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Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Aside from the occasional feeling of what he hopes is a fish brushing up against him, Rhyst doesn't encounter much as he wades through the passage. Shortly after the bend, the passage opens up onto a small cliff ledge over which the stream flows. The ledge seems to go for quite a ways to both his left and right with the right side going up the cliff and the left going down, both at shallow angles. The sight of a few old bricks in the ledge seem to imply that it was once a road.

As with the sky, only empty blackness can be seen past the cliff.

(Also, you never seemed to pull your pants up after the encounter. Did you leave them or was this an oversight?)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

(Oversight. >_> )

Once he was out of the water, Rhyst would put his armor back on and take out his shield again, though the blackness did worry him slightly. Regardless, he decided to follow the "path" up, thinking that going down would lead to more water.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As he moves up the path, Rhyst notices that small alcoves seem carved in the rock. Many of them seem to have statues much like the ones he saw by the pool earlier. And like before, they were pretty much all humanoid, except for a few. It seemed that in the case of some of the statues the old humanoid ones had been broken and replaced by what looked like either blunt ended vines or mushroom headed things standing on multiple legs. To a one, all of the odd statues seem to be covered in an odd green slime. Aside from this, however, none of them seem to have anything special about them. However, Rhyst kept getting odd glances of movement out of the corner of his eyes, and every time he looked away, he could swear that the odd statues were in different positions than they had been before.

(Aw, you don't want to be the pantsless wonder?)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

(Oh, I do. But a practical character with both Int and Wis over 10 wouldn't :p )

Rhyst starts getting a bit nervous, speeding up his pace to a brisk walk as he went through the statue'd corridor, not wanting to stick around in case something did actually happen.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst sped up, he begins to her skittering sounds behind him, as if something was trying to keep up. A quick glance back showed nothing aside from a few rolling pebbles, but that was enough to convince him that hurrying was the best idea. All too quickly he would come to another stream, much like the one that he had followed onto the ledge. However, it appeared that a good ten foot length of the path on the far side had collapsed at some point meaning he would have to either turn back or enter the water and go upstream.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst takes another glace back, making sure nothing was behind him before he again removed his armor and shield and put them away before entering the water, letting it's flow carry him as he looked around.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As he floated, it only took Rhyst a few moments to remember that not only was the stream flowing out of the nearby passage and out over the cliff edge, but that the cliff edge wasn't that wide either. At the same time, however, he also heard a splash from right about where he had entered the stream.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst scrambled to get back out of the water, not wanting to fall off the cliff, not even regarding the splash as he hurried to the other side of the stream. it was then, after he caught his breath, that he would look to see if anything had followed him.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As far as Rhyst can tell, nothing seems to have followed him, on the stream bottom there are just a few normal rocks, some sand, a statue, and a few pockets of murky water where he kicked up the sand when he was in the stream. Maybe he had just loosened a rock on his way into the water. Still, he would have to get back in anyway as his view on the side opposite where he enter the stream reveals that there isn't even foot and hand holds to allow him to climb across the gap in the ledge. This meant he would have to either head upstream into the passage the stream flows out of or go back to where he first came out.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst decides that he doesn't want to go back through the water and cavern just yet, instead fishing around in his backpack until he found his rope and grappling hook. Holding one end of rope, he tied the hook to it, then flung it as high as he could, hoping to catch the edge of the cliff so he could climb up it.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst flings up the grappling hook and it seems to catch. Giving a few quick tugs shows that the hook does seem to be secure, giving Rhyst a third way to go that doesn't involve the water or the statue dotted ledge..
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Smiling, Rhyst starts climbing, a sigh of relief escaping his lips, thinking he had escaped from the creepy statues. He left his armor and shield away, knowing what a hinderance they'd be in such a climb.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst slowly makes his way up the rope. The only odd thing that happens during the period, is an odd tugging from somewhere below him on the rope as he climbs. Still, he eventually manages to get to the top of the cliff revealing a field of green vines covering everything in sight. However, there are a few odd pillars and larger statues, both broken and intact, partially covered by the vines. Likely there used to be some sort of structure or structures up here.

(Your rope is still hanging so you don't forget.)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst ignored the tuggings and just concentrated on the climb, pulling the rope up and putting it and the grappling hook away once he got to the top, then putting his armor back on and taking out his shield again. He sighs again as he sees more statues, but then looks for any sort of path, or at least remnants of one.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Ryu starts pulling up the rest of the rope when he finishes the climb, he catches a glimpse of something darting off the very end of the rope and into the vines. Wary of the creature, he carefully starts inspecting under the vines or around the pillars and statues, things which under closer inspection are all similar to the normal statues down below with none of them being the oddly shaped things with green slime. However, as he passes one of the columns where he has started to find what may have been a path, he feels something land on his lower back from behind. Whatever it is, it feels like it has 4 hands and is quickly moving down to his ass.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst looks startled and jumps forward, turning around to try and see whatever was grabbing at him, sword drawn and his breathing rate severely higher than it would normally be. "W...who's there?"
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

When he spins about, Rhyst feels the thing grabbing him swing around with him as he moves before centering itself over his ass. In an odd moment of clarity, it occurs to him, that he hadn't heard what had followed him up the cliff ever since it darted off. Of course, this is forgotten when, with a loud ripping sound, a large phallic object plunges through his pants and into his ass. This thing seemed to be even larger than the creature from before, and only was a blue to slide in due to what felt like a slime covering and the leftover congealed remnants from the other creature. However, due to the lubricant, instead of being immediately painful, the penetration simply causes a dull ache and an actual surge of pleasure as it seems to strike his pleasure spot on the first thrust.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"Why the FUCK is everything here interested in my ass?!?" Rhyst roars out, subconsciously switching which Aura he had active, then drawing his longsword and slashing behind himself at the creature.

(Change to Power Aura, then attack)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst finds, as he attempts to slash the creature, that it can be difficult to slash something that is clinging to your back. While not injuring himself, he does miss the creature by a good margin. The creature, however, moves slightly, cling to his body with three hands while the fourth hand begins to stroke his rapidly hardening cock through his pants.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst blushes and growls. He had an idea, but it was probably gunna hurt them both. He jumped into the air, aiming with his hips down, hoping to crush the creature underneath.
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