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Re: Renfield

Many have asked how far along I am exactly.
Here's what I've got so far:

Abilities that level with use
Adding/Removing Party Members
Attributes/Status Values/Effects
Bestiary System
Changing/Dynamic NPC Dialogue
Cinematic Cameras
Control Maps with Hotkey Slots
Displayable-on-Character Equipment
Enemies and Battle AI
Enemy Spawners
HUDs & Menu Screens
Items & Loot Tables
Logs & Journals
Music Player
Projectiles (Arrows & Spells)
Quest System
Shops & Inns
Sliding/Swinging/Rotating Doors
Time and Day

This is all in addition to the HCGs finally being done.
Still a ways to go.
Last edited:
Re: Renfield

I was so happy with the middleware I've been using for the RPG framework
that I've licensed some more middleware for terrain generation.
The new map will be MUCH better than anything I could make by hand.
Re: Renfield

The player will be unseen for the first edition. No 3rd person view.
It's just less work. I want to release the game before I'm old and gray.
Without the middleware, creating a dynamic clothing & equipment system like we expect from an Elder Scrolls game would be really tedious.

In time we can make an option to toggle between 1st and 3rd person.
Re: Renfield

I keep checking in, looking/sounding good, keep it up your almost there.
Re: Renfield

All the basic systems are now in place.
It's just a matter of adding all the data now.
The new map I'm creating has been delayed
since the terrain middleware I got only generates terrain at runtime. (A pretty ridiculous feature)

We're getting closer.
Re: Renfield

This emotion chart I found was quite interesting:


I'll use it as a base to create an emotional progression system for the girls.
It may prove more interesting than the classic corruption vs purity dynamic.
Re: Renfield

I think I'll keep the party to just the player for now.
It's difficult to balance the game for solo adventuring AND group travel.
Enemy AI is much easier to program with the middleware in place.
But all the same, it'll be fairly simple mob AI to begin with.
Re: Renfield

Hired someone to make the 2D art assets.
They are coming along really well:

Re: Renfield

Dragons make everything better. :)

Your 'emotion flower? remind me a bit of Zikare's neural networking thing for AI:

Not saying you should implement such a system, I just thought you might find it interesting.
Re: Renfield

Here's another screenshot:


I'm going to rebuild the character controller from scratch.
Various bugs are afflicting the one being used now.
Re: Renfield

The terrains looking pretty good, i was expecting it to be a little featureless for the next release. The UI reminds me of Everquest1 :)
Re: Renfield

I wonder when will this game's demo getting release?
Re: Renfield

If you've not tried it yet, I highly recommend a recent game called Tobihime:


The gameplay is simple yet addictive.
It uses different monster girls in a way slightly reminiscent of the Job System from Final Fantasy.
My ambition for Renfield is to achieve what they have.
Gameplay that is just good enough to stand on its own with or without the H-content.
Re: Renfield

Already in love with it! 💘 the picture looks pretty the game look very eye catching. I was just wondering if there's a demo or a website i can go to to check out, it look very fun to play!💁
Re: Renfield

Already in love with it! 💘 the picture looks pretty the game look very eye catching. I was just wondering if there's a demo or a website i can go to to check out, it look very fun to play!💁

If you're talking about Tobihime, you can get it here:
Re: Renfield

Well the glitches with the controller have been fixed.
Plus the custom UI elements are almost done.

Re: Renfield

Browsing H-shop sites reminds me why I started this project.
So much porn. So much of it the same. So much of it unremarkable.


Not sure if the market is just stale and out of ideas, or if I'm just getting pickier over time.