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VN/TEXT [Pykrete] The Flesh Cavern

Pykrete Blue

Demon Girl Master
May 21, 2015
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Hi there! Pyksies of 2023 here!
- Flesh Cavern
- Milking It

If you still want to play these old CYOAs, here they are as direct downloads.

Now with working hyperlink! And blog! And as of November 2016, a Patreon!

Hi there! For about a year now, I've been experimenting in writing smut games. Unfortunately, I'm a massive procrastinator and usually abandon them after a few days, weeks if I'm lucky. In a haze of cough syrup and woozy headaches, I decided to bash out a game in 48 hours as a challenge to myself, and I seem to have succeeded.

It's a hentai game, obviously. Made in a system called Quest, which allows for adventure games and gamebooks. This is a gamebook, one of those classic Choose Your Own Adventure type deals. It's a short game, with a fair few scenes with some minor variations depending on the characters state.

Fair warning, I'm a perverted git and this game reflects that. It contains tentacles (lots of them), pregnancy, body modification, lactation, breast expansion, cumflation, dubious consent, mind break, and a bit of non-player futa. (Think that about covers things, anyway).

I'm still not quite sure what I can do with the game, the documentation for Quest is a bit outdated. It says I can host it on my own webspace, but gives me no clues as to how. In the meantime, it can be played on their website, linked above, in your browser without having to download anything. Alternately, you can download Quest for free, which gives you access to the game maker and an offline version of the game player with a browser to download games (although as my game was submitted ten minutes ago, it won't have been moderated for approval yet.)

Let me know what you think - constructive criticism is welcomed! And if you find any glitches or just plain weirdness (typos or broken scripting), let me know and I'll get to fixing it.

Oh, also, I've not made enough posts to post links properly yet (you know the drill, delete the space between the h and the ttp). Will update with a working hyperlink once I have.

Also, as I said, I've been experimenting with games like this for over a year. As a disclaimer, please don't expect that to be a seal of quality - I have a long way to go, both as a regular writer and an erotic one!

Just figured i'd give a little something back to the forum I've lurked for god knows how many years.

Edit: The game made it through moderation, and is now classified as an Adult game properly. This means you have to make an account, or download the Quest application and download it through there. In both cases, you'll need to turn Adult content on in the account options for the former, and the advanced tab for the latter.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

No bad at all. I think I hit a few bugs where suddenly I have multiple versions of the same answer, which can be a bit confusing. Is it meant to be that way?
Re: The Flesh Cavern

The haze of pain relief makes it hard to know for sure. Can you let me know where you encountered it? Because i'm -pretty- sure that's not supposed to happen... some paths are worded the same, but only one of them is meant to show up at any time. As an example, if a situation starts the same but changes depending on a state or obtained item, they might both say 'Walk across' and look identical but lead to completely different outcomes, one of which you likely shouldn't be experiencing.

I think I know which bit you're talking about, though - but to be sure, can you fill me in? Any details you can add will help!

Edit: Ah, I think I found it! Did you encounter it after
traversing the slime barefoot (which leads to getting molested (or badended, if you're already low on hp) and collecting the ring?

Edit again: Yup, found the culprit. That second 'walk across' is meant to be linked from the other side, hence why it sends you back to that side afterwards despite saying you don't cross. All fixed now! Keep those reports coming, please.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

I like a lot of text based games, since Corruption of Champions really got me into it. I've played a few that require you to input text yourself to actually make anything happen. While the freedom is nice I have to check what the available commands are constantly and its kind of annoying.

So the ability to just have text choices and click it is much desired and appreciated.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Totally, I get you. Quest's 'Text Adventure' maker, which is capable of far more advanced things, has a Command Bar (which is what you're referring to), but I can't stand it. Thankfully you can just turn it off if you want to.

It also supports things like map generation - you know, North east south west, creates rooms for you. It's pretty good, and you have far more control over how it's presented than most things.

Before this I was using RAGs, for about a year. Everytime I made a game too big it would end up chugging along, and it just looked so nasty - not to mention how unfriendly it was. That said, it taught me some decent scripting tricks, and I plan to apply them to some new projects in Quest. What is a shame is that I lost my biggest game, a free roaming sci fi in a similar vein to TiTs, because I left it alone for a few months... and forgot the password i'd stuck on it! Maybe it'll come back to me some day. Had a pretty good combat system written up and everything, but thankfully I hadn't actually got very far with the scenes.

Edit: Jeez, nearly 100 plays already. That's a nice feeling! Almost overpowers this cold, haha!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

I've been attempting to experience every bad end, and for the life of me I can't trigger the slime bad end.

I've done it without losing the clothes and phone in beginning. I've done it after the tit enlargement. I've done the lamprey only. I've done both the lamprey AND the tit enlargement.

Is it possible to post or pm the choices needed to reach the slime end? Your writing is fantastic and I want to see how slime flows with your words.

//.EDIT.\\ Nvm I never tried losing the boots . . . . . Also, is it possible to get a Game Over in the first room? I can't think of a combination that does it.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Aw, thanks for the compliment. Glad you worked it out in the end!

And it's always nice to see a fellow Bad End fiend. Part of the problem I find when writing these games is that I just love writing Bad Ends... perhaps a little too much.

the trigger is to go in without boots whilst below a certain amount of health, which can be accomplished by getting attacked by the lamprey or by the pod (without getting bad ended, obviously). Damage from the first tentacle attack won't help, because you need to avoid that entirely to lose the boots (by climbing out). Ali's HP is invisible - in the slime room and the center of the breeding chamber, the lines about her wellbeing clue you in on how much hp she has. You can also lose more by repeatedly talking to Alice after exhausting her dialogue... which can lead to a small variant of the Pod Willing end.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

We should get you hooked on a cough syrup IV and lock you somewhere with a computer to extract more out of you.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

We should get you hooked on a cough syrup IV and lock you somewhere with a computer to extract more out of you.

I would second this bad end if it sounded more erotic.

Regardless, your writing is awsome and I hope I do get to see more of it in the future one day when your high on medicine again :)
Re: The Flesh Cavern

'Local porn forum enables man's purple drank addiction.'

Well, I certainly plan on writing more, don't worry. This is the only game i've actually finished before, haha... got plenty of stuff to go back to, but also more stuff I want to do now. Already started a new project, quite a bit bigger than this one - time will tell if I stick with it.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Hmmm I'm having a problem if I try to cross the slime with boots on. Instead of having the ring be an option there are two "Walk across the slime" options which don't really let the player progress.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

The flags for the ring don't, apparently, clear properly when you finish one run and choose to restart. You have to actually close the window (assuming you're playing online) to clear the variables and get a fresh game.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Well I know the pod end is supposed to be a bad ending, but it surely felt like the best ending to me. :p
I rarely like text games but this one was good.

Speaking of CYOA Text games, I never really got that much into CoC or TiTS. I do however like me some of the games over at tfgamesite.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

The flags for the ring don't, apparently, clear properly when you finish one run and choose to restart. You have to actually close the window (assuming you're playing online) to clear the variables and get a fresh game.

That's odd, it's definitely set to turn that flag off when visiting the first page again.

Hmmm I'm having a problem if I try to cross the slime with boots on. Instead of having the ring be an option there are two "Walk across the slime" options which don't really let the player progress.

Odd. Is this before or after resetting the game? This glitch was occurring earlier, did you download the game before I updated it? If not, then it's still triggering for some reason... any information you can provide as to the steps you took would be useful.

Well I know the pod end is supposed to be a bad ending, but it surely felt like the best ending to me. :p
I rarely like text games but this one was good.

If you hadn't guessed by the sheer length of it, that's my favourite too.

426 plays already, jeez. I didn't expect this to even glanced at, to be honest!

Edit again: I have replicated the problem. If not looked at my scripting yet, but I think I know what went wrong. The flag is being reset just fine... I just plain forgot to bloody make the options based on that flag reset! Whoops! I'll fix it shortly. I still need to hear from jadex with regards to whether this happened before or after resetting the game, and if it's the old version or not.

Edit once again: Fixed that error now, added a pair of scripts to properly remove the 'walk across' ring variants on resetting.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Odd. Is this before or after resetting the game? This glitch was occurring earlier, did you download the game before I updated it? If not, then it's still triggering for some reason... any information you can provide as to the steps you took would be useful.
Whooooa, you can download this game? What?

I've just been playing it online. And like a previous user said, its only after i've done a playthrough of the game already. There are no issues with the specific problem I address on the first playthrough.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

I really like Text-based stuff, but......your grammar is kind of a turn-off sometimes.

" Each tentacle must be over 20 foot long"
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Whooooa, you can download this game? What?

I've just been playing it online. And like a previous user said, it's only after I've done a playthrough of the game already. There are no issues with the specific problem I address on the first playthrough.

Yeah, it can be downloaded but it still has to be played through the Quest application.

Edit: Forgot to mention, yeah, that should be fixed now!

I really like Text-based stuff, but......your grammar is kind of a turn-off sometimes.

" Each tentacle must be over 20 foot long"

Oh, my grammar needs work for sure. But forgive me, I'm not sure what's grammatically incorrect about that sentence. Is it that I used 20 instead of twenty? Running the section you've quoted from through a grammar checker (which is lazy of me, haha) doesn't flag up any issues with that bit.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Just figured i'd give a little something back to the forum i've lurked for god knows how many years.

This was really good. Consider going here h ttp://8ch.net/storytiem/catalog.html Lots of similar stuff there even though it doesn't get as much traffic as it used to. If writing these stories is fun for you then I'm sure you could easily get paid for it with a patreon or something. I'd chip in too.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Thank you! I've not actually heard of 'storytiem' before.

As for writing these being fun... yeah, albeit somewhat painful, haha.

Being paid for this would be nice, but it's not something I've really considered seriously. The most I'd likely ever resort to would be donations, I suppose - but not until I've released a few things.

Now, as this is my tenth post (it's ten, right?), I can fix that hyperlink in the OP!
Edit: farrrrrrrrt it's 15, not 10. Bah.
Edit: Huh, now it's saying I only have 9 anyway. 4 got knocked off my post count earlier, though I think that's because that thread got nuked.
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