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Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

(Inspirational music used: )

It happened in an instant. Samuel made his dash towards the group of men. The one with the knife, hearing Samuel quickly approach, turned with knife in hand with a reactionary swipe, cutting clean along Samuel's arm, causing blood to immediately pour out and drench his arm. Still moving at full force, he slams into one of the men holding Shelby, who is knocked a few steps back. Shelby frees her arm from his grasp, and grabs the other who attempts to pull his own knife out and stab Shelby in the heart. She quickly tosses him with immense strength at the man who cut Samuel, slamming the two together as she lets out a roar of effort far exceeding the power a normal woman might release. As Samuel runs out of the house, he finds Shelby right behind him, easily keeping up with his speed as she follows him. "Thank you!" Shelby calls out to him while fleeing with him.

Meanwhile, from the house, the men wasted little time. The man who was about to execute Shelby walked out, his blade soaked with blood as only one other companion followed him out. His arm soaked in blood, it was likely not Samuel's.


The man screamed in a dark fury of hatred and frustration. Samuel heard mechanical instruments being pulled out, before a familiar twang of a crossbow bolt followed. One landed harmlessly in a tree twenty feet in front of him, however he soon felt a sharp pain in in his side as an arrow impales itself into his side just above his belt line. The pain was enough to make him miss a step and plummet to the ground. Shelby let out a gasp of shock as Samuel hit the ground, while Samuel heard the men making steps to chase as their crossbows clinked, the sound of reloading. Quickly, Shelby collected him in her arms, easily lifting him up and fleeing on her hooves as she made quick distance, outpacing her pursuers as she fled with Samuel in her arms.

Chapter 2: Renegade

Minutes passed. Shelby fled long enough to ensure they wouldn't be easily tracked and found before they could rest. Samuel was brought to a river where the ground warped upwards and over, forming a small hole where one could hide from the sun, and from sight, before she set him down on his side on a soft patch of dirt while blood leaked from his wounds on his arm and side. Breathing heavily from running and from panic, she looked at the arrow in his right side as he lay on his left, fussing and confused. "Oh no... Oh... W-what should I do...?" She said, looking incapable ironically after capably saving him moments ago. "Should I pull it out?" she inquired, reaching towards the arrow gingerly, and with a frightened gesture.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

'You damned fool...' The first thing that registers in Samuel's mind was the pain. The searing sensation that cuts into him, a pained yell escaping his lips as he continued his frenzied charge, ramming into the man with as much as he could muster. He did not look back as he continued to run, one hand now gripping his wounded arm as his feet carried him. Though hearing steps following quickly behind him, he glances over his shoulder for just a moment to spot Shelby following close behind. The pain was almost negligible for a split second. It worked! "Thank... Me later!" Gritting his teeth as he spoke, his sprint continued on with Shelby now at his side.

The familiar sounds of a crossbow releasing a bolt only cause the human to duck his head as one bolt flies by... Sadly, he does not get lucky twice, as the hefty impact of the second bolt goes right into his stomach. The yell that comes from it nearly echos through the forest as he misses a step from the penetrating impact. Falling forward, his uninjured hand tries to brace his fall while twisting only a bit to land on his left side as his eyes shut tightly. His hearing dulls, blood pouring out of his arm and now from his abdomen as his hand instinctively grasps onto the foreign object. No words are heard, gritting his teeth now as he is lifted up by Shelby. He can hardly register it, his thoughts ping ponging between self loathing for his choice, and the pain that keeps him from passing out.

By the time they have gotten distance from the inquisitors, Samuel was looking a bit pale as he was set down in a hole, his breath deepening as well... Though for a much more dangerous reason. "N-nn... You... Really owe me one..." He doesn't even try to chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood as he looks down at himself... Yep... Worst pain he has felt... By a mile... "No... Don't..." Raising a hand for a moment towards her hand to try to get her attention, he looks up towards her face, his eyes half lidded.

"Shelby... Check my b... F-ffu... Bag... See if you can find something to wrap my arm with..." He... He packed something for this... He knew he did... Though his attention draws downward as Shelby sees him reaching downwards towards his left side belt line, drawing out a rather simple, yet glistening dagger, a rather distinct symbol of a long feather and burned at the tip on one side of the blade near the handle. First... The fletchings...! His actions are slow, but he grits his teeth as he starts trying to cut away the end with the fletchings, trying to cut off that entire end. He really doesn't want to do the actual break...
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"R-right!" Shelby confirms, reaching into his bag, and pulling out a roll of bandages. Any seasoned traveler knows to always bring at least basic medical supplies! "I found wrappings!" She declared. "A-and some medicine. Disinfectant, I think." she said, before approaching him. "Here... Lemme treat your wounds, and then wrap them. It'll sting, or so I've been told." she said, putting basic treatment to work, before he felt the stinging pain of the disinfectant soon to be replaced by her bandaging his arm tight.

That wasn't what needed the most treatment though. The bleeding had slowed on that. What he needed now was the arrow out of his side. Looking at the arrow, Shelby began to fret again. "W-what do I do? We have to get it out, right!?" she said in a panic.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Gritting his teeth through the stinging as he works, Samuel continues what he was doing with one hand. By the time she had finished up wrapping up his injured arm with the bandage, he had cut off the fletchings on the crossbow bolt and let that nub fall to the ground. He begins to speak, but he is starting to sound a bit tired. Probably from bloodloss, as he licks his lips from thirst. "I... Nn... Had to get the fletchings off of it... But first." Stabbing his knife into the ground next to him, he looks back at his bag before reaching over to grab two of the tipless and fletchless sticks that rest within that are meant to be used for his crossbow. Should be tough enough to...

"Shelby, we are getting it out... But..." As he raises the stick to his mouth. "... Pull it out... Fast. Ok? And keep me pressed down..." The pain is going to be bad, he can tell... But this has to be done now. Putting the two bolts into his mouth and biting down, he shuts his eyes, and awaits what is going to come.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

A bit of pressure as he bit down, followed by the most intense silence of his life so far one could imagine, before Shelby ripped the arrow out from his side, causing immense pain and blood to flow even more violently from his side as bits of flesh now hung out like loose flaps from his wound in a most grotesque sight. Shelby, in a panic, began trying to close and bandage the wound as tight as she could manage without causing too much harm to him. "Y-you're bleeding so much..." Shelby said in a fluster, as the pain left Samuel stunned quite literally so, unable to do anything but focus on how much it hurt. He could feel the water leaving him like a faucet. The result of such a sensation far from good, as the mixture of pain and bloodloss led to a rather abrupt loss of consciousness. As if something ticked in his mind, and quickly Samuel simply felt himself vanish from the world around him.


"You just ripped it out? That was the stupidest thing you could have done."

Those were the first words Samuel heard as he'd find his consciousness start to slowly return, in addition to a colossal migraine. He was laying in a futon with red sheets, in a Zippangu styled house. The windows were black, indicating that it was night out. And the room was lit by lanterns in the four corners of the room, illuminating an exhausted looking Shelby and a mamono with mouse ears and fiery red hair wearing a highly suggestive and sexy single piece dress that had two flaps that covered her front and back, letting her voluptuous legs be seen in full view. Her thighs were thick and powerful looking while still attractive and smooth, as were her arms. She seemed like someone who trained their body every single day.

"Moreover, he's wearing symbols of the order. It'd have been better to let him bleed out. He'll bring doom upon us." the mouse woman said harshly, while Shelby simply looked content to lay down in her own red futon across from Samuel. Indeed, wearing the mark of the Order was required of any citizen, in order to not be treated automatically like a heretic.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The bolts are practically snapped in half by how hard he bites down, and his eyes shoot open as the arrow is yanked out of him with a stomach churningly wet sound. He dares not look down as the bolts in his mouth fall to either side. No words can easily describe this... This agony. And by the time his consciousness begins to fade, he slumps back against where he lays as his eyes fall back shut...


When he awakens once more, the only thing that is going through his mind is the throbbing pain of the intense migraine, no doubt a little reminder about how his rather poor choice nearly killed him... Alongside that voice that seems to agree. Who is that? His eyes strain to open, though just that only worsens the throbbing in his head as light meets his eyes. How long was he out for? He momentarily licks his lips... So thirsty...

Takes him a bit, but soon enough, his eyes finally open at least partially... Wait... This style of house is... Is he in Zippangu? He turns his head towards where he hears the voice. Not like he can blush right now, but his eyes first can only see her legs from where he lays, going up from there. The dress is different from the ones he has seen in the city, for sure. Though as he looks up towards her air, his vision lingers upon her ears that rest atop of her head. 'Another mamono?' While a part of him felt worried with being in a room with 2, he couldn't help but feel more confused than fearful. "W... Where am I...?" His voice sounds raspy and strained, though his train of thought is cut off as the rather intense migraine continues to make itself known, him trying to raise a hand to rest against his forehead and rub it as he shuts his eyes again.
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The fiery mouse girl looked to Samuel with a deep frown while Shelby looked at him with a weak grin. "Where we are is none of your concern." she declared, before taking a glass of water and holding up Samuel's head with one hand easily and the drink in the other. Felt like she might even be stronger than Shelby. "The least I can offer someone like you is water." she offered, holding it to his lips.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel winces a bit at the mouse girl's firm declaration, though with the water being offered to him he cannot help but nod his head faintly before the glass is held to his lips. Each drink from the glass is needy and short, essentially chugging as much as he could before it was either taken away or emptied out. When he was finished, he fails to resist the urge to smile in delight as his body is re-hydrated at least partially. "Thank you." Samuel says up to the mouse, though his attention is drawn over towards Shelby as the smile fades. Doesn't take long before he looks back up to the red haired mamono.

"It... I was the one who asked her to pull it out. I was in a panic, and I thought I had the supplies in my bag to treat it." He nearly led to his own death off of not keeping his head straight, so Shelby was not to blame for that... But with what happened recently, the two can see Samuel slump as his hand rests against his head. "With what happened, maybe I should start thinking about my choices thus far..." There is a faint hint of regret on his voice, and his lip curls pensively... Though his eyes drift towards Shelby again, meeting her eyes. There his gaze lingers before he lets out a light sigh, afterwords smiling back to her. "I guess it is late for me to be thinking about my choices though."
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"And no thank you for being apart of a group that murders innocent species simply because your god is a xenophobic bitch with a fetish for gold." The mouse replied harshly. "In addition, pulling an arrow out without any surgical treatment is the worst idea even if you came fully prepared. The amount of damage you would do to your insides would be so catastrophically bad that the internal bleeding alone should be enough to kill you. You're lucky I know someone with healing magic, because it's only through the miracle of weaving that your life was saved. Count yourself lucky, you shitboot."

With that, she set the water down next to the table, and rose up to leave the room. "If you try to break anything in my house in an effort to perform some divine will for the sake of your god, the last place you'll be going is heaven when I'm through with you." she warned Samuel, before leaving outright.

With her gone, Shelby came forth, looking down at him while on her hands and knees. "Are you alright, Samuel?" she inquired.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The mouse woman's mere tone of voice causes the injured man to wince yet again as Samuel is left to the brunt of her words. He feels popular already. Samuel stays for the most part quiet as she gives him the brunt of her obvious annoyance, though he cannot deny that she was right. It was true and blue luck that he did not perish because of his dumb choice due to the panic of it all... Though the mouse didn't seem to want a thank you. Makes him wonder why she didn't just let him bleed out.

Watching the mouse leave, he cannot help but raise an eyebrow at her words... It may be him feeling lightly delirious from blood loss, but he cannot help but chuckle internally. Break a pot, find a holy weapon! Hehe...

Samuel's train of thought is popped like a bubble as he hears Shelby, looking up towards the bovine woman. Shaking his head, he cannot really sugar coat it. "I have definitely had better days... And this headache is a pretty bad first." He admits to Shelby, glancing downwards at himself as his hand momentarily attempts to explore before it returns to his forehead, rubbing it lightly. "But... Uh, where are we?" Samuel's attention diverts towards the room they are in, the man's eyes falling half lidded as he keeps head movement low. No need to worsen his headache.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"We're inside of a martial artist village in the border of Zippangu." Shelby revealed. "I've never been here before, I just ran in with you in my arms as you were dying. That's when Jeeja, the girl you just spoke to, offered to help you... Before learning all the stuff about you being apart of the Order. She wasn't happy about that." Shelby laughed nervously.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

A look of surprise comes over Samuel's face as he slowly attempts to rest on his elbows to sit up, though he will stop if he starts aching from the movement. "Really...?" He asks, brows furrowing as his eyes look back down towards the red sheet atop of him. The irony is almost as painful as the wounds on his body... Almost. "Given what happened, I doubt I can really say I am with the Order anymore..."

This reflection on what happened previously brings one of his hands to his face. "Great. Took me just a day or two to mess up an important mission, and I know the Order are going to rip me to shreds if they get wind of me..." While an honest part of him at least felt proud of his choice to save Shelby, that fearful little section of his mind growing as he shakes his head while his hand rides down his face. "... I am so dead. Dead either from being in territory I know little about, or at the gallows." While his pessimism is a tad sudden, what can he really do? There are not many options in view at the moment... Though at least he has someone to talk to now. After a moment or so, he just leans back into the futon and stays on his back. Alright... Take a breath, get some air... After a short breath to calm down, he shuts his eyes for a brief moment before looking up at Shelby. "How long have I been out?"
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"You've been out for a few hours. The pain was so bad that you fell unconscious." Shelby revealed. "You had better rest, and maybe forget about that whole Order business... I mean..." her head sunk a bit. "It's not like you're the only one who no longer has a place to go."
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The man's gaze returns towards the ceiling as Samuel is told how much time has gone by... Oh how easy it is to forget basic things when you are in a lot of pain. Shelby's slumping snaps him out of his thoughts again. Looking up to Shelby, a frown crosses his lips. "Sorry... Things could be better for the both of us, huh?" For all she did, he still owed her at least somewhat. An apology just seems like it would be good to start with. It takes Samuel just a moment to move back in his train of thought though, returning to the reason the inquisition was even at Shelby's house. "... Actually, who were they looking for?" Samuel mutters to himself before he lets out a sigh, letting his heavy eyelids start to fall if Shelby has nothing else she would like to say.
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"Well, they were after me. Inquisitors of the Order search for mamono in hiding as well as mamono sympathizers. I thought you were an Inquisitor when you first came, so I was shocked when... More Inquisitors came..." she said, a bit fearful of such Inquisitors.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel slumps in place despite already being prone as he listens to Shelby, nodding his head very faintly. "I had no idea you were a Mamono at all... I really just wanted shelter from the rain so I wouldn't catch my death." The thought draws a short chuckle from his lips, shutting his eyes as it dies down. "Though I guess they were already planning on visiting you, they just did not expect there to be anyone else there... Like me, hm?" Samuel mulls over that for a moment after he stops speaking. Given he is still personally surprised that he did what he did, he cannot help but have that small voice in his mind praise himself.

Did he really do the right thing, helping a Mamono? One eye opens again to look up at Shelby. He looks up to her before his attention is drawn back up to those horns. Why does he keep forgetting those? Is he just delirious from the blood loss? He should be feeling guilty for what he did, but... Why didn't he? Getting both of his eyes shut again, he mulls over it as the phrase repeats. Why do I not feel regret for this...?
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Shelby nodded, smiling. "Yeah, so... I guess you could say we saved each other's lives!" she declared. "Hey, Samuel..." Shelby began, approaching her question meekly, before Samuel found Shelby holding his head, and lifting it to place it on her lap to give him a lap pillow. "Is it alright if I do this?" She inquired, her breasts threatening to smother his face if she leaned forward any more to look down at him. In fact, from here, her eyes were just peeking over her full breasts to look at the man's face below.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

A smile is sent right back to Shelby from Samuel as he shrugs his shoulders. "I guess so." Lucky for both of them it seems, though he hardly expected things to turn out this way just for seeking shelter at Shelby's home. As she began her question, she gets Samuel's attention, him looking up at her; but as she takes his head and rests it on her lap, his eyes widen slightly in surprise. As she looks down at him, she can see he is blushing a bit from his position. Samuel stumbles on his words for a second or two with his mouth opening almost in protest, but the warmth of her lap is soothing for his weary head, he cannot help but start to relax as his eyes threaten to shut from it.

After calming a little bit, he bites the inside of his mouth a bit before speaking. "I... I don't mind..." Samuel stares up at Shelby as she looks over her breasts down at him before he squirms some to get a bit more comfortable. This... Is surprisingly pleasant. And a first.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

He'd see her grin, before she pet his head. "Then get some rest here like this." She offered, laying down herself and resting his head on her thighs. Her skin so silky smooth and plush that his head sank into her flesh as if her legs were like pillows. "I'll watch over you, okay?" she cooed with a promise, petting his head, running her fingers through his hair as she seemed eager to sleep as well after an exhausting day of fear and blood.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

As much as that part of his mind wanted to protest at least partially to the idea, Samuel could hardly deny the comfort he feels from Shelby's soft lap. If he could get a pillow as soft as this, he could sleep for weeks like this... As much as he wanted to mentally debate his acceptance of this, he could hardly care at this moment, much less work up the willpower to do something about it. With her fingers moving through his hair, his head slightly sunken into those plush thighs, and his body starting to feel slack from physical exhaustion, his eyes drift shut with a small smile on his lips.

In just a day or so, everything in his life drastically changed. For the better? Hard to say. One eye opens in an attempt at sneaking a peek up at Shelby before he shuts it again. This is a good start. Doubt it will stay that way, but... He spent part of his life so far putting himself on the line just to get information, so maybe it is time for a break? Given the soreness from where his body previously had a crossbow bolt in it, he doesn't really have a choice now.