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Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Allright, against my better judgement, I'm doing this. Gonna remake Path of Ashes, into a proper rping setup, with more preplanning and less jumping at the gun.

Thus, this thread, to help me get a bit of a hand to work on the system again. Any and all help tis apreciated, thankie very much in advanced :3

General System Rules

Roleplay segments art more the less freeform, with dice rolls used for contested situations.

Naturals Rule- a max dice is added to the score of action or combat rolls and has annother roll added.

Auto Loss- A roll of 1 is an auto loss for combat and actions.

Players are expected to keep track of experience, loot, and ammo gained/used!

Certain situations may deviate from the rules in logical areas.

---Actions, aka Skill Checks---

Actions that take more than the most general of abilities (Searching wreckage, leaping a large gap, struggling free from a monster) are decided by the following formula, substituting X for the stat most related to the action, and Y for the difficulty of the action as decided by the DM. Sometimes, multiple stats are tested in a chain, depending on the action.

1d10 + X - Y
9+ is success
8- is failure, repercussions dependent on action.

Sample Actions:
Escaping by running: Easy Action, Agility
Struggle Free: Hard Action, Strength
Scaling a building with no assisted equipment: Impossible Action, Agility/Strength

Action Difficulties:
Easy- 1- 1 Experience is lost if failed
Moderate- 2- 2 Experience is gained at success
Hard- 4- 4 Experience is gained at success
Very Hard- 8- 8 Experience is gained at success
Impossible- 10- 10 Experience is gained at success

---Character Growth---

Stat Points are gained per successful Action done, and defeating creatures, both with successful combat actions and via monster experience. These points can later be used for character growth, such as buying additional stat points, gaining new character skills, and even increasing earlier skills

Bonuses gained via Stat Points are still being deduced, but those that exist are below.

Additional Statpoints: Permanently increase one of your stats by +1, limited to 10 (Or +10 HP, Pleasure Limit, or Focus, limited to 100) - 25 Stat Points

Transformation Immunity: For those that don't want to have their character's biological makeup changed, take this to gain a rare DNA strain in your bloodline that prevents permanent transformation effects. - 10 Stat Points

Boom, Headshot: Gives Called Shots with Precision Weaponry an instant-kill effect on Non-Elite enemies, following the same limitations as the Precision Weapons effect. (Elites, Minibosses, and Bosses are immune to this ability, and instead take standard Precision Weapon damage.) - 100 Stat Points
Akimbo Assassin: Reduces the penalty of duel-wielding 1-handed weapons, returning it to standard difficulty.

Psyonics: The character gains the ability to use Psyonics, a branch of psychic based attacks that rely on Focus, as well as skillchecks. - 100 Stat Points

Experienced: Pleasure damage from 'natural' sources is reduced by 3. Pleasure damage cannot be reduced below 3 this way. - 100 Stat Points
Tentacle Pleaser: Pleasure damage from 'unnatural' sources is reduced by 3. Pleasure damage cannot be reduced below 3 this way. - 100 Stat Points
Meatshield: Reduced combat damage by 3. Damage cannot be reduced below 3 this way. - 100 Stat Points

Sexay!: A skill used to make monsters that are naturally aggressive, but still having the rapeskills become less aggressive. This of course has the bad sides... - 25 Stat Points
Good Swimmer: Actions done in the water aren't quite as difficult as they used to be. - 25 Stat Points
Physical Training - Restraints are easier to get out of. - 25 Stat Points

Combat Rules


Player Initiative comes from the following formula, and effects monsters as well.

Character Agility Stat (or Aim if in ranged combat) / 2 + (Modifier of character's active weapon) + (1d20)

Equal Initiatives are tie broke via the character's Agility. If Agility is equal, the PCs and allied NPCs have first priority.

---Melee Combat Formula---

Attacker 1d10 + Body vs. Defender 1d10 +Body
A>D Success, calculate damage
A=<D Attack fails, successful block

---Ranged Combat Formula

1d10 + Aim - Range - Difficulty, if needed

9 or < is success, calculate damage
> is failure

---Pleasure Damage and Rape Side-Effects---

1d10+Stat related to Raep implement (Body for convential, Aim for tentacles, Brains for mental pleasures, etc.) vs. 1d10+player body
A>D Pleasure is gained, uses damage of chosen Implement is used for pleasure
A=D The attack still succeeds, but you can't gain 0 pleasure anyway...
A<D Pleasure is not gained

When a person or monster reaches Max Pleasure, a D4 is rolled:

Player Max Chart
1 Fatigue= -2 all stats for 3 turns
2 Horny= Pleasure bar goes to 10 instead of 0
3 Sex Frenzy= Player gains the Sex Frenzy status.
4 Unconscious= Lose 3 turns for roleplaying due to being out like a light

Monster Max Chart
1 Fatigue= -2 all stats for 3 turns
2 Untangle= Any form of grapple (and maybe penetrations) are removed
3 One More Time!= The monster begins again
4 Unconscious= Lose 3 turns for roleplaying due to being out like a light

Simultaneous orgasm causes monsters to one more time and players to sex frenzy. When the creature next orgasms, it goes Unconscious

Body Armor

Unless your character was grabbed already and stripped, you will most likely need some form of clothing for them. Instead of the usual 'name clothing and rip off,' each piece has a certain resistance depending on the material. For example, a Kevlar Vest is stronger than a pair of silk jammies. Thus, the following scale of fabric strengths.

---Fabric Strengths---

A generic list of fabric strengths used as a general scale of armor creation. PLEASE GIVE INPUT ON IF I NEED TO TWEAK THIS SOMEWHAT

Silk- 4, -Defense on Slash, Stab, Hack, Piercing, Explosive, Fire
Cloth- 8, -Defense on Slash, Hack, Explosive, Fire
Spandex- 6
Mesh- 4
Nylon- 4
Leather- 8
Denim- 8
Rubber- 10
Fur- 10, +Defense on Slash, Fire
Kevlar- 15, +Defense on Piercing, -Defense on Stab
Metal- 20, +Defense on Stab, Slash, Piercing, -Defense on Crush, Fire, Explosive
PVC- 12

---Armor Pieces---

-Standard Clothing- Roleplay wise, this clothing can be anything and everything. Statwise, the most basic of armors. It's probably not gonna last too long.
Durability: 8/8
This piece of armor gives defensive bonuses to no damage. The piece of armor loses extra durability to Slash, Hack, Explosive, and Fire damage.

-Kevlar Vest- A vest made out of kevlar, pulled over a person's torso.
Durability: 15/15
This piece of armor gives defense bonuses to Piercing damage. The piece of armor loses extra durability to Stab attacks.

-Bracing Plates- Metalic plates put on the arms and legs of certain military and merc units for lighter armor in various areas.
Durability: 20/20
This piece of armor gives defense bonuses to Stab, Slash, and Piercing damage. This piece of armor loses extra durability to Fire, Explosive, and Crush damage.

---Damage to Armor---

Armor is damaged on a successful attack passively. Half of general combat damage rounded down is hit to the armor durability. If armor has extra defensive bonuses, it will half the damage again after it's been deducted, and also counts as a temporary 'Hardened to X' for each resistance. If the armor is weak to an attack, it loses durability equal to the full attack damage.


---Melee Weapons---

-Scalpel- A simple surgical tool, though if need be, it makes a decent desperation tool.
Damage Type: Stab
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 1d6
Initiative Boost: +4
Other Effects: Sneak Attack

-Knife- An average household knife, or a generic pocketknife.
Damage Type: Stab + Slash
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 1d6+2
Initiative Boost: +2
Other Effects: Sneak Attack

-Combat Knife- A much more badass version of the standard knife.
Damage Type: Stab + Slash
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 1d8+2
Initiative Boost: +2
Other Effects: Sneak Attack

-Wrench- Causes critical damage to Splicers.
Damage Type: Crush
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 2d6
Initiative Boost: 0
Other Effects: 10% Stun Chance 1

-Lead Pipe- The most basic weapon of the survivalist.
Damage Type: Crush
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d6
Initiative Boost: -1
Other Effects: 20% Stun 2

-Fire Axe- Huddah Huddah Huh.
Damage Type: Slash + Stab + Crush + Hack
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d6+4
Initiative Boost: -3
Other Effects: Undead Hunter

-Katana- Because katanas are just better.
Damage Type: Slash + Hack
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 1d12+3
Initiative Boost: +2
Other Effects: Mystic Medium

-Broadsword- THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!
Damage Type: Slash + Hack + Crush
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 1d20+2
Initiative Boost: -2
Other Effects: 20% Stun Chance 1

-Chainsaw- No other words be required. CHAAAAAAAAAAIINSAAAAW!!!
Damage Type: Slash + Hack
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 1d10+3
Initiative Boost: -2
Ammo Used: Fuel
Ammo Capacity: 20
Other Effects: Uses 1 dose of Fuel each round, Multi-Hit 3
Extra Abilities: Flip the Switch - Activate/Deactivate the Chainsaw, to conserve fuel. The chainsaw must be activated to attack.

---Ranged Weapons---

-Handgun- A standard handgun. More than likely a 9mm, full metal jacket.
Damage Type: Piercing
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 2d6
Initiative Boost: +1
Ammo Used: 9mm Clip
Ammo Capacity: One Clip
Other Effects: Precision Weapon

-Shotgun- A modern multi-slug shotgun.
Damage Type: Piercing
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d10
Initiative Boost: -2
Ammo Used: Buckshot
Ammo Capacity: 8
Other Effects: Piercing Shot

-Assault Rifle- A modernistic assault rifle, based off the M16 pattern assault rifle.
Damage Type: Piercing
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d6+2
Initiative Boost: -3
Ammo Used: Assault Rifle Clip, Extended Assault Rifle Clip
Ammo Capacity: One Clip
Other Effects: N/A
Extra Abilities: Can be fired in either Semi Auto (1 shot), Burst Fire (5 shots), or Full Auto (15 shots)

-Sniper Rifle- A standard, bolt-fed rifle, modified with a scope for superior sniping power.
Damage Type: Piercing
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d10+5
Initiative Boost: -5
Ammo Used: Heavy Rifle Bullets
Ammo Capacity: 5
Other Effects: Precision Weapons+

-Flamethrower- The ultimate tool in spychecking!
Damage Type: Gas (Fire Element)
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 1d10+5
Initiative Boost: -4
Ammo Used: Gas Canister, 3 Ammo per shot
Ammo Capacity: One Canister
Other Effects: Short-Ranged, Afterburn, Splash Area

-Sextant-Pattern RPG- A favorite weapon of mercenary forces, the Sextant can load up to six grenade rounds, and then either fire them with onboard rockets, or release them to gravity’s mercy. Either way, it’s utterly devastating.
Damage Type: Explosion (Explosive Element)
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 3d10
Initiative Boost: -7
Ammo Used: Sextant Grenades
Ammo Capacity: 6
Other Effects: Splash Damage
Extra Abilities: Can load up to 6 separate shots, each extra shot slowing initiative by -2, and counting as an extra damage roll for each shell. Firing them as grenades allow for Indirect Fire, however counts as a more difficult Aim action.

-Shock Rifle- A light plasma-based energy weapon, the Shock Rifle has a unique combo attack, that makes it surprisingly painful to the unprepared enemy.
Damage Type: Energy
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d10 (Secondary 1d20)
Initiative Boost: -4
Ammo Used: Shock Rifle Charges (Releases 5 per shot)
Ammo Capacity: 10 (5 used for Secondary Attack)
Other Effects: Precision Weapon (Primary Only), Splash Damage (Secondary only), Free Reload
Extra Abilities: A primary shot into the Secondary orb results in a much stronger blast of the secondary’s AOE effect, resulting in an Energy blast of 3d20. Reloading, however, is done standard after such a blast.

-BFG9000- ‘Yaknow, I liked it better when it just killed stuff’
Damage Type: Energy
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d10
Initiative Boost: -8
Ammo Used: BFG Cells
Ammo Capacity: 4
Other Effects: Nuclear, Splash Area
Extra Abilities: Charging the weapon up will use additional charges, but will add additional damage dice to the resulting attack.

---Grenades and Deployables---

-Flashbang- Military-Grade flashbangs. Avert your eyes!
Damage Type: N/A
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: N/A
Initiative Boost: 0
Timer: 0
Other Effects: Splash Area, 60% Stunchance 2, Inflicts Blinded on anyone who fails a Tech check (for failing to recognize the threat and blocking the light effect)

-HE Grenade- Heavy explosive damage, but be careful of close-range use!
Damage Type: Explosion (Explosive Element)
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 3d20
Initiative Boost: 1
Timer: 1

-Sticky Bomb- Not sticky cause how ya think. Surprisingly never sticks to the user of the explosive.
Damage Type: Explosion (Explosive Element)
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 4d10
Initiative Boost: 0
Timer: 1
Other Effects: Splash Area, Sticks to surfaces upon first being thrown, detonating and damaging targets near the explosion point.

---Other/Special Weapons---

-Tazer- DON'T TAZE ME BRO!!!
Damage Type: Piercing (Electric Element)
Hands Required: One
Damage Calculation: 1d10+2
Initiative Boost: -1
Ammo Used: Weapon Battery
Ammo Capacity: 5
Other Effects: Tazed Bro

-Harpoon Gun- Used by spearfishers, it works off compressed air to launch harpoons a great distance.
Damage Type: Stab
Hands Required: Two
Damage Calculation: 2d6+2
Initiative Boost: -6
Ammo Used: Harpoons
Ammo Capacity: 1
Other Effects: Useable in Water, Precision Weapon


Ammo loading comes in two major types, incrementally, which adds in a use from a separate collection source, or via Clip-Style, where if you pull a clip, the clip will still be partly used. (Note, players can top off clips when they get the chance as a free action, just not during combat as you really got better things to worry about.)

-Fuel Can- Used by Gas-powered tools as well as certain weapons.
Capacity of Clips: 25
Loading Style: Incrementally

-9mm Clip- A standard handgun clip.
Capacity of Clips: 10
Loading Style: Clip-Style

-Assault Rifle Clip- Fitted for most automatic rifles.
Capacity of Clips: 15
Loading Style: Clip-Style

-Extended Rifle Clip- It's like a 100% Bonus!
Capacity of Clips: 30
Loading Style: Clip-Style

-Buckshot- Standard Shotgun shells.
Capacity of Clips: 1 Slug
Loading Style: Incrementally

-Heavy Rifle Bullets- I have yet to meet one who can outsmart oversized bullets.
Capacity of Clips: 1 Bullet
Loading Style: Incrementally

-Harpoon- For the fisherman's unique arsenal, or if you're fighting Necromorphs, accept no substitute.
Capacity of Clips: 1 Harpoon
Loading Style: Incrementally

-Gas Canister- I love the smell of promethium in the morning.
Capacity of Clips: 30 units of gas
Loading Style: Clip-Style

-Sextant Grenade- Not designed for throwing, can only be triggered with a Sextant RPG
Capacity of Clips: 1 Grenade
Loading Style: Incrementally

-Shock Rifle Charges- Surprisingly compact for such a powerful rifle...
Capacity of Clips: 10 Charges
Loading Style: Clip-Style

-BFG Cell- Handle with Care
Capacity of Clips: 4 Charges
Loading Style: Clip-Style

---General Items---

-Access Card- Access cards have various 'ranks', with each level going from F, D, C, B, A, S. Higher up the grade, the more important the access is locking.
Allows access into various doorways in the facilities.

-Medic Gel- A high-tech, liquidated band-aid. Not able to be applied on the go, but is a much more efficient medical aid.
Heals 3d6 Health. Cannot be used in combat

-Life Water- A militarized version of the Medic Gel, Life Water has even greater medicinal properties then Medkits, but once again is too fragile a sealant to use while on the go.
Heals 3d20 Health. Cannot be used in combat

-Bandages- Simple gauze straps, used to hold surface wounds together until they heal.
Heals 1d8 Health

Heals 2d6 Health

-Medkit- Full of all sorts of medical supplies, useful for curing the players who are highly wounded.
Heals 3d10 Health

-Adrenaline- WBBBBHWR!
Heals 1d10 HP, also gives the Adrenaline buff.

-Com Headset- Used by most security forces of the day to keep in contact with each other. Have various codec channels, as well as a basic broadband channel for open calling.
Players with the Com Headset can contact other people via the various channels, either by the broadband channel or via private channels given to them.

-Handcuffs- You have the right to not use your arms...
Restrains people by wherever the two ends of the cuffs are connected. Can get out of them via a skillcheck.

-Flashlight- Useful in dark places.
Decreases skill check difficulties in dark places while it's on.

-Gas Mask- Fitted for pyromaniacs, military use, as well as stockbrokers.
Blocks the effect of any gas-based armaments, such as Sleep Bombs and Satchels.

-Silencer- A silencer, with adapter pieces for many forms of firearms.
Silencers can be equipped to certain firearms, giving them the 'Silenced' prefix and giving the weapon the Sneak Attack property. Silencers can also be removed again.
Silencers can be attached to the following firearms: Handgun, Sniper Rifle.

Status Effects/Weapon Bonuses

---Weapon Bonuses---

Weapon Battery - Instead of using a clip, this weapon essentially works on a battery, holding a cell of 'Power' and recharging at 10 a turn outside of confrontation.
Tazed Bro - Tazer weapons stun enemies for two turns. Residual electrical shock can come over to anyone touching the victim as well.

X Element - Deals damage based off a certain element. Elemental attacks can do certain damage.
X Hunter - Deals double the damage to the enemy of the specified type.
Slayer - Deals double damage to non-elite enemies
X% Stun x - Stuns the enemy with a certain percentage, measured via d100 dependent on success rate. The second variable is how long it stuns, for example 15% Stun 1 would stun a enemy 15% of the time, for one combat turn.
Nuclear- Due to the powers of fission, this weapon does full damage, even if the enemy would naturally be resistant to its damage type.

Free Reload – Reloading counts as a free action, allowing the player to add a new clip into the weapon without executing a Combat Reload
Sneak Attack - If the character initiates combat, a free combat move is done if they are equipped with a Sneak Attack weapon.
Multihit - Deals multiple damage rolls dependent on the severity. Multihit 2 does 2 damage rolls, for example.

Precision Weapons - Precision weapons deal double the damage a standard weapon would on a called shot to the weak point of a target, if it has a recognizable weak spot.
Precision Weapons+ - Precision weapons with a overdrive. Precision + weapons deal triple the damage of a standard weapon on a called shot to the weak point of a target, if it has a recognizable weak spot.
Piercing Shot - Bullets shot from this weapon has the chance of breaking through a primary target, dealing half the damage to the targets behind the primary target.

Splash Area- Damages targets next to the initial target upon the weapon's release.
Short Ranged- Cannot hit targets at a extended range.
Afterburn- Continues to damage the target with the element of the weapon for a random amount of turns, decided via a d8
Venomed - Deals 1d6 poison damage per turn upon successfully damaging someone with this weapon.
Mystic Medium - Any species that can channel magical properties can use this weapon to channel their spells more efficiently, reducing the fatigue required.

---Status Ailments---

In Smoke - Smoke lowers the effective sight range of enemies, making it easier to sneak past targets, but does make doing skill-based things in the smoke cloud hard to do.
Tazed - Target is stunned for a few turns, as well as channels electricity through them. People touching the tazer’d victim will get a very mild electric shock, equating to 1d6 electrical damage.
Stunned - Stunning lasts for varying degrees, and will be listed on the related weapon or opponent both the stunchance and the length of stun. In short, you can't do anything the turns you are stunned.
Sex Frenzy - Gives chance of triggering in combat on a Critical Fail of a D20 on the start of each combat round. Sex Frenzy will force the character to attempt copulation with a random target (even themselves!) until the end of the current combat.
Sleeping - Similar to Stunned, however most creatures will ignore a sleeping enemy, as well as players will gain health sleeping. Also, players can sleep naturally if they wish, with the associated risks.
Blinded - Blinded enemies and targets have their combat rolls needing to match a 12

---Status Boosts---

Adrenaline Boost - Boosts Initiative for 10 turns by +5
Rage - Boosts Strength by +2, +2 to damage modifiers in Melee, and increases the chance to hit in melee

Character Stats

---Skill Stats---

Aim - A purely Gunner skill, Aim relates to actions requiring a player to position, aim, and release any form of projectile with any form of accuracy.
Agility - Player's Agility measures the skill it takes to do many things such as jumping and running, as well as more complicated measures.
Body - Body measures the player's resistance to physical damage as well as the player's strength in actions.
Brains - Measure's the character's intelligence, and how they work with logical thinking and puzzles.
Mystic - Measures the character's power and resistance with both Psyonics and Earthtouch, as well as the character's resistance to such powers.
Tech - Measures how well the character is at hacking, using technological equipment, and dealing with systems
Health - The character's Health. Loose all of it, and the character will pass out until they can recover again, using a Continue. Further damages may be gained as a result of passing out near a monster.
Pleasure Limit - Gauges the amount of pleasure a character goes through. Peaking this stat will cause a character to orgasm.
Focus - Similar to Health, but used in connection with Mystic for spellcasting. Any character without Psyonics or Earthtouch won't have any use for this ability.
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Re: Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.

How many stat points are pcs allowed at chargen?
Re: Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.

How many stat points are pcs allowed at chargen?

When I figure it out I'll tell you. Mainly as I'm still refiguring out the system. Why put the cart before the horse?
Re: Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.

Main post wouldn't let me post more, so the start of the character and species goes here.

Races and Character Details

---Race/Char Creation---

*Races will have 15 points put into thier stat profile, spread over the 6 skills, as well as an additional 8 points worth spread into thier Health/Focus/Pleasure stats. (1 point equaling 10 points in those stats)

*Classes will add a aditional 5 points spread over the stats

*Finally, players will add 5 extra points at char creation, spread over the primary stats. Unlike Races and Classes, player-added stats cannot boost Health, Focus, and Pleasure.

---Species/Race Traits---

Weak to X - The creature is weak to attacks from the specific type of damage/element type. Damage from this weapon/element type is +3
Hardened to X - The creature has a resistance to this type of damage. Damage from this weapon/element type is -3. Damage cannot be lowered below 3 this way.

Marksman - Makes tasks related to Aim slightly easier
Contortionist - Makes tasks related to Agility slightly easier
Body Builder - Makes tasks related to Body slightly easier
Enhanced Perception - Makes tasks related to Brains slightly easier
Gifted - Makes tasks related to Mystic slightly easier
Access Ports - Makes tasks related to Tech checks slightly easier

Experienced: Pleasure damage from 'natural' sources is reduced by 3. Pleasure damage cannot be reduced below 3 this way.
Tentacle Pleaser: Pleasure damage from 'unnatural' sources is reduced by 3. Pleasure damage cannot be reduced below 3 this way.
Meatshield: Reduced combat damage by 3. Damage cannot be reduced below 3 this way.

Sexay!: A skill used to make monsters that are naturally agressive, but still hasing the rapeskills become less agressive. This of course has the bad sides...
Good Swimmer: Actions done in the water aren't quite as difficult as they used to be.
Physical Training - Restraints are easier to get out of.
Flight - A uniqe skill for those with wings. Allows for players to take flight, able to hop over some obstructions as well as access to some out-of-reach areas.

Multilimbed x - The creature has a extra pair of limbs, equal to the value of X. This can be useful for the use of extra weaponry, though only One-handed armaments can be used, and any armaments used in the secondary limbs will have a penalty to hit.
Prehensile Tail - A tail that very much acts like the extention of the person's will. Can also use one-handed melee weaponry, though is not useful for ranged combat.
Natural Claws - Natural Claws give better barehanded stats, increasing the roll from 1d6(+body), to 1d10(+body)
Climbing Claws - Climbing Claws damage at 1d10(+body) for unarmed melee attacks, as well as allow characters to traverse walls, ceilinngs, and other hard surfaces that can allow for player movement.
Darksight - Allows the user to see in the dark as well as in light, allowing them to notice creatures in dark areas better then others.
Barbed Tail - Barb Tails count as a advanced melee tool, and will deal 1d6 damage(+body) when used in combat
Venomed Secretions - Venomous secretions come from a certain part or parts of your body, most common with fangs or tail stingers. Gives the player a chance to inflict Light Poison to a target.
Paralyzing Secretions -
Pleasuring Secretions -
Stonelike Secretions - Easily the most insane of the poison effects, Stonelike causes your body to go into 'Statis' in 1d10 turns after infliction, the players losing the ability to do any major actions. Roleplaywise, thier body will stop responding to them, essentially going limp. The effect lasts a further 1d10 turns.
Lesser Regeneration - Gain 1d6 HP per turn.
Regeneration - Gain 1d10 HP per turn.
Greater Regeneration - Gain 1d20 HP per turn.
Heavy Akimbo Grip - Able to wield a double-handed weapon (Firearm or Melee) as if it was a one-handed armament.
Webspinner -

Tentacles! - Tentacles can strike at Close range, and are able to attempt pinning moves at Close and Melee rangese. Damage is 1d6+(Body Stat), and the attack role depends on the Ranged Skill. Tentacles are Multihit x4
Extendacles! - Extendacles can strike at Long range, and are able to attempt pinning moves at Close and Melee rangese. Damage is 1d6+(Body Stat), and the attack role depends on the Ranged Skill. Extenacles are Multihit x4
Alpha's Glance - Grants the ability to 'stare down' a creature, lowering a creature's agression dependent on a Brains check. Some monsters may not react as planned however.
Naughty Glance - Grants the ability to attempt to reverse a monster's agression into lust dependant on a Brains Check. Critical Successes with this skill triggers the enemy to go into a Sex Frenzy. Will not work on monsters with no erotic attacks.
Rage - Players can choose to enter Rage, giving a boost to attack to-hit, a +2 to damage, and +2 to Strength during rage. However, Rage can be automaticly triggered if Focus is broke.

Big Hands, Big Fingers - Due to the abnormal size of your hands, you cannot used 'standard' sized armaments, and are instead limited to special-crafted firearms, which are harder to come by.
HULK SPEAK!!! - You talk simple. You don't talk too big words.
Fagility - A all-around fragility to damage, giving you extra +3 damage no matter the source- Focus-Sap, Health loss, or Pleasure Damage.
Breeding Frenzy - Breeding Frenzy causes focus to drain at half the cost of the currently-gained pleasure damage, and full focus drain equal to pleasure during orgasm. If focus is lost, Breeding Frenzy is triggered, causing the user to forcibly copulate with whatever victim they are with, until at least either 2 orgasms of the user or Feinting.

Psyonics - The character gains the ability to use Psyonics, a branch of psychic based attacks that rely on Focus, as well as skillchecks.
Earthtouched - Able to use the Earthtouched spellbook. Earthtouch is a spelltree related to various natural skills and spells, bending nature to one's wills and whims.
Special Spellbook X - Access to a special spellbook, dependent on race, mutations, or other factors
Hivemind X - Allows limited control of certain type of creatures, especially if you are the source of them.
Null - Your genetic makeup makes you unable to use any form of Psyonics. Don't waste points boosting Focus with this character.



-Human- Dominant race for several millenia on earth, thanks to being one of the few species to develop tools. Modernish humans aren't entirely the sturdious of races, however the average human is still a force to be reckoned with in a crisis. In this day and age though, standard combat with sharp sticks have been replaced with firearms. Additionally, rare humans have become psyonicly enhanced, able to use projections of thier will to affect the material plane. The human's lust to find the genes responsible for psyonics is the entire reason the market of bioengineering exists to this day.

Health: 30
Focus: 20
Pleasure: 30

Aim: 3
Agility: 2
Body: 3
Brains: 3
Mystic: 2
Tech: 2


-Offworlder- A generic template to create your own race. Abilities will be up to GM decision based on the character's skills and backstory, as well as a bit of discussion on the side. Thus, X stats for everything!


NOTE: Biochanged, due to several opinions on how several species are portrayed, as well as generalistic biomutations such as Cybernetic and Botanic, will include both standard and some optional ones. I do ask you to try and keep optionals depending on your character description, instead of adding them for added powers for no reason.

-Nekoami- One of the first, and one of the most successful, of the biomutations, Nekoami is one of the most experienced cosmetic mutation of the staff. As simple as a pair of ears and a tail, all the way to full body fur and changing the irisis, Nekoami are almost as common as the standard human anymore.

-1 Aim
+2 Agi
-1 Body
Naughty Glance

Natural Claws




-Caprid- Originally, goat-based requests for cosmetic changes led to dubious confusion. Until GenX realized that many of the people who went with the procedure would come out looking similar to satyrs and fawns. Afterwards, they were more then happy with the subject.

Caprid mutations are rarely full-body, but more often then not form lower-body to some degree. Additional mutations include horns, changes to ears, as well as larger eyes.

+1 Agi
+1 Body
-1 Brains
-1 Tech

-Arachnic- Utilizing spider or scorpion DNA, Arachnics often cause quite a shock to people. Mainly due to the natural phobias of spiders and such creepy creatures. Others find the femfatale appearence of Arachnics strangely alluring...

The Arachnics range from anything from spider-based to scorpion-based, with thier appearence basicly based on those factors. Multiple eyes and pieces of carapace are common, less common being multiple arms, or in the case of a Scorpion DNA used, the tail, complete with poison. Spider-based ones tend to have web powers as well available for them.

+1 Aim
-1 Agility
-1 Body
+1 Mystic
Physical Training
Enhanced Perception

Multilimbed 2/4/6
Venomous Secretions
Paralyzing Secretions
Pleasuring Secretions
Stonelike Secretions


Western Dragonkin

Eastern Dragonkin





-Sergalian- For the uniniciated, Sergals are a fantasy race created by a furry enthusist, which mixes several avien and manmalian traits. Due to the popularity of the species, GenX decided to profit from it, and created the cosmetic enhancement designwork into thier cosmetic transformations.

Sergals are known for a angular head, sharp pointed ears, large tails with a large fuzzy base, and raptorian claws. Structurewise they share avien and mammalian traits, and are known to be a agressive, predatory lot. Being a fictional species, however, GenX had to prefect the design until it was acceptable, via mixing several traits of wolves, lizards, and other predators. Thus this mutation took a lot more work then some of the mutations available.

Due to the fact this mutation has been known to increase the agression levels of others, GenX is SUPPOSED to regulate the ones that gain the mutations, and stop those with otherwise high agression levels from gaining it. However, GenX simply stores the info, and doesn't regulate it.

-1 Aim
+1 Agility
+1 Body
-1 Tech
Body Builder
Natural Claws
Alpha's Glance




-Matriach- As travels outside the world mixed existances with other species not naturally found to the outside world, threats one would not find in the natural world became apparent. Thus, when the Wayland Utani corperation first came in contact with the species that would eventually become known as Xenomorph, experiments related to the creatures began to appear. GenX helped fund a successful capture, and gained a live sample long enough to gain the DNA, before escaping before the inetiveable screwing over of the facility. With the genetic material, GenX began creating a mutagen focused on it. Six test subjects were selected, though only one has survived currently through the test procedures with thier mind intact.

Matriachs are known for thier chitnotious black plating, glowing body fluids, and severe hatred of those that turned them into these monstrosities. Close to bestial even at the best of times, a Matriach will give no quarter, using sharp claws and thier superb sences to hunt down prey, both to cure thier bloodlust and thier carnal needs. Unlike standard Xenomorphs, the Matriach breed via forcing themselves on victims, using females as incubators while males help sate thier own needs of pleasure. Matriachs have also been known to get into breeding frenzies, filling rooms to the point of pooling with thier glowing seed.

Instead of facehuggers, the Matriachs tend to instead create smaller creatures, seemingly underdeveloped pure Xenos which have been refered to as 'Angels' by thier queen- though they are refered to by the science community as 'Halfborns'. These creatures serve the Matriach that bred them, acting as minions and defenders, and have thier own mutation powers involved as well.

HP: 40
Focus: 30
Pleasure: 10

Aim: 2
Agi: 5
Body: 3
Brains: 3
Mys: 1
Tech: 1

Climbing Claws
Prehensile Tail
Barbed Tail
Breeding Frenzy
Hive Mind - Halfborn

Monster Queen

-Tyrant- Generation X has a habit of taking older, not so legal bioengineering companies, disolving them, and then hiring thier scientists to try and rework the project to a better degree. Thus, when Umbrella Corperation's final labs were going under, a chief scientist related to the projects allowed GenX to take several of the system contracts for biological creatures they researched, chief of them the Tyrant Project and T-Virus, as well as some seperate projects such as T-Veronica and the Plagas. GenX began working on thier own brand of tyrants, but instead of making thier killing machines off of existing persons, like Umbrella had done, GenX culture-grew clones for the task, ensuring that they were entirely blank of character before the augmentations. The Tyrant variants that were a result of this - dubbed 'Anubis' and 'Osiris' - were cleared for mass production, as well as developed as a mutagen, in case one of the high-risk employees needed to fade to the back. Nothing says 'gone forever' then selling old employees as weapons, after all.

Anubis Tyrant: Focusing on raw strength, utilizing a combination of genes related to the Plagas found commonly in Regenerators, and the original T-Virus. The Anubis Tyrant, while able to regenerate itself to a varying degree lessso then a Regenerator, does have other advantages, such as intelligence to use firearms and weapon platforms, as well as tentacles, which reside in pores over the creature's back and arms, which are drawn out at will.

Health: 40
Focus: 10
Pleasure: 30

Aim: 3
Agility: 2
Body: 4
Brains: 2
Mystic: 1
Tech: 3

Lesser Regeneration
Heavy Akimbo Grip
Alpha's Glance
Big Hands, Big Fingers

Osiris Tyrant: Based off of T-Veronica, the Osiris is highly amplified in the psyonic mind, able to use projections of psyonic energies and is highly agile. Those who face a Osiris should be worried about thier high amount of special psyonic abilities, as well as high agility and combat skills. Like the Anubis, Osiris have tentacle 'ports' as well, however they only have them on one of thier arms, instead of coating much of the torso.

Health: 20
Focus: 40
Pleasure: 20

Aim: 2
Agility: 4
Body: 2
Brains: 2
Mystic: 4
Tech: 1

Alpha's Glance
Special Spellbook: Osiris

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Re: Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.

FINALLY updated some of the char details. Really need to work on this more, probably will work on classes and other basic details some more.
Re: Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.

Here's what I got for the current Sanity system I'm tweaking on...

Sanity Points

Going through extreme crisis can be very taxing to a person, and as a result can cause the person to crack in unintended ways. Sanity Points act as a way to gauge how well your character can take the crisis, and is lost in a few pointed ways:
-Depleting HP and falling unconscious, and not having a friendly player or NPC in range to help you.
-3 turns of constant sexing.
-Certain enemy spells and powers
-The character undergoing a severe transformation.
Sanity Points are regained via:
-Resting for a while
-Defeating an enemy regains 1sanity
-Certain abilities and spells
Sanity is ranked between +10 and -10. The further you go down the minus, the more sanity failures you will accumulate, in the form of various sanity-based status ailments. Max of 3 is active at any given time, but the effects are randomly chosen upon reaching a negative milestone. The same happens a sanity ailment leaving upon reaching above one of the milestones again.

---Sanity Failures---

At 0, -5, and -10 Sanity, the player gets a random Sanity Failure added to their active status, which affects them in various ways.


Shaky Fingers: -5 to Aim stat
Fractured Mind: -5 to Brains stat
Weak-Willed: -5 to Body stat
Broken: Pleasure is doubled from all sources


Visions - Extremely rarely (every 10d20 turns after the last vision) or at the start of combat or during a stress-inducing situation (1d10 at the DM’s discression) the player has an Impossible action happen against their Brains stat. Failure results in a ‘fake’ enemy of a reverent type appearing in close proximity of the person effected. Nearby characters are unaffected by the vision, however. The rolls related to Visions are NOT shown to the player. The illusion is broke if the illusion is interacted with (combat, other NPCs accidentally bumping it) or after 1d6 turns upon it’s appearing.
Panic Attacks - At the start of combat, the player has a Very Hard action taken against their Brains stat. Failure results in the affected person getting ‘stunned’ for 1d4 combat turns due to terror-induced panic.
Compulsive Searching - Forces the player to search every room they enter toughly, even if already searched recently.
Speech Impediments - Player’s speech is impeded. Player’s choice on how exactly this is manifested, but some examples include stutters, shortening of sentences and other vocal disorders.
The Ender - NPCs, monsters and other entities are replaced by shadowy figures with piercing glowing eyes upon first contact. After a while the horrifying visage clears, however the person affected cannot control when these shadowy visages replace others.
Re: Remaking Path of Ashes: System details and tweaks.

Alright, I've threatened it for a bit and I think it's time I do so :S

I'm gonna be in Rachel's chat for a while, trying to poke together some graphs and so on related to various Path of Ashes rules, details and so ons. If ya wanna toss in some words, simply head there to poke around what random shit I got going in my head at the moment. Link related to Rachel's chat can be found at the bottom of the Shoutbox. I'll probably be posting here for other sessions in future should this crazy idea of not cluttering Shout with various ruledumps work.

EDIT: Break time, may come back to ze chat later
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