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Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Maskala rolls her eyes, but decides not to pass comment. She fishes out a pouch of gold, and glances into it, not sure how much they had left. Should be plenty for ice cream.

"Right... right. Heart-butt, you got enough gold for ice cream... and peppers? If you have, go right ahead, but don't ask me to share.. or clean you up afterwards. As for -you-.."

The Drak rounds on Shizuka, brushing the elbow aside and drawing the catkin into an intimate hug, pulling the girl flush against herself with just the hint of a grind, enough to embarass her.

"I was simply.. muttering.. about how delicious you look right now. So unless you'd rather I say such things out loud.. keep your elbows to yourself."

Now that embarasses her.. AND makes heart-butt jealous. Nice going, Mask.

The Drak releases Shizuka after a moment, with a tap to her rear and a knowing grin.
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Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

At least Quetz is smart enough to realize that peppers aren't sold in an ice cream parlor, Shizuka thought to herself.

Then, she was hugged by Mask. She blushed with how close she was pulled in, and by the words... not to mention the little tap. Her cheeks were a dark red. "Oh..." she squeaked out. After that, she kept quiet.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Fortunately for Quetz' self image, she is already heading for the ice cream stand when Maskala starts flirting with Shizuka. Once there, she'll see about purchasing a cone of vanilla, with nuts if they have any, before heading back to the other two, she'll have to keep an eye out for peppers as she goes.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Ice Cream Parlor:
Upon entering the building, Quetz finds that not only do they have nuts, but little red peppers to put on ice cream. A short tiger-furre girl stands behind the counter. When Quetz enters she waves and says; "Hello! You're the lady-knight that went to rescue the teacher right?"

Slavers Guild:
"Gave you a tip did he? You must have done pretty good then." Palsa says as she takes the larger sack of gold from Kenya. "That will be your payment then, you payed off your abortion already. Let us head back now." She says, as she finishes cleaning herself off with a soaked towel. She quietly mumbles to herself; "Gonna have to see Demios myself, damn orcs always hit the mark..."

(Lobby) "Hehe! Come on then." The elf says, and leads Tira outside and starts heading down the street.

(Upstairs) "Oh! Ummm... Of course I am! So... Umm...." He says, blushing brightly beneath his fur.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Yes, that was me. The children said she needed help so I went. Anyway, could I get a cone of vanilla with peppers and nuts? Quetz says, putting out her slightly strange order.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Tira happily goes with the elf. ^.^
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Kenya looks at her and moves her ears a bit, Palsa's mumbling catches her attention... uh? Im sorry to interrupt you but... who's Demios?
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

It seemed to click after she realized why he was soo nervious. "First time?" she said simply.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Lobby) Palsa leads Kenya back to the brothel, responding to her question with; "He's the half-demon that gave you the abortion." She gets back behind her desk and starts asking men forward, getting women to see them. Apparently, Kenya is free to leave.

(Upstairs) The fox blushes brightly and stutters over the beginnings of several sentences before nodding.

Ice Cream Shop:
"Of course! It's on the house." She says, and quickly slaps together a double-scoop of vanilla covered in peppers, almonds and walnut pieces.

The elf leads Tira to a small wooden building and unlocks the door, leading the girl up a ladder to the second floor of the building. A hammock hangs from the wall and a wooden chair sits in front of a small stone hearth. He pull his shirt off and turns to her, smiling.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread


kenya watches her belly and covers her mouth a bit with one hand, giggling... oh... I see... well... time to go, it has been a pleasure... says and leaves the place, looking for the others... asking people arround... have you seen a group of strange girls?...
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Ummm... Thank you, I guess? Quetz says as she takes the cone, not really sure why she was being given it for free. Gently she starts licking it to satisfy her odd cravings.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

"I see... in that case, you sit back, and I'll do all the work for you, ok?" she said, trying to sound seductive and both comforting at the same time.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Maskala taps her foot, drums her fingers on thin air, and stares into space for a few moments... then decides they'd been standing still doing nothing long enough. With a smirk, she marches over to the ice-cream parlour, soft sandals padding gently on the ground as she approaches. The Drak drapes an over-extravagant hug on Quetz's shoulders.

"There you are, Heart-butt!"

She mouthes "Mine" with a wink to the serving girl, over Quetz's shoulder.

"If you've satisfied your.. craving.. we need to go! Time to round up our errant pack and blow this joint, methinks."

The Drak pauses, and looks at herself askance, pondering out loud.

"Blow this joint? Where on earth did that come from...? No matter."

Moving swiftly past the oddities of talking to oneself in public, the mage smiles brightly, and peels herself somewhat reluctantly off of Quetz. One hand trails down her back, fingers drumming against the armour, then her rear....

The hand doesn't linger long, though, instead grasping the feline's own appendage, and making to leave, thus attached.

"Ta-ra now! No time to lose!"\

Especially if something nasty is after me...
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Shocked at first when she feels the hug and then hears 'heart-butt', however, she isn't given much time as the other woman starts feel her up before pulling her away with a grip on her lance hand. The normally steady woman now finds herself being dragged about with on hand holding her lance with another person's hand on that wrist while the other holds her ice cream as she tries to eat it.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Shizuka was still quite embarrassed by the time Maskala had returned with Quetz and that strange strange ice cream. Still, the ninja sweatdropped at the strange sight. She opened her mouth to comment, but decided against it. Instead, a moment later, she asked, "So... where are we going now? To get the others? What if... they're er... not done?"
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Leading Quetz hand in hand, Maskala is quite aware that she looks somewhat odd, but that deters her not in the slightest. Instead, she takes Shizuka's hand with her free hand, and leads them -both- off towards the brothel with a skip in her step, barely stopping to explain.

"If they're not done.. then, we get to chat to that oh-so-pleasant brothel keeper a little more. But they'll be done. The menfolk around here never did have much stamina.."
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Tira giggles as she slips over to the elf, her own tattered clothing easily being slid off as she presses her healthy young breasts to his chest as her fingers trace his muscles
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

"Huh? Wha-" Shizuka squeaked before she stumbled along now that she was being dragged. "Wah!"

"H- how do you know... the people here don't have much stamina?" she asked, after she regained some of her balance.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Lobby) The strange group enters the brothel, Kenya joining them at the door, to find the place just like they left it, the dragonkin standing behind the desk looking slightly tired but otherwise the same.

(Upstairs) "Oh... Ummm... Okay..." The fox says, and takes a nervous step forward, still blushing brightly.

The elf leans and kisses Tira on the lips, one of his hands going down behind her to fondle her backside. His other hand quickly grasps one of her breasts and begins to squeeze gently. She can feel his erect member through his pants, pressing against her belly.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Tira giggles as she presses against him, returning his kiss, a quick shimmy and wriggle, the tattered pants slide off her bottom, as she undoes her top, dropping it, leaving herself nude as she mms softly, giggling...she wanted some nice hot loving!