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Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Smashing to the ground, Rhyst hears and feels the creature breaking beneath him. At the same time, the part of the creature inside his ass is forced much deeper in, rubbing against his prostate and spewing juices inside. This, combined with a corresponding stroke on his cock as the one hand not crushed beneath him presses out in reflex, causes Rhyst to fill the inside of his pants with a great deal of his own cum as the pleasure from the creatures stimulation pushes him over the brink of orgasm. Sitting on the ground, Rhyst rides out the orgasm with the creature making now attempt to move, possibly killed by his maneuver.

(5 points of non-lethal damage, 2 points of corruption damage, and 100xp)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"Owowowowow... Probably not the best Idea I ever had... But at least it's over..." He sighs, grabbing the thing in his ass and pulling it out to get a better look at it.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst slowly pulls what appears to be one of the small odd statues from earlier out of his as. This one having a phallic body atop four arms. It's top seems to be just as broken as the bottom with both of them leaking the green slime he saw on them earlier. As the body seems quite fragile, Rhyst is able to pull it slightly open and see a small array of odd stones and more of the green slime. Likely the slime had been important for making the creature move or live, possibly like blood. It seems as though when Rhyst sat on the creature he forced a great deal of liquid into the head of the creature causing it to burst in his ass.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst makes sure to crush the remaining life from the creature, then finds a nearby wall to lean and rest against, feeling rather tired and hurt.

(Rest for 4 hours)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst rests for a time, fortunately without an more of the small statues finding a way to him. During this time he looks about the area. From his spot, he can see the pillars and statues only are in the areas near him. The vines, however, seem to cover all the visable land which mostly consists of a large plateau stretching out flat for quite some ways. It is only broken up by the occasion hole near the edge, likely something like the valley he first came in at.

(If you want a real life geographical feature that is similar, think of a mesa from the American midwest)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst gets up and stretches, feeling considerably better than before. Gathering his things, he would continue walking along the plateau, looking for more paths.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Withing the first few minutes of traveling, Rhyst is able to find a clear section of what he had thought was a path before. Following it he would walk for well over an hour before noticing the path leading down into a depression where the vines were apparently not just along the ground, but at least partially elevated as well. He also notices a faint yellow glow coming from somewhere within the vines.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst looks over the vines for a bit, switching his aura back to Senses before continuing down the path toward the yellow glow, hoping to notice anything strange before it was too late.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As he walks through the vines, Rhyst would occasionally hear and catch glimpses of movement. Even though he isn't attacked as he goes through the thick nets of vines, it feels as though the things are constantly getting closer. Soon, however, he sees an open door with a cascading yellow energy inside.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Wanting to get out of this place, Rhyst doesn't even hesitate, going to the door and opening it. Though, he does look through before entering.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

(Inform me if you want to change your post to something that has different results, but I'm assuming that you mean you just go through the door. It was kind of open already.)

Trying to escape whatever was behind him, Rhyst quickly heads through the glowing cascade of energy in the Door. He then steps out onto a thick sea of reeds in a foggy area. A variety of purple and yellow mushrooms fill the reeds, and just on the edge of visability in the fog on one side he sees a small rise that seems covered in grass with what might be a large bulge on top.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

(I was planning on heading through anyway, so no harm done)

Rhyst takes note of the mushrooms and ignores them, since they aren't moving. The bulb catches his eye though, and he takes out his sling, firing a stone at it to see what it does.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The stone glances off the bulge on the mound which doesn't seem to react at all. Rhyst does her a muffled splash, however, a short time after the stone vanishes into the fog. This might mean that there is open water of some sort in the area past the rise and its bulge.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

(Gah! misread bulge for bulb... >_> )

Hearing the splash, Rhyst makes his way cautiously up the bulge, looking around once he reaches it's peak.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Getting closer and climbing the rise reveals the bulge to actually be a large plant bulb of some sort. Several long roots seem to trail out along the ground and into the reeds nearby while the amount of yellow mushrooms seem to get large the closer one gets to the bulb itself although the purple are still plentiful. Near the bottom on the other side of the rise is a small pool of water and there seems to be a few more the farther past the rise Rhysts eye look, although the fog prevents him from seeing to far.

(And that's why I didn't bother correcting you.)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst carefully descends the other side of the bulb, eyes fixated more on the ground in front of him than anywhere else, so he knew where he was stepping.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Despite his care, Rhyst accidentally crushes one of the yellow mushrooms with his shoes causing a bitter smelling liquid to see out. Immediately he notices stirring in the adjacent pool and some of the reeds.

(I gave you a DC 10 spot and DC 10 Reflex to notice the mushroom in the fog and to avoid stepping on it and despite a +5 and a +4 respectively, you still failed both...)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Noticing the stirring, Rhyst takes a couple steps back, still grimacing from the foul smell, focusing on and trying to get a good look at whatever was causing the rustling.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Suddenly, two tendrils shoot out from the rustlings at him. Reacting quickly, He deflects them with his shield, and also manages to deflect a third by accident which had come at him from the back. However, a fourth tendril gets by his defenses and grabs him about the waist. Rhyst soon finds himself being lifted above the plant bulb which has opened to reveal a large tube about two inches wide that seems to be slightly hollow.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst notices the tube and sighs. "Lemme guess... That wants to get into my ass too..." Grumbling, he draws his longsword, hacking at the tentacle that had him by the waist.
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