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Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

"Ah..." Shelby would nod at his reply, before motioning to silently eat the vegetarian meal prepared. Shelby became more focused on quietly eating the food in front of her as time went on. Her focus on Samuel waning as the plates began to be emptied of what they held. Between the two of them, there was very little food left on the table, with Shelby eating far more than Samuel had. Though she didn't seem to notice how large of a portion she ate. Quietly, she collected the plates and moved them over to the sink, washing them diligently. From that angle, Samuel could barely see the lines in her dress give way to the rest of her curvy figure filling out her behind which was so round and full that his fingers would likely sink into the bouncy flesh if grasped. Suited to her nature, she was far from a skinny woman, while being just thin enough to be plenty attractive as a well-rounded woman.

"If you're tired," the girl began, as Samuel would note that the storm had picked up and blackened the sky. "Then feel free to sleep in the guest bedroom." she invited him, while focusing on her task.
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Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

With his hunger satiated, Samuel cannot help but happily sigh after he is finished with his plate of the vegetarian feast. "That was pretty good... You sure I can't give you a little bit of money in thanks? It is the least I could do." After his little session of patting his belly, he looks over towards Shelby... Though the sight does earn himself a rather bright blush to become present upon his cheeks. Shelby is definitely rather beautiful... Though he cannot help but wonder to himself, 'Why does she live out here alone? Really pretty, I would not be surprised if she already has someone.' While his thoughts did help quell his blushing, it was still faintly there as he slowly rises to his feet.

Looking out the window, he cannot help but sigh in annoyance as the storm seems to only pick up in defiance of his wish to leave. 'Hopefully it calms down by the morning.' If it doesn't he may have to go anyway... At least the rain would smother down his scent, at the risk of illness. Though Shelby's words poke him out of his thoughts as he nods his head, smiling towards her. "Sure, thank you very much." He bows his head once more... Though after a few moments, he scratches his head. If only he knew where the guest bedroom is. But first he takes the time to go grab his satchel to take it with him to the offered bedroom. Better safe than sorry, right?
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Shelby chuckled a little from where she was washing. "Ah... Sure, if you've the money to spare. You aren't obliged to give me anything though, I was only being a good host." she stated. "The bedrooms are down the hall. Yours is the second on the left. Forgive it for being a little dusty... If you want to wait in the living room, I can clean it for you." she offered.

That left Sam to pursue the bedroom, down a brown wooden hallway, to an equally wooden door with a metal label on it that read, "Guest" on it. At the end of the hallway was a door labeled, "Shelby." Just across from the guest room was a room labeled as the bathroom, "W.C." Though the first door he passed was on the right, and it read, "M&P".

The bedroom was simple by all rights. A single bed with a blue and green checkered blanket with white sheets was in the middle of the room, and next to it was a nightstand. There was a single window to allow Sam to check on the currently stormy weather, and finally a tall dresser to store some of his things with plenty of space to spare. There was no carpeting on the floor, just plain wood. Though there was also a small table with a single chair, if one preferred to eat in their room. The chair was of simple design, just like the one he sat in in the kitchen.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Nodding his head, Samuel smiles towards Shelby. "I would feel bad if I didn't repay you somehow." Though as she brings up the condition of the room he would be staying in, he lightly shrugs before speaking. "That is fine. A little dust never bothered me in the slightest." If it did, he wouldn't be making the trip... Or maybe he would anyway. Adelie asking him to do such work, he would be a fool not to. While he devolves into his thoughts, his hand wanders to his coin purse briefly before he leaves a rather generous amount of money on the table in view for Shelby. He has enough for the trip anyway for any stops he may need, though not too much.

While he has little trouble finding the bedroom, his eyes wander towards the other doors that he passes by, most notably the room labeled M&P. Curious as he was, he at least held respect of his status as her guest, glancing towards the door once more before he steps into the bedroom.

After shutting the door behind him and setting down his satchel next to the bed, he lets out a light sigh before he glances around and smiles lightly. 'House beats camping in a cave any day.' Opening one of the drawers of the dresser to see if he has room, he lightly kicks off his boots next to the bed and lifts up his shirt to get comfortable. Looking down at himself, he cannot help but lightly frown briefly as he lets out a sigh. 'Sometimes I wonder if my skin is just stuck this pale.'

Shaking his head, he plants himself onto the bed before he pulls the blanket over himself. Staring up at the ceiling silently, he raises a finger before he flicks a finger in a check motion. "Day 1..." Speaking lightly, he lets out a soft sigh before his eyes look towards the window, watching the rain fall before he feels his eyelids begin to slowly become heavy... With one last tug to cover himself as much as he can with the blanket with his head exposed, he drifts off to sleep with a faint smile upon his face.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

He'd find all the dressers and the like empty mind for a few flower decorated clothes that were for a young girl. Given that there were no children in the house, it was likely worn by Shelby when she was younger, and the house was owned by her parents. Still, there was plenty of room for his things.

Laying down in the bed and going to sleep, Samuel would find himself quickly in a deep slumber as a result of the soft and comfortable bed. Once in that state of deep sleep, Samuel would start to dream. Or perhaps it was more of a memory of a time with his first mamono encounter. A wolf stumbling upon him in the wild. An aggressive one at that. Though he didn't escape as the memory would have claimed. No, he was pinned against the ground, his limbs held down as he felt her slamming her hips against him. Her first few motions doing nothing but rubbing against his manhood, before his length was suddenly captured by her folds and ravaged relentlessly by her quick moving hips that pumped him rapidly. He felt something coming, before suddenly, his eyes opened.

He was in bed, and he was possessed with an intense desire to go to the bathroom, which he'd have to address very soon. In case he had forgotten, should he slip out of the room and not want to pee in it, he'd see the door label, "W.C." hanging on the door just outside of his room. Which would also have a place for him to relieve himself should he not want to go out into the rain.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

(Beware! Alot of text waits within!)
Some days he felt like his memory was a curse as the past, like many times, plays out before his very eyes. Him looking over a town he was told to make sure was fine from a distance. The dark covering of the trees up above protecting him from the weather. It had went so smoothly... Up until the sound of grass rustling behind him. The wolf, quite honestly, was pretty to him, though as he spotted the tail and ears, the rather cute look seemed to disappear in a puff of fear as her visage is smothered by darkness that only allows her ominously glowing eyes to stare at him.

He didn't say a thing. Instinct took him mere moments, and he found himself sprinting like a madman through the forest. While he was fast, he could still hear the grass be disturbed by the wolf girl's movements. But he always would get away. Trees blur on by, exposed roots would be leaped over, and branches would be brushed away... But not all dreams are the same. Even as he gave it his all, his sprinting never seemed to get him much further... And hasn't he seen that tree before? Up until a black blob of darkness lunges out from a tree in front of him, all he can do is yell before he is thrown back.

With her atop of him, he can hardly struggle as his and her hips begin to impact violently with one another before he feels warmth surround his loins, making his vision fade some from the sensation of the violent rape, the sensation foreign to him due to his lack of experience... Though, despite it all, that nagging thought to thrust upwards into his rapist nearly hits the surface before light returns to his eyes.

The bed squeaks a bit as Samuel is nearly sent flying up a bit by how quickly he sits up, him panting as he gazes around in confusion. That... Was different than normal... Soon enough settling down, he lets out a soft groan before his hand rests against his face, rubbing his face a bit to calm down. Though a pressure in his groin makes itself known as he fidgets at the sensation. 'Morning wood, to the call of nature... Great...' Rising out of the bed, he briefly scratches his head as he gets up and walks towards the door. 'W.C....' Hopefully his kind host doesn't mind as he walks carefully towards the door before trying to open it gently, lest he wake up Shelby.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel would open the door to the private wash closet before noticing that a single candle was lit in the room for sight. The room itself looked fairly clean and even decorated with various designs of flowers on the wall, presumably to help one relax while doing their business. Though the decorations and the candle were an afterthought, as Samuel would suddenly happen upon quite a candle-lit sight. Illuminated by the dancing red flames of the tiny light purple candle that rested on the sink with a mirror, was a very voluptuous body. Viewed from the side, the size of her breasts and rump would draw clear conclusions as to who they belonged to even without seeing the face. However, beneath the soft and large feminine rump was something perhaps a little less appealing to the eye depending on who the viewer is. Fur. White fur with black patches went down starting from her thighs, going down past what amounted to knees and ending in a pair of cow hooves. Should one care to look at anything other than the waist, breasts, legs and buttocks, they'd see a very startled face complete with a pair of sharp looking horns on top.

Without warning, the nude figure of Shelby charged at Samuel. Her pointed breasts bouncing this way and that as she rushed him with a considerable burst of speed that was soon coupled with a considerable amount of force. She grabbed his arms, and wrestled him against the wall. The strength she presented soon would make him realize who was stronger. She looked desperate. Desperate and scared as she pinned Samuel against the wall, her fat breasts pressing against him. "I can't... I can't let you leave! Now that you've seen me!" She declared.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

The thought of how long he was sleeping seems to just disappear as the door opens... Only to see a familiar, yet now very naked figure standing in the W.C. room's darkness with a candle. Sadly, his immediate action is to flinch and raise a hand to try to block his vision, letting out a series of rapid 'Sorry, sorry, sorry!' up until his eyes catch upon the points sticking out of her head. His eyes lock onto them, and his mouth seems to lock open in slack jawed surprise. "... S-Shelb-"

His words are cut off by the sudden charge of the holstaurus, getting no time whatsoever to react to the 3 foot charge of Shelby as he immediately is grasped and pressed up hard against the wall! Without any equipment, or even clothes for the matter outside of his pants and underwear, Samuel lets out a loud yell as she presses him hard back against the wall. While a lesser part of his mind cannot help but flush under the feeling of her bare breasts against his chest, the adrenaline and panic take point instead as he tries to throw his body from side to side, but not without much success!

"S-shelby, what the hell is going on?! Lemme go!" He seems more surprised and confused than scared, but he had to get away! The worry of what she, a Mamano, will do to him if he failed... Though, the thought gives way to sadness rather easily, the memory of them eating and talking together like... People... His struggle falters briefly, but she can see tears in his eyes in the candle light as he begins to gain in the ferocity of his panicked struggles as he grits his teeth, trying to plant a bare foot onto her belly, not in a kick, but in a push backwards to try to escape from her grasp.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel's struggling and wiggling earned a contest with Shelby. "Don't struggle, Samuel!" she demanded, wrestling with him as he got a knee up against her stomach, pushing her back a little before she let out a yell, throwing him off to the side before piling onto him. Now her breasts, heavy as they were, smothered his face. Meanwhile, she locked her arms around his head in a sort of bear-hug while she wrapped her legs under and around his, pulling his legs apart to deny control. She revealed herself to actually be a skilled wrestler, surprisingly enough, as one arm went around his upper body, holding his upper arms against his sides so he couldn't try to go for her ribs if he wanted. At least not effectively. "It's okay... It's okay... Shh..." Shelby cooed, seemingly trying to comfort him as if he were a baby. "You'll like it here, I promise. I'll feed you, care for you." she swore, smoothing her hand along the back of his head. "Y-you won't even have to worry about love! I'll be your lover! So you won't even have a reason to leave, even if you could! Just let me take care of everything~!" Shelby said desperately, clearly trying to convince Samuel to be a slave to her home but also trying to convince herself at the same time that such was the correct course of action.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

While his attempted escape using a little leverage nearly made Samuel crack a relieved smile, that is quickly dashed away as he is suddenly thrown towards the side, letting out a pained grunt as he lands hard onto the floor. Still panicking a bit, the man attempts to sit up onto one of his elbows, raising a hand towards Shelby as she dives at him, "Wait, wait, wai-mrph!" While he wasn't timid, getting his head smooshed between rather large breasts has the reaction of making the man blush like a bright cherry, her even feeling the previous stiffness from due to how pressed up she was... Up until she locks her grip around him, entrapping him in the soft, smothering hell! Even as she tries to hold him, he fidgets a bit as she strokes his head and try to comfort him, only seeming to earn muffled whines and the sensation of tears against her breasts. While his struggles begin to slow, the tears still are there up until his movement starts to slow suddenly... Then stop, his breathing seeming to catch before it slows to a near stop, struggles ceasing ominously...

... 'Please... Work...' Samuels own thoughts echo in his head as he tries to withheld that one last breath he took. While he didn't have much air, he could only hope that his slowed breathing fools Shelby... Trying to fight someone much stronger physically than him fair is not going to be a successful endeavor.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Once Sam began to cease his struggling, Shelby looked to happily accept what she took at first to be his surrender. "There, there... That's a good boy." she rubbed the back of his head. "It'll be wonderful, I promise. Every man dreams of being taken care of, right? It'll be just like that, except you absolutely cannot ever leave." she insisted. Then, she shifted a bit. "Sam? Are you... Okay?" she inquired, shifting down a bit to look at his face. Then, silence. Shelby put her head next to his, as if listening for breath or a heartbeat. Moments passed, more silence still. The naked cow woman laid atop him with her heavy weight helping to make his lack of oxygen seem more legit than he would perhaps like.

Then, without warning, something wet slipped into his ear. Her tongue licked into his ear hole, before squirming around the sensitive area, helping only to excite his lower half more as shivers would go down his spine from the working of her tongue.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Meanwhile, as Shelby was speaking softly to him, Samuel's mind was racing around ideas. He HAD to get out of here. Get out of her grip at least, get to the bedroom, SOMETHING... But with her still atop of him, and her definitely much stronger than him, this is not an advantageous position for him... Though he cannot help but internally chuckle at a brief realization that comes over him. 'Dammit... All because I forgot to knock...' With his lungs feeling like they are starting to burn from lack of oxygen due to his attempt at playing possum, h-

"MMPH!" The sudden sensation of tongue attacking his ear amusingly ends his act as his eyes jolt open, him trying to twist his head to the side without much body movement in an attempt to escape the attacking tongue. While his lower half was still stiff from having a very busty woman atop of him, the attack on his ear took him entirely off guard. Taking a fast breath of air, he tries to move his head so it is not getting trapped beneath soft tit flesh. Precious air...!

"Shelby, dammit, can we at least stop for a moment?!" His voice was sounding a bit pained still, though that may be due to Shelby's full body weight atop of him. "I got up to use the bathroom!" Samuel blurts out the call of nature that seems to only become more urgent as time passes due to the pressure atop of him... "I'm sorry that I walked in on you, but can we talk after, please?" It was either the frustration of everything, or just the pressure over him... But something has gotta give here.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Shelby let out a bit of a squeak in shock when Samuel suddenly popped his head out from between her pair of absurdly sized breasts and began exclaiming in her direction. She seemed to panic a bit when he announced he needed to go to the bathroom, and desperately so. She wore a blush on her cheeks before fidgeting about a bit. "Uhhm... I know!" Shelby declared, standing up and picking Samuel up over her shoulder with a bit of an 'oof' and took him into the bathroom. She sat him down on the wooden toilet, before taking a towel nearby and covering her front. "Okay... Go." she instructed him, while standing over him and watching him directly.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

While Samuel was normally a calm man, this entire situation is both silly, horrifying, and also just frustrating in more than just one way. Plus, being manhandled by Shelby is enough to feel like he needs to dedicate to working out despite his job of choice. This is just embarrassing! Luckily, he doesn't weigh much at all. After being literally set down onto the toilet, Samuel cannot help but feel his eyebrow begin to twitch as Shelby just stares at him, shutting his eyes as he lets out a soft, tired, and annoyed sigh...

"Shelby..." Looking upwards at the bovine lady, he frowns as he raises an eyebrow. "Can you at least look in a different direction?" Obviously she doesn't want him to run, but she is in the room after all. Plus, he doubts he can really get far without her tackling him and smothering him again. Though soon enough, the call of nature finally gets the better of him. 'Lord give me strength...' With a silent prayer, and a quick undoing of his pants, he lets out a resigning sigh before he finally gets to business... Not without his hand blocking the view, at least. At least she can't get a DIRECT view now. Not like it is good coverage anyway.

"... Can you at least explain why you needed to try to smother me to death?" He knows a guy who would love this sort of treatment, though the factor about Mamono would probably deter him... Maybe... Shutting his eyes, he shakes his head before he decides this is at the least a good of a time as any to ask before she tries to attack him again. "Plus, why did you even feed me and let me in? I know I accidentally walked in on you, but..." His eyes trail up towards Shelby's horns... "... Could have just not let me in..." Soon enough he just resigns to planting his free hand on his face, waking himself up a bit from nearly passing out from the really soft smothering. "Did you just have the idea to try to smother me until I died?" With how much she was smooshing her breasts against his head mere minutes ago, it was at least something he could ask.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

"I have to look!" Shelby declared. "I can't let you escape and tell the inquisition I'm here, I'll have to abandon the ranch, I'll get killed!" she declared, before kneeling right in front of Samuel on the toilet. "Just pee!" she pressured him.

After he went, she frowned at him. "I was afraid that you were a member of the inquisition. A lone female out in the middle of nowhere will no doubt be put under suspicion. I didn't want to incur your wrath and have you spot me out as a mamono and kill me!" she explained. "So now you have to stay here, forever, and NEVER TELL ANYONE!" she declared.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

With a frustrated sigh, Samuel just shakes his head, shuts his eyes, and just stays quiet while he tries to ignore the bovine woman crouching between his legs. Most. Uncomfortable. Pee. Ever... Though with how pressuring she is, it is going to be a problem to even try to sneak out of this place. Must find a way to convince her, or just find a way to get space... Can't leave without his equipment either. If he escaped without them, he would be practically unarmed and left to the mercy of other mamono.

With this uncomfortable moment in his life over, he scoots backwards a little bit on the toilet before frowning back to Shelby. "Given the comparison between you and me, I doubt I really could harm you much." Self deprecation aside, this is turning out to be very far from his favor. He has a job to do after all, and all he has in his bag are his bolts, food, and his notebo... Hmm... "... Plus, I am just going to Zippangu to catalog Mamono species, not hunting for Mamono that can probably beat me with their fingertips." Looking towards the door briefly, he points towards it before he frowns. "In my bag you can find a little notebook with my sketches in it if you want to see it." Hope she is fine with only a few common forest mamono notes... Plus when he had the time he would have to add a new entry. Hope he would even get time to.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

"I don't know that!" Shelby exclaimed. "You could be some kind of evil clergy member, with angelic powers capable of burning me to a crisp! You don't need muscles for that!" she announced. "And no matter what your reasons are, I can't let you go, no matter what. If you were to tell anyone about me, I could be dead. So you absolutely cannot ever leave!" she insisted.

"If you're done peeing, you'd best be off to bed. Oh, and do you think you can sleep comfortably with some of your limbs bound with rope?" she inquired.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

With a resigned sigh, Samuel gets his pants back on right. This is going to make this last longer than I wanted it to... While he knew his attempt at convincing her would probably fail, it was at least good to try. Rising to his feet, he shrugs his shoulders before speaking. "I guess that is possible, though if I could I probably would've used it by now." Though he doesn't vocalize his complaints about him 'not leaving ever', he cannot help but internally groan. Getting smothered? Not a pleasant thing, and surprised me. Mamono watching me pee, very awkward. Mamono trying to keep me here? Even more awkward...

Samuel raises an eyebrow at her question. Is she really asking him this...? Guess she is still wanting to be nice. "Well... I'd like not being tied up more." He notes, waiting for Shelby to get going before he gets to walking back to his room. At least he already got sleep beforehand... More time to think of how to get out of here.
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Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Shelby looked nervous. "If you don't want to be bound... Then I'll have to sleep with you to make sure you don't go anywhere." She declared.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel's cheeks turn quite a bit red almost immediately after Shelby's declaration. "... Rope it is then? ... No offense."