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Resolutions, anyone?

Re: Resolutions, anyone?

My New Years resolution will be 1440 x 900 as per the replacement monitor I got as a gift for Christmas. YAAAAY!

Go wide screen for 1600x900, dude. Peripherals, man. Peropherals.
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Go wide screen for 1600x900, dude. Peripherals, man. Peropherals.

8:5 is better for working. Of course, if all you do is gaming and watching movies...
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Go wide screen for 1600x900, dude. Peripherals, man. Peropherals.

To be honest, my screen desktop resolution doesn't go that high unless I force it to, in which case two inches of my desktop are simply invisible. :p
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

My resolutions are to lose weight and get back to my healthy size (generic I know) and to go back to school (Probably not going to happen, but one can hope ^.^).
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Possibly to lose weight, but we'll see how that goes, but I'd definitely like to try and finish my one story/book that I started a couple years ago and get somewhere with it.
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Made a few on my blog.


Review an FPS game
Finish a JRPG in my backlog (trying for Infinite Space)
Stop bitching about The Amazing Spider-Man
Review an anime again
Make another list
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Contemporary urban fantasy, I suppose you could call it. Working off of something that sparked from one of my games and it just sort of ran from there. Scary thing is, I already have a second part to it started and have a third I'm working on.
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

I've never been big on new years resolutions. If I have a problem I do my best to fix it when I notice it. I was being anti-social so I started calling my friends more often. I was getting fat so I started doing some basic exercises and eating a bit better. I was getting bored so I started reading more and took up longboarding. I hate my job, so I've been looking for a new one. Granted I'm still aways away from being perfect, or even good, but steps are being taken.

If you are doing resolutions, two things:
1) It's much easier to rationalize quitting on a vague goal.
2) Willpower is a finite resource too many changes too quickly leads to more failures more often.
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

I think I'll write more too.

Writing anything, fanfiction or original won't matter.
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Somewhat simple ones...

  • Be less ditzy when cooking (always forgetting to do something like grease a pan, too much of something, etc.)
  • Get back into running (been too lax with this)
  • Kickstart my violin motivation so I can better play it
  • Work towards getting a different job
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Serious am days late for this but I made a resolution to reinlist in the forces and to stop lurking on all the sites I lurk on. Meaning this one as well. :rolleyes:
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

Mhm, mhm

Get into a gym and get my training back on a non-stop track instead of doing it at home where i don't have the equipment

Get more involved with my music

Get back in college and get a high paying career

Turn my novel into a CGI film or game

Fix major health problems

Meditate more and straighten out my personality

Learn new cooking recipes

Start changing the clothes i wear

Get more involved with people other than councilling them to build up a healthy friend base

Mine in a nutshell... more if i have the time for it
Re: Resolutions, anyone?

A bit late on this, but why not.

  • Gain weight.
  • Stop sleeping 12 hours a day. Stop skipping sleeps.
  • Stop insisting on perfection and instead doing nothing as a means to avoid potential pain of failure. At least a little bit.
  • Try not to worry so much about the past. Been there done that.
  • Worry just a little bit more about the present. Living for the moment is fine, but living for the last moment is causing too many problems and is a poor way off getting anything done.
  • Find a future. A real one, even a short one for the time being. Worry less about the specifics and make something happen.
  • Talk to dad. Visit Gran. Find a way to thank Pete.
  • Cuddle some girls at the designated place and time. Nothing complex about it. Receive bacon?
  • Live.
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