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Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst eats his ration, he moves to the edge of the reeds and slowly fills his water skin. Although the skin is now full, he doesn't know whether or not the water is truly safe, but will only be able to tell by tasting it.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Sighing, Rhyst looks at the skin. "Well, bottoms up..." With that, he pours a gulps worth down his throat, hoping for the best.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The water tastes like water for the most part, although it is slightly salty. The only effect Rhyst can feel from the water is a slight surge of lust that leaves him with an erection.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst notices what the water does and sighs. "Of course... Damn water is full of monster seed... Should've guessed." Then he heads off again, still moving away from the sound of the rushing water.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

In the reverse of what happened when he walked towards the stream, now the reeds start to become more plentiful and as the muddy mounds recede, the plant bulbs start appearing. Rhyst, thinking of this, suddenly realizes that, although he noticed them slightly yesterday, the seeds that the plant from before had placed in him were now no longer within him.

(You weren't that observant this morning, but the bulb seeds have a habit of leaving overnight)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst kept heading in that direction anyway, bulbs or no bulbs. He wanted to get away from the water.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

After a few hours of travel, Rhyst is back in terrain similar to that which he landed in when he first came through a door to here. Reeds form a constant blanket over the ground and every so often there is a small rise atop which a bulb site. Interspersed throughout all of this are the yellow and purple mushrooms. Fortunately, as far as Rhyst could tell, the only things that could get him on land were the plant bulbs, and he could just avoid those.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst continues onward, bobbing and weaving between the bulbs as his did, eager to get back away from the reeds, eels and mud.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst continues to wander, he notices the rises that the bulbs stand on begin to get progressively larger, soon being more prevalent than the reeds. However, he also notices an oddity after an hour or so of walking. Ahead of him is a rise far taller than any of the others nearby to the point where even from it's base he can't see the top.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Curiously, Rhyst heads toward the rise, thinking he may be able to follow along it like a path, or climb it with his rope like he did the last one he saw.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The rise seems to be, for all intents, a massive version of the mounds that the plant bulbs rested on earlier even to the point where what might be bulb tendrils trail out of the fog towards the base. Off to one side, Rhyst notices a small recessed area, although he can't see how deep it goes.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The recessed area catches Rhyst's eye, and he cautiously advances toward it, eyes skimming the area for anything that might be deemed "hostile".
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The recessed area turns out to be an entrance to a cave steeped in shadows. The only light to see by being that which the veins in Rhyst's body produces and even that doesn't reach far. An unnatural wind seems to blow from of the depths of cave only to stop right at the mouth almost as though hitting a wall, the swirling of the dust within testifying its presence for Rhyst.

A series of odd markings seem to line the border of the cave.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"Well... Whatever this place is, let's hope it's better than being outdoors." Rhyst sighs, then thinks a moment. "And of course I forgot to bring torches... Guess it's just me and you then, huh?" He asks the light eminating from him, hoping it combined with his superior low light vision would help him see as he descended into the cave, changing to his Senses Aura.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As soon as Rhyst steps across the threshold into the cave, all the light from the land behind him vanishes. A quick look backwards reveals that the cave mouth behind him has changed into a passage extending into the darkness. Ahead of him, a similar thing occurs and Rhyst loses track of the path in the darkness.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst sighs as he gets surrounded in darkness. Thinking behind him just led back outside, he would press onward, cautiously, making sure to note any differences in his footing or what the ground seemed to be made of as he advanced.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

It is a good thing Rhyst is watching his footing as the temperature of the cave drops with each step forward until he starts encountering icy patches throughout the area. Occasionally, the red glow he gives off dimly illuminates stalactites and stalagmites made seemingly from only ice. As time progresses he becomes aware that, like every other place he has been, there is a light pervading everywhere. Here, it was just too dim to notice before his eyes adjusted. Ahead, in the gloom, Rhyst notices a line of stalagmites and stalactites lining what looks to be the end of the cavern, much like a mouth.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"...A mouth-like cave entrance? Huh..." Rhyst sighs, then thinks a bit. "Well, I'd rather get eaten then raped again. Let's see just what's inside." he says, almost confidently, stepping over and around the stalagmites.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Getting closer, Rhyst can see a small gap in the front two teeth and icy ground extending beyond. Also, Rhyst can see now that the teeth form semicircle folding back toward him, as if he were on the inside of the mouth and not the out. From beyond the teeth, Rhyst can hear what might be some sort of waterfall.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst's eyes light up, hearing the water. Still watching his footing, he makes his way toward the sound, hoping to empty his waterskin of whatever he had filled it with before and replace it.
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