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Realm of Siphoreus

Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Gargantuan is 2x2 aswell. Just that I needed to name it something else than Huge, considering Gargants are always monsters, whereas Huge ones can easily wield equipment and whatnot.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Price Check: Is anyone other than me still interested in playing this?
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Well, I speak with Cole about this every now and then, and he seems to be interested.

And I am prodding people every now and then, trying to find interest. :0

Then again, I bet it is all the numbers fault that people shy away from it...
Why I never learn, to keep stuff simple, I will never know.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

All we really need is a minimum of 3-4 players, and, given that the system does not seem to require a dedicated game master, we could convert the leadership to more of a group consensus on issues and initiate you as a player... unless you plan on controlling some sort of big bad evil faction or the non-sentient monsters.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Well hay, True, the game needs no dedicated GM, but that doesn't mean I sometimes won't be hosting smaller events and such, as example...


Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Consider me in, but I need to find time to makes me Dark Silvar/Drider group.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

I exist! And am still playing.

I assume now would be a good time to create a race?
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Huzzah! The price check has worked! I don't suppose that, now that we have made certain that we have at least three players, you could have a sub forum thrown up for us to lay out our respective races and their descriptions?
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Actually, Now is a pretty darn decent time for you guys to get that feedback/suggestions flowing.

I'd, verily, like it if you guys could go over the pricing of various things, Hell, both Costs and Income from stuff such as equipment, battles, etc.

Or if you guys prefer to start making your factions, I guess now is the time.

Just remember, just make Normal Races for the time being. Let the bigger ones rest until the game gets running.

And I guess factions can start with 2 Production Buildings, 1 Guild, 2 Housing-Type Lesser Buildings, and then the 5000g.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

I doubt we can come up with much besides odd phrasing in the rules before we start testing the system. That's why beta testing is done: many things that seem balanced when you plan them out aren't balanced during game play, and those things that seem unbalanced while planning might be balanced in actual use.

Although I do admit, it currently seems like archers are just weak spellcasters (They are both ranged units with unlimited shots, but mages can deal more damage with only being slightly more expensive. Not to mention the fact that normal armor is resistant to archers but magic resistance is much harder to come by.)

Also, never using slashing weapons with the current system:
Heavy Armor w/o mastercraft--------40%-----------0%-----------0%
Heavy Armor w/ mastercraft---------40%-----------25%----------0%
Medium Armor w/o mastercraft------15%-----------15%---------0%
Medium Armor w/ mastercraft--------25%-----------25%---------10%
Light Armor w/o mastercraft-----------0%-----------0%-----------20%
Light Armor w/ mastercraft------------20%-----------0%----------30%

Basically, you want to use blunt weapons.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Now when I think of it, that was why I made Slashing weapons cost less than piercing, and blunt cost more than piercing, with piercing, obviously, inbetween on the cost level. <.<;;

And apart from giving Racial Resistance to Blunt, I suppose there is little to be done VS this situation unless you guys give me some suggestions to work with? v.v;;
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

I guess we just roll with it for now and play around with balance in game?
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Indeed. Also, No picking only blunt weapons because they happen to be the "Best Choice". Okay? <_<
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Underlands Allience

-History Here-


=Dark Silvar(405g)=
HP: 100
HP/LvL: 5
MelDMG/LvL: 1
RanDMG/LvL: 3
MagDMG/LvL: 2
Healing/LvL: 1
+10% Acid Resistance
+2 Melee Avoid
+1 Physical Avoid


=Dark Knight=
Health Points: +200
HP/LvL-Up: +20HP
MelDMG/LvL-Up: +3
+2 Melee Avoids
Proficiencies: Large Slash, Medium Slash, Medium Armor

=Cavern Archer=
Health Points: +50
HP/LvL-Up: +5HP
RanDMG/LvL-Up: +3
MelDMG/LvL-Up: +1
+1 Melee Avoid
+1 Ranged Avoid
Proficiencies: Heavy Ranged, Small Pierce, Medium Armor


=Dark Centra (3000)=
Health: 1000HP
Resistance: 75% Slash+Pierce, 25% Blunt
Produces: Soldier, Marksman
Service: N/A

=Obsidian Forge (3000)=
Health: 1000HP
Resistance: 75% Slash+Pierce, 25% Blunt
Produces: Obsidian Sabre, Rivited Leather Armor, Flint Dagger, Splinteroak Bow & Obsidian Arrows, Blackore Buster
Service: N/A

=Cave Hovel (500g Cost)=
Health: 400HP
Resistance: 50% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
Service: Housing- Adds +4 to Max Unit Cap

Weapons, Arms, and Armor:

Obsidian Sabre (Medium Slash): 40 PHYSICAL Damage, 60g
Rivited Leather Armor (Medium Armor): 15% Slashing & Piercing Resistance, 100g
Flint Dagger (Small Pierce): 20 PHYSICAL Damage, 30g
Splinteroak Bow & Obsidian Arrows (Heavy Ranged): 40 PHYSICAL Damage, 80g
Blackore Buster (Large Slash): 100 PHYSICAL Damage, 100g
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Re: Realm of Siphoreus

(You don't get every proficiency listed under class descriptions you have to choose 2 weapons/shields, and 1 armor)
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

I edited, as I'm getting helps from AR KAY lol
History/description under construction

Mage Citadel of Shava
The core of Shavaen power and culture comes from the Traditional ceremony of bonding between a Shavaen human and an unique symbiotic crystal-like being called a K'kilkictuin. A child of either gender undergoes the rituals on their tenth birthday, permanently combining human and K'Kilkictuin into a single magical creature. This bonding benefits both beings: the humans gain great magical strength and a lifespan which can go on for a few thousand years, and the bonded crystals gain mobility and a weak form of regeneration. This bonding results in what appears to be a delicate trace work of blue crystal spirals across an otherwise normal human's skin along with threads of blue crystal mixed in with their hair.

The bonding isn't truly perfect, however: the greater strenght of emotions that flow through women keep the crystals from obtaining a stable bond with their partners resulting in an inherent wildness in the magic wielded by Shavaen women. This instability has both it's detriments and benefits. One consequence is that Shavaen women are completely unable to perform any sort of enchanting magics as the spells waver and violently unravel any time they try. However, the instability in the magic of Shaevan women allows them to cast spells in a destructive nature which they can use as a method of offense. Also, their magic allows them to achieve more spontaneous healing as opposed the the healing enchantments males cast. As a result, Shavaen women are the ones who take to the battlefields as their men stay at home to maintain the enchantments running the Citadel and its surrounding lands.

Faction Funds: 5000g
Faction Buildings: 1 "Mage Academy", 1 "Enchanter's Guild", 2 "Crystal Domes", 1 "Teleportation Center"

-=Faction Races=-

Shavaen Crystal-Symbiont
HP: 100
HP/LvL: 10
MelDMG/LvL: 1
RanDMG/LvL: 1
MagDMG/LvL: 4
Healing/LvL: 4
+1 Physical Avoidance
Cost Base: 330g

(Currently Under R&D)
HP: 100
HP/LvL: 15
MelDMG/LvL: 1
RanDMG/LvL: 1
MagDMG/LvL: 1
Healing/LvL: 1
Cost Base: 60g

-=Faction Classes=-

Shavaen Battlemage
MagDMG/LvL-Up: +3
+3 Magic Avoids
Proficiencies: Light Piercing melee, Heavy Staves, Greater Direct Damage Scrolls, Greater Area Damage Scrolls, Light Robes

Shavaen Healer
Health Points: +100
HP/LvL-Up: +5HP
Healing/LvL-Up: +4
MelDMG/LvL-Up: +1
+2 Magic Avoids
+1 Melee Avoid
Proficiencies: Light Blunt Weapon, Heavy Staves, Greater Direct Healing Scrolls, Greater Area Healing Scrolls, Medium Armor

(Currently Under R&D)
War Golem
Health Points: +200
HP/LvL-Up: +20HP
MelDMG/LvL-Up: +3
+2 Melee Avoids
Proficiencies: Large Blunt Melee, Medium Armor, Heavy Shields

-=Ready Units=-

Apprentice Shavaen Battlemage (Crystal-Symbiont) (930gp)
HP: 100 (330gp)
HP/LvL: 10
MelDMG/LvL: 1
RanDMG/LvL: 1
MagDMG/LvL: 7
Healing/LvL: 4
Weapon: Empty
Staff: Sigil Staff (Heavy Staff)
Scroll1: Soul Beam (Greater Direct Damage Scroll), 60 Magic Damage
Scroll2: Empty
Scroll3: Empty
Armor: Green Silk Robe (Light Robe)
Resistances: 50% Magic Resistance
+1 Physical Avoidance
+3 Magic Avoids

Apprentice Shavaen Healer (Crystal-Symbiont) (880gp)
HP: 200
HP/LvL: 15
MelDMG/LvL: 2
RanDMG/LvL: 1
MagDMG/LvL: 4
Healing/LvL: 8
Weapon: Empty
Staff: Sigil Staff (Heavy Staff)
Scroll1: Starlight (Greater Direct Healing Scroll), 100 Healing
Scroll2: empty
Scroll3: empty
Armor: Green Leather Armor (Medium Armor)
Resistances: 15% Slashing and Piercing Resistance
+1 Physical Avoidance
+2 Magic Avoids
+1 Melee Avoid

(Currently Under R&D)
Basic War Golem (Golem) (410gp)
HP: 300 60gp
HP/LvL: 35
MelDMG/LvL: 4
RanDMG/LvL: 1
MagDMG/LvL: 1
Healing/LvL: 1
Weapon: Plated Fists (Heavy Blunt Melee), 100
Shield: Dual Mage-Iron Bucklers (Heavy Shield)
Armor: Green Mage-Iron Plating (Medium Armor)
Resistances: 25% Slashing and Piercing Resistance, 10% Blunt Resistance
+2 Melee Avoids
+4 Physical Avoids

-=Faction Buildings=-

Shavaen Mage Academy (3000gp)
Health: 1000
Resistance: 75% Slashing & Piercing Resistance, 25% Blunt Resistance
Service: Recruits Apprentice Shavaen Battlemages
Service: Recruits Apprentice Shavaen Healers

Shavaen Enchanter's Guild (3000gp)
Health: 1000
Resistance: 75% Slashing & Piercing Resistance, 25% Blunt Resistance
Produces: Sigil Staves (Heavy Staff), Starlight (Greater Direct Healing Scroll), Green Leather Armor (Light Robe), Soul Beam (Greater Direct Damage Scroll), Green Silk Robe (Light Robe)

Shavaen Dome (500gp)
Health: 400HP
Resistance: 50% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
Housing: Adds +4 to Max Unit Cap

Shavaen Teleportation Center (2000gp)
Health: 800HP
Resistance: 50% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
Traders Guild: +5% Gold gained from Weekly Income & Battles, Max 4.

(Not yet built)
Shavaen War Golem Factory (3000gp)
Health: 1000
Resistance: 75% Slashing & Piercing Resistance, 25% Blunt Resistance
Produces: Fist Plating (Heavy Blunt Melee), Mage Iron Bucklers[pair] (Heavy Shield), Green Mage Iron Plating (Medium Armor)
Service: Constructs Basic War Golems

Shavaen Cloud Harvester
Health: 400HP
Resistance: 50% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
Commerce: Adds +100g to Weekly Income.
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Re: Realm of Siphoreus

By the way, Pheonix, I've quite firmly stated to Lurker that factions start with Just 1 Race.

So Your faction will have to start with just the Shavaen Crystal-Symbiont, Until you can build a building with "Race Temple(Basic Golems)". Race Temple, as stated, takes up a "Service" Slot.

Of course, If you -somehow- manages to squeeze in a Race Temple -and- Golem Production, that's allowed, But let's just say your army will be quite under-equipped to begin with...
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Mages it is to start with. I'll have to get the cannon fodder factories working later.
Re: Realm of Siphoreus

Northern Dominion

Faction Funds: 5000g
Faction Buildings: Large Tent, Large Tent, Smithy, Barracks, Black Trade

-=Faction Races=-

HP: 200
HP/LvL: 15
MelDMG/LvL: 4
RanDMG/LvL: 3
MagDMG/LvL: 1
Healing/LvL: 1
Cost Base: 410g

-=Faction Classes=-

Health Points: +200
HP/LvL-Up: +20HP
MelDMG/LvL-Up: +3
+2 Melee Avoids
Proficiencies: Large Slashing Melee, Medium Blunt Melee, Heavy Armor

Health Points: +50
HP/LvL-Up: +5HP
RanDMG/LvL-Up: +3
MelDMG/LvL-Up: +1
+1 Melee Avoid
+1 Ranged Avoid
Proficiencies: Heavy Ranged, Small Slashing Melee, Medium Armor

-=Ready Units=-

Franek Warblade (710g)
HP: 400
HP/LvL: 35
MelDMG/LvL: 6
RanDMG/LvL: 3
MagDMG/LvL: 1
Healing/LvL: 1
Weapon: Claymore (Large Slashing Melee), 100 Slashing Damage
Armor: Battle Plate Armor (Heavy Armor)
Resistances: 40% Slashing resistance
+2 Melee Avoids

Franek Assassin (590g)
HP: 250
HP/LvL: 20
MelDMG/LvL: 5
RanDMG/LvL: 6
MagDMG/LvL: 1
Healing/LvL: 1
Weapon: Winding Crossbow (Heavy Ranged), 40 Piercing
Armor: Hardened Leather (Medium Armor)
Resistances: 15% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
+1 Melee Avoid
+1 Ranged Avoid

-=Faction Buildings=-

Barracks (3000gp)
Health: 1000
Resistance: 75% Slashing & Piercing Resistance, 25% Blunt Resistance
Service: Recruit Franek Warblade, Recruit Franek Assassin

Smithy (3000gp)
Health: 1000
Resistance: 75% Slashing & Piercing Resistance, 25% Blunt Resistance
Produces: Hardened Leather (Medium Armor), Winding Crossbow (Heavy Ranged), Battle Plate Armor (Heavy Armor), Claymore (Large Slashing Melee)

Large Tent (500gp)
Health: 400HP
Resistance: 50% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
Housing: Adds +4 to Max Unit Cap

Black Trade (2000gp)
Health: 800HP
Resistance: 50% Slashing & Piercing Resistance
Traders Guild: +5% Gold gained from Weekly Income & Battles, Max 4
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