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Research [Azure]

Re: Research [Azure]

Azure groaned softly as she rushed back towards the hotel, muttering curses under her breath while she walked headlong into the girls that were just heading out.


"Ah uhm. Actually no! You've got perfect timing!"

She brightened up instantly.


"My name is Azure Watson, reporter. I run A through Z news, with Az. I've been working on covering the story here, but at every turn someone's trying to shoot me down. We all know there's monsters and stuff out there, but there's something bigger going on here too. Cultists in the woods, that director hiding things from us, even my contact that called me out here suddenly clammed up after dealing with her some. The problem is, I can't get to the real story until I do some research on how to get past these monsters safely.

So I guess what I'm saying... is I have a job for you, if you'd like. Stay put and I'll go get a change of clothes and my notepad."

She reached out to give her new would-be companions a handshake and a reassuring smile, then rushed past to fetch her new clothes and notepad before returning, ready to set out on her mission once more.

(Azure gets dressed.)
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure quickly rushed back outside to greet her new employees.


"Ah. That's better. Okay ladies, here's the skinny. I discovered that the monsters feed off of our bodies and minds while ... doing things to us. However, there seems to be ways that we can absorb energy back from them, or at very least not lose ourselves while we're being attacked.

The doctors of the inn... aren't going to be helping us. The director has them in her pocket, and they're more interested in actually doing anything but sit around like bitches and help breed those monsters... The fact they refuse to do it anywhere but behind closed doors bugs me too... So we have no choice but to go gather supplies and do research on our own, and the first step to doing that is going to the hospital and getting some gear. While we're there, we can raid the pharmacy again and search a few supply rooms. Just don't split up too far, the hospital was overrun last time I was there, and odds are it hasn't changed."

Azure waited for the others to agree to the mission idea, then began to lead them down the street once more, this time keeping a very wide distance between herself and manholes or other ways those tentacles could grab at her or her new companions.


"Just don't let your guards down... and... mind if I interview you?"
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily stared at the girl. She sure seemed like a talkative one. More importantly to her though is that she seemed to know some things about the director. She would be careful about what she did to obtain knowledge about the director now though after what had happened to her. She didn't want to betray Iris again. She was also curious about something.

"What do you mean they breed these things? They don't... you know try to destroy them or anything when there in the womb?
Stopping she realized that this girl wanted to interview her as well. She smiled and said

"Oh and yeah you can interview me."
Re: Research [Azure]

Iris continued to walk with Emily, hearing everything this woman had to say. It seemed her and Emily were all going to the hospital with a reporter. Iris thought about what this lady was saying about the monsters. They feed off our minds? Iris honestly wouldn't be surprised if they really did do that, these evil things seemed able to do a lot of things. Iris wondered what the girl meant by the doctors breeding monsters. What did she mean by that?

When Azure asked to interview Iris, Iris waited after Emily answered. If she was going to get an interview Iris figured she may as well get one. Iris only thought to answer Azure, saying-

" Maybe you can interview me later. But tell me... What happened when you came here last?"

Right now Iris was trying to keep an eye out for monsters, but couldn't help but ask about her last trip to the hospital.
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Re: Research [Azure]

Azure shook her head slowly.


"They claim to kill them after they're born. But why would they only do that when there are so many things we could be trying... And as far as I know, no one but the doctors and the director's personal staff have ever been involved in it... I could be off my mark, and I won't spread false rumors... but there's no telling what else is going on in that place...

Look, if this mission goes well, I'd like to get a small newspaper set up. Something we can use to spread information, how to defend ourselves against these monsters, news about what's going on. Right now no one really knows anything other than the people who're trying to keep secrets, the people who want those secrets kept... And it's the duty of the press to make sure that doesn't happen."

Azure pointed to the manholes around the area as she walked onward.


"Forget about the bigger things for now. Just imagine how much better off we'd be if every girl knew about the tentacles underground. As long as you stay far enough away from any underground entrance, you should be fairly safe. And you need to avoid letting them coil around you, they hold you like a constrictor. Just imagine my surprise when I walked out and got attacked by them... how many girls do you think they've impregnated... and how many could have been spared if we just had a tiny article about it. And THAT is why I want to write a paper for the girls."

(Action: Share all knowledge she's obtained about the tentacles.)


"So what can you tell me? What have you fought? What have you done? Have you learned anything that the public needs to know?"

(Action, Reasearch: Azure interviews the girls while keeping an eye out for monsters.)
Re: Research [Azure]

(Questioning check success on Iris, but Emily doesn't have to say anything she doesn't want to)

(Go ahead and have Iris say whatever she thinks is important.)
Re: Research [Azure]

(( You know what's sad RJ? Emily would be willing to tell her everything lol ))

Emily felt kind of stupid. She was attacked by the tentacles and it was the first monster she'd ever seen. She never really thought about telling anyone about it. This girl was right, if she had told more people about it maybe they could have been saved.


"Well... uh I was attacked by those tentacles before... I managed to escape though."

She also noticed this girl seemed to have more of a vendetta then her with the director. She wondered why, but she answered the girls question anyway.


"Well... I've done two things for this place... one was destroy a breeding den... the other was getting a sniper back here."

She decided it would be better to talk about the sniper first. It would sure be easier for her.


"We went to rescue a sniper... he seemed to have a personal vendetta for the director. Iris over there was the one who managed to bring him down..."

She trailed off a bit thinking about her betrayal but didn't get visibly depressed.

She hesitated when she started talked about the breeding den but went on. She looked down at the ground.

"There were flying things in the breeding den... They looked like gargoyles... I was told by Shiva that if it wasn't taken out then we'd be overrun in a week..."

She bit her lip now. She said this part very quietly


"There were still women in there... when we blew it up... I think that what Shiva said was true though... She was also in there and a lot of people think she blew up with it..."

She sighed. She tried to say the last part so Iris couldn't hear her. Iris cared more about Shiva then she did. She managed to keep control of herself.
Re: Research [Azure]

(( I'm done editing. ))

Iris hated talking about the things she had already done, but for some reason Iris really wanted to tell this person all she knew. Before Iris had gotten a chance to say anything Emily pretty much said everything that had happened. Iris really hated thinking about those woman and...Shiva... But she refused to get depressed about it. Now was not the time to start crying. Iris bit her lip and took a deep breath of air as Emily spoke. After Emily finished talking Iris decided to tell the reporter what she knew and something very important. The reason all of this was happening. Iris spoke up and said to Azure-

" After doing those things Emily spoke of we learned why all of this is happening. The monster attacks and the breeding dens. This might sound crazy but... A goddess is behind all this. She is trying to change the world and wipe out humans... She is very powerful. She might not be able to be stopped. "

Iris stopped talking there and waited for a reply.
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Re: Research [Azure]

(Edit done)

Azure regarded what she was told with a firm, but gentle expression, not showing any happiness or sorrow in what was recanted.


"So one of the director's people is dead... Look, this is going to go nowhere fast if I'm just interviewing every girl about what's going on... Once my paper gets started, would you care to write your stories down so I can print it? And any information you learn about monsters, stockpiles of weapons or supplies, anything. No one will judge you, you can write it under an assumed name if you're worried. But we need to actually get the story out there."

Azure was about to go on when she was hit with that bombshell.


"A goddess... It's almost as if everything is falling into place now... But we're missing too many pieces to put it all together yet. The only way anyone will make sense of this is if we can get everyone to come forward and tell us about what they know. The director is hiding things from us, so we need to step up and share our stories... no matter how bad the things we've done may have been... I... I hope I have your support on this. If all of the girls suddenly refuse to talk, then none of us will benefit from it..."

She turned to the two to answer the question of her last mission then, sighing softly.


"I guess the best way to start is telling you what I've done as well... I was sent on the mission to rescue the doctor from here. We saved her, then a slime there... well... it acted strangely. I was absorbed by the way it acted and played around with it for a bit. And before either of you give me strange looks, it's because of this that I found that we can be protected from these creatures. But for today... if a slime comes at you, don't let it do anything to you. We're going to try to avoid monsters as much as possible, but if it comes down to rape or kill... Well... There's a reason why we're bringing guns. I'll take the lead inside the hospital.

For now though... we're starting to get further away from the Inn... let's quiet down and see if we can get there and back without incident. We can talk more and even write up our paper after we've returned. I know I have a lot more to tell you, and I hope you have a lot more to tell me."

(Action, begin stealthing and watch for enemies, lead group towards hospital.)
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Re: Research [Azure]

(( I'm going to wait for Raptor to post now. ))
Re: Research [Azure]

(Perception check)

All of the girls look up, and spot two crabs-like monsters on the side of a building. They seemed to be about to jump at them.

(All three girls have the initiative.)
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure took aim carefully at one of the creatures while watching its motions, her eyes narrowing as she tried to search it for any weak spots and tried to determine it's attack pattern. A single resounding shot plunging towards the thing.

(Actions: Aimed Shot.)
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Re: Research [Azure]

Seeing her most hated monster Iris decided to aim at one of the crabs and fired once. Iris was sure she could kill one of the little freaks if she aimed at it. After brushing her hair back and pulling her gun our Iris took carful aim with her 9mm and fired one shot, best she could.

* Iris does an Aimed shot. *
Re: Research [Azure]


"Well you see new monsters everyday."

Emily aimed her gun at the one closest to her and takes an aimed shot at it.
Re: Research [Azure]

(Azure attacks, aimed shot)

Her bullet hit home, but the crab seemed to feel no pain.

(Iris attacks, aimed shot)

Iris's bullet pierced the crab's body right in the middle, as it fell off of the side of the building, landing on it's legs.

(Emily attacks, aimed shot)

Aiming for the crab after Iris, she shoots it as it hits the ground, yet it still lives.

(Enemy attacks)

The crab above Azure leaps at her, but Azure backs away a second too late, at it latches onto her crotch.

The other crab was too busy being pummeled by Iris and Emily's bullets.
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure yelps as she feels the crab grabbing at her, trying to twist free of its grasp and kick it away from her while she shoves her gun into it.


"Urgh you filthy creatures, why don't you just die when you get shot!"

Fuming, she unloads on the beast at close range, firing off a trio of shots, hoping to lump them together so it would break through the beast's tough hide.

(Action: Triple shot)
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily sees Azure gets grabbed by the crab. She doesn't want to accidentally shoot her and thinks she can handle herself. She decides to just concentrate on the crabs coming at them. She decides to shoot the crab that her and Iris shot.

"Yeah, these little bitches waste too much ammo."
She said this after hearing Azure yelling about them not dieing when they get shot.

(Aimed shot at the crab that Emily and Iris shot)
Re: Research [Azure]

Iris hated these craps. Seeing the current condition of things, with the crab she shot being shot by Emily and Azure taking care of the crab latched on her Iris but away her 9mm, mumbling under her breath-

" I hate these things... "

Twas very true. Iris hated crabs more then any other monster. Iris then looked around to see if she could spot any other monsters.

* Iris puts her gun away and looked around for monsters, not leaving her spot and staying near Emily and Azure. *