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Resident Evil: Outbreak PBP

Re: Resident Evil: Outbreak PBP

Any objection Master Bei Shun if I make a character who is a current Army Member at Lt. Colonel who was here to visit family?
Re: Resident Evil: Outbreak PBP

Nope Lt. Col. tastes the same as a private :D
Re: Resident Evil: Outbreak PBP

Alright, let me know if anything needs further elaboration, changing, or adding in.

Name: Barry Alvarado
Rank: Lt. Colonel, US Marine Corps.
Age: 33

Appearance: Barry stands at six foot six, and weighs roughly two hundred twenty pounds of pure muscle. Jet Black hair and shocking green eyes, he actually is a pretty decent person despite his Marine training.

Personality: Barry is a surprisingly gentle person at heart, but when the time comes for it he is as unbendable as a mountain. He is the kind of person who you can count on when you need a helping hand, and is feircly loyal to friends, family, and his country.

Background: Barry has served in the Marines since he was 19 years old, and has been a fast riser in the ranks. By the time he was 30, he had made Lt. Colonel, his current rank. He is in line to become a full bird Colonel in the near
future based on how quick he has risen, and some speculate he will end up somewhere in the Lt. General category by the time he retires from active service. Barry has returned here to the city to visit old friends and family while he awaits his new shipping orders.

Character Stats and Inventory: (Please let me know if anything needs changing or if I can add anything)

Health 250
melee 10
range 10
speed 3
defense 10

Handgun ammo X30
Empty Slot
Empty Slot
Empty Slot

Spec Item: Handgun-15-140

Kick- 20 Lvl 1*

And there you go, first character posted.
Re: Resident Evil: Outbreak PBP

Looks Good so far...

Stupid Snow... Haven't been able to get to the Library Due to all the Damn Snow Storms... And when I HAVE THE FRIGGEN INTERNET IS DOWN! ...


Sorry bout that Just a little frustration... I dont know If I'm gonna disconnect again so I dont wanna stay loggin in long typing in unnessisary stuff like this...