doing?” the woman named Leena says to Lula.

Little sister?! your mind is reeling at this point, but at least now it makes sense why the two look so much alike.

You clear your throat to get the two sisters’ attention with a little smile on your face, and as Lula notices who is behind her she yells happily “Colette, honey!” and rushes to give you a big hug before leaning down and giving you a very passionate kiss on the lips – tongue and all – which surprises you, but you accept it and return it with equal passion. Lula breaks the kiss and pecks your lips, cheek, and forehead a few times before pulling your head to her bosom “Oh, it’s so good to see you, Colette, and I see you went and got a blessing on that lovely trench coat of yours. After a third, hmm? If so you couldn’t have picked a better place; Domina and Lequis work together very well after all!” she pulls away slightly and looks at your new coat, while you offer an awkward smile at her attentions.

I guess some things will never change. Leave it to Lula to throw social norm out the window you think amusedly, before noticing Lula’s big sister Leena is watching with a very wide smile.

“You failed to mention that you had a big sister, Lula. Also, I thought that you were relieved of your duties at four?” you say in mock chastisement to your blue skinned friend/lover.

Lula looks a little sheepish but keeps grinning from ear to ear “Did I, now? Silly me, it seems I did forget. Okay, so maybe I didn’t leave the hells and wander hundreds of years all by myself; I might have had a little help. Oh, and I was actually coming back from the slums; I spent some time at the orphanage reading and playing with the little ones after donating some gold to help keep the place maintained”.

Wow, now I feel really insignificant in comparison

“A little help, huh? I seem to recall being more than a little help, little sister. What about the time when you tried out-drinking a dwarven noble, hmm? I seem to recall you getting so drunk that you thought it would be fun to have some, and I quote, “fireworks for the festivities” and ended up lighting his mansion on fire. I also seem to recall carrying you, while running mind you, twenty miles non-stop while you were vomiting and singing dwarven folk songs the entire time” Leena interjects with a mischievous grin on her face, so much like Lula.

Lula puts on a look of hurt on her face and says “At least I beat him in the drinking contest, didn’t I? I also seem to remember him thinking fireworks would be a wonderful idea. Well, until his house burned to the ground that is, but still it was fun. I tried to apologize and I said I would repay him, but he wouldn’t have any of it”.

You watch the banter with amusement before both sisters burst out laughing. Leena collects herself first and shifts her robe slightly before turning to you “It’s so good to see my little sister have such a wonderful friend. I must say I approve wholeheartedly as well”. Leena looks you up and down very appraisingly, causing you to blush. Leena smiles as Lula gives you another peck on the cheek, her arm around your waist. “As I was saying before, what can I do for you?” Leena asks.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Leena. Anyone close to Lula is a friend of mine “ you say with an earnest smile before continuing “I was actually wondering about receiving a blessing, and wanted to know if you have any tasks I could complete?” As you finish Lula lets out a happy little squeak and her smile goes wider.

Leena’s face becomes slightly more serious at your request and says “Of course you may receive a blessing, Colette. However, Domina is a goddess different from the other gods you may have received blessings from. One of Domina’s domains is the “true heart’s path”. You will not be able to pay or complete any tasks to receive a blessing”.

I can’t pay or complete a task to receive a blessing? Then how do I get one? you wonder, before Leena, as if in response to your unasked question, speaks up.

“The blessings bestowed by Domina are very personal, and very powerful. Unlike Yysbbo, Kramulet, Victressia, Lequis, or Dwynvel who bestow specific personal blessings and a wide variety of general blessings on items, Domina instead blesses individuals based on who they are and if their heart is in line with their true self, and each blessing is different and unique to each person; no two self-blessings are alike and no two item blessings are alike. They are both extremely powerful, and extremely personal – with their power reflective of how close your heart is to your true self, and the appearance of an item will change to reflect who you are rather than who a god or goddess is” Leena explains.

That sounds very powerful indeed. But I don’t get it; I know who I am and what I want

“If what you say is true then can I have a blessing? I know who I am; I have no doubts about that I’m sure” you say confidently to the head priestess, Leena.

Leena, however, shakes her head “No, I’m sorry to say this Colette, but you do not know who you are. I can sense turmoil in you; most recently is related to your desires and sexuality, which is just now starting to emerge. There are other things as well; I sense in you that you have strived to be good and help others – a most noble and admirable thing – but you lack confidence in yourself and your abilities. I can sense that you chose not to help someone in need for fear of not being able to do enough, though I can sense that you still feel sympathy for the person and that you want to help. I can sense sarcasm in you- perhaps a trait of your roguish nature – but I sense that you haven’t even considered the possibility if you wish to serve or please others or if you wish to be served or pleased, or maybe both. You are very young, Colette; I would guesstimate you being…twenty years old? You are a half-elf as well; the product of a human and an elf, so not only will you live many centuries longer than most other races, you will have to face unique burdens in society and the world at large that you will have to overcome that no other will have to”.

You think about protesting the large chested succubae’s claims, but stop yourself as you think it all over carefully.

I did want to help to help Isaac, but I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off; was I afraid to make things worse, or to fail? I don’t know, but I guess I took the easy way out you think with a frown, before turning to Lula and a small smile crosses your lips Lula was my first – okay second – sexual partner, and she’s been nothing but kind and supportive the entire time, and I would be lying if I wasn’t intrigued and aroused by some of the things we’ve done…that I have seen and done. The park and Alec’s shop are evidence enough of that, as is this very nice bodysuit and hood I just got. Still, I get embarrassed and unsure of myself when confronted with these situations, even though I’ve been told countless times by Lula, Trish, Nilas, and even Alec that I have a beautiful body and should not be ashamed of it, and that I should enjoy pleasure; that there’s nothing wrong with it, but still I doubt, stutter, and stumble about. Heck, I don’t even really know what I really want sexually; everything I’ve gotten myself into – while extremely sexy and very pleasurable – has been a bit spur of the moment, and mostly to gain something; Charles and a free item, Lula and a room – though I really do like Lula and that happens to be something more than a business arrangement - , Trish and a blessing, and Alec for the money and bodysuit. I even led that sweet woman Xillia along for a discount for crying out loud!

Maybe…maybe Lula’s sister is right; maybe I don’t really know who or what I am. By elven years, heck even half-elven years, I’m barely an adult. Most would still consider me a child at twenty years old; barely old enough to leave home.

You look to the ground deep in thought before raising your head and looking to the head priestess “What…would I need to do to ‘find’ myself; to find out who I am, and what my heart truly desires?”

Leena smiles and walks up to you, putting her left hand on your right shoulder and looks into your eyes deeply. “That is what I, other disciples, and Domina are here for, child. We want nothing more to help those in need of self-discovery to find themselves, and break the chains that hold them back; we want to help you find happiness” she says quite simply and sincerely. “It will take time, however; I would ask that you stay with me at the temple for three days at the least. If you are concerned with the power of the blessing, I can assure you that after seven days that I and the other disciples will be able to most assuredly help you find out who you truly are and the blessing you receive will be extremely powerful. You could stay longer if you wish, but three days would be the bare minimum for scratching the surface”.

Lula hugs you close and says “I’m sure I could talk to Nilas and make time to be here to help you; after all Lequis wants love and happiness to all as well. Would that be alright with you, sister, if I was here to help?”

Leena looks at her sister and nods “Of course it would; I would gladly welcome your help, Little Sister” Leena then turns to look at you “So, will you stay here with us for at least three days as we help you to discover yourself? Know that if you do accept, that you can leave at any time and try again, though we would have to start over”.

Lula bends down a little to your height and looks you in the eyes serenly and says “Please, Colette? We – I – want to make you feel good and be happy. If this can do it then I want to be there every step of the way”.

Wow, way to put me on the spot you two…heh and I guess it runs in the family for these two making others feel like children. Ah, well, it’s whatever you think before sighing Oh, what do I do, what do I do?

3:19 pm

A. Accept the offer to stay at the temple of Domina for at least three days (could be more or less depending on future choices)

B. Decline for now and move onto your other activities for the day
B1. Model for Xillia
B2. Explore the slums

C. Visit another place in the merchant district.
C1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
C2. Head to the blacksmith
C3. Make a stop at the stylist’s

D. Visit another temple in the temple district.
D1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
D5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)

E. Make a stop at the noble district.
E1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
E2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
E3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
E4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
E5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
E6. Go to the inn to rest, eat, drink, or something else
E7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
E8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there)

F. Go somewhere else in the red light district
F2. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
F3. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
F4. Visit Lover’s Essentials (Buy piercings, bondages gear, sex toys, or do something else)
F5. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)

G. Head off to the slums
G2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
G3. Visit the inn the slums has
G4. Try to find the orphanage in the slums that Lula mentioned

H. Wander and explore the city at random

I. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

J. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

K. Go back to the feral goblin camp

L. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

M. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Latex bodysuit counts as a clothing chest piece and leggings, meaning that the bodysuit can be worn over undergarments and under armor, and replaces shirts and pants. Latex hood counts as a headpiece.
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