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Reputation is so stupid...

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Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Just wanted to let you guys know that i wont contribute anything anymore to this forum.

Last time i contributed something, all i got was 1 negative rep, calling me a slowpoke, because some moron already posted the game in the wrong section...

What sense makes that?

And since everyone just looks for that shiny green or red squares when they talk to ppl...

And the only Points i lost were because of 1 troll, then someone who tought i voted him down, even tough it was Toxic who voted him down, and then this idiot that called me a slowpoke, because i posted a game, where it belongs...

Seriously, i do stuff for you guys, in my free time, not that often, but still...
And if nagging is all u guys can do when someone offers u something for free, you will live a very happy life i guess XD

Edit: Deleted the stuff i contributed, cya
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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Cool story, bro.

Fun fact: people don't use rep squares to decide how to treat others. They use people's behaviour to decide how to treat them. Right now, your behaviour includes: butthurt and whiny little bitch, as well as a sense of self importance that you felt a need to announce to everyone that you're leaving and it's all our fault.

I'm Incubus, and I just rep'd you down for your post.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Not entirely sure why you care about your reputation. If you contribute something that I'd benefit from, but I ignore your post because of your negative rep, am I not screwing myself over because I'm a judgemental moron?
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Seriously, i do stuff for you guys, in my free time, not that often, but still...
And if nagging is all u guys can do when someone offers u something for free, you will live a very happy life i guess XD

Edit: Deleted the stuff i contributed, cya

That'll show'em ...

Let me tell you something I have to tell my aunt every freaking time after she's read some horror story about a certain medical procedure or something like that on the interwebs: If something works, people consider it as nothing special - after all we live in the 21st century and therefore the future, right? BUT on the off-chance that something didn't work for someone, you're bound to find hate-spam on the internet, complaints and warnings in forums and so on. Nobody will bother posting a positive comment if his medical treatment worked, since that was to be expected and life since moved on.
So maybe you can or cannot compare this matter with the ULMF rep. system. However, they have this in common: What you can see online doesn't necessarily represent the reality.
The last file I uploaded got downloaded about 200 times, and 4 people repped me for it. Yeah, that fits. I should hate 196 people now, right?

I took the liberty of browsing through your last few posts. They pretty much all consist of either you hating a game, demo or your neg rep, the latter seems to be a rather self-fulfilling prophecy considering...

The matter of considering the rep system to be important or not is truly subjective. However it should be considered immature to upload content with the sole purpose of getting other people you don't know or care about to show they're gratitude by a click on a button, an action they will have forgotten about three seconds afterwards.

This is a forum with the sole purpose of sharing and discussing h-content. People wear masks here. Friends you should try to make outside, where you can see what they look like...
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

This is a forum with the sole purpose of sharing and discussing h-content.

Uh, if you'd spend any amount of time outside of the Hentai section you'd know that is complete bullshit.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Uh, if you'd spend any amount of time outside of the Hentai section you'd know that is complete bullshit.

Well. still learning here...
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Hah, I think I might have been the one who negrepped him to begin with. I recall negrepping a thread creator for something along those lines, because his lackluster method of speech also irked me.


ur a fag

Well you can smoke my shaft, you cancerous piece of waste.
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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

That'll show'em ...

Let me tell you something I have to tell my aunt every freaking time after she's read some horror story about a certain medical procedure or something like that on the interwebs: If something works, people consider it as nothing special - after all we live in the 21st century and therefore the future, right? BUT on the off-chance that something didn't work for someone, you're bound to find hate-spam on the internet, complaints and warnings in forums and so on. Nobody will bother posting a positive comment if his medical treatment worked, since that was to be expected and life since moved on.
So maybe you can or cannot compare this matter with the ULMF rep. system. However, they have this in common: What you can see online doesn't necessarily represent the reality.
The last file I uploaded got downloaded about 200 times, and 4 people repped me for it. Yeah, that fits. I should hate 196 people now, right?

I took the liberty of browsing through your last few posts. They pretty much all consist of either you hating a game, demo or your neg rep, the latter seems to be a rather self-fulfilling prophecy considering...

The matter of considering the rep system to be important or not is truly subjective. However it should be considered immature to upload content with the sole purpose of getting other people you don't know or care about to show they're gratitude by a click on a button, an action they will have forgotten about three seconds afterwards.

This is a forum with the sole purpose of sharing and discussing h-content. People wear masks here. Friends you should try to make outside, where you can see what they look like...

Well, the comment about that line in the last paragraph aside, very well said. Also proof for the doubters that the quality of our H section residents and lurkers varies as much as the regulars of the other sections.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Well. still learning here...

Indeed, as Oni said, much of the forum isn't revolving around the sharing of hentai. Indeed if you look around there's discussions on politics, films, books, and personal stories. The blank page holds stories, and not all of them are of the erotic variety. There's plenty around here, to the point where I'll maybe glance in the hentai section... once every couple months. At most.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Indeed, as Oni said, much of the forum isn't revolving around the sharing of hentai. Indeed if you look around there's discussions on politics, films, books, and personal stories. The blank page holds stories, and not all of them are of the erotic variety. There's plenty around here, to the point where I'll maybe glance in the hentai section... once every couple months. At most.

You seem to be very right about that. SirOni's comment on my initial post today gave me a nudge to reevaluate my view on the forums. I've been skipping to and fro through the threads between learning sessions (f*ck chemistry, why the hell do I study that...) all day. In "retrospect" I really and absolutely must correct that last paragraph of my post, although it still seems to hold truth for probably the large majority of people here, judging by the number of people viewing the various sub-forums.

Although I believe that folks got the gist of what I was trying to say with my post, both SirOni and you are right with the argument that the "other" sub-forums well hold some riches that shouldn't be neglected or even ignored - if that sounds gay that's fine ;)

I'll admit (or rather can't hide) that I have just recently come out of lurking - maybe I'll find my niche yet ...
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Please, a moment of silence for Bulmassj4...

Another victim of the rep-system (aka "Big-fish/little-fish system") has been claimed...

... Okay, Maaaayybe he brought it on himself, but still, shame on you for kicking him when he's down...

You wanna know the easiest way to tell who're the rotten apples in a forum?

Throw down a fresh carcass (Bulmassj4) and watch how many vultures come to eagerly pick at it...
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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

And since everyone just looks for that shiny green or red squares when they talk to ppl...

Aside from saying how the whole "people acting smart on a porn forum" thing is pathetic, almost everyone who gets angry at the forum for one reason or another also seems to be getting the weird notion that the reputation system actually has some relevance to the person's status. Why can't people just be stoic about this stuff?

Can somebody fill my entire rep with red bars? So the next time someone bitches about them getting bad rep for a petty reason at most, I can fuck around with them.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

And nothing of value was lost.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Aside from saying how the whole "people acting smart on a porn forum" thing is pathetic, almost everyone who gets angry at the forum for one reason or another also seems to be getting the weird notion that the reputation system actually has some relevance to the person's status. Why can't people just be stoic about this stuff?

Can somebody fill my entire rep with red bars? So the next time someone bitches about them getting bad rep for a petty reason at most, I can fuck around with them.

Sadly that's true.. It works the other way around..

Getting rep doesn't make people grow a giant ego..

It's having a giant ego which magically accumulates rep to that person..

Just look around at who has rep.. It makes perfect sense.. (With the exception of a few humble members who gained rep from simply being popular.)

If we could all be thick-headed douchebags who pick on anyone we don't like and pretend that our actions are justified and our words be true, when in reality we're just spouting opinions and being picky, we would all have big rep-bars and the forum would unite as a whole, becoming the most harmonious community ever to form on the planet. :D
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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Wow, Mr. Sponge. Way to make some wildly baseless generalizations. Taking a look around at the members who have high rep, that doesn't make any sense at all. If you take a look at the 50 people with the highest rep (or even the top 100, but I don't know some of those guys as well) and know anything about most of them, there is a pretty diverse group of personalities.

People bring all kinds of different things to the table at this forum. We've got the GM and RPer crew and people that write really good stories and draw artwork. We've got people that have an endless supply of funny videos, pictures, and webcomics and of course the hentai suppliers. And maybe most important, we have people that just have really interesting personal anecdotes and stories. There's no one way to get rep. I don't think it means too much really, but it's just a little note to tell you that someone out there likes what you're doing - or doesn't like as the case might be. Sometimes people get carried away, but most of the time I think it works out.

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt because you've been helpful to me when I posted about hurtful feelings. I usually don't get involved in these things either. Still, I felt like I had to say it. We aren't a group of thickheaded douchebags. Sorry.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Are you kidding? I'm told on repeated occasions that I'm an egotistical douchebag.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

A lot of people say that I'm the only one who cares about negative rep.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

It's having a giant ego which magically accumulates rep to that person..


Seriously? He's not a victim of the rep system. He's a victim of his own messiah complex. He wasn't treated with the respect and awe he felt he deserved for posting whatever he did, irrespective of whether or not the forum already had it, so he's taking his ball and going home.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Are you kidding? I'm told on repeated occasions that I'm an egotistical douchebag.

This guy gets it..

But yeah, I understand there are people who get rep from actually EARNING it... But from what I've seen... Iunno.. It just seems like the more popular the person is, the more egotistical they are.. I'm not saying that out of spite, that's what I've SEEN from being on here...

There are high-rep people I've seen act more childish than a lurker, and they get away with it because of that rep.. Disagree with me? Then please explain why high-rep people get to act like douchebags, but when a low-rep person/lurker does it, everyone jumps down their neck..
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