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Recipe Thread

Re: Recipe Thread

More-with-less Pizza Crust:

1 cup warm water
1 package yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1.5 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
3.25 cup flour, divided

Combine water and yeast in a large bowl. When yeast is dissolved, add sugar, salt, oil, and 1.25 cups of flour. Beat until smooth, then add remaining flour. Knead until elastic (approximately 5 minutes). Place in greased bowl and let rise until double (approximately 45 minutes). Form 2 balls. Pat and stretch to fill 2 greased pizza pans. Let rise 10 minutes. Bake crusts for 5-10 minutes at 450F (232.22C).

NOTE: 5 minute if using crusts immediately. 7-10 freezing for later use. Also, times vary depending on yeast used. We've been using a pizza yeast that doesn't require much time at all to be ready for baking.
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Re: Recipe Thread

~~~Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake ~~~

Step One
Crack an egg into your mug.

Step Two
Add 3 Tablespoons of brown sugar/

Step Three
Toss in 1/3 cup of flour and a tablespoon of softened butter

Step Four
3-4 tablespoons of mini chocolate chips top it all off.

Step Five.
Mix your cake together with a spoon.

Step Six
Microwave your cake for 1 1/2-2 minutes, or just until the top center of the cake has set. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and enjoy!
Re: Recipe Thread

Barley Pilaf
Great dish, especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas
1 3/4 cups pearl or pot barley
4 tbsp. butter
2 whole medium onions minced
1/2 lb. mushrooms chopped
3 1/2 cups consommé or stock
1/2 tsp. salt

Melt 2 tbsp. butter in large-ish frying pan. Sauté barley until lightly browned, remove from pan. Melt remaining butter & sauté onions + mushrooms (should decrease significantly in volume, don't burn though). Add barley back in, stir well. Add consommé/stock & salt, stir well. Pour into greased casserole dish (it
usually just fits into a 1.5 L one, you may want to put a piece of foil below it though). Bake covered at 350 for 45-55 minutes
From grandmother

Easy spicy burger
Bacon, however much you want, and preferably thick cut Canadian bacon :D
1 lb. spicy/hot ground sausage meat (or season regular to taste)
1 lb. lean ground turkey
4 buns

In a large bowl, combine the meat well and form into four patties (the thinner you can get them, the better generally as they tend to clump back up a little bit ;)). Pan fry over medium - medium-high heat, check desired doneness by piercing middle (time varies). Garnish with bacon and a mix of mayo and balsamic vinegar (roughly a ratio of 1.5 mayo to 1 vinegar, should be thin but spreadable), and whatever else you normally put on.

Just a quick question, but are we allowed to post favourite recipes from outside the family, like the food network? Those two are some of the only ones I'm certain are from us.
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Re: Recipe Thread

I don't see why not. It's mostly just favorite recipes and the like. Nothing really says they have to be of your own creation.
Re: Recipe Thread

Okay then, thanks for clarifying!

Anna Olson's Carrot Cake
-with optional cream cheese frosting

3/4 cup oil _ 1 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar _ 3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour _ 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. baking powder _ 1/2 tsp. all-spice
1/2 tsp. baking soda _ 1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups grated carrots _ 3/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts, toasted if you want

Whisk oil, sugars, eggs and vanilla in large bowl. In a separate medium-large bowl, sift/just mix the flour, spices and baking powder + soda together. Add the carrots to the flour mixture, add the flour to the wet mixture and stir smooth. Add the walnuts. Use 2 9-inch pans (square or circular, glass) that are greased and have parchment on the bottom (if you don't want frosting just use one slightly larger pan). Bake 35-30 minutes at 350, done when a skewer inserted has none of the mixture clinging to it. Cool in pan 1/2 a hour then turn out to cool completely.

Beat 8 oz. cream cheese, 1/4 cup butter, 3 cups sifted icing sugar, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. vanilla until smooth, it'll fill and frost the two layers. Plus a bit left over to enjoy. :D
Re: Recipe Thread

Made this earlier, Mindflayer was interested and suggested I put it in the recipes thread, so here we go.

(not to be confused with monstrosity)

What you'll need;
Sausages (traditional sausages, not something like kielbasa, hotdog sausages etc... the pork or beef variety, you know, the kind you can get as links)
Vegetable oil (typically just a tablespoon's worth)

For the batter-
Milk (some people choose to use water instead, or a mixture of both milk and water)
And optionally, salt and pepper to season

Now, I don't put in quantities of ingredients used because everyone is different, but generally you'll want at least two sausages per person (more if you're greedy like me), and probably an egg a person for the batter. Anyway, onto the cooking.

1. Pre-heat the oven to around 200 degrees celsius and pour the oil into a baking dish.

2. Arrange the sausages in the baking dish as you want (lining them up side by side is generally the best method), and then put the dish in the oven for ten or so minutes.

3. While the sausages are heating up put the eggs, flour, and milk into a bowl or jug and mix until smooth. Think of it as making pancakes (because the batter at this stage is effectively just pancake mix). Add your seasonings at this stage if you choose to use them.

4. Once done and the 10 or so minutes are up remove the dish from the oven and pour the batter mix into it, making sure the sausages are half way to three quarters covered by the batter. Place back into the oven and let cook for around 30-40 minutes, or until the batter has risen and become a golden brown in colour.

If done right you'll have made something that looks like and tastes absolutely fantastic.
Re: Recipe Thread

Ok starting with my favourite recipe, it's a recipe for a traditional casserole, but in my family it got handed down being called 'burned crater'...

for 2 to 4 people, depends on how hungry each person is, you need...
1. about 2 middle sized onions
2. cayenne pepper, salt(I prefer herbal salt), thyme (rubbed), parsley(either dried or fresh whichever you prefer, but if you buy fresh parsley cut it very small so you won't have to chew on it)
3. tomato paste one tube (1 tube should be about 200g)
4. minced meat 1 pound (I prefer fresh minced meat; also the original recipe wants you to mix 250g of minced beef with 250g minced meat from sirloin)
5. edam cheese grated 1 package (normally, one package of grated edam contains 200g)
6. 250g of ribbon noodles normaly come in one pound/500g packages
7. a glass of cooking wine (it's basically dry red wine, but since we just need one glass cooking wine comes in small flasks, also we don't need somethign expensive is just has to be dry and red...)
8. 1x whipping cream one package normally contains about 200ml

Now for the recipe:

1. Noodles, well noodles 101 put a pot of water on your stove heat it up until it's boiling, put in one or 2 teaspoons of salt, depends on how salty you want your noodles, I additionaly add a couple teaspoons of olive oil to give the noodles a more squidgy consistency, put in the noodles let 'em cook with less power until they are done, I like them soft but not too soft I still want to have a bite...

2. Ok now for the more important part, cooking the meat...first we want to slice the onions, I always like to slice them into really small pieces so I won't bite on them when I eat the meal, once that's done put 'em in a pan and cook them until they get kinda translucent, then put in the minced meat cook it with the onions until it crumbles into tiny pieces and is kinda greyish + there should be no more fluid in the pan you can also add some oil if you like, it's easier that way to make the meat golden, then add some salt.

Now, pour the glass of wine into the cooking pan, wait until all the fluid from the wine vanished and the meat got a tiny bit golden, remove the pan from the stove or shut down the stove...
Add the tomato paste mix it good with the meat until it's all reddish from the tomato paste, now add salt, cayenne pepper, tyhme and parsley always taste it and add more flavours until it tastes the way you like it...

3. Ok noodles and the meat are done, now to mix the 2 get a nice big oven dish to put the meat and noodles inside, mix up the meat and the noodles good in the form, after that is done pour the whipping cream over it, then add the edam cheese on top, put everything in the oven for about half an hour at around 190°C, just wait for it and your casserole is done...I like it spicy so I sprinkle lots and lots of cayenne pepper all over the casserole I put on my plate.
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Re: Recipe Thread

My pizza recipe...

When it comes to pizza I am a purist, don't expect crazy garnishes here...I mostly care about the tomato sauce and the dough. Though, the dough just takes time it's not rocket science unlike making some good tomato sauce...:p


1. one or two onions depends on how much onions you like in your tomato sauce...
2. sugar, salt(I always prefer herbal salt, it's easier to dosage), black pepper, garlic(lots of it gives the pizza a special tanginess combined with the peppers), hot peppers (I like green bulby peppers they are extremely hot and taste good, I ment this sort they are called , though it says in the article they are mild which is strange...), oregano, basil (I like it's really tasty in the tomato sauce)
3. a package of (I normally buy 2 in case I run out of salami, just buy packaged slices you don't really need something fancy here like some whole sausage I just look out for it having a nice redish color...also the slices are easier to disperse once you have cut them into tinier ...looks like someone was using a rather dull knife :))
4. a package of (again, I buy 2 packages in case 1 package won't suffice...like with salami I normally take the cheapest sort they have in store, there is not much difference in taste, I feel...)
5. flour, oil(I normally take olive oil), you can either use water or milk for the dough, milk makes the dough more white...
6. about 4 or 5 tomatoes (I prefer fresh ones but you can always take tomatoes in a can...) /Have an immersion blender to blend the tomatoes
7. a small package of baker's yeast

1. Making the dough, I always start with the dough since it needs to rise after it got slapped good...

Ok first the measurements always take half the fluid of what you used as flour, I normally go for 400g to 500g of flour and use one package of baker's yeast, 200ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 3 big spoons of olive oil.

Now for making the actual dough...Fetch yourself a big bowl the bigger the better, making a dough is always a bit messy due to all the flour you are working with...first weigh up the flour 400g, crumble the baker's yeast over the flour, put in the salt, sugar and the olive oil, then add the hot water/milk whichever you prefer, using hot/warm water myself 'cause, well it makes the ingredients mix more easy also a nice feel on your hands when you get in there...

I take a big spoon and mix up all the ingredients while I do that I add flour until the dough gets about the right consistency, means it's not all that clingy anymore and it's about the right consistency to take out the spoon and start working with your bare hands, I normally knead the dough with one hand and add flour with the other, don't feel shy to go in there knead the dough good in and out, if the dough still sitcks too much to your hands add more flour if it doesn't stick at all and breaks apart add more water, it takes some time until you get the right consistency and feel for it, but don't worry you can always either add more water or flour...

Once the dough got a nice consistency and doesn't stick to your hands all that much, slap it good a few times then cover the bowl up and put it somewhere to rest, so the dough can rise...normally takes about half an hour for the dough to rise enough time to make a good tomato sauce...;)

2. The tomato sauce, I always like this part, since kneading and slapping the dough really is hard work, making the sauce isn't, at least not physically hard work :eek:.

Ok slice up the tomatoes roughly, put 'em in a pot on your stove and heat it up...while it heats up get an immersion blender and blend them tomatoes until you have a nice sauce, then slice up the onions into tiny pieces I normally take 1/3 of the onions and blend 'em with the tomatoes...heat it up until the sauce cooks now put your stove on a lower temperature flavour your tomato sauce with salt and black pepper, add the fine cut basil, and the rest of the fine cut onions, you should really cut them into tiny pieces so you won't have to chew on them too much I don't like to blend them though, for the basil it takes away the flavour when you blend it and for the 2/3 of the onions I like to chew on some tiny onion pieces on my pizza, hehe, once you are done with flavouring the sauce leave it on some low heat so it stays warm...after you put all the ingredients in you normally taste it a couple times to see if you have to add more salt, pepper...sometimes I even add some cream, but just when I feel like it...

3. Garnishes, after I am done with the tomato sauce I prepare the garnishes I put on my pizza, for this pizza I slice up alot of garlic into small tiny pieces, I would say about 12 cloves of garlic or about 2 bulbs...then cut the salami into pizza piece like shapes, so you can fit them easily all over your pizza, cut the mozzarella cheese into rough slobes, careful with the water when you remove the cheese from it's packaging...lastly cut the peppers up roughly I normally just cut 'em once so I have little pepper rings/pieces I can chew on once the pizza is done...

4. Now for making the actual pizza, first put some flour on your kitchen table get some wine bottle, vodka bottle whatever bottle makes it easier to roll out the dough good and thin the thinner you can roll the dough the better ((quick note: don't use the recommended you see so often, it's crap the physical pressure and ammount of time it takes to roll out the dough with this piece of crap is tremendous, just use some fine hefty glass bottle you can apply nice pressure to to make the dough extra thinn, I mean these things are definetly not designed for pizza I guess it's used for bread or such, don't even try using it give the nice glass bottle a shot saves you alot of trouble and makes for a super thin dough in the end.)) ...Grab a piece of dough put it on the flour, put some flour on your bottle and start rolling it out until you reached a bit more material than the outlinings of your baking form can contain...put a tiny little bit of flour in your baking form spread it nicely so it gets into every corner of your baking form, then put the rolled out dough in the form, cut away the edges, I normally roll up the edges so the dough on the edges is broader, I also coat a teaspoon in oil and slightly slide it over the edges of the dough so when the pizza bakes the edges get golden and rise up nicely...done with the dough now I add the tomato sauce and spread it good in the form, after the sauce add the mozzarella cheese sparingly, once the cheese is applied add the garnishes being garlic, peppers sprinkle a good amount of oregano over it and lastly top it of with the slices of salami, I see it alot of times that people tend to put the cheese on top of the pizza, traditionally this is wrong you add the garnishes on top so the cheese will meld with them from below, I also noticed it tastes better personally when I don't put the cheese on top, hehe.

Well, we are finally done, just put the pizza in the oven now at about 180°C and wait for half an hour or less, when you can smell the tasty pizza in your whole house while it bakes in the oven you did a good job! :)

The combination of the garlic and peppers on this pizza makes for a spicy surprise, I like that taste alot :p , maybe drink some milk if it get's too hot...
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Re: Recipe Thread

As somewhat of a margherita pizza enthusiast, I've always felt that store-bought freezer pizzas are incredibly lacking compared to the ones you'd get eating out or even ordering from a fast food place. And with not having had an oven due to a fire incident for the past, oh I dunno, five months, and just now planning to move, me and my father are planning on doing our own pizza from the dough up. We were actually going to look online, but seeing as you've conveniently posted this here I may as well start off with it once we get the chance. I'll let you know how it goes in a month or two if we actually manage to get around to it.
Re: Recipe Thread

Brasilian Feijoada


1 pound black beans, dried - not from a tin
1 pound salted pork ribs
1 pound salted bacon
8 tablespoons olive oil
2 onions, peeled and finely chopped
6 cloves garlic, peeled, finely chopped
2 large smoked sausages, cut into big chunks
1 pound smoked pork ribs, cut into pieces
1 pound smoked bacon, cut into chunks
1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
5 bay leaves
Cooked rice, orange slices, spring greens, as accompaniment


Soak the beans in cold water overnight, making sure they are completely covered. Also soak the salted ribs and bacon in cold water overnight.

Drain the beans and put them into a large saucepan of cold water. Bring to the boil over medium heat, then simmer for 30 minutes until tender.

Rinse the soaked salted ribs and bacon well, add to the beans and cook for 30 minutes over a medium heat. Heat a very large saucepan and pour in the olive oil so it covers the bottom. Add the onions and garlic and cook until softened. Add the sausages, smoked ribs and bacon, pepper and bay leaves. Pour in the cooked beans and meat and top up with water. Simmer for about 1 hour, until the meat falls off the bone.

Serve the Feijoada with boiled white rice, slices of orange, and very finely sliced spring greens fried in olive oil with finely chopped onion and garlic.

Re: Recipe Thread

Kind of a necro, but... Dropping another one in here:

Cinnamon Brownies:

¾ cup butter or margarine
1 oz. unsweetened chocolate
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 ¼ cups flour
1 Tbs ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp grated orange peel
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

In a medium saucepan, melt butter and chocolate over low heat, then remove. Stir in sugar and eggs, then set aside. In a medium bowl, mix the flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, and orange peel. Stir the contents of the bowl into the chocolate mixture until smooth and well blended. Stir in the walnuts, then spread mixture in a greased 13x9x2-inch baking pan. Bake in oven at 350°F (190.56°C) until mixture starts to pull away from the pan. (Usually about 30 minutes.) Cool slightly, then cut into squares. Remove from pan, and allow to cool completely. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar if desired.

Yield: About 30 brownies.
Re: Recipe Thread


1 loaf of baguette bread
1 package of bacon
some form of garlic, I usually press 2 or 3 of my own cloves but I have used some garlic powder as a substitute, add as much as you want
1/4ish cup of butter
1/4ish cup of olive oil
some cheese, maybe jalapenos if you like spicy food

first cook the bacon until crispy
preheat oven to 350ish
then heat the butter to melt it
add your garlic, heated butter, and olive oil together and mix
cut the bread in half and spread the garlic sauce evenly on bread
crush and sprinkle bacon on the bread until satisfied
add cheese or other toppings as you desire, you know what you want
cook until toppings are fully cooked, I wait until the cheese is starting to burn

not the most classy of foods, but usually a hit during potlucks


some white chicken meat, i usually get chicken breasts
1 bag of generic bland lays potato chips
3 eggs
equal parts milk to egg

preheat oven to 350ish
crush the chips :3
mix eggs and milk and whisk in a bowl
slice chicken into thin strips
cover 2-3 chicken strips in the eggs
then dump the chicken into the crushed chips in the bag
cover the chicken in chip crumbs then place on baking sheet
cook for about 15ish minutes, and be sure to flip them halfway through

a hit for kids usually, though not really the healthiest
Re: Recipe Thread

Was reminded at supper tonight of a recipe combination our family uses, and after checking, I realized I'd only shared part of the combination...

So, here comes the Muffin Quick Mix, along with recipes for one of end point variations we like and use when we have Cheeseburger Chowder, the recipe for which was shared in the first post.

Muffin Quick Mix:

8 cups All-Purpose flour
3 cups sugar
3 Tbs baking powder
2 tsp salt
2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ground nutmeg

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients an mix well. Put in a large, airtight container, and label with date and contents. Store in a cool, dry place, and use within 6 to 8 months. Makes about 11 cups of Muffin Mix.

NOTE: This just makes a mix, which is used in the two recipes below, or for experimenting in making other muffin types.

Melt-in-your-mouth Muffins:

2¾ cups Muffin Quick Mix
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
½ cup butter or margarine, melted, or ½ cup vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 400°F (205°C). Spray muffin pans with vegetable cooking spray. Put mix in medium bowl, and combine egg, milk, and butter/margarine/oil in a small bowl. Add all at once to the mix in medium bowl, and stir until mix is moistened. (Batter should be lumpy.) Fill prepared muffin pans ¾ full. Bake 18 to 20 minutes, until golden brown. Makes 10 large muffins.

Brown Sugar Muffins:

3 cups Muffin Quick Mix
4 Tbs brown sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk or water

Preheat oven to 425°F (218.33°C). Grease muffin pans. Place mix in medium bowl. Add sugar & mix well. In small bowl, combine egg & milk or water. Add all at once to dry ingredients. Stir until just blended. Fill prepared muffin pans ⅔ full. Bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. Makes 12 muffins.
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Re: Recipe Thread

Reviving this thread with one that was a recent hit with our family.

Chili Dog Casserole

2 15oz. cans chili with beans
8 hot dogs
8 flour tortillas (6-inch size/small taco size)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 400°F (204.44°C) Spread chili in bottom of 11x7" baking dish. Place 1 hot dog on each tortilla; roll up. Place seam-side down over chili. Spray lightly with non-stick spray to aid in browning tortillas. Bake 15 minutes or until hot dogs are heated through & tortillas are browned. Sprinkle with cheese & bake until cheese is melted, about 5 more minutes. Serves 4-6.
Re: Recipe Thread

Reviving this thread with one that was a recent hit with our family.

Chili Dog Casserole

2 15oz. cans chili with beans
8 hot dogs
8 flour tortillas (6-inch size/small taco size)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 400°F (204.44°C) Spread chili in bottom of 11x7" baking dish. Place 1 hot dog on each tortilla; roll up. Place seam-side down over chili. Spray lightly with non-stick spray to aid in browning tortillas. Bake 15 minutes or until hot dogs are heated through & tortillas are browned. Sprinkle with cheese & bake until cheese is melted, about 5 more minutes. Serves 4-6.

Huh. We just had that last night as well. X3 Not bad though getting the first row or so out was a bit of a pain.
Re: Recipe Thread

I forgot about this thread so here have some homemade GRANOLA BARS.

Ok listen up this is the tastiest thing I’ve ever made i swear to god. The exact proportions honestly don’t matter too much except the butter.

3 cups Rolled Oats (I get mine at a wholefoods place called sprouts for 0.69$ a pound)

1 cup of cereal (any kind tbh)

1 cup of flour (Or you can do like I did and use a packet of easy banana nut bread mix because oh my god this shit is delicious)

Your choice of nuts/dried fruit one cup, two, who cares, just mix it how you like it

2 sticks of butter

2 cups of brown or white sugar

1 cup Sweet Syrup of your choice (Corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, Hershey’s syrup, anything)

1 tablespoon of Baking Soda


Take the first four ingredients up there and throw them in a mixing bowl. Make sure its big enough to accommodate the syrup mixture later.

Dump your butter in a tall/large saucepan and let on melt on medium. Then add your sugar and your syrup and turn the heat up to almost high. For the love of god stir it and don’t let it burn. You’re gonna want to let it boil for a little while, just a few minutes until the sugar is no longer granulated. Then you’re gonna dump the baking soda in, and stir. It’ll froth up and that’s when you’ll dump it in the bowl and mix it with the tasty stuff from before.

Put it in a deep dish baking pan and smooth it down.

Then, bake it on 350 for 20 minutes and 315 for 10.

Once its cooked, take it out and put it in the fridge for a few hours. Once its cool, cut/break it into pieces and then you have your own stuff!

You can add chocolate to it too but it’ll all melt when you pour the syrup in but it’ll still be good.
Re: Recipe Thread

Man none of you went to college it seems.

Take an instant noodle soup with seasoning you like. Add the noodles of another set of instant noodles you don't like. Pour hot water over. Wait 3 min. Done!


Aquire ravioli. open up. put on stove. stir sometimes. Done.
Re: Recipe Thread

Oh, I went to college. All the frozen pizza/pizza deliveries. However, since then I've had times of being in the position of needing to cook for multiple grown adults, and not had access to the pizza option.


Ravioli Casserole

1 (28 oz.) jar spaghetti sauce
1 pkg. (25 oz.) frozen cheese ravioli, cooked & drained*
2 c. small-curd cottage cheese
4 c. shredded mozzarella cheese
¼ c. grated Parmesan

* 4-5 c. of any style cooked ravioli may be substituted for frozen cheese ravioli.

Spread ½ c. of spaghetti sauce in ungreased 13"x9"x2" baking dish. Layer with half of ravioli, 1¼ c. sauce, 1 c. cottage cheese, and 2 c. mozzarella. Repeat layers. Sprinkle with parmesan. Bake, uncovered, at 350° F (190.56°C) for 30-40 minutes or until bubbly. Let stand 5-10 minutes before serving.

Yields: 6-8 servings.
Re: Recipe Thread

Salty Snack of Doom(On your Taste buds)
Nuts And Bolts. (Essentially "Bold Chex Mix" but stronger and with nuts)

1 cup each of 3 kinda of Nuts.
(Preferably) Walnuts, Pecans, Cashews

1 Cup Each of 3 kinda of Chex Cereal.
(Preferably) Wheat, Rice, Other

1teaspoon each of;
Celery Salt
Onion Salt
Garlic Salt

2 Tablespoons of
Worcheshier Sauce

1 Stick of Butter(Optional, but honestly the salt is a bigger worry here than the butter)


Preheat oven to 350f

Place all Chex in large metal bin that can fit in your oven and is oven safe.

Mix in the nuts and sift around till it's a freaking mess.

Mix salts and wet ingredients together with melted butter in a single measuring cup or bowl.

Lather wet mix on dry mix sparingly (only use about half) and place in oven.

For every 15minutes take out the batch from the oven and re-lather on with the remaining wet mix until an hour has past in total.

When removed from oven, place tin foil in large metal tin(those cylinder metal tins they sell at k-mart for popcorn) on the bottom and under the lid to properly seal and lock in-flavor.

Top with dried fruit (Cranberries or pineapple or whatever)
Enjoy....Sparingly, it's very salty.

*Wet Recipe can be multiplied for more intense flavor.
Re: Recipe Thread

Warning: This link contains glorious sound, in the dulcet tones of .

Without further ado, .