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Re: Rift Touched

The results are in and it seems you all voted for
D2 to heal and A2 to sneak up and strike him with the short sword. I also sped things up a bit. I don’t think you would have wanted to have another post or two dealing with looting, resting, healing, etc. If I’m wrong then let me know and I won’t do this again. This is the main reason why this post is so gosh darned long, so sorry about that.

PSA: Long post. Read spoiler above for more info. That is all.

Edit: So remember when I said I wouldn’t have super long posts like earlier? Turns out I may have lied. So…yeah that happened. Super long fun posts guys! (please don't kill me:( )

Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharge! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

2:02 pm

He doesn’t know where I’m at, he’s weakened, and he’s hurt. It looks like the ball is in my court now. Time to end this before he can hurt anyone else! Before I do that, though, I should heal my wound.

With your mind made up you focus your mind on the gold crystal and call upon the healing energies within. A dim gold light permeates your body and you can feel your cut closing and healing; you rub the area where your cut should be and notice it’s completely gone. Out of caution you check to see if the goblin noticed and, thankfully, it seems he’s still too preoccupied with his anger to notice. Renewed, you grip your short sword, hunker down, and slip from your hiding spot and make your way towards what you hope to be your final encounter with the goblin chieftain. Still flailing about and screaming his head off the chieftain doesn’t notice your silent approach in the slightest. You come within approximately fifteen feet of him and stop – despite being weakened and oblivious to you, he is still dangerous approach if for no other reason than his axe flailing about; you don’t want to get close to land a killing blow only to be struck by his axe in his current stupor. You sit and wait, practically prone at this point so as to avoid detection and slowly crawl forward a few more feet, but still out of sight, to get into the best position possible to end the fight while the chieftain begins to pace back and forth now, axe in hand and striking at the air occasionally.

If only he would stop swinging that blasted axe everywhere for only a few seconds! you think in frustration.

As if to mimic your thoughts the goblin chieftain slams the axe into the ground again, huffing and panting for breathe. “Argh! Why, why, why, why?! Why does everythingz goes wrongsezz today?! I Needz something to killz!” the chieftain bellows while still panting for breath. The opportunity you’ve been waiting for presented to you, you don’t give the angry goblin a chance for another round of angry ranting before you pull yourself up back into a crouch and move around adjacent to him. You’re now within a few feet of him and, not wanting to deal with that axe of his any longer, you grip your short sword with both hands, raise yourself a little higher and just outside his peripheral vision, and rush the bastard and bring your sword down on the hand holding the axe, severing it cleanly from the wrist.

The “fight” with the feral goblin berserker
The axe, with the hand still attached to the shaft, falls to the ground with an audible clank while the goblin – blood spurting from the stump where his hand used to be – screams in pain before he notices you. In a bid to defend himself he throws a punch at you with his good hand which you easily side-step away from while he screams “My hand! Youz cut off my hand!” while still clumsily throwing punches with his good hand. You put one foot behind you and bring your sword down again, this time in a diagonal arc, along the side of his stomach causing a deep laceration that oozes blood and creates a very large tear along his worn vest. The goblin, seeming to realize that he won’t survive his wounds, makes a last ditch effort to kill you and lunges at you with a guttural shriek.
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGHHHH! YOU! DIE! KILLZ! NOW!” He rages, losing any semblance of coherent speech.

You let out your own roar of anger as you grip your short sword one more time with both hands and drive the tip of your blade through the tear in his chest that you created earlier. This doesn’t seem to stop the goblin, however, as he continues to drive himself down your sword to the hilt, grabbing it and holding it in place while snapping his teeth trying to lunge for your throat. The sword protruding from the goblin’s back, his hand on the hilt of your sword in a death grip above your own, him still snapping his teeth trying to inch himself closer to you, and your heart fiercely thumping in your ears and chest all come to a head in an adrenaline rush as you gather up your strength and knee the goblin as hard as you can right in the family jewels. The action seems to take the goblin by surprise and causing him to loosen his grip on your sword as he grunts in pain and tries to kneel over, but can’t because of the sword still in his chest. Not wasting a moment you roar once again and pull your sword from his chest before kicking him in the knee of his badly burnt leg, causing him to buckle and kneel down.

The goblin looks up at you with hate filled eyes one last time before you scream out “Just die already!” before bringing your sword down directly on the top of his skull. The blade sinks down just above his nose with a sickening pop and slurp as your sword carves through bone and flesh. The chieftain slumps forward slightly and hangs on the sword, dead, until you finally pull the blade from his skull with another grizzly schlip before his body falls forward in the tall grass, blood seeping from the gap in his skull.

Huff, finally…dead. Gods, remind me to never tangle with a berserker ever again. Huff Ha…haha…at least you won’t be running around killing anymore horses”. You continue to chuckle and catch your breath while bent over, hands on your knees. A few more moments pass with you catching your breath before you straighten out and look down at your handiwork. “Alright, let’s see what you have on you” you say to yourself, before kneeling next to the still corpse of the former feral chieftain. You take a moment to rub some of the blood on your sword off on the still attached pant leg of the chieftain before rummaging through the pockets.

You rummage the first pocket then the second, which produces a small key which you remember the chieftain pocketing earlier after opening and closing his footlocker. You take the key and continue to search the body. Finding nothing further of value you stand up, kick the goblin in the side out of spite, and make your way through the brush back towards the entrance of the cave.

Wait, wasn’t there two of them? Where’s the other one at? you think as you reach the mouth of the cave, looking around a bit to making sure you don’t get surprised by an ambush after your recent victory. Not taking any chances you quietly move into the cave and reach the bend before poking your head around the corner. You look around a bit before your eyes land on the badly burnt feral chef lying on his stomach. You step out and carefully make your way towards him and, upon reaching his head; you give it a quick kick. With no apparent reaction you kneel down and examine his form for signs of life. Finding none, you roll the dead chef onto his back to determine a cause of death.

“Are you kidding me?” you dryly speak down to the lifeless husk. “You fell on your knives! Who does that?” Well, he could hardly stand and he probably wouldn’t have lived long anyways with these burn wounds, so apparently near-dead, well done feral goblins do! you think upon noticing the puss leaking from the severe burns that cover the body from knees to chest. With nothing of value on the chef you go about examining the cave before finally reaching the footlocker. With nothing to lose you brandish the key you looted earlier, put it into the keyhole of the chest, and open it.

Now, time to gather my reward. Alright we have a pair of iron shackles. Useless. A copper amulet with what looks to be a garnet in the center. I’ll take that. You pull off your pack and place the amulet inside before continuing your search. Satisfied you’ve found everything of value you put your pack back on and continue out the cave and back towards the road.

Not a great haul, but better than nothing I suppose. Made off with a garnet encrusted copper amulet, 48 gold pieces, a silver ring which seems to have a minor enchantment, and a lock pick of all things! But more than that it was worth it to keep my home safe, you think and smile as you walk through the tall grass.

You finally reach the road again next to Horace and Kielra’s wagon and continue on your way down the road after gathering your bearings.

2:39 pm
Re: Rift Touched

6:48 pm

A few hours, a few pit stops, and half your food and water later you find yourself still walking along the road. You stop a moment to sit down on the side of the road to give your aching feet a break from walking and to pull at your jerkin and pants, sweat causing them to cling to your skin. As the minutes pass you stand back up and take in your surroundings and notice the difference in the landscape from a few hours before. For one there are many more large stones and outcroppings, as well as small natural rock shelters which litter the scenery. You also observe the decreasing amount of trees and grass and the increase in gravel and dried, cracked dirt. You take a final look, this time towards the sky, and groan as you see big, dark clouds looming overheard.

“Looks like it’s going to be a downpour soon. Well might as well keep moving and keep an eye out for a spot to setup camp if worst comes to worst” you sigh and trudge onwards, reaching the edge of a hill on the road which leads down. You reach the bottom of the hill to the part where the road plateaus and look up and see a curious sight. A good three hundred feet down the road you see two figures; one that closely resembles a tentacle beast, and the other which looks to be, though you aren’t quite sure, a rather large grey skinned orc. You continue walking while keeping a close eye on the two figures. A few minutes pass until you are roughly twenty feet away from the duo, allowing you a better look at the two.

You were indeed correct in your first guess; the first figure you see is a giant grey skinned orc standing a full foot taller than you, wearing a gi - white and brown sleeveless top and pants - with a black sash tied around his waist. You also can’t help but notice that he’s bare foot, has a scowl on his face, and that the muscles on his biceps are thicker than your waist, as well as three large sacks slung across his back. You look towards his companion and do a double take just to make sure you’re not seeing things.

The creature you see is a tentacle beast, or more specifically a tentacle lord as the giant eye in the center of his large, circular form indicates. The tentacle lord is about as tall as you, is purple, and has twenty-five tentacles of varying lengths attached to the main body, of which only the tentacles closest to the ground are moving as they shift the lord forward along the ground. However, the most prominent, and interesting, feature that you notice of the tentacle lord is the large monocle in front of the eye, held in place by a still tentacle on its head. You take this opportunity to reach out with your magical sight and make a note that the orc is strong in fire magic and weak in ice, whereas the tentacle lord is strong in light magic and weak to black death magic.

Well, I guess I did say I wanted interesting…

When you reach about five feet away from the two you stop and stare, looking over the orc and raising an eyebrow at the odd tentacle lord. The orc merely looks down at you and stares, his face not betraying any thoughts or emotion save his scowl, while the tentacle lord starts from the bottom and works his way up your figure, lingering momentarily on the tear on your jerkin. Upon reaching your face, however, he seems to pause before using a tentacle to adjust his monocle, seemingly to get a better look at your face. His eye goes slightly wider as he looks at your face which makes you shift uncomfortably. You’re about to speak up, but the tentacle lord beats you to the punch.

“Hello, dear, how do you do!” he says in jovial and unusual accent which seems to come directly from your own mind. “Please, don’t be shy dear I don’t bite. My name is Sir Charles von Tentacularian III, or just Charles for short” he said the last while raising up on his bottom tentacles and flourishes with a tentacle at his side, imitating a bow. “My rather large and grumpy companion here is called Grimnor bul-Grulag, or Grim for short considering his general disposition most of the time, and is accompanying me on my journey as a helper which he does a very exceptional job at. I myself am a traveling merchant who has had some success wandering the lands acquiring and selling valuable merchandise to travelers and adventurers such as yourself, my fair lady. Having just left the spectacular city of Kilnhaven naught but a mere six hours ago I seek to expand my enterprises! Why, I even have a few shops to my name scattered about and was looking to trade my wares in Veilwood. But alas I seem to rambling my dear, so enough about me; grace me with your name and do tell what a stunning and remarkable woman such as yourself is doing traveling along the roads of our splendid nation!”

“C-Colette” you stammer out, unsettled at the odd sensation of having a voice in your head, before clearing your throat and repeating “My name is Colette Neilanwittr and I actually live in Veilwood. I left home to explore the world and seek my fortune, whatever that may be, with my first stop being Kilnhaven to stock up on supplies. It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Charles von Tentacularian III, and a pleasure to meet you as well Grimnor bul-Grulag” you say with a slight bow to Sir Charles and Grimnor, who cracks a small smile and nods.

“Gorgeous and perfectly well mannered! Please dear Colette, for one so polite and breathtaking simply Charles will do. Now I can’t help but notice you look as if you’ve been in a bit of a tussle, not to mention you look positively exhausted!” Charles observes.

“Feral goblins” you reply with a nod, “I made my way out of town and some friends I know were heading back into town and informed me they were attacked by feral goblins, dealing with most of them, but not without losing their horse first. The feral goblins were too close to home and I didn’t want anyone else I knew to get hurt or killed because of them so I offered to find and clear out the last of them. I was able to clear them out, but not before their leader, a berserker, got a blow in” you finish while holding your hand above the tear in your jerkin for emphasis.

Charles turns to look at Grimnor, who grunts and nods before moving off the road and setting down the three large sacks. From one of the sacks he produces what looks to be a red and gold dollhouse tent and sets it a ways away from the road in spot clear of rocks, trees, and brush. Afterwards, Grim steps back as Charles moves towards the tent while holding a few of his tentacles in front of him which begin to glow with magical power. After a few more moments white lights shoot from the tips of his tentacles and strike the dollhouse tent and, before your very eyes, the tent grows! Once it reaches full size – about the size of a carnival tent – he moves towards the entrance and motions for you to follow before going inside.

You follow his command and step inside and are amazed to find that the inside of the tent is huge! In the back you see three large flaps that cover what can only be small rooms, to the right you see a small entrance which leads to a bathing area, and in the center of the room you see Sir Charles standing in the center of a square counter with a narrow pathway in the back leading inside. As you continue to gawk at what you see, Grimnor comes in behind you carrying the other two sacks and places them on the counter before opening them and arranging various wares along the counter of the merchant’s table. Once done, Sir Charles breaks your reverie “Enchantment can be quite handy, my dear Colette, but let’s get down to business shall we? Your tale of selfless heroism and success against the vile feral goblins has inspired me! I now offer you my fine wares at a discounted price, and if you purchase one-hundred twenty gold worth of goods then I offer you free lodging for the night, a fine dinner and morning breakfast, and full use of the bathing facilities! So please, take your time and look” he lightly flourishes two tentacles in front of him over his wares at the last statement.

Weapons and Ammunition
- One-handed repeating crossbow (holds 5 bolts to a clip, can be put on belt): 146 gold
- Crossbow Bolt Quiver w/30 Steel Bolts (holds 30 bolts): 25 gold
- Fiery Elven Shortbow(enchants arrows to deal fire damage): 321 gold
- Arrow Quiver w/30 Steel Arrows (holds 30 arrows): 20 gold
- Steel Rapier: 67 gold (3-feet 6 inch blade)
- Extra Sharp Steel Short sword (enchanted for extra cutting power): 154 gold (2-foot blade)
- Steel Dagger: 32 gold (8-inch blade)
- Icy Bladed Steel Knuckles (enchanted for ice damage): 103 gold

Armors and Clothing
- Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor (covers arms, enchanted to resist fire): 187 gold
- Black Reinforced Leather Trousers (reinforced shins, knees, femurs): 88 gold
- Grey Leather armor gloves: 27 gold
- Cotton Blue Shirt: 7 gold
- Cotton Pants: 5 gold

Miscellaneous Items
- Small Satchel x3 (fits on belt, can store small items such as bombs, potions, knives, etc): 16 gold each
- Utility Belt (Replaces belt. Has 4 small satchels. Room for 2 more satchels or crossbow quivers): 60 gold
- Blue Magic Crystal: Ice (1/4:Ice Shield) (Charges 3/3): 98 gold
- Light Bomb (blinds and deafens): 44 gold
- Rations x2 (May not taste good, but fills you up! Enchanted to last!): 12 gold each
- Map of Eborthia: 4 gold

- Mild healing Potion x5: 24 gold each
- Potion of Night vision (allows night vision for 5 minutes ): 50 gold
- Potion of Speed (allows faster movement and attacks for 5 minutes): 112 gold
You peruse his wares and mull over the merits of purchasing any of the items when a cough invades your thoughts, followed by Charles speaking into your mind “My dear, I would also like to make another offer for you. This is rather embarrassing to admit but as you may very well know we tentacles are very magical beings and thus need magic to survive, and it just so happens that it has been quite some time since I’ve had my last fill of magical energies. If you were willing, and by all means feel free to refuse, to allow me to gather some from you then, on top of our current deal, I would give you one free item of your choosing”.

Gather my energy? What does he mean by gather my- you pause your thought process as you realize what he means, your face going a very dark shade of red. As if sensing your thoughts – and if your face is any judge of your thoughts – Charles quickly elaborates “Blood, my dear. I would only require some blood from you, and I would heal any wound inflicted on your fair skin afterwards; it would destroy me to see such a beauty as you marred by my selfishness after all. Although, if you do want to use the other method I assure you I will be the absolute picture of a true gentleman” he finishes while adjusting the monocle on his eye and offering another tentacle-y bow.

You slowly nod your head, your face still red as a beet, as you deliberate your options. A loud thunderous crash resounds throughout the air, interrupting your thoughts for a moment, followed by the telltale signs of a heavy downpour crashing against the roof of the tent.

Great, rain. Oh, what am I going to do?

7:17 pm


A. Make a purchase! (Specify what you want. You can buy as much as you want within your budget, so collaborate people!) Budget: 798 gold

B. Pay for a room for the night. Costs 75 gold (void if 120 gold of product purchased)

C. Leave and continue onwards
C1. Leave after making a purchase and continue towards Kilnhaven.
C2. Leave without making a purchase and continue towards Kilnhaven.

D. Accept Charles’ offer. (choose one item if any D is chosen)
D1. Give Charles some blood for energy. (damage done will be fully healed)
D2. Have sex with Charles to give energy. (Vaginal sex, will result in loss of virginity)
D3. Have other form of sex with Charles to give energy (anal, masturbation, other stimulation, etc. won’t result in hymen tearing)
D4. Go all out with Charles (the whole nine yards: full tentacle action)
D5. Any of the above, but invite Grimnor

E. Use your charm on Charles
E1. Use you charm to further lower the prices.
E2. Try to charm Charles into giving you an item for free without accepting the offer.

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (Holds 1000)
-798 gold
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing (1/4:Minor Healing) (Charges: 2/3) (19 hours remain for 1 recharge)
-Minor health potion x3
-Water canteen - half
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Dried Fruit (half eaten)
-Dried Meat (half eaten)
-Small Mirror
-Garnet Encrusted Copper Amulet
-Lock Pick x1
-Silver Ring (Enchanted. Unidentified.)


-Black Leather Jerkin. Midsection has noticeable tear.
-Knee High Brown leather Boots
-Brown Leather Trousers. Light blood smear on surface.
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra
-White Blouse. Midsection has slight tear. Small bloodstain on midsection.
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.


-Iron Dagger w/4 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot
-Iron Shortsword w/2 foot blade. In hand. Some blood along edge.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh.


-Wavy brown hair that goes just past breasts. Tied in a ponytail.
-Currently sweaty. Clothes and armor sticking to skin.
-Wearing leather armor. Slight strain on bosom which enhances assets.
-Black Leather Jerkin has a noticeable tear on its midsection.
-White blouse has a slight tear on midsection. Slight skin exposure. Small bloodstain.
- Brown Leather Trousers has light blood smear.


Health: Fine
MR: 50/50
Feet sore.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and are also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minior health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock out.

Virgin: You are currently a virgin. You're hymen is intact and you have no sexual experience.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpick: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

For many thousands of years the orcs never had a home to call their own, and in many ways they still don’t. For many generations the green and grey skinned orcs were only a few steps up from the feral goblins: living in large nomadic tribes and raiding towns, villages, and travelers with ferocity. It wasn’t until two-thousand years ago that the rocky plains north of Wehndarwil became the recognized nation of the orcs, but only due to the combined might of the loose affiliation of orcish tribes that banded together to claim that land as their own, which they call Grazbulork. The orcish people are known for their large, muscular forms, their green and grey skin, their nasty tempers, their pointed ears, and being able to pound anything that crosses them into dust.

Tentacle Beasts
Tentacle Beasts are unique creatures in the land of Zelios. For many generations they were feared and often they hid themselves away because nature. The tentacle beast is a magical monster, and thus relies on the magical energies that other creatures have to offer. In the past, before Bladestorm ruled Eborthia, tentacle beasts would create elaborate and well hidden lairs beneath the ground and kidnap men and women to feed off of their magical energies, usually via rape. They would use their victims as incubators for their spawn which, once hatched, would be thralls to the original tentacle beast to do their bidding, thus continuing the cycle of kidnaps and rape. A tentacle beast thrall could only gain autonomy if the original tentacle perished – highly unlikely considering they live for many thousands of years – or they were given autonomy by the original. After Bladestorm took power and eliminated much of the stigma on many of the magical and monster races of the world, more and more tentacle beasts have emerged to join in the new and unique society, and finding willing participants to feed their need for magical energy. There are, however, those that chose to remain in hiding and cling to their old ways.

Tentacle beasts have many stages of life and come in many colors: First is the single, long phallic shaped tentacle. As the tentacle grows in power they start to gain a more round shape with many writhing masses of tentacles. The final stage of their evolution is colloquially known as the tentacle lord. Tentacle lords are identified by their circular core, many writhing tentacles, and a giant eye which is unique only to a tentacle lord. Tentacle lords are either very old or very powerful tentacle beasts, usually both. For the average fighter attacking a tentacle lord would be tantamount to suicide as they command some of the greatest magics known in the world.

Edit: So I forgot to add a price to the Blue Magic Crystal like a dumb-dumb. Price now listed. Sorry guys!
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Re: Rift Touched

A, D1 and -possibly- D3. Due to spending a lot I assume we get B for free.
D1 because it's a free item, he'll fix any wounds caused so there's no loss there.
D3 because benevolent tentacle saints are completely and utterly legit, and we should help out an endangered species like that whenever we stumble upon one.

To purchase:
Steel Dagger, straight upgrade to our current one.(-32g)
Utility Belt, somehow I think having extra room to store small items could come in handy.(-60g)
Rations x2, never hurts to have some spare food. (-24g)
Gloves, we don't have any, they're pretty cheap. (-27g)
Right now we'd lose 143 gold, that's not terribly bad.

Also purchase, but only if others agree:
Bow&Quiver(Not only enchanted, arrows are pretty silent and more reliable than knives at long range): 341g. Something I think we should really grab.
Steel Rapier/Shortsword. It's a straight upgrade compared to what we have. The rapier is cheaper, but clumsier to use during stealthy moves. The shortsword is easier to use, but costs nearly triple the rapier's cost.
Personally voting for the shortsword, but we'll see.
Two healing potions, just in case. -48g.
An assortment of armor pieces, Depending on wether he(it?) wants to buy the jewelry for a decent price. If not, or the jewelry isn't worth much, don't buy armor.

I'm not sure how much the tentacle saint-lord would offer in exchange for D1 and/or D3, so I'll leave that open, assuming the highest valued item he's willing to exchange for said services would be picked.

To examine and potentially sell:
The copper amulet(It's unenchanted thus just vendor "trash")
The unidentified ring(Ask him if he could identify what it does, potentially sell it afterwards if said enchantment is detrimental/useless to our skills.)

Note: If he's willing to buy/identify said items, make a mini-vote or something to let us choose to sell them/keep them for the price he offers.

I think that's it in terms of my shopping list.

As for such "longer" posts. I've got no issues with them, it was pretty clear the goblin would lose(Disregarding the roll system, since we just need to take your word for the outcome.), so if a battle is onesided it really won't hurt to speed things up and plant us somewhere else.
Re: Rift Touched

D1 for Elven shortbow (or the repeating crossbow)
Or if people vote sex - D3 (either anal or oral, or both with hand jobs if we want our character to be a refined slut)

E. Let's try to negotiate those prices down (if people have gone for jew girl chastity(d3) use that as a bargaining tool)

A. The map
The rations
Light bomb
The utility belt
The reinforced leather trousers (being a rogue our legs are our life)
The quiver and arrows
The extra sharp steel short sword
And maybe the leather jacket
So that's about 550 gold, or 370 without the jacket.

B. Take him up on his offer to stay here for the night.
Re: Rift Touched

2nding Rose's votes.
Re: Rift Touched

My only worry is that after you give him some blood, he will notice the high magic content and will try to enslave her like in the lore.

Why not lower prices are always better. Trying to get it for free might be pushing it.

Utility Belt, Map, Ration, Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor, Grey Leather armor gloves, Crossbow and bolts, Steel short sword.

Sell the copper trinket, your current sword, your jerkin, your belt
Identify the silver ring
Re: Rift Touched

2nding Mr. Me Vote with Rose Addeum of Identifying the Ring. And Rose Purchase of Dagger.

With D3 (Anal) as choice of accepting the offer. For the Bow.

As for the longer post? I don't mind either seeing as we had quiet vocally said that we would loot the Goblin and the place. It was okay to scoot us along.
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

A and either D2,3 or 4 probably 3 since it seems to be most popular.
Agreed with rose on the amulet and ring.

-Extra Sharp Steel Short sword : 154 gold
-Steel Dagger: 32 gold (8-inch blade)
-Fiery Elven Shortbow: 321 gold would be free with sex.
-Arrow Quiver w/30 Steel Arrows (holds 30 arrows): 20 gold

-Utility Belt 60 gold
-Blue Magic Crystal: Whats the price on this.
-Light Bomb (blinds and deafens): 44 gold
-Rations x2 12 gold
-Map of Eborthia: 4 gold
-Mild healing Potion x5: 24 gold
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

A and either D2,3 or 4 probably 3 since it seems to be most popular.
Agreed with rose on the amulet and ring.

-Extra Sharp Steel Short sword : 154 gold
-Steel Dagger: 32 gold (8-inch blade)
-Fiery Elven Shortbow: 321 gold would be free with sex.
-Arrow Quiver w/30 Steel Arrows (holds 30 arrows): 20 gold

-Utility Belt 60 gold
-Blue Magic Crystal: Whats the price on this.
-Light Bomb (blinds and deafens): 44 gold
-Rations x2 12 gold
-Map of Eborthia: 4 gold

Blue Magic Crystal: Whats the price on this.
Price on this.
OMG I am so stupid, thank you for catching this!
Re: Rift Touched

Here it is guys. It was a close one between the two, and a lot of maybe's so I did the next best thing and compromised a bit. Here's the result
D3 won but I'll mix in a bit of D1 as well.

I hope you all enjoy, and I promise to have you sell some stuff in the next post before moving on.

I'll be on a little vacation for the next few days, but hopefully I can find time to write.


7:18 pm

You clear your head of your previous thoughts and think about what you want to buy for a few moments and, your mind made up, you pull off your pack and pull out your gold pouch. Counting out your gold – seven hundred ninety-eight gold pieces in total – you point out the items that you want to purchase for Charles.

“I would like the arrows and the quiver, the steel short sword, the dagger, the leather gloves” you stop and smile, reminiscing on a story you fondly recall of a vigilante that carried everything he needed on his belt. “The utility belt, um, your rations. What else? Oh the map will come in handy!” you stop to count out how many coins you have left before continuing “the light bomb and two of your healing potions, please”. Finished you count out the coins you’ll need to pay with – four-hundred thirteen in total, leaving you with three hundred eighty-five coins left – and place them on the counter in front of Charles. Since you’ve paid more than enough for a free room you add with a smile and a laugh “I would also like to take you up on your offer for a free room, please. It’s been a long day and I have no desire to swim the rest of the way to Kilnhaven!”

Charles’ voice invades your mind as he collects the offered gold, and as you collect your new goods “Splendid, my girl, splendid! While it may be perhaps a bit small I’m confident you’ll find it to be more than adequate to meet all your needs! You’ll find a luxurious bed large enough for two and covered in the finest silk sheets, pillows both firm and light as air, a chamber pot for any needs that must be attended during your stay, as well as a meal by the end of the night and the morning as well as full use of the bathing facilities. I should also mention that each room has been enchanted with sound dampening magic, allowing you full privacy” he finishes by pointing towards the entrance leading to the bathes. You thank Charles after gathering up all your new belongings - stuffing the small items that will fit into the pack and holding your new short sword in your hand – and make your way towards your new room. Upon reaching the room you open the flap – which connects down the middle and magically reseals itself – and take in your new home for the night.

The room is small, as you expect, but not so small as to be uncomfortable. You note the large bed against the far left corner that takes up most of the room – which does seem to have fine red and gold silk sheets and a few fluffy looking pillows – and the chamber pot Charles mentioned on the other side of the room opposite the bed. Curious, you put your pack and new sword down in front of the bed before going over to inspect the chamber pot. You lift the lid and are surprised to find that, instead of a bucket to catch the waste, there looks to be a pipe for the waste to travel down.

Probably magically enchanted to dispose of the waste you think, more than a little impressed.

You turn around and make your way to your bed, flopping down spread eagle across it and sighing in contentment. “Ahh, he wasn’t kidding around; this is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever been on” you speak to yourself before frowning “I couldn’t make up my mind if I wanted to get the armor and trousers though, and I really want that elven made shortbow. Oh well, I can decide in the morning if I want to buy them, and probably sell a few things and see if Charles can identify that ring I got earlier now that I think about it. Not tonight though, I’m kinda tired”.

You give another contented sigh before stretching out and putting your hands behind your head, resting on one of the fluffy pillows at the head of the bed. Your mind drifts back towards the enchanted shortbow that you want, and then to the offer that Charles made you.

One free item and all I have to do is give a little bit of blood…or something else you think with a blush. You find your mind wandering to the other method he alluded too as you continue to think about the deal. Would it really be okay to do that? I mean, I’ve never had sex before and the most I’ve done is masturbate when I needed; I’ve thought about it of course, but I was always scared of the pain I’ve heard and read about. Maybe there’s another way? you wonder, blushing and biting your bottom lip. You ponder if you want to do it more for the bow, or for some other reason you don’t understand or want to admit. You wrestle with your thoughts for a while before finally springing off the bed and huff slightly, your mind made up as you move to open the flap.

“Charles?” you say as you step out from your room “may I speak with you?”

Charles, seemingly lost in thought, examines a beautiful silver bracelet with emeralds lining the circumference while twirling it with one of his tentacles. You walk up to the counter before speaking a little louder “Charles?” which seems to snap Charles out of whatever little world he was lost in with a slight jump. “Hmm, wha-, what, yes what is it?” the tentacle lord fumbles about with both his words and the jewelry he was examining, placing it in a small ornate box and closing it before turning around and adjusting his monocle. “Oh my, terribly sorry dear I was just lost in thought. Yes, is there something that I can assist you with, my girl?” Charles asks.

You glance about and, upon noticing Grimnor is nowhere to be seen, you respond a little more timid than you had hoped “May I speak with you, in my room, Charles? There’s something important that I need to talk to you about” you shift uncomfortably upon saying the word important while maintaining eye contact with the tentacle lord. “Oh, but of course my dear of course! Is there something wrong with any of the merchandise you purchased – anything I can do to within my power to assist you and make you feel more comfortable I shall endeavor to do so! Why, what sort of gentleman would I be if I never even made an attempt to help a delightful and beautiful young woman such as yourself?” Charles responds.

You smile at his words before turning around and making your way towards your room, glancing back and motioning for Charles to follow. You open the flap and step inside, holding the flap open for Charles to enter before moving towards the bed and sitting down. You take a few breaths, then one deep one to calm your nerves before finally speaking “You said that if I allowed you to…gather some of my magical energy that you would give me any item of my choosing for free, correct?”

At this Charles seems to perk up a little, raising himself a little higher on his bottom tentacles, before responding “Yes and the offer still stands, my dear. I take it you have reconsidered?” You nod while looking at the floor, not wanting to meet the tentacles gaze. “Oh don’t worry dear, as I said I would never do permanent harm and I would heal any wounds from your beautiful visage! I promise you this, both my word and on my honor” Charles assures.

“A-actually I was interested in the other part of gathering energy” you speak the last with a barely audible whisper, though Charles seems to have heard it and seems to freeze for a few moments before you quickly speak again at a million words a minute “B-but I was wondering i-if there was another w-way, perhaps? I’m still a virgin and I’m scared of getting hurt, but I’m still interested in your offer and was thinking that maybe you would know how we can do it without using my…you know? Oh what am I saying, just forget about it; it was a stupid idea and I’m rambling now an-“ you continue to stammer before you feel a tentacle pull your chin up.

“Dear, it’s alright; I understand what you want and what you’re saying. If you’ll recall I did assure you I would be the picture of a true gentleman if this is what you want?” Charles says in a soothing voice, while bringing another tentacle to one of your half-elven ears and stroking it lightly – both serving to calm your nerves and, due to your naturally heightened sensitivity - sending powerful electric tingles down your body to your feet, then back up to your loins, eliciting a small pleasured gasp from your lips. Charles continues to stroke your ear, sending more tingles that moisten your slit and build your fires, and continues speaking to you “and yes I know a way that, if done properly, can bring you great pleasure while also preserving your virginity if you’ll allow it?” he finishes with a question.

Between Charles’ soothing words, his stroking of your highly sensitive ear, and your own growing desires you open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out of the slight O of your lips, indicating your pleasure. Instead you look Charles in his eye and slowly nod in the affirmative to his last question. Noting your approval, Charles continues to stroke your one ear while bringing another tentacle to your other ear and giving it the same treatment while using his other tentacles to slowly undress you. First he uses more of his tentacles to unlace your knee high boots and slips them off along with your dagger, placing them behind him before moving on. Next to go is your belt and short sword, again placing them in the growing pile behind him. Next he slides your knife sheathe off your thigh while simultaneously lifting your jerking up and over your head before resuming his massage of your ears. A few of his tentacles work on undoing your blouse while others work on gently tugging down your trousers until you’re left in nothing other than your cotton white panties, bra, and socks.

You whimper slightly, both in pleasure and embarrassment, and try to cover yourself as you lean back onto the bed with Charles following onto the bed in front of you. With two more tentacles he removes your socks and tosses them behind him, places two large tentacles behind your back and lifts you up slightly before sending two smaller tentacles behind your back to unclasp your bra to reveal your ample D-cup breasts to him. The tentacle lord uses four more tentacles on you; two to lift your legs up, and another two to pull your now very drenched panties from your waist and down your legs to reveal your virgin pussy – clean shaven except for a slight patch of brown hair pointing toward your clit, and leaking a steady stream of your juices from the tentacle lords attention to your ears.

The purple tentacle lord reaches around one last time behind your head, removing your black silk fabric that ties your hair in a ponytail to allow your wavy brown hair to flow freely before roaming his eye over your body from the feet up, soaking and committing your naked pale form to memory. From your toned legs and bottom, your shaved glistening pussy save for a small patch of hair, to your taut tummy and ample D-cup breasts that seem to defy gravity, your hard pink nipples and areola, up your neck to your full lips before finally locking his one large eye to your two brilliant emerald greens. “Incredible” is all the tentacle manages to say.

You blush a deep shade of crimson while continuing to mewl in pleasure and closely reaching your peak merely from the attention your overly sensitive ears are receiving before Charles stops his ministrations, causing you to whimper yet again, but this time in surprise and frustration. “You are quite sensitive, my dear, but now it is time to make sure you are well prepared for what is to come next. You remember my saying that there was another way for us to copulate that would preserve your maidenhood, but would need to be done right?” Charles asks, to which you slowly nod. At your understanding the tentacle lord continues “that other way is through an area that I’m sure you would not have associated with pleasure or intercourse, but I assure you, given the proper attention, that is not the case” Charles finishes before wriggling one of the smaller tentacles underneath your bottom, before prodding at the entrance of your rose bud.

Your breathing quickens and your heart rate picks up while you stammer out “Wh-what? N-no, that place can’t be used for sex! I-it’s unclean and not meant for it!” You hear a little chuckle in your head from Charles “No, my dear, it can be used for such acts and from you I doubt it would be unclean at all. As I said it can bring great pleasure if done properly. Do you trust me, my dear Colette?” You hesitate, still very wary but also a little intrigued and still horny from the earlier pleasure you received, before finally nodding albeit slowly.

Your consent and trust given, Charles uses all of his tentacles this time; the tentacle lord spreads your legs and lifts you up into the air from your bottom – two tentacles creating little cushions for your toned rump while continually contracting in an erotic massaging motion – with two more tentacles at your back to support you. A few inches off the ground now directly in front of the tentacle lord, you look into his eye as he removes his monocle with the tentacle that was supporting it before he places it behind him into your clothes pile. He looks back into your eyes for a moment before your world lights up in a haze of pleasure.

Two tentacles return to your ears, but instead of massages the two tentacles open up from the center and peel back slightly like a flower to reveal smaller tentacles inside and thousands of tiny feelers. The open tentacles completely engulf your ears, causing you to let out a silent scream of pleasure as the feelers and smaller tentacles massage every over sensitive nerve ending of your ears which cause you to almost orgasm on the spot. In your surprise you failed to notice four tentacles attack your breasts; two that wrap around your gloves and massage them while another two open up and engulf your hard nipples and areola, which does topple you over the edge. You arch your back, throw your head back, eyes roll back in your head and release broken whimpers and gasps as your damn breaks in a powerful orgasm, gushing and squirting your juices all over Charles and the sheets below you as the tentacles continue to massage and suck at your sensitive organs.

“My word dear, you are very sensitive it seems” Charles observes, watching as you come down from your orgasm, gasping and panting for breathe as you try to focus your eyes on him. “That…was…incredible. It felt like…electricity surging all throughout me…and settling on my nethers...” you confess, too shocked and dazed to be embarrassed. Charles nods at your confession and takes advantage of your afterglow, using one of his tentacles to gather your juices from your pussy – which causes you to shudder in fear and delightful pleasure – before positioning it right below the entrance to your back door. You quickly come out of your daze when you feel the tentacle writhing around your rose bud and prodding your entrance, spreading your juices around your entrance, and are about to protest. Your protest never leaves your lips as you feel the phallic tentacle slowly push into your hole and spreading your sphincter bit by bit. You grit your teeth in pain as the tentacle continues to push into your tight hole until the bulbous head finally slips past your entrance, which elicits a sigh of relief which, to your surprise, turns into a moan as the tentacle starts to slowly pump itself further into you.

M-my ass is se-OH-sensitive like the, uh, rest of my, AHNH, erotic zones? you ask yourself in obvious confusion as even more jolts of pleasure course through your body from the attentions on your ears, breasts, and ass.

You have a few mini orgasms as the tentacle in your ass pumps in and pulls back in a steady rhythm, going deeper with every stroke, and from the tentacles engulfing and massaging your ears, breasts, and bottom. You continue to moan, gasp, and whimper in pleasure as you ride your peak yet again, your muscles blissfully tensing like a tightly coiled spring and hanging for what seems like an eternity before snapping into the most intense orgasm yet. All at once your entire body shudders violently as you scream at the top of your lungs in rapturous delight, your eyes rolling back into your head and your vision blurring as you continue to ride the pleasure far longer than you shoulder have as Charles’ tentacles continue to assault your erogenous zones, the tentacle still pumping away in your ass. Your pussy continuously contracts and gushes juices for what seems like a full minutes before the tentacles slow down and finally stop, bring you down from your heights.

“So...good. So…full” you manage to croak out while hanging limply in a tentacle embrace. “I’m very glad you enjoyed it dear. I did say that if done right you would feel great pleasure, and I hope I have met all your needs. However, it is time for my needs as I am very low on energy at the moment. If you could be so kind as to endure just a little bit more, dear?” Charles asks. You give Charles a silly little grin and nod, before yelping in pleasure and surprising as you feel little pin pricks in your breasts, before you feel an intense sucking coming from your breasts, confused you look at Charles.

“I’m only drawing a little blood from you to gather some magical energy from you, nothing to worry abo- what is this?!” Charles almost yells into your mind as he stops sucking from your breasts. You stare at Charles through half-open eyes, confused before you see him close his eye and shudder in what you can only presume to be ecstasy. You’re about to ask if he’s alright before your ears and breasts are sucked on almost violently – though without the pin pricks you notice – and the tentacle in your ass starts pumping in and out at a furious rate. You gasp in surprise and pleasure at the intense feelings as your passions quickly build higher and higher. Suddenly, the medium sized tentacle in your ass pulls out only to be replaced with a much larger tentacle which continues at the feverish pace of the last causing you to scream in mixed pain and pleasure as you’re spread wider than you thought possible, and also at feeling euphorically fuller than you ever thought possible.

“C-charl-MMMPPHH!” you’re cutoff mid-sentence as another tentacle forces its way into your mouth and proceeds to hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag slightly though tamed because of the intense pleasure you’re feeling. Breasts and ears being furiously sucked and massage, ass being teased and fucked mercilessly, and the tentacle in your mouth which starts to leak a sweet tasting substance all prove too much for you to handle as you topple over in an earth-shattering orgasm as you scream, moan, and gasp onto the tentacle cock in your mouth – body shuddering violently and only the whites of your eyes visible. Despite the intense orgasm, the tentacles keep going, prolonging your already intense orgasm and, just when you think you’re about to come down two tentacles open up and latch themselves onto your nether region.

One latches onto pussy and completely engulfs your labia, little tentacles inside massaging the sweet spot on the top of your walls, the other moves your hood and latches onto your engorged clit. Both suck with the same fervor as the others, causing you to have another orgasm immediately on top of the other that you were coming down from. You buck and shake, unable to make a sound as your mind is flooded with intense pleasure, your pussy flooding a torrent into the sucking mouth of the open tentacle which it greedily slurps up. The tentacle lord shudders yet again at the tasty treat being gifted to him and he redoubles his efforts; the tentacle in your ass moving twice as fast and deep, the one in your mouth moving at an equal pace, the suckers at your breasts, ears, and pussy suctioning onto you harder forcing another orgasm from you, then another, and another until you lose track of how many orgasms you have and all sense of time is lost. Just when you can’t take anymore the tentacle in your ass and mouth force themselves as deep as they can go before releasing a flood of tentacle cum.

Your belly swells slightly at the amount of cum jettisoning into your ass, before it pulls out and spurts three more times coating your pussy, breasts and tummy with white semen. The one in your mouth, however, shoots its thick load directly down your throat into your stomach before it slowly pulls back, still spurting as it passes over your tongue, forcing you to swallow the sweet offering, before slipping out of your mouth and releasing two more times onto your hair and face. The suckers on your breasts, ears, pussy and clit draw one last orgasm from you before all the tentacles gently place your well fucked form onto the bed. Your body twitches and shudders from the aftershocks and your ears, breasts, buttocks, pussy and clit are all red raw from too much stimulation and your asshole gapes and is leaking tenta-cum while the rest of you is covered in it.

You gasp and pant to breathe, the taste lingering in your mouth as you try to swallow it down. You vaguely hear what sounds like Charles say “Oh no, what have I done? Don’t worry dear I’ll get you cleaned up and put to bed. It’s going to be okay. Colette…Colette?” The rest of the night is a bit of a blur as you think you felt yourself being lifted into the air, then dunked in water and rinsed, raised and dried off, then being put into a nice, warm, cozy bed before darkness takes you.
Re: Rift Touched

Wow... so that Perk does some really good things... I like that. Memo to self NEVER get Captured by a Evil Sex Monster... ever.

Well I think we earned our discount and then some.
Re: Rift Touched

Back from my little vacation with an update! I’m sure if you read the last post then you’ll know what was purchased and what happened. Just to make it official, here’s the results of the last vote, excluding D1 and D3 obviously.

All the stuff bought:

Arrow Quiver w/30 Steel Arrows: 20 gold
Extra Sharp Steel Short sword:154 gold
Steel Dagger: 32 gold
Grey Leather armor gloves: 27 gold
Utility Belt: 60 gold
Rations x2: 24 gold
Map of Eborthia: 4 gold
Light Bomb: 44 gold
Mild Healing Potion x2: 48 gold (decided to default to Røse's and xgkf's vote for this one even though max said x5 the price for x1 was posted)
Total gold remaining = 385 gold


Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor: 187 gold
Black Leather Reinforced Trousers: 88 gold
This stuff has a few people that want to buy, but not enough. However, there are a lot of people that expressed MAYBE buying them.

The Crossbow, bolts and its quiver, and magic crystal all have only 1 vote. So unless anyone changes their mind they won't be bought.

And though it wasn’t officially stated, you all voted for B and got a free room and with the results of the last vote you voted for the shortbow, as well as to identify the silver ring and potentially sell things.

P.S. Sunburns really, really suck.

Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharged! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

7:28 am

You feel yourself waking from the restful sleep you seem to have found yourself in and shift about in your bed to find a more comfortable position while keeping your eyes closed, not wanting to rise and face the day yet. Eventually though you stretch your arms and legs before opening your eyes, only to realize you’re not in your room. You look about and see a chamber pot across from you and red and gold walls surrounding you that seem to be from a tent. Curious and a little worried, you look down and notice the gold and red sheets of the bed you’re currently in before it dawns on you.

That’s right; I rented a room from a tentacle lord and his companion – Charles and Grimnor – yesterday. I also bought a few new things from them as well – I also promised myself to sell a few things and have that ring identified, and possibly buy some new pants and leather armor. There’s also one other thing I wanted. What was it…? Oh, I remember now! It was an Elven Shortb-

Your train of thought stops at the mention of the bow as you recall Charles’ offer to you the day before, and that you accepted his offer to allow him to gather your energy. You recall the apprehension and fear that you felt, and then the incredible pleasure that you felt afterwards as a result which causes you to shudder slightly. You remember the slow and gentle caresses that showered all your erogenous zones, as well as the slow, careful fucking and blissful orgasms afterwards. Then you remember the rough fucking that brought you to innumerable amounts of orgasms and heights of pleasure that you never thought possible; the stretching and fullness you felt in your anus, the taste in your mouth, and the stimulation to your ears, breasts, ass, pussy, and clit that were all enhanced by your natural sensitivity to such things. You blush as you recall the previous night – embarrassed that you had such things done to you, but also confused and strangely satisfied that you felt such pleasure, especially from having your ass fucked – before recalling that your vagina was never fully penetrated, leaving your hymen intact.

You also wonder about Charles, who seemed to lose control as soon as the tentacle lord tasted your magically filled blood. Pushing such thoughts aside for now you get out of bed and head to the chamber pot to relieve yourself. Upon realizing your nudity you proceed towards the neat pile of clothes at the foot of your bed and dress yourself, making sure to equip your new items. After slipping on your undergarments, your blouse, and the rest of your armor you go to your pack and pull out your utility belt and slip it onto your waist while checking to make sure it’s secured. Afterwards, you return to your pack and pull out two of your three minor healing potions and one of your mild healing potions and slip them into your first satchel, filling it. You then dig out your new Light Bomb and the last of your minor and mild healing potions and place them into a second satchel, again filling it completely. Lastly, you dig out your new lock pick and place it in a third satchel for easy access.

You then find your new grey leather armor gloves and slip them on, relishing in the feeling of the leather around your fingers before you reach for your new steel dagger and enchanted steel short sword, placing the dagger in your left boot as you did your last and fastening the sheathe of your new sword to your utility belt. You then wrap your throwing knife sheathe to your right thigh, snatch up your black silk tie and wrap your hair in a ponytail, strap your new quiver with its thirty steel arrows to your backpack, securing it tightly and adjusting it so it won’t get in the way of opening your pack and also so that it won’t come off. You gather everything else into your backpack before pulling open the flap to your room and stepping out.

The first thing you see stepping from your room is Charles standing in front of your door looking perturbed, or as perturbed as a tentacle beast can be you think. You blush lightly as you look at him, but are quickly pulled from such thoughts by the concerned gaze of Charles’ eye, followed by a quick bombardment of concerned dialogue.

“My dear you’re awake, oh thank the heavens I was worried about you after my outburst last night! Grim helped me clean you and I healed whatever damage I caused to the best of my ability – which I’m confident healed any wounds and marks left behind – but I was still worried about you, dear! Are you quite alright, Colette?” he finishes, appearing quite apprehensive for your answer.

“Um, I feel fine. Great in fact, like I’ve just had the best sleep of my life, so don’t worry about that. I…I enjoyed last night but I’m still processing what happened, especially what happened at the end, but I’m also confused as to what happened with you; you seemed to be in perfect control one moment and then not the next. Does this happen often, and if so why didn’t you warn me?” you ask with a slight blush but also looking and feeling a bit irritated.

“I’m truly relieved that you’re well and that you enjoyed last night. However, I must confess that that has not happened to me, ever in fact. I imagine the reason was twofold: my being so low on energy at the time – which I now am at full capacity and feeling quite energized thanks to you – and the fact that you are Rift Touched and perhaps a natural ability of yours working in tandem together” the tentacle lord confesses.

You’re startled at Charles’ explanation, especially the revelation that he knows you’re Rift Touched, to which he responds “Oh don’t be so surprised, my lady, I’ve been around a very long time. Your eyes betray your condition, and while others may attribute it to parental inheritance I was not deceived. However, I would recommend not announcing your true nature to anyone in the future for there are many who would seek to take advantage of you”. You nod your understanding, still a little taken aback.

“Splendid, my dear, splendid! Now I do believe I owe you a free item, and perhaps you would care to purchase more? Grim, be a sport and fetch the merchandise?” you hear Charles yell outside the tent, followed by Grimnor emerging with the sacks from before and placing the merchandise out yet again. You try to avert your gaze from his, embarrassed at what he may have seen last night and what he might think. After placing everything back on display he gives a slight bow before walking back outside.

“Actually” you pipe up, remembering the bow and silver ring “I was wondering if you would be willing to buy anything from me, and also could you identify this ring for me? Oh, and I would also like the shortbow as well, please” you say while pointing to the beautiful bow with giddy excitement.

You pull out the silver ring and copper amulet from your pack as Charles grabs the shortbow from off the counter and hands it to you, which you readily accept and sling across your back. “I would also like to know if this amulet is worth anything and maybe a few more things in my possession that would interest you as well” you say while handing the silver ring and copper amulet over, which Charles begins to examine immediately.

“Hmm, yes this ring is indeed enchanted, dear. In fact it is enchanted to enhance the magical reserves of the one that chooses to wear it, though only by a small amount. The amulet, however, is not enchanted but is a pretty bauble nonetheless. If you don’t wish to wear it then I would happily purchase it from you, though it is not of a high quality I’m afraid. I would also happily examine and purchase other wares from you as well should you wish it” the tentacle says directly into your mind.

Now that you know what the ring is enchanted with, you think of what you could sell and also of what you could purchase.

Weapons and Ammunition
- One-Handed Repeating Crossbow (Holds 5 bolts to a clip, can be put on belt); 146 gold
- Crossbow Bolt Quiver w/30 Steel Bolts (Holds 30 bolts): 25 gold
- Steel Rapier (3 foot 6 inch blade): 67 gold
- Icy Bladed Steel Knuckles (enchanted for ice damage): 103 gold

Armors and Clothing
- Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor (covers arms, enchanted to resist fire): 187 gold
- Black Reinforced Leather Trousers (reinforced shins, knees, and femurs): 88 gold
- Cotton Blue Shirt: 7 gold
- Cotton Pants: 5 gold

Miscellaneous Items
- Small Satchel x3 (fits on belt, can store small items such as bombs, potions, knives, etc.): 16 gold each
- Blue Magic Crystal: Ice (1/4: Ice Shield) (Charges 3/3): 98 gold

- Mild Healing Potion x3: 24 gold each
- Potion of Night Vision (allows night vision for 5 minutes): 50 gold
- Potion of Speed (allows faster movement and attacks for 5 minutes): 112 gold

Weapons and Ammuntion
- Iron Dagger (4 inch blade): 10 gold
- Iron short sword (2 foot blade): 24 gold
- Throwing Knife x6: 1 gold each
- Steel Arrows x30: 2 gold each
- Steel Dagger: 14 gold
- Extra Sharp Steel short sword: 74 gold
- Fiery Elven shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage): 192 gold

Armors and Clothing
- Black Leather Jerkin Midsection has noticeable tear: 32 gold
- Knee High Brown Leather Boots: 9 gold
- Brown Leather Trousers Light blood smear on surface (faded): 18 gold
- Grey Leather Armor Gloves: 11 gold
- Cotton White Socks: 1 gold
- Cotton White Panties: 1 gold
- Cotton White Bra: 1 gold
- White Blouse Midsection has slight tear. Small bloodstain on midsection (faded): 2 gold
- Belt: 1 gold
- Utility Belt: 35 gold
- Throwing Knife Sheathe (holds 6 knives): 6 gold
- Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows): 17 gold
- Black Silk Fabric: 1 gold

Miscellaneous Items
- Garnet Encrusted Copper Amulet: 29 gold
- Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10): 46 gold
- Rope: 14 gold
- Map of Eborthia: 1 gold
- Gold Magic Crystal Healing (1/4: Minor Healing) (Charges 2/3) (7 hours remain for 1 recharge): 63 gold

- Minor healing potion x3: 10 gold each
- Mild healing potion x2: 16 gold each

7:31 am


A. Make more purchases. (Work together to come to a consensus!) Current Budget: 385 gold

B. Sell some things. (Decide amongst yourselves. I would recommend selling first, adding up the new budget, then buying)

C. Whip out your charm!
C1. Try to charm some lower prices out of the tentacle lord.
C2. Use your charms to possibly get another free item.

D. Forget about buying or selling and move on to Kilnhaven.

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (Holds 1000)
-385 gold
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing (1/4: Minor Healing) (Charges: 2/3) (7 hours remain for 1 recharge)
-Water canteen - half
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Dried Fruit (half eaten)
-Dried Meat (half eaten)
-Small Mirror
-Garnet Encrusted Copper Amulet
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Map of Eborthia
-Iron Dagger w/4 inch blade
-Iron short sword w/2 foot blade
-Rations (x2)

Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Light Bomb x1. Full
Satchel #3: Lock pick x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.


-Black Leather Jerkin. Midsection has noticeable tear.
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Brown Leather Trousers. Light blood smear on surface (faded).
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra
-White Blouse. Midsection has slight tear. Small bloodstain on midsection (faded).
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. Room for 2 more satchels or crossbow quivers)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows). Strapped to backpack.
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left side.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x30. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Wavy brown hair that goes just past breasts. Tied in a ponytail.
-Wearing leather armor. Slight strain on bosom which enhances assets.
-Black Leather Jerkin has a noticeable tear on its midsection.
-White blouse has a slight tear on midsection. Slight skin exposure. Small bloodstain (faded).
-Brown Leather Trousers has light blood smear (faded).


Health: Fine
MR: 50/50


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and are also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minior health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Sex Perks/Passives
Not a virgin: You’ve had sex before, but still don’t have much experience.

Hymen Intact: You still have your hymen intact.

Anal: You’ve had anal sex before and that’s about it.

Oral: You’ve had oral sex before, but don’t expect to work any magic yet.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

I've decided to add some things. You'll notice now that we have satchels that I've divided the inventory into what's in the satchels versus the backpack. I've also added a Sex Perks/Passives sheet to differentiate between things that pertain to sex versus virtually everything else.
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Re: Rift Touched

I like the new Stat sheet.

But 1 question under sex skills does that mean we can train to become Better at getting our partners off using that Area?

-Iron Dagger + Sword
-Pendant... actually we might be able to enchant it later... iffy on this I'll leave it up.
Then A
-Fire resistant Leather
-1x Satchel to fill our 6th Belt slot 5x Satchels 1x Sword....
-Ice Crystal

Leftover of...
49 Gold.
Re: Rift Touched

I like the new Stat sheet.

But 1 question under sex skills does that mean we can train to become Better at getting our partners off using that Area?

That's part of it, yes. The more choices that are chosen to use your hands, mouth, ass, vagina, etc. in sex then the better skilled you'll become at pleasuring your partner (which may come in handy in the future ;) ). I also intend to use that sheet for special passives such as fetishes that may be acquired or forced upon Colette depending on choices made and circumstances should they arise, sexual dominance and submission, nymphomania...those sorts of things.

So for example, currently Colette has "Not a virgin: You’ve had sex before, but still don’t have much experience." which just means she's had sex before, but isn't comfortable yet with sex. If Colette has more sex then it will change to reflect her growing comfort with sex and her own sexuality. Similarly, if Colette gives more BJ's, hand jobs, etc. then she'll be more skilled at the act and gain more pleasure (physical or otherwise) herself and perhaps discover some abilities related to sex.
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Re: Rift Touched

B then maybe A
Wear the silver ring.

Amulet, Iron dagger, Iron short sword, and anything else we bought a direct upgrade to like the normal belt.

I'd still like the blue crystal.
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Re: Rift Touched

C2 - we did fully charge him after all, and he did treat us so roughly for our first time *guilt* *guilt*

A. I still want the pants, the leather armor would be useful too

B. Sell the iron dagger and shortsword, the belt (we dont need that anymore, right?), the amulet and ring
Re: Rift Touched

B then maybe A
Wear the silver ring.

Amulet, Iron dagger, Iron short sword, and anything else we bought a direct upgrade to like the normal belt.

I'd still like the blue crystal.

Re: Rift Touched

A: Sell the iron sword&dagger, also sell the amulet.
B: Buy the leather chestpiece and leggings, the blue crystal sounds decent too.
Re: Rift Touched

?other question where will thing like addictions be tracked in?
Re: Rift Touched

C2 - we did fully charge him after all, and he did treat us so roughly for our first time *guilt* *guilt*

A. I still want the pants, the leather armor would be useful too

B. Sell the iron dagger and shortsword, the belt (we dont need that anymore, right?), the amulet and ring
