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Re: Rift Touched

B1 maybe 4 but only after going out to make more money.
for now whichever is most popular job, except the goblins can wait till tomorrow.
Re: Rift Touched

In addition, I see no point in going back to the red-light district in order for our character to learn how to pole dance/striptease, especially if we do end up taking B options with Lula. Lula is a succubus, after all, we could probably just learn from her.

Actually you might have a point

B4.. Your call
-X.. Use Aura Sight before and after make note of any changes.
--X.ask if Lula knows any dances she can teach us... after we pay her... use charm if needed.
If we are feeling up to it after or if payment is deferred till tonight.
E1. Accept Being used as a test subject for Blessing
E3. Accept bedding a new Priestess for blessing
L. Accept Nude Modeling Job
-Likely chance for Free stuff and its the second biggest job here.

Too bad there isn't a Sword Master here we might have picked up some stuff if we saw them going through some katas.
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Re: Rift Touched

It is early in the evening... I've amended my vote accordingly

Spoilered for people too lazy to look back five posts:
A3, if that doesn't work try A5, if not then H3 time to sleep in the slums (once it is bed time)
For now: F1 (rich people have lots of shiny things to steal) then F3 (sooo prettyyyy, good thing we're not a magical lightning rod) then H2 (we need lockpicks to open that door in the temple)
Re: Rift Touched

4:37 is early Evening? You must work normal hours for me that is afternoon.
Re: Rift Touched

Staying with Lula is tempting, for several reasons. But we should find an opportunity to earn some coin before bedding down for the night. Therefore
F1 with an eye on possible employment, F2 for info on prices/merchandise/potential employment, followed by K.

We should also ask Lula about potential ways to earn money, and we should (somewhat embarrassedly/coyly) tell her that we are rather inexperienced when it comes to that sex stuff, and are not completely comfortable with the idea of losing our...ummm...well, you know ;). So, B3/B4, as xgkf suggested (Lesbian sex with Lula w/o Penis), sounds good. Some tips/hints/lessons from the succubus about sex and seduction would of course be welcome.
Re: Rift Touched

L. Being comfortable while naked would probably be a good idea and posing for an artist is significantly less sleazy than being a stripper.

If B has enough votes, go for oral.

Will we eventually have an option to lose our virginity that isn't a trade or by force? Something consensual without any reward or trade would be nice.

Forgot to add this. Count a vote C, but for later, possibly after we find some work.
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Re: Rift Touched

We're not really being forced with this one if there's an option to take the offer without sex.
Re: Rift Touched

That's kinda why I at least support a "C, for now" approach to this scenario, if possible. Maybe Lula could then show us around for a little while and we could become more friendly with her, then maybe later we're more comfortable around her and might ultimately decide to lose it to her, either tonight or a later night. Then we're not giving it up to her because we feel like we owe her anything, but instead because we feel like she's really nice, trustworthy, and we like her.

Just no real reason to rush into it, is all.
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Re: Rift Touched

Wow, this was a tough round of voting! Votes were all over the place, but here are the ones that took the cake!
B4, B3, F1, L, and X for having Lula possibly teach use some dance moves and using “Aura Sight” as Bloodshifter suggested because I like the name of it (and will continue to refer to it as such) and it kinda, maybe, sort of was something I already had planned in the future :)

Also, I’ll be answering a few questions before we get started.

Bloodshifter: To answer your question if Colette picked things up from the strip and pole dancing…yes she did. More instruction wouldn’t hurt, but with the “Dancer” perk if she continued to watch or by shown then she would know how to replicate it quickly.

TentacularFortitude: I understand what you mean. Yes, there will be options for sex that won’t be forced or be part of an exchange. It wasn’t my intention of making this batch of choices seem that way, which is why I put in C. I’ll do my best to make such things clearer in the future to avoid confusion.

Also, sorry for not posting yesterday; there are two reasons for my not posting. First, I wanted to make sure there weren’t any more votes coming in since there were so many (and you have no idea how awesome it is to see you all discussing how to progress!). Secondly, I was feeling ill after eating and drinking a combination of things that did not agree with my stomach at all. I’ll spare you the details, but needless to say the porcelain throne and I became very acquainted.

But enough with the delays – here’s the next update!

P.S. Are these updates getting longer? Oh my goodness they are! Take cover!

Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharge! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

4:47 pm

You bite your bottom lip, deep in thought at the offer Lula presented you with and, to your surprise, you find it rather enticing.

I don’t have to sleep with her; she already offered me a room with her, but for some reason I can’t stop thinking about her! Am I attracted to women? you stop your thoughts as you take another tentative glance down at the bulge forming in Lula’s dress Okay, maybe not entirely a woman, but still. Argh, why am I so confused about this?! Alright, Colette, get a hold of yourself; sure you may be attracted to women now, or at least this woman, but so what? She’s been nothing but kind and generous to us from the start, she’s beautiful and she clearly desires us. Oh screw it!

You blush a little more, biting your bottom lip one last time for good measure, and lean closer to the light blue succubus and whisper in her ear “I…I would like that, Lula, to share a room with you and maybe a little more…” you stop yourself and look down at her hidden tool before continuing “but I don’t have much experience and I’m a little nervous, so could we get to know each other a little better without that” you finish while lightly pointing at Lula’s concealed member.

Lula smiles brightly at your words and responds as her spaded tail wraps gently around one of your legs “Of course, I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Shall we?” the succubus finishes, rising from her seat and holding out her hand.

You lean down and grab your things before taking her hand and rising from your stool, but stop as you consider the time.

Maybe I should wait until tonight to do this? It still is early and there are some things I still want to do.

“Um, Lula, can we do this later tonight? I still have some things I want to do around the city first before I…we…you know?” you stammer out, very embarrassed at the insinuation.

Lula offers a slight smile and a nod before releasing her tail from your leg, but still holds your hand “It’s not a problem; I’ll wait for you tonight. I do live here after all, so it’s not like I’ll be going anywhere anytime soon” she finishes with a wink.

You smile and clasp your other hand over the hand Lula is holding your other with in reassurance, before slipping from her grip and making your way towards the entrance of the inn. You slip your pack back on your back and open the door. You take one last look back at Lula, who is watching you go with slight disappointment, and offer her a shy smile before stepping outside to the city once again.

Back outside you ponder where you want to go next. You briefly consider heading to the slums since you haven’t been there yet, but decide against it for now; not wanting to run into any trouble just yet. You turn your head towards the street leading further into the noble district proper and, figuring since you’re already here, you decide to explore the district more thoroughly for anything interesting.

Besides you think the artist from the notice board lives here. If I do decide to pose for him it’ll be easier than wandering about before trying to make my way back here. Did it really have to be nude modeling? At least the pay is good you hang your head and sigh as you continue down the noble district.

As you walk you note the large, lavish homes – and more than a few mansions – that make up the setting of the noble district. You look about and take note of the people walking the streets; unlike the previous districts, the noble district has more humans, elves, and goblins than anything else and all dressed in finely made – and quite expensive you gather – clothing. You also notice that many have servants, or perhaps willing slaves, that follow them about in maid or butler clothing. The people here seem also to carry themselves with more confidence – and more than a little arrogance – than others you have noticed. You continue walking down the street and observe that you still get many appraising looks from both men and women alike, but also far more critical and analyzing looks as well, which makes you a little self-conscious.

Deeper into the heart of the noble district you continue analyzing the structures around you and notice a few shops that double as large homes, similar to the merchant’s district, and spot an intricate sign above one building that reads “Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium”.

“Huh, well at least now I don’t have to go running about without a clue looking for this place” you say to yourself before moving on. You come across two more shops of interest on your exploration of the noble district; one with a sign above the entrance that reads “The Noble’s Finery” which seems to be a clothing and jewelry shop, and another called “The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club”. You have no idea what this place is about, but it may prove fruitful to investigate it further. You shrug before moving on, idly playing with the metal studs on the sleeve of your armor as you walk.

You walk until you reach the largest building in the city – which looks like a small castle – and deduce that this is probably the capital building. In front of the capital building is a large domed structure with pillars surrounding the circumference of the building, two large wooden doors underneath an archway indicating the entrance to the structure. You notice a faint glow emanating from the top windows of the building. You wonder what could be causing such a phenomena before it dawns on you: there’s a rift – a permanent rift – behind those doors.

You have no real business here, yet, and decide to head back the way you came after having explored a good deal of the noble district.

Well, I guess I could earn some quick money by modeling for that artist. He should be down one of the streets I passed. Still, why did it have to be nude modeling? you think, and sigh yet again while shaking your head at what you’re about to do.

You walk down a side street, looking for the home described on the notice back at the notice board. You finally spot it: a very large white and beige house that could almost be considered a mansion made of marble, a dozen large windows on the front of the house with drapes purple drapes on the inside, and two large pillars leading up to a beautiful set of mahogany double doors. You reach the doors and collect yourself: you stand up straight, brush a few errant strands of hair behind your ears, take a deep breathe, and knock on the door. You wait for about thirty seconds before the door opens, revealing a large bald human man with a dark brown goatee wearing a black and white butler’s suit made of very fine silk.

“Yes, may I help you?” the bald man asks, looking at you stoically dead in the eyes.

“I’m here about the notice at the inn; the one about the modeling job” you say in full confidence.

The butler looks you up and down, lingering on your face and eyes before nodding and opening the door further, outstretching his hand to the inside of the home in an inviting gesture. You take the inviting and step inside, taking in the sight before you. In front of you is a marble staircase leading to the upper floors of the home, a high ceiling, a hallway to the left of the staircase and two hallways to your left and right; the left leading into a dining room and the right leading into a library of sorts. You’re drawn from your thoughts when you hear the door close behind you and the butler walking in front of you.

“Come” is all he says before turning on his heels and walking down the hallway next to the staircase at a brisk pace. You stand there for a moment before jogging to catch up to the man and are led down the long hallway before taking a right, stopping in front of another mahogany door. The butler raps once, pauses, then raps three more times in quick succession. From the other side of the door you hear rustling papers, cursing, and stomping that get louder as the master of the house gets closer to the door. When you think the owner is in front of the door – given the amount of cursing – you hear multiple locks and latches being undone before the door flies open revealing a clearly upset middle-aged looking goblin, wearing an apron covered in multiple colors and holding a piece of charcoal, who stands about as tall as you with an angular face, pointed nose, curved ears, dark eyes, and a white mohawk on his head.

“What is it, Julian; can’t you see I’m busy?!” the angry goblin artist proclaims while pointing his piece of charcoal accusingly at his butler.

“Forgive me, Master Loter, but this young lady is here about the notice you left earlier this week; the one requesting a model” the butler says professionally without even the slightest change on his face.

The goblin artist grumbles before looking at you, his eyes locking onto your face before traveling down your form, coming back up and locking on your eyes. “Leave us” is all Loter says to his butler, who promptly offers a slight bow before turning on his heels and walking back down the hall. “Please, come in, come in” the goblin says while motioning for you to enter. You look at the goblin hesitantly, then to the room before finally steeling yourself and crossing the threshold into the goblin’s studio.

The door closes once you step inside, you glance back and see the goblin locking the door before turning back to you and saying “Please remove your clothes; you can set the in a pile in the corner of the room” pointing to a bare desk in the opposite corner of the room. You hesitate for a moment, and the artist seems to notice this as he puts a hand on your shoulder “Do not worry; I have done this many times. You have nothing to fear from me” he reassures.

Well he seems sincere enough you think Besides I knew what I was getting into. No use backing out now! With your mind made up you give the artist a nod and a smile before heading to the corner of the room and removing your weapons, gear, armor, and finally clothing and setting them on the desk. You turn around – hands covering your ample breasts and nethers – to face the goblin, who motions for you to remove your hands. You sigh as you reluctantly remove your hands from your private places, baring your nude body to the goblin artist.

As the goblin sees you in all your naked glory his eyes widen and his jaw hits the floor, saying nothing as he continues to stare at you which makes you even more nervous. Loter takes a few steps towards you locking his eyes with yours before finally speaking “Never in my life have I seen a more exquisite and breathtaking creature. Your body is a perfect emulation of the gods; nay, you are a goddess walking among us”. You blush even more after that and take a couple quick breaths and try to compose yourself.

The artist seems lost in thought while gazing at you before he nods to himself and speaks to you “I know the perfect place to capture your image; please, follow me” he finishes while motioning you to follow. You walk behind the artist, your body producing goose bumps from the chilly air and cold floor, before he stops in front of a large wooden sofa with red cushions. “Lie down on your left side, please, and cradle your head with your left arm on the headrest” he says. You follow his instructions before he starts again “good, good, now rest your right arm across your stomach, yes very good, and now with your right leg would you please cover your womanhood, but bend your knee slightly, now face in the direction of the stand, yes very good! This is the perfect position for you” the artist says as you finish his instructions. He looks you over once before reaching out and gently pulling some strands of your hair so it drapes over your breasts. Satisfied, the goblin artist turns around and walks over to a large cabinet behind his stand, opening it and producing a canvas and palette as well as a few brushes of different shapes and sizes before moving back to the stand and prepping his work station.

In this position you have your head resting on your left arm facing a stand with a canvas on it, your hair undone and some strands flowing over your breasts, your right arm draped across your stomach, and your right leg bent at the knee and cover your nether region. You continue looking at the stand as Loter finishes prepping everything he will need before he looks to you, admiration in his eyes, before he says “Usually work like this will take hours or even days to complete, however, you have renewed my passions with your beauty and with my skills I assure you that you will have to wait no more than one hour” finishing with a very happy looking smile. You offer your own smile, albeit smaller, in understanding before he gets to work.

True to his word the goblin artist works fast and is like a whirlwind with his brushes; every stroke of his brush is quick and precise, and he only glances up at you every so often to renew the image in his head before returning to work. You only start to feel the onset of soreness from maintaining your position for so long before the goblin looks down at his canvas then back at you and proudly proclaiming “Done” before setting his palette and brushes down on a desk nearby. You sigh in relief as you rise and make your way back to your things, putting your clothes and armor back on before equipping the rest of your gear.

Just when you have your bow slung over your pack Loter beckons you over to him and his painting of you. “Behold, my greatest work” he announces as you arrive and get a good look at your portrait. You gasp as you gaze at the picture; it’s a perfect representation of you down to the minutest of details, lounging on a couch stark naked. All in all it really is a beautiful painting to behold. “Your eyes are the most beautiful I have ever seen, and I would be so bold as to say that they are your finest features. They look as if they gaze into the very soul of a person” the goblin artist finally pipes up after a time.

“What are you going to do with it? The painting, I mean?” you ask Loter.

Loter smiles widely at your inquiry before proudly announcing “I was commissioned by the museum of art in our great capital of Lumin to create something that, and I quote, ‘conveys the full meaning and understanding of beauty, grace, and godliness’. With your help I know I have achieved just that”.

WHAT?! you scream into your mind Lumin? The capital? The most populated city in the country? At the art museum that has some of the greatest works of art in the land? For everyone to see?!

Now you start to panic, and your mind reels at the thought of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people all seeing an exact portrait of you completely naked “But, I, um, really it’s not that good. I mean look at it; it’s only a person and a person hardly counts as something that can have true beauty, besides I think the color’s all wrong, look there’s a smudge there! Its, oh what do you call it, TONE! It’s tone is way off; you can’t possibly hand this over” you argue and plead to the artist.

Loter, however, will have none of it seemingly lost in admiration “Oh, don’t be silly it’s perfect. You are the definition of beauty. You are a goddess among lesser beings, and now you are forever immortalized for the whole world to see. Oh, I almost forgot; here is your payment and then some. It’s truly an honor to be in the presence of such divinity, and to capture it has no equal. Keep the pouch – it’s a small price to pay for blessing this world with such a gift” Loter says as he goes to a small cabinet and produces a pouch of coins and thrusts it into your hands.

“Now if you don’t mind I have a few finishing touches to make and preparations to go to the capital! Julian! Escort the young lady out” the artist says after he unlocks and opens the door, and within seconds the butler arrives and extends his arm outwards for you to go. “I’ll be gone at the morrow at dawn and make haste for the capital! It has been an absolute pleasure and an honor again my dear. You should visit the art museum should you ever find yourself in the capital, or me back here when I return. Oh this is going to be grand!” you hear the goblin quickly relay to you as you are escorted down the hall and out the door in a daze as you try to protest, plead, bargain, and beg the goblin not to take the portrait all to no avail.

You are quickly led past the threshold outside by Julian, the butler, before he offers a bow and shuts the door in your face. You stare in shock and horror at the door - your mind unable to process what just happened and what it means for you – for a full minute before you finally look down into your hand, still holding the coin pouch full of coins, and let out a little shrill squeak of air.

6:10 pm
Re: Rift Touched

6:18 pm

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. This can’t be real; this isn’t happening; it’s all a dream. Yeah, it’s all just a bad dream and when I pinch myself I’ll wake up and it’ll be at home and none of this will have ever happened. you reason to yourself while sitting in your seat, hands on your face, and Lula next to you with a confused look and slightly amused grin on her face.

“Ouch!” you yelp after pinching your face, before groaning once you realize you haven’t woken up yet.

I guess it’s not all bad; he did give me three-hundred fifty coins for the work, and an enchanted coin purse which – if I’m not mistaken – should hold around two-thousand coins…what am I saying?! Forget the money! Forget the pouch! This is terrible!. You groan again and place your forehead on the countertop of the bar, earning a stare from Yulag before she shrugs and continues working.

Lula on the other hand seems to find great amusement and can’t help herself from giggling before saying “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden? You look like someone killed your puppy”. You just groan in response and shake your head, which elicits another round of giggles from Lula. “Here, come on let’s go. Up. We’ll go to my room and you can tell me all about it” Lula urges while pulling at your arm with her hand and your waist with her tail. Groaning before finally relenting, you grab your things and follow Lula through the inn, up the stairs, down a long hall and through a door at the end of the hall that leads to Lula’s room.

You look up and take in the scene before you: on the right side of the room where you entered is another door which leads to a bath and chamber pot. In the center of the room is a large four poster bed with four big, fluffy pillows and sheets with a blue and brown color to them, and a canopy covering the bed. There are two nightstands on either side of the bed, and two large chests, a large dresser, and an armoire on the left side of the room. Next to the door leading to the bath is a large window with dark blue curtains that are currently closed, and to your immediate left and across from the bed is a full length mirror.

“You can put your things in the armoire” Lula says, breaking your daze. You nod as you head towards the armoire and open it, revealing many clothes, mostly dresses and a few shoes on the bottom, neatly hanging by metal wires. You find an empty spot in the armoire large enough for your things and set your pack, bow, weapons, and belt down in a neat pile. When you turn around you gasp at the sight before you. You see Lula, only naked, and standing in front of you and standing a few inches taller than you – something you never noticed considering most if your interactions with her were sitting down – and, confusing and shocking you even more, her penis is gone when you glance down, leaving only a clean shaven pussy that’s glistening with wetness!

Lula chuckles at your surprise “Surprising isn’t it? It took me a long time to grow one, and even longer to get rid of it when I don’t want it. I really like having it though; there are so many wonderful things I can do with it” Lula leans in close and whisper huskily into your ear, causing you to shudder slightly. She giggles again and winks “but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so maybe sometime later then?”

“Now” the light blue succubus whispers into your ear “let’s get those pesky clothes off and make you forget all about whatever is causing those ugly frowns on your beautiful face, hmm?” Lula then leans in close and kisses you deeply on your lips, causing you to widen your eyes in disbelief as you accept the kiss, before closing your eyes, moaning and kissing her back – your two tongues fighting for control. During this time Lula expertly undid the straps to your studded armor and slides the armor off your arms and down to the floor and untied the fabric from your hair to let your wavy brown hair flow freely, never breaking the kiss all the while.

She leans back to look into your eyes with her red ones, a lusty and wanting look in her own which sends shivers up your spine. You look back at Lula, face red from the shock and from the embarrassment, and also panting for breathe. “Wow” is all you manage to say before Lula attacks your mouth again, careful to not poke you with her horns as she works at undoing the buttons on your blouse – stopping to frown as she reaches the tear on your midsection before continuing – and slipping the article of clothing off your body similar to your armor. With practiced motions she reaches behind your back and deftly pulls your cotton white bra over your head and lets it drop on the growing pile at your feet.

“Oh yes, those look delicious” Lula says before leaning down and wrapping her mouth around your left globe and sucking eagerly. The sensation sends tingles and jolts from your breast, down to your toes, before settling on your sex and eliciting sharp gasps of pleasure. Lula releases your globe, much to your dismay, looking into your eyes with a lusty smile before attacking your other globe and sucking just as eagerly, her tongue swirling around your areola and flicking your nipple. Much the same as the first time, you gasp and moan and instinctively grab the succubae’s dark blue hair as shocks ripple from your breast and settle themselves in a warm, growing tingle within your nethers.

“So sensitive…I think I’m going to have a lot of fun with you” Lula says with a grin as she withdraws yet again from your breasts and pecking you on the lips before she lifts you up with both her arms as if you were light as a feather, causing you to yelp, before carrying you and gently placing you onto the bed. You barely manage to prop yourself on your elbows and look down before Lula starts removing your left boot, tossing it into the pile behind her, then the right which is given much the same treatment. Next to go is both your cotton white socks before the lusty woman starts tugging at your trousers – which you help her along by shimmying your way out of – then tossing them behind her, leaving you in nothing but your white cotton panties. She then steps back and lets her eyes drink in your nearly naked form.

“Mmmm, you are so beautiful and delicious looking. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like you before, Colette. I can’t wait to taste you” the succubus says with a moan while lighting fingering her sopping cunt with two of her fingers and twirling her clit in her thumb, which at this point is practically dripping juices onto the floor in anticipation. You can only stare at the beautiful light blue woman before you as your own juices start to flow, due in no small part to the treatment you breasts received earlier, and lightly covering your breasts in embarrassment. Lula lets out a small chuckle before removing her hand from her sex and sauntering towards you on the bed, which you instinctively start to crawl backwards until your head hits the headboard of the bed. With nowhere to go, Lula gets on the bed and provocatively crawls towards you, spreading your legs when she reaches them and inching closer to your panties and positioning her face directly in front of your moistening fabric before she reaches out on either side of your waist and slowly, sensually pulls them down your legs, past your knees, until finally they flow past your ankles and end up in a heap on the floor.

With your pussy now bare Lula can finally see you for all you’re worth: your pale, radiant skin, your smooth and toned legs, your sex shaven except for a light patch of brown hair that points towards your clit, your firm, toned ass, taut stomach, ample D-cup breasts, pink nipples that stand at attention surrounded by a slightly darker pink areola, full, pink lips, wavy brown hair that is currently let loose and bunched beneath you, and brilliant emerald green eyes. You try shyly cover your breasts and pussy as Lula continues to state; intoxicated by your body.

“Can you not stare so much, Lula? It’s making me a little uncomfortable” you say meekly, more than a little embarrassed and used to such attentions.

Lula looks at you quizzically before she bursts out laughing much to your confusion. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just so adorable how shy you are, and with such a magnificent body. You really don’t have much experience with this, do you?” she asks, to which you shake your head in response. “Well then, allow me to get you acquainted” she says with a smile as she crawls up alongside you, pulling you into her arms and kissing you deeply. You moan and relax in her embrace and wrap your arms around her back, pulling her closer and squishing your ample breasts to her head sized ones – the sensation sending more jolts to your loins, quickly rising your passions as you continue to tangle with her tongue.

Lula breaks the kiss and moves her mouth to your sensitive half-ear, licking, nibbling, and sucking on it which – similar to your breasts – elicits pleasured gasps and whimpers that drive you wild. The sultry succubus pulls back and looks into your eyes, “I’ve never met anyone as sensitive as you are, Colette. Why is that?” she asks.

“I…I don’t know; I’ve always b-been like this a-a-as long as I can remember” you manage to confess.

Lula looks at you and seems to ponder something for a moment before her eyes light up and she says “I want to try something, just as an experiment. I promise you’ll like it and, if I’m right, you’ll really like it, okay?” she finishes with a glint in her eyes. You nod to Lula, confused, but interested in what she has in mind.

Without skipping a beat Lula resumes nibbling and sucking on your ear, licking along the inside ridges and sucking on the lobe and tips of your ear, but at a much faster rate, whilst she tweaks your nipples with either hand, rolling and pinching each of the protruding nubs between either of her index finger and thumb. Under Lula’s extremely skilled technique your passions rise to new heights, setting your loins ablaze and leaking a copious amount of your juices onto the sheets between your legs. You reach down to rub yourself and topple over the edge when Lula suddenly stops her ministrations and grabs your hand, shaking her finger at you and causing you to whimper in frustration.

“Ah, ah, ah. Hands where I can see them. Don’t worry, I promise I’ll help you but you need to be patient, alright?” she asks with a coy smile. You let your hand drop in response looking at Lula with pleading eyes, letting her know you understand. She smiles and resumes tweaking, pinching, and pulling at your nipples while simultaneously licking, sucking, and nibbling your ear and eliciting pleasured moans, whimpers, and gasps as you writhe about under Lula’s grasp and quickly rise to your peak. After a few more moments under Lula’s care you finally topple over your edge and begin to buck and let out strained gasps as you squirt all over the sheets beneath you and glance straight ahead into the mirror across from the bed, seeing yourself writhe in ecstasy which sets of another ripple of pleasure. Lula prolongs the orgasm as she continues to nibble your ear and tweak your nipples with ever slowing movements, bringing you down from your heights gently.

That’s… huh, the second time that –uhn, that’s happened. What’s wrong with me? you wonder as you pant for breathe, suffering little aftershocks of pleasure.

“That was incredible! I’m really jealous, you know; being able to orgasm from having your breasts and ears played with is really something. It opens so many doors for more pleasure” Lula says with glee on her face and planting light kisses on your cheek, neck, and lips as you recover while her spaded tail wraps tenderly around your left leg.

“If you say so; it’s really weird to me” you admit.

“I know so; being able to receive more pleasure is a good thing, and you have so many more possibilities because of it” Lula says confidently, looking you in the eye and daring you to argue.

You hold her gaze for a moment before sighing and smiling back at her. “Alright, alright, so it’s not a curse” you say to her before letting your gaze roam her curvy form, over her voluptuous breasts, down her firm stomach, and landing on her dripping cunt. You lick your lips a little and wonder what it would taste like before you look back at Lula, who seems to have noticed you roaming and is grinning from ear to ear.

“See something you like, hmm?” she asks coyly.

“Uhm, uh, I…maybe? I don’t really know how or what to do…” you manage to stammer out in response, casting your gaze downwards.

Lula giggles and with her left hand raises your chin to her face and planting a kiss on your lips before saying “don’t worry about that; I’ll show you what to do” and with that she drapes one leg over your stomach and straddles you, bringing her breasts to your face. “Start with these” she says “rub the nipple between your fingers, pull on them lightly – not too hard though – then put them in your mouth, circle the little nubs with your tongue and flick them, don’t forget to suck”.

You do as she says and, with both hands, you grab her large breasts and use your index finger to rub her nipples before placing them between your index finger and thumb, pinching, rolling, and pulling lightly as she instructed. Lula moans appreciatively for your efforts, spurring you on until you engulf her left breast in your mouth, sucking and circling her nipple before flicking it between your tongue. You release her breast with a pop before moving onto the other, drawing more moans from the busty blue skinned woman.

“There’s a good girl. See, you’re getting better already. A bit rough around the edges but eager enough” Lula coos at you, holding your head close to her breast and lightly stroking your thick, wavy hair. She pushes you away and looks into your green eyes with her red ones and says with a smile “I think it’s time for the main course, don’t you think?” and rises, pulling you a little further from the headboard, and repositions herself so that her wet tunnel is directly over your face. “Now, just in case you never pleasured yourself I’m going to instruct you how to please a woman so pay attention” Lula says with authority before lowering herself over your mouth, looking into your eyes all the while. You offer a tentative lick along the succubae’s moist hole and, much to your surprise, you find the bittersweet taste to be rather pleasant, spurring you on. You lick alongside her labia, occasionally growing bolder and sucking both the puffy lips into your mouth and coaxing more juices out which you drink up, and sometimes you stick your tongue inside her slit and wriggle it about.

“Oh, th-thAHts not b-ugh-bad. You c-could use som-AH-some work, though. Don’t forget the cli-AGH, oh yes!” the succubus says and screams as you flick her hood up and devour her large, blue clit. You alternate between sucking on her clit, her lips, licking along the slit, and sticking your tongue inside all to great effect as Lula grabs both your ears and massages them while she starts grinding your face. Lula’s attention to your ears sends jolts of pleasure that start building up in your loins, but still you focus on pleasuring the woman on top of you with enthusiastic tenacity until you feel her squeeze her thighs, grab your head and press it tightly to her cunt as she screams her release and cums a geyser onto your face and into your still working mouth. You continue to lick, slurp, and drink her down for a few moments until the flood becomes a small trickle.

“That wasn’t too bad. You definitely don’t have much experience, but we can work on that. Still, not bad for a first time pleasing another woman” she says with a little chuckle while looking into your cum soaked face.

You offer a shy smile in return and say “thanks, I guess. It wasn’t that bad for me either, it was actually kind of fu- Lula, what are you doing” you ask as you watch Lula sit up and turn three-hundred sixty degrees, planting her pussy back into your face while she faces your own.

“This position will allow us to please each other at the same time” Lula says looking back at you over here shoulder “and I want to get a good taste of you as well. I hope you can handle the technique of a succubus and priestess of Lequis”. At that she dives her head into your waiting snatch, licking, slurping, and sucking all along your most sensitive points drawing breathless gasps of pleasure as you buck your hips. You take a moment to recover from the initial shock before looking up into the dripping pussy of your succubus lover before diving in yourself. You use all the techniques you used before, but Lula uses them so much more than you that you just can’t keep up and instead you buck, writhe, whimper, and gasp beneath her as you quickly approach the point of no return. Your eyes go wide as you feel Lula’s tongue probe deeper than you thought possible and lick along the top of your wall. You finally tumble over in a howling scream as her tongue finds that sweet spot inside you, causing you to squirt into Lula’s mouth.

“MMMMHHHMMMPPHHH?!” you hear Lula moan in surprise before you feel her sucking furiously on your pussy; both your puffy lips are in her mouth as she vacuums out all your juices into her greedy mouth. On a whim, and barely able to concentrate, you enter your Aura Sight and focus on Lula. What you see is incredible; you see Lula’s thrumming, pulsing aqua indicating her strength and resistance to water magic, and the dark grey cracks and fissures that line her form, indicative of a weakness to void magic. However, what you did not expect is that as Lula gathers your magical energy her form seems to explode with energy; the pulsing from her body seems to light up as bright as the sun, as do the fissures and, for the briefest of moments, you catch a glimpse of very tiny threads, almost like webs, that glow faintly and seem to be carrying something throughout her body. These threads seem to litter her entire body, but before you can examine them closer you’re pulled from your thoughts as another powerful orgasm hits you, followed by another. You scream and buck, your eyes rolled back into your head, until finally Lula’s mouth stops working on you, allowing you to catch your breath.

What was that? you wonder, before Lula plops herself beside you and stares at you wide eyed.

“You are just full of surprises, aren’t you? First the sensitivity and now this!” Lula says while pointing towards her face, covered in your juices. You blush as you see the evidence of your passion across her face before she giggles and leans in and kisses you deeply, with you tasting your juices on Lula’s tongue.

“Colette, you’re something very special. I’ve never felt this good after a feeding. In fact, I feel super charged. What are you” she says as she narrows her eyes at you, which you stare back at.

“Oh well, it doesn’t matter right now. Tell me, what were you so upset about earlier?” Lula shrugs and dismisses her previous question in light of a new one.

You groan as you remember what the artist, Loter, intends to do with the painting of you. You relay all that transpired at the goblin’s home, and especially about his intention to give the painting to the art museum in Lumin and having it put on display for all to see. Lula listens attentively, cuddled up beside you with one hand over your breasts and her tail wrapped around a leg. Once you finish she looks you right in the eyes…and laughs.

You look at Lula, confused and hurt that she would laugh at your plight. “You’re worried about people seeing you naked and admiring your body? Colette, I think you have it all backwards, honey. That’s something most people will die for, and it fell into your lap! I will say though this Loter is spot on; you really are a goddess walking among us” Lula finish as she lets her eyes roam over you.

“But, everyone will see me…buck naked! What will everyone back home think? I can’t just let that happen! I mean…why are you so unconcerned?” you say as you notice Lula watching you fume with a cat grin on her face.

“Because I think it’s silly that you're making such a big deal out of this. Besides, what’s done is done. It’s not like you could steal the painting back anyways, so it’s best just to drop it” Lula responds.

Steal it, huh? Not a bad idea…

Suddenly a new thought pops into your head. “Hey, Lula, this is out of the blue but earlier today when I was exploring the city I found myself in a place called “Exotic Sway” and I watched the rather…unique dances that go on there. I was wondering if you knew any dances of your own?” you ask.

Lula cocks an eyebrow at your question before putting a finger to her lips in thought. After a few moments she snaps her fingers and says “I know just the thing. It’s not strip dancing or pole dancing, but it’s something I picked up from a traveler from the deserts of Ornsimun. It’s called belly dancing and is a very sensual form of dance. Let me show you”. Lula jumps off the bed with uncommon energy and breaks into the dance. You watch as Lula rolls her tummy, shakes and sways her hips, shimmies, and sway her arms for a few minutes in a very sensual way that is getting you a little hot and bothered. After a few minutes she stops and you clap at the performance, drawing a chuckle from Lula.

Well that’s not so hard to do, even if it is provocative.

“So, shall we go to bed?” Lula asks as she climbs back onto the bed next to you.

8:42 pm


A. What to do about your painting.
A1. Steal that thing! The world doesn’t need to see you nude!
A2. Let it go; you got paid better than expected and Loter seems happy with it. The world seeing you naked can’t be that bad, right?

B. Go to bed until morning (Skips to 7:00 am)

C. Go to bed, but have Lula teach you more about sex before you got to sleep (Skips to 7:00 am).
C1. Vaginal sex (with penis, hymen tears)
C2. Vaginal sex (without penis, hymen inteact)
C3. Anal sex (with penis, if you have another way without the penis or toys then let me know!)
C4. Oral sex (with penis)
C5. Oral sex (without penis)
C6. Have specialized sex (hand jobs, tit jobs, bondage, etc. if you have any kinks then let me know)

D. You’re not tired enough, so head to the merchant’s district.
D1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
D2. Head to the blacksmith
D3. Visit the tailor
D4. Make a stop at the stylist’s

E. Revisit the temple district and go to a temple.
E1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
E2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
E3. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)
E4. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
E5. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)

F. Get out into the noble’s district.
F1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
F2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
F3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
F4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
F5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven

G. Head back out to the red light district
G1. Explore the red light district and what it has to offer
G2. Visit the bordello and figure out what it is
G3. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
G4. Find and visit the shop that sells items of a “particular nature” Charles spoke of

H. Head off to the slums
H1. Explore the slums a bit
H2. Go to the general shop that also deals in “roguish” merchandise
H3. Visit the inn the slums has

I. Wander and explore the city at random

J. Take the job as a waitress for the slums inn.

K. Take the job to clear out the pests!

L. Clear out the feral goblins outside the city.

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Feel free to choose multiple, again, and if you choose to go to bed right away then feel free to choose where to go and what to do in the morning!
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (501 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Water canteen - empty
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x2)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Emerald Lined Silver Bracelet
-Black Leather Jerkin. Midsection has noticeable tear.
-Brown Leather Trousers. Light blood smear on surface (faded).

Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Light Bomb x1. Full
Satchel #3: Lock pick x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.




-None at the moment (currently stowed away)


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR)


-Wavy brown hair that goes just passed breasts. In a mess.
-Covered in sweat
-Female juices on face


Health: Fine
MR: 60/60


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Sex Perks/Passives
Some sexual experience: You’ve had sex a few times. Not enough to be great or totally unembarrassed when it comes to sex, but you’re becoming more comfortable with your sexuality.

Hymen Intact: You still have your hymen intact.

Anal: You’ve had anal sex before and that’s about it.

Oral: You’ve had oral sex a few times and, while not the best, you’re getting better at it.

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

So, uh, yeah I added a new sheet dedicated to dance. We, uh, got some new sex skills! Sigh okay, yes, it's long. Not gonna lie I might have gone a little overboard on this one. So, I'm just gonna go sit in my corner now...
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Re: Rift Touched

A2 just to start off.
I'd might go with C1 but maybe that should wait till tomorrow.

As far as the going overboard thing it might help to edit or condense things some. for example we don't really need separate notes for boob, and ear-gasm or those could be list ed under magical sensitivity. Just suggestions.
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Re: Rift Touched

Well that was better then I expected. Also Update length is hardly a bother to me I read reports on a regular basis that think line breaks and skip lines are Unholy Daemons that want their soul.

350 Gold? Too bad we didn't thing to SEE all those locks he had...
Sentivities are being discovered and we are slowly braking her in.

Well... NOW What I want to discover are those Threads and by the looks of it the boost Boosted her Weaknesses.

As for painting I see no reason TO steal it barring to see if we can. We can likely fence it in the Slums.

And I will Push for.
E1 and E3 Blessings Knowledge and Sex/Waff God Blessings. Can't ever go wrong with Knowledge.

And yes Exhibitionism too. Our body is our second greatest Weapon flashing our Breasts or flinging off our panties can cause AT least Mook Level Enemies to stall up a bit or focus a bit less then usual.
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Re: Rift Touched

A2, C1.

For the painting, Lula's right, it's not that big a deal at all, imo. It's just a painting, it was done tastefully, and even if people are going to see it that doesn't meant they automatically know it's us...and even if someone does, we can always deny, deny, deny.

As for my vote concerning how we spend the night with Lula, after what has transpired with her, how gentle, understanding and passionate she was, and how appreciative she was of us, it feels more natural to be willing/want to go all the way with Lula now, as I have little doubt that she'll be as loving giving us our 'first time' as she was before. Besides, Lula's exotic dance did get us a little worked up again, as well.

Also, NONSENSE! That was an absolutely wonderful update! :D
Re: Rift Touched

C4 with Penis
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Re: Rift Touched

Why does everyone suddenly want to lose virginity?

I was hoping to keep the damn thing foreverz.
Re: Rift Touched

Because you pushed hard to get people to vote for smut the last voting round.
Re: Rift Touched

Keeping virginity? In an Ero-CYOA? :p
Re: Rift Touched

Because you pushed hard to get people to vote for smut the last voting round.

Well yea but I didn't push anyone! Heck most of you guys completely ingored my list.

And didn't we agree to save it for as long as possible?

Ala Valkryie style?