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Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen looks to the two guards.... then decides to distract one! He takes a rock, then throws it in the bush next to the raven haired amazonian. She looks over there.... then goes to check it out for intruders. Sennen then rushes in and faces the other Raven haired Knale Amazonian! The Amazonian raises a brow, then approaches~ She seems to be of a higher rank than the rest of the Amazonians in their huts.

A.) Magic

B.) Wait until you counter magic.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

B it worked last time
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

The Amazonian didn't waste any time. She bared her maginificent breasts and turned Sennen around, pressing her massive busoms to his back as she stroked on his member. Sennen is at a disadvantage! He tries to use counter magic anyway, and causes medium damage. Sennen pants heavily as his member already re-hardens.

Status: Hard

A.) Counter Magic again

B.) Break free to try to escape into the temple!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen arches his back, trying to escape! The escape failed as the warrior is very strong. She then decides it is time! She moves to straddle Sennen, thrusting his member into her! Sennen is in shock, looking to her breasts. The Amazonian then moves up and down powerfully into Sennen's member. She tightens around it as she holds the blonde adventurer down. Sennen tenses as he tries to use counter magic again, but to no avail. He is unable to concentrate his magic as the Amazonian's breasts and long shiny black hair bounce. A few minutes later, Sennen cums deep inside of the warrior!


........ no fertilization!

The Amazonian gets up, rubbing her tummy as she looks to Sennen. "Next up..... is my sister~"

The Knale disappears as Sennen takes deep breaths, trying to recover his member status, as it is still hard.

A.) Recover completely, then move to the temple

B.) Get up and move to the temple now!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

I really like the 'take no prisoners' attitude about this. Why can't actual h-games be like this. People whining about why their shitty platformers don't sell.
Then erotical night 2 comes out, surprising everyone with it's popularity, resulting in people trying to copy it via touch games.
I'm rambling. Anyway I choose A if you'll have me…
…wait that came out wro-

edit: If this will result in a tie because of nobody else chiming in, you can ignore my vote.
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Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen knows that the other guard might come back. He brings himself up, then moves toward the temple. Taking heavy breaths, he waits in the darkness. The temple has Worker Amazons inside. They work to build up the almighty Amazon Statue, using enchantments to present the most fertile, powerful Knale in the forest, to protect the hidden gem.

Sennen walks closer, then looks to the workers on the lower floor. He looks to the stairs, which would definitely be a wise choice. But near the top are traps that could knock him down to where the workers are!

A.) Run run run run run!!!!!!!

B.) Take the stairs and risk it!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Assuming he has actually seen a glimpse of the traps, B.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen decides to take the stairs up. Luckily, none of the workers seem to pay attention to Sennen. He looks ahead. There seem to be fake cracks and real cracks. The fake cracks have markers drawn on them. The real cracks are distinguishable only thanks to Sennen's keen eyesight. He approaches on his own accord....

A.) Look to the walls and keep moving!

B.) Keep moving without looking at any walls!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Looking seems like a good ideA.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen looks to the walls for any traps. Apparently, there are none. He wonders if there are any traps further down the way. He thinks too much and he feels a violent crack on the floor, then falls into the lower floors. Luckily there are only a few workers that notice! The workers are Amazons, so he has to run! Sennen attempts to but is caught by an Amazon. She is blonde, busty, and glad to have something fun to do. She just looks to her sisters, a red haired one and black haired one.

The Blonde haired Amazon strokes Sennen's member. Sennen weighs his options as he looks to the other two.

A.) Weaker magic against the one behind!

B.) Stronger magic against a random Amazon in front!

C.) Wait until they all contact Sennen~ For Counter Magic.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

B. Hopefully an effective attack will scare the other amazons as well.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen pants more and more, but still has it in him to launch a strong attack on the red haired Amazon. He begins to launch another, but is surprised at the other one. The sleek black haired Amazon moving to his side, her bust squishing against him. The black haired Amazon rubs her hand over his balls. Sennen tenses as he looks to the red haired Amazon approaching closely. The two Amazons then lay Sennen down, kissing him deeply as they wait for the red haired one to approach and disrobe~.

A.) Counter Magic!

B.) Magic on the red haired Amazon!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

This is almost the same situation as when I could choose C, so I'll go with Counter Magic.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA
